A Lot of Sweet and A Lot of Savory and a Little Giveaway

Ladies! Y’all are so fun. I just need you to know that when it comes to breaking out all things Christmas, most agree to wait until after Thanksgiving. (Again, no judgement to those that decorate in September. Huge grin.) But, without further ado, here are our 20 pie winners that won completely at random, thanks to random.org. (Also, you’ll see a number by a name, that is the number of your comment which helps identify the winner if there isn’t a first and last name!)

Drum roll please….

14 – Melissa Embry

20 – Mary Lou

36 – Margee

43 – Joanne Swanson

44 – Robin Ballew

73 – Debbie Whitman

110 – Pam T.

222 – Linda Bennett

268 – Amanda C.

305 – Bernadette

335 – Shannon

505 – Tammy Wong

529 – Caroline

589 – Robbie

661 – Landa

734 – Kathy

737 – Tonya Leiva

832 – Ellen Yopp

930 – Sister Lynn

986 – Michele Oates

Congrats, ladies! You’ll be getting an email from me ASAP so that I can get your mailing address! We are so pumped for you. Goodness awaits you, for sure!


*Comments are now closed, ladies! We’ll be back soon with our 20 winners!


I’m not sure if you’ve ever picked up a clue that we are serious about two things around here: Jesus and food.

Man does live on bread, just not bread alone. (I wish you could see the big grin on my face.)

Just last week the Holiday Feast started around the LPM office. A little early if you ask me, but ready or not, we’re about to be bombarded with all manner of treats, and you won’t here one peep or complaint from our lips. There comes a time at LPM when I get serious about my workout regimen, and that’s always around Christmas and Thanksgiving, but regardless if I hit the pavement or not for a quick jog, I certainly enjoy every last bite of deliciousness around here.

When I say the feast started early, what I mean is a sweet friend of the ministry, who also happens to do all of our printing for Tuesday night Bible study (which starts in a little over eight weeks here…egads!), sent us one of our all time favorite pies.

What kind of pie, you might ask? The Brazos Pecan Pie that comes presented in the most fabulous wooden box from Goode Company. Goode Co. is a chain of all sorts of restaurants ranging from hamburgers and seafood, but they’re mainly known for their BBQ, and rightfully so. And they happen to make the world’s most delicious Pecan Pie.

“A decadent balance of sweet and savory” is how they sum it up on their website. Perfection if you ask me!

When I say we devoured the pie last week, I mean that in every sense of the word.

Allow me to share a visual with you.

Devoured. (And, for the record, this picture is as is, no filter.)

We may or may not have topped it off with a little whip crème.

If only we’d of had a little Blue Bell Vanilla Ice Cream lying around.

(Y’all, I’m salivating right now.)

Last year for Thanksgiving, LPM graciously gifted each staff member with a pie and when I walked in with that little wooden box to my house, you would have thought I walked in with a little Blue Tiffany’s box with diamonds inside. My family knew what the treat they were in for.

(Random Side Note: A couple years ago, my dad made a Mandolin out of said box. It’s true. I’m still impressed.)

Here is a picture of my pie from last year. It was too pretty not to photograph! This is what you’ll be receiving, for real. And believe me, it tastes as good as it looks!

Because the pie is something we all love so much, we decided for the Thanksgiving holiday to share the love with you (and your Thanksgiving table), our Siestas. It feels like the perfect giveaway, does it not?

If we could gift one to everybody, you know we would, but we’re going to give away TWENTY pies! Woohoo!

If you feel so inclined, I have one question for you: I respect those of you who pull out Christmas long before Thanksgiving rolls around, by I personally can only deal with one holiday at a time. I’m all for listening to Christmas music the day of Thanksgiving while decorating the day after. It just feels like a natural progression to me. Plus, there’s something to be said about Thanksgiving and just slowing down to enjoy the day without the hustle and bustle of shopping and wrapping presents.

When the pendulum swings, which side do you land on?

No judgment to those of you that put up your Christmas tree in September. To you I say, to each its own.

Okay, ready, set, let’s here from you! Your name and email address would be so helpful.

I’ll leave comments open for a little over 24 hours and close them tomorrow (Tuesday) at noon.

We’re SO thankful for you, Siestas. We thank God for you AND we get excited when we talk about you, which is every single day!

Happy Monday!


1,027 Responses to “A Lot of Sweet and A Lot of Savory and a Little Giveaway”

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  1. 551
    Karen says:

    One holiday at a time, for sure. But it’s always been our tradition to share Christmas wishes while cleaning up the dishes from Thanksgiving dinner.

  2. 552
    Dawn Vaughn says:

    I never begin to put up Christmas until the day after Thanksgiving. We watch football games and I decorate. I may start a little earlier this year since I’m not hosting Thanksgiving and it comes so late. The decorations are already out of the crawl space and in the basement waiting, because my husband had shoulder surgery and we had to get the “important” things out before he was unable to help. So I’m on my own this year and it may take a little longer to get the house ready.

  3. 553
    Marie Sirk says:

    One holiday at a time for sure !

  4. 554
    Beth McBroom says:

    The Christmas decor comes out just after the Thanksgiving nap. But shopping has been going on for months. The pie looks so tasty! And the box sounds like a craft project waiting to happen.

  5. 555
    Betsy Bradshaw says:

    We always put our tree and decorations up right after Thanksgiving, either on the Friday (we don’t ever shop on Black Friday!) or on the Saturday. I can’t wait! One holiday at a time, I agree, so we can enjoy each to the max. We are usually overseas so having a special pecan pie this year while we are in the US would be awesome!

  6. 556
    Karen says:

    Decorating the day after Thanksgiving works best for us! We’re usually too full of turkey & trimmings the day of! Would love a pecan (not pee-can) pie to add to those trimmings. ;0)

  7. 557
    marcia wilson says:

    My youngest daughter keeps us focused on Thanksgiving before moving on to Christmas. One holiday at a time please.

  8. 558
    Vicki says:

    Thanksgiving comes first…then the christmas music and decor at our home. Although we have a ucut christmas tree business, so we have to set all that up and decorate before thanksgiving, because we open the Friday after!

  9. 559
    Patti McConville says:

    We always decorate the day AFTER Thanksgiving.

  10. 560
    Colette says:

    I live one day at a time so I am enjoying Fall right now. We love Thanksgiving and already cheated and had a Pumpkin pie!!! But I also have started shopping early so I can enjoy Christmas without being exhausted from work and all the parties and shopping! I am trying to keep it all balanced and focused on Jesus! I would be so thankful to win that delicious Pecan pie!!! 🙂

  11. 561
    Vicky D says:

    I like to wait for Christmas decorations till after Thanksgiving. I do start my Christmas shopping early though.

  12. 562
    Lisa S. says:

    My daughter tried to get me to put up the Christmas tree early this year but I just can’t do it. I do want to focus on Thanksgiving first. I hope to have the Christmas decorations up by the first weekend in December.

  13. 563
    Rachel says:

    This is the first year we have put up our tree before Thanksgiving for two reasons. Thanksgiving is late this year, and we are leaving on Dec. 20 to visit out-of-town family, which means if we waited until the weekend after Christmas to decorate (our typical time), we would only be able to enjoy our decor for three (quick) weeks before having to take it all down again!!

  14. 564
    Vicki Goode says:

    Thanksgiving is my favorite holiday since it’s the only one that my far-off kids can come home for. I used to go all out with Christmas decorating as soon as Thanksgiving was done, but this year my husband and I have decided not to fuss with all the decorating and give ourselves the gift of rest! Pecan pie is our absolute all-time favorite. (I wonder if we are related to the pie company people?)

  15. 565
    Sue Johnson says:

    Sue Johnson. I love to start Christmas the day after Thanksgiving. Can’t wait for the joy of Thanksgiving and I like to savor it.

  16. 566
    Lindsay Pugh says:

    It was a family tradition when I was a child to stay up latenight after all the Thanksgiving company had gone home and put up the Christmas tree. We always had a fire, Christmas music playing in the background and plenty of leftovers to snack on while we worked. Now that we are the host home for Thanksgiving, my husband and I have carried on the same tradition with our own children. I love it because I’m not only building tradition for my five children, but I’m remembering some of my favorite child hood memories as well. I always go to bed Thanksgiving night with an overflowing heart of joy.

  17. 567
    Kara says:

    We usually put up our tree the day after Halloween because we love Christmas so much, but this year we still haven’t put it up yet.

  18. 568
    Gail Reynolds says:

    Normally, the tree comes up the day after Thanksgiving. However, this year I have my three year old grandson coming to spend one night, the first week of December and he loves decorating Christmas trees and eating cookies that he decorates himself. We are having a Christmas open house for family and friends, so hopefully he does a good job and of course, we would love to have a pecan pie. Happy Thanksgiving!

  19. 569
    Dora Striemer says:

    I put my tree up and decorate the first weekend of December.

  20. 570
    Julie Blanchard says:

    Generally only one holiday at a time. BUT, this year, because of necessity, we are breaking out the Christmas trees during the week of Thanksgiving. The rest of the decor will come out the day after Thanksgiving.

  21. 571

    Most years, Christmas is saved for the minute Thanksgiving is over … but I must confess that when Thanksgiving falls at the very end of November, I have been known to start preparing for Jesus’ birthday ahead of time.

  22. 572
    Melissa says:

    Sometimes I feel like a Scrooge, especially since most of my family and friends are the opposite, but one holiday at a time is the only way I can handle this time of the year.

  23. 573
    Jan Cornelius says:

    Yes, indeed! One holiday at a time! Have to enjoy Thanksgiving and all the leftovers before jumping into Christmas. I even have a hard time doing Black Friday. That pecan pie would be a yummy addition to our Thanksgiving celebration with 19 family members present! Happy Thanksgiving to LPM staff!

  24. 574
    Momma Lisa says:

    We do one holiday at a time….and we like it like that.

  25. 575
    Twila Leadon says:

    One holiday at a time. For decades I didn’t put up a tree, but do other decor & most definitely lots of lights. Last year I purchased a snow flocked Christmas tree with lots of white lights & put real pine cones amongst the branches. Beautiful & simple. We do not exchange gifts with anyone even between my husband & me. We go to a restaurant to eat. Cards & letters every other year or so. Happy birthday, Jesus! And I’d love me some pecan pie! Merry Christmas, ya ‘all.

  26. 576
    Cindy Moses says:

    We actually start (with the tree) the first or second week of November. it takes a couple of weeks to really get it all up- not because there is a ton,  but just because of a very busy life. We LOVE Christmas time and when we wait until after Thanksgiving, we feel like we don’t have it long enough to enjoy it. My hubs is a youth minister so the calendar is pretty full with church stuff and kid stuff- ours and all the kids at church. even kids in junior high and high school have special events that keep him gone a LOT!

  27. 577
    Kristal says:

    Like many people, I Love Christmas, but I think Thanksgiving gets too overshadowed in our culture! We have SO much to be thankful for in this country and it’s a shame that we rush past the holiday to be thankful and on to the holiday where we get more stuff.
    Typically, we start listening to Christmas music the day after Thanksgiving. My kids and I decorate the house the day after Christmas and we all go get a tree shortly thereafter!
    I hope all of you have a great time of thanking The Lord for the good and the bad of the the past year and looking forward to the blessings God has for ya’ll this year! I threw that “ya’ll ” in there just for you since I’m from Wisconsin! ;0)

  28. 578
    Margie Rodriguez says:

    One holiday at a time is all this momma can handle!

  29. 579
    Jennifer Wamba Smith says:

    Definitely after Thanksgiving but not for a couple days. However, this year we have a shorter time between the two holidays so Christmas may come up on Friday.

  30. 580
    Valerie K says:

    Definitely celebrate one holiday at a time. Christmas season does not start until after thanksgiving. Then Christmas decorations begin to come down on the 26th since my birthday is the 27th. This displaced Texas girl would love to share some Texas pecan pie with friends. Love to all y’all.

  31. 581
    Sharon says:

    Our tradition ties back to decorating the first weekend in Dec. because we always picked our fresh tree right afte the company where my Dad was employed held their family party which fell on that weekend. I so miss the early Houston landmark Shamrock Hilton where those parties were held.

  32. 582
    Sue Muoio says:

    Can’t miss that day of nothing but Thanks ~ however, confession…Christmas music does begin by Halloween (just can’t help ourselves)…once in a while I hear my hubby listening to it in July even! Who can’t get thank-full listening to songs of Jesus coming 😉 Have a wonder-full Thanksgiving!

  33. 583
    Debbie Warted says:

    My brother could sure use one of those delicious looking pies. Four unemployed kids and one grand baby living with him.

  34. 584
    Heidi says:

    I start getting into the Christmas spirit in November. We go on a fun vacation for Thanksgiving since we are vegetarian or just odd 🙂 I decorate after Thanksgiving but have to listen to Christmas music before.

  35. 585
    Courtney says:

    I love each holiday and allow it to have it’s own spotlight so – I wait until the day after Thanksgiving to put up the Christmas decorations. But believe you me – Perry Como is playing loud for all to hear by 8am the next morning. I wake my children with it and thus begins the magical season of Christmas!

  36. 586
    Kim says:

    Fall is my all time favorite season. That being said , one holiday at a time. I savor every bit of Thanksgiving. No expectations , just relax and enjoy great food and company. World famous Texas pecan pie would be great dessert to boot!

  37. 587
    courtney says:

    And just to be helpful – as was requested – my email is [email protected], so now, really, anyone can send me a pie 😉

  38. 588
    Kathy Gerlach says:

    Kathy, [email protected], I prefer to decorate the week after Thanksgiving. I love this time of year, and like to enjoy each Holiday separately.

  39. 589
    Robbie says:

    Being a single mom my holidays were quite lonely my children went to their dads for the holidays. Sometimes holidays are tough.

  40. 590
    Amy in Hawaii says:

    Not that I’m complaining (really!) but it’s a bit of a challenge to get into the holiday spirit on an island w anything but holiday-ish weather. That being said, we usually wait to put Christmas officially out until the day after Turkey Day. Anyway, Happy Thanksgiving from a native Texan & when it’s ok to say it, “Mele Kalikimaka!” 😉

    Love, Aloha, & Mahalo Nui!!
    Amy in Hawaii
    [email protected]

  41. 591
    Sarah King says:

    Nothing Christmas until after Thanksgiving 🙂 except maybe a little shopping to get a head start!

  42. 592
    Rachel says:

    We put all of our Christmas decorations up before Thanksgiving! Then we can enjoy thanksgiving and not have to worry about putting up anymore decorations, because it’s all done 🙂 I love the holidays so much, I could celebrate year round!!!

  43. 593
    Linda Keller says:

    “Stranded” in Oregon since 1990 – need pecan pie!

  44. 594
    Paula says:

    Decorating the tree the weekend after Thanksgiving is a tradition in our household. This year we are overseas, and won’t return home till Christmas Day. I can’t wait to savor all the Southern food for the holidays, and I hope I win one of those pies! I can’t tell you how much I miss the little things we take for granted.

  45. 595
    Kathy Ericksen says:

    Always put up Christmas the day after Thanksgiving as I never go shopping on that day. This year because we are going out of town and Thanksgiving is so late actually considering putting it up before Thanksgiving! Love your ministry!

  46. 596
    Summer says:

    Ok first…I’m all about some pies!!!! I make all year long 😉

    One holiday at a time!! We setup Christmas Decor on Dec 1st and take down the 27th 😉

  47. 597
    Stacy says:

    One holiday at a time 🙂

  48. 598
    Dani Plourde says:

    DEFINITELY one holiday at a time!!! In fact, I take the wait one step further and do not start decorating for Christmas until Dec 10, the day after my son’s birthday!
    No picture of the box??? 😀

  49. 599
    Groovewoman says:

    We’re the same way, Lindsee… We want one holiday at a time. Thanksgiving first and then we start in on Christmas. We don’t go buy a tree until after Thanksgiving day. But this year, however, will be a little different for us. With me due to deliver our 2nd child just days before Christmas, we are thinking ahead to Christmas decorating. If we wait too long, either I’ll be too big & tired to get decor up, or this little guy might decide to appear early. So we have to prepare!! 🙂
    By the Way… Do you know how wrong it is to dangle a Pecan Pie like this in front of a Pregnant woman?? 😉

    Hollie (aka: Groovewoman)

  50. 600
    Debbie says:

    Debbie – Ringgold, Georgia
    We always celebrate one holiday at a time! All the grand kids can’t wait til Christmas though! Very thankful this year!