Travis’ New CD Releases Today!

UPDATE! And the fifteen winners are…

(Drum roll please!)

Kim King
Colleen Hale
Traci Glasscock
Rachel Graze
Wendy McClellan
Brea Burelle
Vicki Harrison
Betsy Massoth
Sheryl Kline
Colette Pellegrino
Betty Bennett
LaDawn Skipper
Sharon Claassen
Connie Phelps
Debbie McFarland

Congratulations, ladies! If you will please email [email protected] with your name and mailing address we will get these CD’s to you asap! Of course, we wish we could give away 919 copies, but since we can’t, we are hoping that the rest of you (that would be 904 of you) will go out and buy it today. The link to do that is below. I promise you will not be disappointed. We love you, Siestas!

Update: Comments are now closed so we can do our drawing. Y’all are so fun! Check back tomorrow morning to see who the lucky winners are!

Happy Tuesday, Sweet Things! Something really fun is up today and I didn’t want you to miss it. Travis’s new CD is officially out and, let me tell you, it is my favorite of all his music YET. And, I guess you know, I’ve loved all of them. The mix of music on this thing is so incredible. They’re the kinds of songs you get in your head and you can’t quit singing (and you’re glad you can’t as opposed to those times when you can’t quit singing something stupid). If you participated in the simulcast last Saturday, you heard some of it. I’m trying to resist overusing the word “anointed” but you just see if you don’t sense the Holy Spirit all over it. To commemorate the release of “When the Stars Burn Down,” we’re going to do a random drawing and give away 15 copies. Here’s how you participate in the drawing:

*Leave a comment on this post with your first and last name

*In your comment, tell us your favorite song of Travis’s to date (if you’re familiar with his music. You can be part of the drawing even if you’re not. In fact, you’re the one we’d hope to win.)

We’ll do the random drawing this afternoon and post our winners tomorrow and make arrangements to get them in the mail to you.

If by any stretch of the imagination, you are not chosen in our random drawing of 15, go here to download or purchase it:  When The Stars Burn Down

If you’re like me, you love knowing about great new music out there that fills up and builds up your soul and brings you to the Throne of God. Enjoy! We love you around here, Siestas!



919 Responses to “Travis’ New CD Releases Today!”

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  1. 851
    Trisha Wall says:

    Just downloaded an album of his the other day–the first of his music I’ve owned, so I don’t have a favorite yet. I do love his style. So easy to worship with while waiting in my car in pick-up line…at the top of my lungs.

  2. 852
    Deborah Carpenter says:

    Jesus Saves!

  3. 853
    Stacie Grubbs says:

    Stacie Grubbs

    Favorite Song: Jesus Saves. Side note: I have been listening to the new cd from Travis’ website all day. I cannot wait to get home from work and download. AWESOME.

  4. 854
    Sarah Eccles says:

    Love your cd’s got a bunch of them and the ones you did on Living proof live. You have an amazing voice. Cannot wait to hear this new cd.

  5. 855
    DeAnn LaMaine says:

    I don’t have a favorite. 🙂

  6. 856

    Kirsten Ham

    I’m new to Travis’ music but I don’t imagine it will take long to become a supportive fan!

  7. 857
    Christie Koenig says:

    I just got familiar with Travis’ music at the simulcast on Saturday from Normal, IL. Some of the best praise music! I caannot wait to hear the CD!

  8. 858
    beckyjomama says:

    Becky Jo Beverly

    Oh my word … please pick me. I was just gettin ready to break the 10th and start coveting everyone on Twitter who were already listening to it!! I cannot WAIT to wrap my ears around this treasure!

    As for my fave Travis song – I LOVE Love LOVE his rendition of In Christ Alone. LOVE Jesus Saves and absolutely was brought to my KNEES by a song he sang at Deeper Still in June (I think it is one of the new ones and I do not know the name, but I think it was on the recap video).

    (please pick me!!)

  9. 859
    Jenny says:

    Jenny Heyman. Havent ever heard his music, hope I win:)

  10. 860
    Chyrll Vollmer says:

    Chyrll Vollmer
    How can there be just one favorite?! “My Passion”; “Forevermore (Psalm 145)”; “Your Word Is Life to Me”; “3:16-The Numbers of Hope” album;

  11. 861
    Melisa King says:


    Just as I am!

  12. 862
    Ann Logsdon says:

    I love the Jesus Saves Album but my favorite is Do it Lord. Can’t wait to hear this new album!

  13. 863
    Dawn Blankley says:

    Was lucky enough to see ya’ll in Lubbock, was awesome! My first time to hear Travis, loved it all! Thanks:)

  14. 864
    LubbockKristi says:

    Kristi Lowe

    My fave is the one he BELTED OUT on Saturday afternoon! My oh my. Flat out fabulous. (I can’t tell you the name…i was too busy gawking and trying to keep my jaw from hitting the floor of the arena) Grin. 🙂

  15. 865
    Tammy Norris says:

    Tammy Norris
    I do not have any of his music , but I heard him at Living Proof Live in Lubbock and he is so gifted! I would love to win this cd!

  16. 866
    megan hughes says:

    I heard Travis when you came to Charlotte, nc this year but i don’t have a single song on my ipod of his or a cd and would love to listen to some new worship music and dance with my new baby girl born last week.

  17. 867

    I LOVE his music. I first fell in love with his gift when I saw you both live in Atlanta. FAITHFUL GOD and REFINE ME. Oh I hope I win this awesome CD.
    Kathy McDonnold

  18. 868
    Sarah Lozier says:

    I have only heard In Christ Alone so that wins my favorite by default… Gonna be at the conference in Baltimore in a few weeks and looking forward to seeing him live. Thanks for the download!

  19. 869
    Tammy says:

    Tammy Victor
    “In Christ Alone”

  20. 870
    Sarah Comley Caldwell says:

    So excited for Travis’ cd! I actually don’t have a favorite song, as I don’t know his original music, but I hope I am one of the lucky/blessed to be drawn for his cd – I would love to get to know it! (I’ve heard some of his music on Beth’s videos, but wasn’t sure what was his original compositions). Thanks!

  21. 871
    Kristi Norris says:

    Not familiar with his music

  22. 872
    Leanne Herrett says:

    Leanne Herrett

    In Christ Alone is my favorite song!

  23. 873
    Debbie McFarland says:

    I had the privilege of hearing his new song, The Word of God Has Spoken, and I was moved to tears. That has to be my new favorite!

  24. 874
    Tanya Hoffman says:

    Do it Lord is my favorite but it is hard to pick a favorite because he ROCKS!!!!!

  25. 875
    sharon says:

    The simulcast was wonderful. “In Christ Alone” is my favorite.

  26. 876
    Susan B. says:

    Susan Boland

    Love the new song – The Word of God has Spoken. It keeps rolling around in my head!!!

  27. 877
    Diana Brasher says:

    I’m Diana Brasher from Arkansas! I can’t wait to hear the music on Travis’ new CD. I was overwhelmingly blessed by the praises sung during your recent even in Little Rock. My favorite song, and one I have since played several times in our little country church, is “In Christ Alone.” I hope I win one, but even if I don’t, I will eventually get a copy and one for my friend Sherry who was with me in LR!May God continually bless you in your ministry for HIM.

  28. 878
    Pamela Kaess says:

    Wow… how is it possible to pick only one favorite song of Travis???? It is between Found and You changed my name. I love everything he does. I was at the simulcast location this past weekend in Mullins, SC. I was ushered right to the throne of grace. God is so good. My life was changed this weekend.

  29. 879
    Karen Wynn says:

    Karen Wynn

    I don’t know a favorite Travis Cottrell song, but … ‘pick me!’
    Last Saturday was my first time (but probably not the last) viewing a simulcast. It was amazing!…the worship in music and the Bible study…good fellowship where I attended.
    Then,…the ladies in my church group were so sweet to allow me to give them a ‘report’ on Sunday evening.

    Thank you.

  30. 880
    Jess says:

    I’ve only heard Travis when I came to Living Proof Live last year here in Spokane. I’d love to hear some of his music, and I’m certain my girls would too!

    Jessica Jensen

  31. 881
    Kristy says:

    I am not familiar with Travis’ music, but would love a new CD to sing praises along with!

  32. 882
    Nancy Alspach says:

    Nancy Alspach

    I am not as familiar with his music as I would like to be, but the one song I have downloaded from iTunes (and therefore, my current favorite) is Do It Lord.

    Did love the simulcast and the new song The Word of God Has Spoken. Will have to add that one to my library!

  33. 883

    I love Mercy Seat…oh my, what an incredible song!

  34. 884
    Carol Tate says:

    Only one favorite? Alive Forever, I’m Over, 2000 years, Your Word is Life to Me…….

  35. 885
    chae hudnall says:

    chae hudnall

  36. 886
    Lisa Flournoy says:

    Hi, Beth! Loved the simulcast on Saturday! You are just precious and too funny to boot!
    I have many favorite songs by Travis but I love Jesus Saves. I think of my friend I lost last year to cancer whenever I hear it. She was saved and during her illness she had visions about the ones in her family that were lost and Jesus revealed to her she just needed to impress upon them that “Jesus Saves” which she did at every opportunity. So now when I hear that song, I remember my darling Sister In Christ and know that she is no longer suffering and watching over me in heaven.
    I loved your BFF bit Saturday. And your first point about us created for good company was confirmation for me. I just love how God works! A friend and I had been speaking the Tuesday night before about that and how today so many people are missing their social skills! Sorry, I ramble.
    Again, loved your simulcast and you are a blessing to so many. I pray that God continues to pour out his blessings upon you and your family! Lisa

  37. 887
    Traci says:

    I participated in the simulcast, Christ Alone is so powerful my kids know it’s my favorite!but this weekend two of them God so used! searched on you tube, and I guess that’s why I can’t find them. One’s about name? THe other I only have a few words in my head but God used the words in such a powerful way, I need this gift to play them and say over and over!

  38. 888
    Valerie Baxter says:

    Valerie Baxter

    My favorite is definitly “In Christ Alone” but I absolutely love “Just As I Am” on the new cd.

  39. 889
    Donna Bloom says:

    He brings me to tears every time I hear him sing “In Christ Alone”….love you Travis!!

  40. 890
    Kat Fowler says:

    Hard to pick one favorite…but “In Christ Alone” is one of them

  41. 891
    Mariposa Sivage says:

    Mariposa Sivage. How can there be just one, but if there is it has to be 2000 Years.

  42. 892
    Dionna says:

    We Long For You. That’s my favorite so far.

  43. 893
    Rebecca says:

    Rebecca Brinkley

    Jesus Saves – getting a little verklempt just thinking about it!

  44. 894
    Mary Lee Riggs says:

    Mary Lee Riggs

    My favorite song is “In Christ Alone.” I get goosebumps every time I hear it.

  45. 895
    Nettie Pauls says:

    I don’t have a favorite yet, though I love his music, from the Simulcasts.

  46. 896
    Celeste Monds says:

    Holy…have played it over and over again. It puts me in AWE of our GOD!

  47. 897
    Megan Schoff says:

    Megan Schoff–LOVE the “Word of God Has Spoken”!! I got to hear it at the Lincoln LPL in June, and it was powerful. Searched and searched I-tunes for it until I realized it was his, it was new, and I had to wait! 🙂

  48. 898
    cyndi says:

    Cyndi Autrey- I love Our God Saves from Travis’s Jesus Saves Live cd. Really looking forward to hearing this new cd as well.

  49. 899
    Heather Perrotti says:

    I love when he sings In Christ Alone… but my favorite song of his is “Found”

    I do not have any of his cd’s but I sure would love one!!

  50. 900
    Lyndsey says:

    I’ve never actually heard any of his songs, except the small clips from any of the bible studies, and maybe one simulcast. I’d love to check his new cd out though! Thanks for the opportunity! ~ Lyndsey