Life Essentials Study Bible – A Giveaway

(Drum Roll Please!)

According to our random drawing, the lucky winner is…Gail Denlinger! (Comment posted on March 15, 2012 at 6:40 am.)

Gail, if you would please email me at [email protected] with your mailing address, we will get this Bible in your hands as soon as possible. Congratulations, Sister! Y’all check back next week for another fun giveaway. Have a wonderful weekend!


Update: Comments are now closed. Ladies, y’all are SO incredibly fun. And might I add serious about your Bibles and Bible translations. Praise the Lord! Check back tomorrow morning for the fun announcement of our lucky winner! And while I have your attention, our Siesta Mama actually gets up to speak at the conference for the first time in about 2 1/2 hours (It’s already Friday there). Your prayers would be so appreciated! See you in the morning!

Good Wednesday afternoon, Siestas!

By now you may have seen on twitter (if you’re a twitter user) that Beth and Amanda made it safely to Sydney! Jet lag is no joke there because in case you were wondering, Australia is 16 hours ahead of us. I kept joking that they were flying into the future. Whoa! You honestly would not waste a prayer on them as Beth and the team prepares to minister to the folks attending the Colour Conference. They are so pumped, but it doesn’t come without sacrifice and a lot of work. If you’ve not already been praying, start praying now because since they’re almost a day ahead of us, the conference begins sooner than later!

Anyway, we didn’t want the blog to suffer while our Siesta Mama was gone, so I’m here to do our first fun giveaway! (Yes, we’re doing another one next week. I know you’re pumped!)

I don’t know about you, but I love getting a new Bible.

In fact, just this past Sunday at church I was thinking it was time to put my old one aside and start searching for a new one. True story. I don’t know how much longer it will actually survive as it is literally falling apart (I don’t say that because I’m so spiritual, but more so to prove to you how old it is) and I don’t feel like digging out the duct tape to repair this one. (You know you’ve done it before, too!) Since I’m a creature of habit, I tend to stick with the same study Bible time after time, but I’m feeling kind of rogue and might venture out this time into the land of the unknown.

As much as I love getting a new Bible, there is a certain degree of separation that is hard to part from my old Bible. We’ve been through a lot. And I love looking back at all I’ve underlined and marked up. But I suppose a new season calls for a new Bible.

Anyway, I know you’re probably wondering why I’m going on and on about my Bible, and maybe I’ve convinced you that you need a new one to, to which I’ll say you’ve landed in the right place!

We have a really fun giveaway that I think you’ll like.

Recently our sweet Beth received a Life Essentials Study Bible (“The First Multi-Media Study Bible”) with her name engraved on the front. For those who are curious, the translation is the Holman Christian Standard Bible (HCSB). Here’s the deal, if our Siesta Mama hadn’t just purchased a new Bible for herself just prior to receiving this one, she would have kept it for herself. It was such a kind gesture from the publisher, but she really wanted to gift it to one our Siestas!

Besides this being a study Bible, it has some other really neat tools that I’ve personally been playing with to make myself familiar with it the past few days.

With our technology changing and updating as quickly as newborn babies change outfits everyday, it’s no shock to me that this Bible has a new addition to it that can be used with your smart phone.

If you look at the front cover (pictured above), and inside the Bible (there’s a little peek below), you’ll see a bar code looking symbol. That nifty little symbol we refer to as a QR code. If you own a smart phone, you can download a free QR Reader app, and then all you do is use that application to scan the bar code to find out more information about that particular item. All throughout this Bible are hundreds of QR codes that take you to a website to find out more information about that particular scripture. How fun is that? You certainly don’t need a smart phone to win this Bible, but that’s just a little bonus for those of you that do own one.

So, who is interested? Listen, if it weren’t for you, Siestas, I would have already claimed it for myself.

Here’s how it will work:

1) Leave a comment with your first and last name. If you don’t leave both, you won’t be eligible for the drawing!

2) For fun, if you’re into this kind of thing, go ahead and tell us in brief your favorite Bible. Shout out to all the Precious Moment’s Bible owners out there! I’m pretty sure I still have that one stowed away somewhere safe. What joy!

Ready? Set? Sound off in the comments! We’ll leave the comments open until 3:30 on Thursday afternoon (CST) and then we’ll do a random drawing and post the winner at the top of this post later that day. That means you will have a little over 24 hours to enter, so be on the lookout to see if your name appears!

Although I don’t want to assume everyone is on spring break, I would imagine most of you are, so if that’s the case, we so hope you’re enjoying every minute of it. And if you don’t get that luxury, I’m praying the Lord delights you where you’re at and gives you an extra dose of rest.

We love y’all!


1,935 Responses to “Life Essentials Study Bible – A Giveaway”

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  1. 1301
    Deann Meyer says:

    Deann Meyer

    I currently have a NIV MOMS Devotional Bible. I just recently discovered that the bible is actually stories and they were interesting. I’ve been in church all my life and it is amazing how God’s timing is perfect.

  2. 1302
    Tara Dye says:

    Glory be!!! What fun to write about my favorite Bible! I guess I’d have to say I’m torn between two loves — my NIV Life Application Bible and my Worship version. The former is just full of juicy info and background and the latter was given to me by a friend who was a worship director at my church. It provides creative ways to worship through the reading of scripture.

  3. 1303
    Sondra Hoffmann says:

    Although it’s not what I’m using now, The Ryrie Study Bible (NIV) was my ALL time favorite Bible. When it fell apart, the boys bought me The Knowing Jesus Study Bible (NIV). I actually think they picked it out because it has a picture of Jesus’s face on the cover, but I love it just as well.

  4. 1304
    Andrea Bishop Ar says:

    Andrea Bishop

    I love my ESV….But when I am doing my Beth Moore studys, I am crazy about having as many different versions of the bible I can find to study… I think it would be very helpful to have this… Thanks guys…Love you all…

  5. 1305
    Sharon Telfer says:

    God’s Word is GOOD in any form, but my favorite is the Family Walk NIV Devotional Bible I’ve had since becoming a Christian. It too is in need of some repair, but His Word still speaks loudly and lovingly from each page.
    It is awesome to study from different versions.
    God Bless!

  6. 1306
    Mary Hubbard says:

    My favorite Bible is one my parents gave me when I accepted Christ as my Savior, an old King James, for very sentimental reasons.

  7. 1307
    Marlene Baugher says:

    For the most part I have used the NIV Life Application Bible since 1993. However, I have used others periodically and find my favorite to be whatever I was experiencing at the time. We have moved a lot and have heard so many great men of the Word. I love all my notes and underlined passages in several different versions.
    Thank you for all of your blogs…love them!

  8. 1308
    Teresa Stout says:

    Teresa Stout
    My have a Thompson’s Chain Reference Study Bible (NIV). Love it so much.

  9. 1309
    Tina Creason says:

    My name is Tina Creason. I only own a NKJV and really like it. My husband loves his NKJV scofield study system (which is falling apart!). This new bible would be for him although I would steal it every now and then;)

  10. 1310
    Kim Locke says:

    Kim Locke. Women of Faith Study Bible – NIV. It’s paperback, but been reglued a few times now!!

  11. 1311
    Yanna Westmoreland says:

    My favorite Bible is the one I have been using for Bible Studies. God answered a yearning in my heart about 4 years ago when I cried out to Him I needed more. I had a hunger. Thankfully my first official in-depth study was Experiencing God then Beth’s A Woman’s Heart God’s Dwelling Place. I am addicted to Him! This Bible is an NIV and is filled with notes. The last page I had my brother Keith sign it for the Hall of Faith in our generation and another beloved person. Both wrote Scripture addresses and I will treasure this Bible for the study notations in the margins, highlights, red, black pen marks and the two special Scriptures in the back. Psalm 34:1 my identity in Christ and Psalm 27:4 the Scripture I wrote on the wall at SSMT. Thank you for having a giveaway I look forward to seeing who wins and their exclamation marks!!!! 🙂

    • 1311.1
      Yanna Westmoreland says:

      Oh dear, I am so used to just commenting forgot to put my nameI am Yanna Westmoreland and my favorite Bible is my NIV I have used for Bible Studies!!!

  12. 1312
    Joyce Withrow says:

    Joyce Withrow – I love my Life Application Bible, the notes are great and very helpful.

  13. 1313
    Lisa Rowell says:

    It is my hope and dream that one day Beth publish a “Beth Moore Study Bible.” I have thought about this so often! I know it would be wonderful and would make me put all my other favorite study bibles and bible versions on the shelf. Please put a “bug” in Beth’s ear!!! If she hasn’t already pondered it, she really should~!

  14. 1314
    Jo Pipkin says:

    I’ve used several over the years, but I love the one I’m currently using which is a Joyce Meyer notes Amplified version. I love to read aloud from the amplified because it adds on such wonderful promise words and expands my thoughts in the Word. Plus, I’ve noted dates beside scriptures that have special impact on that given date. And I can look back and remember what was going on at that particular time and how the Word has spoken truth to me right then.

  15. 1315
    Carol King says:

    My favorite is the NKJV.

  16. 1316
    Kimberly says:

    Kimberly Cumby, my favorite Bible is a blue one that I marked in highschool in a discipleship program my mom taught me. it also has notes written in the front from friends in Ecuador. it has traveled so much with me that it is taped!

  17. 1317
    Michelle Martin says:

    My favorite Bible is a raggedy paperback Student NIV…Jeremiah 15:16!

  18. 1318
    Sarah says:

    Sarah Wilkie – my favourite Bible is my Inductive Study Bible in the NASB version. It has lovely big margins to write notes. It’s also the first Bible I’ve owned that ever really encouraged me to write in it and mark it up and just make it my own!!

  19. 1319
    Glenda Billingsley says:

    My favorite Bible currently is my Women of Faith Bible. I’ve had it for several years, but like you, I have it all marked up and highlighted like I want. It is so cool to go through and read my comments. I am doing Breaking Free video now for the 2nd time and when I look up scripture, I find where I wrote notes from the 1st time I did Breaking Free. Amazingly, I can compare where I was during that first go-round to where I am today. Thankfully, I (with God’s help) feel like I am slowly making progress. God is good — all the time! Thank you, Beth Moore, for your annointed teachings and love for your sistahs………..

  20. 1320
    Dawn Schneider says:

    My favorite bible is one my brother gave me that was “issued” to him when he served in Iraq. It has a beautiful note in the front from the Chaplin and is wonderfully worn. It reminds me of the power of prayer as we prayed over him and his troops and how faithful God is in answering those prayers when He brought my brother and ALL of his troops home safely with wonderful stories of His miracles while they were there.

  21. 1321
    bettina says:

    My name is Bettina Gerl

    My current favorite bible is a NKJV Study bible

  22. 1322
    kate brannen says:

    Kate Brannen

    Love my Life Application Bible! But have poured over it so much through the years that a new one might be fun — love the option to use your smart phone to enhance the comnentary.

  23. 1323
    Dawn says:

    Dawn Parsons

  24. 1324
    Angela says:

    Angela Clements

    My favorite Bible is the Amplified Bible! Thanks for this opportunity.

  25. 1325

    Jennifer Hutchinson
    – my fav Bible is my LIfe Application Study Bible that my hubby gave me after he went to a large print version:)


  26. 1326
    Janet Simmons says:

    Woohoo! I love a giveaway, especially a bible!!!

  27. 1327
    Emma DaShiell says:

    Emma DaShiell – I love the New Inductive Study Bible and the inductive study method 🙂

  28. 1328
    Ellis Cain says:

    Hi, my name is Ellis Cain, and I’m a relatively new siesta. My favorite bible is Olive Tree on my iPad. I use it for all my studies, usually in the NIV. God Bless!

  29. 1329

    Kristen Cottingham – I love my NLT plain, leather bound black one. We’ve been through a lot together. As they say, “Bibles that are falling apart usually belong to people whose lives are not.” 🙂 PICK ME, PICK ME!!! 😉

  30. 1330
    Kim Fortner says:

    Kim Fortner- My favorites are the ESV study bible and the Life Application Study bible in any translation.

  31. 1331
    Kathlynne Anderson says:

    My favorite bible ever is an old Schofield KJ. Bible given to me by the Pastor who led me to the Lord 36 years ago. It was his old marked up one. A treasure of mine. He is with the Lord now. I am on my second Amphified Bible now. I love the Word of God so, I even picked it up once to go to the grocery store, thinking I had my purse!!!! Blessings to all Sisestas!!!! Kathy

  32. 1332
    Pam Moore says:

    My favorite Bible is the Max Lucado Inspirational Study Bible-New Century Version. It was given to me by my daughters and they recently had it rebound for me because it was falling apart. It’s full of markings, notes, and dates that follow my spiritual journey.

  33. 1333
    Karen Tilli says:

    My favorite bible was gifted to me from my youth leaders in middle school and is covered in a neon blue gelly cover.

  34. 1334
    Marsha Wages says:

    I love my Women’s Study Bible in NKJV. I’ve had it for years and just recently had it rebound because it was falling apart.

  35. 1335
    Tina Earwood says:

    My favorite bible is a large print NIV study bible given to me by my husband, who passed away in July 2011.

  36. 1336
    Suzann Benson says:

    My name is Suzann Benson ~ I love my NIV study bible given to me by Dad and Mom in 1987. But really enjoy the ESV I tend to use more now. My goal is to have three really worn BIBLEs to pass on to my three daughters!! Thank you!

  37. 1337
    Joy Rice says:

    Favorite Bible is my first Bible, a King James, Thompson Chain. Received it from my husband when the Lord saved my soul. It’s 33 years old this month! Have a paperback NIV that I got to study “Daniel” in Beth’s Bible Study and find that I really like it, too.

  38. 1338

    I love the Key Word NASB study Bible but am also quite taken byt he Jesus Storybook Bible that I’m just starting to read with my boys:)

  39. 1339
    Regina says:

    Love my Bible on my Ipad and Iphone. They are with me at all times.

  40. 1340
    Michelle Killpack says:

    Hi, my name is Michelle Killpack. My favorite Bible so far is my NIV I bought 1 year ago as I started studying God’s Word!!

  41. 1341
    Elizabeth says:

    Elizabeth Durfey

    My favorite Bible is my KJV/NIV parallel Bible. I just love being able to compare the different versions! 🙂

  42. 1342
    Debbie Duncan says:

    Debbie Duncan

  43. 1343
    Susie Hoffmann says:

    My favorite Bible is the NIV study Bible. My Grandmother gave me one and I loved that it came from her. It got stolen out of my car. I hope it touched the life of the person who took it.

  44. 1344
    LevisGeesh says:

    My name is Lynn Gilliam, and I am in Lubbock, Texas! My favorite Bible is my old NIV Topical Study Bible (Zondervan). I don’t believe that it is printed any more, so my old one, literally falling apart, is still on my shelf, used only at home. It is my treasure. God opens my eyes daily with it’s use. This new Bible may be what I am looking for in a study Bible. Thanks for sharing!

  45. 1345
    Dawn says:

    Good morning!
    My name is Dawn Jones. My comment is, “Praise Jesus, Beth and Amanda made it to Sydney safely.” My favorite bible is Women of Destiny study bible.
    Have a great day everyone!

  46. 1346
    Deirdre Hoysler says:

    My favorite Bible to study with is the NIV Life Application Bible. I also just recently purchased God’s Game Plan, The Athlete’s Bible and have really enjoyed using it with the James Bible Study by Beth and Melissa. The study is amazing !!!

  47. 1347
    Lisa Henry says:

    I use RSV for my Bible translation. This sounds like a great Bible to give to my daughter!!

  48. 1348
    Shirley Barry says:

    Shirley Barry
    Currently on my second NIV Life Application and have enjoyed them. Love “The Word”!!

  49. 1349
    Vicki Davis says:

    Vicki Davis

    My favorite Bible (for now!) is the one I am currently using, an ESV Study Bible.

  50. 1350
    SEAS says:

    Beth Shelton, the NKJV MacArthur Study Bible.