Autumn Giveaway

Ladies! I think a Friday afternoon deserves a celebration. We’ve almost made it through the entire work week! Woo hoo! We can see the light at the end of the tunnel. This is always the hardest part of the giveaway because we’d love to gift all 3,911 of you, but alas, we cannot, which I guess is what makes a giveaway so fun. With that said, join me in celebrating our SIX beloved winners for this fabulous giveaway. Believe me when I say we here at the office are coveting each of the gifts and almost threw a fit when we realized we couldn’t enter the giveaway ourselves. We love fun stuff like this just as much as you do!

So, without further ado, congratulations to…

Grand Prize Winner: Cara Koski

Second Prize Winner: Ansley DuRant

Gift number 3: Victoria Gelberg

Gift number 4: Kim Tipton

Gift number 5: Anne Dailey

Gift number 6: Leslie Wood

If y’all would please email me (Lindsee) at [email protected] with your mailing address we willl get these prizes to you ASAP. We love y’all so very, very much. Thanks for playing along. Hope you each have a beautiful, fall weekend!





It has been FOREVER and then some but I have been thinking about you. I know I haven’t been in this here blog-space much recently but I can assure you that I’m still at LPM. My days are full since I’m working and going to school part-time. AGAIN. Yes, again. Somehow even when I vow to walk away for good, I end up right back in the classroom in some capacity. This time around I’m working slowly on a M.A. in Biblical Languages at Houston Baptist University. When I’m not researching something for a project at LPM, I’m taking a Greek class in the Septuagint and a Hebrew readings class in the Joseph narrative. Oh, and how could I forget to mention Winston Jeffrey Fitzpatrick?! A little over a year ago Colin brought home a baby rottweiler and our life has never been the same since (even when I desperately want it to be!). Winnie is SO, SO bad but we love him madly.

Here is W posing in my dining room. Or demanding a filet mignon cooked over medium, I’m not really sure.

Here he is again furious about having to wear his birthday hat:

But really, enough about us.

I want to talk about YOU and a fall giveaway we are doing because we love you and appreciate you.

Now, I should mention at this point that if you are one of those people who is SO OVER all the talk about pumpkin-flavored anything, then you will want to run for your life.


Do I have a faithful fall remnant?

This weekend we had our first legit “cold-front” here in Houston. It was even down in the forties one night. Glory be! The crisp cold air in my lungs got to me in the best way possible and, of all things, I wanted to cook. There’s just something about fall that always brings me back to the kitchen. Nothing better than listening to a little Norah Jones or The Civil Wars with the windows cracked open, cool breeze dancing through the house, while a chili or stew simmers on the stove. I thought just maybe fall might do the same for some of you so the grand prize winner will get a redΒ Le Creuset signature round dutch oven (red not orange like the one on the box).

I love it passionately and do not want to let it go. I even enjoy posing with the beloved dutch oven:

The second prize to be claimed is a $100 gift card to Pottery Barn because, let’s be honest, Pottery Barn during the fall season is heaven on earth:

Gift number 3 includes an amazing decorative pillow, fall flower arrangement, and Hill Country Home candle.

Gift number 4 includes a fun little clutch from Anthro, a scarf, several pairs of boot socks, and some gorgeous MAC makeup in fallish colors.

Here is Lindsee modeling the scarf. Love her and she can work a scarf better than anyone I know:

This MAC stuff is tough to photograph but fantastic (includes three eye shadow kits and two lipsticks in shades of Russian Red and Viva Glam III).

Gift number 5 has a bunch of fun stuff: Cook’s Illustrated Fall Entertaining magazine, kitchen towels, mulling spices, Hill Country Home candle (again this is one of my faves!), autumn cupcake decorating set, beautiful engraved silver dish, Trader Joe’s Pumpkin bread mix, and more.

Gift number 6 comes with a fun autumn welcome mat, potpourri, decorative kitchen towel, and my favorite ever mulled apple cider candle. DIVINE.

Here is Mom sorting out all the gifts. Isn’t she cute?

So dear friend, for a chance to win one of the six prizes, please leave a comment with your first and last name and tell us something you love about fall.

We love you so much,


(Lindsee not pictured here ONLY because she was out of the office when we snapped this photo)



3,911 Responses to “Autumn Giveaway”

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  1. 1751
    Mindi Zanowiak says:

    Fall favorites: Bath and Body Works Sweet Cinnamon Pumpkin foaming soap, Anthropologie’s pumpkin souffle candle, leaves changing, and having a cup of coffee by a fire in the morning before the wee ones are up!

  2. 1752
    Jacquelynn Freytag says:

    How fun! I started back to school last winter… I am currently taking my second studio painting course and loving it! Yesterday I brought my 11 year old daughter to the studio and it was so sweet to watch her sit in my painting chair and in my painting space… it felt so right. I enjoy your work so much, Sania! Thank you for sharing. Your blog is one of my treats ~ Sue

  3. 1753
    Erin York says:

    Oh, how I love Fall! Let me count the ways: autumn breezes, acorns falling, leaves changing, a fire in the fireplace, eating soup without sweating, pumpkin carving, pumpkin bagels, pumpkin cream cheese, pumpkin coffee, pumpkin pie, PECANS!, burgundy suede shoes, cute trick-or-treaters, scarves, vanGogh clouds, FOOTBALL, scented candles, beautiful blue sky – a refreshing time from the LORD, indeed!!

  4. 1754
    carol says:

    I love the wonderful warm colors during the fall season! The cooler weather means more snuggle time with my 4 and 5 yr old boys! πŸ™‚

  5. 1755
    Sherri Farwell says:

    Jeans, boots, scarves — and baking with my family! Now that it’s (finally!) consistently cool in the morning I have found plenty of reasons to turn on the oven and make our house smell fantastic. If only everyone else shared the same level of pumpkin enthusiasm in our home as I do!

  6. 1756
    Whitney Alexander says:

    I love the cool weather…mainly because it allows me to drink something really hot while I’m outside. Such as, a peppermint mocha or a salted caramel hot chocolate. Amen.

  7. 1757
    Shana Farmer says:

    I love the leaves changing color and falling and the tradition of jumping in a massive pile with my kids and their cousins. It’s the little things….

  8. 1758
    Rebecca Cox says:

    Fall is the BEST season! To me, it represents family and warm, home-cooked meals. I love when the weather turns chilly and the nights get shorter. You can wrap up in a blanket on the couch with a good cup of coffee and snuggle with the kids…or this year…grandkids!! I love it!

  9. 1759
    Celeste Leimer says:

    One thing I love about the fall is having a Salty Caramel Mocha Frappacino at Starbuck’s!!!

  10. 1760
    Heather Briggs says:

    I have an unhealthy obsession for this time of year. We have beautiful fall colors here in the Pacific NW. Love falling leaves, cool temps, boots, sweaters, scarves, warm comfort food, red Starbucks cups, slippers, family birthdays, holidays, and on, and on, and on. πŸ™‚ I should stop! These are great giveaways, thank you!

  11. 1761
    Jessica DePriest says:

    I love that fall is a reminder of the rest that the earth needs, and we do too. God planned for things to die and rest. Without this we wouldn’t have the beauty that will soon come. And just when you can’t stand death any longer Spring finally arrives and new life begins.

  12. 1762
    Susie Palmer says:

    Cool weather, roaring fires, cozy blankets, good books and hot drinks are my favorite things about Fall.

  13. 1763
    April says:

    I love fall…because in Charleston we finally get to quit sweating.

  14. 1764
    Keri Early says:

    Apple cider donuts from Edwards Apple Orchard:)

  15. 1765
    Jen Heitshusen says:

    Growing up in Houston, my favorites about fall are: football, getting to wear my cowgirl boots to church, and Texas style chili.

  16. 1766

    I love seeing God’s glory in the vast array of colors:)

  17. 1767
    Sherry Yost says:

    I can echo everyone of these comments posted! I love Autumn, almost everything about it makes me happy. Thank you LPM for your thoughfulness I love the website and eveything encouraging.

  18. 1768
    Kim Kauffman says:

    My favorite thing about fall is curling up with a hot cup of caramel cider (oops, I’m pregnant and now I think baby needs a Starbucks run:)), reading a good book, with the rain falling outside.

  19. 1769
    Lora Rice says:

    Fall is my favorite time of year because of the colors, the smells, and the cool, crisp air. It is time for football, soups, apple pies, bonfires, family, friends, and my birthday!!!!!!!!! Oh, and hot chocolate too! And of course, dressing for fall is the best! Boots, sweaters, sweatshirts, scarves, and my favorite Gap Long and Lean jeans…oh my!!!!!

  20. 1770
    Lichelle says:

    Its a time to really see God beautiful Art work and Glory at its finest. The colors of the splendor of His Majesty is most magnificent. The cool crisp air as it blows through your hair is like His gentle voice whispering … I love you!

    That is just a short reason why I like fall.

  21. 1771
    Lauren Ducommun says:

    My favorite things about autumn are the changing leaves, celebrating two Thankgivings with our families, wearing scarves, and carving pumpkins (or shooting them out of pumpkin canons = awesome!).

  22. 1772

    I am stull very much into Pumpkin anything
    But for me I would say first and formost celebrating all of our fall birthdays!
    My mom and I celebrate ours a week apart.
    We have 3 birthday celebrations in November and two in December.

  23. 1773
    Christen says:

    Reflecting on what exactly is my favorite aspect of autumn I came to the memories of the windows of my elementary school classroom where my teacher would tape autumn themed decorations. Leaves, pumpkins, corn with all colored kernels, Thanksgiving turkeys.
    As a little one, all those rich colors put joy & anticipation into my little heart. Plus my school was located in the heart of an Italian-American farming community and the smells of harvest were in the air. Welby Colorado πŸ™‚

  24. 1774
    Cece Cheranich says:

    Love the cooler weather, it’s a welcome change for those of us who live in TX and have endured months of triple digits and humidity. I love all the colors of fall, red, yellow, orange, etc., drinking hot cider (and shopping)at all the local Fall festivals. And….I like that Daylight savings time ends! Blessing to all!

  25. 1775
    Lisa Kornhaus says:

    Fall is my favorite season! I Love the crisp, cool days and the clear blue skies. Love the smell of wood smoke rising from chimneys. And I love making delicious hot soups and stews for dinner on chilly evenings.
    Beth – I’m part of a ladies Bible study group that is studying Mercy Triumphs. Wow, what a great study! Your studies are so personal and deep. We are all being changed. I also got hear you speak in Knoxville this year! Thank you for your commitment to teach God’s Word, and to challenge and stretch us to a deeper relationship with our heavenly Father!

  26. 1776
    Anne Bennett says:

    Fall is my favorite season! I love seeing the leaves change color, the cool temperatures, and pumpkin spice lattes (or just about anything pumpkin, in all honesty). Plus fall has several dates that are special in my relationship with my husband. I love fall!

  27. 1777
    Cindy Gandy says:

    Fall is my favorite time. I love all the warm colors and the cool crisp air.

  28. 1778

    Laurie Anne Gonzalez

    Fall is my FAVORITE season ever!

    I love it so much that my husband and I married each other 2 years ago (nov.7th) under a GOEGEOUS color changing ginkgo tree in the middle of FALL! πŸ™‚ it was the most beautiful day πŸ™‚

    and also bc Birmingham, Alabama is absolutely beautiful on the fall!

  29. 1779
    Tanya Martinez says:

    Fall is my absolute favorite time of the year! What is not to love, the beautiful trees, cooler weather, and the approaching holiday season!

  30. 1780
    Debbie Collier says:

    Hey – one of my favorite things of course is decorating for the fall with pumpkins (real and fabric) all over the house. With 3 grandchildren that live in the same town, they come over and help decorate. Going to my daughter, Tiffany’s, house – she has her Pumpkin Spice candles going, so I know it is fall. But I have to share this year’s special surprise. My granddaughter had the wonderful idea for her costume. This precious 8 year old wanted to be the Candy Corn Fairy and we went to work on that. I had this idea of a costume in a triangular shape, but no . . that wouldn’t do. She wanted a shirt with candy corn pieces all over, a skirt with the 3 colors of orange, yellow and white; orange wings; a candy corn wand and a hat that we found at Gymboree . . . a black brim, with the 3 candy corn colors. She decorated that with ribbon with candy corn pieces on it. She was adorable and the fact that she designed it made it all the more special. Love Fall and all the promises it brings. Have a great November. “MiMi”

  31. 1781
    KaRetha Kelley says:

    My favorite part of the fall season is the fact that all the men in my life (husband and 2 sons and 1 grandson) are so giddy about hunting. I look forward to the quiet time alone when they are in the woods and then when they come home the excitement they have when the hunt has been successful.

  32. 1782
    Tiffany Mathias says:

    Here’s another Siestaville first as I’ve never used my full name on this blog!

    I love Fall because like I always say, “once it turns Oct, it’s Christmas”!! Anyone who has been to Tennessee in Autumn knows it’s the most beautiful place on Earth. I give Him Glory EVERY DAY for His beautiful creation.

    Thank you so much for the treats. There are certainly more than one poor leper/priest who returned to say thank-you here. Accept our appreciation with love. And Melissa, we MISS YOU!

  33. 1783
    Laura says:

    I love fall for so many reasons. I love an afternoon drive full of magnificient coloured trees on the hillsides. I love raking leaves into a pile for my grandson to jump into, and the giggles that follow. I love the smell of fresh baking apple crisp after a trip to the apple orchard to pick them. I love how the seasons so remind us of lifes seasons and how after a beautiful summer, comes fall and winter, but spring is coming.

  34. 1784
    Erin Barnes says:

    I love the colors of the trees, pumpkins and mums on the porch and bundling up in a sweater and scarf.

  35. 1785
    Mary VanMeter says:

    Love fall! I have 3 beautiful trees in my backyard and in the fall they turn these bright oranges and reds during the day when the sun hits them my backdoor (which is all glass) explodes with those colors.
    Mary Van Meter

  36. 1786
    Monika Ritchie says:

    I love the beautiful colors of fall – from the trees to the colors of the clouds — Fall just seems more spectacular the older I get — (approaching my 40th) πŸ™‚

  37. 1787
    Vicky Kawamae says:

    Since I live in the beautiful state of Hawaii, I don’t experience autumn colors. But I do love the sky and ocean so blue and beautiful and the greenery all around me! I love the fall, because it means Christmas is almost here and the wonderful season to celebrate Christ’s birth is coming soon!

  38. 1788
    Wanda Draus says:

    Bonfires,color of leaves, cool mornings, fireplace in the evenings, smores,Thanksgiving with family and the awesomeness of God’s handiwork.

  39. 1789
    Sue R says:

    Sue Reutzel from Northern Ca…I love the start of bible study, Fall weather and Turkey dinner with family,giving thanks for all we have.

  40. 1790
    Kiersten Griffith says:

    Kiersten Griffith
    I’ve lived in FL my whole life (31 yrs!!) and just moved to NC for seminary. So, this is the first “real” fall I’ve ever had. I LOVE, LOVE, LOVE the crispness in the air and cooler weather. I love the vibrant colors on the trees as they display the creativity our our Father.

  41. 1791
    Courtney Beth Burnside says:

    taking a fall color ride to visit friends, hay rides, falling leaves, pondering over the word, you all, Melissa, the fall give away, our church, the chance to grow closer to God! love & prayers xoxo cb

  42. 1792
    Becky says:

    Becky Stevenson. Hi Melissa! Good to see you here!

    Our anniversary is in October, so I love looking forward to that. And I secretly really like a dark burnt orange colored anything.

  43. 1793
    Misti Bodker says:

    Since Texas doesn’t own up to the fact that its really Fall, I have mixed emotions about this season. But i do dearly love the change of colors on the trees, and the desire to wear boots, try new Essie fall colors and Starbucks latest potion.

  44. 1794
    Danielle Williams says:

    I love the fall colors. I love watching God paint his creation in bright colors.

  45. 1795
    Erin says:

    I love fall because it feels like the most festive time of year! Plus the temps in Texas finally start to “fall!” πŸ™‚

  46. 1796
    Lindsay says:

    Fall is favorite for so many reasons. 1. Friends drink pumpkin spice lattes together. 2. The leaves are showing off their color. 3. Reading books by the fire is a regular occurrence. 4. We can wear boots as often as we like. And finally, 5. fall reminds me that summer is over, winter is coming, and life comes out of death.

  47. 1797
    AnnaRuth says:

    Anna Smith, Little Elm, TX

    I love everything about Fall!! The cooler weather (DFW heat is finally broken!), the fashion, holiday season around the corner, the food, the fun, the friends! Love it! πŸ˜€

  48. 1798
    Jennifer Kraushaar says:

    I love burning my pumpkin scented candles, love all the beautiful fall leaf colors, love wearing boots and sweaters, and my most favorite part of fall is that it’s snuggling weather!!!

  49. 1799
    Erica Herzog says:

    Wow, great giveaways. I love fall colors and putting on my cozy sweaters.

  50. 1800
    Pamela Smith says:

    I love all the colors meshed together in the fall: orange, yellow, green, brown, against a clear blue sky. I love the cool mornings and warm afternoons. I love attending our high school football games and chatting with everyone on Friday nights. I love attending my college homecoming in October and reuniting with people from all over the world and being a family again.