Thanksgiving 2014 Giveaway!

Congratulations to you both! Below are names of our 2 winners drawn using  If you see your name and comment number below, please watch today for an email from LPM.  Reply with your mailing address just as quickly as possible so we can get your goodies in your hands.  It was a great pleasure reading all the entry comments and encouragement. Happy Thanksgiving!

#2365 – Kimberly Beasley
#2394 – Elizabeth White


Thanksgiving is just days away, Sisters! Since this particular holiday, like no other on our annual calendar, centers almost entirely around a meal, it brings a whole passel of us to the kitchen.  So, your friends here at Living Proof thought we would have some fun with you by wrapping up a few fabulous items for the family feast.

We have prepared two identical baskets, enabling us to do a random drawing of TWO WINNERS among the commenters to this post. That’s all you have to do to enter. Just leave one comment and on Thursday morning, we’ll close the comments and draw our two winners and announce their names at the top of this post.

The goodies from these baskets contain items from the two largest kitchen stores in Houston: Williams-Sonoma and Sur la Table.  When it comes to cooking, it doesn’t get better than that. [You will see each item in a separate picture so you can get a good look at them.]  I so hope the baskets end up in the hands of a couple of women who could really stand to feel a little extra-special right now or perhaps are on such a tight budget that these items would feel like a fantastic splurge. I’m looking today for entries of some women who’d slap the table with joy over ending up with these. You are all so loved and esteemed here at Living Proof and you are valuable beyond price or description to the Kingdom of Christ.





2,863 Responses to “Thanksgiving 2014 Giveaway!”

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  1. 2651
    Nancy says:

    So sweet an idea – I appreciate all the work that you guys do. I’ve grown so much from the Bible Studies that I taken. Keep them coming!

  2. 2652
    Nancy Robison says:

    Thank you for letting the love of God shine through you. My Ladies Sunday School class will be start your Children of the Day study on this Sunday.

  3. 2653
    Kathy says:

    Thank you for this giveaway. And thank you most for stepping into God’s purpose for you.

  4. 2654
    Cindy Webster says:

    So thankful for Beth and her wonderful ministry! This would be a blessing to my family!

  5. 2655
    Melanie says:

    Thanksgiving is always full of family memories! I have a friend who LOVES to cook and ministers to others! She lost her home in hurricane Katrina and is still leaving in a camper. She is on a shoe string budget and if I were to win this it is so going to her!! I truly pray God blesses her with this sweet reminder that she is loved!! Thank you, Beth for thinking of us!

  6. 2656
    Melissa says:

    My students read a book last week about the creation of Thanksgiving as a national holiday and the first pardoned turkey. It was quite entertaining!

  7. 2657
    Casey says:

    Happy Thanksgiving. Gobble Gobble!

  8. 2658
    Annette Smith says:

    I am thankful for the women that share and go through the Beth Moore studies with me. We would enjoy the basket together.
    Thank you,

  9. 2659
    Jenny says:

    This would be so helpful. Every year I struggle. Good thing my family loves me anyway . 🙂

  10. 2660
    Pam Redd says:

    Very thankful for Beth Moore and her entire team! I have been inspired by her words regarding His Word!!
    Happy Thanksgiving!

  11. 2661
    Lisa Rettig says:

    How cool would it be to win one of these?!

  12. 2662
    Gloria Anthony says:

    Thanksgiving is one of my favorite holidays, not only for the food but all the family. We should remember to be thankful all year long.

  13. 2663
    Quahana Hendree says:

    I am so excited that I have become acquainted and BLESSED by Beth’s ministry! Winning this basket would do my heart good after a tumultuous two years filled with a medical crisis that shattered my life, but helped me look to God to put the pieces back together.

  14. 2664
    Karen Fleischer says:

    Thanks so much for your many bible studies–our Monday afternoon group has grown so much and grown to love each other and God so much through your commitment to share. Thank you so much!

  15. 2665
    Marla Hood says:

    I FINALLY got to do one of your bible studies. our ladies group did Daniel again and I GOT TO GO this time! WOWZERS!! Now I know what all the fuss is about! Beth Moore, you are one anointed, blessed,instrument of God, both verbally and in the written word!!! I’ve got 2 things to look forward to; the next bible study and your visit to the Greater Cincinnati area this coming Spring!!!! I wish we could sit down and have a cup of coffee or tea together!!I have so many things I would love to talk about.

  16. 2666
    Angie Hall says:

    You are all so sweet and wonderful!! I am going to leave a comment for two reasons: First, I am doing the Children of the Day study right now with my women’s Bible study group at church and am LOVING the opportunity to think past this life to the the time “When the Lord Jesus is revealed!” Thank you sooooo very much for helping us dig into His precious Word!! Second, I know a family who would be totally overjoyed, blessed and thankful to our Lord if they received this, so I am entering so that if I win, I can pass it along to them! Their son,my former student, who has been in a wheelchair his whole life (under a diagnosis of CP) has recently received a new diagnosis and as a result he had surgery 10 days ago in the hopes of eventually providing him the ability to walk!!! This family does so much for everyone else, even with the heavy responsibilities they have of their own, that I would LOVE to see them get a little treat for the holidays. Anyway, here’s to our great God and his dear people. Blessings!

  17. 2667
    Joy Goley says:

    Heeeeeee! I love giveaways!

  18. 2668
    Amy says:

    What a fun giveaway-something special for this wannabe chef!

  19. 2669
    Lori Fitzgerald says:

    So fun and fall-ish! Thanks for sharing!

  20. 2670
    Denice says:

    What a great giveaway! Thanks so much!

  21. 2671
    Ann says:

    Being in Women’s Ministry, I say “what a great idea”! I my borrow it for something similar at Christmas!

    May we live thankful lives all our days…..
    Blessings to you and yours,

  22. 2672
    Mary says:

    Thanksgiving is my favorite. God lavishes His blessings on my life and I can’t help but thank and praise Him all year long! To God be the Glory; great things He has done!

  23. 2673
    Erica Kirk says:

    Thanksgiving is one of my very favorite holidays. I’m trying to live it every day. Thank you for all you do, LPM. You are changing the world, one beautiful heart at a time.

  24. 2674
    Debra says:

    Grateful for Jesus. Losing my entire family, I don’t know how people go on in life without Him!

  25. 2675
    Cheryl Patton says:

    I would love to win a basket. Love your teachings Beth Moore! I live in a small town between Chattanooga and Nashville with only 3 redlights 🙂 and would love to do some Home Bible Studies at my home that I am renovating. It is a 1930’s home. Maybe call our meetings The Front Porch- we have a huge front porch and I am spack dab in the middle of town square. The courthouse is in front of my house and we have plenty of parking space! I am also wanting to go to Israel next year with Lesa T with Proverbs 31 ministries!! I would love to win a basket. Love your teachings Beth Moore! I live in a small town between Chattanooga and Nashville with only 3 redlights 🙂 and would love to do some Home Bible Studies at my home that I am renovating. It is a 1930’s home. Maybe call our meetings The Front Porch- we have a huge front porch and I am spack dab in the middle of town square. The courthouse is in front of my house and we have plenty of parking space! I am also wanting to go to Israel next year with Lesa T with Proverbs 31 ministries!!

  26. 2676
    Andrea says:

    I would definitely slap the table with joy! :). I LOVE those two stores but can never justify spending that money…

  27. 2677
    Kristi says:

    thanks for the chance to win!

  28. 2678
    Brooke says:

    What a fun giveaway!

  29. 2679
    Judith Long says:

    i am leading “Children of the Day” here in Tupelo,MS. We have 2 sessions left. I am thankful that Jesus came into this world to save us but can’t wait for him to come back. Come quickly Lord Jesus!

  30. 2680
    Rachel Natzke says:

    I’m so grateful for this ministry & your commitment to help others! I love the baskets. So sweet!

  31. 2681
    Jill says:

    We live in Kenya and serve at Rift Valley Academy in Kijabe. We will celebrate Thanksgiving on December 3 because it is not a recognized holiday here and school won’t close until December 1. Strange how we live sometimes!

  32. 2682
    KaeSandz says:

    First, thank you for the fun. And from two favorite places. Wow! Simply, after losing my loved vocation serving special needs kids in a residential setting for almost thirty years and being in something of the wilderness these past few years, my heart resounds with gratitude for all I’ve seen my Father do for me in countless ways of provision, counsel, companionship, protection, steadying, giving courage and as you all know, I could go on. He has caused the rubber to meet the road in showing me the value and necessity of knowing His Word and His Voice. He is so good. So good.

    So fellow sojourners, in all honesty, this weary traveler would simply be honored for a little glimmer of fun in my most treasured season of all.

    With gratitude for the Living Proof Crew and all you do to nudge us a little deeper with THE heart connection we need the most.

    Happy Thanksgiving to … ya’ll!

  33. 2683
    Diana Bennett says:

    Enjoy the through living proof.

  34. 2684
    Shelli Barnhart says:

    Thank you for blessing all of us with what you do throughout the year. Thankful for our many blessings including God, faith, family, church family and friends and the ability to freely study the Word. God Bless.

  35. 2685
    Julie Parmer says:

    Bless you & your ministry!

  36. 2686
    Elizabeth Kinsey says:

    I would be so excited to win this. Thanks for the opportunity and the wonderful bible studies. God bless you.

  37. 2687
    Allison Ashton says:

    Beautiful!!!!! Love you Beth!

  38. 2688
    Kathy Lee says:

    first year I will be cooking for our family! The roles have changed from my mom and mother-in-law to me! What fun to have some star goodies to help

  39. 2689
    Lisa says:

    Thank you for all you do! So grateful for the leadership God has raised and the availability we have to their giftedness.

  40. 2690
    Maryellen Davies says:

    Thanksgiving is one of my favorite holidays. And I am forever grateful for this ministry. LPM has played a major part in my faith journey.

  41. 2691
    Rhonda says:

    Thank You SO much LPM for being such an extra special blessing, how fun and how sweet too…Happy Thanksgiving!

  42. 2692
    Mandy says:

    Thanksgiving is by far my favorite holiday! It’s a time when all of my family is together under one roof, enjoying a wonderful meal. I sure do have a lot to be thankful for!

    I am looking forward to attending the Seattle (Redmond), WA conference in 2015!!!

  43. 2693
    Mary Betley says:


  44. 2694
    Retha Pittman says:

    live Beth’s honesty paired with humor and transparency.

  45. 2695
    Char says:

    Happy Thanksgiving to all! What beautiful baskets!!

  46. 2696
    Krista J. says:

    These are so beautiful and would be a huge blessing to take 1 to the Thanksgiving gathering a friend invited me to.
    Happy Thanksgiving LPM!
    Look forward to seeing ya’ll in Austin!

  47. 2697
    MaryLou Rode says:

    Feeling so thankful for all I have learned through Beth’s “Children of the Day ” study! May God continue to Bless this ministry and all who are involved in it! Praise God!

  48. 2698
    Terah says:

    How much more fun would Thanksgiving be with some goodies from my dear Beth Moore on the table!? Love this!

  49. 2699
    Sara Cook says:

    There are times I laugh to myself thinking about you wearing 2 of your husband’s boots that are both left feet. As I recall you said to him, wherever we are going, I hope it is left. Something like that anyway. You are precious. Your words warm my heart. ((Hugs)) to you on Thanksgiving.

  50. 2700
    Cami says:

    Happy Thanksgiving! I am very thankful for your ministry and all I have learned and overcome through these Bible studies.