Life Essentials Study Bible – A Giveaway

(Drum Roll Please!)

According to our random drawing, the lucky winner is…Gail Denlinger! (Comment posted on March 15, 2012 at 6:40 am.)

Gail, if you would please email me at [email protected] with your mailing address, we will get this Bible in your hands as soon as possible. Congratulations, Sister! Y’all check back next week for another fun giveaway. Have a wonderful weekend!


Update: Comments are now closed. Ladies, y’all are SO incredibly fun. And might I add serious about your Bibles and Bible translations. Praise the Lord! Check back tomorrow morning for the fun announcement of our lucky winner! And while I have your attention, our Siesta Mama actually gets up to speak at the conference for the first time in about 2 1/2 hours (It’s already Friday there). Your prayers would be so appreciated! See you in the morning!

Good Wednesday afternoon, Siestas!

By now you may have seen on twitter (if you’re a twitter user) that Beth and Amanda made it safely to Sydney! Jet lag is no joke there because in case you were wondering, Australia is 16 hours ahead of us. I kept joking that they were flying into the future. Whoa! You honestly would not waste a prayer on them as Beth and the team prepares to minister to the folks attending the Colour Conference. They are so pumped, but it doesn’t come without sacrifice and a lot of work. If you’ve not already been praying, start praying now because since they’re almost a day ahead of us, the conference begins sooner than later!

Anyway, we didn’t want the blog to suffer while our Siesta Mama was gone, so I’m here to do our first fun giveaway! (Yes, we’re doing another one next week. I know you’re pumped!)

I don’t know about you, but I love getting a new Bible.

In fact, just this past Sunday at church I was thinking it was time to put my old one aside and start searching for a new one. True story. I don’t know how much longer it will actually survive as it is literally falling apart (I don’t say that because I’m so spiritual, but more so to prove to you how old it is) and I don’t feel like digging out the duct tape to repair this one. (You know you’ve done it before, too!) Since I’m a creature of habit, I tend to stick with the same study Bible time after time, but I’m feeling kind of rogue and might venture out this time into the land of the unknown.

As much as I love getting a new Bible, there is a certain degree of separation that is hard to part from my old Bible. We’ve been through a lot. And I love looking back at all I’ve underlined and marked up. But I suppose a new season calls for a new Bible.

Anyway, I know you’re probably wondering why I’m going on and on about my Bible, and maybe I’ve convinced you that you need a new one to, to which I’ll say you’ve landed in the right place!

We have a really fun giveaway that I think you’ll like.

Recently our sweet Beth received a Life Essentials Study Bible (“The First Multi-Media Study Bible”) with her name engraved on the front. For those who are curious, the translation is the Holman Christian Standard Bible (HCSB). Here’s the deal, if our Siesta Mama hadn’t just purchased a new Bible for herself just prior to receiving this one, she would have kept it for herself. It was such a kind gesture from the publisher, but she really wanted to gift it to one our Siestas!

Besides this being a study Bible, it has some other really neat tools that I’ve personally been playing with to make myself familiar with it the past few days.

With our technology changing and updating as quickly as newborn babies change outfits everyday, it’s no shock to me that this Bible has a new addition to it that can be used with your smart phone.

If you look at the front cover (pictured above), and inside the Bible (there’s a little peek below), you’ll see a bar code looking symbol. That nifty little symbol we refer to as a QR code. If you own a smart phone, you can download a free QR Reader app, and then all you do is use that application to scan the bar code to find out more information about that particular item. All throughout this Bible are hundreds of QR codes that take you to a website to find out more information about that particular scripture. How fun is that? You certainly don’t need a smart phone to win this Bible, but that’s just a little bonus for those of you that do own one.

So, who is interested? Listen, if it weren’t for you, Siestas, I would have already claimed it for myself.

Here’s how it will work:

1) Leave a comment with your first and last name. If you don’t leave both, you won’t be eligible for the drawing!

2) For fun, if you’re into this kind of thing, go ahead and tell us in brief your favorite Bible. Shout out to all the Precious Moment’s Bible owners out there! I’m pretty sure I still have that one stowed away somewhere safe. What joy!

Ready? Set? Sound off in the comments! We’ll leave the comments open until 3:30 on Thursday afternoon (CST) and then we’ll do a random drawing and post the winner at the top of this post later that day. That means you will have a little over 24 hours to enter, so be on the lookout to see if your name appears!

Although I don’t want to assume everyone is on spring break, I would imagine most of you are, so if that’s the case, we so hope you’re enjoying every minute of it. And if you don’t get that luxury, I’m praying the Lord delights you where you’re at and gives you an extra dose of rest.

We love y’all!


1,935 Responses to “Life Essentials Study Bible – A Giveaway”

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  1. 1001
    Liz Taylor says:

    Liz Taylor
    My favorite Bible is my ESV Lutheran Study Bible from Concordia Publishing House. I love it because it has so many of Luther’s notes and theological writing. Wish it had QR codes to link to more information. That’s the best idea yet!

  2. 1002
    Jenny says:

    My name is Jenny Lott—my favorite Bible must be my pink NIV Study Bible, with my maiden name on the front–I have been married for 17 years! I buy new Bible’s but still seem to go back to this one, maybe this new one would change my ways!

  3. 1003
    Bonnie says:

    I’d have to say ….I can’t pick!!! I do love my Living Bible I received in high school, but my womens study one(NIV) is in constant use now. Bonnie

  4. 1004

    My favorite bible is The Jesus Storybook Bible. I bought it for my daughters and every story points to Christ and conveys the gospel so well and so simply that I cry every time I read it. Very straightforward and tender!

    My favorite “grown up” bibles are as follows:
    1. The Chronological Study Bible NKJV – its compiled like a timeline with great notes to understand the background behind the scenes.

    2. The NIV study bible. A classic; I’ve had the same one for 20 years and its still holding up!

    3. The Message one year daily bible.

    I prefer to study using the KJV or NKJV, (and use for looking up Greek an Hebrew), do devotions with NIV and get brief practical applications from The Message.

  5. 1005
    Rebecca Hahne says:

    I have a small NIV bible that all 3 of my children used when they were young while they were memorizing scripture for children’s programs at church—precious memories!! I use the Ryrie for bible study.

  6. 1006
    Cindy Love Childers says:

    Cindy Childers – My current and most loved bible is my Life Application Study Bible – NIV; but I’d love to try a new version. How cool!…. A version with links to the internet. YEAH!!

  7. 1007
    Megan Petronella says:

    Megan Petronella – My favorite bible is one I received when I was baptized as an infant. It have fun full-color pictures and the pages are super-thin just like a grown-up bible. It was the only bible I owned until I was an adult and my husband bought me my current one. I love the scribbles on it and the stickers on the inside cover that I put there as a child. 🙂

  8. 1008
    Jill Neubauer says:

    My favorite Bible is Life application Bible. It is my
    Second one. I have used them while doing
    Beth’s Bible studies.
    Blessings to all of you!

  9. 1009
    Sandy Royals says:

    My Favorite Bible for YEARS has been the New American Standard (NASB) Study Bible. I love the wide margins…where I write Greek, Hebrew, and notes from studies, sermons, etc. I also love the great pictures and charts. I wore one out and had to get another one…updated language and a little smaller. It’s my favorite!!!

  10. 1010
    Johanna Tooke says:

    My favorite Bible is the Bible my Grandma gave me. She had already given me several, so when this one was sent my way, I called her, certain she had forgotten I was amply set with Bibles. “No,” she said, “God told me you needed this one.” It was the NIV Study Bible. Between using it to do the “Breaking Free” Bible Study and reading the footnotes in my Study Bible, God became real to me.

  11. 1011
    Juli Daniels says:

    My name is Juli Daniels

    I have fallen in love with my NLT Life Application Study Bible. Love that translation because I don’t feel like I’m ‘fighting’ the language to understand the scriptures. But I also have a second favorite: The Message. I just love the time & attention Eugene Peterson put into translating that into today’s vernacular.

  12. 1012
    Beth says:

    Beth Davis – My favorite Bible, besides the Precious Moments Bible that I have still on my shelf (that was actually my first Bible given to me by my grandpa, who at that time was not a believer…so special), is the ESV Study Bible. First study Bible I have ever owned…and I’m in love <3

  13. 1013
    Margie by the Sea says:

    I just love The Word, period; any translation. The NIV Key Word Study Bible is what I am using as I try to go deeper still into the meaning of the Hebrew and Greek and my little red NIV Bible, with the snap closure, goes with me everywhere.
    Thank you for the update on Beth and Amanda. I will continue to lift them up in prayer.
    Margie Snyder

  14. 1014
    Debra Rountree says:

    Debra Rountree–my favorite Bible is the one that I received from my grandparents on the occasion of my profession of faith–April 4, 1978.

  15. 1015
    Susan Boland says:

    I have loved several Bibles…starting with my Life Application Bible then to my NIV. But NOW…I love my English Standard Version. It is bad to love many? 🙂 Susan Boland

  16. 1016
    Kathy McSwain says:

    Kathy McSwain – my favorite is the NIV Life Application Study Bible that my husband gave me when we were dating. 🙂

  17. 1017
    Shirley Smedley-Theiss says:

    My favorite Bible is the “Daily Study Bible for Women” (NLT) with daily studies by Jill Briscoe. I have recommended this Bible to many women friends, and have given it as a gift. Lindsee, I concur with all your comments regarding one’s “old Bible”. And I agree, rather than duct tape, we should get a new, different one and breathe in the newness and freshness of His Word.
    I love His Word and I want to love it more and more and more!
    Shirley Smedley-Theiss

  18. 1018
    Jana says:

    Jana Beyer
    I have to say my favorite Bible is the one I am currently using. I’ve had it since college (NIV). It and I have a lot of history in there together. A lot of promises and answered prayers. However, winning this drawing might just be what I need to set it aside and start anew!
    Blessings to all!

  19. 1019
    Danielle Gahman says:

    Right now, I’m loving my ESV Study Bible! Has so many helps for study/lesson preps. What a fun idea and so generous of Beth!

  20. 1020
    Khristina Oestmann says:

    My favorite bible is my NIV from the year I graduated high school…which is QUITE some time ago…hmmm… Oh, I’m so glad I don’t have the same hairstyle as I did when I graduated high school— seriously, it’s time for a bible makeover! Khristina Oestmann

  21. 1021
    susan terry says:

    My favorite Bible is my large print NIV Study Bible. It, too, is in very used condition and needs to be replaced, but the thought of replacing it is “scary” 🙂

  22. 1022
    Christine Mathews says:

    My favorite Bible is a burgundy leather NIV thinline that I bought for myself at the bookstore of YoungLife’s Crooked Creek Ranch in 2001.

  23. 1023
    Becky Snapp says:

    Becky Snapp – My favorite Bible is the NIV Study Bible

  24. 1024
    Toni Larkin says:

    My favorite right now is my Life Application Study Bible, NIV. It is blue and green.

  25. 1025
    Alyson Filson says:

    I just switched blbles. It is actually my husbands. It is on loan to me so I don’t quite feel that I can make it my on. I tend to write all in a bible because I will usually lose to paper that I wrote something but I never lose my bible. My old bible was so marked up and I love it. It too was taped together. My husband wanted to get me a bible cover but I didn’t want one. The reason for the new bible is this: Am I relying on what God has told me in the past. By having a new bible I have to search out those treasures that God has for me instead of relying on the notes that I have already taken. My life has changed so much and so I believe that a new bible is in order. I am using my husbands Holman to see if I liked to translation and I do. My previous one was a King James (old school).

  26. 1026
    Selena says:

    Selena Cumbie

    My favorite Bible right now is the HCSB. I even found a free version for my e-reader. I like it because it’s handy, but it’s not the same as having my Bible that I can write in our flip through quickly to find what I’m looking for.

  27. 1027
    Amy Caton says:

    I love my Life Application Bible, the notes at the bottom really help me connect the dots! 🙂

  28. 1028
    Diane Ringenberg says:

    Diane Ringenberg

    I don’t have a favorite. I use different Bibles in different seasons or different studies.

  29. 1029
    Lynn Hodge says:

    My favorite Bible is the one that belonged to my granny. It is the one thing of hers that I had hoped to receive after she went to meet Jesus three years ago. It is well worn, well read, and well loved!

  30. 1030

    Oh how fun is this? I have been thinking the same thing. That I need a new bible and in a different translation than the one I’ve been using. This is no easy thing. I dragged ny big NIV study life application bible to ISRAEL! It is filled with leaves from there. It has dates and under lining from every major thing the LORD has done for the past 12 years. But I’ve been feeling the Spirit say, “I want to do a FRESh work in your mind and in your heart.

    So throw my name In the ring, and we’ll see. But at any rate, I’m going to take the plunge and get a new one.

    my favorite translation bar none is the AMPLIFIED BIBLE.

    Heidi McClain.

  31. 1031
    Cherri Todd says:

    I really like my NIV Life Application Bible with all the study notes and profile pages.

  32. 1032
    Deborah McCoy says:

    My favorite Bible is my NASB that my husband gave me when we started going to a verse by verse church using NASB.

  33. 1033
    Karen says:

    Hi, my name is Karen Edwards. I have a NIV study Bible which I’ve had for a very long time. I’ve really loved it and it is very well worn. I recently bought the new version of the NIV, and I’m enjoying getting to know this new translation and how it differs from the old NIV.

  34. 1034
    Katherine Kloster says:

    I have an NIV Life Application Bible that has seen better (and worse!) days. The front cover and spine are hanging on by threads. It is time for a new one! This bible looks SO COOL with all of the smartphone features! Thanks for the giveaway.

  35. 1035
    Legay Barber says:

    My favorite Bible is the New Inductive Study Bible, NASB.

  36. 1036
    Shatcher says:

    Sheila Hatcher
    My favorite is the NIV that my parents gave me just before I married my husband… nearly 20 years ago now 🙂

  37. 1037
    Debbie says:

    Debbie Jarman

    I love the NLT Application Study Bible

  38. 1038
    Kathy Bimber says:

    My favorite Bible is my NIV Study Bible. It is filled with bookmarks and penciled in notes-passages that have changed my life. My most sentimental Bible is the Bible I received for my 5th birthday from my mom and dad. My mom died a week before that birthday.

  39. 1039
    Tammy Grace says:

    I love BIBLES in general….loved studying from my mom’s ESV as a child, NIV Life Application bible when I first really started learning how to Walk with Jesus 11 years ago, but for the last several years have been wearing out my NASB. Very interested in having an ESV and HCSB someday too.

  40. 1040
    Sarah King says:

    I would love to win this! I’ve been shopping around for a new bible. My favorite is my study NIV which was a Christmas gift from my uncle.

  41. 1041
    Wendi McPike says:

    My favorite is a small ESV that I received from our Worship leader on my birthday awhile back. It has some words of encouragement, written inside the cover, from some of the team members. God has since moved us from that place but I find a way to stay in contact with many of them.
    It’s my “bring anywhere” Bible as it’s only 4 x 6″. I love how it feels in my hand and thankfully I can still read the tiny print.

  42. 1042
    Maureen says:

    Hi, my name is Maureen Chabot. My favorite Bible is The Message, by Eugene Peterson. I love that it reads like a story in my lingo!! Bonus…the outside looks like a log cabin…my fav!!

  43. 1043
    Glady McMullen says:

    My name is Glady McMullen. My favorite Bible is really the NIV. Very easily understood. We just finished the Mercy Triumphs Bible Study at my church. I also love a new Bible. 🙂

  44. 1044
    Kristy Marr says:

    It is so time for a new Bible. It’s like a new beginning.

  45. 1045
    Patrice Davis says:

    My favorite Bible was my first, The Open Bible, NASB. When it was falling apart and I went to replace it I found out that they no longer make it!

  46. 1046
    Tammy Grace says:

    Oops, I meant “my mom’s RSV”, not ESV

  47. 1047
    Deb Knepp says:

    I love my NIV Women of Faith Bible. I love to dig deeper into the word. This Bible has been well used – and has many quotes from Beth’s Bible Studies! I love when a verse I’ve read countless times hits me with a fresh insight!

  48. 1048
    Jamie says:

    Jamie Ritchey- The Message is one of my favorites, but I really enjoy looking up scriptures from many different versions.

  49. 1049
    Melissa says:

    Melissa Faughn–my favorite Bible right not is the NLT, but I also love my white Precious Moments Bible with my name on it in silver that I recieved when I was a little girl.

  50. 1050
    Gale Boling says:

    My favorite Bible is the Niv. I have a larger study one, but purchased a small pocket sized one several years back, for ease of carrying. I favor the larger, because it is heavy with notes and highlights too. His words have come alive to me in this book. Would be tickled to have a New one with Beth.s name inscribed. How cool is that?