Life Essentials Study Bible – A Giveaway

(Drum Roll Please!)

According to our random drawing, the lucky winner is…Gail Denlinger! (Comment posted on March 15, 2012 at 6:40 am.)

Gail, if you would please email me at [email protected] with your mailing address, we will get this Bible in your hands as soon as possible. Congratulations, Sister! Y’all check back next week for another fun giveaway. Have a wonderful weekend!


Update: Comments are now closed. Ladies, y’all are SO incredibly fun. And might I add serious about your Bibles and Bible translations. Praise the Lord! Check back tomorrow morning for the fun announcement of our lucky winner! And while I have your attention, our Siesta Mama actually gets up to speak at the conference for the first time in about 2 1/2 hours (It’s already Friday there). Your prayers would be so appreciated! See you in the morning!

Good Wednesday afternoon, Siestas!

By now you may have seen on twitter (if you’re a twitter user) that Beth and Amanda made it safely to Sydney! Jet lag is no joke there because in case you were wondering, Australia is 16 hours ahead of us. I kept joking that they were flying into the future. Whoa! You honestly would not waste a prayer on them as Beth and the team prepares to minister to the folks attending the Colour Conference. They are so pumped, but it doesn’t come without sacrifice and a lot of work. If you’ve not already been praying, start praying now because since they’re almost a day ahead of us, the conference begins sooner than later!

Anyway, we didn’t want the blog to suffer while our Siesta Mama was gone, so I’m here to do our first fun giveaway! (Yes, we’re doing another one next week. I know you’re pumped!)

I don’t know about you, but I love getting a new Bible.

In fact, just this past Sunday at church I was thinking it was time to put my old one aside and start searching for a new one. True story. I don’t know how much longer it will actually survive as it is literally falling apart (I don’t say that because I’m so spiritual, but more so to prove to you how old it is) and I don’t feel like digging out the duct tape to repair this one. (You know you’ve done it before, too!) Since I’m a creature of habit, I tend to stick with the same study Bible time after time, but I’m feeling kind of rogue and might venture out this time into the land of the unknown.

As much as I love getting a new Bible, there is a certain degree of separation that is hard to part from my old Bible. We’ve been through a lot. And I love looking back at all I’ve underlined and marked up. But I suppose a new season calls for a new Bible.

Anyway, I know you’re probably wondering why I’m going on and on about my Bible, and maybe I’ve convinced you that you need a new one to, to which I’ll say you’ve landed in the right place!

We have a really fun giveaway that I think you’ll like.

Recently our sweet Beth received a Life Essentials Study Bible (“The First Multi-Media Study Bible”) with her name engraved on the front. For those who are curious, the translation is the Holman Christian Standard Bible (HCSB). Here’s the deal, if our Siesta Mama hadn’t just purchased a new Bible for herself just prior to receiving this one, she would have kept it for herself. It was such a kind gesture from the publisher, but she really wanted to gift it to one our Siestas!

Besides this being a study Bible, it has some other really neat tools that I’ve personally been playing with to make myself familiar with it the past few days.

With our technology changing and updating as quickly as newborn babies change outfits everyday, it’s no shock to me that this Bible has a new addition to it that can be used with your smart phone.

If you look at the front cover (pictured above), and inside the Bible (there’s a little peek below), you’ll see a bar code looking symbol. That nifty little symbol we refer to as a QR code. If you own a smart phone, you can download a free QR Reader app, and then all you do is use that application to scan the bar code to find out more information about that particular item. All throughout this Bible are hundreds of QR codes that take you to a website to find out more information about that particular scripture. How fun is that? You certainly don’t need a smart phone to win this Bible, but that’s just a little bonus for those of you that do own one.

So, who is interested? Listen, if it weren’t for you, Siestas, I would have already claimed it for myself.

Here’s how it will work:

1) Leave a comment with your first and last name. If you don’t leave both, you won’t be eligible for the drawing!

2) For fun, if you’re into this kind of thing, go ahead and tell us in brief your favorite Bible. Shout out to all the Precious Moment’s Bible owners out there! I’m pretty sure I still have that one stowed away somewhere safe. What joy!

Ready? Set? Sound off in the comments! We’ll leave the comments open until 3:30 on Thursday afternoon (CST) and then we’ll do a random drawing and post the winner at the top of this post later that day. That means you will have a little over 24 hours to enter, so be on the lookout to see if your name appears!

Although I don’t want to assume everyone is on spring break, I would imagine most of you are, so if that’s the case, we so hope you’re enjoying every minute of it. And if you don’t get that luxury, I’m praying the Lord delights you where you’re at and gives you an extra dose of rest.

We love y’all!


1,935 Responses to “Life Essentials Study Bible – A Giveaway”

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  1. 101
    sweet anonymous says:

    Mary Gegare

    My favorite bible is the Women’s Study Bible NIV. This is so fun! I can’t wait to see who wins!

    • 101.1
      Diane Woody says:

      My favorite Bible is the ‘NIV Study Bible’, which i have had for a long time. i like to read scriptures in several versions.
      Beth has inspired me to check the Holman Bible when I search scriptures at

  2. 102
    Sue Beck says:

    My name is Sue Beck.
    My favorite Bible is a black leather NIV Study Bible given to me by my Dad.

  3. 103

    My favorite Bible is the one I had to buy for college level classes, oxford annotated. I think its my favorite because its been highlighted and tagged and notes left inside, it just has lots of memories!

  4. 104
    Angie Robey says:

    I still love my “Open Bible” New King James version – my parents got it for me when I was in high school. I love the bible encyclopedic index at the front, it’s a great study help!

    I also want to say that I just discovered Beth Moore when I was invited to her study on James at another church. My first meeting was on week 5. I was still so moved that I joined so I could finish it. What a blessing! Angie Robey <3

    • 104.1
      Joy Stamp says:

      Hi Angie ~ Did you come to Valley Baptist? I’m at table 6. Loved Beth’s study, always do, but this one is especially life applicable. Tell Judy Hi 😀

    • 104.2
      Penny says:

      Me too! I think the Biblical Cyclopedic Index is a great tool.

  5. 105
    Susanna Burford says:

    I love my NIV Life Application Study Bible. I enjoy the notes and character profiles. I also love the Holy Bible “YouVersion The Bible App” for my phone when I’m on the go. My parent’s just got the Life Essential Gene Getz Bible, and I would love to have one too!

  6. 106
    Maria says:

    My sentimental favorite is a little hardcover children’s Bible that I have had forever. My favorite to study with is my NIV Life Application Study Bible.

  7. 107
    Deanna says:

    Hi Lindsee,
    I’m not entering to win because I recently got a new bible, it’s the ESV study bible and I love it. But, my favorite of all is my NKJV spirit filled life study bible.

  8. 108
    Lisa Jenkins says:

    Lisa Jenkins – I love my NIV but I still have the KJV that my aunt gave me when I was 5 years old. My daughter carries it to church now.

  9. 109
    The Apple of His Eye says:

    Karen Huxen – my favorite is the NASB of any flavor.

  10. 110
    Suzanna Uyboco says:

    Suzanna Uyboco

    I really like NASB because that it what I started using while in college, but our current church uses ESV, so I have been exploring that a little.

  11. 111
    Darcy says:

    Darcy Abell, I love my Life Application Study Bible, in the New Living Translation.

  12. 112
    BraydenandBodiesMama says:

    My favorite is The Message… most of the time. Sometimes I like the New Living Word… Other times I love the good old NIV. LOL… It’s hard to narrow it down to one favorite. I would love to have this one to try the smartphone app! How cool!!!!
    Kelly Steward

  13. 113
    Dora Chatam says:

    My favorite Bible is the first NIV I owned (was always a King James girl until I started doing Beth’s Bible studies.) I read it through twice, marked it up a bunch and like Lindsee’s, it literally fell apart. The guy at Lifeway told me to get GENUINE leather next time and to be sure it is stitched in the center and not glued.

  14. 114
    Lindsey Deitch says:

    My favorite Bible is the NIV study bible I received when I was 16. There is a lot of “life” notes lived out through that Bible but it is also one of my favorite resources for study. I find it very easy to do my own Bible study with it (especially when I’m in between book studies) because of all the cross-referencing. A year or so ago I tried to switch to the ESV study Bible, but felt myself drawn back to my “old” NIV. Hard to give it up!

    Thanks Beth and Lindsee!

  15. 115
    Debra Young says:

    Im sorry, I cannot narrow it down. I actually have two favorites. The first is the NIV that is so worn the back is taped is falling off & it has ALL of my notes from past Bible Studies. The second is my “travel” Bible that I call “Heather”. Several years ago I went into the local Bible Book Store & in their clearance area they had a Bible that had been embossed with the first name Heather & a last name. It is compact, no notes. I take it to all of my conferences. It has gone to Israel & Greece. It stays in my car & I use it whenever I need it. I will tell people to hold on while I go get “Heather” & come back with my Bible! So I have two favorites. I just hope when I get to heaven I get to meet Heather.

  16. 116
    Debbra Stoering says:

    A Bible that’s falling apart usually belongs to someone who isn’t!! Me and my NIV have been through a whole bunch together. I would love another version to compare with. It doesn’t make a difference what version the Word is in: when God says it, I believe it, and that settles it!

  17. 117

    My favorite bible is my giant print NIV. I too love getting new bibles, but love the feel and wear of my old one!

    Kristy Beckendorf

  18. 118
    Lindsay Baldwin says:

    My current fav is the New Living Translation- compact size for easy travel. =)

  19. 119
    Stacy Rains says:

    My favorite bible is the ESV Study Bible!

  20. 120
    Tracey Richardson says:

    My favorite Bible is a NKJV study bible I bought when I was just starting to see the Lord. So special and love to see the orange highlighter I used when first started delving into scripture.

  21. 121
    Karen Vater says:

    Hi my name is Karen Vater I have the NIV Study Bible that my husband bought me Oct 1998 which has carried me thru several Beth Moore’s Bible Studies (we are doing Daniel right now)mine is hard cover and would love the feel of this one in my arms 🙂

  22. 122
    Lyndsay says:

    Lyndsay Salvador—my favorite study Bible is the Spirit Filled life Bible. But because I seem to never home right now, I’m really enjoying the YouVersion app.

    • 122.1

      Currently I’m loving my compact NIV

    • 122.2
      Angela Woodruff says:

      My favorite bible is my life application study bible that has notes and comments that I can look back on all the seasons of my life. But I have been thinking it is time for a new translation. I enjoy getting on bible gateway and reading the different translations of scriptures and hearing Beth at biblestudy read the different translations.

  23. 123
    Jessica Kennedy says:

    Hi –

    My name is Jessica Kennedy.

    My favorite Bible is a English Standard Version that I got at church camp in junior high – you can tell by the looks of it that is came from and went back to many camps!



  24. 124
    Kristen Schiffman says:

    I have a favorite NIV Bible that my parents gave me as a gift for Easter many moons ago! 😉 But it has such a pretty cover I cannot help but love it!

  25. 125
    Deana Boulware says:

    Hi –

    My name is Deana Boulware.

    My favorite Bible is the New Living Translation Study Bible that my big sister gave me.



  26. 126
    Christina Sears says:

    I still have my very first bible from when I was a little girl. I now want to run home and look at it. The binding is worn thin and it’s not in the best shape but so happy that it was saved all these years. 🙂

  27. 127
    Dori Schelhammer says:

    I love the Life Application Study Bible – NIV.

  28. 128
    God's not-so-little Dutch girl says:

    My favorite Bible is my NIV Study Bible.I have used it for years! I am praying for Beth, Amanda, Priscilla & everyone else involved in the Colour Conference! Have an awesome week, Siestas!
    Joan DeKoekkoek

  29. 129
    Carrie Munsch says:

    I don’t have a favorite Bible, but would love for this one to become my favorite!

  30. 130
    Ali Wright says:

    I have the Life Application Study Bible, NLT. Although I’d love to have another study Bible! I also bought the One-Year Chronological Bible for my Nook this year and am LOVING it–able to keep up with it since I take my Nook everywhere. It’s March 14th and I’m still on track to finish in a year!

  31. 131

    Hi my name is Zuda Gay Pease, my Bible is falling apart too and would probably be long gone if it weren’t for my trusty Bible cover. It is an NIV Study Bible and I’m not sure how old it is.

  32. 132
    Sarah says:

    Sarah Baggett

    NIV is my fav!

  33. 133
    Kari Frost says:

    My name is Kari Frost. I love the NASB version. My favorite “study Bible” is the Life Application. 🙂

  34. 134
    Donna Bloom says:

    Oh, how I would love a new Bible! I am in the market for one!
    My favorite Bible is not from a specific publisher or a specific translation. It is simply the first Bible I owned…the first Bible I read for myself, the first Bible I wrote my prayers in, the first Bible I carried with me to church every Sunday morning and Bible study every Thursday night! The pages are folded, the margins are written in, and it holds the memory of many tears of sorrow as I repented from sin after sin as a brand new believer. It has long since been retired to my shelf to preserve the pages that have come unglued, but it is still my favorite Bible to take out and remember His faithfulness and great mercy to me!
    Thanks for the opportunity to win!
    Donna Bloom

  35. 135
    fuzzytop says:

    Adrienne Hudson

    My favorite Bible is a KJV/NIV Parallel Bible that my hubby got me for when I got seriously interested in Bible study, about 13 years ago. I have finally admitted to myself it is time for a new Bible, as the cover on my parallel Bible is taped on (packing tape), and the binding is so loose that entire sections are falling out. I think I have lost Exodus!

    Glad to hear Beth and Amanda arrived safely, and I will be praying for them and the Colour (love that English/Australian spelling) event!!!


  36. 136
    Charity Njesada says:

    Charity Njesada – Lately, I’m into reading my little mini NASB Bible, but I actually use different translations from my phone most of the time!

  37. 137
    Pam Matthews says:

    My favorite Bible is my NIV Thompson Chain that I used in college – because I literally wore it out!!!

  38. 138
    Diane says:

    Diane Watt – my favorite Bible is the blue NIV study Bible, but it is so big I can’t hold it in the bathtub…so now I read the little pink NLT Army Wive’s Edition Bible.

  39. 139
    Dana says:

    My favorite bible is my large print NIV :).
    Dana Wagner

  40. 140
    rhonda says:

    My favorite was called the Spirit Filled Life Bible (Nelson put it out). Looking over at it, it has green duct tape on one side and gray on the other with multicolored post-it notes sticking out the top and the side.
    Rhonda Baker

  41. 141
    Amy-Marie Knox says:

    Amy-Marie Knox

    My favorite is the NIV Student BIble I have had since I was in middle school. I still remember getting it in my Easter Basket. I believe that a bible that is loved deeply is something that is so tender and wonderful to pass on to someone dear in our lives. My bible has been through everything; high and low with me and ohhh how precious God’s word has become to my heart through it! I can’t wait to give it on to someone else! But NIV has always been what I was raised on although I like to read the message for fun and easy application when talking to the sweet girl I nanny.

  42. 142
    Carla Bachand says:

    I so loved this post because just within the last month I have taped up my Bible with clear packing tape because the cover and back are falling off. I was thinking I need to get a new one but am reluctant to part with this becuase I’ve had it for so many Beth Moore studies (and others) and highlighted so many places. It’s just a great comfort to me to see all that underlining and highlighting. And it’s a pink Women’s Devotional Bible so those devotions from Godly women have been a great blessing, too. Thank you, Lord!

    I will be praying for much fruit in Australia and safe traveling. I have been there and I was young at the time. The jet lag about killed me. I can’t imagine it now twenty some years later! I will pray for good rest and recovery, also.

    Carla Bachand

  43. 143

    I just love my Women of Faith Study Bible (NIV). It was given to me by a dear friend that was there at the beginning of my real walk with the Lord. It was this Bible that I used for my first Beth Moore study called ‘When Godly People Do Ungodly Things’. That is what God used to convict me in the way that I had been living and turn back to my Father who had a purpose and plan for me. Oh the feeling of letting go and allowing God to do the work! So thankful for you Beth. {oooooh didn’t expect the tears} God has used you in my life in ways that you will never even know until the day we get Home! Praying for you and your family!

  44. 144
    Wren Owens says:

    Wren Owens

  45. 145
    Sarah says:

    Sarah Moseley

    Favorite Bible for devos is the verse-numbered The Message. It has transformed the way I’ve thought about some verses – (I grew up with KJV!) – and I HAVE THE PRECIOUS MOMENTS BIBLE TOO 🙂 🙂

  46. 146
    Nichole's Mom says:

    Judy Wiley

    My favorite Bible is my NIV Study Bible! I have a hard time getting away from it!

  47. 147
    Bernadette Hingle says:

    I cannot say that I have a favorite Bible. I have one, and it’s not a specific kind-just NIV. But I have been blessed by the family I work for as they have a study Bible so every time I am there I enjoy learning more through their Bible. I would be so blessed to have one of my own!

  48. 148
    Gail says:

    Gail Sowell

    I had a Precious Moments Bible! It was my first Bible with mt name on the cover. However, my favorite was the standard gift Bible given to me when I became a member of our church. It wasn’t my favorite because it was fancy. It’s my favorite because it’s the first Bible I “claimed” and marked in and underlined and highlighted and loved, loved, loved the Word with. I dropped it in a puddle in college. It’s water-warped and about 6 inches thick now. I don’t use it now, but I will never get rid of it!

  49. 149
    Jill Clem says:

    I use the Life Application Study Bible but I am always looking at others in the bookstore to see what is out there. My Bible is like a great pair of comfortable shoes. You wear them until you wear a hole in them and then you still keep them in your closet because the memories of the times you wore them are just to precious!!

  50. 150
    Mandy Johnson says:

    One of my favorite Bibles is the True Love Waits Bible that I used during jr. high/some of high school. I remember it had a lot of little stories/warnings that would usually make us jr. high kids laugh (as sex talk tends to do), but must have made a lasting impression! Also love my plain old NIV that I’ve used since high school – mostly because I can look back at the notes stuffed in between pages that outline particular sermons and recap a “during church convo” with my high school crush!

    –Mandy Johnson