Autumn Giveaway

Ladies! I think a Friday afternoon deserves a celebration. We’ve almost made it through the entire work week! Woo hoo! We can see the light at the end of the tunnel. This is always the hardest part of the giveaway because we’d love to gift all 3,911 of you, but alas, we cannot, which I guess is what makes a giveaway so fun. With that said, join me in celebrating our SIX beloved winners for this fabulous giveaway. Believe me when I say we here at the office are coveting each of the gifts and almost threw a fit when we realized we couldn’t enter the giveaway ourselves. We love fun stuff like this just as much as you do!

So, without further ado, congratulations to…

Grand Prize Winner: Cara Koski

Second Prize Winner: Ansley DuRant

Gift number 3: Victoria Gelberg

Gift number 4: Kim Tipton

Gift number 5: Anne Dailey

Gift number 6: Leslie Wood

If y’all would please email me (Lindsee) at [email protected] with your mailing address we willl get these prizes to you ASAP. We love y’all so very, very much. Thanks for playing along. Hope you each have a beautiful, fall weekend!





It has been FOREVER and then some but I have been thinking about you. I know I haven’t been in this here blog-space much recently but I can assure you that I’m still at LPM. My days are full since I’m working and going to school part-time. AGAIN. Yes, again. Somehow even when I vow to walk away for good, I end up right back in the classroom in some capacity. This time around I’m working slowly on a M.A. in Biblical Languages at Houston Baptist University. When I’m not researching something for a project at LPM, I’m taking a Greek class in the Septuagint and a Hebrew readings class in the Joseph narrative. Oh, and how could I forget to mention Winston Jeffrey Fitzpatrick?! A little over a year ago Colin brought home a baby rottweiler and our life has never been the same since (even when I desperately want it to be!). Winnie is SO, SO bad but we love him madly.

Here is W posing in my dining room. Or demanding a filet mignon cooked over medium, I’m not really sure.

Here he is again furious about having to wear his birthday hat:

But really, enough about us.

I want to talk about YOU and a fall giveaway we are doing because we love you and appreciate you.

Now, I should mention at this point that if you are one of those people who is SO OVER all the talk about pumpkin-flavored anything, then you will want to run for your life.


Do I have a faithful fall remnant?

This weekend we had our first legit “cold-front” here in Houston. It was even down in the forties one night. Glory be! The crisp cold air in my lungs got to me in the best way possible and, of all things, I wanted to cook. There’s just something about fall that always brings me back to the kitchen. Nothing better than listening to a little Norah Jones or The Civil Wars with the windows cracked open, cool breeze dancing through the house, while a chili or stew simmers on the stove. I thought just maybe fall might do the same for some of you so the grand prize winner will get a redΒ Le Creuset signature round dutch oven (red not orange like the one on the box).

I love it passionately and do not want to let it go. I even enjoy posing with the beloved dutch oven:

The second prize to be claimed is a $100 gift card to Pottery Barn because, let’s be honest, Pottery Barn during the fall season is heaven on earth:

Gift number 3 includes an amazing decorative pillow, fall flower arrangement, and Hill Country Home candle.

Gift number 4 includes a fun little clutch from Anthro, a scarf, several pairs of boot socks, and some gorgeous MAC makeup in fallish colors.

Here is Lindsee modeling the scarf. Love her and she can work a scarf better than anyone I know:

This MAC stuff is tough to photograph but fantastic (includes three eye shadow kits and two lipsticks in shades of Russian Red and Viva Glam III).

Gift number 5 has a bunch of fun stuff: Cook’s Illustrated Fall Entertaining magazine, kitchen towels, mulling spices, Hill Country Home candle (again this is one of my faves!), autumn cupcake decorating set, beautiful engraved silver dish, Trader Joe’s Pumpkin bread mix, and more.

Gift number 6 comes with a fun autumn welcome mat, potpourri, decorative kitchen towel, and my favorite ever mulled apple cider candle. DIVINE.

Here is Mom sorting out all the gifts. Isn’t she cute?

So dear friend, for a chance to win one of the six prizes, please leave a comment with your first and last name and tell us something you love about fall.

We love you so much,


(Lindsee not pictured here ONLY because she was out of the office when we snapped this photo)



3,911 Responses to “Autumn Giveaway”

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  1. 2601
    Dawn says:

    I enjoy taking walks in cooler weather, bonfires and hayrides along with hot apple cider and pumpkin pie. YUM!

  2. 2602
    Sheila Gunderson says:

    Fall means family and so much more. Usually it means tailgating and promises of the richness of thanksgiving and Christmas holidays. This fall it means celebrating Family in a way like never before. I’m grateful for being able to drop my life and be there to take care of my ill father and the way my family has stepped up at home to allow me to be all ‘there’ when I wish I were home with them. Its a time unlike any other where I have to lean into the Lord and his faithfulness. Its a fall rich in family.

  3. 2603
    Deb Weaver says:

    Deb Weaver, SC

    I love the glory of creation during autumn!

  4. 2604
    Autumn Ferguson says:

    My name is Autumn Ferguson and I love fall because I was born in the fall, named after the fall and I love the beauty God paints on the changing leaves!

  5. 2605
    Amanda says:

    So sweet!! I love Bible study in the fall because we all get back after the summer and get together with the Word and each other. This fall we’re doing Daniel and continuing it into spring. Great stuff, Beth! Thank you for sharing your gift and calling with us women in Hudson, Ohio!

  6. 2606
    Candy says:

    Alabama football!!!! And hot apple cider and crunchy leaves and sweaters and the smell of a bonfire πŸ™‚

    Candy Edwards
    Huntsville Alabama

  7. 2607
    Kim Skinner says:

    I love the colors – leaves and sky. And anticipation for the holidays coming up.

  8. 2608
    Vanessa Hammond says:

    I love the beautiful colors and the cooler weather! Bring on the soup!!
    Vanessa Hammond

  9. 2609
    amy richardson says:

    Christmas music starting early!

  10. 2610
    Dawn says:

    Oops! forgot the first and last name
    Dawn Morley
    long walks, pumpkin pie, hot cider, bonfires, hayrides… and this weekend the state cross country meet!

  11. 2611
    Rebecca Hahne says:

    Fall has come early here in Northeast Nebraska—the wonderful colors of the leaves turning shades of red, yellow and orange are brilliant! And fall sunsets are a gorgeous reminder of our Creator to His creation!

  12. 2612
    Gail Reynolds says:

    I love opening my windows and enjoying the fall breeze while I clean house and cooking my weight watcher’s gumbo.

  13. 2613
    Sherri says:

    My favorite thing about fall, besides the gorgeous colors?? Starbucks pumpkin spice lattes!

  14. 2614
    Linda says:

    What’s not to love about Fall? It has a beauty all its own! Color that is soooo amazing…all those jeweled tones in the leaves, crisp clear-as-glass air, with shades of blue in the sky that cannot be replicated and sunrises and sunsets which cry out the words of Psalm 113:3. It will never cease to amaze me. Praise the Lord!

  15. 2615
    Lori Cuneo says:

    I love the gorgeous fall leaves, pumpkin spice anything at Starbucks, soup season, and cozying up by the fireplace at night! Thank you for the giveaways!

  16. 2616
    carrie smith says:

    Hello! Besides apple crisp and cool weather where a sweater and jeans is all you need, what I like most about fall is the leaves turning different colors, signifying a new season is upon us. I am at a changing of the season in my own life, and as different “leaves” begin to color, and turn, and fall off. I feel God is stirring something in me, readying me for the “next”. A season of preparation. Excited to see what happens and I love that like in nature, seasons of life are ever changing as well. We are never stuck in spring forever, or an icy winter. The next season comes and God continues to grow us and move us. Blessings to all of you siestas! Happy fall!
    Carrie Smith πŸ™‚

  17. 2617
    Natalie says:

    I really love the four seasons! Spring, Summer, Football and Christmas! Yep, those are my four seasons! I LOVE Fall because it’s a time of change, a time to embrace change and time to enjoy change! How can you not embrace change when you see the beauty of fall and the anticpation of things God is bringing in the future . . . like Christmas! πŸ™‚

  18. 2618
    Lydia Quinn says:

    I love the sound of rustling leaves under my feet and seeing the flocks of birds heading for warmer places….and Friday night football games and hot apple cider! Fall is just the best time of year!

  19. 2619
    Laura James says:

    Fall is such an amazing time of year! The beauty of the changing leaves, the smells of campfires and burning leaves, and freshly baked cookies that my 2 girls and I make together, the sounds of basketball…which both of my precious girls just happen to play, the cool, brisk air, and snuggling up by the fireplace with a good cup of coffee. What an incredible God we have! There are just too many blessings to list!

  20. 2620
    Ellie Bakk says:

    I love fall because it means going home (to good ol Tomball πŸ˜‰ ) to be with the whole fam. Such sweetness fall brings!

  21. 2621
    Carrie Franchi says:

    I love the crispness in the air when I go for my early morning prayer-run. The leaves on the ground just waiting for my feet to land and bring me joy with the sound of crushing fall leaves. God is good!

  22. 2622
    Mary Schroeder says:

    I love the fall colors of reds, yellows, and oranges that make
    me think that God has HIS easel out. He is painting a picture
    reminding us that HIS handiwork is on display for all to

  23. 2623
    tiffany anderson says:

    Cool breezes- pumpkins-family get togethers-new beginnings πŸ™‚ xoxo

  24. 2624
    Laurel F says:

    Fall means pumpkin flavored anything – really! Fall is really my favorite time of year and that is probably why my sweet hubby and I chose this season to get married – 28 years ago.

  25. 2625
    Christy Morgan says:

    I love fall because sweatshirt weather is the best! Outdoor fires with family and friends are great this time of year too. I love it most though because it gets dark earlier and that brings the family inside together. We spend more time together this time of year which is such a sweet blessing!

  26. 2626
    Katie McGinnis says:

    I love fall because of college football (Boomer Sooner!), chili and cornbread, pumpkin festivals, and Trader Joe’s Pumpkin Bread Mix!! Oh…and a little thing called Thanksgiving!! πŸ™‚

  27. 2627
    Tiffany Lenhardt says:

    The windows cracked open while snuggling on the couch with my two sweet daughters age 8 and 14 and my handsome caliced hand husband, all under princess themed blankets (and yes, my teenager loves a good snuggle…) sipping hot chocolate and watching Holiday movies. This comes seldom, as my husband loves the outdoors. We love to catch him after a long days work in the trees…he is ready for a few princesses and their mushy movies.

    I am blessed beyond anything I have ever deserved…

  28. 2628
    Terri Rausch says:

    L-O-V-E….F-A-L-L in this Southern California beach town!! Our leaves aren’t as spectacular as other places…but….we have A-M-A-Z-I-N-G sunsets in the fall!! Sitting on the bluff taking in the glory of God in the sky as the sun goes down in the Pacific Ocean is breathtaking!
    Then the fragrance of drinking a PUMPKIN something, with a warm blanket wrapped around us…thanking God for His creation…ahhhhh.
    Just one of the things I am thankful for about fall…

  29. 2629
    Sabrina Anderson says:

    Oh how this is the BEST time of year! I love the evening walks with the kiddos!

  30. 2630
    Barb Rowe says:

    Fall, we feel it here in Florida albeit quite differently that when I grew up and loved 41 of my years in the Midwest. I do miss the familiar things of Fall, colorful palettes of gold to red, family, friends, gatherings of all kinds and with any excuse. Those days are dear, dear, dear to me. As I take out my Fall Decor, some old and new, the memories flood my mind…thank you Lord for each and everyone!

  31. 2631
    Tanya Dudley says:

    I absolutely love the autumn trees in Indiana! All of the colors just make me happy!

  32. 2632
    Susan Hirst says:

    Fall has always been my favorite time of year, of course, until Spring arrives! Watching the leaves change color daily–beautiful fall colors, coffee by a bon fire, smores (yum), pumpkins, cotton that is ready for harvesting, harvest moon, clear fall nights when all of the stars are shining, chili, homemade veggie soup, snuggles with my hubby, family time, celebrating our Lord as the One and Only Creator, these are a few of my favortie things!

  33. 2633
    Laurie Dickens says:

    Love Fall ’cause it’s my birthday month, Lots of College Football ( Gig Em Aggies & Sic Em Bears!), Chili Pie, beautiful colors, warm fires, scarves, and longer nights spent reading Zgod’s word.

  34. 2634
    Laurel M. says:

    I love God’s artwork! The beauty of the colored leaves, the smell of bonfires and I love Fall cooking, soups, zucchini and pumpkin breads and apple anything! Not to mention hot mulled cider.

  35. 2635
    Wendy Sumpter says:

    I love the cooler weather, all things pumpkin and a good cup of apple cider.

  36. 2636
    Andrea Creighton says:

    I love Fall for it is a time to sit back and watch God’s glorious color transformation. He blesses us with so many different colors that create deep emotions. It is a blessing to be a child of HIS

  37. 2637
    Jennifer Mallory says:

    I love the way my dogs run in circles as fast as they can because of the sudden cooler air :). Although in Houston it’s gone again in no time. I love the way my Starbucks girl announces the arrival of the Pumpkin Spice Latte for the first time. It’s like she ‘gets’ that I love it more than anyone else on the planet. And I do! I love getting to layer my clothes again and I LOVE slow cooking something warm on the stove all day while my boys watch college football. The best.

  38. 2638
    Connie says:

    I love the feeling of fall… the cool air, the smells of cider, the sense of slowing down, kicking the fallen leaves, the rustling of the leaves in the breeze, the time change!!!!
    There is so much to love!

  39. 2639
    Jennifer Pearson says:

    I love the smells of Fall….pumpkin, gingerbread, vanilla, anything sweet! I love the cool, crisp air that lets you cozy up under the blankets and the fireplace. I love putting my Christmas tree up on November 1st! And I love how you surprise us and bless us with a surprise give away! πŸ™‚

  40. 2640
    Donna Vickroy says:

    Love fall because after a long hot summer my dogs enjoy longer and farther walks and they take me along with them!

  41. 2641
    Ashley W says:

    We are huge Aggie Football fans, and we love to watch the games and eat delicious fall food while a fire is stirring in the fireplace (even when it barely hits the 50’s…ha)!!!

  42. 2642
    Lisa Glenn says:

    I love fall because, though I DEARLY love living in Texas, the summer heat gets really, really old after awhile. Enough is enough, right? The first time I have to pull a sweater out of the closet, I’m practically giddy with excitement! And, oddly, I have a better fall/winter wardrobe than a summer one. (Which doesn’t make much sense for someone who lives where it’s 90+ degrees 6 months of the year.)

    Just last week, when we had a cold front come through, I cooked a big pot of chicken chili! Nothing makes me feel like cooking more than cool weather!

  43. 2643
    Cindy Aiton says:

    Thank you so much for offering such a lovely and generous giveaway. I love the changing leaves, pumpkin flavored everything, sweater weather and Halloween.

  44. 2644
    Angel Brown says:

    I love scarfs, jackets, boots, campfires, pumpkin farms, & cool weather! These are just a few things I love about fall!
    -Angel Brown

  45. 2645

    Fall, my favorite time of year. The warm colors, pumpkin spice latte at Starbucks, crisp night walks, hot chocolate sitting next to a warm fireplace just cuddling up to my man are just a few of the reasons why I love fall so much!

  46. 2646
    Sharon Keeter says:

    I live in Idaho and the colors of Fall are breathtaking! I’m studying Genesis in BSF right now and it was so wonderful to study about God’s creation while watching the colors change. His creation truly displays His glory!!

  47. 2647
    Kristina Lovelace says:

    I love fall because to our family that means harvest time! Living on a farm is wonderful- especially in the fall!

  48. 2648
    Misti O. says:

    My favorite thing about Fall… Football!!!!! High School, college or NFL, I’m not picky!!!

  49. 2649
    Autumn Randles says:

    I love fall because it is finally time for my name to be in season and starbucks begins using their holiday cups!

  50. 2650
    Emily Curtiss says:

    I love the crisp clean smell of the cool air, the wind rustling the leaves in the trees, and anything pumpkin!