I know this is so random but I love…

Hey, Darling Things!

I am under the books, studying for our Living Proof Live in Baltimore, MD this weekend. (And if you’re going, I can’t wait to see you and to see what God has a mind to show us. The rest of you please pray for us and we will be the far better for your intercession.) I came to a point in my preparation that I needed to look up a map and my heart did this ridiculous little jump. Why? Because I was about to reach for my Bible atlas…and I love my Bible atlas. I could honestly use it for a coffee table book and thumb through it every afternoon while I drink hot tea and have a Pepperidge Farm Milano Cookie. (Of course, I’m hardly ever at my coffee table in the afternoon, nor do I often get to just sit and drink hot tea and eat cookies, but IF I DID, and if I had neither daughter to amuse me, I’d do all of those things with my Bible atlas.) I don’t know how to explain it. I just love it.

Here it is. I’m smiling as I look at it.


I love things like maps and charts. They bring some organization to the chaotic mind of BTSPTB.



Random, huh? Well, that’s when I thought of you. I thought it would be fun to hear you complete this sentence today:

I know this is so random but I love…

What, Girlfriend? What random, not-hyper-serious thing do you love that maybe a ton of people wouldn’t necessarily love with you? Do tell!



1,102 Responses to “I know this is so random but I love…”

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  1. 651
    Donna says:

    I love my scrapbooks. They’re filled with family and friends photos with color paper, pencils and stickers. Yet, the family doesn’t even look at them. But they bring back wonderful memories for me. I live a few hours away from them so if I don’t get to see them, at least I have my scrapbooks.
    Also, I love the Atlas and the cookies. YUM!!

    • 651.1
      tammy says:

      I love my scrapbooks too! They are a treasure of special memories!

    • 651.2
      Pam says:

      I know this is random but I love…to drink Starbucks coffee..I live 1 1/2 hours from large community so when I go to Lubbock I always get a Starbucks, and I love the smell of rain.. Which in Texas is few and far between but I know he will bring it in his time.

    • 651.3
      cj says:

      My sister says that one day when she is sitting in a nursing home, she will have all her scrapbooks around her. And if she has lost her memory by that time, she can reflect on what she has collected over the years…photos, stories, etc. She is also the cook of the family and has created her own cookbook with pictures of the recipes (kind of like what others are doing in cookbooks these days). So, one day many years away she can also enjoy the pictures and stories associated with her recipes!

  2. 652
    Christine says:

    I know this is so random, but I absolutely cannot have a Starbuck’s pumpkin spice latte UNTIL it completely feels like Fall. There’s got to be the Fall colors, the chill and the “Fall smell” in the air…and only then will I dare order up my favorite fall treat, the pumpkin spice latte (PSL)!

    One year I made the “terrible” mistake of having my PSL BEFORE it really felt like fall. And I’m telling you, it just wasn’t the same! It didn’t have both the specialness and yummy-ness that it has when it’s “Officially” Fall (according to Christine’s fall clock – not the calendar or local weather guy.

    Here in the “Land of Enchantment” (that’s New Mexico, U.S.A. for my sisters who have no idea what I’m referring to)…it’s still getting into the 80’s mid-day. BUT…I hear the chain saws chewing up wood, and see the leaves turning. It’s-a-comin’! And so is my PSL!! Cheers to you sisters who already have your fantastic Fall weather…go grab your PSL’s!!! <:o)~

  3. 653
    Sandy Bowers says:

    Speaking of randomness — I was wondering….do you think there will be a SSMT gathering in 2013? I just discovered the SSMT (and it’s a little too late for this year) and would love to do it next year. Will it continue?

    • 653.1
      Julie Elrod says:

      Beth said on a recent post it’s not too late. She recommened finding a Psalm w/24 verses and going for it.

      • Sandy Bowers says:

        Thanks Julie! I think we are going to be moving within the next couple months and I don’t want to get started and not be able to complete it. Although, I may do it anyway when I can just to get in the habit! Blessings.

  4. 654
    Nancy Jensen says:

    You guys are all just precious.

    I am sitting here trying to think of some random something and I got nothin’. I am so boring! I am a little disappointed in myself. 🙂

    Thank you for sharing your randomness and making me smile.


  5. 655
    Lisa says:

    I love getting my hair washed. It’s a ministry.

  6. 656
    christy beth says:

    I know this/these is soooo random, but I love:
    the school supply aisle
    the smell of sawdust (my dad’s a carpenter)
    algebra (so tidy and always a right answer)
    when my kitty nudges me with her paw
    the sigh my little dog makes right before falling asleep

  7. 657
    Janet from FL says:

    I love to listen to the birds sing in the morning. We have some real singers in our backyard. Such a beautiful sound to wake up to! Every time during the day that I hear the birds sing, I think of God, and thank him for making birds sing. (Well maybe not every single time, but often.)

  8. 658
    Melany says:

    All things office supplies but especially binders and index cards….and post its….and sticky tabs…..and pens….arggghhh!
    And obviously stackable crates as I currently have 5 lining the wall of my office. One for each of the studies I’m leading stocked with supplies.
    Oh and currently caramel candy corn. Now THAT’s random.
    Oh dear.

  9. 659
    donna huneycutt says:

    This is so random, but I love to read bumper stickers and church signs.

  10. 660
    tammy says:

    I LOVE it when it’s raining a good strong rain. I open my sliding glass door, lay on the sofa, my kitty climbs up on my chest and we just listen to the rain and relax. Makes me think of sitting on my Mamaw’s porch in the glider with a quilt over us watching the rain while she…..well just loved me.

  11. 661
    Alison says:

    I LOVE Sharpies. I love the click ones, I love the key chain ones, I LOVE having a whole rainbow of them in my desk, in case I need to mark something up. LOVE them. =)

    • 661.1
      Alison says:

      I forgot to say I always take a little basket full of them with me when I lead Bible Study in case I want everybody to write something on a pretty little index card (another thing I love) =)

  12. 662
    JessicaR says:

    I know this is so random, but I love….
    sitting on the front stoop with my 2 cats sitting at my feet, watching the cars drive by…

  13. 663
    Jeannie says:

    I love opening a brand new bag of potato chips and picking out the ones that folded over themselves while frying. Oh yum….yes, I know I am strange…

    • 663.1
      Genie in GA says:

      There must be something about us Jeannie’s(however we spell it!)…I love the folded ones, too! The kettle-fried ones have LOTS of foldy-overs! : )

  14. 664
    beckyjomama says:

    I love – and I do mean LOVE – grape tootsie roll pops. As in no other flavor will do. Also, the smell of tootsie rolls. It is different than plain chocolate and there is just something about it. YUM!!

  15. 665
    Jessica Griggs Brown says:

    I adore…I mean absolutely love a Tervis Tumbler. So much so, that when I was registering for wedding presents four years ago, I did not want to register for glasses. To my sweet mama’s dismay, I registered, instead, for 24, yes, 24 Tervis Tumblers. I did, after much insisting, register for a cheap ol’ set of glasses…which have only been used once and one of the sixteen broke the first time I washed it. You see, with a Tervis Tumbler, your drink stays super cold and does not sweat OR you can pour your piping hot cup of coffee in it and slap a lid on it and your out the door. Ahhh…the Tervis Tumbler!

  16. 666
    Kim in GA says:

    Dark chocolate Reese’s peanut butter cups …mmm

  17. 667
    Karen says:

    Mama Beth, This is just the most fun EVER! I’m laughing out loud and saying, “Me, too!” and “Whoa! That’s a little weird” and I’m not going to get anything else done today if I don’t quit reading! Thanks for the fun, Beth!

  18. 668
    Tanya Hoffman says:

    I love the first cup of fresh brewed coffee in the morning, sitting in “my spot” on the couch before anyone else wakes up. The quiet before the three kids desend the create their wonderful chaos!!!!

  19. 669
    Heather says:

    I know this is random, but I just love it when my little pre-K Sunday Schoolers call me ‘teacher’. Makes my soul jump a little bit at the honor that it is. I don’t ever correct them with my name – it’s such a sweet thing.

    I also love polka-dots on anything!

  20. 670
    Dean says:

    Tervis Tumbler for sure!!!!

    While you are in MD this weekend lift up my brother Eric in prayer who is in Bethesda, MD at the National Institute of Health. He is undergoing biopsy of multiple cysts on his lungs. Pray for diagnosis, treatment,strength his wife Beth as they are away from their 3 year old.

    • 670.1
      Jennifer T. says:

      Dean – I know you asked for Beth’s prayers, but I’m planning on being in Baltimore and I want to pray for Eric, Beth and precious one as well. They are on my list for this weekend. And, if it’s the Holy Spirit’s will, I’ll keep on going. He loves them so.

  21. 671
    Carolyn says:

    I love going to the beach, getting all “set up” with the umbrella, cooler, and chair.
    From moment I sit down and take my first deep breath along with a long glance at
    the diamonds sparkling on the wavy horizon, ahh…so blissful, worth every effort to get there! I even enjoyed just thinking about it. Thank you, Lord!

  22. 672
    Martha Poe says:

    I know this is random, but I love…

    the smell of Scotch tape!

  23. 673
    Kari Peterson says:

    I just LOVE it when I come home and am enthusiastically greeted by our 100 pound German Shepherd! She becomes so excited to see me that she runs in circles around me “talking” (not barking – she actually thinks she’s talking.) She runs through the house announcing to the family that I’m home, and then comes back to me and dives between my knees and stands there so I can pet her! (She began diving between my legs when she was a puppy and that was fine, but now that she’s huge, I swear she’s going to knock me over one day!) She makes my day!

  24. 674
    Suey Caldwell says:

    Suey, Houston, I love the power of God’s word in praying for healing. I love it when Jesus said BE of GOOD CHEER, I have overcome,. i love laughing, esp. laughing with Beth Moore down memory lane, i love my hubby sons and Leslie my first daughter in law and I love cats and the Astros, Texans and Univ of Texas and UH football thx

  25. 675
    Gloria says:

    Believe it or not, but I acturally love to wash dishes! I like the feel of the hot soapy water and watch Life for Today while I am doing them – especially on Wed.!

  26. 676
    Janna says:

    I absolutely love the way paper smells in a book. I know that is very random, but wether it’s a brand new book or a really old one, the smell of the paper as I am curled up reading it just adds to the experience- and it’s something no Kindle can compete with. 🙂

  27. 677
    Pam Shuler says:

    A group of us from Lycoming Centre Presbyterian Church from Cogan Station/Williamsport, PA are getting packed and can’t wait to get to Baltimore to hear what the Lord has to say to us through you!

  28. 678
    Cynthia says:

    I abso Love a Dictionary, thesaurus etc. esp a “1910” dictionary. It is so amazing to feel the pages and to see the words…aaah. I love words. I also love my “Dakes Study Bible” most people will not even know what that is but it is Awesome and I treasure it.

  29. 679
    Sherry says:

    I love the way the moon shines behind the clouds at night!

  30. 680
    Jill Zettel says:

    I know this is random but I love…the bubble wrap that some companies still use in mailings. As a kid, I used to love to stomp on the stuff and “wring it” like a towel to hear it pop. Now with two young kids of my own, I let them enjoy the fun. If the UPS or FedEx guy bring me a delivery during the day with bubble wrap included, I split it into two equal parts and save it for when my kids get home from school;-)

  31. 681
    Julie Elrod says:

    I know this is so random but I love…creating charts on Excel. This is really wierd for a more creative/artsy/musical thinker. It just makes me happy!

  32. 682
    Charlene says:

    I must be a very random person because I love this post;
    I love being the first one to arrive in the morning at the quiet, dark office and open all of the doors and soak in the quiet.
    I love having lots of pens, all different colors and styles oh and notebooks and notepads too.
    I love looking at maps, paper maps, computer maps, maps in books whatever; I can waste a lot of time staring at maps.
    Many of your random loves resonated with me as well but I won’t repeat. It is good to think on these things. Thank you Beth

  33. 683
    Steph H. says:

    I love the smell of a freshly peeled orange. My Oma and Opa (German) would always put oranges in our stockings at Christmas time and the citrus smell still takes me back to those days every time.

  34. 684
    shannon says:

    I love browsing in the library…..I love books and reading……and browsing in bookstores, I think I could be a librarian!

  35. 685
    Jessica says:

    Hmmmm what do I love… How about a top 5?

    1. The smell of brand-new Bibles- seriously, I will go to bookstores to smell them.
    2. Creasing down pages in a brand-new book
    3. Quiet time ALONE in the morning. I’m not a fun person to be around until I’ve had my coffee and Jesus time.
    4. The sound of the wind rushing through the Torrey pine trees on my campus. No one else seems to notice it!
    5. Going camping, falling asleep all warm and cozy and waking up with a cold nose

  36. 686
    Crystal Norris says:

    I love having a Venti Caramel Macchiato with my man sitting out by the water watching the sun set.

  37. 687
    Deb Weaver says:

    A new journal and post-it notes!

  38. 688
    Melissa says:

    Sitting in my living room on a fall day with just the screen door open, letting the breeze blow in while I sit on the couch reading a good book and drinking hot chocolate or warm cider. With my favorite throw blanket over my legs of course. It’s even better when it’s a cloudy day and the wind is blowing pretty hard…love it, love it, love it!

  39. 689
    Suzy Adams says:

    I know this is so random but I love…going into a fabric store and just looking at all the new choices and trying to decide what to make from the new selections.

  40. 690
    Mary Lou says:

    Nerd alert!!! I love it when my daughter asks for help with her algebra II homework, and I remember how to work those problems…and high school was (ahem) 27 years ago. I always liked algebra in school…even thought I might someday want to major in math…until I took calculus. That changed my mind quickly!!!

  41. 691
    Pat says:

    …new pens. Actually, a lot of different office supplies-folders, post-its, highlighter etc. 🙂 You would think that would make me organized, but I am not. Only the dream of being organized!

  42. 692
    Sharon says:

    I LOVE the smell of a new book, and touching the pages!!!!

  43. 693
    Denise says:

    I know its random and alot of people dont like it, probably because they haven’t tried it but I love chocolate gravy and biscuits with lots of butter for breakfast! yummy!

  44. 694
    Gwen says:

    I love: a massage, books, word searches, chocolate, a pedicure, hair wash, buttercream frosting, caramel cake.

  45. 695
    Pam says:

    The smell of a box of crayons or a book store, or an antique store. It’s the smells that bring back wonderful memories.

  46. 696
    Susan F says:

    This is so random, but I love driving through the countryside enjoying God’s creation and singing with praise music as loudly as I want to!!!

  47. 697
    Lynne says:

    I know this is so random but I love…rainy days!

  48. 698
    Lauren says:

    I love organizing closets. It’s an illness but I LOVE IT!

  49. 699
    Kathy W. says:

    The smell of baby’s breath, how it feels when I am holding a new book I am about to read, the smell of my daughters hair, the sound of rain, and ink pens that write in fun colors

  50. 700
    Genie says:

    My random thing is is that I love to be a little BOLD and throw some chocolate-flavored coffee into my afternoon decaf!

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