I know this is so random but I love…

Hey, Darling Things!

I am under the books, studying for our Living Proof Live in Baltimore, MD this weekend. (And if you’re going, I can’t wait to see you and to see what God has a mind to show us. The rest of you please pray for us and we will be the far better for your intercession.) I came to a point in my preparation that I needed to look up a map and my heart did this ridiculous little jump. Why? Because I was about to reach for my Bible atlas…and I love my Bible atlas. I could honestly use it for a coffee table book and thumb through it every afternoon while I drink hot tea and have a Pepperidge Farm Milano Cookie. (Of course, I’m hardly ever at my coffee table in the afternoon, nor do I often get to just sit and drink hot tea and eat cookies, but IF I DID, and if I had neither daughter to amuse me, I’d do all of those things with my Bible atlas.) I don’t know how to explain it. I just love it.

Here it is. I’m smiling as I look at it.


I love things like maps and charts. They bring some organization to the chaotic mind of BTSPTB.



Random, huh? Well, that’s when I thought of you. I thought it would be fun to hear you complete this sentence today:

I know this is so random but I love…

What, Girlfriend? What random, not-hyper-serious thing do you love that maybe a ton of people wouldn’t necessarily love with you? Do tell!



1,102 Responses to “I know this is so random but I love…”

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  1. 151
    Cindy says:

    I love the feel of a cool breeze in my face.

  2. 152
    Kelly says:

    I know this is random but I love to feel the soft leather cover of my favorite Bible…it is just yummy and it makes my heart happy.

    Have a blessed weekend, will be praying! Kelly

  3. 153
    Suzanne in RI says:

    I love singing to the windshield wipers when I’m driving.

  4. 154
    Carolyn says:

    I know this is so random but I love Pencils. I can’t resist all the pretty colors esp those that come 12 for a dollar. I pick them up at street vendors and buy them as souvenirs. I love to sharpen them and carry 4-5 in all my bags and purses. I have 5 laying on my computer desk right now. Whoo-hoo

  5. 155
    leigh says:

    I know this is so random, but I love thinking about being at home. Our home is our haven, the calm in all the storms of life, but I am not there nearly as much as I want to be.

  6. 156
    Anne says:

    I was reading this post as I was pulling my most favorite sweatshirt from my closet. I bought it in Oxford, England and it is solid navy with “Oxford University” on the front. I feel very smart when I wear it, and like to pretend that I think like C.S. Lewis. I also love the book, “Horton Hatches the Egg” by Dr. Seuss. It makes me happy and reminds me that being faithful 100% will pay off!

  7. 157
    Leah says:

    I love funny moments teaching Kindergarten. For instance, A little girl who has had spaghettios every day for lunch had spaghettios with MEATBALLS yesterday. “I don’t like those meatballs in there.” she exclaimed. Then she scoops one out and eats it. The other little girl said,” then why are you eating them?” The first little girl replied, “That’s how I get rid of them.”
    Oh, I live for those moments. They are the moments that make you float because of the joy it brings.

  8. 158
    Erin says:

    The smell of my husband and his cowboy clothes after he has worked all day on the ranch. Gross, huh?!

    • 158.1
      Sarah S. says:

      TOTALLY get that — love my husband’s deer hunting and/or grilling outside smell. Probably not quite as aromatic as ranching, but I love it all the same. That is really sweet.

  9. 159
    Inkiso says:

    I know this is random…but I love wax paper wrapped sandwiches.

  10. 160
    Nancy D says:

    I know this is random, but I love being the very first one to break the smooth surface and scoop out a spoonful of peanut butter from a brand new jar.

    • 160.1
      Ginny says:

      Oh my! I love this too!

      • Jennifer T says:

        YAY! Okay, this takes me back to all four of my brothers and I scrambling for the jar after our monthly run to the commissary growing up. We each had to be the first to scoop. Total mayhem. So much about my mother’s… peculiarities… make sense to me now.
        We treated a fresh snow on our front yard the same way! A race to see who could get to it first.

  11. 161
    Rachel says:

    This is so random but I love…finding a good deal! It is kind of bad because I will buy something even if I don’t like it just because I got a great deal on that. I am working on only buying things I love, but its so hard to resist a good deal! ๐Ÿ™‚

  12. 162

    I know this is random but I love…fresh warm laundry. In college I used to dump it on my bed and fall asleep until the warmth left. I love laundry soap and fabric sheets and shopping for new scents!

  13. 163
    Laura says:

    Speaking of atlases…Miss Beth, do you know of a biblical map that shows an overlay of current countries/boundaries OVER biblical areas in scripture? I’m constantly wondering where places mentioned in the Bible are in relation to our current political map and have yet to find a fun resource to address my intellectual itch!

    • 163.1
      Jennifer T says:

      Laura –
      Couldn’t resist sharing what I use with my kids (so it’s not all that advanced. It works, though, so no complaints)! It’s called “Then and Now” maps and I found them on Christian Book Direct (Christianbook dot com) in the $20 range. I like them because the current maps are clear overlays – very cool.

  14. 164
    Kori says:

    I LOVE freshly-shaved legs in just-washed sheets — aaahhhh! I also love the perfect hand-written comma — gives me a sense that all is right in my world for that moment!

  15. 165
    Liz says:

    I know this is so random, but I love pens! I have an obsession with them, really ๐Ÿ™‚

  16. 166
    Heather says:

    I know this is random but I love the smell of brand new tires in the store. It’s not only random, it’s just down right strange. Oh, the smell of Sam’s Club when I’m leaving and walk by those tires!! LOVE!! ๐Ÿ™‚

    • 166.1
      Sarah S. says:

      Now that is a “to each his own” kind of thing. Do NOT like that smell. That’s funny — wonder why we both feel so strongly about it.

    • 166.2
      Pat from Kansas says:

      My throat swells nearly shut at that smell!

    • 166.3
      Beth Moss says:

      Oh my goodness girl that is a strange one! I so dread my trips to Les Schwab. The stale popcorn and rubber tire smell just undoes me ๐Ÿ™‚ I imagine my husband finding me passed out in there from holding my breath too long ๐Ÿ™‚

  17. 167
    Kristi Walker says:

    I know this is so random, but I LOVE my girls bedhead hair in the morning. Something about it just warms my heart when they crawl out of bed and sort of stumble around with their sweet bedhead hair.

  18. 168
    Diane Bailey says:

    You are the most darling thing! When we get to heaven I want God to show me how He wired your mind! He wired me differently. ( say it is not so! ) Love, love, love the joy in you.


  19. 169
    Vanessa says:

    I know this is so random but I love stopping by my grandparents house on the way home after work and just visiting with them..taking in all the wisdom. ๐Ÿ™‚

    This is so great Beth! I have enjoyed reading everyone’s “I know this is random” stories…

  20. 170
    Laura says:

    Random things I love (this reminds me of the occasional lists spouted by the Cynthia Kavanaugh character in the Father Tim/Mitford series!) … Burt’s Bees Lip Shimmer in Peony and Fig, good smellin’ candles, naps, clean, funny cards, and “Top of the World” by the Carpenters.

  21. 171
    Aimebelle says:

    Really wierd – I love the smell when you first open a bottle of Lea and Perrins Worscestershire sauce (the one wrapped in paper).

    What is better though than walking in rain puddles with bare feet?

  22. 172
    Jennifer says:

    I know that this is random, but I love the smell of gasoline. It reminds me of my Papa when he was tinkering with his lawn mowers.

  23. 173
    Sarah Troxell says:

    I love the sound of knuckles popping in a microphone. So deep and crisp sounding:)

  24. 174
    Rachel says:

    I know this is so random but I loveโ€ฆ helping people study. Using flashcards and helping someone study for a test is fun for me!

  25. 175
    lavonda says:

    I know that this is so random, but I love the smell of bonfire smoke on a cold night, or that smoky smell of controlled burns when you drive by them on the side of the road. I also love the smell of a tractor or motorcycle!

    • 175.1
      Dawn Bouchard says:

      Ditto on the smell of bonfire, Lavonda! Even the smell of neighbors with woodburning fireplaces going brings back so many memories of good times shared around the campfire … makes me relax and just say, ‘ahhhhh’… ๐Ÿ™‚

  26. 176
    Amy-GA says:

    I know this is random, but I love Golden Flake Hot Thin & Crispy Chips- ….nobody normal would like them…they are pretty hot and they make your fingers red.. gross.

  27. 177
    kathypinkbicyclearkansas says:

    I love….going home for ten minutes at lunch and looking at the neighbors cows and seeing my cats while setting at the deck patio table in the sun!

  28. 178
    Sharon says:

    I know this is random but…I love the smell of Swisher Sweets cigars. They remind me of my granddaddy. I’m totally off of any other tobacco smell, but that aroma just takes me right back to my childhood.

    • 178.1
      Susan in Dayton says:

      Me, too!

      Sometimes I just find myself randomly thinking of my grandfather (who died over 30 years ago)…and then I think, “Do I smell Swisher Sweets?”…and I always do!

  29. 179
    Connielynn says:

    I know this is random, but I love to sit in my backyard and watch the chickens pecking and scratching in the dirt. They are very amusing.

  30. 180
    The Apple of His Eye says:

    Karen H., Stephenville, TX

    I know this is so random but I love….

    Learning how to box…..and lifting weights!!! ๐Ÿ™‚

  31. 181
    Chris says:

    I know this is random, but I love the smell of fall in the air in the mountains of western North Carolina! God has blessed me to live is such beautiful place, especially this time of year.

  32. 182
    Catherine says:

    School supplies!

  33. 183
    Christie says:

    I know this is random, but I love reading dedications and acknowledgments in books or CD cases. I especially love it if they refer to inside jokes they have with the person.

    And I of course love seeing the words ‘My Prince’ with my man’s picture pop up on the screen of my phone. 15 years together and his calls still make my heart race!

    And I love smelling the tops of my daughters’ heads! I’ve done this since they were newborns. They are 12,9,7,&5 now but I still do it!

  34. 184
    Julie Reynolds says:

    I know this is random but I love….
    the smell of clean clothes fresh out of the dryer and I absolutely love books, especially commentaires and bible studies so much that my husband has forbid me from looking at CBD until after Christmas! and last I love to listen to really old country music like my grandparents listened to when I was a girl – it makes me feel close to them for some reason.

  35. 185
    deirdre says:

    Ice skating. Just moving on the ice makes me so happy I can hardly contain it….and its not like I’m good at it. It just makes me happy.

  36. 186
    Mary says:

    I love taking a new way to go somewhere. I love taking country roads that wind along the cornfields and seeing places I have never seen before. I love it even if I get lost.

    Cannot wait to see you this weekend in Baltimore. Looking so forward to see what God puts on your heart to teach us!! Thanks for using the gift God gave you for being such a great role model of a Godly woman!!

    • 186.1
      Sharon, Ontario Canada says:

      Hey, me too! I love taking random roads that wind through the country-side. I find it so relaxing … even when I don’t end up where I think I was going to ๐Ÿ™‚

  37. 187
    Laura K in SD says:

    I know this is random, but I love mountains and waterfalls, especially together. I feel totally alive near them, and find myself going there to process emotions: to rejoice, to grieve, to renew my heart before the Lord, to pour out supplications, etc. I feel so close to God in nature and just love the cool air and the sound of falling water. But I also think there is a physical benefit from the fresh air, higher oxygen content due to all of the trees, and I’ve heard that the air around waterfalls is full of ionized water particles that actually have healing properties. I’m blessed to live in the Black Hills near several beautiful waterfalls.

  38. 188
    Ingrid says:

    I didn’t see the not-so-serious portion of the instruction.

    I know this is random but I also love putting my nose in new notebooks at the stationary store, because the smell of new stationary is a beautiful thing!

  39. 189
    Allison C. Lee says:

    I know this is so ramdom but I love eating tomato paste out of the can…don’t judge till you try it:)

  40. 190
    Lynda from Libertyville, IL says:

    I know this is random but I love taking accordion lessons! Yes, you read that right…accordion!! I played as a little girl, but had to quit after about a year. Now at 59, I’m taking lessons again! Happy me!!

  41. 191
    careese says:

    I know this is random but I love sitting in the kids section of a bookstore reading the kids books.

  42. 192
    Deb says:

    Oh how I love to smell coffee beans…I go and sniff the bags in the store. Yes, my daughter walks away in total embarrassment. I also love to take pictures of doors…they are the coolest things ever to photograph!

  43. 193
    Siesta Stephanie says:

    This is random but I love love books .And I like them new, the spine of the book not bent or creased and the pages are never to be folded over.I love the smooth paper and smooth covers. Because of this I have a difficult time lending my books out to people. I’m sorry I know that is weird but it is me.

  44. 194
    Rebecca says:

    I know this is so random but I love to meticulously fill out a calendar/planner and make to do lists. This has now transcended to my iphone calendar too so that I get all these alerts ie. 5am Bible Study time (also helps to wake me up for it) or 12:30 Take your vitamins. The satisfaction comes from the planning more so than the doing.

    • 194.1
      Sarah S. says:

      Rebecca, we are totally soul sisters!! When I get overwhelmed I go into planning mode, never doing mode. ๐Ÿ™‚ It’s so funny. If I spent half the time doing stuff as I did planning stuff, I would be SO productive! ๐Ÿ™‚

  45. 195
    Sarah Comley Caldwell says:

    I happen to know this is incredibly random (and yes, I know I have a problem, and I’m dealing with it ๐Ÿ™‚ but I lurve PENS….They have to have the proper grip, and can be anything from dirt cheap to terribly expensive, but there’s nothing like a good pen for journaling, doing Bible study, writing a love note…you know, the important things in life! ๐Ÿ™‚ (and not necessarily in that order). I usually have about 10 of them in my purse, and I have numerous jars in the house and my study…silly me…

  46. 196
    arlet says:

    I know this is random, but I love office supplies. File folders, colored paper, paper clips, sticky notes, notebooks, calendars. Wow, just thinking about this makes me want to go the office supply store!

  47. 197
    Kathy says:

    Sitting in the autumn sun drinking iced tea! Oh, the peacefulness of it all!

  48. 198
    Allison C. Lee says:

    I know this is so random but I love following Beth, Amanda and Melissa on twitter! It’s so much better than anything you will get on TV…#wholesomeentertainment
    Love yall:)

    • 198.1
      His Jules says:

      Me too! and also boomama, bigmama, and Georgia Jan and sister Lynn, makes it feel like family!!

    • 198.2
      Jennifer T. says:

      I love this, too! But I haven’t figured out yet how to use my phone to get ‘in’ on the action! I wasn’t even able to add my guesses to Keith’s birthday dinner! I just sat there helplessly watching the guesses roll in – giggling the whole time. My kids think I’m nuts.

  49. 199
    Rosa says:

    Prepositional phrases! Seriously … I love them. When I was in grad school I would string together four or five in a row in a sentence and then my editor would always point out to me that I used too many prepositional phrases. But … but … but …they are just so expressive!

  50. 200
    Dianne says:

    I love when my 5 year old grandson is riding with me and asks me to put the radio on 88.1 (local Christian contemporary station) and I love hearing him singing every last word of some of the songs. I love that my granddaughter has certain things…traditions so to speak…that we do when she is at the house; however, those traditions change from time to time. Used to be that I had to make mashed potatoes…now it is tacos. And both the grands LOVE cheese and so does their grammy!

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