Hi, Siestas! I think I’ve got a fun one! I saw this idea in one of those complimentary airline magazines and showed it to Michelle (who was sitting right next to me) with great enthusiasm and said, “I’m going to do this with the Siestas!” to which she dryly said, “Great, Ma’am.” (I adore her. To say that she has whiplash after going from Washington D.C. to Living Proof Ministries is the understatement of the year. She really doesn’t want to talk a lot about mascara and would not be caught stone-cold-dead in a pair of Capri pants. And never in her entire life has she had to keep a small bottle of anointing oil in her brief case…just in case her boss calls for it. She has also never before had a boss request a photo-shopped picture of herself on a Spiderman costume. A post for another time.)
I’m sorry. I have a little ADD this morning. Back to my idea. It’s not very original but I think it will be a blast. As we’re getting to know one another here in Siestaville, let’s hit the fast forward button. What are 10 things – right off the top of your head – that we would only know about you if we knew you really well? 10 random things ranging anywhere on your personal map that make you a tad distinctive? Or just plain weird? Think quickly. Don’t go for deep. Go for quirky. Don’t try to put them in any kind of order and don’t make them long. Just start typing. I’ll go first to give you the idea.
1. I have an addiction to Ziploc bags.
2. I hate wet socks worse than almost anything.
3. I was the only baby out of 5 born to my mother with no anesthesia. She never forgot it.
4. I wore braces for 12 years. I still often sleep in a retainer.
5. I am a read-aholic. I read over others’ shoulders. I walk the aisle on airplanes to see what others are reading. I read what’s laying on people’s desks during meetings while they think I’m listening.
6. I love Black music.
7. I need slices of cakes and pies to be cut neatly with a sharp knife and not gouged out with a fork. (Nearly just got a shiver at the thought.)
8. My children call me “Doodle.” I no longer remember why. Sometimes just “The Doods.”
9. I am a very slow driver.
10. I’m a go-girl. I love the rush of taking off in an airplane. I smile almost every time.
OK, Siestas! What about you? What are 10 quirky things we might not know?
1. I'm a semi-picky eater. I don't like peppers and onions. If there are chunks of anything in my food – it can only be chocolate :O)
2. I LOVE books. All my reading materials are in a bag, and go with me everywhere, even to bed.
3. I'm addicted to Coca-Cola.
4. I hug the people I love, others – don't touch me and please stay out of my personal space!
5. I like to wear gowns – not pj's.
6. I love fried chicken and chocolate.
7. I am a list maker.
8. I yawn really loud and my family hates it – I'm known as the fog horn.
9. There is a book and a candy bar in my purse most of the time.
10. I like teapots and teacups – but DO NOT like tea.
Dawn Holmes – Daytona Beach, FL
1. I have an obsession with cleaning the little metal saucer things under the burners on my stove…I mean every single day, even if I haven't used the stove.
2. I love spring thunder storms.
3. I used to think I was a city girl until my hubby moved me to "hickville." Now I love country life.
4. I used to be a vegetarian and now I go hunting-the things you do for the man you love!
5. I love french toast with lots and lots of butter and syrup.
6. I don't think I own a single pair of flat shoes.
7. People say I laugh like a chipmunk. I didn't know chipmunks laugh…
8. I love to read and go camping. And to go camping and read. Especially to do both together.
9. I adore antique furniture and distressed wood.
10. I never ever write in cursive. I always print.
1. I love the smell of fresh cut hay
2. I drive fast
3. I love to read
4. I love food,except too spicy
5. I love warm, sunny days
6. I like things organized
7. I love good coffee
8. I love to sit outside on my porch swing in the summer
9. I love flowers and growing them
10. I love to visit
1. I love the paw pads of animals (can't wait to touch/kiss a lion or polar bear paw pad in heaven!) Think they are SO cute!
2. Can never order anything off a menu the way it is (kind of like in When Harry met Sally)
3. I'm scared of everything… friends have always teased me asking why I didn't have bars on my windows… and I said, "I thought about it but what if there was a fire!" (I am Breaking Free!)
4. My kids are 10, 15, 16 and 17
5. My Dad is a Bishop
6. Love sonic diet coke with a fresh lime mmmm the crushed ice
7. Wish I liked to read… Love to draw
8. Alice from the Brady Bunch stayed at our house when I was little
9. Have a loud laugh
10. I ran a marathon… and I am NOT a runner
1.I love to eat just about everything, but could eat Mexican for every meal!
2.I hate Clutter.
3.I won the most beautiful eyes contest in college in 1988. Random.
4.I Bungy-Jumped off a 150 foot bridge in New Zealand. And lived.
5.I hitch-hiked the entire country of New Zealand in 1989-90.
6.I have been run over by a car. And lived.
7.I love PEOPLE with much passion!
8. I drive an Aquarias Blue Beetle Bug Convertible named "Clutterbug".9. I am very organized.
10.I was born in Kentucky- GOD'S COUNTRY!
1. I have to put lotion on my hands constantly. I feel icky without it.
2. I drink more water than anyone I know.
3. I have a huge aversion to snotty boogers. (And at the same time, a weird fascination with them).
4. I hate all kinds of beans.
5. I love wiping fingerprints off stainless steel appliances.
6. My husband thinks I'm crazy when I follow behind him with a stainless steel wipe.
7. I am a super-speedy reader.
8. I have a photographic memory.
9. I am a freak that loves to run, even in snow, wind, rain, etc.
10. I sometimes type words on an imaginary keyboard while people are saying them.
And apparently I overshare, b/c that last one may or may not have been too much information.
1. I love Jesus
2. I hate to fly
3. I love my horses, even the shoveling grooming part
4. I am a reader
5. I have the world's most generous hubby
6. I love sweets (have been on a mini-reese cup fling but am giving it up)
7. I run
8. I am a breast cancer SURVIVOR (graduated from MD Anderson in Feb Whoo Hoo!!)
9. I am the most blessed woman in the world
10. I have 3 of the most incredible daughters-in-law ever. praise the Lord!! He is so good
Inez Barnes
1. doritos and chocolate milk was one of my favorite snacks growing up (i know-gross, right?).
2. i would wear my pj pants & a tshirt everywhere if i could.
3. occasionally i'll break out in song & sing my sentences around the house when in a silly mood (like in a musical).
4. i love the beach.
5. i just stopped using my Teen Study Bible a few years ago (i'm 28).
6. when eating skittles, i like to start by eating my least favorite colors (yellow, green) and ending up with my favorites (like red & purple).
7. my family and i have different voices and characters we go into when conversing w/each other(inside family jokes).
8. i sometimes dream i am still in high school basketball but i'm in the shape i'm in now (which is not near as good!) and i'm struggling to get down the court!
9. my celebrity crush is channing tatum.
10. my hair has been probably 5 different colors in the last few years.
-Jazzy J
Tyler, TX
1. I love to read. I hate to finish a good book!
2. I love to cook.
3. I love antiques anything old.
4. Love Jerry Lewis movies.
5. I like things in order and in their place.
6. Favorite time of the year is fall/autumn.
7. I love the mountains.
8. I prefer desert anytime over food.
9. Wish I had gone to nursing school.
10. My husband did not propose to me and I didn't ask him to marry me either…long story.
1. I LOVE the smell of a newborn baby's head!
2. I love to organize things: like packing up Christmas decorations
3. I love the smell and feel of books
4. I'm addicted to coffee. I have 4 cups every morning before I do anything
5. I love every season – it would be boring if we only had one season
6. My favorite Bible story is the Samaritan woman
7. My dream is to be a published author
8. I make cloth dolls based on women in the Bible
9. Oatmeal candy is my favorite food
10. I'm afraid of clowns
1. I have to put the coffe on, eat my cereal and then drink my coffee in that order every day or I'm all discombobulated.
2. I got my first gray hair at 21. ( I beat you Candace)
3. My daughter was born on Mother's Day 1993.
4. I love love love to read!
5. I love doing my make-up every day. It's like creating a work of art on a blank canvas every day. Somedays the canvas is in good shape.
6. I love purple!
7. Mocha's are the only thing I like at Starbucks.
8. I floss every night. Really. I heard it makes you live longer.
9. I love the spring.
10. I want to write a book someday.
Dallas, Texas
1. I cannot stand the thought of the different food items on my plate touching one another…EVER!
2. My parents, sister and I don't have middle names…all 4 of my children do.
3. I taught myself to read at age 3 and have been an obsessive reader ever since.
4. When I text, I spell out every word and have even been known to use semi-colons.
5. My claim to fame in 3rd grade Sunday School was being able to say the books of the Bible backwards just as quickly as everyone else could say them forwards.
6. I only like to write in blue ink as I think it's more "feminine" than black. (Don't ask.)
7. I still put on perfume even when I'm just staying home and cleaning house.
8. I love listening to opera.
9. If I won the lottery, I would hire a driver…and someone to straighten my hair every morning.
10. I don't like talking on the phone.
1. I have 4 sons and 1 daughter…she is the middle child.
2. I am on day 3 of trying to break my soda drinking habit.
3. I get stressed when I feel I haven't accomplished much for the day.
4. I do not like to play board games.
5. I love middle school age kids.
6. I have been a substitute teacher.
7. I can spend a lot of time wandering the aisles at the grocery store.
8. I shave the top of my big toes.
9. Love to bake, hate to cook.
10. I cry a lot. At church, watching movies, while my kids teachers are telling me how great they are…awkward moments.
1. There is a song for everything that happens in life and just in case you don't know it. I'll sing it for you, off key, but I'll sing it anyway!
2. I had to have my jaws wired shut between my Junior and Senior years in High School. Awkward.
3. I am a 'Girly-Girl' who is the mother of 5 'Boyly-Boys' (is that a word?) and the wife of a 'Rowdy-Man' from Wyoming.
4. I have been in a Dunking Booth where I was emersed into 100 gallons of Strawberry Jello.
5. I was kissed my Elvis in his front yard when I was 6.
6. As a little girl my dad called me "Buzz" and I rode a purple "Miss Buzz Bike". Remember those?
7. Why a purple bike? Because purple was my favorite color because it was Donny Osmond's favorite color. I wore a crush velvet purple coat, had crush velvet purple curtains and comforter.
8. I CAN NOT stand to have my armpits touched. I get goosey just thinking about it.
9. My best friend and I rode the roller coaster 16 times in a row without getting off when we turned 16. It was at Liberty Land and had 3 upside down turns in it.
10. My first born son had gastric refulx and 'feeding him solids' did not stop it, as I was assured it would. My shirt simply looked like a family of berry eating Conders flew over me daily!
1. I wear shoes and socks at the beach because I hate sand on my feet and between my toes.
2. I love French Onion Soup.
3. I read the Inspection Certificates in Elevators.
4. I am a cancer survivor.
5. I love the smell of pine trees.
6. I love freshly washed sheets.
7. I swallowed a penny when I was a toddler.
8. After having my braces off 20 years ago, I still wear my retainer every night.
9. My favorite season is fall.
10. I've never changed my hair color.
1. my towels have to be folded/facing the same way in the cabinet
2. can't stand the sound of finger nails on the chalkboard!
3. can't stand wearing socks to bed
4. have wish lists for each room posted in each room
5. my shirts are organized by long/short sleeve and then by color
6. LOVE fall
7. i changed my major 3 times!
8. took me 6 years to graduate (see #7)
9. i do not like fish
10. i am addicted to reading blogs!
Amarillo, TX
1. I hate mushrooms…fungus..ewww
2. I highly dislike loud chewing…it makes me shudder just thinking about it!
3. I love love love reading!
4. Pink is my new favorite color…it just beat out purple.
5. I love my husband's quirky sense of humor
6. Disney World is my favorite vacation spot…good thing it is less than 2 hours away from me!
7. I listen to my iPod constatnly at work.
8. I sing…even though I can't carry a tone!
9. Coach (purses mainly)anything makes me smile.
10. Beth Moore is my favorite Bible teacher/author! Love ya Beth!!! 🙂
Ocala, Fl
1. I wear socks to bed all year round. Winter incl a heating pad at my feet.
2. I'm a night owl.
3. I have 3 left thumbs when it comes to doing my hair.
4. I can't handle anyone being sick to their stomach, incl my kids. Thank God they were only sick a total of 3x! I get sick w/the person. However, I'm the "go to" person when anyone has a medical issue.
5. I'm really shy.
6. I hate to talk on the phone.
7. I only eat one food at a time, no mixing.
8. I love organization but live with a loving, wonderful pack rat.
9. When I read a book, I read the 1st 2-3 chapters, skip to the end & then re-read it from cover to cover
10. I wish my children lived nearby instead of 900 miles away.
Can relate to your wet socks, Beth. Makes me insane! May God continue to bless you as you faithfully serve Him.
Because of HIM!
1.I hate for my feet to feel hot!
2.I think it's funny that I have friends that refer to me as a "normal friend". What does that say about them?!?!
3.I LOVE that life is an adventure
4.I just found out what my natural hair color is…got to the salon as fast as I could.
5.I husband, before knowing my name referred to me as the girl with the butt.
6.I really do love to run (work out in general…seriously)
7.I have to run to have the energy to keep up with my kids.
8.I love to cook
9.I hate being called by my middle name
10.I subconsciously sit and hook my toes together…I've got some really long toes!
1. I like to figure out ways to use a crimper in my daily hair styling routine
2. I love coffee – french pressed
3. I think everyone has a beauty – and I love to photograph it!
4. I love liturgical churches and churches where they dance in the aisle and wear jeans. – I feel like a Mutt
5. Jesus sometimes looks similar to Patrick swayze to me. (I don't think Swayze is a god….its just a quirk)
6. Laughter – the silent kind
7. I wish I loved pink more
8. I love to wear cowboy boots
9. I'm new to LPM blog
10. I like big hair
1. i hate corn… hate it, hate it, hate it.
2. i love middle school students… their awkwardness makes it okay to be a big dork!
3. i love to run and am training for my 3rd half marathon, aiming for a full.
4. my son has 2 first names. i want all my kids to have 2 first names- the husband, not so much.
5. i'm obsessively organized and clean yet ridiculously messy at the same time.
6. i'm a chronic eavesdropper and always have my head in about 10 other conversations going on around me.
7. i have a really good memory for people and details… my husband calls me a stalker!
8. i have never colored my hair- and i'm almost 29!
9. i hate the thought of turning 30… and i don't know why
10. i love reality tv
1. I'm addicted opening and closing those ziplock bags. (I like the sounds)
2. I do not like shopping for clothes.
3. I love farm life.
4. My favoritest look on a child is him missing his two front teeth.
5. I love, love, love bed head on my boys first thing in the morning with that 'just woke up look'.
6. Do not like MY just woke up look! :o)
7. Can not stand people pulling on my toes.
8. Would love to play the mandolin someday when I grow up. :o)
9. Crashed my sister's car waving at a friend when I was 14. Hit a parked truck.
10. Love to two step with my husband, but happens too seldom!
1) I can't stand the lines the windshield wipers make after it rains and your car dries. I'll avoid using my wipers as long as I can to try and prevent the lines.
2) I am also a read-a-holic. I have my book with my everywhere. God forbid I forget it, I'll read ANYTHING. Lotion labels, napkins, CD covers, pens….
3) I hate sweet tea more than just about anything except coffee. My youngest likes to switch my tea sometimes just to watch me try and get it out of my mouth without swallowing.
4) I cry when I laugh.
5) I strongly dislike musicals.
6) I love the smell of the ocean. MUST live on the beach someday.
7) I cannot go to bed without washing my feet. If I get up and walk around to much, I have to wash them again.
8) My knees "crinkle" when I walk up my stairs.
9) I order my food like Meg Ryan in "When Harry met Sally". You should be able to eat your food exactly like you like it.
10) I am forever switching around letters in words, not on purpose, creating new words. This provides my teenage girls with amusement and a new vocabulary.
1. I can "click" my throat and "squeak" my ear.
2. When I purchased my last vehicle, I brought in my telescope, bicylce and hand bell table foam to make sure they could fit. Not at the same time.
3. I read the end of the book first and if I don't like how it ends, I will not bother to read the book.
4. I faked the research results on my 9th grade science project.
5. My arm goes numb when I practice my violin.
6. My cat heads for the cellar as soon as I open my violin case!
7. I hate lima beans.
8. I love the Orion nebula.
9. I hate to empty the coal stove ashes.
10. I have no middle name.
1. Squeaking styrofoam makes my teeth hurt
2.I've had three cappuccinos since 4am.
3. I took my newborn in the tub with me this morning and prayed over him in an Irish accent…I swear he smiled.
4. I feel massively guilty about pumping my breastmilk just so I could have cappuccinos in #2
5. I've dented my husband's car twice backing out of the driveway..one on each side…each time I was massively pregnant. I laughed hard, he didn't.
6. I feel nervous if there are no potato chips in the house.
7. I once got so mad at my husband, I flew to Dublin alone for a weekend..perhaps this is the origin of #3.
8. I bought my wedding dress on the internet.
9. Lately I've been sleeping with my legs folded up like I'm sitting on a lounge chair by the pool.
10. I dream about my Oscar acceptance speech…only I'm not an actress.
1. I love Sharpies. I took notes in Sharpies all through college, despite the fact that it took way more paper.
2. I was 21 when I learned how to put on eyeliner. My girlfriends put it on for me every time until then.
3. Despite the fact that my middle name has been handed down for generations, I refuse to hand it down to my daughters. That's how much I dislike it.
4. I love the cold. And the warm. I never want to live anywhere without 4 distinct seasons.
5. I was born on my mom's half birthday.
6. I hated tea all of my youth. My mom made it for me every time I was sick and it took me 16 years to tell her I hated it. I like it now:-).
7. I've always wanted to play soccer but never learned how.
8. All of my shoes, jewerly, and purses that I get compliments on are from my momma. I don't ever think to by those things!
9. In college, I called my parents to tell them I thought I bumped a moving bus with my car in the snow. To this day, we're not sure whether I did or didn't. I have a similar story with a mailbox.
10. I have an obsession with bbq sauce but can't even stand the smell of ketchup. This wasn't such a good thing when I had my stint as a Denny's waitress.
1. didn't get my ears pierced until high school b/c i hate needles
2. have been skydiving twice
3. go to the dentist every 4 months because i don't want to have a root canal
4. at 32, i still have all my wisdom teeth
5. was born in England
6. i like the smell of skunk
7. am on-time (or early) for appointments and events
8. some people can't read, i can't do math…thank goodness for fingers and calculators
9. always wanted to be a flight attendant so i could travel the world
10. can pick up objects with my feet
1. I weighed the most (by 4lbs) of all my Mother kids. (4 brothers and Me)
2. Can't stand being late to anything, would rather be 1 hour early than a minute late!
3. I love being outside working.
4. Love power tools and making things with wood.
5. Hate the 2 hours it takes to get my hair done.
6. I have a hard time sitting still.
7.Never wear dresses(glad slacks are ok at church)
8. Love, Love, Love traveling.(when I can with my husband)
9. I am country to the bone, even when I try not to be.
10. (Last but certainly not least)I think Beth Moore is one of the funniest people God ever made.No matter what I read of yours, there is always a laugh to be had! Thanks.
1. I am #5 of 6 kids (age range of 21yrs between oldest & youngest)
2. MY 4 children range 27 yrs between oldest & youngest.
3. I gave birth to NONE of them and was in middle school when the oldest was born.
4. My original last name was Dumm (thank you mom for remarrying when I was VERY young)
5. I need my straw to be color coordinated to either the container or thebeverage.
6. I cannot stomach cold ketchup
7. I'm allergic to artificial strawberry flavoring (ONLY strawberry and not real strawberries)
8. I am slightly obsessed with grape tootsie roll pops.
9. In highschool I aspired to be either a soap opera star or a nun … I became neither. (and I was not ever Catholic)
10. My BFF's are women most of whom I have never met … thanks to a little thing called Siestaville.
Thank you for that Mama Beth, Amanda & Melissa.
This WAS fun!
Becky Jo
1. Want to reward myself after losing a lot of weight (some year) with skydiving lesson.
2. Dearly love hubby and son.
3. I stopped smoking when I was 9 years old.
4. I really like NCIS t.v. show.
5. People who don't give straight answers really irritate me.
6. Chocolate to the point I will buy it and hide it from my family.
7. Would like to coach an undefeated team.
8. Was very shy growing up. Most find that hard to believe that now.
9. Love to wake up to freshly fallen snow as long as I don't have to go anywhere except downstairs to sit in front of the fireplace with a cup of hot chocolate.
10. Was a truck driver (18 wheeler) in college featured in a newspaper and 6 o'clock news in LA area (during early 70's).
1. I got my BS degree at 62
(finally) with my 4th major!
and love my career choice…
2. I Love to read – will read
anything if I don't have a book.
3. My spices are arranged
4. I gave myself my nickname Bonnie
at the age of 3 because my dad
was Paul and I was Paula.
I guess I thought I had a Male
5. My clothes are organized by
colors and short/long, etc.
6. I've been coloring my hair since
I was 19. I'm sure it must be
totally gray by now.
7. I could live on Ice Cream.
8. I don't like chocolate.
9. I adore my family
9. I love all animals (my first
career choice was a Vet)
10. I have to drive because I get
car sick if I don't. I'm a
fast driver so some people
probably wish I did not have to
1. I hate housework.
2. My all-time favorite sack lunch is a tuna fish sandwich, Cheetos, and a Dr Pepper.
3. I've never died a single strand of my hair.
4. I can say the alphabet backwards in less than 5 seconds.
5. I have to have a sheet over my feet when I sleep.
6. I've never lived outside of Texas.
7. I've never wanted to!
8. I met my husband because he dated my roommate.
9. I graduated from the same high school as Beth (different years) and had the same favorite English teacher.
10. I can't stand any type of Asian food.
Have a blessed day!
How Fun is This!
1. I love the smell of sunshine on warm skin — especially my children's.
2. I am a voracious reader and have 5 + books going at any given time.
3. I love to draw, especially line drawings of kids — cartoon style.
4. I find my attention to detail while reading both a blessing and a curse. I am always using my red pen, if only mentally most of the time. Once an editor, always an editor.
5. I first started highlighting/coloring my hair with Sun In at the age of 12. I still color regularly.
6. My first car was a 1974 Volkswagen Superbeetle in African Red. Loved that car!
7. I can't stand walking around in bare feet. Flip flops are my favorite footwear, just about all year round.
8. Please don't talk to me when I'm on the phone. I only have ears for the caller.
9. Recipes are simply a guideline and a tool for my own creativity. Pam-creations are some of my favorites. : )
10. I think the ocean is God's way of speaking in majestic tones right to my heart.
Beth, what exactly is 'Black' music to you?…
1. I talk to my dear friend who lives in another state for hours every Tuesday afternoon.
2. I am trying to memorize larger sections of Scripture every week.
3. I am an only child, my mother is an only child, and I have an only daughter who is all grown up and married.
4. I "retired" from teaching at 40 because I couldn't take it anymore.
5. I am a Barry Manilow fan. Please don't judge me.
6. I change my hair color every few years because I get bored.
7. I love girlie things like make-up, skincare, lotions, and potions.
8. I love to clean – really!
9. My husband is my best friend.
10. I love to watch 24 and never miss an episode.
1. I can't drive past a sign without reading it…out loud
2. I once had a contest with my sister in law to see who could go the longest without showering…in the summer…after rebuilding a house all day…in the hot southern sun…we went a week and tied.
3. I sing very loudly, but not well, in my car and the shower.
4. I am a rules follower and can't stand it when others bend or break rules.
5. I have my concealed carry license.
6. I don't get fashion.
7. I love game shows.
8. I love the smell of my kids after they've been playing outside.
9. all the clothes in my closet are color coordinated.
10. I'm addicted to Purell.
1. I have a blended family with 7 kids from 12 to 21. Two girls and five boys. Only 3 live with us.
2. I am a girly girl and am not afraid to admit that now!
3. I absolutely love music and often make CDs for friends and people God lays on my heart.
4. I won a pagent when I was 8.
5. I love things to be organized but my bedroom tends to be a mess.
6. I love the little things in life and strive to have a positive attitude always.
7. My middle name is Lynn
8. I am the queen of the snooze button 🙂
9. I am a touchy feely person and love massages and soft blankets etc.
10. I have the hottest sweetest husband ….and He Loves Me…go figure 🙂
– Lynn Branred
1. I, too, have an obsession with ziploc bags.
2. I take a bath every single night before I go to bed.
3. I never go to bed without my house being completely straightened up.
4. I don't care for mexican food, but I like Taco Bell.
5. I rarely ever watch tv. I am clueless when it comes to the shows that everybody else is watching.
6. My husband will not drink out of a straw.
7. I've never bounced a check.
8. I don't drink orage juice with the pulp or eat yogurt with chunks of fruit in it.
9. I wear lipstick or chapstick at all times, even to bed.
10. My husband and I are completely debt free. Our friends think we are very weird, and we like it that way. 🙂
1-Both my kids were born exactly on their due date!
2-I once blamed the smoke from my car on the lady behind me in the drive through…
3-I love projects. Anything creative, new, challenging that turns out looking awesome in the end!
4-I love surprises but no one really knows that about me.
5-I've been asked, on many occasions, if my husband was my son! Seriously! (He's a year older, he's Hawaiian and looks very young, but come on!)
6-I put canned tuna (gag) in a recipe that called for canned chicken on accident. Of course it was for "Soup Night" with all of my friends so I'll never live that one down 🙂
7-I'm not a person who has no regrets and appreciates learning from mistakes! I would go back and do some things over in a heartbeat!
8-I don't understand how someone can not adore chocolate. Really. I just don't get it.
9-I sang in a Rock Band for 5 years with my husband, and my dad was the bass guitarist! We rocked!
10-I can't wait for Jesus to come and get me and then finally look him straight in the eyes!
Donna – Cumming, GA
1. I married my husband when I was 16 (31 years ago & still going)
2. I LOVE Nascar races (already been to 2 this year)!
3. I have to have the blinds/curtains drawn at night
4. I love traveling
5. I use to love to read, then I hit 45 and needed reading glasses so not so much anymore
6. I'm a blogaholoic
7. I adore my grandchildren
8. Can only drink diet coke out of bottle (not fountain drinks for me)
9. I have a plate & screws in my neck
10. I am left handed
1. My Bestest friend since I was three is Browney. He's a little brown doggie, stuffed with beans.
2. I HATE Brussel Sprouts (probably the only veggie, I detest)
3. I love anything old and beautiful.
4. I have been known to garbage pick on more than one occasion and love to thrift shop
5. I love anything to do with the Pony Express/Wild West
6. I am a huge friend to animals
7. My first name is NOT Michele
8. I have a Sudanese sister, even though I was born and raised in America AND have never been to Sudan
9. One of the prerequisites for marrying anyone was that they had to LOVE Anne. (Good thing the hubby, loved watching the movies before we were married :0)
10. I am fascinated with cicadas
1. I hate mess in my house.
2. I put hot pepper in everything I eat.
3. I love craft.
4. I hate being touched on my neck.
5. My two brothers and I have the same first name.(that's why i changed it to MIA)
6. I wanna be married so badly.
7. I love wine.
8. I have never finished a book in my life.
9. I'm a great copy cat..(craft)
10. I made 7 quilts in 7 week.
soo much fun to read.,.. guess i'll give it a try…
1) my twin sis and i do not look alike, however, my 11 month younger sister and i look like identical twins.. !!
2) if my shoes&socks are off, i have to have my baby toes curled around the next toe on both feet.. ?
3) i have no sense of smell or taste. 🙁
4) i do not enjoy shopping at all. in and out as quick as possible for me.
5) i love high thread counts for my sheets..
6) i wanted 10 kids, but God only allowed me one.. a son who is getting married in may !!!
7) i have been in 2 major car accidents, with no injuries at all ! thank you Jesus !
8) i had a partial hysterectomy exactly 1 week after my son was born, thus the reason for only one child !!
9) i didnt wear makeup until i was 25, and now only wear it to church on sunday..
10) i would love to sew but cannot for the life of me cut or sew a straight line. 🙁
jill in wichita
1. Outside! City, country, beach OUT!
2. Can pass ice cream, cakes and fancy desserts but a good cookie tempts me.
3. Named after Jackie O and Queen Elizabeth (mom had high expectations).
4. I could almost live at the library.
5. Must sweat every day except Sunday.
6. I never wanted a daughter (yep even prayed for boys).
7. My youngest of 4, choosen, my princess even at 13.
8. I use the dictionary often.
9. My husband of 23 9/12 years is my best friend.
10. As a youth I never wanted to get married, but did at 20.
1. I love things to be in order…except for my sock drawer
2. I love to take pictures
3. I love the beach
4. I would rather not have makeup on
5. I secretly would love to start a "beach ministry": difficult when you live in the Midwest
6. I love doing Bible studies. I love the homework.
7. I love teaching in Special education and I don't always know why
8. I absolutely love to walk our dog
9. I love chocolate: an inherited gene trait
10. I love to laugh a lot
1. I play my radio in my bedroom 24/7
2. My kitchen "improvement" is not done yet after 1 year
3. I live on a farm and mow about 2 1/2 to 3 acres every week (more often if it rains a lot!)
4. I have three sons (and 1 daughter) but I have 4 granddaughters and one grandson
5. I work in our county courthouse which is 124 years old
6. I DO NOT like hot, spicy food (good thing I don't live in Texas, right?)
7. I love to read, but unlike SOME people, I don't want to read off a Kindle or computer, I want to hold the book or newspaper in my hands!
8. My house is behind a cemetery (and next door to a church)
9. I love to travel and see new things
10. My grandkids call me "Gaga"
this is going to be fun!
1. I seriously love post-it notes
2. I will not go bare footed
3. My shirts are grouped by color in my closet
4. I love shoes — all types, all colors =)
5. My growing-up nickname was "Jill Pill"
6. I sucked my thumb until they threatened that I couldn't go to 1st grade if I didn't stop — later this led to headgear and much orthodonture
7. My first car was a white VW bug covertable — wish I still had it!
8. I still can smell my grandfather's pipe if I think about it
9. My grandmother made me memorize scripture — bless her!
10. I will not go to bed without removing my eye makeup and mascara YUK!
1) I'm a vegetarian, cause I can't stand the texture of meat!
2) Two of my toes are webbed 🙂
3) I love love love Disneyland
4) I am tone deaf but married to a musician
4) I love critters. All of them. I want a house full of skunks, hedgehogs, squirrels ect.
5) I love burning my marshmellows on the campfire
6) SUPER competitive
7) My bedroom looks like a teenagers (eek)
8) Have dimples!
9) Had to write "I will not be obnoxious in class" 100 times my Junior Year of HS
10) All-State Volleyball my Senior Year
1. I am addicted to Sharpie pens; can't stand to write w/ anything else!
2. I don't like to wear shoes, even in winter.
3. Speaking of feet, my husband gives the. best. foot rubs!!!
4. The closest I've ever been to a real celebrity is when my family was waiting in line at a restaurant in Manteo, NC, and Andy Griffith walked by and said, "Hey!" Oh — and I just remembered, he wasn't wearing shoes! 🙂
5. I love puzzles — crosswords, suduko, word search, etc.
6. I am 53 and have never worn make-up. I'm not opposed to it, just never learned how to apply it.
7. I totally abstained from eating chocolate from 1988 until 2005.
8. My younger son was born on Easter Sunday, and my older son's birth date is 9/11.
9. Spiders make me scream. Even the little ones.
10. I cut the bottom crust off my sandwich bread.
1.My grandmother name is “Grammy”; however, my granddaughter has been know to change that to “GramGram” or even “Gramster” if she doesn’t get my attention right away.
2.I have a niece and nephew (missionary kids serving in Africa) who call me “whoo hoo”
3.I believe there is a song for most any situation and break into song wherever I am if one comes to mind.
4.When the music minister asks for a soloist volunteer, I always raise my hand (in jest) and he continues to ask if anyone wants to volunteer, ignoring my raised hand. Standing joke going there.
5.I’m in a trio with 2 of my best friends, but we only do one song – 2 of us sing and one does the accompaniment (snapping her fingers).
6.Never had an interest in pets until 2 years ago when Sheila the Chihuahua came into our life. I’m hooked! Like ridiculous hooked.
7.Absolutely no interest ever in football even though I was in the band in high school and was at every high school football game. Never took time to understand it and just didn’t care. BUT watched the Super Bowl this year (after a few crash lessons from friends), cheering the NO Saints to victory! Mississippi Coast used to be home, so I had to, and thoroughly enjoyed it. Hooked? Not so sure, but will try a little harder to show more interest.
8.Friend and I as college freshmen got caught in pj’s swimming in the water fountain in lobby of women’s dorm after lights out.
9.Have been an organic vegetable gardener for several years – learning a little more each year.
10.Many years ago, hubby got a ticket on a road trip. I gave him the proverbial down the road and he pulled over and turned the driving over to me. Not even 5 miles down the road, I got a ticket going more over the speed limit than he was going. He got great satisfaction in that ticket even though it was costly.