Life Essentials Study Bible – A Giveaway

(Drum Roll Please!)

According to our random drawing, the lucky winner is…Gail Denlinger! (Comment posted on March 15, 2012 at 6:40 am.)

Gail, if you would please email me at [email protected] with your mailing address, we will get this Bible in your hands as soon as possible. Congratulations, Sister! Y’all check back next week for another fun giveaway. Have a wonderful weekend!


Update: Comments are now closed. Ladies, y’all are SO incredibly fun. And might I add serious about your Bibles and Bible translations. Praise the Lord! Check back tomorrow morning for the fun announcement of our lucky winner! And while I have your attention, our Siesta Mama actually gets up to speak at the conference for the first time in about 2 1/2 hours (It’s already Friday there). Your prayers would be so appreciated! See you in the morning!

Good Wednesday afternoon, Siestas!

By now you may have seen on twitter (if you’re a twitter user) that Beth and Amanda made it safely to Sydney! Jet lag is no joke there because in case you were wondering, Australia is 16 hours ahead of us. I kept joking that they were flying into the future. Whoa! You honestly would not waste a prayer on them as Beth and the team prepares to minister to the folks attending the Colour Conference. They are so pumped, but it doesn’t come without sacrifice and a lot of work. If you’ve not already been praying, start praying now because since they’re almost a day ahead of us, the conference begins sooner than later!

Anyway, we didn’t want the blog to suffer while our Siesta Mama was gone, so I’m here to do our first fun giveaway! (Yes, we’re doing another one next week. I know you’re pumped!)

I don’t know about you, but I love getting a new Bible.

In fact, just this past Sunday at church I was thinking it was time to put my old one aside and start searching for a new one. True story. I don’t know how much longer it will actually survive as it is literally falling apart (I don’t say that because I’m so spiritual, but more so to prove to you how old it is) and I don’t feel like digging out the duct tape to repair this one. (You know you’ve done it before, too!) Since I’m a creature of habit, I tend to stick with the same study Bible time after time, but I’m feeling kind of rogue and might venture out this time into the land of the unknown.

As much as I love getting a new Bible, there is a certain degree of separation that is hard to part from my old Bible. We’ve been through a lot. And I love looking back at all I’ve underlined and marked up. But I suppose a new season calls for a new Bible.

Anyway, I know you’re probably wondering why I’m going on and on about my Bible, and maybe I’ve convinced you that you need a new one to, to which I’ll say you’ve landed in the right place!

We have a really fun giveaway that I think you’ll like.

Recently our sweet Beth received a Life Essentials Study Bible (“The First Multi-Media Study Bible”) with her name engraved on the front. For those who are curious, the translation is the Holman Christian Standard Bible (HCSB). Here’s the deal, if our Siesta Mama hadn’t just purchased a new Bible for herself just prior to receiving this one, she would have kept it for herself. It was such a kind gesture from the publisher, but she really wanted to gift it to one our Siestas!

Besides this being a study Bible, it has some other really neat tools that I’ve personally been playing with to make myself familiar with it the past few days.

With our technology changing and updating as quickly as newborn babies change outfits everyday, it’s no shock to me that this Bible has a new addition to it that can be used with your smart phone.

If you look at the front cover (pictured above), and inside the Bible (there’s a little peek below), you’ll see a bar code looking symbol. That nifty little symbol we refer to as a QR code. If you own a smart phone, you can download a free QR Reader app, and then all you do is use that application to scan the bar code to find out more information about that particular item. All throughout this Bible are hundreds of QR codes that take you to a website to find out more information about that particular scripture. How fun is that? You certainly don’t need a smart phone to win this Bible, but that’s just a little bonus for those of you that do own one.

So, who is interested? Listen, if it weren’t for you, Siestas, I would have already claimed it for myself.

Here’s how it will work:

1) Leave a comment with your first and last name. If you don’t leave both, you won’t be eligible for the drawing!

2) For fun, if you’re into this kind of thing, go ahead and tell us in brief your favorite Bible. Shout out to all the Precious Moment’s Bible owners out there! I’m pretty sure I still have that one stowed away somewhere safe. What joy!

Ready? Set? Sound off in the comments! We’ll leave the comments open until 3:30 on Thursday afternoon (CST) and then we’ll do a random drawing and post the winner at the top of this post later that day. That means you will have a little over 24 hours to enter, so be on the lookout to see if your name appears!

Although I don’t want to assume everyone is on spring break, I would imagine most of you are, so if that’s the case, we so hope you’re enjoying every minute of it. And if you don’t get that luxury, I’m praying the Lord delights you where you’re at and gives you an extra dose of rest.

We love y’all!


1,935 Responses to “Life Essentials Study Bible – A Giveaway”

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  1. 1051
    Leah Brannon says:

    Leah Brannon from Athens, GA

    My favorite Bible is my slinking NKJV that my parents gave me for Christmas 2004 when I was 18 years old. I have marked in it so much and it is just now starting to show some major wear on the binding. I have considered pulling out the duct tape!

  2. 1052
    Lorri Wright says:

    My favorite study Bible is a New King James one I bought for a college class I was taking. Made the class much easier to navigate through.
    Lorri Wright

  3. 1053
    Barb says:

    Barbara Wilkerson

    My favorite Bible is my God’s Promises Bible (NKJV). I can quickly find God’s promises on any given situation whether it’s for me or someone else.

    I am also enjoying my YouVersion app of the Bible on my Ipod. I love it because you can set up reading plans. Currently I have a Joyce Meyer reading plan and a 40 day Lent reading plan, it’s great!

  4. 1054
    Ellen Ratcliff says:

    Ellen Ratcliff
    Life Application Study Bible- NIV

  5. 1055
    Cindy Pettit says:

    I would love to win a free Bible. I have been regularly studying the word for the last year and my Bible is the NIV study Bible. Nothing I look forward to more than getting up and digging into my Bible each morning.
    Thank you.
    Cindy Pettit

  6. 1056
    Lisa says:

    Lisa Burt – My favorite is the NIV Study Bible, the resoning for this being my favorite. Is when I first attended a Beth Moore Bible study. I thought I needed a college degree to do this study. This made studying the Bible alot easier to understand. I can now read the King James version and understand it. It too is falling apart!

  7. 1057
    Pamela McDonald says:

    Pam McDonald-My favorite Bible is a KJV I received in 1960 from a great aunt for Christmas. I have had to pack it up because it was falling apart, but it has very special meaning for me. So many things marked in it when I was just a child!

  8. 1058
    Laura Copenhaver says:

    Hi, my favorite is my True Identity bible. It’s a NIV translation with added devotionals and “interviews” with women of the bible. I find something new each time I read it.
    Thanks for an opportunity to win this bible. What fun!
    Laura Copenhaver

  9. 1059
    Darlene Chiasson says:

    My favorite bible is The Everyday Life Bible in the Amplified Version.

  10. 1060
    Kelly S says:

    Kelly Snodgrass

    Hi Lindsee! We are on spring break and I just found my daughters first Precious Moments bible while cleaning! Brought back sweet memories 🙂
    My favorite bible is the ESV study bible. I also have a small (large print, LOL) HCSB that I carry to church or any where else. The YouVersion is my favorite app. How fornuate we are to live in a country that provides us with so many choices of God’s Word. Thankful.

  11. 1061
    Diane Arend says:

    My first bible was a Ryrie study bible I still have it that was almost 30 years ago

  12. 1062
    Donna Myers says:

    My favorite study bible is the NKJV Study Bible by John MacArthur.

  13. 1063
    Michelle says:

    Michelle Hampton – My favorite Bible is my John McArthur New American Standard Study Bible.

  14. 1064
    Molly Baughman says:

    I love my NIV Study Bible that I have had for oh-so-many years!
    Molly Baughman

  15. 1065
    Kelli says:

    Kelli Davis

    I currently use an NIV Women’s Study Bible, but I too am looking for a new one…

  16. 1066
    Judy from Clarks Hill says:

    Judy Grieve I love the Quest NIV study Bible. Used it for a communicants’ class I taught a few years ago and have used it ever since. But having QR in the Bible is a very “cool” and “Outside the box thinking”. VERY exciting.

  17. 1067
    Debbie Rice says:

    Debbie Rice

    My favorite is The American Standard Study Bible.

  18. 1068
    Robin in New Jersey says:

    Robin Bleezarde

    I like the good old KJV, but in big print. I just used gorilla glue to glue it back into the binding!

    I would love to try a different one and maybe this will be the one!

  19. 1069
    Sue in Georgia says:

    My name is Sue Brogden. My favorite Bible is my NIV that I have used in doing Beth’s Bible studies and have marked so many verses in it. I love to use several translations as I study at home.

  20. 1070
    Fran Harris says:

    My favorite Bible is my NIV Life Application Bible. It belonged to my Mother.

  21. 1071
    Jennifer says:

    My name is Jennifer Garcia. My two favorite Bibles are the ESV Study Bible & the Holman study Bible.

  22. 1072
    Donna Sparks says:

    Hi, my favorite Bible is the NIV, Life In the Spirit Bible. As a beginning Women’s Minister (what an awesome, and humbling experience receiving that call!) I’m always looking for great study Bibles.
    God bless you all!
    Donna Sparks

  23. 1073
    Miriam Wagner says:

    My favorite Bible is small NLT Bible I carried with me throughout college and on mission trips to Indonesia and Colombia!

  24. 1074
    Donna Hilton says:

    What fun! My favorite bible is the NASB — because the Name of the Lord is always capitalized — that is something I consider very important to those who read the Word — especially new believers. When you are reading the Word — His Name should always be given the honor it deserves. the I AM is not a lower case name. I go through the other versions and capitalize every reference to Him.

    Blessings to the winner!!!!!

  25. 1075
    Allison Johnson says:

    Allison Johnson

  26. 1076
    Jackie Dyson says:

    King James study bible……Beth and your whole staff are very special.

  27. 1077
    Julie Berry says:

    Julie Berry
    Life Application Study Bible

  28. 1078
    Cynthia Barks says:

    The Woman’s Study Bible.

  29. 1079
    Leslie Blackshear says:

    Thank you for the fun giveaway. My favorite Bible is my Holman NIV that my grandmother gave me on my wedding day. Just me, it has a few wrinkles! Leslie Blackshear

  30. 1080
    Carol Anthony says:

    My favorite Bible is a leather bound NKJV study Bible….it is very worn out…would love this new one!!

  31. 1081
    Cathy Carter says:

    I like the NIV because that is what Beth quotes and uses the most in her studies. I am doing James and will do the last day of the last week today at lunch. I so don’t want it to end. I have an older study Bible at home and the Life Application study Bible at work with GREAT foot notes.

  32. 1082
    Bonnie Wallace says:

    My mother passed away when I was 3 years old. I still remember the day when I was 11 & my dad gave me her bible. It’s a pocket size bible, red leather, that folds over and snaps like a clutch. It’s KJV, and is filled with her handwriting and her words of wisdom from sermons. My favorite quote in her bible says, “Has it ever occured to you, that nothing has ever occured to God?”

  33. 1083
    Nicole Gieske says:


    I am new on this journey. At 30 years old, I decided I was going to change my life and make a commitment to myself and God.

    My favorite Bible is a purple and green one- True Identity. The ink is purple and I have my name on it… Nicole Ann. I love the size of it. I am worried about inking in it and highlighting. Not sure my fear of that. I do enjoy hearing about women’s stories and questions that might come up being a Woman.

    Although, I would love a study Bible to get into God’s word. Sometimes when I am reading stuff I dont fully understand it.

    I would love the chance to win this giveaway.

    Thanks, Nicole

  34. 1084
    Beth Cannon says:

    I love my Living Bible. My parents read it to my when I was young. I found a copy years ago at Half Price Books, and I use it often in my studies…most recently, Mercy Triumphs!

  35. 1085
    April Holder says:

    April Holder
    My favorite Bible (so far) is the NIV Hebrew-Greek Key Word Study Bible. I love being able to look up the real word that the translation came from.

  36. 1086
    Mary H. says:

    My name is Mary Hughes…my favorite Bible was a gift from my mom when I graduated from college in Dec. of 1994. I used it for 10 years until it was falling apart. It was a New International version. I marked all in that Bible…it showed how I was seeking God for a job, a husband, and to live for Him. I love to flip through and she how far God and I have been in our journey. Interestingly, I used that Bible to do several Beth Moore Bible Studies.

  37. 1087
    Carol from Coopersburg says:

    Carol Morgan is my name and a tired and worn Ryrie Study (NIV) from 1994 has been my favorite Bible. God bless you all! Pray for revival, Sisters, in the matchless name of JESUS! 🙂

  38. 1088
    alta blake says:

    This is a wonderful giveaway. I have had several Bibles and love reading fresh in a different translation each time. My favorite has been the Quest Bible in the NIV. It has lots of wonderful commentary added. Praying for Beth and Amanda…God be gracious”)

  39. 1089
    Krissy Hart says:

    I love my NIV/Message parallel bible.

  40. 1090
    Carrie Franchi says:

    I started getting into the Word with the Living Bible. It still stays close by when doing my studies.

  41. 1091
    Cindy Duplechain says:

    I have a NIV rainbow study bible. It is very special! I have so many notes in it from many years of Beth’s bible studies and sermon notes from my church. It also has many tear stained pages that represent some very difficult years over the last 12. From your post, I realized, now I am in a new season of life, things are much better and maybe I too need a fresh look at a new bible. I realize even tho it’s special everytime I look at those pages I still see myself in those times. Even with the knowledge of how God brought me through it, I think it still causes me to look too much in the rearview mirror. I think it’s time for a new one- for a new expectantly abundant season of opportunity and growth. I would love to know what Beth recommends for the new one! There are so many to choose from. Thanks for all you guys do at Lpl!

  42. 1092
    Val in KY says:

    Valerie Harned
    Louisville KY

    I love my NIV Study Bible – I have notes from various LPL events and other conferences, pressed petals in the Songs from my husband over the years, crinkled pages where tears have fallen, every color imaginable to underline and make notes, post-its, post-it tabs, etc. I love, love, love God’s Word.

  43. 1093
    Kim Garrett says:

    Kim Garrett – My favorite bible is my Life Application NIV Bible. Thanks for the giveaway. How fun!

  44. 1094
    Linda Lundeen says:

    Linda Lundeen
    I love my NAS Bible.
    It too is falling apart from age and is currently being held together by ribbon.
    Thank-you for your generosity.

  45. 1095
    Cindy Robinson says:

    My favorite is my old ragged NIV Study Bible. I have written all over it, my precious grand baby has crinkled up pages and my crazy dog ate the table of contents! All that just makes it more precious!

  46. 1096
    Joni Leahy says:

    Joni Leahy

    I have a “thing” for Bible’s too…I’m not sure how many I have but I love using them for different studies, in different seasons. And I use my Bible app when I’m traveling, very convenient.

    I LOVE, LOVE, LOVE my “old faithful” NIV study Bible I got back in the early 90’s but I am very sentimental about my Mom’s study bible…it has her hand writing in it and she also has people names she was praying specific verses for…it’s falling apart but when I need comfort, I use it.

    Praying for Beth and the conference.

    Ruined for Him, Joni

  47. 1097
    Nancy Goff says:

    My favorite version is the NLT Study Bible. It has gotten me to this point in my journey, but I am searching for something to help me move deeper.

  48. 1098
    christina says:

    christina moore- It would be a tie for me between the Holman Christian Standard Study Bible and the ESV Study Bible. This is a fun idea! Thank you.

    Thanks for the reminder to keep praying for the team down under, too.

  49. 1099
    Jennifer Gable says:

    Jennifer Gable, favorite Bible is NAS.

  50. 1100
    Rhonda Nale says:

    My favorite Bible and the one I am using now is the Serendipity Study Bible NIV.