Thanksgiving 2014 Giveaway!

Congratulations to you both! Below are names of our 2 winners drawn using  If you see your name and comment number below, please watch today for an email from LPM.  Reply with your mailing address just as quickly as possible so we can get your goodies in your hands.  It was a great pleasure reading all the entry comments and encouragement. Happy Thanksgiving!

#2365 – Kimberly Beasley
#2394 – Elizabeth White


Thanksgiving is just days away, Sisters! Since this particular holiday, like no other on our annual calendar, centers almost entirely around a meal, it brings a whole passel of us to the kitchen.  So, your friends here at Living Proof thought we would have some fun with you by wrapping up a few fabulous items for the family feast.

We have prepared two identical baskets, enabling us to do a random drawing of TWO WINNERS among the commenters to this post. That’s all you have to do to enter. Just leave one comment and on Thursday morning, we’ll close the comments and draw our two winners and announce their names at the top of this post.

The goodies from these baskets contain items from the two largest kitchen stores in Houston: Williams-Sonoma and Sur la Table.  When it comes to cooking, it doesn’t get better than that. [You will see each item in a separate picture so you can get a good look at them.]  I so hope the baskets end up in the hands of a couple of women who could really stand to feel a little extra-special right now or perhaps are on such a tight budget that these items would feel like a fantastic splurge. I’m looking today for entries of some women who’d slap the table with joy over ending up with these. You are all so loved and esteemed here at Living Proof and you are valuable beyond price or description to the Kingdom of Christ.





2,863 Responses to “Thanksgiving 2014 Giveaway!”

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  1. 1001
    Brenda says:

    What a blessing you are to so many women. Praying you and yours have a blessed Thanksgiving.

  2. 1002
    Judy G says:

    These look wonderful and would bring my extended family so much pleasure. Sure do miss Tuesday nights with you!

  3. 1003
    Kay says:

    So enjoy this special holiday that focuses on God’s blessings to us!! Thankful for you, Beth, and your ministry in my life over the years!!!!!!!!

  4. 1004
    Heidi S. says:

    I would LOVE to win this to share with my mother this Thanksgiving. Although on a tight budget, I am overwhelmingly thankful for all the blessings God gives to each of us!

  5. 1005
    Selena says:

    This looks like some great stuff! Thanks for sharing.
    You are loved and appreciated so much!

  6. 1006
    Mindy Seekford says:

    Thanks so Mrs. Beth!!! Love yall

  7. 1007
    Beth Steadman says:

    I love Jesus and what a blessing this would be to share with my family at thanksgiving!

  8. 1008
    Christa says:


  9. 1009
    Deb Treat says:

    What a blessing it would be to win won of these baskets. You’re always doing such nice things for your sisters!

  10. 1010
    Jennifer B. says:

    What to have for Thanksgiving? Turkey? Ham? Beef? Such hard decisions to make. Thankful I have the chance to make such a decision.

  11. 1011
    Vera Sparks says:

    Learning to be thankful; even in the storms of life. Thankful irregardless of circumstances. Just finished your eight week bible study of the book of James. Loved…craving more. Blessing to you and yours. May God use continue to bless as only HE can!

  12. 1012
    StephanieLynn says:

    OOOOOHHH! Pick me Pick me!!! 🙂

  13. 1013
    Nancy Henkes says:

    Thanksgiving is my favorite holiday. We get to focus on giving and being grateful without the commercialism that Christmas can become. Families get together and share a meal, football game, and in my family loud, boistrious card games. We set aside time to be a family and give undivided attention to each other by serving one another. In this day and age, that’s a rare find. God is Love. He created the family unit in his image so we can learn how to love, and I know every Thanksgiving he is right there with us laughing and loving as we grow closer to each other and Him.

    Thank you Living Proof Ministries in the services you give to millions through love. God be with you all this Thanksgiving.

  14. 1014
    Brenda Green says:

    How awesome! Never tried Cranberry relish. Sounds yummy! Always LOVE prizes, esp those I can share with my daughter. She doesn’t cook much but I am trying to help her become inspired. These might do the trick!! Thank you!

  15. 1015
    Barbara Lee says:

    My first post ever. Thankful for my family and all the blessings they are to me this year in particular.

  16. 1016
    Diane E. says:

    Thanks, Beth! What a beautiful basket. I love Williams Sonoma! Thanksgiving is so special, and I love to see it honored in this way.

  17. 1017
    Jan Semon says:

    Thanks, Beth for blessing so many! Happy Thanksgiving to all!

  18. 1018
    Stephanie H. says:

    What a great give-away! Thankful for you and your ministry!

  19. 1019
    Heather says:

    What a lovely basket for this time of year! I love gifties like this, and it is a perfect basket of items you could keep for yourself and also have a few to give as hostess gifts! Very fun and very festive!
    I’m thankful for you, Beth, and for your Spirit-driven studies that have changed my walk with the Lord forever!

  20. 1020
    Rhonda Turner says:

    Happy Thanksgiving to you all!

  21. 1021
    Shandra says:

    Thanks so much for the opportunity to win. Happy Thanksgiving!

  22. 1022
    Candace Zarecor says:

    What a great way to start the Thanksgiving Holiday! Thank you for all you do Beth!!!

  23. 1023
    Tamitenn says:

    God is so good! Thanksgiving is a wonderful time to let Him know that you think so.

  24. 1024

    So thankful for everything God is doing in my life, in my community, learning to reach out. Thank you for all you do!

  25. 1025
    Jennifer Goode says:

    I wish I enjoyed cooking. What a fun giveaway. Maybe I could be inspired.

  26. 1026
    Teresa Butrum says:

    Those are fabulous! Would be blessed to have one

  27. 1027
    Ashley Brokowsky says:

    What a beautiful gift! Thanks for the opportunity!!

  28. 1028
    Phyllis Nichols Gutierrez says:

    Would love to have a basket like this. My dad is in the hospital and will probably be in rehab for Thanksgiving. As a result, my mother is not wanting to do anything for Thanksgiving. Having a hard time convincing her that this is the time to be thankful.

    Happy Thanksgiving to you all! To God be the glory, because every day is a day of thanksgiving!


  29. 1029
    April says:

    Happy Thanksgiving! I have never owed a gravy boat, would love to!! 🙂

  30. 1030
    Bethany says:

    Thanks LPM!

  31. 1031
    Flo Limehouse says:

    I’d like to win because it would cheer me up! Due to work schedules, husband and I will be alone thanksgiving day.

  32. 1032
    Cindy Kelley says:

    Love these baskets. So thankful for his God is using you to teach us. Thank you for all you do!

  33. 1033
    Karen Parker says:

    SO much to be THANKFUL for! Love the heart of LPM!

    Happy Thanksgiving to you all in Jesus name!!!

    Because of Him,

  34. 1034
    JoAnne Jackson says:

    How wonderful! I am so Thankful for the provisions from God. Thankful for a warm home. -9 here in Casper and that’s without the wind-chill!

  35. 1035
    Karen Kuntz says:

    I would LOVE to receive one of the baskets. My family has had a rough year—my son got laid off and hasn’t found a job yet, my 31 year old son with Down syndrome almost died last month from a staph infection in his blood and just had surgery yesterday to put in ear tubes and a new eardrum. We moved our son into a host home –planning for his future when we are not here any more. Talk about tearing your heart out!
    Anyway, I thank you for having this contest. Will be fun to see who wins.

  36. 1036
    Pamela says:

    What a great blessing. Thank you for offering these to someone!

  37. 1037
    Pat Duff says:

    I am blessed to have my family and grandchildren living close to me. This Thanksgiving we will not all be together and I understand that but always feel disappointed until I remind myself that we are together so much during the year and I am so grateful for that!!! Have a wonderful blessed Thanksgiving and Christmas Season. Thank you for your ministry.

  38. 1038
    Whitney says:

    Oh how I love thanksgiving! We camp with a patchwork crew of folks, some
    Believers, many not, at the Texas Renaissance Festival. This is our 8th year building those relationships and watching people come to know Jesus ( through His mercy and in His time). Would love to share these goodies with our “fairmily!”

  39. 1039
    Karen says:

    Beautiful basket! You are all so thoughtful and a blessing to so many!

  40. 1040
    Alston says:

    Happy Thanksgiving, Beth!! I’m so thankful for you, your leadership and wonderful studies. Are y’ll going to release the song from the Simulcast “I am a Woman of God”?

  41. 1041
    Terri says:

    Always Thankful for all God does for me.

  42. 1042
    Waynell says:

    An answered prayer earlier this week, reminded me to be Thankful in all circumstances! He is good in everything! Thank you for sharing your life with so many – you are such a blessing!

  43. 1043
    Andrea says:

    What an awesome treat!! I am hosting Thanksgiving for the first time this year, these would be fantastic!

  44. 1044
    Rebecca Anderson says:

    So blessed and THANKFUL for God who ALWAYS provides what I need!

  45. 1045
    Bonnie says:

    Mercy me, what a haul! Suffice it to say, Williams-Sonoma and Sur la Table are not places I ever get to shop, so winning this would make me feel like a queen.

  46. 1046
    Ashlee says:

    I would love this for Thansgiving!!!

  47. 1047
    Jamie F. says:

    Thank you for the chance to win!! What beautiful prizes!

  48. 1048
    Julie says:

    So much to be thankful for. God is good. Happy Thanksgiving!!!

  49. 1049
    Sheree says:

    I love giveaways!

  50. 1050
    Yami M. says:

    Happy Thanksgiving! Thank you for the chance to win these great prizes.