James Calling: For Just A Little While!

Greeting From Beth, October 11,2010 from LPV on Vimeo.

My Dearly Loved Siestas, please watch the video greeting when you get a chance so that I can fill you in on what to expect for the next 2 months. This written post does not take the place of the video so please be sure to watch it. This is only to reiterate what I shared with you in the video about what to expect on here while I’m away. You will still find…

*Siesta Scholarship Giveaway Tickets to events that fall within this time period.

*Living Proof Live Recaps of the events that fall within this time period. (And, yes, I will read the comments to those events just like I normally would. I will just discipline myself not to write back.)

*A possible entry here or there on special occasions or when I’m bursting to tell you something that won’t really translate into the James study.

*”Talk To Me Tuesdays” – Every Tuesday I’ll put up a post where you do all the talking. (It will begin next week.) Tell me in a concise paragraph how you are, or what God is doing, or something funny that’s happened, or what you’re learning. Although I will hold myself back from responding to them, I will be anxiously and joyfully reading as many of them as possible. In this way, I get to continue to be inspired by your journeys with God and, when I’m tempted to respond, will, instead, put that energy into writing the Bible study. This format will also help you stay in touch with one another and allow you to directly respond to each other.

We will be very busy in 2011 here in Siestaville with the return of the Siesta Scripture Memory Team! I better take this chance NOW!

I could almost cry telling you how much you mean to me and how I will miss you. STAY IN THE WORD! Pray for your Siesta Mama. And I will pray for you. We’ll all be back together before you know it.

I love you. Really.

PS. Because Twitter doesn’t really consume creative energy (grin), I will probably try to keep up with that unless it gets distracting. So far it hasn’t been. It’s fun but I don’t have the attachment to it that I have here. If you want to join us there, it’s (this is so embarrassing) @bethmooreLPM. I feel like an idiot.


546 Responses to “James Calling: For Just A Little While!”

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  1. 151
    Donna Benjamin says:

    Prayers for continued guidance and discernment for your writing. I look forward to the finished study!
    In His Love…Donna B.

  2. 152
    Melinda says:

    We’ve been looking forward to participating in the James study ever since we first got wind of it. : )

  3. 153
    Kori says:

    Dear Sweet Beth! I so appreciate your call to act and listen to what the Lord is calling you too! I am very excited about the James study, as are all of the women here who know about it! I have just ordered my copy of Personal Reflections: Paul! I am so excited about it. I have been waiting for it for months. We are currently doing a study by Pricilla Shirer: One in a Million, that has spokesn volumes to the women in our Bible study here in Southeastern WI. I have felt the call of God to do more in depth study, and wish that I had the ablility to pick your brain about how to go about it! What are the best resources etc. I know that God is calling me to something much bigger than I could ever imagine, it is terrifying and exciting at the same time. I don’t know what it looks like yet, but can’t wait to see how it unfolds. Know that I will be praying for you, Melissa and Amanda! Blessings to you all, thank you so very much for all that you and your wonderful family do for the kingdom of God. There are not enough words to express my appreciation for it or the way God has worked in my life as a result of your studies! Thank you, thank you, thank you. Blessings as you journey forward in James. May God guide you and protect you!

  4. 154
    Laura in South Dakota says:

    Dear Beth,

    I’ve been in high gear for several months and haven’t written in your blog since the beginning of the Summer Bible study. I’m glad I checked back in time to say hi!

    Beth, your very careful and personal explanation of where God is directing your limited resources while you begin writing the James Bible study is more than proof of your affection for your siestas. Go with God – with our full blessing!

    I am thankful that the Lord is watching over you and guiding you clearly to protect you from burn out. I know you love Him so much, you would gladly do it (burn out) if He asked it of you. So would I. But when He, in His tender care, makes decisions on how best to direct my energies to both prevent my harm and use my life most effectively for His Kingdom, it makes me feel so cherished by Him. It reminds me that He is aware and in control of the smallest details in my schedule. It makes me feel so loved.

    I hope the Lord’s decision to have you give the James Bible Study your full attention for a bit makes you feel just as cherished, protected and loved. Our prayers will be with you as you begin the writing phase. And we will be here to rejoice with you when the new study has been “birthed”.

    We SD gals are eagerly anticipating your visit to Rapid City next month. Our city-wide coordinator, Amy, is doing a great job of providing opportunities for prayer and praise in preparation for what God will do in the lives of the many women who will be attending.

    In 4 days, I will be hosting a small women’s retreat near Mt Rushmore. We will be studying a shortened version of “Stepping Up” and the Psalms of Ascent. On Saturday afternoon, we will be stepping up the steps of a beautiful outdoor chapel made of stone. (there are 15 steps – whoo-hoo!) Please pray for us – several women will be arriving with wounded hearts.

    p.s. I met Henry B. (Exp God) at a retreat for college students here in the Black Hills last weekend. God used his message to set me free in some incredible ways. When I mentioned one of your simulcasts to him, he spoke of you and Keith with much respect and affection.

    See you soon!

    Laura in South Dakota

  5. 155
    Kathy says:

    Hola Siesta Mama, Thank you so much for your dedication to our Lord and Savior. You bring such joy to my life and so many others. I will be praying for you as you take time to do God’s work. You truly are a blessing! I look forward to “Talk to me Tuesday’s”. Love and Prayers!

  6. 156
    Gretchen says:

    Thank you for giving us a “heads up” on the plan. You, Amanda, and Melissa have so much on your plate right now. Thank you for listening to Him and being obedient enough to push the pause button. ๐Ÿ™‚ I will be praying for you two as you write. Can’t wait to dive into James!!

  7. 157
    Karla K says:

    Praying for you and your family, and looking forward to doing the James study….someday!

  8. 158
    Rochelle says:

    We will miss you, but I can’t wait for your study. I was in James last night and was really touched by the verses on being humble before God…and I love resist the devil and he will flee! A short book, but very powerful…can’t wait!!
    Much Love in Christ name,

  9. 159
    annette says:

    You sweet Girl, I’m so thankful you are living true to your calling in devoting your attention to writing again. And I, for one, can’t wait to study James together in the spring. I will never know how you do all you do much to His Glory.

    You will continue to be in my prayers, particularly in your writing of James and protection for you and your family from the enemy’s snares. You are so loved.

  10. 160
    texatheart says:

    I so uderstand this and am so relieved to hear that you are not sick or anything. I can lay back for 2 months knowing the SSMT will be back within a few months. That was such a powerful experience and I am so looking forward to it! Know you and Melissa as well as Amanda and the whole staff at LPM will remain in my prayers daily.
    Amanda Happy Birthday a little early! Mine is the day after yours so it is easy to remember. Hope all your families are healthy and well.
    Love you guys,

  11. 161
    warrior in training says:

    Love you Mama Siesta, can’t wait for the James study!
    May Holy Spirit fill you with all the creativity and grace you need to pour out the Father’s heart through this study. Blessings on all you girls as you obey the Lord in your own situtations. What a blessing you all are.

  12. 162
    Lyndsey says:

    Hey there Beth:) I just felt led to drop you a short note saying thank you for your video and the explanation (pretty much made me cry by the end!). I’m not a regular “commenter”, but I do check in pretty regularly. I appreciate and completely respect you for taking this time off from the blog to concentrate on another area God needs your focus more right now. You and Melissa and the whole team will be in my prayers as you dig in. I cant wait to see where God takes y’all… and eventually those of us blessed to work through your bible studies. Thank you for all you do!

    Lyndsey, PA

  13. 163
    Margie Campbell says:

    Study away!

  14. 164
    crimeanmsnry says:

    The is freeeedom (picture the word soaring) in doing what God would have you do, isn’t there? Enjoy your time away.
    Know, though, that you WILL be missed.

  15. 165
    Carol Obenhoff says:

    Mama Beth…l will soooo miss hearing from you on the blog…you make me Grin from ear to ear every single time! I wanted to tell you “thank you So Much”for praying for me this past Labor Day weekend …I had just found out a few days earlier that I had breast cancer & you prayed for me on the blog. It was a prayer that I so needed that night & itcwas if you knew exactly what I was feeling & experiencing at that very moment. The Best part of all of it is that the results of my lumpectomy are good & I just take one little pill a day to help prevent any other problems…I am so thankful to the Lord for all He hasxdone for me and I know He will use it for His good and glory! I love you Beth & I pray that the Lord engulfs you with His love! P.S. See you in Spokane Washington at the end of the month. <3

  16. 166
    Jennifer says:

    Jesus answered them, “My teaching isn’t Mine but is from the One who sent Me. If anyone wants to do His will, he will understand whether the teaching is from God or if I am speaking on My own. The one who speaks for himself seeks his own glory. But He who seeks the glory of the One who sent Him is true, and there is no unrighteousness in Him. (John 7:16-18)
    Both the burden and the JOY of writing studies (as a mother-daughter team, no less) must be mind-boggling. So excited to enjoy the fruit of your and Melissa’s focused and Christ-honoring efforts once the James study is available to us! I’ll be praying and will try to check in on Tuesdays to see what all the incredible Siestas are saying. Your video message touched my heart, Beth. Thanks for your genuine care. Oh – and, 8 weeks? I bet many of the siestas had morning sickness – multiple times – for longer than that! We can handle it. ๐Ÿ™‚

  17. 167
    Janice says:

    Thank you for the love and consideration giving us the “heads up” in what is going on in your “professional” life. Can TOTALLY understand what you are going to do as Bible study IS consuming to say the least. Much less, biblical Bible study done right. Have been thinking of you and Melissa ever since you let it be known you were working on James. THAT is not an easy task to say the least and I know I for one am looking forward to it being done biblically. Knowing your “style” from the blog as well as other studies and Melissa’s style I CAN HARDLY WAIT! Please Lord, may it be ready for Fall 2011!
    Do what you have to do, Beth and Melissa and Amanda. But PLEASE be aware of the Devil’s schemes. This ministry is just the place he would like to see fail or falter. Pray your protection for them Siestas.

  18. 168
    Pam says:

    Wow–Moma Beth–thank you for communicating so perfectly the sacrifice you need to make. It is 1:47 a.m. on 10/12 so technically it is Tuesday (Yeah). I will not get into how or what I am doing right now, I will save that for a little later. I will simply take this time to tell you that while I do not respond daily to your blog–I faithfully read the blog daily and am blessed every single time. You ALL have become such a part of my day that I will be a little lost the next 8 weeks without your encouraging inspiring words. That being said, I want you to know that I will be praying for you and lifting you up, praying that our God will pour into you and continue to use you as a mighty woman of God. You are a blessing to me and millions of others and I thank you from the bottom of my heart. I thank you and respect you for your honesty, your sacrifice, and most of all for just being you!! Take care–I will look forward to hearing from you in a “little while,” and look forward to your finished work.
    May God richly bless you during this time.

  19. 169
    Joni says:

    You are such a blessing!! I pray your time of writing will be so anointed that it fills you to overflowing!!! God Bless You with HIS sweet Shalom!!

  20. 170
    Rebecca says:

    I just wanted to say thank you for taking the
    time away from somthing you love so much
    so that we as women can learn from god. I will
    be praying for you and your family . You are loved

  21. 171
    Angie says:

    OH MYLANTA!!!! I am so excited that you are working on a new Bible Study. I pray that God will give you the time and energy needed to put the words he wants you to include in this study. Siesta Momma don’t worry about us we will be here chatting it up and letting you know what we are up to in the meantime. We love you dearly and we will stay in touch. God bless you and Melissa, Amanda n her family and the entire LP Ministry and of course Travis Cottrell and his family.

    Angie in Orlando, FL

  22. 172

    What a joy to have a living example of following the path God has laid before you. I think it is harder to give up the little daily enjoyments than the great big tasks sometimes. Praying for you and Melissa as you write and your entire staff as they support and encourage you.

  23. 173
    Maria says:

    Thank you for loving us!! Cannot wait for the James study! Talk to ya soon on Tuesday!

  24. 174
    Helen says:

    Dear Beth,
    You are such a precious siesta mama…..making sure your children are going to be ok while you’re away. I don’t usually write on the blog but I so enjoy reading it, looking at all the pictures and keeping up with everything that is going on. Please know that I will be praying for you and Melissa as you listen and follow God in writing the new study on James. At 52 with a “few” hormones going nuts, my body having thermostat challenges and misplaced files in my brain when they are needed the most….like teaching Stepping Up in Sunday School to a group of young married couples that are sharp as a tack…..I’m finally learing to rest and be still so that God can really speak to me and allow me to speak for Him. Your willingness to be used by God through ladies Bible Studies has played such a large part in the woman I am today so I want to say thank you for being obedient to the leading of the Holy Spirit and for allowing God to use you to bless me! Can’t wait for James!!!!!
    Love you!

  25. 175
    Marjie Scheib says:

    What a wonderful message to us! Thank you for sharing it. I want to let you and Melissa know that I will be praying each day for you both. I also decided to read James during this time and pray through it for your study. What a blessing you ladies are to us and the others on this blog are a blessing to me as I read the comments and very rarely share my thoughts. May the Lord keep you both strong in health and focus during this time. Thank you for the example you both set by being honest and true and obeying the call to step back for a while and focus on what will surely be a HUGE blessing to us all and I am praising the Lord in advance for the women that will be led into his Kingdom by this study of James.

    • 175.1
      Jennifer says:

      Ooooh – how INTENTIONAL, Marjie! What would happen in this study if all the Siestas prayed through James for them AS they wrote it!

  26. 176
    Lindsey says:

    Sweet Beth, this is wonderful and exciting news! James is a great book and I can’t wait to get into it more when the study comes out. I will be keeping you and Melissa in prayer as you get into writing it. May He bless you richly during this season!

  27. 177
    Theresa says:

    Thanks, Beth…You are on our minds and in our hearts as well. Now…get to that James and bring it home to us. God bless you.

  28. 178
    HeleddNest says:

    Dear Beth,

    Thank you so much for recording that message and taking time out to explain so clearly what’s going on. I will be praying for you as you write the James Bible study.

    Know that you are very much loved, and will be missed, by all your Siestas!

    Heledd ๐Ÿ™‚

  29. 179
    Chrystie says:

    Praying God blesses your time of writing! I so love your passion for God and for ministering to us. Can’t wait for our Siesta Scripture Memory to start back up. What a blessing that was to me last year!

  30. 180

    Beth I will be praying for you and Melissa daily I have committed to do so! I have been praying for God to continue strengthening your sisters faith and for protection around her. I was brought to happy tears when I heard that she was doing better in the Lord. I am looking forward to the James study. Pray for me as I have begun an online radio program called Talitha Kome which airs on Tehillah Praise on Blog Talk Radio. I am so excited to be a mouth piece for God. To God be all the glory.
    May our Great God keep you focused and strengthened as you serve Him. May He grant you the desires of your heart!

  31. 181

    Mama Beth,
    Thank you for sharing and for the update. I was curious how James was coming along. So exciting. I. Love. James. I can’t wait to see how the Lord will use this special project.
    I cannot imagine the brain power it takes to put together a book like this. I totally understand the need to put one thing on the back burner while another takes priority. You are so sweet to think of letting us know why you have to.
    So thrilled about SSMT in 2011. I am dry and need the word in my life. . yes, yes I know I don’t need SSMT to do that, I can pick up His word any minute and learn it. However, I am one that needs accountability and a PUSH, you know? I need that PUSH to learn those scriptures. It so blessed my life in 2009!!

    Blessings and prayers for your book!!

  32. 182
    Fran says:

    Love you to pieces Momma Beth!!! Covering you in prayer and just so thankful for you. What a blessing you are to me.

    ((hugs)) from TN!

  33. 183
    Amy Knowles says:

    Oh Beth – good luck with the writing – it will be worth it when we all take the study! So glad you are not over extending your self and you are doing the right thing! Blessings to you and your family!

  34. 184
    Susan C says:

    You will be greatly missed, but what you are doing is so very important. I will be praying for you the next two months that God will give you wisdom and insight. Looking forward to Memory Verses again.

  35. 185
    Gena says:

    Thanks Beth for letting us know what’s going on with you. I can hardly wait for the James study! Really appreciate you and your ministry. Have a blast doing what you do!

  36. 186
    Amy G. says:

    Holy God,
    I praise you and thank you for your beautiful, life-giving Word. I thank you for the spiritual gifts you have given Beth and Melissa. As they enter the writing process for a study on the book of James, Lord I pray your hand of protection over them and their families. I know the enemy cannot be happy about them putting their hand to paper for your glory. Lord, I ask that you give them peace and clarity of mind and the dedicated time to write a study that glorifies you and that speaks a fresh word to those who study it in the future. Lord, I know and pray that “…in all things, you would work for the good of Beth and Melissa, who love you and have been called according to your purpose” (Rom. 8:28). Amen. Blessings to you ladies over the next year as you write!

  37. 187
    Terry says:

    Hi, Beth! I’d been wondering where you’ve been and what you’ve been up to since the blog has been so quiet lately! So thankful all is well and proud of you for prioritizing. I have found it to be true, at least for me — that when I need desperately to hear His voice, I have to make a sincere effort to tune out all other voices. I am certain none of your blog readers takes offense; rather, we all support you and encourage you and pray for you as you become intensely focused and pour all your energies into writing for the next 2 months.

    I love James and am excited that you and Melissa are preparing a new study!!! Thank you for taking your work for the kingdom so seriously. I will be praying God’s blessings and wisdom poured out and into each of you, as well as His protection over you — heart, soul, mind and strength!

    Have a blast doing what you love for the One (and ones!) you love AND doing it with your loved one, Melissa! ๐Ÿ™‚

    P.S. It was awfully sweet of you to think of some ways to keep the blog alive and active while you’re away. And while we understand and support you, WE WILL MISS YOU! ๐Ÿ™‚

  38. 188
    Janice says:

    Looking forward to the James study! And the Siesta Scripture Memorization!

  39. 189
    J. says:

    I totally understand and appreciate your faithfulness to do what God asks–even if it may hurt some feelings or cause some questions. We look forward to “seeing” you again in December or January. Blessings and prayers for you as you do your best to write what God would have you both write.

    Love, J.

  40. 190
    Luanne says:

    i am so looking forward to the james study! praying for you guys as you put pen to paper and know God will be speaking to me very soon through you!! thank you so much for being so faithful to Him and blessing us all in so many ways!

  41. 191
    Kelly says:


    I want to share a milestone with you because your teaching has been a part of my recovery. I have been sober from alcohol 1 week today and bulimia 3 days as of today. I praise god for the strength to not self medicate my pain with these false gods. Thank you for your love and encouragement to us siestas. We love you too.

    • 191.1
      KMac says:

      You go, Kelly! We will pray the Lord will strengthen you day by day, moment by moment…make sure and stay connected to the Body for encouragement and growth!

    • 191.2
      Sarah Stinnett says:

      I wanted to share 2 Corinthians 1:21-22
      Now it is God who makes both us and you remain strong in Christ, He anointed us, set His seal of ownership on us, and placed His Spirit in our hearts as a deposit guaranteeing what is to come.

      One step at a time just let him be the driver!

    • 191.3
      Michele says:

      YES! That’s awesome, Kelly! Go will continue to guide you through your recovery, and we’ll be here for you too!

    • 191.4
      Shannon says:


      That is awesome! Keep going girl…you are not alone. You can always come here for support. Many years ago I struggled with anorexia and alcohol. I am 20 years out from struggling with anorexia and 10 years out from my struggle with alcohol and prescription drugs…you can most certainly do it…through the power of the Holy Spirit. Keep us posted on how you’re doing. We make great prayer warriors!

    • 191.5
      Gail says:

      Kelly, Welcome to the world of recover-ers! Each of us has had a journey that includes recovery in the mighty power of Jesus Christ. Some are recovering from the same ailments as you and some other ailments. Each one of us has been in bondage at some point in our lives – whether for a short time or a long time. Please know you are in this sista’s prayers and whether spoken or not, there are others on this blog praying strength in Him for your daily walk.

      Gail, Fort Worth, TX

      • Kelly says:

        Thank you Gail. I sense you understand. A scripture that has spoken to me this week is Psalm 34:4,5
        “I prayed to the Lord and He answered me. He freed me from all my fears. Those who look to Him for help will be radiant with joy; no shadow of shame will darken their faces.” I appreciate your encouragement.

    • 191.6
      lavonda says:

      Praying Phil 4:13 over you sweet Kelly.
      You can do ALL things through Christ Who gives you strength!!
      You go girl!

    • 191.7
      Kelly says:

      Thank you all for the encouragement. I have also found a wonderful program called Celebrate Recovery which is powerful. I am not alone in self-medicating my hurts and it helps to be with others who want to heal as well. God bless.

    • 191.8
      Patti says:

      I’m praying for you, Kelly.
      Much love,
      Patti Hayes

  42. 192
    Joyce Bailey says:

    May God richly bless your faithfulness to His calling on your life! I commit to faithfully pray for you and Melissa during this time of James focus. I’ve added this specific prayer need to your column in my prayer journal. He’s called each of us to this balancing act so rest assured your girlfriends here know how to pray for you. Talk to you Tuesday! –joyce

  43. 193
    Vicki says:

    We will miss you girls but you will be in our prayers. Can not wait until 2011 Siesta Scripture Memory time!

    Much love,

    Vicki Knott
    Greenwood, SC

  44. 194
    Climber Mom says:

    Oh thank you for sharing your heart and love through this sweet video! ;o) It does make so much sense and even though I will miss y’all I’ll be praying a mighty anointing and blessing upon you & Melissa as you put pen to paper…I can’t wait for James! Tonight our gals in Germantown, WI (I know funny name but it’s a cute place just outside of Milwaukee) will be doing week 2 of Revelation…God has brought amazing women – new to your studies – to be blown away by God’s Word and the saving, redeeming, and living message of the Good News – WHOOP!!! Big hugs and love to all of you! AND…I almost forgot THANK YOU to your gals in shipping because our books arrived ON THE DAY of our first study…long story BUT so cool – thanks girls!!! ;o)

  45. 195
    pam b from sc says:

    Oh yea. I totally understand and respect your decision. I believe the book of James refers to this as WISDOM.

    Will be praying for you and Melissa.

  46. 196
    Holly says:

    Thanks for the update. I keep up with the blog, but don’t usually write. First, Happy Birthday, Amanda. I know that it is coming up soon. My son just turned one, that’s how I know that your birthday is coming up. To say that this has been a life-changing wonderful year is a complete understatement. Praying for you Beth and Melissa during this time.

  47. 197

    You do what you do, Miss Beth! We’ll be praying. Hug you big…


  48. 198
    moosemama says:

    It pleases me no end that you will always do the right thing, the hard thing, for the Glory and in the name of Jesus. Beyond that, it pleases Him! Of course I will miss you too, but I have you in other ways…books, cd’s, dvd’s, studies…

    You and Melissa (and dear Amanda) are in my heart and my prayers.

    I’ll be seeing you in Rapid City, with my 21 year old daughter. I will just have returned from a missions trip to Africa. November is a BIG month for this Moosemama. AND no, Moose isn’t going to Africa. Too hot.

    Love you dearly,
    Melana ๐Ÿ™‚

  49. 199
    Catherine says:

    Beth, Melissa, and Amanda,

    Thank you all for your Godly example. You are all walking in obedience to what the Heavenly Father is calling each of you to. All of us need to be reminded that sometimes we are called to step away for a time. Jesus Himself set this example, and you three women of faith are following His holy leading and listening to His voice.

    We look forward to hearing about the fruit of this time in each of your lives. I am so excited to think ahead to the study of James!

    “For this reason, ever since I heard about your faith in the Lord Jesus and your love for all the saints, I have not stopped giving thanks for you, remembering you in my prayers.”
    Ephesians 1:15-16

    Blessings on you!

  50. 200
    Lori, Love2Praise says:

    Beth, Amanda and Melissa,

    I hope you know how important you are to all of us. I am so excited for you to be working on the new Bible Study and will be praying for God’s annointing on the study of James.

    Beth, after seeing you in Lowell, MA and hearing your message on “treasures”, I wondered how in the world do you keep within the margins. I have been praying for you ever since. We know how important we are to you because you seem to fit us into your busy lifestyle. Even enough to take a Siesta picture with us and to want to speak to us individually, if just for a few moments. It must be so hard when everyone wants a piece of you. What I truly love about you is that you KNOW it is Christ that lives within you that everyone is seeking. You minimize yourself and maximize the Lord. AMEN.

    I will be praying for all of you as you each endeavor to meet and carry out the plans God has prepared for you.


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