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Scripture Memory Tips

What a beautiful morning in Houston! Curt’s parents arrived from Missouri last night and they’re on a walk with our very happy dog and very happy child. The house is nice and quiet, giving me the perfect chance to check in to Siestaville.

A few days ago I read a comment from one of our siestas asking for some advice. I thought it was too good a topic to get buried in the comments, so I saved it for a post. Check out this question from Kathy Pink Bicycle Arkansas:

Can I ask a favor/help of all my siesta’s? I teach 5th grade Sunday school and for the first time I am having a very difficult time with them learning their verse and bringing their Bibles. I’ve tried bribery, candy, small prizes…..any suggestions? What works for you? Please help. Thanks!

I am just starting to work on a couple of (very simple) verses with Jackson. My friend and co-worker, Jen, started out doing Scripture memory with her son during bathtime. I’ve found that to be a great time too because my little monkey is contained! So I’m also very interested to hear your tips. If you have advice for Scripture memory with big kids or small kids, we’d love to hear it!


You Get an A!

Hi siestas! My mom is getting ready for Bible study tonight, so I have the honor of announcing the winner of our Pop Quiz. I used an online random integer generator to pick the winner. I’d have a picture of the number on my computer screen for you like I’ve seen BooMama do, but my camera battery died! Oh well. Get to the point, right?

The winner of the ESV Study Bible is Lauri Wasmuth!

*Applause and cheers for Lauri*

Bethie was so proud of all your comments that she wanted to give out five more prizes. The winners will receive the devotional book John: 90 Days With the Beloved Disciple.

Our next five winners are:
1) Christine at “Christine’s Corner”
2) Trish Wagner
3) Sue in Las Vegas
4) Gene54
5) Twinkle

*Applause and cheers for these five siestas*

Thanks for playing ladies! Have a wonderful Tuesday!


Boss’s Day and a Birthday Party

Hello, friends! Look who arrived at our office on Monday, just in time for our Boss’s Day lunch celebration.

Our first copy of Esther is here! LifeWay always sends my mom the first one to roll off the press. It was such an exciting day! Mom brought her out while we were all there together, seated around our banqueting table and enjoying Nancy’s orange pineapple cake and Kimberly’s banana pudding. Then she had Nancy read the dedication page aloud to us. It was dedicated to my sister and me! What a surprise and what a special honor! What is so fun is that Melissa had just arrived from the airport a few minutes beforehand. It was perfect timing. (Esther’s estimated shelf date is November 15. But it could be a little earlier or a little later.)

All of us at LPM are incredibly blessed to have the WORLD’S BEST BOSSES! Beth and Sabrina, you lead us with such grace, wisdom, humility, and strength. We praise God for you!

The gift we gave our bosses was a donation made in their name to a family that has been severely affected by Hurricane Ike.

Changing topics now. Monday night our family had my birthday dinner. I had requested spaghetti and meatballs from my mom and she came through big time! It was so good! She also baked me a cake for the second year in a row. Now I’d like to rise up and call my mother blessed because look at this beauty. My mother loves me.

What? Do you not think my cake was exquisitely beautiful? The nerve! Maybe you need to see it in the gentle glow of my 29 candles. (I am getting dangerously close to more than a gentle glow.)

Still not doing it for you? Well maybe you’d like to take a look at my cake from last year.

Mom had a little icing malfunction and all she could squeeze out was “H B A,” which symbolized “Happy Birthday Amanda.” Do not be fooled by this cake’s appearance because it was the best cake of my life, only to be outdone by this year’s blue ribbon winner.

I got one present from my parents – a gift bag full of spending money which I plan to put into action this weekend. Mom is taking me on a little getaway and we are going to shop! Isn’t she the sweetest? Have a great day, girls!


New England Nights Recap

New England Nights Tour 2008 from Rich Kalonick on Vimeo.

Click here to see more on Rich’s photo gallery. Thanks, buddy!


A Sunday Morning Mishap

Y’all are not going to believe the dumb thing I did yesterday. Curtis had the privilege of getting to preach the Sunday services at a local church that is currently in an interim period. (Hello, friends at Humble Area FBC!) Of course, we arrived early to get Curtis settled. While he did his thing, I took Jackson to the kids area (which was amazing) and let him play on their indoor playground until his class was ready to start. After I dropped him off in the “Happy Hippos” room (I kept saying “Hungry Hippos”) I made my way to the sanctuary to find my husband. He was doing something in the sound booth, so I walked to the front and looked to see if his stuff was sitting on a chair.

Indeed, I saw Curt’s blue Bible and his car keys sitting on a chair in the front row. There was no one else seated on the row at that time. So I sat down next to his stuff. Then I thought I would be a good wife and put his keys in my purse so he wouldn’t have to think about them. A couple minutes later a man came over and sat on the other side of Curt’s stuff. He looked at me curiously and then started messing with Curt’s stuff. So I said, “Oh, that’s my husband’s stuff.” Then he kindly told me that, no, that was his stuff! I was so horrified! Then I had to confess to him that I had even put his car keys in my purse! Oh, y’all, I was so embarrassed! He was super nice and laughed with me about it. (Hi, Mitch!) It’s just so nice to make a good first impression, isn’t it? Ha ha!

We loved getting to meet everyone at HAFBC. What a sweet congregation. I cannot say enough about how wonderful their kidzone is! Wow! We met some really neat people and Curt and I discussed on the way home that the number one benefit of being in ministry is simply getting to know people. Despite Jackson’s usual post-church restlessness, we enjoyed getting to have lunch with the Whitakers and hear about their family’s journey with the Lord. You just never know what God has done in another person’s life. Our brothers and sisters in Christ are such treasures and if we slow down long enough to hear one another’s stories, we will be so blessed and want to praise God for His works!

Well, it’s been a while since I updated you on Baby Girl. I am 22 weeks along now, which is just over half way there. Yesterday marked four months until my due date (Feb. 12). I am in that grace period between the first and third trimesters when I feel great and actually look pregnant, but not too pregnant. I’ve been seeing babies everywhere and I’m getting so excited to have this little one join us! She does have a name but (please don’t hate us) we are going to wait until she’s born to announce it. Or at least try. I just know I’m going to slip up!

Happy Columbus Day to all of you and, if you have the day off, I hope it’s a really good one! Blessings!


An Update on Bethie

I’m sorry y’all – it’s me again! I’m here to give you a little update on the Siesta Mama. She has been b-u-s-y! My mom told me that God was so faithful throughout the taping last weekend and that she absolutely loved the audience. I think everything went as well as possible. Thank you so much for praying! Monday and Tuesday were spent focused on Bible study. Our fall study is going great, but it does take a ton of preparation time for her and Melissa (who flies in to co-teach every other week). Wednesday was recovery day. She worked a half-day and then went home to rest. On Thursday she had a taping for the National Day of Prayer.

Today my parents are driving out to the ranch, where Beth is going to prepare the messages for next week’s “New England Nights” tour. It’s going to be such a neat week! I’m not going, but I hope to be able to keep you all updated as much as I can. Are any of you attending? The four events will be in Vermont, New Hampshire, Delaware, and Connecticut.

After next week, Living Proof Live will have had the great privilege of serving in all 50 states in 10 years! Isn’t that cool? God, You are awesome! It is an indescribable blessing to get to witness what God is doing in every part of this country. You know, people can throw out some seriously depressing statistics about the state of the church in America, but we KNOW God is moving among women and changing their lives through His Word. We have seen it and are seeing it with our own eyes! He is not done with us, ladies. God’s Word is alive and active in us and we are believing Him! Amen?


Some Eye Candy

From Rich and Gretchen’s wedding. So beautiful!


Ring the Bells

Hey everyone! It’s an extraordinarily beautiful, almost-fall day in Houston, Texas. Jackson and I got to enjoy a long walk on the Rice University campus with some friends earlier today. He just woke up from his nap asking for candy corns and his Bibby will be happy to know I obliged. Curtis is taking a quick nap before he goes to our church to teach Wednesday night Bible study on the life of Elijah. I am getting ready to run to the store and grab a mini pumpkin for Jackson for his MDO’s pumpkin patch tomorrow. We are still sniffling a little but we’re on the mend. I hope you all are doing well on this Wednesday afternoon.

There’s been some major buzz online about our dear friend Travis Cottrell’s newest project and I don’t want any of our peeps to miss out! Travis’ Christmas CD, Ring the Bells, was released today. Way to go, Trav! You can read a review of it here on the CCM Magazine web site. You can find the CD in stores, on Travis’ web site, and on iTunes.

Curtis starts humming Christmas songs in July and by October he’s singing them outright and playing them on the guitar. Last night it was “O Come All Ye Faithful.” My man will soon have some CD’s in our LPM online store, but I assure you they won’t be of him singing. We’ll leave that to Travis!


You Think You Know People

Last night Curt and I went to pick up Jackson from the babysitter’s house. That would be my mom’s house. We had our dinner 8 group for Sunday school and Bibby was so generous to take Jackson for us. They even went to Chucky Cheese (Chunky Cheese, as we say in our family)! Jackson is so lucky! When we got to her house we were both feeling kind of crummy from a cold. I could see the gears turning in my mother’s mind. She was deciding whether to reveal a secret about herself that could either shock and horrify us or help relieve our stuffy noses. Her mothering instincts overrode her self-protection instincts and she darted into her bathroom and emerged with this thing that looked like a small watering can-slash-tea pot. She said some of the girls at work had started using these things – neti pots they’re called – and she had finally taken the plunge. (You can watch an instructional video here if you dare.) It worked wonders, she said. She may have even used the words “life changing.” Now all of the LPM crew, minus one, are regular users.

We were somewhat amazed as she explained it. Curtis, who is one day more advanced into his cold than I am, not to mention more adventurous, was intrigued. So on the way home we picked one up at Walgreen’s. Once Jackson was in bed, Curtis proceeded to irrigate his sinuses over my kitchen sink. Awesome. He also lost concentration during the process and didn’t control his breathing correctly, which resulted in him losing his dinner in my kitchen sink. Super awesome. Personally, I’ve had enough of losing my breakfasts, lunches, and dinners in the last few months and I would rather not try this neti pot phenomenon. Curtis was sniffling again within 15 minutes. Totally not worth it to me, y’all. I declined using the neti pot. Well this morning when I woke up my head felt like it weighed 40 pounds. I started coughing and wouldn’t you know that my body went into morning sickness mode. Fun times. So Curtis and I can bond over our stuffy noses and weak stomachs. We are a pitiful pair.

(I know, this is the worst post of all time. I was really hurting for something to say.)

So are you a natural remedy kind of person (not that there’s anything natural about pouring water into your nose through a tea pot) or do you reach for the medicine cabinet when you get sick? If you’re a natural remedy kind of person, what is the one thing you’re always trying to get your friends to try?

I would normally sustain myself on DayQuil and NyQuil, but since I’m with child I’m just trying to make it on as little Tylenol as possible, chicken soup, and decaf hot tea. Okay, y’all are not going to believe this, but Curtis just walked in the door unexpectedly. He’s home on his lunch break to use his neti pot again! He is so brave and wild at heart! As for me, I’m going to heat up some soup.


Taping at Life Today

You girls know we are absolutely shameless in asking for prayer, so here I come again with another request! Mom is in the Dallas area, my old stomping grounds, this weekend. Between tonight and tomorrow afternoon she will tape five teaching sessions for “Wednesdays with Beth” on “Life Today with James and Betty Robison.” (She’ll teach two sessions tonight and three on Saturday.) She does several of these tapings each year. These weekends are incredibly intense. Imagine a Living Proof Live event with two extra sessions. Each time she is completely dependent on God for a sustained anointing, perfect health, full energy, restorative sleep, concentrated preparation time, focus, and a great connection with the audience – in other words, a demonstration of the Spirit’s power! It is a good and desperate place to be.

My dad is usually with her on these weekends because they feel that she benefits from the covering of his presence and his prayers. He is not able to be at this particular taping, so we would like to ask our sweet siestas to help us with some extra prayer coverage for Beth. These episodes reach what is to me a mind-boggling amount of people. Please pray that Jesus will completely overtake my mom and use her to teach the Word boldly and accurately to the studio audience and viewers at home. Pray that His name will be glorified through all of this. Thank you so much, friends! It is all about Him!

We love you bunches and we are so thankful for you.

PS – You can watch all the previous episodes online here.
