Life Essentials Study Bible – A Giveaway

(Drum Roll Please!)

According to our random drawing, the lucky winner is…Gail Denlinger! (Comment posted on March 15, 2012 at 6:40 am.)

Gail, if you would please email me at [email protected] with your mailing address, we will get this Bible in your hands as soon as possible. Congratulations, Sister! Y’all check back next week for another fun giveaway. Have a wonderful weekend!


Update: Comments are now closed. Ladies, y’all are SO incredibly fun. And might I add serious about your Bibles and Bible translations. Praise the Lord! Check back tomorrow morning for the fun announcement of our lucky winner! And while I have your attention, our Siesta Mama actually gets up to speak at the conference for the first time in about 2 1/2 hours (It’s already Friday there). Your prayers would be so appreciated! See you in the morning!

Good Wednesday afternoon, Siestas!

By now you may have seen on twitter (if you’re a twitter user) that Beth and Amanda made it safely to Sydney! Jet lag is no joke there because in case you were wondering, Australia is 16 hours ahead of us. I kept joking that they were flying into the future. Whoa! You honestly would not waste a prayer on them as Beth and the team prepares to minister to the folks attending the Colour Conference. They are so pumped, but it doesn’t come without sacrifice and a lot of work. If you’ve not already been praying, start praying now because since they’re almost a day ahead of us, the conference begins sooner than later!

Anyway, we didn’t want the blog to suffer while our Siesta Mama was gone, so I’m here to do our first fun giveaway! (Yes, we’re doing another one next week. I know you’re pumped!)

I don’t know about you, but I love getting a new Bible.

In fact, just this past Sunday at church I was thinking it was time to put my old one aside and start searching for a new one. True story. I don’t know how much longer it will actually survive as it is literally falling apart (I don’t say that because I’m so spiritual, but more so to prove to you how old it is) and I don’t feel like digging out the duct tape to repair this one. (You know you’ve done it before, too!) Since I’m a creature of habit, I tend to stick with the same study Bible time after time, but I’m feeling kind of rogue and might venture out this time into the land of the unknown.

As much as I love getting a new Bible, there is a certain degree of separation that is hard to part from my old Bible. We’ve been through a lot. And I love looking back at all I’ve underlined and marked up. But I suppose a new season calls for a new Bible.

Anyway, I know you’re probably wondering why I’m going on and on about my Bible, and maybe I’ve convinced you that you need a new one to, to which I’ll say you’ve landed in the right place!

We have a really fun giveaway that I think you’ll like.

Recently our sweet Beth received a Life Essentials Study Bible (“The First Multi-Media Study Bible”) with her name engraved on the front. For those who are curious, the translation is the Holman Christian Standard Bible (HCSB). Here’s the deal, if our Siesta Mama hadn’t just purchased a new Bible for herself just prior to receiving this one, she would have kept it for herself. It was such a kind gesture from the publisher, but she really wanted to gift it to one our Siestas!

Besides this being a study Bible, it has some other really neat tools that I’ve personally been playing with to make myself familiar with it the past few days.

With our technology changing and updating as quickly as newborn babies change outfits everyday, it’s no shock to me that this Bible has a new addition to it that can be used with your smart phone.

If you look at the front cover (pictured above), and inside the Bible (there’s a little peek below), you’ll see a bar code looking symbol. That nifty little symbol we refer to as a QR code. If you own a smart phone, you can download a free QR Reader app, and then all you do is use that application to scan the bar code to find out more information about that particular item. All throughout this Bible are hundreds of QR codes that take you to a website to find out more information about that particular scripture. How fun is that? You certainly don’t need a smart phone to win this Bible, but that’s just a little bonus for those of you that do own one.

So, who is interested? Listen, if it weren’t for you, Siestas, I would have already claimed it for myself.

Here’s how it will work:

1) Leave a comment with your first and last name. If you don’t leave both, you won’t be eligible for the drawing!

2) For fun, if you’re into this kind of thing, go ahead and tell us in brief your favorite Bible. Shout out to all the Precious Moment’s Bible owners out there! I’m pretty sure I still have that one stowed away somewhere safe. What joy!

Ready? Set? Sound off in the comments! We’ll leave the comments open until 3:30 on Thursday afternoon (CST) and then we’ll do a random drawing and post the winner at the top of this post later that day. That means you will have a little over 24 hours to enter, so be on the lookout to see if your name appears!

Although I don’t want to assume everyone is on spring break, I would imagine most of you are, so if that’s the case, we so hope you’re enjoying every minute of it. And if you don’t get that luxury, I’m praying the Lord delights you where you’re at and gives you an extra dose of rest.

We love y’all!


1,935 Responses to “Life Essentials Study Bible – A Giveaway”

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  1. 1101
    Cindy Marshall says:

    My favorite Bible is one I received as a child for Christmas. It was a KJV with a beautiful color cover with Jesus surrounded by the little children.

  2. 1102
    Karen Kuntz says:

    I would LOVE to have a new Bible. My favorite one is the New Revised Standard Bible but they are hard to find. I would feel so blessed to receive a new Bible!

  3. 1103
    Diane Ward says:

    Diane Ward – My favorite bible is The One Year Bible in the New Living Translation. It has been a vital part of my morning quiet times over the years.

  4. 1104
    Ruth from North Idaho says:

    My current favorite Bible…that I’m reading through the Bible in 2012 with… is The Message. I’ve read and studied the Bible for 46 years, and love the way the contemporary language jogs my head!

    Ruth Brown

  5. 1105
    Donna Cleveland says:

    Donna cleveland

    I love my NIV study bible my parents gave me 22 years ago.
    I have tried buying a new one but I couldnt seem to part with all my notes
    Written in the margins
    Really do need a new one though

  6. 1106
    Hannah says:

    Hannah Coffman
    My favorite Bible is the Women of Faith Study Bible NIV given to me by my sweet mom. How exciting!

  7. 1107
    Kristy Booth says:

    I am super attached to my bible that i got for my 16th bday, which was, ahem, 17 years ago! 🙂 So it is a litte worn. But I do adore it. 🙂 SO excited for Beth and Amanda to be down under! Praying for them both! 🙂

  8. 1108
    Annise McCray says:

    Favorite verse:
    But those that hope in the Lord will renew their strength. They will soar on wings like eagles; they will run and now grow weary, they will walk and not grow faint. Isaiah 40:31.

  9. 1109
    Vickie Geiman says:

    I just purchased the Hebrew-Greek Key Word Study Bible and am SO excited to expand my reading of HIS Word into a new level of understanding. Until I experienced Beth’s Bible studies I wasn’t even aware of what I was missing! It is so new it still “creaks” when I open it. I’m excited thinking about what God may do with me and through me by the time this Bible needs duct tape to hold it together!

  10. 1110
    Sara says:

    Sara Heppermann. My favorite is just my plain old KJV. It is my first bible I really started studing with.

  11. 1111
    CrysHouse says:

    Crystal Houseman

    I’ve always loved the amplified Bible–I’m a word nerd and I like to see the different possibilities, because it often clarifies things for me.

    But my favorite version? I’ve gotten so attached to the app on my phone…I’m not sure what to say?

  12. 1112
    Jo Ann Broadwater says:

    My favorite bible is my NIV Study Bible!

  13. 1113
    Angela Piercey says:

    Angela Piercey here…my favorite Bible ever was a hard cover Full Life Study Bible! It was NIV…I lost it in the St. Louis airport in 1998! I replaced it with a leather bound New King James, which I love, but I loved the study guides in Full Life!!

  14. 1114
    Terrie Cash says:

    My favorite Bible is the Hebrew-Greek Key Study Bible. It needs a lot of duct tape! I still use it for references, but I have switched to the ESV.

  15. 1115
    Jill Strother says:

    Jill Strother- my favorite is the Life Application Study Bible… I think because it was the first study bible I ever bought and I am so familiar with it, I keep going back to it when I need a new one. Not necessarily a good thing, I know.

  16. 1116
    Marilyn Miller says:

    My favorite is an NIV Study Bible and it is literally falling apart but I can’t bear to part with it. I think I’ve had it for at least 10 years.

  17. 1117
    Tammye Haynes says:

    I love my NIV Women’s Devotional Bible (I keep at work) and The Message/NIV side-by-side Bible!!
    Tammye Haynes

  18. 1118
    Rebecca Hoyt says:

    My favorite for years was the Harper Study Bible. Have been through lots of others since and haven’t found the “one” yet. Fun to get new ones though.

  19. 1119
    Rebecca Hoyt says:

    Ok didn’t put my name in the comment Rebecca Hoyt – Harper Study Bible

  20. 1120
    Becca Snider says:

    I’m currently learning out of the ESV Study Bible. I LOVE getting a new Bible, and then watching as it becomes worn and loved!

  21. 1121
    Laura says:

    Hi everyone,
    My favorite Bible is the one I am using. NIV Study Bible, love all the notes!
    Laura Wainscott

  22. 1122
    Jaime says:

    My favorite bible is my NIV Women’s Study Bible. I’ve had it for a long time 🙂

    Jaime Russell

  23. 1123
    Jennifer Kirkes says:

    Wow, I have to pick a favorite Bible? That’s hard. I love my Amplified Bible that I used in my early 30’s when I was growing so much closer to Jesus. It’s good to think back on that! But, I’ve been using the John McArthur study Bible for the last 4 years. Maybe it’s my favorite, since I have written a Bible study with it. Lots of mileage with that one! Sadly, it is falling apart as I have left it in my vehicle(didn’t realize the elements would damage the binding). When I open it, it’s like being home.

  24. 1124
    Katie Langenhoven says:

    My favorite Bible was one that I had when I was a kid, it was one with Psalty the Singing Songbook 🙂 I used that thing so much, and took it everywhere, I had to fix it with masking tape (didn’t have access to duct tape when I was 7, and I wanted to fix it myself without parental assistance 😛 But I had rolls of masking tape for craft projects!)

    I still have that Bible, all in it’s masking taped/pages ripped glory 🙂

  25. 1125
    Melinda Torrison says:

    Favorite Bible was my NKJV “Women of Destiny” Bible that Cindy Jacobs put together. It was the Bible I needed at that time in my life.

  26. 1126
    Charissa May-Riley says:

    Charissa May-Riley

    Currently, I use a NIV Student Study Bible. I got it for free at a local book store where you can trade used books 2 for 1.

  27. 1127
    Amy Grey says:

    My NIV Study Bible I have been using for the past 5 years. It is my favorite because I love seeing where I have underlined scripture in the past. Plus, it is exploding with notes and bookmarks and sermon notes that I can’t seem to give away!

  28. 1128
    Cindy Strong says:

    Cindy Strong

    My favorite study bible is the NKJV. I have written all over it and dated it many times so maybe it is time for a new one. This one looks really interesting and will challenge the techno geek in me!


  29. 1129
    Kathie Rule says:

    My favorite bible is the NIV, I have a small KJV given to me at college graduation in 1968, pages are falling out, but still can be referenced.

    Travel mercies for Beth and Amanda

  30. 1130
    Christi Perine says:

    I have been using the Holy Bible app on my iphone. I carry my study workbook and my phone everywhere I go. My bible study group – we call ourselves the BBG’s – Beth’s Bible Study Girls!!! and we have adopted our motto from the new James study — Knees to the floor, eyes to the skies. We love it.

  31. 1131
    Shannon Fouts says:

    Shannon Fouts- I’ve never read the HCSB, I enjoy the NLT & of course the NIV

  32. 1132
    Brenda Hackett says:

    My favorite is the Women of Faith NIV, but I carry a Scofield KJV to church (old favorite). This is the 2nd Women of Faith I’ve had, the first was a NKJV, but gave to a friend for her daughter. Love them!

  33. 1133
    Trina Eaton says:

    I love the different study bibles and this one looks REALLY good!

  34. 1134
    LaShae says:

    La Shae Grottis – my two favorite Bibles are my NASB trimline Bible and the YouVersion app on my iPhone. Both are easy to carry anywhere.

  35. 1135
    Sheila Hankins says:

    My favorite bible is the little white KJV with a zipper that my parents bought me for my 7th birthday. But, I use the NIV now for most of my reading.

  36. 1136
    Karen says:

    Karen Baumgardner

  37. 1137
    Jennifer Wetherington says:

    Jennifer Wetherington

    My favorite Bible is my Macarthur ESV 🙂
    (and yes ~ I still have my Precious Moments Bible tucked away for my daughter)

  38. 1138
    Karen says:

    Karen Baumgardner
    My favotie is my NIV!(Large print)

  39. 1139
    Kitty Yates says:

    I love my NIV Bible marked up and all.

  40. 1140
    Lisa Voss says:

    My favorite bible is my Grandmothers. She kept it full of family records like births, weddings, etc. it was never out of reach from her favorite chair and she read it daily. I read scripture to her from her bible before she passed. It was a beautiful time we shared and a keepsake to treasure for our family.

  41. 1141
    Lori says:

    Lori Krance – My favorite Bible so far, is the NIV Life Application Study Bible.

  42. 1142
    Fran Dockins says:

    Fran Dockins, TN Siesta

    My favorite Bible is the Life Application Study Bible. I am on #2 also; the first third of #1 had to be clipped with a binder clip. Its references, character profiles, notes, etc… have been a great tool for working with our youth at church. I use the KJV which I grew up with but I use other versions/translations as study helps. Thanks for the opportunity to win.

  43. 1143
    Gwen Smith says:

    Gwen Smith. My favorite Bible had always been my Life Application NIV… but now I love the LOGOS software on my computer because it has ALL the translations and information you could ever want! But I DO love a Bible I can hold in my lap and mark up with colored pens, so I’d really love to win this! 😉

  44. 1144
    Lindsey Gump says:

    My name is Lindsey Gump and I love my Today’s Parralel Bible. It has KJV, NIV, NLT, and ESV all in one bible. Love seeing different interpretations.

  45. 1145
    Suzy says:

    Suzy Edwards – Atlanta

    I love, love, love my ESV – that’s what I use for just reading and memorizing.

    BUT – my favorite Bible for study is an old NIV Life Application study Bible – it has GREAT commentary and background sections for each book, and it has short “biographies” of the main people of the Bible, including their strengths and weaknesses, and what we can learn from them. I don’t carry it out, because it is so large (you can imagine, with all that in it) but it has a permanent home upstairs in my “quiet time” chair. 🙂

    I know Beth is a real Holman fan, so I thank you for the opportunity to have one – but I’m sure whoever gets it will be blessed!

  46. 1146
    Joy says:

    Joy Stotts – I love my Poverty and Justice bible!

  47. 1147
    Darlene West says:

    Darlene West-My favorite Bible is all of them! Smile! I love to read the same verse in different versions, because it is amazing how some of the word choices just speak right to my heart, and set me on a prayer path that uncovers so much. Sweet release!

  48. 1148
    Tammy McLendon says:

    My favorite Bible is the NASB Updated wide margin Inductive Study Bible.

  49. 1149
    Kristen ULin says:

    Kristen Ulin is VERY interested!
    It would be an honor if the Lord placed this Bible in our hands. I say our, b/c I would use it for my entire bible study group. We call ourselves the Princess Posse (b/c our Father is King of Kings of course) and we wear tiaras to every meeting and anytime we are out doing community work together…our tiaras are still on 🙂 We just finished the James study (loved it…but whew, went through some trials during it. PTL as we like to say “praise the lord”) and we are starting Esther in two weeks.
    The bible I currently study from is the Zonnerman’s Study Bible but I certainly sported a Precious Moments one as a kid 🙂

  50. 1150
    Diane says:

    Diane Straitwell – What a great giveaway. I’m very excited. I have to say that my favorite Bible is my grandmother’s King James Bible. It has a lot of notes and markings from her long walk with the LORD. She is/was the greatest Christian influence in my life. She passed away in 1994 & I was given her Bible. What a tremendous, precious gift. Thanks. Praying for you all.