So Long Insecurity Discussion Conclusion!

Hey, Darling Things! I am sitting at a Cafe Express in Houston on yet another gorgeous Spring day while Melissa (home for Spring Break) is meeting with a Wordpress moderator so she (and we) can develop some proficiency on this format. It’s more complicated behind the scenes than you might think.  She wanted me to be part of the tutoring session but I told her that I needed to do this post. Then she suggested that I come along but sit at a different table while we do two different things. I tried planting myself only three tables over but I’m interminably nosey (does it go with size of nose??)  and kept listening to what they were saying. I prefer to do that with total strangers, especially couples that appear to be on first dates, but not many people are at Cafe Express this morning for breakfast and no one appears to be dating. Does anyone really date anymore anyway? A subject for another day.

I am happy to be here just the same whether or not the people watching is paltry. The coffee choices are enough to keep me intrigued. You don’t just get coffee here. You get choices like these in big huge cannisters:

“Equatorial Coffee” – “hints of buttery toast (who knew? no need to even eat breakfast with it??), cocoa nib (i love me some cocoa nib! i just didn’t know it! what is a nib exactly? like a little niblet?), almond, bold fruit, sweet (no one ever tells me I’m sweet. fun on occasion. never “you’re so sweet.” i don’t know why.), bright and clean.”


“Costa Rican Coffee” – “balanced (that’s me), clean (in Christ), classic (wannabe), winey (only when I don’t get my way. a lot of southern baptists don’t believe in being other kinds of whiny)with berry notes (berry notes? as in music notes? or as in sticknotes?), rich in body (is there no way we can get away from this?).”

 So, as you can see, I’m dealing with a few distractions. And have had a bit too much Costa Rican. I think I’m allergic to berry notes. Melissa and I had an awkward moment when we pulled up in the parking lot and started stacking up our stuff to come into the restaurant. I have a paperback copy of SLI that I use to prepare our weekly discussions. All the sudden I flashed it at her and said, “I can’t take this in there.” How lame would that be? She said, “Tear off the cover.” So I did. Ripped that thing right off.

It’s time for us to finish up! I am so grateful for your partnership through this journey. You were such a big part of the inspiration to write it (not because you’re insecure or anything… but because I knew I’d have a little company if I went public). When it came out, reading it together seemed only fitting. Thank you for your willingness to enter in. As for the rest of you, I can only imagine that you will be relieved to have this hog off the blog and I equally thank you for your patience.

Let me say quickly before we get to the final set of instructions, I loved reading about your life passions last week! One of my favorite sets of comments from this journey! (And, separate from SLI, your testimonies of receiving Christ impacted my whole Easter weekend. Superb. I felt that God delighted in it and that, Sweet Thing, is my favorite feeling.)

This week’s assignment? Finish this baby up! Please read Chapters 17 and 18 and answer the following questions:

1. Based on Chapter 17, on a scale of 1 to 10 (one-almost none, ten-over the top), how big a part has fear played in your life?  After responding with your approximation, please share what, if anything, in the chapter resonated with you.

2. Reflect over the journey as a whole. What (again, if anything) lasting and of God will you take away from it?  

Thank you, thank you, thank you, Ladies. You are a great joy to me. May the God of peace sanctify us through and through – spirit, soul, and body – until we are wholly overtaken by Him. (1 Thess. 5:23) This alone will be the essence of wholeness.

I love you.


497 Responses to “So Long Insecurity Discussion Conclusion!”

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  1. 201
    Jariza says:

    1. Fear has played a 10 in my life. It’s something that I had learned to live with and I guess pretty much lied to myself that I could keep it to myself or “control” it. Yeah right what a joke=) This chapter was like WHOA for me, one line that stands out to me was when you said “you associate love with risk”. I never knew that this is exactly how I lived my life or was never able to put into words why I fear so much when it comes to loved ones. Thank you thank you for every word spoken in that chapter. Doing your Esther study gave me a double duty of “If blank happens then God will……”. I am holding on to that fact for dear life because that is the only guaranteed truth we have as believers in Christ.
    2. This has been quite a journey and I feel like it is just beginning and I feel so hopeful that I have some great tools to fight this every day of my life. I’m encouraged that even though this is a biggie in my life He is bigger. I will go back to read those prayers anytime I need to and will read the book over and over again if I have to so that it gets down into the hidden corners of my heart because I don’t ever want to live bound by that old friend “insecurity”. Thank you ladies it was quite a ride.

  2. 202
    Kayla S. says:

    Fear, the word in itself makes me think of being scared, scared to death! The thing I’m most “fearful” or scare of would be to have my life crumble around me once again. (YES It did happen before) I did Beth’s exercise she did with God. “Kayla, what are you going to do if that did happen? What will God do?” … Well, that put my fears to rest. After losing a husband and raising my young son all alone, a year later, I’m completely fine. And not the “fine” when people fib and don’t mean it. I mean I’m completely secure in myself and my ability as a mother and provider.(Big Thank you to this book and Beth and God for putting this in her heart. I finished his book in 5 days, sorry girls I was late doing the blog.) SO if my whole world as I know it, crashes and burns again; God gave me the strength to get back up the first time and He will again.

  3. 203
    Kimberly says:

    There is no security in what God is doing, there is only security in who God is.

  4. 204
    Stevie says:

    Ques. 1 – I would say 6.5 to 7. Thsi chapter underscored something I can to realize several month ago that I and God have been working on. I have been living a fear based existence, not a God Based Life! Where God is fear cannot flourish.

    Ques. 2 – I will take away that he clothes me in strength and dignity. That when my past rears it’s ugly head or my insecurity tries to get the better of me, I need to stand taller, throw my head back and remember that as long as I am in Him and He is in me, the victory is won and I have NOTHING to be insecure about.

    Single, 50ish, Fort Worth, TX

  5. 205
    Lora says:

    I was too insecure to by the book when you started the discussion here. I l.o.v.e. your Bible studies and the first one I did changed my life by being in the Word and responding to the direct questions you asked in the study. Not being an avid reader (or even wanting to admit that I was insecure), I put off buying SLI. Every week when I would grocery shop at Wal-Mart, there you were smiling at me from the book section. I’d smile back and move on very quickly to the produce section. I was such a fruit, I knew I was supposed to read it; but almost panicked when last week you weren’t smiling at me from the shelf – the book was sold out. I then went looking for you at another store and found you…

    When I got to the section reading about Keith and Duke, I knew reading this book was no fluke. Thank you to your entire family for being candid, this whole chapter, so much of what you spoke of, I feel like with *it* I’ve been branded. I’m just starting the What are you afraid of chapter. I live at the corner of Coward Road. Literally and figuratively. I’ve allowed the fear meter to go over the top; but I’m thinking “I…have…this…Treasure!”

  6. 206
    Linda LaFrombois says:

    Hi Ladies:

    I already wrote my response to the questions this week, but came across a set of verses in Joshua yesterday that I just had to share. When I read them, I thought immediately about our journey through So Long Insecurity, and what God is equipping us and calling us to do as we walk forward in security. These words are spoken to the Israelites that received their inheritance on the desert side of the Jordan River – opposite the land that the remainder of the Israelites would go in to possess, promised to them beforehand by God:

    “…But all the [women] of valor among you [who have received and embraced your inheritance of security] shall pass over armed [with TRUTH, strength, and dignity] before your [sisters] and shall help them, until the LORD gives [victory] and rest to your [sisters] as he has to you, and they also take possession of the land the LORD your God is giving them.”
    Joshua 1:14b-15a

    “Only be strong and courageous.” Joshua 1:18b

    May it be so!
    Love, grace, and peace to each of you.

  7. 207
    Kristi says:

    1. Depending on the season of my life, my fear has been anywhere from a 3 or 4 to a 7 or 8. I tend to worry a lot about the “what-ifs” in life, and I know it has caused problems in my decision-making, my relationships, and my health. Since the Bible repeatedly tells us not to worry or fear, I figure God must want us to be free of it, so I continue to ask to be free of it.

    2. I will take away the Bible verses about being clothed in strength and dignity, and also about not fearing bad news. I realized I had become terrified of bad news after a very close friend’s first child was stillborn one month before the birth of my first child, and then a couple months later I learned that my pastor’s beautiful and full-of-life wife was dying from cancer at a young age. I can see now that God is able to heal hearts regardless of how bad the news is, and that He does not want us living in fear.

    I have appreciated going through this journey with all of these strong and dignified women of God!


  8. 208
    Shelly says:

    1) Fear has played a large part in my life. My baby sister died when I was 7 (she was 4). That, along with other issues, made a pretty good root for insecurity that I sort of controlled until my little brother got married almost 10 years ago. I had a fear of losing him too, and the enemy knew it. Once he knew my achilles heel, he brought up every other insecurity wrapped into the relationship with my sister-in-law. I’m embarrassed to say it has gone on that long. And there has been some healing and progress along the way, but this study is going to bring victory. I know God is up to something new and complete here. We have places to go and things to do, but not with this baggage!
    I’m going to get to test this new territory out (or be tested), when I go to see them for my brother’s graduation in a few weeks. I know ya’ll are praying girls and I would appreciate your prayers for this trip.

    2) What will I take from this…too much to narrow down…truth, Scripture–lots of God’s Word to memorize and let it be active in my life, hope, practical ways to live, victory! I’ve battled this way too long.

    Beth, at the SMT Celebration you seemed a little anxious about putting this story out there. And I can understand being this vulerable is risky. Thank you for being faithful to what God called you to do in this! I needed it so much! He had been starting to get to the bottom of the issue for a while, but you put it together where it made sense. God has used you to bless my life again, and I thank Him for you! To His glory! Thank you!


  9. 209
    Katie says:

    After reading so many comments and finding encouragement, I’m thinking that one of the worst aspects of fear is feeling alone. It is so comforting to know others, even people I’ve never met, feel the same fears I do. Do you think that is why the Bible implores us to be “one”? To assemble together and pray; to be unified in love and purpose? My fear dissipates tremendously just having someone who knows about it. Why am I so reluctant, then, to share it with the “real” people in my life? The anonymity of the internet provides an outlet for these feelings that I hope will translate into more transparency with the people I see on a regular basis. Most of the comments I read on the internet are so negative and discouraging. How refreshing to come here and find hope! I just heard a radio pastor point out that the word encouragement means “to give courage”. As we encourage each other, we are overcoming our battle with fear. Thank you 🙂

    • 209.1
      Salina says:

      Katie, I pretty much just posted the same thing. It makes such a difference in my life to share on here and recently I started sharing in my Sunday school class. (I teach the class so I already felt like I talked to much, but when I talk about my own struggles it seems to provide a safe outlet for the other ladies to share their own. We always leave the class feeling like we have our armour on for the week.

      • Katie says:

        Thanks Salina
        I’m going to be leading a Bible Study in May and I am hoping to be more transparent. In the past, I have felt so vulnerable being the leader that I tend to only give positive examples about myself. Then I walk away feeling like I came across as arrogant and insincere. When I do share some of the “uglies”, I walk away feeling like an idiot and thinking I just made everyone uncomfortable. Sometimes I think we just don’t know how to relate to each other in person. Maybe it is a lack of social skills, not knowing how to deal with people’s hurts in an appropriate manner, fear of awkwardness (a big one for me!)…I’m not sure. I’ll pray for you as you lead your class and if you feel led, you can pray for me. I hope that knowing how many people face these issues of insecurity will embolden me!

  10. 210
    Melissa Sue says:

    Hampton, VA

    1. Oh, by far the biggest take away from this conclusion is the concept of trusting God. Not just with a certain circumstance or for a certain situation, but wholeheartedly trusting Him. Period. Love that. I was actually talking to my husband today over lunch about an upcoming audition that he’s got and starting to feel the panic and anxiety rising. I stopped, closed my eyes, and started praying. “I’m choosing to trust you, God. Period. I trust you. I TRUST YOU.” My husband asked me if I was okay while I had my eyes closed, thinking that he’d frustrated or hurt me. I said, “I’m just praying.” When I finished, he looked at me and smiled. “It’s all going to be okay,” he said. “I know.” And I do.

    2. Overall, this book has been foundational to some of the changes that God is making in my life right now. I’ve been doing a lot of study on biblical womanhood while doing SLI, and concurrently, it has been life-changing. I’m realizing that my security and identity are both so overwhelmingly wrapped up in what I believe about God and what, based on that, I believe about myself and my calling has His daughter. Finally, God is revealing to me what I want to be when I grow up: I want to be the Proverbs 31 and Titus 2 woman. I just want to be the woman He’s crafted me to be. Beautiful.

    I can’t thank you enough for your “messy” book, Beth. The passion there was truly part of what made it so inspirational, and I’m so thankful that you didn’t wait to write it. The message was too urgent to wait.

    In addition, I’d really like to encourage all of you Siestas to take advantage of the True Woman and Revive Our Hearts ministries that have been coupled with SLI for me to make this season in my life a truly remarkable one. True Woman and Revive our Hearts are all about helping us as women discover what Biblical womanhood looks like and how to live it out in our world that is so opposed to Biblical truth. They both have websites that you can check out for resources, many of which are free. Also, I attended the True Woman ’10 conference in Chattanooga, TN last month and it was a truly inspired time. They’ll be bringing the conferences to Fort Worth and Indianapolis in the fall, and I HIGHLY recommend that all of you in those areas (or not!) take advantage of attending and learning from Nancy Leigh DeMoss and many other wonderful teachers.

    Thanks, again, Beth. God really outdid Himself this time for me, and it was because you listened to Him that could happen.

  11. 211
    Salina says:

    1. Fear has been a constant in my adult life so I would say a 9 out of 10 on the scale. I’ve always had an irrational fear of being left alone and I whole-heartedly identified with your fears of Keith trading you in for another woman. I’m blessed with a wonderful loving husband, but I too have worried that someday someone more interesting will come along and capture his attention.

    2. This book has had a “wow factor” on my insecurity. Some sections I read through lightning fast and others I’ve had to stop and re-read, then read again. My most overwhelming thing to take away from it is that I never thought other women felt the “exact same way” I’ve felt in certain situations. I thought I was nuts (no comment – lol) and all alone in my way of thinking. I’ve taken so much courage from reading everyone’s comments along the way and thank God that I was able to take this journey with you all.

    The other thing that really made an impact on me came in these last two chapters. It’s odd how something you should already be aware makes you stop and re-think everything, but I love the part where you said instead of fearing __________(fill in blank)we should give that to God and let Him take care of it for us. I’ve come to realize I have NO control over what happens in my life, but I do have control over how I react and from now on I want to react with trust that God will take care of me no matter what, even if my worse fears come true. Thank you & God bless you Beth….I love you beyond words.

    Salina, Married, 30’s, Kentucky

  12. 212
    Teresa says:

    Q1. On a scale of 1 – 10, I think fear has played a role of around 8 in my life on average. There are some things that I will jump in and do with much respect and nervousness (like my job with dangerous animals, and public speaking), but there are other things that I am terrified of and wish no part of (like bungee-jumping).

    Q2. This journey as a whole was life-changing for me. I did this in combination with Breaking Free (original), and these two studies combined is how and what God used to open my eyes to some hidden faults in my life. My lasting knowledge is being aware that my elusive enemy tries to take me captive with the fear of rejection.

    One Example: In my new position at work, there was one that gave me a very hard time, and I was slowly being consumed with the anxiety that this person really didn’t like me, and one day he went over-the-top with his rude and degrading comments and name calling. I asked him one question and with his response I said nothing, shook my head and walked away. After several minutes of dwelling on my hurt feelings, that still small voice asked me what I was doing. I answered and then I was asked, “What is holding captive your thoughts?” I realized the fear of rejection was again trying to entrap me and with tears I went yelling through the room, “NO! I refuse to be taken captive by these thoughts! I refuse to be imprisoned by this man! I refuse!” Along with many variations of the same idea… for what seemed to be several minutes and apologizing to God for allowing those thoughts to dwell in me for that amount of time. Then thanking Him for showing me what I was beginning to allow happening.

    The result: Freedom. Sweet undeniable Freedom. With the extra bonus that this person has not once said the next foul thing to me, he has made clean jokes and sarcastic comments that weren’t rude and degrading – they were funny, and has even opened doors for me… being a complete gentleman to the point that I began to get nervous. LOL

    Dear Beth,
    Thank you so much for everything. God has used you as a tool many times in these past few years to open my eyes, heart, mind, and love more and more to Him and His Word. I can’t wait to meet and talk with you one day, if not in this life form on earth, then the next one in Heaven. With Love, Your Siesta-in-Christ,

    Bardstown, KY
    Married 30’s

  13. 213
    Kimberly says:

    Pleasant View, TN
    Married with kids

    1) I would say fear has probably played at least an “8” in my life. I started suffering from panic attacks right after college which I probably lived with about 2 years before I finally found the most effective way to deal with them, at which time I was able to stop taking medication for them. Believe it or not, calming self-talk and breathing techniques has worked the best for me over so many other and much more drastic measures. I praise God that He has helped me keep this under control. However, it is a conscious daily effort to keep irrational fear subdued, and the line between what is “normal” fear and what is “irrational” is very fine at times. I did realize with this chapter that I have already been seeing myself all the way through the situation to the other side with God’s help. I imagine the worse, and then ask myself, “So, what if that does happen?” My mind then comes up with a scenerio in which I have gotten through the pain and heartache of the present worry, and am back to the daily grind. The problem I have had with doing so is that I like to interject my own agenda and thoughts into it as well. For example, saying “But that’s not what I want” or “But I won’t be as happy” (emphasis on I). What I should be doing is having the emphasis on God and His agenda because I certainly cannot see the big picture that He can see or tell the future, so who am I to say I won’t be as happy or question God’s plan over my desires? I also tend to focus on that slump time where we hate what has happened and go through all the awful emotions before we allow God to heal the broken pieces. Again I should be focusing on the second and how miraculous it feals to be healed by God.
    2) I pray that I take away more from this journey than what I can even imagine in the present. I know I have taken so much away from this book. I know I am a different person. I pray that it is different enough for others to see the light of Jesus shining through, and that they will want it too. I also know, however, that my journey is far from over. I have a lot of change and a lot of practice left to do, but God has started a work and He will finish it. I already find myself silently quoting things out of the book to myself in the most bizarre of times and completely out of the blue. I expect myself to use the quotes on security being mine to keep whenever I am in tough situations, and I do. What I didn’t expect so much was to find myself nonchalantly sitting in a waiting room or walking in a store, having my normal thoughts about the people who may walk by, then stopping and telling myself, “Stop depersonalizing. She is a person with her own life experiences and baggage leading her to where she is today, just like you are.” That is just an example, but many more thoughts like that, as I said, clearly out of the blue, and just preaching to myself to change the cycle. It does have to stop somewhere if we want any semblance of true happiness, and I do. There are even much more personal examples of this than what I have shared that have even shocked myself, but I better not divulge everything. What I can say is that I am thankful for it. I thank God for it, and I thank Beth for following God to shed light on this epidemic and ask us to deal with it. We need to deal with it girls! Let’s go spread security like today’s latest and hottest fashion, but let’s make it one that never goes out of style!!
    Praise God!!!!!!!!!!!!

  14. 214
    Nicole says:

    1. If I answer honestly about the role of fear in my life I would say it is fairly high. Around a 7. Although I don’t operate on that level all the time I realize that the line between fear of failure and drive to do the best job possible is a fine one for me! I resonated with the comments on page 323 where Beth is talking about trust and saying that 1) It wasn’t the real thing and 2) It constantly failed to treat the core issue. I need to “take every thought captive” and be sure that I am thinking long on the right things! The second thought that really spoke into my life on p. 330 that we should not let up until our hearts are consistently secure.

    2. What I am taking with me for the journey can be found succinctly worded on p 297, “[This is] a battle that can’t be won timidly or accidentally. We need to discern between truth and lie.
    And Trust God who is the Truth p 320. I desire to be able to confidently teach and pass this on to my daughters and to other girls/women in my circle of influence.


  15. 215
    Jodie says:

    First of all this book couldn’t come at a better time. I can say that this is arguably the most stressful and change torn time in life…and I’m only 30! Just went through a major job change and divorce a year ago, lost my mom to colon cancer in October, took over ownership of my parent’s house to avoid it being taken from debt left by my mother, and was just told I was losing my teaching job to budget cuts because my state is in a fiscal tailspin. I mean surreal change!

    About 2 weeks ago my father was awarded retro-disability that literally wiped out my mother’s debt in 1 swipe. I am still flabber gasted.
    My father just had knee replacement surgery this past week and he’s making progress in leaps and bounds. One day after surgery the man walked up and down the stairs without a cane. This is all the Lord’s doing, it’s like the Red Sea was right in front of me and he just up and parted the waters for us to walk right on through. I also know that he will provide during this time of job loss and look forward to see what He will do!

    As for dealing with fear, I would say the feelings can get me to about a 9 or even a 10 somedays and I just pray for the Lord’s strength to get me through. Sometimes it’s just a completely irrational fear that traipses on in, and I’ve come to see if it causes me anxiety that there’s no way it can be from Him. He is completely and utterly faithful. I think one of the biggest comforts of SLI, is the realization that these fears are common to all women and even men in some aspects. Today I was walking down the hallway at worked and passed another coworker who suffers from panic attacks. The enemy just has a different way of presenting it and pushing our buttons to get up rocking and rolling. Thanks for taking the time to help reveal that bit of God’s truth. 🙂

  16. 216
    Melissa May says:

    This journey has meant so much to me I just had to squeeze my eyes closed really hard to keep from crying… I’ve been going through this at the same time as finishing Esther and it’s been so good. God has been SO GOOD!

    Ch 17 – I’m going to reread this chapter more than once I am SURE! God has been showing me lately just how much Fear hides behind worry, anxiety, discouragement, etc. for me. (Probably a 7 out of 10. Maybe more.) AND, PRAISE GOD He is helping me to TURN IT AROUND and instead of expecting a struggle and fearing I’ll make a mistake, He is teaching me to ANTICIPATE VICTORY and as I do that I am finding myself filled with more faith, courage and HOPE. Hallelujah!

    Ch 18 – So that’s what I’m taking with me… Hope. He’s shown me so much… exposed so many ways that insecurity (under it’s many guises) has stolen life and peace from me and I’m determined not to let it anymore. And I’m winning. 🙂 More than ever before. Beth, I can’t thank you enough (giving up on squeezing the eyes closed now) for writing this book and for going through it with us on the blog. I’ve said before I wouldn’t have bought the book otherwise b/c I had no idea how badly I needed it. SO SO SO GRATEFUL God knew and nudged me to get it.

    Psalm 40 has never meant so much to me… “I waited patiently for the LORD; he turned to me and heard my cry. He lifted me out of the slimy pit, out of the mud and mire; he set my feet on a ROCK and gave me a FIRM PLACE TO STAND.”

    He is my Rock and I AM SECURE.

    I AM SECURE!!!!!

  17. 217
    MamaJack10 says:

    1-Fear in my life was very high. . . I too had a revelation a few years back after seeking God more intently and finding the enemy in my nightmares taking my kids away in one and then the other repeatedly being raped. I realized after have these continuing nightmares that no matter what happens God will be there. I am now confident in God’s plans for my life whatever they are. I was about an 8 and now feel towards a 5. This study helped renew that and I have done things the past few weeks I would have never done just for me and found His unexplainable peace and joy right there with me. I am learning to find happiness in every day of my life journey not waiting until I get everything just right like perfect weight, friends, etc. . .being happy right where I am because God is right here. My happiness shines on my family and they are happier too.

    2-I am taking away from this study that God is my focus and with good scriptures to memory, good friends to help share life’s joys and struggles I can enjoy today with my family and friends. Finding my strength in Him and keeping my perspective in Him I can enjoy now not waiting for everything to be perfect or the what ifs. As my love for Him continues to grow so does my confidence and as others see my growth and I share I am reminded of His faithfulness. He is always there, I am the one focused on something else or leaving to my own desires. He is my desire and focus then everything else is in perspective may not perfect but clear! What freedom that brings!!

    I am so grateful to find this blog and bible study. Being confident in Him I feel as though our recent desire of change in churches and friends we will be where He wants us and not where we feel comfortable. What a lesson for our children to learn at an early age!!

    Happily 40
    Little Rock, AR
    Happily Married

  18. 218
    Kimberly says:

    1. I would say fear is an 8 in my life. I frequently have great fears of being unimportant and hurt. So, I build walls around myself to try to avoid these feelings. I also have a difficult time trusting people. So, one thing that really resonated with me was to trust God. I know that I should do that, but I find myself often saying to God, “I don’t know if I can trust_________”. The reply of God saying, “But can you trust Me?” That has just hit me like a ton of bricks! Even though I have the knowledge and know I should do that, I realize that I do not always allow myself to trust my Almighty Father!

    I have found that Isaiah 33:6 has been such an encouragement to me when I find myself worrying and fretting about things I cannot change. ” He is my constant source of stability…” He reminds me that God is big enough to take over! Thank you, Jesus!

    2. I have a much better understanding of my securities now than before reading this book! I know that I need to continually trust Christ, seek His face, and allow Him to “clothe me with strength and dignity”! Thank you, Beth for leading us on this journey! I learned so much more from having the questions each week than I would have by reading the book on my own!

    I will see you on Friday/Saturday in Lutz, FL! I am very excited!


  19. 219
    Deborah says:

    You are in my prayers as you prepare for the simulcast in Atlanta. I know right now in my Spirit that this is huge. I can hear the chains breaking. Freedom in Christ will be a new reality to so many who will be there and to those their lives will touch afterwards.

    Holy Father in heaven, I lift up my friend, Beth, asking You to come into her filling her with Your anointing. Let Your OIL of anointing drip down from her hair, sliding down her shoulders, washing down her back, flowing like a waterfall down her chest and puddling like a peaceful pool at her feet. Bless her with Living Water, satisfying her and quenching her thirst for more of You. Oh, Father, fill her with the Holy Spirit, setting her heart on fire to speak Truth and Freedom in and through Jesus Christ. Bless every step she takes as she follows so closely in Your footsteps that she can see the sand fall from Your sandal. I pray for hearts to be surrendered to Your movement and CHANGED! Changed to be found faithful. Will faith be found? Let it be in our hearts. Bring every single plan and purpose into divine orchestration. I pray that no detail will be lost from Your direction and fulfillment. Protect this band of sisters and brothers bringing this to pass through You…from all the weapons formed against them. Do not let the weapons of the enemy prosper. We lift up our Sword. The Word. Alive and Active. Leading captivity captive. Let Your Will be done. In Jesus Name. Amen.

  20. 220
    Juley says:

    1. Fear has played a role my entire life – from childish fears of shadows to high school fears of rejection and adult fears of loss. Although not crippling, I think that I WAS up there on the scale – probably about a 7. I also have associated love with risk and also have feared bad news. I realize now, that there will be bad news, but there does not have to be dread and loss of days fearing it when a particular day isn’t filled with bad news. Also, I think if you DO trust God, period, when/if that bad news does come; your reaction will be flooded with grace and comfort – take it as it comes. Look at what God has already done for me and what He has already brought me through! I have a peace in trusting and knowing that God’s Will be done period – and I will be O.K.!

    2. The Journey…the book has blown MY cover off (not the literal cover of the book, although I was tempted)! Learning to Trust – really trust God, facing fears, a ton of pertinent scriptures for my current index-card spiral, some new vocabulary words (yes – I did pull out the dictionary and am not insecure about saying so), some great prayers. I can safely say, I do not feel dumber now after reading the book, and know my “Ponsa” (responsibility) ~ to LIVE a life of purpose on purpose to the Glory of God -trusting Him no matter what – period. I’m grateful to be a part of the blog-group (my first one – I used to be too insecure to be “out there”). It was nice to know I was not the only one who felt that way. It was good to get to the root of things – to pull out the ugly weeds so that a well-watered Oak of Righteousness’ roots could go deep and bear much fruit. I know to stay away from that forbidden fruit tree – because I don’t have grace and can’t handle it (gives me heartburn). I can trust God to let me know when I NEED to know something, and He is Faithful and True! I’m so thankful for this book, website, etc. I know that I will treat our gender better, and will personalize more – even if I don’t find it always reciprocated. I guess they haven’t read the book yet! Love you much, Siesta’s ~ see you on the other side if not before! Go Simulcast!!! (I’m praying for you, Beth!)

  21. 221
    Juley says:

    I keep forgetting…
    30’s/married/Spicewood, TX

    Hebrews 6:19 “We have this hope – like a sure and firm anchor of the soul”

  22. 222
    Michelle Pitonyak says:

    1. 5/10… I would say that overall fear has not kept me from doing things that I want to do and know I should do. I once told my mother about me being insecure and she was shocked to hear this. She said you have always done everything you wanted to do and it seemed easy for you. But, I would say that fear has brought too many thoughts of anxiety and anger and has affected my mental well-being far too many times.

    2. The biggest thing for me was to recognize that when I do become insecure I tend to over-communicate. Working through this has been powerful for me and has helped me to see that I do not need to explain myself to everyone. I do not have to defend myself at every bend/curve in the road. I feel free in knowing that if they are not attempting to have a conversation with my heart in mind then they can conclude what they think they “know”. This may sound negative, but I have been opened to the fact that most people just seem to want to tell you what is right in their eyes…state their opinions…but not actually take your perspective/heart into account. I know that God knows my heart and my decisions and I’m trusting Him to lead me.

    30’s, MI

  23. 223
    living4god2day says:

    1. My current fear has been at 10+ but it didn’t use to be that way. I am not exactly sure when it became that way. In your Esther study you stated that fear can come after making through a rough patch by strength of God, we can learn to fear that situation because God will be there to get you through it so after you get through it we make up a fear of it. Or something like that. So I guess many of my fears have come from my many past and current struggles, even though I have survived it by walking through it. I can definitely agree that it is my own mind that makes that fear arise within me. I used to be fearless, maybe even a little too fearless but now I am at the extreme opposite. I fear too many things. There were many parts of Ch. 17 that resonated with me here are a few points: 1. trading it for trust 2. Look beyond the obvious to see the wind driving the wave 3. Fear consumes massive amounts of energy and focus and can chew a hole through our intestines, relationships, and countless great opportunities. 4. it is a colossal waste of time 5. The fear can be as disabling as the disaster itself 6. None of us are beyond confusing our own thoughts with God’s 7. The exercise of walking through the fear and what you would do and how you would come out on the other side was a huge one to me and last 8. “As long as you’re going to borrow trouble on the future, why don’t you just go ahead and borrow the grace to go with it…”

    2. There is a whole list of things that I will be taking away from this great book but the one that stands out the most is that my security is mine from God and I will not give it away or allow it to be taken away. I own it. It is mine.

    Married 12 years
    30 yrs old
    Shawnee, KS

  24. 224
    Cindy says:

    Question 1 – Oh yes! Did this chapter ever resonate with me. I’m so glad you wrote on the subject of fear b/c it’s probably my Number 1 area of weakness/problem. I have perpetually had a fear of losing someone close to me all the time. It’s sad to admit, but like you wrote, I have “buried” all kinda of close loved ones in my imagination. I have feared losing my children, my husband, close friend, my parents, my sister….And I think alot of this stems from growing up I lost a lot of friends through accidents (car, boating, etc)…and I always thought “well, gosh, maybe I’ll be affected next” because it seemed that everywhere I turned it was something. Your chapter helped me put into perspective the art, the practice of trusting God and how “daydreaming” (or rather nightmaring) about something happening isn’t going to make or not make it happen. It benefitted me immensely and before I go put this book up on my bookshelf, I’m going to read it again.

    Question 2: Besides the last chapter on fear, several things have stuck in my head, you wrote “we are wise to note that all people have God-given dignity even if they don’t yet have eternal life through Jesus Christ.” => that eye-opening concept makes loving ALL people so much easier. Thanks Beth for that little breakthrough. Also, the less consumed we are with ourselves the more we are able to focus on others needs and we have a God-given need to help/bless others. We were made for this! And as His Word says, it is better to give than to receive. We are blessed when we bless others. Lastly, God made us each uniquely great and has a divine purpose for each of our lives!

  25. 225
    kit says:

    On a scale of 1 to 10, I would have to rate fear in my life as a 3. The only times I get really fearful is if someone is very late coming home and then I have them dead and buried or if someone has a drs. appt and I don’t hear from them when I think I should, then I fear the worst. My husband thinks this is terrible but I tell him it’s a female thing and a way for me to plan for the future since I already have what I am going to do planned out in my head!

    From this study, I will take many things – that lying is linked to insecurity and I don’t have to pretend to be something that I am not; that it is okay to just be who God created me to be and being thinner or smarter doesn’t matter at all in God’s great scheme of things. He doesn’t put those expectations on me – I do it all by myself! I have gained a new love and understanding of these words – trust, secure, steadfast, purpose, strength and dignity, passion, authenticity. When you read a book like this, you want so much for it to be a part of you and not only drink everything in but live everything out. The Lord is the light of my life. Of whom should I fear?

    Married, 60’s
    Central Islip, NY

  26. 226
    Lydia says:

    Lydia, Single in OKC, OK. 21.

    8 on the fear scale. Imagining the worst that could happen, and knowning that even then God will be there for me. To trust God, no mattter what.

    I am clothed in strength and dignity. No one can take away my security in Christ, because I have this Treasure inside of me.

  27. 227
    Lindy says:

    Fear! rated mostly a 7 but at times can become a 10. im behind a bit on reading but i can answer this one.
    As a child i had every reason to to be insecure(wont go into all details- wayy too many) fear resonated but i stuffed it down deep, see in my world you had to be tough! pick up your boots and go! very defensive and strong yet just a scared little girl inside.
    when i married my best friend( my knight in shining armor) i realized he was a person too not a savior. Yet that was a good thing for then GOD started peeling back the layers. boy does it hurt but so freeing. i was sooo afraid of what GOD would unveil. would avoid things that I thought HE might “see” and think, ‘I’LL teach her that one too’ but through the years HE has been sooo gracious and loving pulling back the veil to reveal His creation and HIS Glory.2 Cor.3:18″And we, who with unveiled faces all reflect the LORD’S Glory, are being transformed into HIS likeness with ever-increasing glory, which comes from the LORD;WHO is the SPIRIT.”
    What I’ll take from this is everything HE wants me to and all that I can inorder to be whole in HIM and help others to see HIM! James 1:23-25 Read it!

  28. 228
    Lindy says:

    Also there is a beautiful book I’m also trying to read( yeah, I’m trying to read 3 books at one time_ all on same subject)Think HE is trying to pull back another layer? LOL! i love HIM so!!!!

    Calm My Anxious Heart a woman’s guide to finding contentment by Linda Dillow.
    Might interest some of you after reading SLI.

  29. 229
    Lindy says:

    empty nester

  30. 230
    TheKing'sLittleGirl says:

    Searcy, AR

    1. Likely an “8” or more, depending on the topic. Now, though, it’s more like a “3”. Here’s why. I walked through one of those great fears and made it out safely on the other side. I did so with the guiding love of our faithful God. I developed a saying…….When going through Hell, KEEP GOING!! There so many “rest stops” along the road and one is tempted to sit a spell. KEEP GOING. Because here’s the thing, you sit there for very long and the vines of self-pity, depression, bitterness, and unforgiveness will begin to grow all over you. He is there calling out for you, follow that sweet voice and KEEP GOING. Now I KNOW that I can make it through any of those things, but I sure don’t want to have to. He loves me through them, He doesn’t put me through them.

    2. A stronger, more confident woman is sitting at this computer. The timing on this for me personally was God-given. These same thoughts, not as well developed, had began in my spirit months before. I am more comfortable with who I am as a person than before I started reading your book. Thank you. I’ve dealt head-on with the balance issue and believe God has shown me the fulcrum. He has sung songs over me and used your voice (you’re not too bad, you know? lol!) I am not the same. Thank you Beth. Thank you GOD.

  31. 231
    Aubrey says:

    1. Around a 6. Hoping to get that number down!
    2. The biggest thing that resonated with me is that I can make a difference on the women around me and on younger generations just by shedding my own insecurity. I’m ready to tackle that mission!

    Hinsdale, IL

  32. 232
    amybhill says:

    SO excited! i found a podcast in my area AND a babysitter for the day. i can’t wait to see your cute face on April 24th 🙂

    1) it is hard for me to scale fear with only one number because it has played varying roles in my life. when i was 15 years old, for instance, fear was up there around an 8 or a 9. i’m 30 now, and (although some people might think i’m still kind of young) the Lord has already forced me through many of my fears. as a result, i truly believe that fear in my life is closer to a 1 or a 2. i really liked what you wrote about seeing fear through to the other side. God has encouraged me to do the very same thing over and over – whenever i am tempted to fear. moreover, because He has promised me an abundant life, He asks that i not only choose to trust Him, but that i wait for His will on the edge of my seat – expecting that all things will work together for His glory, knowing that He has got my back, that this life is not the end, and that this world is not my home. understanding that i am not my own, my husband is not my security, and my little girl belongs to Him. and finally, whenever i fear i will fail or backslide (because, as the devil loves to point out, i have in the past), i cling to the Lord’s assurance that He is doing a new thing in my life, and that He is faithful to complete the good work He started in me. i don’t have to fear myself because i’m not counting on myself. I’m counting on Him, and He is faithful. Praise Him for what He’s done and what He will do!

    2) beth, i love you, and i’m proud of you. you tell us that you love us and that you’re proud of us all the time (in your studies, here on the blog, in your books), and almost every time i read your words of love and encouragement, i get tears in my eyes. i believe you. and i want you to believe me. i love you and i’m proud of you. thank you for your obedience, not only in writing this book, but in all things to which you have been called. i learned how to follow the Lord from you. i’m not just a blogger typing out here in cyber-world. i am flesh and blood, and i am secure in the Lord thanks in large part to your obedience to His call on your life. time with you my sister in the Lord is never a waste of time, and this book was no exception. thank you for leading me through this journey. i love you too…

    Therefore, my beloved [sister], be steadfast, immovable, always abounding in the work of the Lord, knowing that your labor is not in vain in the Lord. 1 Corinthians 15:58, NKJV

  33. 233
    Heather says:

    1. Based on Chapter 17, on a scale of 1 to 10 (one-almost none, ten-over the top), how big a part has fear played in your life? After responding with your approximation, please share what, if anything, in the chapter resonated with you.
    10. Fear has played a big part in my life for Bad and I can honestly say for Good as well. I have held myself back from glorious exaltation many times which created deep seated anxieties within me. It’s those times when I was backed into a corner though that fear forced me to be fearless in order to survive and be a good mom to my children. What I’m going to take from this chapter is that not everything has to be so difficult. Fear can make things difficult if you let it get out of control. Allow yourself to pre-plan for the destination and adjust your attitude of what’s to come.
    2. Reflect over the journey as a whole. What (again, if anything) lasting and of God will you take away from it?
    This journey has been nothing short of a wonderful experience that has opened up so many things for me: spiritually, career, financial, romantically, friendships, just my life – the whole gamut. The messages I have received directly and indirectly is pointing me clearly to the direction that my soul should take. The clarity of it all is very exciting for me and I hope to spread the messages of this book and this blog to other wonderful women and women to be.

    On another note I was scanning reviews of this book with the usual great praise when I found one review that rated Beth’s book as poor. So I got curious and read it with a clear mind, not judging the other person that wrote it – but the headline of her review was “I was disappointed in this book, through no one’s fault but my own” Anonymous
    I prayed for this person – she was blaming herself for being disappointed. Then it went on to say some things such as:
    “I did not realize it was going to be so religious..”
    “I could not get over every few paragraphs having the bible thrown in my face…”

    Then I prayed for this person again. You see – – these are the women we have a responsibility to reach through our everyday actions no matter how small they seem. Whether they read the scripture or not (but I can say reading scripture makes this journey so much more pleasant and wonderful). I ask everyone to pray that this reviewer overcomes her insecurity.

  34. 234
    Mindy says:

    age 36

    Fear has been a 10 in my life. I didn’t realize it was fear until I read this book. I cried many times during this journey, and this is my first post. I read this book out loud to my 15 year old daughter because I see her following in my footsteps with insecurity. The fact that she sat through me reading to her at this age was nothing short of a miracle. Thank you, Beth for following God’s call to minister to women. You may not know this side of heaven what an awesome impact you are having, but trust me, your light is shining bright. May God bless you abundantly.

  35. 235
    Yolanda says:

    1. 10, fear has played a HUGE part in my past. Fear of not doing life right, fear that I would never please my Mom, fear what others would think of me because my family doesn’t have a relationship with me, fear….but then God started changing me and I’m forever grateful. Because…I am to trust Him and live for Him. “Judge for yourselves whether it is right in God’s sight to obey you rather than God.” Actos 4:19

    2. I trust God. period.

    I am clothed with strength and dignity.
    How lovely is your dwelling place, O LORD Almighty!

    Psalm 84:1 resonates deeply as I just finished last week, A Woman’s Heart, God’s Dwelling Place.

    Thank you Miss Beth, for always pouring out and onto us.

    I love you like CRAZY and am excited to travel from Kansas to Atlanta next weekend for this teaching that you will do for us, LIVE.


  36. 236
    TraciG says:

    1) To be honest, I would say that fear has played a pretty major role in my life: fear that no one would like me, fear that I wasn’t good enough, or smart enough to please my parents, fear that I needed to be better so God would love me. I think it all boils down to a fear of rejection. I feel like I’ve made progress in most of those areas as I’ve gotten older.
    However, a bout with breast cancer four years ago put a whole new level of fear in my life. The journey through it was scary, but I felt the prayers of my friends and family and felt God’s hand on my life in a way I never had before. The trouble is, now that I’m four years out of the diagnosis, and three years removed from treatment, I really battle a fear of recurrence or a diagnosis of new and different cancer. I fear that my daughter who did radiation with me, in my womb during the 2nd trimester hidden by a 2000 lb. lead shield, will come down with some kind of cancer diagnosis as a result. And the thing is, I KNOW first hand that God was with me the 1st time around, and that He will be if it happens again. I think I mostly fear a situation in which my children grow up without me. Statistically I have a greater chance of dying in a car wreck than dying from breast cancer at this point in the game. I’m really trying to just TRUST GOD. I’m making progress and have gotten to the point that every time I feel a weird ache or pain, I don’t automatically panic that it’s cancer. I try to focus on Philippians 4:8 when my mind starts to play out scenarios that most likely won’t happen.
    2)I think the idea of choosing what I think, and what I will allow to be my focal point is really life changing. I can choose to berate myself and my achilles heels, or I can focus on Christ’s sufficency, and God’s grace: 2 Corinthians 12:9, 2 Corinthians 10:4,5.

  37. 237
    Joyce Watson says:

    Just happen to find this prayer on a card I had in my drawer this morning and thought I would share this: (how awesome God is!)

    Lord, You said You will Supply my every need, so I call on You Lord for my Supply.
    Supply me with Wisdom & Understanding to get through each day.
    Supply me with a Positive Attitude, and an Open Mind today.
    Lord, Supply me with Your Love,
    Give me the Vision & Understanding to fulfill my Purpose & Destiny.
    My mind is Alert and I will learn what is taught from You today.
    I am blessed & Highly Favored of the Lord, and I am a Lady of Purpose.
    Lord, come against hindrances & strongholds in my life today, in the name of Jesus!
    Lord, Thank You for My Breakthrough!
    I am Smart, Talented, Beautiful and Hard Working
    ____the flower that blooms in adversity is the Rarest of All__

  38. 238
    Kim R. says:

    Fear has played a monstrous role in my life. But with God’s grace and mercy, no more!
    Page 329 resonated most with me. The biggest question on the minds of Christians and non-Christians alike, I think, is “Why do bad things happen to people if God is a loving God??” I think I got an answer for myself and one I can give to others. God only allows tragedy for the eventual good of us or others, and the the glory will most assuredly come to God, not because God is egotistical, but that someone may finally turn their eyes and see God thru their, or our tragedy. Otherwise, He would not allow it! And even though I may not see the good here on this Earth, I trust God, because God is love and He is faithful. Someday, in the video room of Heaven, I will see all the good and all the love behind our present pain.

    What do I take away with me from this study?? I feel more secure!! Not just saying it, but feeling it. Things that would have triggered an episode of insecurity, I recognize now. Discerning the difference between a real problem, relational or otherwise, and something imagined by allowing my insecurity to run unchecked, has made a huge difference in my peace of mind. I have re-learned concepts about my worth to God without the dirt-covered glasses of worldly insecurity clouding my vision. I can see clearly where I want to be in my relationship with God and my savior Jesus Christ.

    Thank you God and thank you Beth, for your transparency, your love for us and the much needed, perfect timing of this book. I am not the same person who started reading page one. Praise God!!!

    Kim R.
    Trenton, Ohio

  39. 239
    Darlene says:

    To the whole of Siesta ville thank you for your comments and insights, not just wth SLI, the insights into all other postings. Comments and thoughts have been a blessing to read.
    SLI has been a much needed journey for this traveler. Thank you Beth for following the Sprit in your journey. Healing from the inside to the outside. A visual of treatment of wounds to our horses came while reading the last part of the book. I’ll try to explain. When tending to a flesh wound on a horse, stitches are not alway practical in closing up the tear in the skin, the body wanting to close the area to keep out infection will produce what is called “proud flesh” a quick growth of cells that do not have the integrity of normal tissue. By growing fast, this proud flesh will quickly grow over the surface of the wound and block proper healing of the interior of the wound which can lead to serious complications. Wound management entails gently removing the proud flesh with clean gentle flowing water and a gentle touch, carefuly removing the false tissue thereby allowing the inside of the wound to heal first. Depending on how deep the trauma, will determine how long the tending takes palce. During the process we sometimes wonder if any healing is taking place. In the end when complete healing has taken place the scar that remains is minimal. Persaverance to the process provides lasting results.
    So too the wounds inflicted by others needs to be tended the same way, or “proud flesh” quickly grows over the hurt blocking the insecurity in. We need to allow Truth, God’s gentle touch and gentle flowing water to heal the wound from the inside to the outside.

  40. 240

    This is just a quick note and I will answer the question after I catch up to the day that has run away from me.
    Miss Beth this book is vital to the body. It has changed the way I stand, cry, even think…after all, I am lovely.
    When I did the “Believing God” study in 2005 I had no way of knowing what the months to come would bring, an emergency move from our home to another, the lose of my dad, hospital stays for both me and my son for different reasons and my husband and I going through the worst year of our marriage EVER. I held on because I believed God and still do. I thank Him all the time for leading me to study HIM before our world crumbled before us.
    “So long insecurity” has changed me that deeply. I have no idea what is on it’s way, but so much of it is good things. Trusting Him even if I don’t get my way, is why I can “laugh at the days to come”.
    Just wanted to let you know, He used you to change a life…one that was not all that bad on the outside but a marshmallow on the inside.
    Bless your heart and I love you right back.

  41. 241
    hisprincess1 says:

    I have gotten behind with the new website change and a long time prayer answered has come into my home. I would like to finish well so here is last weeks and this weeks answers

    1. My little girl would be the one that I would say that it is important for me to live an abundant and effective life. She will always be watching and following my example. How huge! I have learned much from this book and I thank you. With the information I will be able to change some of my ways with God’s help and in return bless my little girl.

    2. Had a situation to meet with a women that I really didn’t want to take part in but was required of me. I put into practice the not sizing her up just look at her as a soul and a woman that Jesus loves. It was amazing the freedom I felt. I will continue to do this with all the women I meet.

    3. My passion is that I love children. I am a foster mom giving to those children who need saftey and shelter this is what I do outside of myself.

    1. Fear has played a 9 scale in my life. I didn’t even realize that insecurity and fear worked together. I have always had to quote scripture for my fear and will continue to do so.

    2. I will take with me that whenever I feel insecure I will quote strength and dignity are my clothing, not sizing up other women, teaching my little girl how to trust God period. Not having to be in control and she is who Jesus says she is.

    Thank you, Thank you this has been such a wonderful time for me. Thank everyone for all you have shared what and encouragement and blessing. Thank you Beth for allowing God to use you and your past to reach women. You are helping me by giving me the encouragement to reach God in ways I never dreamed I could.

    North Carolina

  42. 242
    HisJules says:

    Oh how I have enjoyed this journey, at times tough but always true! Fear has been a huge part of my insecurities. Fear of not being enough…thats it! Just that I will not be enough of a wife, or enough of a mother or enough of a women’s ministry leader. God has been whispering in my ear – that with Him I am always enough. I am so thankful that He enables me and clothes me in that dignity that makes me “enough”.

    The things that resonated with me through this journey are the fact that “I am clothed with strength and dignity” and NO ONE can take that from me. I also really identified with the teaching on Eve eating from the tree of good/evil when we dig into things that God did not want revealed to us to start with. I am asking God to help me to break this stronghold of wanting to be in Control and just give Him Control.

    Thank you so much for your obedience in writing this book and sharing so much of your journey with us.

  43. 243
    Patty says:

    Colorado Springs, CO

    1. Fear has played a huge part in my life – a 10+. I agree that fear is what’s behind our insecurities. Trusting God with them is definitely THE answer. I so want to be a secure and confident woman in God.
    2. It’s just so eye-opening for me to see that I am a uniquely created woman and He has given me dignity. I should have self-worth simply because of that…something I am working on. Also, I realize that I can list my insecurities, pray about them, read this book on the how and why of them, etc. – but unless I put into practice what I’ve learned, nothing will change. I need to be “strong willed about what God strongly wills” for my life. I need to stop being a victim of my insecurities and have victory over them! I need to be “transformed by the renewing of my mind” (Rom 12:2).

    Thank you Beth for this book. God’s timing of this was (of course) perfect 🙂

  44. 244
    Kara says:

    Aurora, IL

    1. I think when I was younger I was more fearful…but as I’ve grown and matured in my faith (and survived cancer), I think I have a level of trust in God that I never had before. I think I am a 7…because I still AM insecure and I agree that a lot of that is the result of a fear in something…whether the fear of being alone or being replaced or being hurt. I want to TRUST God when I feel insecure.

    2. I loved Psalm 112…I will memorize that one. And I love the reminder that “I am clothed in strength and dignity!”

    Thank you, Lord, and thank you, Beth, for taking us on this journey.

  45. 245
    amybhill says:

    ps – could my southern siestas be any cuter? i love how you all say “ya’ll” and “bless your heart” and “miss beth.” i’m going to ask God if i can talk like that in heaven. if i did it here i would just be a poser – lol – amy from nj 🙁

  46. 246
    Lisa says:

    1. God’s timing continually amazes me. Just this past weekend I was fretting over a terrible cough my daughter had had for 3 weeks, thinking that her lungs were filling up with fluid, her bronchial tubes were going to constrict or do whatever so she wouldn’t be able to breathe. I went to bed thinking these thoughts, and woke up in the middle of the night thinking them again. You were right, Beth, when you said that we imagine the whole thing – I had her in the hospital and buried before 6:00 the next morning!!! I hate living that way!!! Your list of fears really struck me – especially the last one about fear of pain. It was like you finally figured it out for me. Thank you!!!!!!!! I know this fear thang is going to be a battle, but I feel like I’m more equipped to deal with it after your inspiring words in chapter 17.

    2. There are many things from this book I’m taking with me, but one of them is saying over and over to myself that I am God’s treasured possession. I have security and dignity. No one can take it from me. IT IS MINE!

    Oh, and by the way, I took my daughter to the dr. and she doesn’t have anything that a z-pac and some cough medicine with codeine can’t cure. Thank you, Jesus! And thank you, Beth, for sharing this journey with me. I’ve been greatly blessed by it!


  47. 247
    susan says:

    Long Island,NY

    Chapter 17 I would have to say that fear in my life would be an 8 especially before reading this book. I have been fearful and afraid of many things- stressed out about life.Before reading the book I never linked insecurity and trusting god before. I felt it was my nature I was born this way and stuck with it ( my temperament to be emotionally upset and and insecure). I think the link between insecurity and trusting god resonated with me. Also the part about god obeying me. I want things my way. I have to work on trusting god with all things.

    About my journey I can take away security and peace from the book. The prayers ( especially the one in chapter 9 ) were extremely helpful and I will always remember at that point(when reading the prayer) that it was if a burden had been lifted off of me and it continues to be so. Praise god!

    To all the women on the internet and Beth I really feel a connection with each and every one of you and look forward anxiously to the day of the simulcast. I have never participated in anything online like this before and it has been a wonderful experience (both reading the book, doing the homework and hearing everyones responses). I am very encouraged and grateful for the opportunity to have done this.. Beth I hope to meet you one day.

  48. 248
    Candace says:

    I am really struggling with answering this question. As I read through the chapter on fear, I questioned myself and prayed. I don’t feel like fear is a major struggle for me…I do not tend to be a worrier.

    But (you felt that coming, right?) I have HUGE insecurity issues…that have been confirmed and acknolwedged with the reading of this book. 🙂 (and prayerfully are on their way OUT the door!)

    I wasn’t going to respond, but then I thought I would to see if anyone else is in this position…ya’ll, I have so many stinkin’ issues, so it’s not that I’m looking for something to be there that’s not. But, fear, I don’t *think* isn’t one of them…

    So, if that is true, where DOES my insecurity come from?? I’m praying through this…praying that God would give me discernment and help me find the roots of my insecurity issues…and if it is fear, that I’m not realizing, that He would relay that to me as well.

    Question 2, I am taking SO MUCH from this study…for now, I’m keeping the book by my bed, reading the highlighted parts…and writing the scriptures mentioned in the last few chapters on notecards and repeating to myself the words of TRUTH and praying fervently that they would replace the LIES in my mind.

    This book and study has been phenomenal, thank you so much, Siesta Mama, for your heart and sharing with us…you can’t even know how much you’ve blessed me.

  49. 249
    Terri says:

    1. Fear has been a huge part of my life. On a scale of 1 – 10, fear in my life would be a 50. I have let fear control my day to day activities.
    I am always going to an extreme negative end result when my husband is late or doesn’t call at his usual time. I always wonder what I would do if…? It really made me stop and think about what Beth said “What will God do if…?” It is so comforting to see scripture that lets me know I am not alone, God will be there for me always!

    2. What I am taking away from this journey is that I am a child of God made by God. I am okay the way I am. I do not have to be anything for anyone. god loves me and accepts me! It is okay for me to be me!

    I just want to thank you Beth for writing this book. It has been an awesome journey with you and the siestas! I look forward to what might be coming our way next. Beth, you mean so much to me and you are such an inspiration!


  50. 250
    Dianne says:


    Fear has played a part in my life but no more! Thank you for sharing with everyone the insights that our Lord has given you. I have a close family member who has liver cancer and I am trusting God no matter what. I will not fear bad news because my heart is steadfast!

    I’m looking forward to attending the Simulcast on April 24. Thank you!

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