Thanksgiving 2014 Giveaway!

Congratulations to you both! Below are names of our 2 winners drawn using  If you see your name and comment number below, please watch today for an email from LPM.  Reply with your mailing address just as quickly as possible so we can get your goodies in your hands.  It was a great pleasure reading all the entry comments and encouragement. Happy Thanksgiving!

#2365 – Kimberly Beasley
#2394 – Elizabeth White


Thanksgiving is just days away, Sisters! Since this particular holiday, like no other on our annual calendar, centers almost entirely around a meal, it brings a whole passel of us to the kitchen.  So, your friends here at Living Proof thought we would have some fun with you by wrapping up a few fabulous items for the family feast.

We have prepared two identical baskets, enabling us to do a random drawing of TWO WINNERS among the commenters to this post. That’s all you have to do to enter. Just leave one comment and on Thursday morning, we’ll close the comments and draw our two winners and announce their names at the top of this post.

The goodies from these baskets contain items from the two largest kitchen stores in Houston: Williams-Sonoma and Sur la Table.  When it comes to cooking, it doesn’t get better than that. [You will see each item in a separate picture so you can get a good look at them.]  I so hope the baskets end up in the hands of a couple of women who could really stand to feel a little extra-special right now or perhaps are on such a tight budget that these items would feel like a fantastic splurge. I’m looking today for entries of some women who’d slap the table with joy over ending up with these. You are all so loved and esteemed here at Living Proof and you are valuable beyond price or description to the Kingdom of Christ.





2,863 Responses to “Thanksgiving 2014 Giveaway!”

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  1. 1551
    Sheryl says:

    I can GUARANTEE you that I would “slap the table with joy”…thanks the chance.

  2. 1552
    Chrissy says:

    Thank you for being such a blessing to so many women!! May God bless you and your family!!

  3. 1553
    Susan Finch says:

    Happy Thanksgiving! My Bible study group is finishing up Children of the Day this week. Looking forward to LPM coming to Greenville, SC in July!

  4. 1554
    Jill Miller says:

    This would be an awesome blessing!! I’m in the middle of the Daniel study, and I just finished getting my 4 verses in Daniel 2 memorized today! 🙂

  5. 1555
    cory gustafson says:

    My mom is a full time caregiver for my dad who has stage 4 lung cancer. This would be a great pick me up for her spirit! A surprise from her favorite author!

  6. 1556
    Beth Holt says:

    I would love to win these items. We are in the process of moving to a different location and will be in our new apartment the weekend before Thanksgiving. What a blessing it would be to have some items just for my kitchen at a time to give thanks. Awesome give away!

  7. 1557
    Claudia Heifner says:

    Happy Thanksgiving to you and your staff. LPM has blessed me over the years. This giveaway just shows the graciousness of GOD’S people! 😉

  8. 1558
    Erika says:

    What a generous and thoughtful idea! Thank you Beth and LPM for all that you do! Just finishing Children of the Day, another great study. Happy Thanksgiving!

  9. 1559
    Paula Short says:

    You have been such an amazing gift in my life. I cannot begin to share all the things God has shown me through all the studies I have done with you. Blessed that you accepted the call!!
    Happy Thanksgiving!!

  10. 1560
    Caryn Jones says:

    What a nice gift. I know just the person I want to give it to. They are always doing for others. God bless you!

  11. 1561
    Veronica says:

    A great gift to be thankful for during this season!

  12. 1562
    Holly Smith says:

    What a blessing it would be to win this. What a wonderful Bible Study, children of the Day, is. I am learning so much and enjoying the humor.

  13. 1563
    Kathy says:

    What an awesome gift!

  14. 1564
    Katie ericson says:

    Thankful for living proof!!!

  15. 1565
    Cathy hallenbeck says:

    Thank you for your ministry, love your bible studies

  16. 1566
    Joy Burrow says:

    I love Thanksgiving – my most favorite holiday! We have so many things to be thankful for. Thanks so much for all you do!!

  17. 1567
    Annie Alamo says:

    Sister loved by God, thank you for blessing all of our lives.
    I pray the Lord continues to bless you and use you in a mighty way for his glory.

  18. 1568
    Leslie says:

    Looks like a great prize – hope to be blessed and win one.

  19. 1569
    Patrice Mixon says:

    Love both these stores, thanks so much for the wonderful give away!

  20. 1570
    Michelle Henderer says:

    What a treat it would be to be chosen for one of the baskets. It will be the first Thanksgiving together with my new family. Blessings!

  21. 1571
    Karen Porterfield says:

    What a beautiful gift from such a beautiful ministry!

  22. 1572
    Donna Wegner says:

    You have no idea how much Living Proof AND Beth Moore have brought me closer in my relationship with the LORD JESUS CHRIST! My Pastor purchase ANY Beth Moore Bible Study so the ladies and I can have a Women Only Sunday School! Praise God

  23. 1573
    Janet DeLine says:

    Your kindness in thinking of others is such a part of your ministry. Every time you say “girlfriend” I feel God’s love through you.

  24. 1574
    Shelley says:

    Oh what a wonderful blessing these would be! Thank you for your Bible Studies, God is using them mightily to change my life!

  25. 1575
    Lupe Torrez says:

    It would definitely bless our home. Satan attacking our family different ways. This would be blessing that would show others still love us.

  26. 1576
    Anita says:

    It would be so much fun to win one of these! Thank you for being a blessing in my life.

  27. 1577
    Jennifer Nelson says:

    What beauiful baskets!

  28. 1578
    Renea Bowling says:

    I would love to have these items as part of my Thanksgiving meal!

  29. 1579
    sherri bancroft says:

    Thank you for your thoughtfulness

  30. 1580
    Dixie Cullens says:

    I love it! Thanksgiving is such a special time to reflect on our year and God’s goodness.

  31. 1581
    Jamie says:

    Looks fun!

  32. 1582
    Suzanne says:

    What a SPECIAL gift this would be to win! :O)

  33. 1583
    Kimbery Stewart says:

    I have been blessed so much by the various Beth Moore Bible Studies I have completed. Not only were the studies amazing, but the relationships I developed with the women were priceless. I would LOVE to win and bless others with the bounty in the baskets!!

  34. 1584
    Karen Vulgamore says:

    Wow what yummy looking baskets. If I win I will save if for Dec when my son visits for. The Air Force…we’re kinda having 2 holidays so we can pretend we didn’t miss another holiday together. Lol. You get creative when your a military family. Happy Thanksgiving everyone. May God Bless you with a thankful heart and joy filled spirit!!

  35. 1585
    Karen Brown says:

    I have been so thankful for the blessings of Beth and her studies. Your heart Beth is one of Gods. Giving, loving, honest, forgiving, with unconditional love. As you and Livingproof bless us my prayer is you are blessed 1,000 fold. Thank you

  36. 1586
    Bev says:

    Would love this!!!!

  37. 1587
    Ann Pearson says:

    Beth, sister loved by God,

    We just finished up “Children of the Day” and I loved it! I have done other studies of yours and what I love best is hearing your “discussion” voice and you “reading from the Bible” voice. They are distinctively different. 🙂
    I thank you for the difference you have made in my life and I pray The Lord will continue to bless your thoughts and words with more mind blowing studies!!

    Happy Thanksgiving,


  38. 1588
    Yvonne Holbrook says:

    I just finished the study on the book of James. It has changed my life. Thanks so much for all you do. And I absolutely LOVE hearing stories about your family.

  39. 1589
    Lisa Lavy says:

    Well, this would be a fun surprise! We are just finishing up Children of the Day and in the decision making for the next study! Thanks for all you do in allowing God to work thru you. Thanksgiving Blessings to you and yours!

  40. 1590
    Lisa Logue says:

    What a great idea! I know someone who just today had a second miscarriage, this would be a great reminder that God loves her and cares for her. I pray that whomever you choose would feel truly blessed! Thank you!

  41. 1591
    Tami McG says:

    Thanks, Beth & LPM! We just finished the Esther study at our church! What a blessing this study was! We are looking forward to the Daniel Study next! Thanksgiving blessings to you all!

  42. 1592
    Sherry Semlow says:

    What an awesome blessing! So thankful for you all at LPM! Blessings!

  43. 1593
    Marnie renwick says:

    What a kind and generous gesture. Love your encouraging and challenging studies.

  44. 1594
    Linda Famolare says:

    Lovely gift baskets Beth. Our group is just finishing your study of “Daniel” next Tuesday morning. Powerful study. So blessed that we did it. It was just one of many of your studies that we have done. Each more rewarding than the last. Thanksgiving will be most joyous this year with our sixteen year old grandson visiting from Dallas. God bless!

  45. 1595
    Emma says:

    Beth, was introduced to you earlier this year by a dear, dear sister in faith and my life has only improved because of it! Thankful to God for your ministry and for my dear friend. Thanks to you ladies I am growing in Christ each and every day! Blessings to you this holiday!

  46. 1596
    Maria G. says:

    This is the start of my favorite holiday season. So excited for giving the thanks…

  47. 1597
    Brenda Payne says:

    In all things give praises to our mighty Savior!! What a joy it would be to blessed with one of these baskets…you ladies are terrific.


  48. 1598
    Marjorie Scheib says:

    I would slap the table and jump around for joy to receive such a bounty! Happy Thanksgiving ladies of LPM.

  49. 1599
    Elaine says:

    Thank you for being such a blessing in my life and many others. Looking forward to more of your bible studies.

  50. 1600
    carley stevenson says:

    What an awesome gift! I would be elated to receive this! Thank you!!