Thanksgiving 2014 Giveaway!

Congratulations to you both! Below are names of our 2 winners drawn using  If you see your name and comment number below, please watch today for an email from LPM.  Reply with your mailing address just as quickly as possible so we can get your goodies in your hands.  It was a great pleasure reading all the entry comments and encouragement. Happy Thanksgiving!

#2365 – Kimberly Beasley
#2394 – Elizabeth White


Thanksgiving is just days away, Sisters! Since this particular holiday, like no other on our annual calendar, centers almost entirely around a meal, it brings a whole passel of us to the kitchen.  So, your friends here at Living Proof thought we would have some fun with you by wrapping up a few fabulous items for the family feast.

We have prepared two identical baskets, enabling us to do a random drawing of TWO WINNERS among the commenters to this post. That’s all you have to do to enter. Just leave one comment and on Thursday morning, we’ll close the comments and draw our two winners and announce their names at the top of this post.

The goodies from these baskets contain items from the two largest kitchen stores in Houston: Williams-Sonoma and Sur la Table.  When it comes to cooking, it doesn’t get better than that. [You will see each item in a separate picture so you can get a good look at them.]  I so hope the baskets end up in the hands of a couple of women who could really stand to feel a little extra-special right now or perhaps are on such a tight budget that these items would feel like a fantastic splurge. I’m looking today for entries of some women who’d slap the table with joy over ending up with these. You are all so loved and esteemed here at Living Proof and you are valuable beyond price or description to the Kingdom of Christ.





2,863 Responses to “Thanksgiving 2014 Giveaway!”

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  1. 2701
    Tina says:

    He brought me out, so that he could bring me in !

  2. 2702
    Tomi says:

    Thank you for constantly being an example of generosity & love! You all rock 🙂 I’m so thankful to God for this ministry! I hope to one day give thanks in person to you all for all you do & give each one of you a big hug!! I pray God’s best for this ministry.

  3. 2703
    Heidi says:

    You all are so generous! Happy Thanksgiving to you, too!

  4. 2704
    Rachel says:

    Looks like it will all help make a delicious meal!

  5. 2705
    Victoria West says:

    What a fun giveaway!

  6. 2706
    Amy helsing says:

    Happy thanksgiving:)

  7. 2707
    Gloria Tyler says:

    I have lfacilitate Beth Moore Bible Studies the last ten years at my church. Seeing the women blossom , grow and mature has been my greatest life blessing.

  8. 2708
    Terrie says:

    Happy Thanksgiving to everyone.

  9. 2709
    Hilary fuller says:

    Perfect Christmas gift!

  10. 2710
    Shaci says:

    Me!! On a side note- asking for prayers for our community as we have lost 2 8th grade boys this week, one to suicide and the other by accident. We had another try to end his life last night also. Thank you! ❤️

  11. 2711
    Ann says:

    Thank you so much for being obedient to the Lord’s direction. Right now we are going through the book of James, and I feel like you are right there with us as we study these truths. We so appreciate your transparency. Happy Thanksgiving!

  12. 2712
    Lori says:

    Thank you Living Proof! So thankful for a women’s ministry that continually reaches out to ladies and likes to have fun besides!

  13. 2713
    Joanne Kimey says:

    Beth, your ministry has been such a blessing in my life. I co-lead a Bible study on Monday evenings in my home. We are “Beth Moore Groupies.” How we would love to have you sit right down with us — you would fit right in. We have seen you on your two visits to Boise — We were “Noise in Boise!” God Bless You and your team Beth. We are thankful for you!!

  14. 2714
    Patty Parker says:

    Beth Moore you rock! You became a close friend to me 10 years ago during my divorce. I had 3 small children back then plus I’m a middle school teacher. My sanity was to look forward to my 9 o’clock bubble bath and book time! Thank you for your ministry! I’m still a single mom, but a much stronger single mom with teenagers and a college student! I’m hoping that one basket will find it’s way to a single mom! It’s probably the only girl she’s gotten in a while! Love you my friend!

  15. 2715
    Lisa tollenaar says:

    Wow! I cannot begin to say how much your ministry has affected life, all I can say is thank you. Now you put together a basket of goodies that would make cooking a joy! You never cease to amaze. A very happy thanksgiving to you all and God bless!!

  16. 2716
    Teresa Zeller says:

    So thankful for you and the truths from the Word you share!

  17. 2717
    Ramona Opray says:


  18. 2718
    Heather Marshall says:

    Love thanksgiving- spending time with family is pretty fun!

  19. 2719
    Carol says:

    I love fall and the trees as they change! So thankful to drive down our street and praise God for the beautiful bold colors of fall. Thank you for blessing my life with God working through your ministry! May our Lord bless you beyond measure! Forever grateful!

  20. 2720
    Janeen says:

    Happy Thanksgiving Beth & all the crew at Living Proof Ministries! Thank you for all that you do for Jesus!

  21. 2721
    Kaylee says:

    I am specifically asking you not choose me as a winner- There are women out there who will be far more blessed by this gift than me, but I needed to say how FUN this is!!! I so love all the little goodies. One of the better Thanksgiving baskets I’ve seen in this lifetime. Love you all!

  22. 2722
    Joni Taylor says:

    What a beautiful basket! What a blessing it would be to win this! Plus, I caught my oven mitt on fire so that part of the gift basket would be quite handy!! 😉

  23. 2723
    Karen Anderson says:

    Would love to win a basket! Thank you for all you do!!

  24. 2724
    Darla Armstrong says:

    Thank you, Beth, for the chance to win a basket! Your Bible studies bless my life! Happy Thanksgiving to you and your staff!

  25. 2725
    Meghan says:

    Jesus reigns

  26. 2726
    Monika Adcock says:

    I’m in – thanks for the fabulous giveaway fun! (:

  27. 2727
    Mary says:

    I just got through doing your Breaking Free Bible study with my daughter and a friend. What a blessing it was! It was my first, but I know I will do more now. What a blessing you are!!
    Happy Thanksgiving to you and your family!

  28. 2728
    Michele pearson says:

    Here’s hoping …:)

  29. 2729
    Kathy says:

    Cool! Have a BLESSED day! 🙂

  30. 2730
    Betty says:

    I was able to see Beth Moore live last year in Spokane after completing the Breaking Free Series. Us ladies are doing the Children of the Day series now. I would love to win the basket to make my son’s first Thanksgiving back home with me just a little more special. After a 7 year battle, God has answered prayers and my 16 year old special needs son is home.

  31. 2731
    Erin Heins says:


  32. 2732
    Diana W says:

    It is a blessing to be doing your Bible study on Thessalonians right now!! Thank you!!

  33. 2733
    Rocky Abbott says:

    How fun is this! What a great way to kick off the holiday season!

  34. 2734
    Oleta says:

    Beth – thank you for all your love and hard work in preparing the Bible Studies for us. Just finished “Children of the Day” and loved it. Felt strengthen for the days ahead and filled with GRACE.

    Thanks for the give away!

  35. 2735
    Delores says:

    Thanksgiving is my favorite holiday, especially now that my 3 daughters are grown and have babies of their own. These grandbabies are just icing in the cake & thrill MiMi’s soul to have them all together. God has blessed me greatly. My daughters have thrived & are beautiful young women, despite their mother’s faults & failures. Praise the Lord for His mercy and grace. And I would be slapping the table if I were to win one of these baskets. I’ve had a change in jobs in the last month, & times are hard. God is faithful & He promises me in His word. He will never leave me or forsake me. Happy Thanksgiving to every one at LP.

  36. 2736
    Amanda says:

    Beth Moore and LPM ROCK!!

  37. 2737
    Michelle Pelletier says:

    If I win, I will share this with my co-Bible-study-Beth-Moore-loving-ladies!
    – Michelle from Maine

  38. 2738
    Natalie says:

    Enjoying doing a group study of Beth’s Here and Now, There and Then study over Revelation at my church. This is my second Beth Moore group study, and it’s so much fun! I’ve done several by myself, but it’s so much better in a group. We fellowship and have discussions. We just took a break for the holidays, and I miss it so much!Can’t wait to start back in January.

  39. 2739
    Lisa H says:

    You are such a blessing! Thank you for all that you do!

  40. 2740
    Cindy says:

    I have been blessed by Living Proof ministries and Beth’s teachings for the past 3 years. So thankful for the comraderie these events have brought to my circle of friends, and slso for the new friends that I have made as a result of attending Beth’s classes and events

  41. 2741
    Dianna says:

    While I would slap the table excitement over winning one of these and it would be a definate splurge, I would really be excited to win a basket so that I could give it to a friend that is hurting and in need of encouragement! She is a homeschooling Mom of 4. Her marriage is falling apart out from under her. She is hurt and broken watching the man that she loves willfully live in and seem to run towards sin. He has left the house to be able to spend more time with his girlfriend that doesn’t require him to work at it or change anything like what their Christian Marriage Counselor suggested. This would be a great encouragement to her as she approaches the holidays with 4 young children, a bank account that has been secretly drained by her husband, and approaching Christmas prepping for the time she has to tell the children that Daddy isn’t coming home. It sure makes my struggles seem minor! While I can’t afford that paper the basket is wrapped in, my friend certainly could use the encouragement and this would be such a great surprise for her! Thanks!

  42. 2742
    Sue Hammack says:

    Beth and her team have been serving me up the word of The Lord for many, many years. How blessed I would feel to have a little bit of the LP team in my home as I serve my family. Praise God for y’all!

  43. 2743
    Lisa Bingham says:

    Thankful for my Lord Jesus Christ and Godly women like Beth to mentor me!
    The basket would be such a blessing! I’m hosting for 22 people, as a busy mama of 4 kiddos- I’ll use it ALL,! :0)

  44. 2744
    Gena says:

    Thank you. See y’all in Cincy iJune ’15!

  45. 2745
    Cricket Witt says:

    Oh my goodness still sailing from LPM visit to Billings MT. Thank you Beth and team for sharing God’s Word with us. I Know I am BLESSED!!!

  46. 2746
    Sarah Holbrook says:

    These are truly lovely baskets I would love to win one for my mom. she deserves a treat like this she would treasure it so much.

  47. 2747
    Marcie Blakley says:

    Happy Thanksgiving to all! May the Lord continue to bless and use this ministry for His glory!

  48. 2748
    Monica says:

    What a fun giveaway to bless someone with!

  49. 2749
    Mindy Sayler says:

    Love you ministry! Looking forward to seeing you in the next few months, in Seattle.

  50. 2750
    Hua says:

    I have a special friend in my ‘pay it forward’ project, I am sure she would love this! Thanks LPM for all that you do!