Siesta Summer Bible Study 2014: Launch and Registration!

Welcome everybody! This is our first gathering for Children of the Day and we are incredibly blessed to have you along! If you’re just now hearing about it, we’d love for you to join us! You’ll find it most helpful to begin by reading this previous post that includes our approach, our summer Bible study schedule and many other specifics: (SSBS 2014 Info post) All you need to participate is the workbook entitled Children of the Day. We only officially “gather” here on the blog every two weeks because summers are so busy.  On each of those 5 Tuesdays (starting today), you’ll find a video I’ve prepared for you with instructions for that day. I’ll also remind you to do the next 2 weeks of Bible study before our next gathering. View it personally if you are going solo or, if you’re joining in with others, with your small group. I’ll always put the bare bones of that gathering’s instructions in print in the post as well (as you’ll see below) in case you have any trouble viewing the video. Here’s your first one!



Basic written instructions in case you have trouble with the video:

Register for our summer Bible study by simply leaving a comment to this post per instructions below. Of course, you can take part without registering but you’ll get much more out of it if you fully participate. It not only increases accountability. It stirs up a sense of belonging and fellowship which is so important to us here in this blog community. 


Here’s what we’d love for you to supply in your registration comment today: (Try to limit yourself to this information so it will be easy to read and count.)


1. Your NAME.


2. Your CITY.


3. Whether you’re going SOLO or in tandem with a small group. If you’re in a small group, share approximately how many are in your group and where you are planning to meet.


4. Share in a sentence or two why you could really stand to be in Bible study this summer. Maybe it’s that you’ve never been in one before. We would be elated! Or maybe it’s been a long time. If so, this is a great time and place to come back home to the heart of Jesus. Maybe you’re just hoping to get to know Christ a little better. Or, perhaps you’re interested in particular subject matter that appears on the pages of 1st or 2nd Thessalonians. On the other hand, maybe you especially need to be in the Scriptures because you have extenuating circumstances that could really challenge you this summer. What’s motivating you to get into the Scriptures with us this summer? There are no wrong answers!


5. BONUS question (optional):  WHAT IS A QUIRK OF YOURS?? Come on, now! Tell us!

If you’re meeting with a small group, share your answers to questions 4 and 5.


I will pitch out a memory verse each week for anybody who wants to participate:

 Week 1 Memory Verse:

 1 Thessalonians 1:4 The NET Bible: We know, brothers and sisters loved by God, that He has chosen you.


Week 2 Memory Verse:

1 Thessalonians 2:8 The NET Bible: …with such affection for you we were happy to share with you not only the gospel of God but also our own lives, because you had become dear to us.



Do WEEKS ONE AND TWO of your homework before our next gathering in two weeks! If you’re watching the OPTIONAL video teaching sessions, you will want to watch Session 1 this week before you start your homework and Session 2 before you start your second week of homework. Here is the link: Children Of The Day Sessions


Don’t feel pressured to go to the added expense. All you need to participate in the summer study is the workbook. 


I am so honored to serve you and study with you this summer! Can’t wait to see your names and locations! So much love to you, Sisters! We joyfully embrace each one of you. 



5,040 Responses to “Siesta Summer Bible Study 2014: Launch and Registration!”

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  1. 4751
    Michelle Jubran says:

    1. Michelle Jubran

    2. Knoxville, TN

    3. Solo when I miss my Local study group which consists of approximately 70 people

    4. Stay at home Wife, Empty nester, avid cyclist, love my family.

    5. Trying to fix things for everyone, need to let go and remember the boundaries.

  2. 4752
    Jessica says:

    1. Jessica
    2. Menifee, CA
    3. Solo
    4. I participate in Community Bible Study over the school year but I really want accountability and encouragement over the summer. I feel a longing to hear God’s personal voice to me for renewal and direction in my life.

  3. 4753
    Kim says:

    1. Kim Huitt

    2. Anchorage, Alaska

    3. Just me and God

    4. Homeschool family with three children, mom who needs God’s grace and love to share life and joy with the fam.

    5. I like a lot of alone time.

  4. 4754
    Sue Peters says:

    1. Sue Peters
    2. Ontario, Ohio
    3. We’re finishing up with Children of the Day in our small group Bible Study, and now I’m beginning it again with a long-distance friend in Arizona.
    4. Connecting with a friend and reinforcing what I’ve just learned.
    5. All the labels in my pantry and refrigerator have to face the front and be in their correct area.

  5. 4755
    Amanda Russell says:

    1. Amanda Russell
    2. Lakeland, FL
    3. I’m meeting with a very small group; just the two of us at the moment.
    4. I am looking to reconnect with my Saviour in a different way. This series seems new, fresh, and exciting! I am loving it so far, and I’ve only just begun.
    5. My quirk is that everything on my coffee table has to be symmetrical. I hate a messy coffee table. 🙂

  6. 4756
    Ina says:

    1. Ina
    2. Overland Park, KS
    3. Group of 3 with my mother- and sister-in-law
    4. My husband and I lead a small group in our home during the year, and we are taking a break for the summer since everyone has busy schedules. My prayer is that this study would help keep me planted in the Word.
    5. If I don’t eat the whole cookie then the calories don’t really count :o)

  7. 4757
    Beverly Taylor says:

    1. Beverly
    2. Crystal Lake IL
    3. Small group via FaceBook with friends back in my home state of WV
    4. I wanted to do a Beth study this summer. It’s a time of transition for me; all of my kids are grown, thru college, and gone; I’m a new grandmother; just lost my precious dog and constant companion; husband and I trying to figure out what the next few years before retirement are going to look like.
    5. I have to alphabetize my spices in the kitchen.

  8. 4758
    Fran Grumbein says:

    !. Fran Grumbein
    2. Sunnyvale, Texas
    3. group of five
    4. structured study during the summer months
    5. I make my bed at night before I go to sleep.

  9. 4759
    Wendy says:

    1.Wendy Chitwood 2.Vine Grove, KY 3.Solo 4. Need Spiritual Refreshing 5. Gravitate toward color turquoise in anything, clothing, paint colors, etc. .

  10. 4760
    Paige says:

    Paige H
    Acworth GA
    I am in desperate need of this study. I have been blessed in the past by Beth, The Lord has used her studies to teach me so much. Isaiah 44 really hit me today. It is time to quench my thirsty soul.

    Quirk:I can’t study unless everything is quiet. I try to do it while my children (five of them) are still asleep. That way I have no distractions.

  11. 4761
    Rebecca Jones says:

    1. Rebecca Jones
    2. Albuquerque, NM
    3. Group study
    4. My relationship with God grew so much by doing a Beth Moore study and my heart is so excited for God to keep on changing me to be more like Christ
    5. It makes my day sharing Bible verses with strangers it’s cool the feedback that has come and just how the Father works in people hearts! (John 6:44)

  12. 4762
    Mary Dawn says:

    1. Mary Dawn Terpening
    2. Roswell, NM
    3. Solo
    4. I just need it so badly! I’ve done many Beth Moore studies, but not recently. I’m not currently in a Bible Study and I’m just so excited to be able to do this with Beth and the Siestas! Was finally able to go to Lubbock and get my book yesterday.
    5. My husband says I’m a magnet for people with problems. I love people and sometimes get too involved in trying to help.

  13. 4763
    Kerry says:

    1. Kerry
    2. Pataskala Ohio
    3. Small group with relatives in Texas and Oklahoma
    4. Had to drop out of my neighborhood bible study in TN when I moved 6 months ago so I’m ready!
    5. Always flip through a magazine back to front.

  14. 4764
    Jillian Baker says:

    1. Jillian Baker

    2. Hudson, FL

    3. Solo kind of, me and a friend

    4. First ever bible study. Looking to grow my faith and get closer to god.

    5. My quirk would have to be that I tend to talk to my computer lol.

  15. 4765
    Jerolyn says:


  16. 4766
    Kate says:

    1. Kate and Pamela
    2. Greeley, CO
    3. Small group-2
    4. We are in this study to remain in the Word. The two of us in our group have some time this summer and thought this would be a great study and way to connect with each other and with God.
    5. We just don’t anything weird. It’s all normal to us. 😉

  17. 4767
    Joy Edwards says:

    1. Joy Edwards
    2. Pensacola,FL
    3. Solo
    4. It has been several years since I have done a ladies Bible study-This will be my first Beth Moore Bible Study. I desire to draw closer to Christ and see His working in my life.
    5. Quirk: Dessert is my favorite part of meals.

  18. 4768
    Amanda says:

    1. Amanda
    2. The Woodlands, TX
    3. Studying with my sister–long-distance
    4. I just need to be obedient right now, really BE in the word, and stay in the word.
    5. I have a shot-glass of chocolate chips (the baking kind) almost every night

  19. 4769
    Lora Harvard says:

    1. Blackshear,Ga
    2. solo
    3. I want to stay in the Word and strengthen my relationship with the Lord:)

  20. 4770
    Maria says:

    1. Maria
    2. Hamilton, MT
    3. I’m leading a group of 15 women in my home
    4. I have had a year of desperate dryness and I am ready to experience a downpour of God’s Spirit through this study.
    5. My quirkiest quirk is that I have a separate “voice”, including a kind of language for each of my animals (I have two dogs and two cats). I kind of “talk” for them and we have conversations. I live in the country and don’t get out much…(smile)

  21. 4771
    Cathie, OH says:

    Cathie, Grove City Oh,
    small group

    need to be in a Bible study to keep me accountable to staying in the word, and the fellowship
    I cannot stand dirty dishes left in the sink, I DO NOT have a dishwasher to hide them in!

    , I do not have a dishwasher!

  22. 4772
    Dena McDonald says:

    1. Dena

    2. Normal, IL (Yes, Normal is an actual town, and no, you can’t make up any jokes about it that I haven’t already heard!)

    3. Small study with 1 friend

    4. I’ve proven time and again that I require regular accountability in my walk with God, and summer is my weak time when I’m not in a structured study.

    5. I always have to have a beverage of some kind in the car with me regardless of how far I’m going.

    • 4772.1
      Kerrie says:

      Hi Dena. Looking forward to our study. It looks like there might be a list of questions I need to look at here 🙂 I always need accountability and can tell when I’m moving away from God…it isn’t a good feeling. I always have a beverage with me, in the car, at home, at work, even when I sleep 🙂 See you tonight!

  23. 4773
    Lark says:

    1. Lark
    2. Franklin, TN
    3. Group study
    4. Love to stay in God’s Word.
    5. Looking for God’s surprises.

  24. 4774
    Michele Goldhammer says:

    1. Michele Goldhammer
    2. Indianapolis, IN
    3. Solo
    4. need structured bible study over summer months
    5. I thrive on a schedule.

  25. 4775
    Astrid says:

    1. Astrid

    2. Portland, OR

    3. Solo

    4. Taking a leadership break and am yielding to God to re-shape my local spiritual community. Also have missed you since James 🙂

    5. I am an avid reader and inevitably 3-4 books end up in my bed…. my husband will come to bed and lay on at least one AGAIN and groan: move your library some OTHER PLACE!!!

  26. 4776
    Cara Kriz says:

    So I’m late signing into this first post but…

    1. Cara Kriz

    2. Tampa, Florida

    3. I’m doing the study with a group of 8 awesome ladies.

    4. Our overall answers were that are days go so much better when we are studying his word AND we stay in the word better when we are in a group and have that accountability and fellowship.

    5. With 8 of us we all had some funny quirks… turning everything into a song, having to sleep with the sheets tucked in, nothing on the kitchen cabinets, saying phrases completely wrong.

    It was nice time of fellowship. I think we learn the most about each other when we ask silly questions like “tell us your quirk”

  27. 4777
    Barb says:

    I am hoping to receive some confirmation, preparation and comfort from the Holy Spirit through this study. I want to live like I am ready to meet Jesus. I am hoping this study will help practically confirm what it looks like to be ready, watching and set apart.I don’t want to sleeping when He comes! Truly wisdom and knowledge is the stability of our times.

  28. 4778
    Jan Hunnicutt says:

    1. Jan
    2. Parker, Az
    3. Solo
    4. I love your studies!

  29. 4779
    Rebecca Fansler says:

    Forney, Tx.
    With a friend.
    Needing a study and a friend to keep me accountable until the fall.

  30. 4780
    Terry Ann McFarlin says:

    Hello Everyone!

    Shelbyville, Tn


    I need some kind of peace in my life with the Lord, my Faith has been tested, my son was killed at the young age of 18.

    I am very OCD when it comes to my home and clutter.

    This is the second time I have signed up for this class, my book got lost in the mail and I just now received it. The devil is a my back to make sure I don’t do anything to please the Lord. Help!

  31. 4781
    Joanne says:

    I’m Joanne from Stockton,Ca.
    Doing this with a very dear friend.
    I need A constant IV of God’s Word just to get through each day of Life, especially where I find myself right now.
    I still iron our clothes! (I know!)

    • 4781.1
      Yvette says:

      Yvette McCormick
      Cookeville, TN
      Haven’t been able to be in a regular Bible Study the last year and I miss it!!! It also helps keep me accountable to being in God’s word!
      I have to have every to do item from work to personal written in my planner pad 🙂

  32. 4782
    jeanette says:

    1. Jeanette
    2. Spring Hill, TN
    3. Small group meeting in homes
    4. need to get back into the Word
    5. Labels in pantry must face forward, and I count stairs

  33. 4783
    Misty Skinner says:

    Misty Skinner
    Grimesland, NC
    group study (Starting late)
    Need to re-establish a closeness with God
    Quirk: Neat freak

  34. 4784
    Melissa says:

    1. Melissa
    2. Shawnee KS
    3. Small Group
    4. My 1st Bible study, looking to learn and grow spiritually.
    5. I rarely order straight off a menu. Also, I tend to procrastinate if I run into a roadblock. Case in point, when it went to my bookstore to buy the workbook for this study last month, they were sold out, so I’m just now getting started with this study. I will power through the lessons to get caught up in time for our next small group session this Sunday evening.

  35. 4785
    Misti Bodker says:

    1. Misti Bodker
    2. San Antonio, TX
    3. Solo
    4. I’m a SAHM with a 6, 2 and 1 year old and I’m not able to get out of our second floor condo very often, so this is allowing me to study the Word and have adult interaction via internet.
    5. I love planners (currently using an Emily Ley Simplified Planner) and I write down anything I can. And another crazy one is I hate to not have my legs shaved. I have even laid awake at night after bathing and my nightly routine trying to get past the prickle feeling bcs I forgot to shave in my hurry only to give up after a few hours and go back to the bathroom, sit on the edge of the tub and eliminate the prickle.

  36. 4786
    Hali says:

    1. Hali

    2. Alexandria, LA

    3. I am going solo in this bible study, but I am so excited to do it!!

    4. I am so hungry for more of the Word, and I am thrilled to learn more!

    5. One quirk of mine is that my closet is organized by color, and each color is organized from darkest to lightest.

  37. 4787
    Marites L says:

    1. Marites L.
    2. Rancho Cucaminga, CA
    3. Solo
    4. My small group is taking a break for the
    summer, as well as, School of Ministry
    classes at my church. I really long to get
    to know the Lord better. I am a pastor’s
    wife and a mother of two. I just want to
    get to know my Lord and Savior on a deeper
    level and to grow in my knowledge, I love
    learning. I want to know how much He
    loves me and how I can serve and love
    others. I want to dedicate my summer to
    getting to know him better.

    • 4787.1
      Marites L says:

      Oops forgot #5 – I always separate the muffin top from the bottom and eat the bottom first, saving the top for last (in my opinion, the best part).

  38. 4788
    Jill S. says:

    Jill S.

    Crown Point, IN


    I have a thirst for the word of God. I have done several Beth Moore studies, and I have found that her studies, through God’s word, reveal to me an area that God is trying to work on in my life. I leave each study more in tune with God, and I have a greater understanding of his word.

    I say that I hate cheese, but I eat it on pizza and tacos (depending on the type).

  39. 4789
    Janet Tandus says:

    Janet Tandus
    Aurora, CO
    Small Group
    Summer can be a dry season spiritually with all its busyness, so I am thankful to have an opportunity to be in the word and grow in my knowledge of the Lord. Plus, the accountability keeps me on track.
    My quirk is that I consider fried potatoes their own food group. Potato chips are my go to snack, and summer time is a great to visit Sonic drive in for tater tots.

  40. 4790
    Nancy says:

    1. Nancy W
    2. Sunnyvale, TX
    3. Solo
    4. For me

  41. 4791
    Deanna says:

    1. Deanna

    2. Portland, OR

    3. Solo

    4. Feeling dry and in need of refreshing. Wanting to soak up God’s Word and become saturated by it.

    5. I don’t like showering after someone else has already showered. Something about the water on the shower curtain or sides of the shower bothers me.

  42. 4792
    Nancy Sisk says:

    1. Nancy Sisk
    2. Williamston, SC.
    3. Solo sorta
    4. Trying to get with my friend and go through study together. Also, I am part of ladies Bible study for Children of the Day, However, I have only attended 1 out of 4 sessions. I have been traveling and fell behind. I try to stay involved in a study, so stay engaged in the word. I need to spend more time with God.
    5. I also have the coffee quirk. I do not have my coffee until after reading The Word.

  43. 4793
    Joyce Cook says:

    Dear Beth
    Your the most wonderful, kind, caring person . I did not know how to study the bible,
    You make it easy and you take it slow ,I have Multiple Sclerosis . I have ADHD your hard work has help to understand bible .i feel close to God. I live in Lubbock txt ,I bought Ticket and Was excied
    To get to see you , but I am in hospital in icu and will not able to attend.

    Welcome to the big city of Lubbock Joyce Cook
    Po box 374
    Shallowater tx 79363
    Ps you need to speed up , when I have finished a study I am starving for more
    God bless for who are. 1 fan

  44. 4794
    Christina says:

    1. Christina Stollmack
    2. Weddington, NC
    3. Small group
    4. I had a baby last year and need to connect to God now. I feel drained all the time and only when I do this study in the morning do I have the energy to complete my day. I need to be in God’s word everyday!
    5. I can be a perfectionist, which is a challenge as a SAHM with two little girls.

  45. 4795
    Rose says:

    1. Rose

    2. Muskegon, MI (on Lake Michigan)

    3. SOLO

    4. I’m missing a close relationship with fellow sisters from my church and there are no current small groups meeting this summer. I’m looking for that connection. I am currently listening to the study of David on Audible at night, but want to study deeper. Additionally, I am writing a novel this summer about a character in the Bible, and I just want to immerse myself in God’s word.

    5. BONUS question (optional): I love babies more than what is probably good for me. (or them) 🙂

  46. 4796
    Gail O. says:

    1. Gail O.

    2. Tumalo, Oregon

    3. Solo

    4. Wanted to stay in God’s Word during the summer months and our women’s Bible study takes a break in the summer. We have plans to cover the Children of the Day in September, and I couldn’t wait to dig in. I need to be in God’s Word more and more..Thank you!

    5. One of many quirks is that each morning when I wake up, I grab my phone and look at my Scripture for the day before anything else.

  47. 4797
    Bonnie Wallace says:

    1. Bonnie Wallace

    2. Charleston, SC

    3. Solo (this is my first solo adventure! i’m usually in a small group setting 😀 )

    4. My church slows down the studies over the summer to give the staff a season for rest. However, I work full time & have 2 kids in school. The summer time for me is when I get to maximize my personal study b/c i’m not working on homework or school projects or taking kids to ball practice, etc. 😉

    5. In light of hot dogs … I like mine with only ketchup. I’ll squeeze the ketchup in a straight line on top of the dog, and then I’ll flip the dog over so that the ketchup is on the bottom. I don’t know why I do this … I just always have since I was a kid, LOL! 🙂

  48. 4798
    Diana says:

    I love your bible study but I let myself get to many things going . Then I get behind and then quit, my deisire is to get in the word every day. But I don’t . My quirk is my husband never put up hand towel and shake his hands with water and gets on mirror . But I love him so I wipe it up .

  49. 4799
    Christine Hudgens says:

    1. Christine Hudgens
    2. Star Valley Ranch, Wyoming
    3. SOLO
    4. This summer seems to have a theme of isolation more so than I have experienced in years. I am looking for the accountability that comes with community as I study God’s Word this summer. INTENTIONALITY!! 😀
    5. I live in a place (Western Wyoming) where the rocks really do shout out praises to the Lord! When spending quiet time with the Lord out on a trail or sitting in the front or back yard in the morning and evenings, I talk to the animals that visit (birds, deer, elk, moose, etc.) about the goodness of the Father. Out loud! Like they can really understand me! Surely, better than any of us, they know the Father’s goodness! (I promise I am really not a nut! 😛 Okay, well, yes, I am a nut for Jesus and the loving-kindness of our Father!)

  50. 4800
    Phyllis Mincey says:

    I am truly slow on the uptake here. It’s July 10 and I just found you. Is it too late? Have been going through studies al. Year SOLO, but I gain so much from them. Right now I am soloing through Daniel. Would love to begin your current study. Thank you all for being such a blessing. Love you much.

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