Travis’ New CD Releases Today!

UPDATE! And the fifteen winners are…

(Drum roll please!)

Kim King
Colleen Hale
Traci Glasscock
Rachel Graze
Wendy McClellan
Brea Burelle
Vicki Harrison
Betsy Massoth
Sheryl Kline
Colette Pellegrino
Betty Bennett
LaDawn Skipper
Sharon Claassen
Connie Phelps
Debbie McFarland

Congratulations, ladies! If you will please email with your name and mailing address we will get these CD’s to you asap! Of course, we wish we could give away 919 copies, but since we can’t, we are hoping that the rest of you (that would be 904 of you) will go out and buy it today. The link to do that is below. I promise you will not be disappointed. We love you, Siestas!

Update: Comments are now closed so we can do our drawing. Y’all are so fun! Check back tomorrow morning to see who the lucky winners are!

Happy Tuesday, Sweet Things! Something really fun is up today and I didn’t want you to miss it. Travis’s new CD is officially out and, let me tell you, it is my favorite of all his music YET. And, I guess you know, I’ve loved all of them. The mix of music on this thing is so incredible. They’re the kinds of songs you get in your head and you can’t quit singing (and you’re glad you can’t as opposed to those times when you can’t quit singing something stupid). If you participated in the simulcast last Saturday, you heard some of it. I’m trying to resist overusing the word “anointed” but you just see if you don’t sense the Holy Spirit all over it. To commemorate the release of “When the Stars Burn Down,” we’re going to do a random drawing and give away 15 copies. Here’s how you participate in the drawing:

*Leave a comment on this post with your first and last name

*In your comment, tell us your favorite song of Travis’s to date (if you’re familiar with his music. You can be part of the drawing even if you’re not. In fact, you’re the one we’d hope to win.)

We’ll do the random drawing this afternoon and post our winners tomorrow and make arrangements to get them in the mail to you.

If by any stretch of the imagination, you are not chosen in our random drawing of 15, go here to download or purchase it:  When The Stars Burn Down

If you’re like me, you love knowing about great new music out there that fills up and builds up your soul and brings you to the Throne of God. Enjoy! We love you around here, Siestas!



919 Responses to “Travis’ New CD Releases Today!”

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  1. 201
    Danielle Kettunen says:

    Danielle Kettunen and I love all of his songs but Psalm 145 holds a special place in my heart. We had my uncle sing it at our wedding.

  2. 202
    Shelly McGowan says:

    Shelly McGowan

    My all-time favorite is Shackles performed live!!!

  3. 203
    Megan Murphy says:

    Megan Murphy – I love all of his music….so hard to pick a favorite!

  4. 204
    Deann Meyer says:

    Deann Meyer

    I have not had the opportunity to hear Travis, but would love to.

  5. 205
    Danielle says:

    I’d love to win a CD. I’ve heard a few of his songs, but not enough to have a favorite.

  6. 206
    Georgeanne says:

    I love all of Travis’ music….I don’t think I can choose just one song!

  7. 207
    Karlys says:

    Karlys Fortner
    It has to be “Jesus Saves”.

  8. 208
    Terri Jo Perry says:

    I love Travis! One of my favorites is 2000 Years but it’s difficult to say because I love all of his music! Can’t wait to hear the new CD!

  9. 209
    LaRee Walker says:

    I’m not one of those people who can remember the name of a song or the name of the singer, but I liked the songs we sang Saturday in Lubbock. I was moved to tears several times in worship Saturday.

    It was my privilege to sit next to my 23 year old daughter, who is a grad student at Texas Tech. She went in search of a CD by Travis, but they had already sold out. I’m going to get her one for Christmas.

    Thank you for coming to West Texas~ it’s fabulous to see you in person, Beth. You have the annointning of the Holy Spirit over every one of the women in your head. What a team!

    What a blessing!

  10. 210
    Taria Merrithew says:

    Jesus Saves – always touches my heart!

  11. 211
    Hayley says:

    My favorite is In Christ Alone. It moves me to tears 9 times out of 10! I LOVE it!! 🙂 Can’t wait to hear the new CD!! 🙂

  12. 212
    Judy Baggett says:

    Judy Baggett, Irving, Texas my favorite song is “IN CHRIST ALONE”.

    Thanks for all you do for us!

  13. 213
    darcie lyon says:

    You Changed My Name, 2000 Years and My Inheritance

  14. 214
    Laura says:

    I Love the whole Jesus Saves Live! project. Simply amazing music!

  15. 215
    Cindy Lawson says:

    I was in the simulcast this weekend and blown away by the praise team and the music. The Spirit of the Lord was so real to me in the worship! God Bless you all!

  16. 216
    Lorie Herinckx says:

    The first time I heard Travis was when you came to Portland Oregon to speak. I loved his up beat musice and I use it on my ipod to exercise to. I would LOVE to win this CD!!

  17. 217
    Amy Raftery says:

    Amy Raftery My favorite Travis song is the “passion” one. Not sure if that is the correct title.

  18. 218
    Lorna Beth says:

    Lorna Beth Hutter
    Minneapolis, MN

    Two favorite Travis songs:
    1) For fist-pumping worship in the car on the highway, by far by far “Do it, Lord”
    2) For lights off, lying on my face worship, definitely “Jesus Saves”

  19. 219
    Kim S says:

    My favorite to date is ‘I Am Persuaded’.

  20. 220
    Rita Grey says:

    Rita Grey – In Christ Alone is my favorite. “No guilt in live / No fear in death. Til HE returns or calls me home…here in the power of Christ I’ll stand!” The lyrics are so powerful! I served as team leader for the simulcast at my church last weekend. I was busy monitoring things during the day. But when I heard this song, I had to stop and worship right there in the foyer!!!

  21. 221
    Brea Burelle says:

    Brea Burelle – Gardendale, Alabama

    I love all of Travis’ music and can’t wait to hear this new CD. If I have to narrow it down to my all time favorite I would say it would be “In Christ Alone.”

  22. 222
    Amy Wilch says:

    Amy Wilch

    I loved Travis’ take on John Denver’s “Annie’s Song”

  23. 223
    Sandy says:

    In Christ Alone!!!

  24. 224
    Angela W. says:

    Angela Wells – hard to choose a fave, but I always love to hear “In The First Light.”

  25. 225
    Meredith says:

    Meredith Mitchell

    This weekend I got to see Travis and his team live! First time knowing of them. Loved Shackles and the song about Freedom!

  26. 226
    Sara Bissig says:

    Sara Bissig – “The Word of God Has Spoken” – Such an uplifting song! Love it!

  27. 227
    Kay Ramsey says:

    It’s hard to pick a favorite. In Christ alone and Jesus Saves.

  28. 228

    Hey! I’ve heard travis at a few of your live simulcasts…great music! Would love a free copy of his music! Thank you for your ministry!

  29. 229
    Mrs.Ritz says:

    Carla Ritz. Be Thou My Vision

  30. 230
    Johanna says:


    (and Travis rocks! 🙂 )

  31. 231
    Kari Frost says:

    Everything he sang in Lubbock was fabulous! Especially loved “In Christ Alone”.

  32. 232
    Danielle says:

    My name is Danielle Hall. I think my fave Travis song would have to be “In Christ Alone.” I can’t wait to hear his new CD.

  33. 233
    Charity says:

    Charity Njesada – I’m sure I’ve heard his songs before, but I am not familiar with them enough to pick a favorite. I’d LOVE to have a chance to hear this cd!

  34. 234
    Julie Davis says:

    I’m Julie Davis, and “Our God” is my go-to Travis Cottrell song.

  35. 235
    Amanda Hutto says:

    I’m not sure the title of the song, but my favorite is the one he sang in the beginning of one of your bible studies, they all blur together now, but he plays the piano and sings, and it just brings tears to my eyes every time. Bless you all!!

  36. 236
    Kim Reece says:

    This is Kim Reece and I love “In Christ Alone”. I was blessed to be able to attend the Charlotte conference and I came back refreshed and renewed. I am still Holding Fast! Thanks for all you do!

  37. 237
    Laura says:

    Laura Gilliam

    I am not familiar with Travis’s music, but I would love to be!

  38. 238
    Meggie says:

    Meggie Kornelsen
    My favorite Travis-CD is “Found”. And I especially love the song “Your Word is Life to me”.

  39. 239
    Lacey C. says:

    Of the songs I’ve heard of Travis’, his arrangement of Jesus Saves is my current favorite!

  40. 240
    Sarah Read says:

    Sarah Read
    Victory in Jesus

  41. 241
    Nicole says:

    Nicole Ens – I am Persuaded

  42. 242
    Susan Jones says:

    Loved worshiping with Travis from Wasilla, AK this past weekend during the simulcast! God IS Great!!!

  43. 243
    Melody Mason says:

    Forevermore is my favorite song of all time, from any artist!!!

  44. 244
    Amy Murphy says:

    Amy Murphy, and probably the Victory Song- though I enjoy most everything I have heard him do at Living Proof Live events!

  45. 245
    Ellen Binford says:

    I am not familiar with his music, yet…

  46. 246
    Toni Larkin says:

    In Christ Alone

  47. 247
    Wanda Wanie says:

    I am not familiar with Travis’s music. I only heard him at Beth’s conference here in Green Bay, WI. What I heard I loved!! :o)

  48. 248
    Gina Fernandez says:

    I love all of his music! If I had to choose, I would say that “The Word of God Has Spoken” off this CD is my new favorite. So powerful!!!

  49. 249
    Misty Null says:

    I like “shackles” but haven’t heard a lot of his stuff before I don’t think

  50. 250
    Cindy Gandy says:

    Cindy Gandy

    Jesus Saves