Jackson and Bibby out in Bibby’s backyard throwing the red ball to Star who retrieves it and drops it at our feet no less than thirty times. Jackson keeps glancing at St. Francis statue in flower bed right beside us. Has no idea who the dude in the robe is. Bibby can tell his mental wheels are turning. He keeps throwing ball. Finally stops and stares at St. Francis, brow furrowed, giving the scene some deep thought. Obviously reflects back on the pictures in his Jesus Storybook Bible that Daddy reads him every night. Finally breaks silence:
“Yes, Baby?”
“Birds love Jesus.”
Killed me. I’m not letting anybody tell him that’s St. Francis out there. It’s Jesus from now on. After all, who else dresses like that? And, anyway, the birds love Him.
And speaking of birds, one of our most popular LPM staff members who is famous around here first of all for her prayer life but second of all for her hilarious, endearing malapropisms (as in, “I’m just saliva-tating for a work of the Spirit!”) and who will yet remain unnamed, was standing next to me yesterday after I dropped a beautiful glass statuette gift we’d just received on the marble floor in ten thousand pieces. Crestfallen, I said, “I’m such an idiot.” To which she said with all the love and emotion and encouragement in the world and in front of most of the staff, “You are most certainly not! You are blessed and highly feathered!”
Yes. Feathered.
Amanda posted this for me because I’m not good at downloading pictures but it’s from me. Your own Siesta Mama. Although Amanda is blessed and highly feathered, too.
Jackson with the St. Francis/The Birds Loving Jesus statue on Easter