James Calling: For Just A Little While!

Greeting From Beth, October 11,2010 from LPV on Vimeo.

My Dearly Loved Siestas, please watch the video greeting when you get a chance so that I can fill you in on what to expect for the next 2 months. This written post does not take the place of the video so please be sure to watch it. This is only to reiterate what I shared with you in the video about what to expect on here while I’m away. You will still find…

*Siesta Scholarship Giveaway Tickets to events that fall within this time period.

*Living Proof Live Recaps of the events that fall within this time period. (And, yes, I will read the comments to those events just like I normally would. I will just discipline myself not to write back.)

*A possible entry here or there on special occasions or when I’m bursting to tell you something that won’t really translate into the James study.

*”Talk To Me Tuesdays” – Every Tuesday I’ll put up a post where you do all the talking. (It will begin next week.) Tell me in a concise paragraph how you are, or what God is doing, or something funny that’s happened, or what you’re learning. Although I will hold myself back from responding to them, I will be anxiously and joyfully reading as many of them as possible. In this way, I get to continue to be inspired by your journeys with God and, when I’m tempted to respond, will, instead, put that energy into writing the Bible study. This format will also help you stay in touch with one another and allow you to directly respond to each other.

We will be very busy in 2011 here in Siestaville with the return of the Siesta Scripture Memory Team! I better take this chance NOW!

I could almost cry telling you how much you mean to me and how I will miss you. STAY IN THE WORD! Pray for your Siesta Mama. And I will pray for you. We’ll all be back together before you know it.

I love you. Really.

PS. Because Twitter doesn’t really consume creative energy (grin), I will probably try to keep up with that unless it gets distracting. So far it hasn’t been. It’s fun but I don’t have the attachment to it that I have here. If you want to join us there, it’s (this is so embarrassing) @bethmooreLPM. I feel like an idiot.


546 Responses to “James Calling: For Just A Little While!”

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  1. 201
    Marie says:

    Thank you so much Beth for discerning God’s will right before us. We all have to make hard choices with our time, and most of the time we’re choosing between good things. Your passion for the ministry God has call you to comes through on the lpm blog and I know I can speak for thousands when I say we so much appreciate being able to dialog with you and receive such encouragement (to God be the glory!). But, more than anything we want God to use you, and we know that the Bible study is His and your #1 priority.
    I can’t tell you how excited I am about the study on James. I could cry with anticipation. Thank you for putting your own desire to interact with people aside (for just a little while) to do God’s will. I am so proud of you. You are a wise, wise woman.
    Love you in Christ, Marie

  2. 202
    Betty Maschner says:

    You feel like an idiot? How?????

  3. 203
    Annabelle says:

    Girlfriend – You’ll be on my prayer list. Your heart is such a precious blessing to me too. You have, more than once, kept me going in the right direction when I didn’t have the energy to obey any more. You have re-ignited my love for God in ways I never knew possible. Kudos for being a big girl and doing what needs to be done. It’s not always easy. Go, Write & Be Blessed.

  4. 204
    Dea Moore says:

    You may feel like an idiot but obviously you aren’t :)! Go girl and give it your all. We are the ones who benefit from your studies and we want you to be doing what your doing. My class made it through Chapter 6 of Revelation last night. Really proud of them for hanging in there. Thanks for putting it all out there for us. May God give you a heart of understanding. Off in a few minutes for my morning class. How blessed I am! Always in our prayers, dear friend.

  5. 205
    Redeemed says:

    Well, then “God be with you to we meet again!”

    We love you and EVERYTHING you do to serve the Body of Christ.

  6. 206
    Dana says:

    Well, since it is Tuesday I’ll talk to ya! I’m thrilled about a new study and on the book of James at that. Have not figured out how to consider it joy when I’m under various trials…yet. Maybe the study will shed light on that for this old gal! So, my daughter has a wii fit and Sunday evening during our family time we were all playing on it and love the ‘friendly’ competition. My daugthter has a puppy named Audrey Lucille (Audrey Hepburn and Lucille Ball). She is the sweetest little yorkie poo you have ever seen. Since I do not have grandchildren yet she is my grandpup! I refer to myself as Nana and my children love it only they roll their eyes at me like I’m crazy. So Sunday while I was on the wii she just laid down right beside the board I was standing on while playing and when I’d step down off the board she would stand up and wag her tail at me cause she knew that meant Nana would be picking her back up again. The sad part for both of us is when I leave my daughter’s house and I tell Audrey that Nana has to go for now she understands and just lays by the door with the saddest look a puppy could have. I tell my children I wish the whole world loved me like Audrey does!
    Thanks for listening! I’ll be praying you through on the James writing!

  7. 207
    JoAnn Janik says:

    Beth – I don’t have access to the video, so I’m not sure exactly what’s going on. I’m going to assume it’s that you and Melissa are going to dive into the James Study for a few months and make that priority. I wish you well and I’m looking forward to next Tuesday night at HFB for the Fall Forward series. God Bless you all and may He continually lift you up as you do His work.

    • 207.1
      KMac says:

      JoAnn, you assumed correctly. As Beth and Melissa move from research to writing for the new study of James, they are taking about an 8 week break from the Blog. However, look for a “Talk To Me Tuesday” post each week where you can share with Beth and Siestaville what is going on in your world. Blessings to you sweet Siesta!

      • JoAnn Janik says:

        KMac, you are so sweet to keep me posted. When I wrote the reply, there weren’t any comments yet, and I felt alittle disconnected. Thank you for clarifying for me. God bless your sweet heart!

  8. 208
    Sandy says:

    Oh, I will miss you but the anticipation of a study of James will make up for it (almost). Many prayers coming your way over the next two months. By the way, how in the world will you be able to concentrate on writing with the holidays looming ahead. My head is full of turkey and shopping already. It’s almost time to start Christmas shopping for those babies! I’ve already cleared a spot in my closet for storage and have a list started for my baby grandson. I will pray that you find all you need and want online. ๐Ÿ™‚ Love you much.

  9. 209
    susan says:

    God bless you Beth! Looking forward to hearing from you, and God, through James next year.

  10. 210
    Tami says:

    Hey Beth! I was just thinking the other day (while being weighed down by the exhaustion of my own crazy schedule) wondering how you do everything you do while writing a Bible study. God is good and does give us what we need to sustain us, but you are wise to obediently focus your energy.

    I will commit to pray daily for you, Melissa, and LPM as you continue to serve us through the preparation of another much needed Bible Study!

    Don’t worry about us! We will be anxiously awaiting to hear from you AND for the new Bible Study!!


  11. 211
    Jill says:

    You go girl!! Stands up from desk and applauds wildly!!

    Good for you for creating boundaries, and what a healthy example for all of us who maybe need to prioritize our lives a little better. We can’t do it all. We just get worn out, burned out and frazzled out when we try to take on too much. Thanks for giving us your very best always- we will all be praying for you.

  12. 212
    Sarah Stinnett says:

    You go girl!!! Way to go doing the hard stuff – being obediant in the little things to run with perseverance the race set out before you!!! You will be greatly missed also but I really encourage the siesta’s to take this time to make a commitment to daily, fervently, persistently bring you and your ministry before the throne of grace – what a great opportunity to share in a Bible Study we will get to do!!! Thanks!!!

  13. 213
    Sabrina says:

    Oh, Beth! I respect you so much. Iknow this was a difficult decision for you. I love your obedience to the Lord and dedication to women (especially me. I have learned so much from you). We all benefit so much from your diligence. May you know you are cherished and loved as I pray for you and Melissa during this time. And please know I can’t wait to get a hold of that study on James. Bless you.

  14. 214
    Shannon says:

    Dear Beth,

    I have been so excited about this James study. My friend and I are anxiously awaiting its release. Be free to write…we will gladly make such a small sacrifice for something that is going to spiritually grow us. We will miss you. May the Spirit of the Lord be upon you. The Spirit of wisdom and understanding, the Spirit of counsel and of power, the Spirit of knowledge and the fear of the Lord – Isaiah 11:2

  15. 215
    Deirdre says:

    I just came to post here for the first time… and was a little sad to see that you’re taking a break. BUT, the fact that you’re working on a Bible Study revolving around the Book of James MORE THAN MAKES UP FOR IT! (James is my favorite!) I went to the conference in Lowell and I’m leading a small group of women in the Breaking Free study right now. I just wanted to share what a HUGE blessing those two things have been in my life. God’s timing is impeccable. The study truly touched my heart today and just wanted to share. I’m doing my own little (year long) experiment on Francis Chan’s book, Crazy Love. God joined together the Breaking Free study and a specific section of Crazy Love at the precise time (we’re studying how to remove the obstacles!) Anyway, THANK YOU… all of you, for your love for us, but,more importantly, Him!


  16. 216
    Gail says:

    Prayers, (())s and love being sent your way as the Holy Spirit does a good work. We all know we’ll be blessed by this time you have away from us when the study comes our way in the future. Out of sight does NOT mean out of mind! Can hardly wait for the blessings of the study!

    Gail Morris
    Fort Worth, TX

  17. 217
    Kim Jacobson says:

    Thanks for the heads up. Thank you for working on a new study. I’ve done all of yours, some twice and I am so looking forward to another one. I love James. May God’s cloud cover the path ahead and pave the way. I pray that my 14 year old girl grows into a committed servant of God as your Mellisa and Amanda have.

  18. 218

    Biggest Blessings to you Siesta Mama (and Melissa:) as you focus in on James and spending precious quality time with the Lord in study and no doubt, much prayer:) Your video makes me want to tear up too! I’m blessed that God would use us on the blog to encourage you and Living Proof in your serving the Body! We are hugely blessed by God through you all too, truth! I pray that God reveals so much to you and Melissa, profound truths through James. All of us out here need some good, solid, life changing scriptures implanted in our hearts! James sure does it! May God use you both mightily. I’ll still talk to you on Tues, agreed:):)

    I mean this, blessings a plenty to you, ((HUGS)), Love in HIM,


  19. 219
    Cindy says:

    Beth –

    Thank you for being a living example of listening to and walking with God! I am one who tries to ‘do it all’ and still learning the lesson of what it means to focus on just what’s really important during a season of time. Your openness and transparency has been a huge reminder to me today of what God has been speaking to me as well. Thank you!

    Praying for your focus and concentration during this time.


  20. 220
    Debbie says:


    We will miss you but know you are doing what God called you to do. I am excited about the James study. Our church went through the book of James a few years ago – verse by verse…it was life changing. I got all the messages on CD so I could continue to refer to them over and over again. Good luck as you and Melissa write the study.


  21. 221
    Yanna says:

    Moma Beth here I go again shedding tears. I am so thankful for your personal sacrifice that you give up something you love for more time with God. What a fine example you are! (Be sure to say fine with a true southern accent on the i). I totally understand your need to put all your creative energy into God’s Word and a lesson for all of us. Blogging, fb, internet, tv etc should always come last to spending more time in the Word and with Him. Thank you for personally telling us with a video how much you love us, how much you love our Lord. I pray for you and your family every day, especially giving thanks for the studies you have given us, and that God has opened your heart, soul, and mind in such a way that we are learning through you and LPM. It will be an additional joy to continue to pray for you as you write a lesson on James for us. Thank You Father, for Beth and the LPM team. Thank You for the resources she and the staff have had to gather up information and to open their understanding of scripture. Lord, we are so blessed in this generation for the studies that have come because of the love of a woman so deep for You she would sit aside time to just spend with You. What a gift and lesson for all of us. Lord it is an encouragement for me as well, when I have extra moments in my day what choice do I make? Spending time with You or…I pick You. Bless the study of James as You have all of the others, too many to list by name, but known in the heart, soul, and minds of all my Siesta’s who are part of one big family of God. In Jesus Name I pray Amen. I’m gonna miss you a wee bit Moma Beth, but when I have that empty feeling I’m filling it with Him and a prayer for you. I smile at the thought of what you are doing with your time. To God be the Glory.

    • 221.1
      TraciG says:

      You are so right, Yanna, and I have gotten complacent in the area of putting Bible study before everything else and leaving it for “when there’s time”. Here’s to recommitting to God and study 1st, and let the rest be the after thought!

  22. 222
    Village Sister says:

    Go write. I am grateful and I love you. I’ll be right here praying you on.


  23. 223
    Jan says:

    I joined up a couple of months ago and so far Iโ€™ve been a silent Siesta, reading and being blessed by this wonderful blog but not yet adding my comments. After watching your video I felt it was time to jump in – you and have my full support and prayers to hang that โ€œgone fishingโ€ sign on the blog for the next little while. I look forward to seeing/reading the end result of what God will be sharing with you in the next eight weeks.

  24. 224


    Know that I will be praying for you and the girls. This has to be difficult but I know the Lord will bless your obedience. As a writer I understand the need to focus and I pray the Lord gives you focus and understanding.



  25. 225
    Hilary says:

    Oh, Beth, I just love you so much. I do pray for you, and will continue to pray for you. You mean so much to me!


  26. 226
    amybhill says:

    talk to you tuesday entry no 1: so i have mentioned a few times on here that i am temporarily in denmark with my husband and my 2 year old daughter for my husband’s job. it has been a great experience in so many ways but, spiritually, it has been hard. i don’t have any friends here, not one. and i have only been to church once and it was in danish (which i don’t speak or understand). i thought i would come here and read my bible every day away from all distractions at home but it hasn’t been like that at all. i have essentially lost all accountability and involvement in ministry. i waste days away watching trash television and staring at facebook. every night i put my daughter to bed and thank God that His mercies are new every morning and i ask Him to give me another day to finally walk worthy of my call. then i get up the next day and do the same stupid thing. today i woke up to an e-mail from a friend who noticed i had not been as involved in another online christian community. i confessed everything to this friend and felt a wave of His mercy and grace. i think most of my friends think i am some sort of spiritual leader and i guess i didn’t want to let anyone down by telling the truth. i am so not a pharisee though and i’m grateful to God for giving me the opportunity and the desire to come clean. i’m not going to waste my last three weeks here in denmark. Jesus is life! love you siestas. oh and enjoy your little ‘siesta’ from the blog mama beth and melissa. i’ll be praying for you two – i can’t wait to study james!!! <3

  27. 227
    Marilyn says:

    I cannot wait to take the James study. I know it will be wonderful. Happy writing!!!

  28. 228
    Susan says:

    God Bless you and your time! I pray it provides you the time and space you need!

  29. 229

    You go girl and do what God has called you to do thank you for all you do for us women here on the blog and thank you LPM for all you do. I have done several of your bible studies and cannot wait to get my hand on the James bible study I just know it will be good.
    Will be praying for you and Melissa and Amanda as well, again want to thank you for serving us here on the blog and may God bless your time with Him. Go forth Mighty Woman of Valour and do what God called you to do.
    Love you seista mama and thanks for the video you are awesome.
    Bless you

  30. 230
    Living4Him says:

    Have been and will continue to pray for the James writing….cannot wait for scripture memory 2011….have my spiral already. The last one so profoundly impacted my life and walk with the Lord, I wouldn’t dare miss. Blessings.

  31. 231
    Teresa Stout says:

    This is why I love you so. You have taught me so much and continue to do so through your studies. Please know that I’m praying God will fill you with His presence so powerfully in the next few months. Anticipating the study of James. Love you …..Teresa from Texarkana

  32. 232
    Leslie says:


    How sweet of you to tell us face to face (I love that in this age of overused emails and texts to do some things that I believe should be done face to face i.e., break-ups, resignations, conflict resolution…..) I love you so much for caring for this community on that level.

    I will cover you and Melissa in prayer in this work you are undertaking for His glory (and of course, Amanda, Keith, the dogs and the sons-in-law and the grandkids). I want to encourage you in this work because it is the Bible Study of Paul that introduced me to you and gave you the opening into my life that empowered me in my relationship with the Lord…it was as if I had all the tools and the toolbox was locked and you had the key – I thank God for that January, 2004 (as I experienced the devastation of a prodigal child) and your obedience to God’s calling in your life and I KNOW THAT THIS WORK WILL DO A GREAT THING FOR HIM as well, as you seek to move women in every place closer to their Savior.

    Your example to all of us in big and little things is such an encouragement…you are “real” in your love for Him, your love for your family and for all of us in the Church, but you are equally real in your humanity and God has so blessed your transparency in your ministry.

    May the Lord use this time of writing richly in your own life as you dive in close to Him and enjoy the intimacy that these temporary boundaries will provide. God bless you and your family.

    Anxiously awaiting the fruits of this journey (and selfishly praying that maybe there will be an opportunity to attend the taping of the video – perhaps it could be a Siesta taping since we are giving you up for 8 weeks – please ๐Ÿ™‚ )

    – Leslie Olson

  33. 233
    Teri Toth says:

    I’ve never “blogged” before, but this is the perfect place and time to try it!

    Seeing you (Beth) in Albuquerque last year, I renewed my lost faith, and, in the company of my wonderful Christian women friends I’m in my 4th Bible study… and loving every minute of it. I’m so grateful and feel so blessed to have found my way back to God. Every day I focus on believing Him.

    Even though I just found this wonderful blog, and you will be gone for a while, I’m happy for you to take the time off to concentrate on James. Your Bible studies have meant so much in my life… I selfishly want more! Looking forward to the next time you join the blog… I can imagine how much fun it will be when you are back. Blessings, strength, and patience to you!

  34. 234
    Susan says:

    Just watched the video. You are such a good example of some one who is trying to be faithful to what God is calling you to do and balance your earthly priorities. You have a husband and two daughters and their families to consider, your own private study and reflection time with God, your work to do etc. Sometimes we all have to make tough decisions about what is best at this time. I am excited about a new study as I have done quite a few now. God bless you and Melissa as you take the time and pour your efforts into the study. It will be so much better because you have made it a priority and I know you will put your love for us into it.

  35. 235
    Patti says:

    Standing in the gap for you, and thanks for the video. I’m in the process of doing some writing myself, so as I’m writing, I’ll be praying for you and Melissa. My writing is in the “good-idea” stage at this point, but my “yes” is on the table for God to put it on the map – making it a “God-idea” if it is His will. In the mean time, I’ll follow your councel and keep doing the thing, serving, loving, and worshipping Him. Your example of setting boundaries could not have come at a better time, so thank you.
    Much love to all of you,
    Patti Hayes

  36. 236
    Leslie Veronee says:

    Rock on! I will be commited to praying for you Beth, Melissa and Amanda daily! Thank you for your obedience to the LORD and your love for HIM and for us individually. I know HE will just continue working it out and blowing our minds!! Love & prayers to you all! Hugs too! ๐Ÿ™‚

  37. 237
    joanna says:

    Oh my how I understand the draw of the blog community. I have found my self lost in “blog land” quite often recently and God has begun to convict me of how I’ve been using my time. (especially since I homeschool my three young kiddos) I think I’ll follow along with you and limit my “blog land” time to Tuesdays for this eight weeks so I can refocus my heart, brain and time (and catch up on the MOUNTAIN of laundry):) Thank you for your faithfulness, Joanna

  38. 238
    AnnaRuth says:

    Thank you for the sweet update message, Beth! I, for one, feel that you owe us no explanation – while the blog is a wonderful addition to your ministry, and has been a huge blessing for me, your focus needs to be on on teaching the Word of God! I can’t wait for the James study, and I’m also looking forward to the Scripture Memorization to take place in 2011! =)

  39. 239
    Martha in MS says:

    You will be missed but what a wonderful example you are to us by being obedient to what God is calling you to do. It will be so worth it once we get our hands on the study of James! Right now I am smack dab in the middle of the Revelation study. Think I told you before that I was one of those that was always scared to study it..but I am loving it and learning so much! You can be sure that I will be praying for you, Melissa and your entire family and the LP ministry. You are all very important parts of my life! Love you so much.. now go do that thing!!!

  40. 240
    Gina says:

    I can’t wait to read what Father reveals to you as you write about James. Praying for you and the girls. Bless you, Amanda & Melissa.

  41. 241
    Ann Jones says:

    Dear Beth, Thank you for writing another bible study. These studies are life changing. We are doing Breaking Free right now and God is doing amazing things. Looking forward to James. God is good!

  42. 242
    KarriedbyHisLove says:

    I will miss your personal messages, but completely (underscored) understand. Will count it a privilege to pray for you and Melissa. Looking forward to that James study. Sooooo looking forward to the return of the memory work in January, as I missed it the first time around.

    I so love God and need Him and His Word……bless you for being so instrumental in opening up that world of “being in the Word” to me.

    Hugs to all!!

  43. 243
    TraciG says:

    So excited for the finished James study to come to fruition! I will be praying for wisdom and discernment as you and Melissa begin the process of bringing together all of the content you’ve read and researched for the study.

    As a side note, we occasionally talk with my parents through skype, and when 4 year old Allison saw you on the video, she wanted to know if she could say hello! Have a great day, and hoping to be able to see you in Rapid City in November!

  44. 244
    Peggy Fletcher says:

    Thanks for all you do Beth. I have often wondered how you write and do everything else that you do. I do realize that God gives you what you need when you need it and you are wisely listening to his lead. I am new to the blog this year and it has blessed me through a difficult time, as did the summer bible study on Ruth. I never thought I would take part in a blog like this. I had been needing an authentic Christian roll model in my life and even though I don’t know you, you have been just that. I have also enjoyed the teaching of James and Betty Robison through Life Today. I thank God for people like you and the Robisons. God bless you richly as you and Melissa are writing.

  45. 245
    Bobbie says:

    Thanks for the video! It’s fun to ‘see’ you again! I’m praying many blessings on you & Melissa as you dig in to write! I’ve been glimpsing through James, not wanting to get too much there until your study is in print.

    We have so many irons in the fire ’til the end of the year that this 8 weeks will go quickly for me! Thanking God for that–I feel like I’ve hit a dry spell with no Bible study in progress! Can’t wait for ‘A Heart Like His’ to be out-even if I was there for the actual study! I’m all over it! I’ll check in on Talk to Me Tuesdays to see how everyone’s doing!

  46. 246
    Fran McCurry says:

    Dear Beth,
    Thank you for caring about us – your vimeo and explanation testifies to that! I am soooo excited about a new study- the book of James is one of my very favorites. I am praying for a blessed and Divinely inspired 8 weeks. I will miss you, but will see you soon in B’ham, AL!
    Love to you, Melissa, and Amanda,

  47. 247
    Jennie says:

    Beth–thank you so much for this post. you’ve inspired me so much with your love for God and his Word–and I’m excited for you as you and Melissa dig deep into James and start writing in the coming months. i’ll definitely be praying for you as well! thank you for the love you show us here in blogland and for continuing to be sensitive to God’s Spirit in your life.

  48. 248
    rene sandifer says:

    Got it. Love and prayers to/for you and Melissa.
    Honestly, saw it coming….thrilled you will still glance here on Tuesdays!
    May God receive full glory through your endeavors.
    He reigns!

  49. 249
    Momma2...5 says:

    Praying for you When God gives you a word you know better than anyone you need to obey. Thanks for being our fearless leader! Talk to you soon!
    BTW, James, that will be a tough one! LOL ๐Ÿ™‚

    Amanda in SC (Momma2…5)

  50. 250

    I’m looking forward to the blessing of The Life of James! Be empowered as you take this time to write! Don’t worry, we’ll be here when you return! ๐Ÿ™‚

    Much love and many prayers,

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