Welcome everybody! This is our first gathering for Children of the Day and we are incredibly blessed to have you along! If you’re just now hearing about it, we’d love for you to join us! You’ll find it most helpful to begin by reading this previous post that includes our approach, our summer Bible study schedule and many other specifics: (SSBS 2014 Info post) All you need to participate is the workbook entitled Children of the Day. We only officially “gather” here on the blog every two weeks because summers are so busy. On each of those 5 Tuesdays (starting today), you’ll find a video I’ve prepared for you with instructions for that day. I’ll also remind you to do the next 2 weeks of Bible study before our next gathering. View it personally if you are going solo or, if you’re joining in with others, with your small group. I’ll always put the bare bones of that gathering’s instructions in print in the post as well (as you’ll see below) in case you have any trouble viewing the video. Here’s your first one!
Basic written instructions in case you have trouble with the video:
Register for our summer Bible study by simply leaving a comment to this post per instructions below. Of course, you can take part without registering but you’ll get much more out of it if you fully participate. It not only increases accountability. It stirs up a sense of belonging and fellowship which is so important to us here in this blog community.
Here’s what we’d love for you to supply in your registration comment today: (Try to limit yourself to this information so it will be easy to read and count.)
1. Your NAME.
2. Your CITY.
3. Whether you’re going SOLO or in tandem with a small group. If you’re in a small group, share approximately how many are in your group and where you are planning to meet.
4. Share in a sentence or two why you could really stand to be in Bible study this summer. Maybe it’s that you’ve never been in one before. We would be elated! Or maybe it’s been a long time. If so, this is a great time and place to come back home to the heart of Jesus. Maybe you’re just hoping to get to know Christ a little better. Or, perhaps you’re interested in particular subject matter that appears on the pages of 1st or 2nd Thessalonians. On the other hand, maybe you especially need to be in the Scriptures because you have extenuating circumstances that could really challenge you this summer. What’s motivating you to get into the Scriptures with us this summer? There are no wrong answers!
5. BONUS question (optional): WHAT IS A QUIRK OF YOURS?? Come on, now! Tell us!
If you’re meeting with a small group, share your answers to questions 4 and 5.
I will pitch out a memory verse each week for anybody who wants to participate:
Week 1 Memory Verse:
1 Thessalonians 1:4 The NET Bible: We know, brothers and sisters loved by God, that He has chosen you.
Week 2 Memory Verse:
1 Thessalonians 2:8 The NET Bible: …with such affection for you we were happy to share with you not only the gospel of God but also our own lives, because you had become dear to us.
Do WEEKS ONE AND TWO of your homework before our next gathering in two weeks! If you’re watching the OPTIONAL video teaching sessions, you will want to watch Session 1 this week before you start your homework and Session 2 before you start your second week of homework. Here is the link: Children Of The Day Sessions
Don’t feel pressured to go to the added expense. All you need to participate in the summer study is the workbook.
I am so honored to serve you and study with you this summer! Can’t wait to see your names and locations! So much love to you, Sisters! We joyfully embrace each one of you.
1. April Jones
2. Springfield, IL
3. with my sister
4. Need to get serious about my study time – accountability is key and I love this blog community!
5. I hate feet – hate them – mine, other people’s – hate feet! They gross me out. One exception – my 4 yr old daughter’s feet – don’t mind them as much. 🙂
Donna Williams
Mobile, AL
Much needed discipline to study consistently
1. Carol
2. The Woodlands TX
3. Solo
4. I need the discipline of regular Bible study
5. I am.a ‘neat freak’
I have recently had a crisis of faith where I strayed from His path for awhile & I need to get back on that path. No one speaks to me through the bible like Beth.
1. Elizabeth
2. Columbia, MO
3. Solo (just decided to join and ordered my book yesterday!)
4. This is an interesting summer for me. I am writing my thesis to finish my masters degree and only work part-time. I feel like I need a way to stay disciplined in the Word since I have a lot of down time. I’m also pregnant with my first child and just want to really soak in the Word in preparation for motherhood and be open to what God has to teach me in this exciting season.
5. I never eat the last bite of a sandwich.
1. Rebekah
2. Visalia, CA
3. Solo
4. Haven’t been in a bible study in years, I want to know Jesus more.
5. I can’t have the tv or radio volume at an odd number. Always have to be on an even number 🙂
1. Janelle
2. Loveland, CO
3. Flying Solo
4. The song “Take me to the King” by Tamela Mann sums up why I’m doing this Bible Study.
5. Sometimes I still can’t step on a crack for fear I’ll break my mother’s back.
1. Tracie
2. Omaha, Nebraska
3. Neighborhood group of 5 friends
4. Great way to encourage and spend time together. Without an organized study, we don’t make the time.
5. Love to mow with my big green tractor.
1) Hannah Williams
2) Cleveland, Tennessee
3) I will be going through this study with my younger sister, Mallory.
4) I could stand to be in Bible study this summer because I really desire to grow in my relationship with Christ and be in His word, and to seek His direction for this season of my life. I want to be wise with the time He is giving me this summer and really be intentional about relationships… especially my relationship with Him! And I couldn’t be more excited about it!
5) One of my quirks is that I really love to eat healthy, and as a result I tend to order complicated things at restaurants. For example: at Panera I don’t JUST get a Greek salad, I get a Greek salad with the dressing on the side- not on it, no red onions, add avocado, add extra feta cheese- on the side, and substitute bread for an apple. My family and friends get a kick out of this, haha.
1. Nicole
2. Jacksonville, OR
3. Solo
4. Getting back into a Beth Moore , it’s been over a yr or so.
5. Wow, I have lots! I am obsessed with keeping my floors clean!
1. Tammy Gail
2. La Porte, Texas
3. Solo
4. My church is in between studies
5. I like things squared; i.e. my furniture, papers on my desk.
1.Debbie Hall
2. Buchanan, VA
3. Small Group – 23 meeting at church
4. I need a Bible Study to keep me in the Word….to keep me busy with God and not sidetracked with other worldly things.
5. I am OCD about the cleanliness of the inside of my car.
1. Nicole
2. Monmouth, IL
3. Solo
4. To keep my accountable over the summer to stay in my Bible while I chase the kids every which way.
5. I am a Diet Coke-aholic
1. Hi! I’m Brenda.
2. I live in Broomfield.
3. I’m flying solo on this one.
4. I’ve been wanting to start a new study for quite a while & this was the perfect timing. Also, I have a soft spot in my heart for Greece.
5. I don’t like to be barefoot even in my own home. I don’t like to buy shoes that other people have tried on.
North East, PA
haven’t been in a study in a while
my husband has Alzheimer’s so I am limited in my activity outside the house this will be awesome
1. Barbi
2. Sinking Spring, PA
3. Solo/Friends are doing it at the same time so we can talk about it occasionally when we see each other ;0)
4. Our Women’s Bible Study does not meet at church over the summer, and I really struggled without that type of fellowship in the Word. That’s why I’m encouraging some of my friends to do this with me!
5. Quirk – I can remember the birthday of almost everyone I know. I have lots of other quirks, but that’s one I’m willing to admit, ha ha ha!
1. Nancy
2. Ont & PEI Canada
3. With a girlfriend
4. Love Beth studies and want anything that keeps Jesus on my mind & heart daily.
5. Quirk? Our cats are our “kids”. Feed “pet “crows. Love Smart cars…..for starters.
1. Nancy M.
2. Eden Prairie, MN
3. Going solo
4. I’m in a season of healing and growth and want to keep my
momentum going this summer.
5. Love my coffee, a little too much. I also hate
televisions and other electronics. I sometimes dream of
going around and cutting off the power cords. 😛
Tomball, Texas
I want to be in a summer Bible Study because my ladies Bible Study takes a less structured route for our studies during the summer. I need a little more.
I’m going solo on this one.
1. Jenny Harwood
2. Hampton, GA
3. Solo, but with two other ladies in terms of accountability to do the work
4. Been a while since I’ve had the privilege of participating in a Beth Moore study, and it seemed the Lord’s timing for this specific topic
5. I compulsively have to delete all the TIVO suggestions off my TIVO before I can watch a show (it’s like a to-do list that hangs over my head).
Dunn, NC
Solo study
I love the Beth Moore Bible studies and very excited to dig into this new study.
Too many quirks to list – my family says I’m a cleaning freak (however, I do not think so)
1. Miranda
2. Greenville NC
3. Solo
4. On maternity leave, will be a great opportunity to grow spiritually.
5. I leave an even amount of food of every item on my plate when finished. =]
1 Carol
2 Middletown, MD
3 With one new friend – from our last group study (James)
4 Accountability to continue in spiritual growth
5 I like salt & pepper on my cottage cheese.
Individual student
1. Christy
2. Jay, OK
3. Great in home group! Hopefully 6-8 of us Thursday.
4. Keep me in the Word & fellowship with great women!
5. Hmmmmmmm!
Lori Willey
Bloomington, MN
Testing the waters for large group
I clean when I’m angry. The house is a mess.
1. Chris
2. Greensboro, NC
3. With a friend
4. I long to be the disciple of Christ I am called to be. I am far from it, but with each study, lesson or Godly friendly I encounter it helps me keep moving toward that goal.
1. Carole Harbison
2. Shallowater, Tx
3. Solo
4.I teach school a and the summer off allows me time to refresh and refocus.
5. I hate feet.
1. Stephanie
2. Memphis, TN
3. With a group online
4. Just moved three weeks ago from GA to plant a church and I need the daily discipline. God has already spoken through this study to me and reminded me to trust. Him.
5. I’m struggling to come up with a quirk even though I know I could ask my husband and he’d have no problem coming up with some. 😉
1. Kerry
2. Highland Village, Texas
3. Solo
4. This season of life is REALLY hard right now,and we’re facing having to make some huge, life altering decisions. I need to be constantly reminded that God has this, He has me and our Family, and that He has not forgotten us.
5. I have to eat a hamburger with a knife and fork ….. the whole hands thing freaks me out !!!!
1. Paula
2. Adrian, MI
3. Solo (maybe not for long, though!)
4. I love Bible Study, so this is great!
5. I have to have just the right amount of half and half in my coffee. It must be just the right color!
Katheryn Rice
Jupiter, FL
small group of four in my home
I am excited to do this study at this time because I’ve been under stress and losing sight of where God has me, so this is great for me and a terrific opportunity to grow with some friends this summer.
one of my quirks… While I can follow directions to get anywhere I need to go, I am consistently wrong when it comes to having a “sense” of direction. I never know where I am or how I got there nor how to get back. 😉
1. Lynn
2. Templeton, CA
3. Solo
4. Need to get back to Jesus. I spend way too much off time
from work on line. This will be something structured and worthwhile.
5. Not a neat freak by any means, but I always toss peoples drinks away if they are just sitting around.
1. Debby Hackerson
2. Rosemount, MN
3. Solo
4. I am fairly new to bible study and need to find a way to stick with it and keep growing. I a inspired by other women of faith.
5. I am a to-do list control freak
1. Marie
2. Tallahassee, FL
3. Solo
4. I need accountability and structure!
5. I tell the same story several times to the same people (my family) and they just sit there and laugh at me! At least I entertain my adult children and husband!
Jamie, Crossett, AR
Solo (hopefully a group later)
4) To be disciplined and craving a Word(s) from God.
Having an exceptional challenging time in my personal life.
5) I just love me a very cold coke zero in a can or a fountain diet cola. Makes me a happy girl.
I am going solo. My women’s group is not doing a bible study for the sumner because we take the summer off and do testomonies. I like my spe spagetti and meat sauce together not seperate. Sorry I forgot I am from Memphis, Tennessee.
1. Sherri
2. St Louis, Mo
3. Solo, unless I find out someone else is doing it.
4. I’m recovering from a crisis of faith & need to pour myself into the bible (or vice verse)as much as possible.
5. Since this is my second registration comment because I did the first one incorrectly, you could say I am that person who answers first, then reads the question. I don’t know if that’s a quirk, bad habit, or just impatience.
jenny shank
stanley nc
journeying through this study in a small group of 4-5 ladies at coffeehouse &/or in one another’s homes
been on a break from structured bible study. craving this! and i always need more Jesus & time in the Word
i am quirky… cherish “me” time. dislike bras. can be full of joy on the yuckiest of days & down in the dumps on a good day. i clean my microwave & junk drawers before company comes over. and the list goes on…
Tessa Westhoff
Plainfield, IL
Riding solo!
I am eager to learn more about my Jesus and jump into His Word! It has been almost a year since I was in bible study so I am just pumped!
I never stop singing! There are always many songs in my head at once and at any moment they just pop out! Singing turrets! :p
Salt Lake City
Small group
I have more free time in the summer for a bible study than any other time and it’s a must
1. Andrea Zimmerman
2. Prospect Park, PA
3. Solo
4. To know Him & learn/understand His Word. I need the discipline/accountability.
5. Just ONE?! I have to sit on the left side while riding a roller coaster.
1. Lisa
2. Fort Riley, Kansas (Currently)
3. Small Group (Women’s Bible Cafe Online/Facebook)
4. Draw closer to Jesus (our relationship does NOT need a vacation)
5. I always put my right shoe/sock/flip flop on first.
1. Dianne Walters
2. Hartselle, Alabama
3. Small group – with mom and sister via phone or FB inbox – hopefully can meet together a time or two!
4. I want to continually grow in my relationship with the Lord and have a deeper understanding of scripture.
5. Quirk: Lots of them, but one that my co-workers get the benefit of experiencing more is that I don’t always get quotes or colloquialisms correct…tend to mix them up a bit. Great for comic relief!
1. Kris Morrissey
2. Omaha, NE
3. Solo
4. Need all the help I can get on the road to sanctification.
5. My ability to apply eye liner is signficantly lacking.
1. Jill Peterson
2. Rockton, PA ( a very small blip on the map!)
3. Online small group
4.I would say that if someone asked my Facebook status with God, it would be “it’s complicated”.
you know, I am in one of those times when I can’t see His hand, everything is dry, and it seems He has moved far from me, but…just maybe…it’s me who moved because I am tired of being let down, hurt, thinking that blessings are only for others, God dosent want to bless me, or my husband, it’s just getting harder, not better. I know I need to get in the Word without thinking of what it can do for me, but because I know it is where God is.
5. hubby tells me I wiggle my toes to music…..
1. Tami
2. Columbia, louisiana
3. Solo
4. I need a study to keep me in the word for the summer. Have done many Beth Moores an love how age make us dig into the scriptures. That’s what I need.
5. Can’t stand anything on the dash while I’m driving or riding in a car. I have to wear sun shades when I drive, even on dreary days.
1. Kassie
2. Mineral Wells
3. Solo
4. I need something more to dig into during nap times.
5. I’m a grammar Nazi.
1. Danielle
2. Herrin, IL
3. My sister and I will be doing the bible study together.
4. I feel it is important to stay in the word and to never stop growing in Christ.
Michele Lee
Fernandina Beach, Florida