Autumn Giveaway

Ladies! I think a Friday afternoon deserves a celebration. We’ve almost made it through the entire work week! Woo hoo! We can see the light at the end of the tunnel. This is always the hardest part of the giveaway because we’d love to gift all 3,911 of you, but alas, we cannot, which I guess is what makes a giveaway so fun. With that said, join me in celebrating our SIX beloved winners for this fabulous giveaway. Believe me when I say we here at the office are coveting each of the gifts and almost threw a fit when we realized we couldn’t enter the giveaway ourselves. We love fun stuff like this just as much as you do!

So, without further ado, congratulations to…

Grand Prize Winner: Cara Koski

Second Prize Winner: Ansley DuRant

Gift number 3: Victoria Gelberg

Gift number 4: Kim Tipton

Gift number 5: Anne Dailey

Gift number 6: Leslie Wood

If y’all would please email me (Lindsee) at [email protected] with your mailing address we willl get these prizes to you ASAP. We love y’all so very, very much. Thanks for playing along. Hope you each have a beautiful, fall weekend!





It has been FOREVER and then some but I have been thinking about you. I know I haven’t been in this here blog-space much recently but I can assure you that I’m still at LPM. My days are full since I’m working and going to school part-time. AGAIN. Yes, again. Somehow even when I vow to walk away for good, I end up right back in the classroom in some capacity. This time around I’m working slowly on a M.A. in Biblical Languages at Houston Baptist University. When I’m not researching something for a project at LPM, I’m taking a Greek class in the Septuagint and a Hebrew readings class in the Joseph narrative. Oh, and how could I forget to mention Winston Jeffrey Fitzpatrick?! A little over a year ago Colin brought home a baby rottweiler and our life has never been the same since (even when I desperately want it to be!). Winnie is SO, SO bad but we love him madly.

Here is W posing in my dining room. Or demanding a filet mignon cooked over medium, I’m not really sure.

Here he is again furious about having to wear his birthday hat:

But really, enough about us.

I want to talk about YOU and a fall giveaway we are doing because we love you and appreciate you.

Now, I should mention at this point that if you are one of those people who is SO OVER all the talk about pumpkin-flavored anything, then you will want to run for your life.


Do I have a faithful fall remnant?

This weekend we had our first legit “cold-front” here in Houston. It was even down in the forties one night. Glory be! The crisp cold air in my lungs got to me in the best way possible and, of all things, I wanted to cook. There’s just something about fall that always brings me back to the kitchen. Nothing better than listening to a little Norah Jones or The Civil Wars with the windows cracked open, cool breeze dancing through the house, while a chili or stew simmers on the stove. I thought just maybe fall might do the same for some of you so the grand prize winner will get a redΒ Le Creuset signature round dutch oven (red not orange like the one on the box).

I love it passionately and do not want to let it go. I even enjoy posing with the beloved dutch oven:

The second prize to be claimed is a $100 gift card to Pottery Barn because, let’s be honest, Pottery Barn during the fall season is heaven on earth:

Gift number 3 includes an amazing decorative pillow, fall flower arrangement, and Hill Country Home candle.

Gift number 4 includes a fun little clutch from Anthro, a scarf, several pairs of boot socks, and some gorgeous MAC makeup in fallish colors.

Here is Lindsee modeling the scarf. Love her and she can work a scarf better than anyone I know:

This MAC stuff is tough to photograph but fantastic (includes three eye shadow kits and two lipsticks in shades of Russian Red and Viva Glam III).

Gift number 5 has a bunch of fun stuff: Cook’s Illustrated Fall Entertaining magazine, kitchen towels, mulling spices, Hill Country Home candle (again this is one of my faves!), autumn cupcake decorating set, beautiful engraved silver dish, Trader Joe’s Pumpkin bread mix, and more.

Gift number 6 comes with a fun autumn welcome mat, potpourri, decorative kitchen towel, and my favorite ever mulled apple cider candle. DIVINE.

Here is Mom sorting out all the gifts. Isn’t she cute?

So dear friend, for a chance to win one of the six prizes, please leave a comment with your first and last name and tell us something you love about fall.

We love you so much,


(Lindsee not pictured here ONLY because she was out of the office when we snapped this photo)



3,911 Responses to “Autumn Giveaway”

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  1. 2551
    Kimberly Law says:

    Fall favorites: pumpkin spice lattes, first cool breeze that blows through, cozy sweaters, pumpkin bread, all the warm colors, soups and cider!

  2. 2552
    Christy Powers says:

    I love fall for the cooler weather, great food (love all the pumpkin treats!) and beautiful colors around God’s creation.

  3. 2553
    Corrine Bauman says:

    I love all things fall… The rich colors of the leaves, wearing hoodie sweatshirts, boots, vests, football, and ANYTHING pumpkin!!!!!!

  4. 2554
    Laura Jackson says:

    I love fall because it finally gets to “normal” temps here in Houston. I also love the leaves changing colors (when they do here). But the best part is I can finally wear cardigans again. πŸ™‚

  5. 2555
    Rachel Smith says:

    I love the beautiful fall colors! And wearing boots!!

  6. 2556
    Jennifer Upchurch says:

    Fall is my favorite time of year, it means football, wonderful camping trips with cool nights and a roaring campfire….

  7. 2557
    Tammy Hukill says:

    cool weather and sweatshirts!!

  8. 2558
    Robin Coleman says:

    I love the lead up to cooler nights – Austin is HOT in the summer, buying firewood for roaring fires, apple cider with the spice blend mix that makes the house smell fantastic, snuggling with hubby and having my house full of pumpkins, candles, garland with red/orange/gold leaves. It says warmth and contentment and thankfulness to my God who is an amazing artist.

  9. 2559
    Brenda Raetz says:

    I adore all things about fall!! But most of Thanksgiving!!! It is my most favorite holiday!! Also love the comfort things of fall…soup, hot tea, bonfires, down comforters, snuggles, long nights at home with my hubby and so much more!!!

  10. 2560
    Lindsey Kowalke says:

    My favorite thing about fall, besides the delicious candle scents and yummy pumpkin treats, is looking forward to the family gatherings that lie ahead. I so look forward to Thanksgiving and Christmas with my precious family!

  11. 2561
    Tracy Drake says:

    I love the lighting in the fall. The glow just makes everything more beautiful.

    Tracy Drake
    Fort Mill, SC

  12. 2562
    Alicia "frozen peach" says:

    alicia phillips… THOSE GORGEOUS LEAVES!!!!!

  13. 2563

    I love this giveaway and I love fall. My favorite thing that I look forward to in the fall is the crisp air. I can always tell when fall is hitting because you breathe in and out and the air just feels clear and clean. Of course I can’t leave out the beautiful fall walks and colorful leaves πŸ™‚

  14. 2564

    My favorite things about fall are digging out my sweaters and scarves, jumping into leaf piles with my kids, and getting the wood stove going again! Really looking forward to Living Proof in Maine this weekend, too!!

  15. 2565
    Bethany Kennell says:

    PUMPKINS! They are such cheerful, colorful, funny looking things. This year I took my baby boy to our town pumpkin patch almost every day to crawl around and climb on the pumpkins and beat them like drums.

  16. 2566
    Lauren Bannan says:

    I love the chill in the air and looking at the gorgeous leaves while driving to work in fall!!

  17. 2567
    Rita Ferguson says:

    The thing I love about fall the most is the first REAL cool front when you can open the windows and sleep with them open. We have a place in the country and there’s mot anything much better than sitting on the porch in the morning when it’s cool for my quiet time.

  18. 2568
    Cindy Dooly says:

    I love sitting out back in our creaky swing watching a fire crackle in our fire pit. We dug it out during the hot Texas summer, poured concrete, and surrounded it with big round river rocks. With the moon peeking through the trees on a crisp cool night, it’s a simple but marvelous way to spend an evening…IF I leave my cell phone in the house! : )

  19. 2569
    Marie Davis says:

    I love the sound of dried leaves crunching under my feet on pavement. OH–And the sounds of cheers & highschool marching bands at football games. AND Fall give-aways:)

    Marie Davis

  20. 2570
    Jennice Threlkeld says:

    I love fall for the crisp air, crickets, gorgeous colors against a deep blue sky, Spiced Apple cider, pumpkin bread and of course, cuddling with a blanket, my Bible and a BM Bible Study book, with a crackling fire in the fireplace!

  21. 2571

    I love cooking soup with my children and watching them learning in such a fun and practical way. Soup is autumn food at our house.

  22. 2572
    Paula says:

    I love the beauty of God’s creation going through an explosion of color. I also enjoy my dad’s home pressed apple cider. It is good cold or heated with cinnamon on a cool fall evening.

  23. 2573
    Laura Gruner says:

    Things I love about fall…
    colors changing, cold noses and fingers, hot chocolate/cider/mocha (but not together!), sweaters, scarves, pumpkin bread, caramel bars, being awake for sunrise and sunset, seeing the stars, the smell of a fire, football games, laughter, hayrides…

    I love the fall! πŸ™‚

  24. 2574
    Nancy Owen says:

    I love the crisp blue sky and the colorful array of leaves falling to the ground.

  25. 2575
    Marlene says:

    I love that we get to push the clocks back and get an extra hour of sleep!

  26. 2576
    Melanie Pierce says:

    I love the coziness and the way the sky becomes a darker blue heading into the winter. On the other hand I hate the shortening days. πŸ™

  27. 2577
    Connie Estes says:

    I love fall. Why? I love the showers of leaves; love the fresh pine straw in the flower beds; love the colors; love the grand-children bundled up and wanting to cuddle; love the preparation of giving thanks in and for all things; love the preparation of celebrating The Birth; LOVE my Rottweiler not shedding that black hair on my white kitchen floor; love the evidences of Him, the Creator of all things!

  28. 2578
    Diane Conner says:

    Oh Fall How I LOVE thee!! A pot of gumbo on the stove and sitting on the porch swing with a hot cup o coffee with the bestie!! AND the reds and oranges of the fall foliage!! Well, the list could go on and on…..

  29. 2579
    Michelle Killpack says:

    I love fall because of the beautiful colors of leaves and the cooler temps where I can cozy!!

  30. 2580
    Chelsea says:

    jeans and sweatshirts!

  31. 2581
    Dani Mione says:

    My favorite thing about fall are the colors and smells of fall, of harvest time, pumpkins, cinnamon, apple cider and just fall!

    I also love stepping on the crunchy leaves.

  32. 2582
    Lou Ann Hansen says:

    I love fall for lots of reasons: football, soup, jeans, cooler weather.

  33. 2583
    Kimberly Bock says:

    I love Sukkot!!!! If the Lord wants to hang out… I am so there. I got to sing Christian songs under the stars to Him.

  34. 2584
    Carol Graham says:

    I love the colors of fall, the leaves falling, baking pumpkin bread in the oven, and the crock pot simmering with beef stew. The smells of fall reminds me of visiting my Gramma’s house, always baking some kind of goodies…

  35. 2585
    Suzy Hughes says:

    I just love our ladies’ Bible group activity, (besides studying Mercy Triumphs!) packing shoe boxes for Samaritan’s Purse…. and sending Christmas cards out for Compassion international unsponsored children. We do this every November.

  36. 2586
    Kim Vest says:

    I love trench coats, mums, hot Tj apple cider and a good crispy morning to run:) thank y’all for being so generous!

  37. 2587
    Lonnie Gibson says:

    I love the sound of dried leaves under my feet, the smell of bonfires & pumpkin muffins!

  38. 2588
    Jamie says:

    My name is Jamie Bennett and fall is my absolute favorite! I love the cool weather, the hot cider and the amazing colors! It always feels like our Father shows off a little more in the fall! A reminder for me to slow and and really enjoy His gifts!

  39. 2589
    Rana Smith says:

    I love wiener roast and the cool crisp air!!!

  40. 2590
    Teresa Powell says:

    I love the leaves turning, the cool weather and the anticipation to the HOLIDAYS

  41. 2591
    Kate G says:

    What don’t I live about fall?!?!? Crisp fall colors on the leaves (Maples are my favorite), chilly nights, making the first hot chocolates of the season for my 4 children, Pumpkin Spice Lattes at Starbucks, doing Bible study wrapped in a blanket, seeing my breath when I walk the dog in the morning, and FINALLY being able to wear sweaters and down vests! Love! Love! Love!

  42. 2592
    Leanne says:

    I love fall colors, cooler weather and visiting the pumpkin patch with my kids.
    P.S. can you tell us what you make in your dutch oven… I got one for Christmas last year, put it in the back of the cupboard and haven’t touched it since.
    Thanks for the fun blog post.
    -Leanne Konrad

  43. 2593

    Elaine Olsen . . . what I love about fall?

    The color that precedes the letting go. There’s something brilliant and beautiful about a leaf’s release. It writes a witness all its own.


  44. 2594
    Rhonda Rhoades says:

    I LOVE the changing colors of the leaves and the crisp air! Reminds me that God is brilliant and an artist who delights in making us breath deep and delight in Him.

  45. 2595
    Talitha Culver says:

    Talitha Culver
    I love Fall because of the cooler temperatures. I love to wear sweaters and spend the day cooking.

  46. 2596
    Courtney Heath says:

    I love love going to the pumpkin patch with my family! πŸ™‚

  47. 2597
    Elaine L says:

    I love the cool, crisp fall air that brings more bounce in every step I take, wanting to run and kick up the leaves that have fallen. I love the orange hue that shines at this time of year, reminding me what a Creator we have!

  48. 2598
    Yvette S. says:

    I love the crispness in the air, the crunch of leaves beneath my feet, and snuggling under warm covers in a cool house on the rare mornings I get to sleep in.

  49. 2599
    Georgia Phinney says:

    After those hot summers we have here in Texas, fall comes and brings that refreshing cool air accompanied by FOOTBALL, PUMPKINS, AMD SMELLS that bring back so many past memories! I’m so grateful our LORD made seasons!! Bless His Holy Name!

  50. 2600
    Alyce Bass says:

    Oh my Melissa! What gorgeous pictures and gifts. Love them all! While I’m not particularly fond of the colder temperatures that come with the fall season, I do enjoy the colors of fall. It is a wonderful reminder to all of us of how creative God is. I also love cooking in the fall. It’s nice to fill the house with the aroma of comforting foods.