Thanksgiving 2014 Giveaway!

Congratulations to you both! Below are names of our 2 winners drawn using  If you see your name and comment number below, please watch today for an email from LPM.  Reply with your mailing address just as quickly as possible so we can get your goodies in your hands.  It was a great pleasure reading all the entry comments and encouragement. Happy Thanksgiving!

#2365 – Kimberly Beasley
#2394 – Elizabeth White


Thanksgiving is just days away, Sisters! Since this particular holiday, like no other on our annual calendar, centers almost entirely around a meal, it brings a whole passel of us to the kitchen.  So, your friends here at Living Proof thought we would have some fun with you by wrapping up a few fabulous items for the family feast.

We have prepared two identical baskets, enabling us to do a random drawing of TWO WINNERS among the commenters to this post. That’s all you have to do to enter. Just leave one comment and on Thursday morning, we’ll close the comments and draw our two winners and announce their names at the top of this post.

The goodies from these baskets contain items from the two largest kitchen stores in Houston: Williams-Sonoma and Sur la Table.  When it comes to cooking, it doesn’t get better than that. [You will see each item in a separate picture so you can get a good look at them.]  I so hope the baskets end up in the hands of a couple of women who could really stand to feel a little extra-special right now or perhaps are on such a tight budget that these items would feel like a fantastic splurge. I’m looking today for entries of some women who’d slap the table with joy over ending up with these. You are all so loved and esteemed here at Living Proof and you are valuable beyond price or description to the Kingdom of Christ.





2,863 Responses to “Thanksgiving 2014 Giveaway!”

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  1. 1501
    Hilda Simmons says:

    You just keep blessing us! Looking forward to Children of the Day!

  2. 1502
    Judy F says:

    I hope whoever wins is someone that could really use this. God bless you ladies

  3. 1503
    Anne Marie DiPietro says:

    Awesome gift baskets! Would love to share with others whose budget also doesn’t have room for a splurge.

  4. 1504
    Esti Corcoran says:

    Thank you for all that you do Beth! You are such a blessing to so many! God bless!

  5. 1505
    Rachel says:

    We live across the country from our families so it will be just us and hopefully some of our church family this Thanksgiving. I’ve never cooked a turkey so I guess I’ll have to figure it out. Ha! These items would truly be a blessing. Happy Thanksgiving!!

  6. 1506
    Callie Dasinger says:

    You are a BLESSING!

  7. 1507
    Martha Flowers says:

    Wow! This is fantastic. Y’all are fabulous! Love these items!!!

  8. 1508
    Ali Contois says:

    What a fun basket! Love the thoughtfulness!

  9. 1509
    Jennifer B. says:

    This is great! Happy Thanksgiving to you all!

  10. 1510
    Rene Munyon says:

    Thanksgiving… FATHER, Faith, Fall, Food, Family, Fun, Football.

  11. 1511
    Vicky kawamae says:

    I love your heart to minister to women everywhere!!

  12. 1512
    Robin Ballew says:

    So thankful for His grace and mercy!!! Love your giveaways!! May you all be blessed for your kindness!

  13. 1513
    Heather says:

    You, Beth, have been such an encouragement throughout the last few years. It has been a tough journey, spiritually, and I am grateful to have found you and your messages and bible studies. Thank you for all you do!

  14. 1514
    Heather farina says:

    Thank you for being the foundation that I needed when being a stay at home became a emotional burden and I needed that foundation for growth that would change my life my children’s and my husbands and now I look forward to every moment of word I can get…. You have been so inspirational to the life I live now. Our life was great before but lacking and I am so thankful fr all you give and do for the now is so very wonderful to myself and my family. No need for the giveaway but thought this was a great time to give THANKS to you and your staff for making my foundation and commitment to God grow more and kore each day and week!!!! Hugs!

  15. 1515
    Adriane says:

    Love Thanksgiving!

  16. 1516
    Emma says:

    Beth, this is so cool! Thanks so much. We love you so much and are blessed to share the Word of God with you. Happy thanksgiving to your lovely family

  17. 1517
    Lynn Rogers says:

    I would love to share this basket with my friends and family this year. I work as a dietitian and I consider my spiritual gift to be hospitality. I love to cook and I could put these great products to good use.

  18. 1518
    Patricia Marrone says:

    I just finished the Children of the Day study. What an incredible 9 weeks. It was very emotional for me when we read the final verse, “The grace of our Lord Jesus Christ be with you all” wow, very powerful. Thank you for that wonderful study and all you do!

  19. 1519
    Jenn says:

    Happy Thanksgivng……this year one of the things on my thankful for list is Children of the Day…..the entire book but especially the lesson about all the ways God wants to nurture us!

  20. 1520
    Cynthia Becenti says:

    not for me-but for my 68 year young, and beautiful mother who every year cooks for everyone!!

  21. 1521
    Jessica t says:

    This would be wonderful for my family I’m a single mom of 3 and its hard to maintain but with god by my side I can do anything beth u changed my life in billings mt you are a blessing to all of us…… This will be my first thanksgiving of cooking and being with my kids I am blessed 🙂

  22. 1522
  23. 1523
    Jinna Brassfield says:

    Thank you so much for thinking of others

  24. 1524
    Debbie says:

    You always have beautiful give always. Any of them would be a blessing. Thank you for thinking of us. God is good.

  25. 1525
    Bernadette squittieri says:

    Happy, Happy, Thanksgiving!!!!! You are loved and enjoyed by this fellow sojourner….We have sooo much to be thankful for

  26. 1526
    Jean Kadegis says:

    Living Proof has been such a blessing to me! Thank you for giving of yourself for the Lord and promotion of His kingdom!

  27. 1527
    Marilyn F Davis says:

    I love your bible studies & the insite to the word that the Holy Spirit has revealed to you. Love the season of “thankfulness”

  28. 1528
    Stacy says:

    What a blessing this would be!

  29. 1529
    Cath M. says:

    This is a wonderful giveaway! Hope everyone has a blessed Thanksgiving!

  30. 1530
    Brenda says:

    So pretty! Happy Thanksgiving!

  31. 1531
    Lisa Hall says:

    I love blessing others with gifts or clothing they need. If I win I will pay it forward to a family in need. I started preparing our Family’s Thankgiving dinner in my 20’s. It’s a tough job on top of working the day before and after but I love to see our family enjoy dinner and visiting with each other. Thanksgiving is just not once a year but to give Thanks everyday for The Lord’s Blessings.

  32. 1532
    Erica Hostetler says:

    This would make Thanksgiving extra special!

  33. 1533
    Jessica Skordal says:

    Thank you so much for continued support, guidance and blessings. LOVE LPM!!!

  34. 1534
    Ashley says:

    Would love to win!

  35. 1535
    Dianne says:

    Thank you for this opportunity! May all of you at Living Proof have a “Blessed Indeed” Thanksgiving!

  36. 1536
    Desiree Whittaker says:

    Love it….and you! Thanks for the chance of a wonderful giveaway!

  37. 1537
    Michele Klepac says:

    Such a beautiful and loving idea. Thank you for blessing us always.

  38. 1538
    Belinda Johnson says:

    This evening will be our final video of Children of the Day and I would just like to say thank you so very much for allowing us to see your heart and giving the desire to search and seek and love my Lord more and more. Blessings to you and yours!

  39. 1539
    Lisa Watts says:

    What an awesome treat this would be!!! Thank you for doing this giveaway!

  40. 1540
    Gina Anderson says:

    If I would win one of these baskets.. I would give it to a family in need..

  41. 1541
    Shaun J. says:

    What a wonderful basket to be able to share with my family! Happy Thanksgiving all!

  42. 1542
    TracyNelms says:

    What an amazing treat ! Thank you for your ministry .

  43. 1543
    Kim Shannon says:

    been a long time fan & am excited about the give away. Happy Thanksgiving to you all

  44. 1544
    Jennifer Minor says:

    My daughter and I would really like to get the baskets. I am a terrible cook and she is an excellent one. She just needs the equipment to prepare an excellent meal. My whole family lives with me. Most of our family has died . We are the only ones that live in North Carolina. I live downstairs and she and my grandsons live upstairs.

  45. 1545
    Glenda Skinner says:

    Beautiful baskets!! Would love to have one to share!!

  46. 1546
    Merrie Watkins says:

    Such an amazing gift! Thankful for your ministry and the way it encourages me in my walk with JESUS! Many thanks..

  47. 1547
    Pam Pegram says:

    Happy Thanksgiving. So thankful for you, Beth Moore and your obedience to serve!! Gid has definitely used you in my life.

  48. 1548
    Achaiah Hughett says:

    You will never know how very much God has used you until you get to heaven…you are the sunshine in my day by showing many things about the Lord I would have never saw. Thanks for your obedience…..

  49. 1549
    Sue Matrunola says:

    I love that Living Proof blesses us with these sweet treats!! Thanks for paying it forward and making us smile & giggle!!

  50. 1550
    Margee says:

    Thank you so much for your ministry. And, thank you for your fun giveaways!