Ladies! Y’all are so fun. I just need you to know that when it comes to breaking out all things Christmas, most agree to wait until after Thanksgiving. (Again, no judgement to those that decorate in September. Huge grin.) But, without further ado, here are our 20 pie winners that won completely at random, thanks to (Also, you’ll see a number by a name, that is the number of your comment which helps identify the winner if there isn’t a first and last name!)
Drum roll please….
14 – Melissa Embry
20 – Mary Lou
36 – Margee
43 – Joanne Swanson
44 – Robin Ballew
73 – Debbie Whitman
110 – Pam T.
222 – Linda Bennett
268 – Amanda C.
305 – Bernadette
335 – Shannon
505 – Tammy Wong
529 – Caroline
589 – Robbie
661 – Landa
734 – Kathy
737 – Tonya Leiva
832 – Ellen Yopp
930 – Sister Lynn
986 – Michele Oates
Congrats, ladies! You’ll be getting an email from me ASAP so that I can get your mailing address! We are so pumped for you. Goodness awaits you, for sure!
*Comments are now closed, ladies! We’ll be back soon with our 20 winners!
I’m not sure if you’ve ever picked up a clue that we are serious about two things around here: Jesus and food.
Man does live on bread, just not bread alone. (I wish you could see the big grin on my face.)
Just last week the Holiday Feast started around the LPM office. A little early if you ask me, but ready or not, we’re about to be bombarded with all manner of treats, and you won’t here one peep or complaint from our lips. There comes a time at LPM when I get serious about my workout regimen, and that’s always around Christmas and Thanksgiving, but regardless if I hit the pavement or not for a quick jog, I certainly enjoy every last bite of deliciousness around here.
When I say the feast started early, what I mean is a sweet friend of the ministry, who also happens to do all of our printing for Tuesday night Bible study (which starts in a little over eight weeks here…egads!), sent us one of our all time favorite pies.
What kind of pie, you might ask? The Brazos Pecan Pie that comes presented in the most fabulous wooden box from Goode Company. Goode Co. is a chain of all sorts of restaurants ranging from hamburgers and seafood, but they’re mainly known for their BBQ, and rightfully so. And they happen to make the world’s most delicious Pecan Pie.
“A decadent balance of sweet and savory” is how they sum it up on their website. Perfection if you ask me!
When I say we devoured the pie last week, I mean that in every sense of the word.
Allow me to share a visual with you.
Devoured. (And, for the record, this picture is as is, no filter.)
We may or may not have topped it off with a little whip crème.
If only we’d of had a little Blue Bell Vanilla Ice Cream lying around.
(Y’all, I’m salivating right now.)
Last year for Thanksgiving, LPM graciously gifted each staff member with a pie and when I walked in with that little wooden box to my house, you would have thought I walked in with a little Blue Tiffany’s box with diamonds inside. My family knew what the treat they were in for.
(Random Side Note: A couple years ago, my dad made a Mandolin out of said box. It’s true. I’m still impressed.)
Here is a picture of my pie from last year. It was too pretty not to photograph! This is what you’ll be receiving, for real. And believe me, it tastes as good as it looks!
Because the pie is something we all love so much, we decided for the Thanksgiving holiday to share the love with you (and your Thanksgiving table), our Siestas. It feels like the perfect giveaway, does it not?
If we could gift one to everybody, you know we would, but we’re going to give away TWENTY pies! Woohoo!
If you feel so inclined, I have one question for you: I respect those of you who pull out Christmas long before Thanksgiving rolls around, by I personally can only deal with one holiday at a time. I’m all for listening to Christmas music the day of Thanksgiving while decorating the day after. It just feels like a natural progression to me. Plus, there’s something to be said about Thanksgiving and just slowing down to enjoy the day without the hustle and bustle of shopping and wrapping presents.
When the pendulum swings, which side do you land on?
No judgment to those of you that put up your Christmas tree in September. To you I say, to each its own.
Okay, ready, set, let’s here from you! Your name and email address would be so helpful.
I’ll leave comments open for a little over 24 hours and close them tomorrow (Tuesday) at noon.
We’re SO thankful for you, Siestas. We thank God for you AND we get excited when we talk about you, which is every single day!
Happy Monday!
Seattle, WA
I love to start listening to Christmas music right AFTER Thanksgiving. My tree usually goes up the first weekend in December (can’t do it earlier as I don’t want my real tree to be too dry before Christmas comes.) Thank you for gifting us with such an awesome giveaway!
Hello. I am normally a solid “after Thanksgiving” person. However, I was blessed with a baby Sept. 20th and am returning to work the Monday after Thanksgiving. So, I am attempting to cram all Christmas prep before my own working Mommy D day. Somehow I think it will be easier to return to work if I have Christmas largely complete. A delicious pie may help soften the return to work blow.
That pie looks delicious!!! I just love Thanksgiving-giving thanks, family, favorite foods, football,etc. I want to savor every single moment. Christmas decorations, music, gift wrapping, etc. are saved for December.
We decorate for Christmas on Thanksgiving! So…not sure what side we land on as the decorating usually finishedls befor the thanksgiving dinner starts!!
I love Christmas but I also love Thanksgiving, which my Daddy used to consider just as sacred! As I get older and especially now that we don’t have any little ones around, I find that the decorations are less important or maybe just not as much fun to put out. Surely some of you can relate?
That being said I do start thinking about Christmas as soon as cooler weather arrives even if my decorations don’t go up until December. And the music of Christmas – well that knows no season. I sing it or hum it all year long!
This girl will chair dance at work with an ipod full of Christmas music all year long. I love the praise in Christmas music. But we decorate for one holiday at a time. Gotta count your many blessings then deck the halls.
One holiday at a time. Need to enjoy each in its own special way. Grandkids love watching “Home Alone”
Love to hear them laugh as the bad guys are “done in” by a very resourceful kid.
Thanks for a chance to win that pie that looks so delicious….Happy Thanksgiving
One pie at a time, one bite at a time, one holiday at a time, please!
One at a time for me. My husband’s birthday is December 8 so we usually waited to celebrate that before starting in on Christmas too. As missionaries in Japan Christmas time is one of our busiest times of sharing the good news of Jesus’ birth. It helped me keep a little bit saner by intentionally spacing out all the holidays in our family. We would never win any ribbons for the way we “do” Christmas in our little house, but we definitely work at keeping Jesus in the center.
I truly miss the peace following Thanksgiving dinner. My kids now race to see who can get what first or for the cheapest. My husband and I will sit quietly in our home and enjoy the quiet and watch TV!
I definitely believe in one holiday at a time. Thanksgiving is so special and often gets overlooked. But, the pilgrims knew that even though their situation that first year was far from perfect, they could thank God in all things.
Praising Him!
Not me! I begin decorating for Christmas on November 1st!!! It only adds to our Thanksgiving celebration!!!
The Day after Thanksgiving. However, I may start a little early this year. My “baby” is being stationed far, far away for the first time, leaving Dec 3rd. So, I may decorate for Thanksgiving, as he will be home visiting before he leaves. Merry Thanksgiving and Joyful Christmas to YOU ALL!!
One day at a time, ten minutes at a time, one holiday at a time
This is my first time ever experiencing our Christmas tree up before Thanksgiving. I must say I am truly enjoying it! I love the sense of accomplishment that goes along with it being done, especially since I am a procrastinator at heart. We replaced our tree and bought all new trimmings last week. We are going to be out of town for Thanksgiving this year, so we decided to go ahead and put it up. Thankfully my husband was on board and was just as excited as me! It looks beautiful! We may have just started a new tradition.
I wont due Christmas until after Thanksgiving but right after Christmas I am done and are ready to put my house back.
Well, I guess I’m the Lone Ranger, err um, siesta. I have already started my Christmas decorating. I mean, is it ever too early to celebrate the birth of our Savior? (That’s my story and I’m sticking to it) merry thanksgiving y’all!
I like celebrating the holidays closest to the said date!
Monica R.
I love natural progressions-one holiday at a time for me!
One holiday at a time. And even thogh the tree goes up after thanksgiving! we don’t decorate the trees with ornaments until Christmas Eve.
Normally I like to celebrate one holiday at a time. Thanksgiving has always been my favorite holiday and since having my son it’s even more special because sometimes it falls on his birthday. This year, however, I’m expecting baby #3 on Feb. 1 and feel I have to get into Christmas mode early to try to get that shopping and decorating out of the way so I can relax a bit!
One holiday at a time!
I’ve been known to play Christmas music in July, but the decorating doesn’t happen until after Thanksgiving.
Hope y’all have a very Happy Thanksgiving!!
One holiday at a time. Decorating for Christmas is done the Saturday after with music and hot chocolate. Then we settle in for one of the Christmas movies.
I love the separate-ness of the 2 holidays, and pecan pie is one of the food groups for my family at Thanksgiving!
I love Thanksgiving and there are no Christmas decorations up until after that day! They start going up that weekend but not a day before. My favorite pie is pecan and this sounds divine!!
I’m a pretty good judge of pecan pies and can bake a pretty mean one myself! I’d love to try your pick! And, oh yes, absolutely no Christmas until AFTER Thanksgiving –then bring it on!
Thanksgiving is such a special time to reflect on the year’s blessings! We at the Smith household, have a strict adherance to the “Christmas after Thanksgiving” rule! I want my darlings to focus on what God has done before they get swept away in the “I wants!” Thanks for this blog; it’s one of my blessings!!
I usually put up my tree Thanksgiving weekend. I enjoy one holiday at a time. This year will be so different! I am visiting my children and grands in Israel and will celebrate Thanksgiving and Hanukkah with them in Jerusalem! What joy! Needless to say, the tree will go up a little late this year, but all the little hugs and kisses will be worth it.
I am always putting my tree up middle of December, even though I love Christmas. I just wish I had an elf who could come and take it all down and put it away for me. This year I am doing Christmas differently. I want to see and feel Christmas this year. I will be putting up my Christmas tree on the last day of November this year. On December 1 I will begin reading “The Greatest Gift” each and every day and putting up ornaments on my Jesse tree. Only the lights on the tree will be the only other decorations. Every day one more ornament will go up!! I have never been so excited or have anticipated Christmas more than this year. Blessings to the winner !! Thank you
Linsee, I would love to see a picture posted of that mandolin , if you have one.
Annette, I will see if I can get one!
Since we live in upstste NY, we put up our lights in November while the weather is still mild. The inside decor goes up the day after Thsnksgiving.
*Thanksgiving* Should have finished my coffee before trying to type.
Normally, we wait till after Thanksgiving, but this year, all of our kids and spouses are not going to be around at Thanksgiving. All of them WILL be home with us right after Christmas! This has never happened! 3 of the 4 couples have someone in ministry, so Christmas together on the actual eve or day never is a possibility. The couples live in LA, Nebraska, and Chicago. Their plans to be here immediately after Christmas combined with the death of my dad this year prompted my husband and I to start early. Plus here in Nebraska December can be very cold to hang lights, etc. Thankful for your ministry Beth and crew! God’s Word and your skills and gifts feed the soul! Although we love to eat here in Nebraska too.
I love to give each their due, enjoy each moment. The tree will go up on Friday after Thanksgiving. I love Thanksgiving because it slows me down and helps me to reflect on what Christmas is truly about.
Christmas begins in early November at our house. For years, I volunteered 40 hours a week for several weeks at our church decorating and preparing for The Living Christmas Tree performances our church gifted to the community. If our decorating at home wasn’t completed early, I wasn’t sure when it would get done. That tradition continues to this day, but the first lighting of our decorations always takes place Thanksgiving night.
I definitely enjoy just enjoying Thanksgiving day. We cook, eat, clean up, visit, and chill out with a full and thankful tummy. Christmas stuff does not happen til after Thanksgiving. I buy some Christmas gifts before, which seems less stressful, but wrapping and decorating fun begins the day after Thanksgiving.
I love Thanksgiving! I want to enjoy it right up to the last minute. I love pumpkins and fall colors. The weekend after Thanksgiving I start getting ready for Christmas. My husband loves pecan pie above all other pies! Would be so nice to try the one you are talking about! Have a blessed Thanksgiving!
I usually put my tree up the week of Thanksgiving. This year, I’m going to be away from home most of next week, so I’m starting tomorrow with Christmas decorating! I have 2 boys under 4, so I have to plan early to get things done!
The whole season really starts for me at the break of fall. Even though living in Florida our fall starts MUCH later and isn’t quite the same as it was when I was growing up in the north… even still there’s something about September that just brings up all the emotions, feelings & excitement of Thanksgiving and Christmas. So many wonderful childhood memories of family. As much as I love summer and the beach – there’s always a special place in my heart for fall and Thanksgiving & Christmas. Such awesome family times of the year and of course a time to reflect, be thankful & celebrate the birth of our Lord!
May you all be blessed at LPL this season!
The festivities begin the day after Christmas. The tree goes up after some Black Friday shopping!
Uh, I meant after thanksgiving.
Black Friday shopping, yo! Christmas tree that Sunday (cutting it down, of course) with all my siblings! And, Christmas music for a month, which my husband always gets so excited about…sarcasm intended…lol! Woot Woot…I love this time of year:)
One holiday at a time but I bargain shop all year long for Christmas. Happy Thanksgiving!
Danelle Jensen
I’ll decorate after Thanksgiving but my shopping is in full swing. In fact I was thinking of doing some wrapping later today!
I have a daughter who thinks Thanksgiving is sadly forgotten – Halloween decor up at the stores one day and onto Christmas the next – one holiday at a time for this Iowa family please!
I love the month of November and the attitude of thankfulness that it reminds me to have. I prefer to make that the priority until Thanksgiving Day. After that, the Christmas music rings throughout he house and the decorating, baking, shopping, gifting begins. As well as a Merry Christmas emphasis instead of happy holidays – so thankful for the Babe that came!
Decorations go up first thing Friday morning!
My family travels to my parents house for Thanksgiving every year and my 80 year old Daddy loves pecan pie! My Mom not physically able to bake anymore and I have tried and failed many times to recreate the famed pecan pie so….would be very thankful to win that beautiful pie for my Dad!
Hope everyone has a blessed Thanksgiving!
No Christmas anything until at least day after Thanksgiving. My family ate out one day a few weeks ago and the restaurant was playing Christmas music already. It was the beginning of Novemeber! I would love to try this pie. It sounds delicious.
We decorate one holiday at a time. We do start listening to Christmas music the day after Thanksgiving. There is just not enough time to get all the wonderful music in otherwise.
We don’t start Christmas until after Thanksgiving, but we are ready the day after. We enjoy Thansgiving so much. It is when our family truly visits with one another and reflects on all of our blessings. It is a great day!
No Christmas until Thanksgiving is over but then we go ALL OUT! The tree is bought the day after Thanksgiving and all decorating is finished by Sunday.