I know this is so random but I love…

Hey, Darling Things!

I am under the books, studying for our Living Proof Live in Baltimore, MD this weekend. (And if you’re going, I can’t wait to see you and to see what God has a mind to show us. The rest of you please pray for us and we will be the far better for your intercession.) I came to a point in my preparation that I needed to look up a map and my heart did this ridiculous little jump. Why? Because I was about to reach for my Bible atlas…and I love my Bible atlas. I could honestly use it for a coffee table book and thumb through it every afternoon while I drink hot tea and have a Pepperidge Farm Milano Cookie. (Of course, I’m hardly ever at my coffee table in the afternoon, nor do I often get to just sit and drink hot tea and eat cookies, but IF I DID, and if I had neither daughter to amuse me, I’d do all of those things with my Bible atlas.) I don’t know how to explain it. I just love it.

Here it is. I’m smiling as I look at it.


I love things like maps and charts. They bring some organization to the chaotic mind of BTSPTB.



Random, huh? Well, that’s when I thought of you. I thought it would be fun to hear you complete this sentence today:

I know this is so random but I love…

What, Girlfriend? What random, not-hyper-serious thing do you love that maybe a ton of people wouldn’t necessarily love with you? Do tell!



1,102 Responses to “I know this is so random but I love…”

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  1. 351
    Sara says:

    I don’t know how random this is but I love taking care of my family, like making beds, laundry, dishes…love making a home for them to come home to. These cool autumn days make more amazing. I do work so I can do it all everyday, but I appreciate it more when I can focus on home!! Thank you Lord for your plan for family!

  2. 352
    Genevieve says:

    I also love maps and charts. In fact, I also have the same atlas. Love it!
    My random thing I love is when I am in the Word and the Holy Spirit brings me to a verse where a new meaning pops out. I get so excited. I am in BSF in the evening Beaumont class. This past week we studied about the Holy Spirit and Pentecost. It was cool when the Holy Spirit taught me about the indwelling inside a person. Too cool.
    Acts 1 and 2

  3. 353
    Beth Moss says:

    I love the noise on my phone that signals I just got a text…more than email…more than the phone ringing…just that little beep. It must be my love language…I might be shallow..not sure πŸ™‚

  4. 354
    sweet anonymous says:

    I know this is random but I love a long hot bubble bath and reading a good book while I soak…It’s just Heavenly!

  5. 355
    brandie says:

    I love: dictionaries, globes, new crayons, peanut butter on my pancakes with maple syrup, the school uniforms on kindergartners at our school, cake donuts, how the people at Chick Fil A say “it was my pleasure”, canning jars, old hand crocheted hot pads, red shoes, words….

    ….very random, I realize! Please know that I also really, truly, LOVE your Bible Studies and the sound of your voice teaching a rhema to me πŸ™‚

  6. 356
    April says:

    I know this is so random, but I love my pastel four color Bic pen. I love writing in fun colors like pink and purple, and this way I have four fun colors all in one pen!

    I also love the time after my girls are all asleep and the house is quiet! My husband doesn’t understand my love of this down time, but I love to watch a TV show on Netflix, visit with my hubby, or read a good book in the quiet dark hours.

  7. 357
    jacqueline says:

    Can’t wait to see you this weekend Beth! My mom and I have been looking forward to this since May. I’m so excited to worship and hear from you and most importantly hear what God has to share with us. Praise Him!!

  8. 358
    Cathy Clark says:

    I know this is so random, but I love being at home alone sometimes, just to do whatever or nothing at all, all by myself.

  9. 359
    To Know Him says:

    I Love crushed up baked lays in my tuna salad (and a few walnuts)…so yummy!!!

  10. 360
    Kathleen says:

    I know this is random but, i love to have the house ALL clean and a nice dinner made for my hubby when he comes home from work It makes me feel good to know he can come home to a clean house. I know i am strange but I LOVE to clean house.

  11. 361
    Teri Wenck says:

    Not sure how to categorize this, but I love Elvis and Tom Jones….its not usually (pardon the almost pun) that a person my age (almost 40) would have a love of all things Elvis and Tom Jones.

  12. 362
    Ellen Roth says:

    I know this is random, but I LOVE flip-flops! They come in so many colors and patterns, that I never get tired of them. I have flip-flop jewelry, a purse, dishes, salt & pepper shakers, rugs, shelves, signs, and of course lots of flip-flops that I actually wear!

    I also love you, Beth, and your ministry!!

  13. 363
    debbie says:

    I love the smell of my Bible and the way it feels in my hands. I can’t explain it???

  14. 364
    Gretchen says:

    I love the back of little children’s legs, their calves and their little stocking feet. Seeing my son’s little feet would just make me melt all over!

  15. 365
    Lauren says:

    I am all about random! Here are just a few random things I love!

    1. Felt-tipped color markers. I not only love these for my Bible study notebooks, but I love them to use when I grade papers! (I teach 2nd grade).

    2. Anything and everything Rose Publishing. I have a book of charts, maps and timelines from them that I, like you, love to just sit and thumb through!

    3. ICE CREAM. Period. No explanation needed.

    4. A freshly cleaned bathroom. Love results. Hate the process

    The randomness could continue, but I’ll leave it at that. πŸ™‚

  16. 366
    Liz says:

    I love having clean teeth!!

  17. 367
    Charise says:

    I love to mix my peanut butter and jelly in a mug then make my sandwich with most of it. I fill the mug with little bits of PB and J inside and enjoy my milk with a lick or two! πŸ˜‰

  18. 368
    jill says:

    I know this is random, but I love oreo cookies and coffee at 6:00 every morning, during my quiet time. It used to just be coffee, now oreos have entered the picture….AGH!! πŸ˜‰

  19. 369
    Robin in the Sticks of Texas says:

    …I love white paper. no lines. big-o-stack of white…never used paper. Ahhhhh…the sky is the limit!

  20. 370
    Janice says:

    I love it when my Bible study, daily devotions and my pastor’s sermon all tie together.

    I love it when I have nursery and that precious little one year old reaches her/his little arms out to come to me.

  21. 371
    sherry says:

    I know this is so random, but paying $3.20 for gas made me smile and do a happy dance

  22. 372
    shannon conner says:

    I lovee….sitting on my porch watching it get dark πŸ™‚

  23. 373
    Suzanne G. says:

    I love all the little notes and drawings I have from my seven kids, which I keep in my Bible….These are notes or drawings they have created while we were at church. A few are from when they were older, but most of them are from when they were small tots:) Occasionally these fall out all over the place when I open my bible. I just can’t seem to part with them and I like to keep them close to God’s word. Weird, huh? People sometimes look at me annoyed when I open my Bible and things are flying everywhere…..I have done a pretty good job keeping them under control, but sometimes…..it isn’t pretty. Usually, it is my man bending down to pick things up. He always hands them to me with a smile on his face. He understands how important they are to me…a mother’s treasures! My oldest child is 25, youngest 8….some of these are soon to be antiques:-)

  24. 374
    Angie says:

    I know this is random, but I love the new Ore Ida Crowns! They are like miniature tater tots, coin size so they’re crunchy all-around. How’s that for random!

  25. 375
    Judy says:

    I know this is so random but I love…rainbows and shafts of sunlight breaking through windows in the clouds. It reminds me there’s a Heaven, and my son just might be looking through that window as he waits for me there.

  26. 376

    I know this is so random, but I LOVE a very sharp # 2 pencil. I sharpen my pencils several times a day. I love the way they write and I love the way they smell! Now my two little homeschool students have an obsession with sharpened pencils!!!


  27. 377
    Casey says:

    It’s so random but I love….getting caught in the rain. I love rain in almost all its forms (excluding when they interrupt a Yankee game)but the unexpected blessing of the surprise of a rainstorm I didn’t know was coming makes me giddy!

  28. 378
    Shelly E says:

    I know this is random but I LOVE cleaning and organizing drawers and closets! It’s just finding the time to do that beloved task that I don’t love. I wish I could have 48 hours alone in my home…I could get so much done! πŸ˜‰

  29. 379
    Michelle says:

    I love the sounds of water…waterfalls, brooks, rivers, oceans. It’s so peaceful and joyful to me.

  30. 380
    Bethany says:

    I know that this is random, but I love window shopping in the city (SF-CA) on a rainy fall day. There is something about that great big city, bustling about with people, and looking into one storefront windows that just brings me delight. I know that it is weird but I find comfort in the anonymity of big crowds. Add to that a few raindrops falling on my little melancholy self and I am happy a happy girl (in some weird way!).

  31. 381
    all shall be well says:

    I love to have all the books I am reading organized in cute bags, you know, morning devotionals in one, date books in another (the only way I remember what happened year by year), Bible study in another, current book I am reading with journal for writing what stands out to me, etc., etc. so therefore you can never have enough cute bags, (or books!)

    I just feel so much better that way!
    Love you, karen:)

  32. 382
    Cheri says:

    I know this is random but I like freshly ironed clothes…I iron on Monday nights while I watch Dancing with the Stars and Castle!!! πŸ™‚

  33. 383
    Letha says:

    I love massages. I don’t get to indulge very often but I have a super great girlfriend who usually gets me one for my birthday!! She knows me well!

  34. 384
    Sarah M. says:

    Fried Pickles (chip, not spear) with Ranch dipping sauce from a hole in the wall restaurant in the town that I went to college at.

  35. 385

    I love JOURNALS!! I love finding unique looking ones. I collect them. But even more than the journals themselves–I love finishing one…I love starting a NEW one…I love the God to whom I write in them…
    Wish I could post a picture of my current one…it’s so great. πŸ™‚

  36. 386
    Jamie in Katy says:

    I love bookmarks, preferably old ones, or one from a special place or time, including the ones my children made when they were small.

  37. 387
    Cathy S. says:

    I know this is random, but I love clean sheets on the bed. And riding my horse on a sunny fall afternoon.

  38. 388
    D Walker says:

    I know this is so random but I love office supplies! A fresh notepad, a new pen, a neat stack of sticky notes in a cool color, they all make me smile!

  39. 389
    Kit says:

    I know this is random but I love burning candles in the dining room and living room on the weekend and it is a ritual I call lighting the “Saturday candles.”

    Can’t wait to see you in Maryland – will be there with my 4 daughters – we are so excited to be together and to be going to the seminar.

  40. 390

    I know this is random, but I love it when my two year old makes a cross face at me. I’m going to have to stop loving it by the time she’s a teenager or I’m going to be in some big trouble.

  41. 391
    Shelly Story says:

    I know this is so random, but I LOVE when my husband smells of a combination of cologne and campfire smoke right at the base of his neck, below his adam’s apple, at the fleshy soft spot above his sternum. The spot where just a small, desperately handsome tuft of hair grows. The spot that my nose hits when I don’t lift my chin towards his face. That’s the spot, and when it smells of cologne and campfire smoke blending into bliss, I am putty in his hands.

  42. 392
    Colima says:

    I love crunching leaves in the fall and really love finding one “off season” to stomp! I love the smell of diesel fumes after a bus has passed by, turning on the subtitles while watching a movie, and putting things in rainbow order. I love finding something heart shaped that wasn’t meant to be, like a rock or a puddle or a chip or something. And I love a good new pen!

  43. 393
    Christina Luther says:

    I know this is so random but I love books and I really love them organized on a shelf. When every book is lined up neatly on my shelves I just sit back in my chair with a sweet feeling of contentment. Amazingly God has blessed me this year with the job of Librarian at my childrens private school. I LOVE it!!!

  44. 394
    Leanne says:

    I know this is so random, but I LOVE hanging laundry on a clothesline. We moved last spring, and I still don’t have a clothesline yet, and I MISS it so much! I love the freshness of the clean laundry. I love being out in the fresh air. I love the way the clothes smell after I bring them in off the line. I love crawling into a bed covered in clean, line-dried sheets. I love everything about it. Pretty random, but God is in the simple things, isn’t He?

  45. 395
    carole says:

    I love to lay in my big, warm, comfy bed after my husband gets up and wait for the kids to wake up, climb in with me, and snuggle with me and the dog…if they get up early they can sneak in some snuggle time with their dad too!

  46. 396
    Vickie Barbee says:

    I know this is random but I love to be in a public place and hear a little kid or baby laughing. I ALWAYS pause and laugh with them. There is something magical in those laughs.

  47. 397
    Jennyfer says:

    Something I really love is reading my teenagers’ posts on facebook. Those kids are a hoot I tell you! A HOOT!! (and they love Jesus something fierce πŸ™‚

  48. 398
    Evie says:

    I know this is random but I love placing my head on my mother’s lap as she rubs my back and strokes my hair. I just turned 50 and she’s 85!!!! I must add she’s praying all the while and I’m praising God for her and I cry because I want time to just freeze. I can’t think of a more comforting feeling here on earth than a mother’s touch.

  49. 399
    Tina says:

    I know this is random but I love to ride roller coasters with my hands in the air and screaming as loudly as I can. I love the thrill of the fast speeds and the big hills. I am a relatively quiet person, so the screaming usually catches people off guard.

    When my husband I were first dating, we rode a roller coaster that I had never been on before. The sides of our seats were high, so we could not see each other while we were riding. After we exited the ride, my (now) husband said, “Did you hear that little girl screaming the entire time? She sounded so scared!” I confessed that I was that screaming girl and he couldn’t help but laugh.

  50. 400
    Emmy says:

    I love the paw pads of animals

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