Author Archive

Almost Baby Time!

Hey Siestas! It seems like everyone is in Woodstock, Georgia, this weekend for the live recording of Travis’ new album. Very Very Pregnant Girl (that’s me, AKA VVPG) is unable to travel and join in on the fun. I feel like I’m just waiting around for something exciting to happen at this point. The countdown to my due date is just nineteen days. I’m considered full term now at 37 weeks and am definitely feeling it! I believe all Baby Girl is really doing at this point is gaining weight. I always think about how wise God was when He planned it this way. How much would it stink to carry around a seven pounder for several months? It’s proof of God’s mercy that they don’t get this big until the very end.

We’re almost completely ready for Baby Girl to get here. The nursery has been transformed from blue and brown to pink, yellow, green, and blue. Her closet is perfectly organized and filled with all kinds of wonderful things. I’ve got a package of newborn Pampers Swaddlers ready to do what they were created to do. I have an appointment for fresh highlights on Tuesday. Oh, and a friend gave me a gift certificate for a pedicure so I’ll have pretty toes in the hospital. How sweet of her!

I’ve been packing in every opportunity to do this or that with friends since I will be home bound for a while once she comes. Curtis and I are having a date night tonight since we never know when it will be our last chance! I’m sure we truly do have 19 days to go, but we feel like we’re in any-minute-mode.

So I’m having the common fear of every VVPG. What if my water breaks in public? Y’all, I’m terrified of this. I really wasn’t afraid of it when I was expecting Jackson because I’d never experienced that phenomenon before. Ignorance was bliss. When it happened to me in my hospital bed I was horrified. I will refrain from describing it in detail, but it was much more dramatic than I was prepared for. I actually cried, y’all. It was the beginning of the end of my modesty and dignity, which were basically decimated during the next few days. Is anyone with me on this? And look at the result – three years later I’m writing about my water breaking on a blog!

I was telling a friend that I’m preparing to sequester myself late next week so that I can avoid my water breaking in public. (It remains to be seen if I will actually stick to this.) Then she asked me if I’ve ever actually known anyone who this happened to. Nope. Can’t think of anyone.

Since we women love to tell our birth stories, I thought some of you who have experienced your water breaking in public might want to share. Was it awful or were you too excited to care?

I’m not sure my mom and sister won’t be horrified by this blog post. I have no way of knowing since they’re at Travis’ concert. Maybe my acid reflux, swollen ankles, inability to breathe well, crowded rib cage, and frequent trips to the powder room are clouding my judgment. If this post disappears, you’ll know why. In the meantime, I’m claiming that it’s better to ask for forgiveness than for permission!


Drive Thru the Bible

Hey Ladies,
This is Curtis. I wanted to take an opportunity to let you know about a new resource for men at Living Proof. We have created an audio daily devotional called Drive Thru the Bible. It consists of fifteen 7-10 minute messages you can listen to on the way to work, dropping the kids off at school, or running your daily errands. This 2-CD set on the life of Elijah was designed with men in mind, but would make a nice resource for anyone who might have trouble finding daily time in God’s Word or who just wanted an extra helping during the day.

Since it can be difficult giving a loved one a spiritual gift they weren’t asking for, here are a few helpful hints.

How to Give a Bible Resource to Your Husband

1) Picture how you would want to receive a gift and do the opposite.

2) Don’t hold him accountable if he hasn’t asked you to hold him accountable.
-To a man this is like calling an offsides penalty in the middle of a baseball game. He won’t want to play by your rules if he hasn’t agreed to play your game. *If you did not understand the sports reference above, just see rule 1 again.

3) Try not to create a universal standard for godliness.
-His approach to God will probably look different because men are not wired the same as women. You can find a calculator and an alarm clock in the electronics department, but they won’t output the same information. I’m the only one in our family who has done all of Beth’s Bible studies (I’m on the last week of Esther right now), but sometimes I have to split one day into two because I can’t focus for that long. So, don’t expect your husband to join you in a 45 minute in-depth Bible study session right away. Jesus may be more than happy with 8 minutes with your husband.

4) Tape the gift to a Sears, Lowes, or Home Depot gift card.
-It may also help to tell him that for every day he does his daily devotional the amount increases by $5. I understand this is a bribe, but how do you think I’m training my son to go to the bathroom on the potty?

5) Do not nag! REPEAT: Do not nag!
-If you want to see if he’s using it, look in these 3 places:
a) Where you gave it to him.
b) Wherever he keeps the cash he’s been saving, but doesn’t want you to know
about (but you already know about and help yourself to while he’s at work). *Amanda would like to add that she didn’t know it was his birthday cash!
c) Check his car. He might surprise you.

6) Don’t give up.
-“And let us not grow weary of doing good, for in due season we will reap, if we do not give up” (Galatians 6:9).

*You can find Drive Thru the Bible: Elijah in the “new products” section of our LPM online store. You’ll see it if you click here and scroll down a little.


The Inheritance

What an exciting day! We start our new Bible study – The Inheritance – tonight at Houston’s First Baptist Church. We would love for any of our Houston Siestas to join us. And needless to say, we covet your prayers as we kick off a new semester of Bible study. Please pray for God’s presence to be with us, for Beth to be anointed to teach, for the praise team to lead us before the throne, for our LPM staff and volunteers to serve in excellence and love, for our prayer team to be filled with the Spirit, for our attendees to arrive safely and park easily, and for God to be glorified all semester long. Our Bible study coordinator’s name is Jennifer Hamm in case you’d like to lift her up by name.

Those of you who attended the Siesta Fiesta in San Antonio might be interested to know that that weekend was the springboard for this semester’s study. Beth really wanted to expound on the theme of inheritance in Scripture. I know I’m going to be asked what kind of product might come out of this study and right now my only answer is that I have no idea! I’m confident that God will have His way though.

Here’s some info for anyone who would like to join us tonight.

Reminders about Bible Study…

-Homework is not available for this study.
-Please try to carpool in order to free up more parking spots for our sisters arriving late.
-Avoid traffic by coming early to eat dinner at the Garden Café on-site. The café opens at 4:45pm and serves everything from a boxed dinner, soup, or salad to a hot plate.
-Doors to the Worship Center open at 6 p.m. You may save two seats!
-The resource table is available in the main foyer before and after Bible study. Specialty coffee drinks are also available in the main foyer.
-Need to miss a week of Bible study? The previous week’s lesson is available to view in the chapel at 5 p.m. each Tuesday.
Click here for directions to Houston’s First Baptist Church and additional approved parking locations near the church. The on-site lots typically fill by 6:15pm. Plan to park at one of these garages if you are arriving after this time.

See you soon!


Recent Blog FAQ’s

A) How do I join the blog?

There is no way to officially “join” the blog. If you’re a reader, you are a part! If you’d like to join in on the conversation by commenting, see the next question.

B) How do I leave a comment?

Step 1) Look at the bottom of whatever post you’d like to comment on. It will say something like this:
Posted by Amanda/Beth/Melissa at 7:00 p.m. 77 comments

Sometimes it will not say that. In that case, you’ll see all the comments from that one post listed beneath it. Scroll to the bottom and look for it to say this:
Post a comment

Step 2) Now click on the word “comment(s)” and it will take you to the comments page.

Step 3) Look for the text box on the right side of the page under the words “Leave your comment.” Type out your comment. (If it’s really long or contains a question, then please go to our contact page and send us an email.)

Step 4) Choose an identity. If you have an account with “Google/Blogger,” then click on that option. (“Blogger” is the free blogging service we use. is part of the “Google” network.) If you have an account with another blog service like Live Journal, WordPress, TypePad, or AIM, click on the “Open ID” option. If you want to type your name and a web site that is not in one of those categories, choose “Name/URL.” Just want to type your name and no web site? Simply leave the URL part blank. If you want to be “Anonymous,” choose that option.

*To set up a profile or your own blog with Blogger, go to and follow the directions on their home page.

Step 5) Click “Publish your comment.” Or you can click “Preview” if you’d like to see what your comment will look like when it’s published. If you don’t like it, then you can click “Edit.” If you’re ready, click “Publish.”

Step 6) Wait for your comment to be moderated by me or Beth. Comment moderation protects us all from unwanted spam and other tacky comments. We do reserve the right not to read every single comment (for instance, when we have 500 of them waiting to be moderated at one time). Please be aware that anything you do send us could possibly be published in that case, even if you say “Please do not publish this comment.” We may not see it. If you have something to share that you do not want the public to read under any circumstance, please go to our contact page and send us an email.

Step 7) If you have a Blogger/Google account and you later decide you want to delete your comment, you will see a little trash can icon next to what you wrote. Click on the trash can and it will let you delete it. If you don’t have a Blogger/Google account, you won’t have that option. Please know that we are not able to edit your comments – only approve or delete them.

C) Why are all the comments from one of your blog posts being emailed to me?

Oops! When you were leaving a comment with your Google/Blogger account, you must have checked the box that said “Email follow up comments to ______” or clicked on “Subscribe to comments.” Please do yourself a favor and don’t ever click this box unless you are prepared to possibly receive a ton of emails. If you need to unsubscribe (and who would blame you?) click here for instructions.

D) Is it too late to sign up for the 1st and 15 Siesta Scripture Memory Team?

No way! Just go to this post and follow the directions given to sign up. Then go to this post to submit your first memory verse. The sooner you do it, the better, but there’s no cutoff date.

*If you’re reading this after January 15, 2009, you’ll want to submit your verse in the most recent Scripture memory post. Look at the archives for whatever month it currently is and go to the post on either the 1st or the 15th of the month.

E) I forgot my username and password to my Google/Blogger account. Can you help me?

I’m sorry, but we don’t have access to that information. You’ll need to go through Blogger to recover your username and password. Next to the boxes where you enter that info, it says “Forgot?”. Click on it and follow the directions from there.

*You can find a ton of helpful info in Blogger’s Help Center.

*I’ve put a permanent link to this post on our left sidebar so it can be found easily in the future.


AJ Checking In

Hi Siestas! I’ve spent the morning catching up on what’s been going on here in Siestaville and, I must say, y’all have been busy! What an exciting time for the LPM Blog. I have at least 50 emails in my inbox asking questions about how to operate the blog and/or sign up to memorize Scripture with the Siestas this year. I’m planning to write a separate post addressing those questions at some point today. Thank you so much for your patience while I was on vacation.

My little family left for Missouri the day after Christmas to spend a week with Curtis’ family. We had a great visit and enjoyed being there so much. We have a newborn nephew who was a particular delight to all of us. Being around him reminded me of so many things I have to look forward to in my near future. By the way, Baby Girl Jones is going to be here next month. Can you believe it? I’m already 34 weeks!

So, we’re only 5 days into the New Year and I’ve already totally blown it. The parts of me that I hate the most have come out in full force. Anyone else? I hope I’m the only one, but I know there are probably others who woke up on this first Monday of 2009 feeling defeated. Jackson slept gloriously late (thanks to some new dark curtains) and I was able to take my time with my Wisdom for Mothers Bible study (by Denise Glenn of Motherwise) and my prayer journal. Before Curtis walked out the door, I asked him to sit down and pray with me because I was feeling so rotten. His words encouraged me so much. He basically reminded me that the Lord’s mercies are not new every new year, but every morning. Thank You, God! I can already start over again today. I’m choosing to look at my failures as a very keen reminder that any victory in 2009 will come from complete dependence on the Holy Spirit and not from my own strength. In his sermon last night, Curtis said that God shows us our weaknesses to move us past a place of prideful comfort and into spiritual growth. Who is like our God, who even offers us a big ole serving of hope with our humble pie?

Yet this I call to mind and therefore I have hope: Because of the LORD’s great love we are not consumed, for his compassions never fail. They are new every morning; great is your faithfulness. (Lamentations 3:21-23, NIV)


Gingerbread and Jughead

This was the scene in my kitchen last Friday. It was baking day. Think it looks bad? You should have seen me. I had fourth day hair. Jackson looked a little homeless too.

Pillsbury wanted to bless my little heart this year and provide my grocery store with huge tubes of refrigerated gingerbread dough. Someone give Him some praise. I’m the worst baker of all time and this was even easy enough for me to use. So Jacks and I made some little gingerbread men together. Here they are, iced and ready to be sprinkled.

Oops, Mommy didn’t realize that the Mister wouldn’t know how to shake the bottle. He just turned it upside down over the one cookie and let the sprinkles pour out. Why I was not hovering over him at that moment baffles me. I was watching from several feet away as half the bottle landed on one little cookie. Also? Those little round ball sprinkles? They roll off the table and bounce all around the kitchen. Then they stick to your feet and travel onto other surfaces. Like rugs. Bad, bad sprinkles.

Trying to redistribute them a little.

Who needs a napkin when it comes to sprinkles and icing?

Our cookies got the Jackson Jones stamp of approval.

The fruit of our labor – gingerbread men and butterscotch haystacks.

A closer look at our cookies. Not the cutest ever, but they taste so good!

This is the lovely gingerbread house I bought in early November for Jackson and me to make together. I never could get up the nerve to attempt this project with him though. Somehow I just knew it would be too much for Pregnant Girl and Toddler Boy. So I made it by myself last week.

Jackson was thrilled when he saw it. Although it was torturous for him not to be able to eat the candy. Thankfully, I had enough foresight to save him a few of the gumdrops and Spree.

This is what our gingerbread house looked like when we got home from Second Baptist’s “Kids’ Crazy Christmas” show on Friday night. Hmmm, had there been a tornado in my home?

Termites maybe?

Would anyone like a naughty golden retriever for Christmas? Come on, it will get you in the mood to see “Marley and Me” on Christmas day! I knew better than to leave that tray of cookies out on the counter, so I hid it in the oven when we left. I never would have guessed that Jughead the Big White Beast would go for the house. Seriously. Who does that?


Christmas Tour of the Office


We’re joining BooMama’s Christmas Tour of Homes on the very last day! I think she’s closing the links down any minute. If you’d like to take a peek at tons of beautifully decorated homes, hop on over to her site and visit some of the blogs listed. You’ll find lots of Siestas on there.

Welcome to LPM! Here’s the front view of our office, which used to be a home. Hopefully that qualifies us for the tour of homes.

Front doors


Our beautiful tree

The boardroom and our banqueting table. I love the chairs.


Each of us has a stocking hung on the mantle.

A little tree in Diane’s office

Another one in Evangeline’s office

The water cooler in the resource room

Did you know that our resource department is named after the wonderful Mary Helen Davis? LPM would not exist as it does today if it weren’t for this wonderful lady and her tape recorder. She used it to record Beth’s Sunday school lessons for years. We love you, Mrs. Mary Helen!

Jingle bell tree

Some little angels

This is not really a Christmas decoration, but we bought it at a Christmas market last month. I LOVE it!

We have several of these for all the fun cards we receive.

A fresh wreath

Outside on a staircase

The fireplace in our ministry director’s office

Some bling on Beth’s desk

The fireplace in her office

Merry Christmas from Beth and Starsy!


We Converged!

I want to take a minute and thank all of you who were with us for Converge last Thursday night at the Berry Center. We’re so glad you were there! In case you have no idea what I’m talking about, we were joined by special guests CeCe Winans and Travis Cottrell and his praise team for a night of worship and the Word. It was a wonderful evening and we were so blessed by you! Curtis was our emcee and at one point he asked the people who had never been to an LPM event (like Tuesday night Bible study) to raise their hands. We were thrilled by how many there were. It looked like half to me, but I could be wrong. What a great joy to be able to serve all of you in Jesus’ name!

I’ve had so many sweet friends share with me what the Lord spoke to them that night through Beth’s message. Ladies, isn’t it awesome that we have a God who is active in our lives? Not just when we get to heaven, but NOW? We’re believing Him to work in every person’s life who attended and we’re already praising Him for those testimonies.

A lot of my friends mentioned how neat the stage, lighting and video production were. We contracted some friends from Beth’s Living Proof Live Events (which are done through LifeWay) to help us out with that. They do such an excellent job! It occurred to me that a lot of our girls in Houston have never attended a Living Proof Live event, and that’s totally understandable because we get to study the Word together all the time here at home. But if you really enjoyed the energy and the quality of production of the event – not to mention Travis Cottrell and his awesome praise team – you should look into coming to a Living Proof Live conference in 2009. The conferences are like three sessions of what we did at Converge. Here is a link to the schedule. Our Houston girls will be closest to the El Paso and New Orleans events.

I’d also like our Houston girls to know that a new song from Travis’ Christmas CD has just been added to KSBJ’s Christmas rotation. The song is “Ring the Bells.” It’s one of my favorites. So if you call in and request it, they’ll be able to play it now. If you hear it and love it (which you will!), stop by Travis’ blog and let him know!

We hope many of you will join us this Spring for our Inheritance Bible Study at Houston’s First Baptist Church. We get started on Tuesday, January 13. For more information, visit our Houston Connection page. See you then!

P.S. We’re considering producing a product from the Converge event, but if we decide to do that it will be several months before it will be available for purchase. Thanks so much for your patience!


Christmas Questionnaire


Both Mom and Melissa’s answers are below mine!!!!

Hey Siestas! I was just thinking about doing a Christmas questionnaire on the blog when, about a minute ago, I got a request to do this one through a comment from Kim Safina. This will be perfect! Thanks, Kim!

1. Fresh Tree or Fake Tree

2. Favorite Ornament
This horse I got in Jackson Hole, Wyoming. It has little bells on its feet.

3. Favorite Christmas Song
“Jesus Born on This Day” on Mariah Carey’s “Merry Christmas” CD.

4. Favorite Tradition
Picking out a tree. Driving around to look at lights. Seeing my family open the gifts I’ve bought them. Mom and Dad cooking a big breakfast after we’ve read the Christmas story and opened presents.

5. Favorite Gift Ever Received
Last year Mom gave me a huge box of all the clothes she had saved from when I was a baby. I had no idea she still had them, so it was a very big surprise. It’s so fun to have those now since we’re having a baby girl in just two months!

6. Favorite Christmas Meal
Turkey, dressing, mashed potatoes, green bean casserole, rolls, and chocolate cake.

7. Favorite Christmas Cookie
Paulie’s beautifully decorated and equally delicious shortbread cookies!

8. Favorite Place To Be
Wherever Curtis and Jackson are! If we can celebrate Christmas with both of our families in the same year, that is very special.

9. Favorite Memory
When Melissa and I were very little girls, Santa came to visit us on Christmas Eve at our grandparents’ house. It was so magical. Then about four years ago, when we were again at my grandparents’ house on Christmas Eve, Santa came to visit my two youngest cousins. It was so fun to see their faces. It also SNOWED that night. In Houston! It was truly a Christmas miracle. You cannot imagine how special it was for all of us.

This is a picture of Melissa and me and our cousins that year.
Hannah, Joe, John, Ben, Melissa, and me in front.

10. Favorite Christmas Movie
“Elf.” I really enjoy watching this with my sister because she laughs so hard!


Siesta Mama’s:

1. Fresh and the fatter the better

2. Felt ornaments with my girls’ pictures on them that were made in their classes when they were little; add to that my ornaments with Jackson’s pictures

3. 4Him – A Strange Way to Save the World; Travis – In the First Light

4. Reading the Christmas story as a family first thing that morning and holding hands and each praying; On the superficial side, taking as long as possible to open the presents then Amanda, Melissa and I, all in my bedroom putting on and taking off every single new garment and gushing, “Oh, that is the cutest thing I’ve ever seen on you!” “No, YOU!!!”

5. I’d always driven a heap. I do mean A HEAP. Most of my years it was my parents’ old yellow and black Dodge Dart. I never left the house without jumper cables and a jug of water for when – not IF – the radiator overheated. I didn’t even know to feel cheated. One Christmas at Keith’s parents, I opened my present from him and it was a set of keys. A used but totally spotless Champagne colored Cadillac (a block and a half long) was sitting in his parents’ garage for me. I couldn’t even get in it. I buried my head in Keith’s chest and sobbed my eyes out right in front of everybody.

6. Major Dad always fixed Reuben Sandwiches on Christmas Eve in my house growing up and I miss them so badly. Nobody has ever been able to make Reubens like him. My first Christmas Eve in Heaven I plan to run to his mansion and stand there and squeal while he flips them on the griddle. Then I want to hear him tell the same old jokes and we’ll laugh like we’ve never heard them. On Christmas Day, I love the traditional meal. Especially the dressing because my beloved Mom fixed it so well and loved it like nobody I’ve ever known. I never miss my parents more than on Christmas. They were simple people who never made an extra dime and threw a very modest celebration but somehow, no matter how problems had filled the rest of the year, Christmas time was magical.

7. Pillsbury Slice and Bake Sugar Cookies with colored Betty Crocker Butter Cream icing and sprinkles. I’m not kidding.

8. In my same den of 24 years, up while it’s still dark, presents all in place, and on my knees all alone in front of the fire place.

9. Christmas 1981 at my parents with my huge family of origin in a very tiny den. My little brother read the Christmas story that year with us all gathered around and no sooner than he read, “And it came to pass in those days…”, Amanda, just two and a half, crawled out of the chair and went to her knees, cupped her little hands like she was praying and kept her eyes shut through the whole reading – but changing expressions with every scene. Not a dry eye in the house. Then, to top it off, a little while later we opened presents and I got to surprise Keith with blue baby booties and announce that our second child was on the way. He’d been begging for a second child since the day our first was born. That second baby would never wear those blue booties…and not once would I ever regret that God gave me another girl. I would not trade that little wild ride for anything in this world.

10. Elf, hands down. And for exactly the same reason Amanda said. Melissa laughs so hard that we nearly…we nearly…well, you know what we nearly do.

PS. IT’S SNOWING IN HOUSTON TEXAS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! NEVER IN YOUR LIFE HAVE YOU SEEN A STAFF OF SELF-RESPECTING ADULTS ACT LIKE BIGGER FOOLS THAN WE HAVE JUST ACTED OUT ON THE FRONT LAWN OF LPM. THANK YOU, LORD! (But stick with the post theme or AJ might snatch me baldheaded for adding that little addendum. Shoot fire, it’s already stopped but, boy, was it exciting while it lasted!)

Melissa’s Christmas Favorites

1. Fresh Tree/Fake Tree? Fresh! Who doesn’t love a little pine allergy once a year?

2. Favorite Ornament- My favorite ornament is the angel tree topper (I think it counts as an ornament) that Amanda and I fought over every year. Dad usually chose who it was going to be and lifted us up to place it high up on the tree. Don’t ask me how we found a way to fight over that?!?

3. Favorite Christmas Song- Hands down, O Holy Night, preferably by Mariah Carey. Mariah Carey’s Merry Christmas is seriously musically authoritative. And how cute was she in that little Santa outfit on the cover?

4. Favorite Tradition- My Mom usually procrastinates wrapping all the presents until Christmas Eve. So she bans us to come downstairs after like 8:30 pm. Well, don’t tell her, but my favorite thing to do is to sneak down around midnight and look at all the Christmas presents in the living room. I still do and I’ll do it again this year. I can never sleep on Christmas Eve.

5. Favorite Gift Ever Received- The gift I remember being most excited about was a pair of Nike Air Jordan basketball shoes in fifth or sixth grade. I shook the box for months and months and months. In those days, my Dad refused to spend over $30 for a pair of shoes and he would make a really big deal even spending that. To get a pair of Air Jordan’s was like wearing a Cartier watch in sixth grade. I was all class, tomboy class.

6. Favorite Christmas Meal- The typical meal, nobody better mess with me and try to change it up. Turkey, Dressing, Mashed Potatoes, Cranberry (the fake kind from the can NOT real cranberry), Green-Bean casserole/Broccoli-Rice casserole. Then wait a few hours and do it all over again.

7. Favorite Christmas Cookie- Amanda has made these butterscotch haystacks the past few years that I think about all year long. They are so smooth and crunchy all at the same time, and for some reason they remind me of my Nanny. I think it is because she made chocolate & butterscotch Rice Krispy treats with peanut-butter when she was still alive.

8. Favorite Place to be- Houston, no matter how nasty/hot the weather, with Keith, Beth, Amanda, Curtis, Jackson, and Colin Fitzpatrick.

9. Favorite Memory- A couple of years ago on Christmas Eve Colin and I were in the beginning phase of dating. We went to the Christmas Eve candlelight service at First Baptist and then we drove around looking at Christmas lights. He kept saying, “Are you for real?” “Are you for real?” “You really like me!?!” Anyway, I knew who the joke was really on and that I was really the lucky one in the relationship, but I’ll never forget him saying that and the look on his face.

10. Favorite Christmas Movie- Well, Mom and Amanda stole my thunder. Elf is absolutely my favorite. In fact, it is on our TV as we speak…or as I type, rather. I will say though that Home Alone comes in a close second, though it is not technically a Christmas Movie. It is hilarious and it has special family significance to me that I keep pondered in my heart. Always.


Jackson’s Nativity Scene

I was asked to send a single sock to Mother’s Day Out with Jackson yesterday. I thought y’all might like to see the outcome of that special craft.

Also, thank you so much for your participation in the survey. We will be hard at work on those comments for the next week. We do not take your willingness to be honest and vulnerable lightly! God bless each one of you!
