A Little Surprise and A Lot of Love

Hey, Sweet Things! Today is my first official day back to work after the James taping and the first thing I did, after hugging coworkers, was sit down and tape a video greeting to you. It takes a day or two to get it on Vimeo but we’ll have it up here on the blog just as soon as we can. It’s, of course, mostly ridiculous except to us Siestas so rein in your expectations. It’s just me saying hey to you after being away for so long and thanking you for your prayers. But as God would have it, I have another reason to hop on here today. I’ve been waiting for it to come in so that I could tell you about it and we literally just opened the box. Here it is:

It’s the brand new (workbook) So Long Insecurity Group Experience! Look really closely now:

Exactly right here:

Lean on in!

One more time!

This one’s for you, Siestas. It hits the shelves this coming week. I love you so dearly. We’ll do a giveaway soon but I couldn’t wait till then to show it to you. I’m not meaning to make a bigger deal out of it than it is but, Girlfriend, it’s big to me. Your Mama.





439 Responses to “A Little Surprise and A Lot of Love”

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  1. 101
    Sandra says:

    You are the way best Beth Moore, i love you
    In ways not defined on earth.
    You have taught me soooo much
    about Him…..and i love that you
    write just like you talk!!!

  2. 102

    Well I just think we should high five for that one. ๐Ÿ™‚

    Love you so very much, sweet Mama Beth.


  3. 103

    Oh how I am grateful to be a part of this precious Siesta-hood! Thank you for pouring God’s love over us so freely.

  4. 104
    karen lipford says:

    it’s big to us too beth, it’s big to us too.

  5. 105
    Luv2Praise says:


    I feel the same way about the siesta’s on this blog. How awesome to feel such a kinship with women most of whom we will never meet this side of heaven. Although some I have had the distinct pleasure of meeting, Georgia Jan, Deb, Amanda, Melissa, Travis Cottrell (our honorary Siesta) and last but not least you! What a blessing this LPM blog has been to me. Thank you for connecting with us in a way that shows us what heaven must be like. To be with like minded people giving praise and glory to our Savior and receiving many blessings along the journey. Thanks for all you and your staff do. With much love, Lori

  6. 106

    Thanks, Beth…for your faithfulness, passion, and leadership. Love ya!

  7. 107
    Peggy says:

    I enjoy this community very much. Thanks for including me even though I am a way up North here in Canada. I appreciate you all so much!

  8. 108
    Sue Jager says:

    I am new to the blogging world, I do not have a blog, but I enjoy others blogs so much, and how everyone is connected in some strange way. It’s funny how God connects people through the computer! I am excited about your new bible study, I have done several of yours and have been so blessed by your amazing insights, both historical and spiritual. Thank you for your service to the Lord, and stay encouraged that you don’t even realize how many lives you have touched, well, maybe you do. I am thankful that the Lord has used you to touch so many and I will be praying for His awesome work to continue through your bible study and teaching. God bless, Sue Jager

  9. 109
    Sarah Marion says:

    Loved the book and now can’t wait for the workbook! Insecurity is such a thief.
    So glad you are done with the taping of James because I am really looking forward to the study. I can hardly stand waiting for it. Blessings.

  10. 110
    Rebecca says:

    Needed the love in your post tonight. I am so thankful to be apart of this group of great Godly women. I’ m fed by God’ s word when I read posts and I feel loved by the encouragement. I’m looking forward to the new study. Thank you, Beth

  11. 111
    Heather Smith says:

    Sweet!! (in both the good old-fashioned way and the hip-modern way! :))
    Thank you for loving us and sharing life with us.
    It is such a privilege to all grow in Jesus together!

  12. 112
    Kristin says:

    You are so stinkin’ cute! Thank you for sharing this with us right away!

    God’s Best

  13. 113

    You are so good to us! That brought tears to my eyes! We all love you for all that you share with us in His name. God loves this little community as much as we all do. Thanks for being our sweet and smart Siesta Mama!

  14. 114
    Sandy says:

    This is a big deal to me. I just emailed tonight to ask about Siesta Summer Bible Study and got a quick reply from a staff member that you are busy finishing up the James homework, so. . .I was going to Daniel with some friends here. . .am trying to do a Celebrate Recovery Step Study, but having a hard time doing that now. I think this workbook to go with your great book might be just what I need! Maybe my daughter and I will be able to do it together this summer! Thank you so much!!! Looking so forward to James study also! Praying for you!

  15. 115
    Kels says:

    Awwwwweeee! How sweet, Mama Beth! Thank you for making us feel so special. I love you so much. I can’t wait to get my hands on the workbook. Did I tell you that my youngest daughter read “So Long Insecurity” while we were in Tennessee? I am sure she would embrace the workbook as well.

  16. 116
    Colette says:

    Oh I can’t wait!! This is so exciting!! I just love little surprises!! And Lots of Love back to you!!! Thank You Beth! And Thank you Jesus!!

  17. 117
    Ericka says:

    Girlfriend, that’s so awesome, I can’t wait for it. Your writing is a blessing to my life! Thank you so much! I have a close girlfriend named Ana, who I would love to start a study with, and pull in some other chicas. Sometimes I can’t make it to bible study because of work, school, baby girl, being a wife, BLAH BLAH = ) and I know other women who feel the same… I feel something stirring

  18. 118
    candifer says:

    aw mama beth, we missed you!

    i just have to tell you, i am in the middle of leading a high school young lady and a young lady ten years my senior ๐Ÿ™‚ through breaking free, and i am falling in love with Jesus all over again! i guess i didn’t know what to expect when i agreed to lead others in this study, but God is doing a mighty work in my life and i receive great joy in watching God working in the lives of the other two women as well! praise Him!!

    praying for much fruit through these newest studies

  19. 119
    Jesica says:

    I love reading this blog and have only posted once, maybe twice (well, except for the memory verses). Thank you Beth for writing this workbook. I just finished the book and absolutely loved LOVED LOVED it!! I cannot wait to tell my bible study girls tomorrow morning about this new work book. It is a big deal to us, as we are now working through Breaking Free. Beth Moore, you are such a faithful servant to God! Thank you for all that you do in the name of Jesus!

  20. 120
    Susan says:

    Beautiful and sweet! So thankful for the love here. An SLI workbook is exciting stuff!

  21. 121
    Katrina says:

    Aww! I’m so excited! Ever since I read “So Long Insecurity,” I’ve been wanting to go deeper with it, so this will be the perfect way! Thanks for all you do!! ๐Ÿ™‚

  22. 122
    Paula says:

    I’m thrilled that you have done a workbook to go along with the book—I can’t wait to get my hands on it.

    Studying with you has changed my life forever – not only do I know the Lord, but I really really know the Lord. Thanks for your wonderful ministry.

  23. 123
    christina says:

    Siesta Mama, You look quite lovely with your “I’ve got a surprise for you, girlies” face! And I said to myself and God “that’s it!” when I read your post. Been asking about what to do with a group of gals at my house this summer once our bible study ends. I LOVE James and Tennessee so I warred with a passion for you and the gals while in Nashville. Thanks, Mama!

  24. 124
    Martha says:

    Oh my.. how exciting!! You are so very precious to each of us!! This really is a special place!! love you lots!

    Martha in MS

  25. 125
    Chesney says:

    When you took us through each chapter before the SLI Simulcast I wrote down the questions each week so that I could take some girlfriends through the book someday…guess I can now use this book instead! Excited!

  26. 126

    ooooo! Siesta Mama, this is so exciting to be a part of. Blessed so much by the women in this community. Thank you Jesus for the days in which we live!

    I wanted to tell you too that after your tweet about baking pound cake for Sunday, I got the biggest hankering for some. I pulled out my SIESTA Cookbook and made that Aunt Bea’s recipe with my kids this afternoon. So delicious! ๐Ÿ™‚

    much love tonight from Fullerton!!!

  27. 127
    theharbormom says:

    What an honor! Thank you. Welcome back from your James taping. We loved partnering with you in prayer. I pray a blessing on that workbook and those who work it to find their identity in Christ.

  28. 128
    Pamela says:

    Oh I have been trying to figure what study to do this summer with my (2)20-something daughters as they do not want to commit to a group study. This may be perfect in my living with just them and me! Thank=you so much Beth you are a truly annointed teacher of the Word. Thank-you Mama!!!

  29. 129
    Rachel says:

    How exciting!!!! You are amazing Mama Beth! Thank you for your love, support and guidance for us as we travel these paths together. Love to you!

  30. 130
    Lori says:

    Super pumped! Can’t wait for it to come out. I for one will be working it. Thanks, Mama Beth!!!! Jesus loves you and so do I!

  31. 131
    Tracey Knight says:

    “Pray with me that many sisters will discover the only true Security amid these pages.” May it be so, Lord!

    Beth, thanks for your sweet heart & for speaking Truth into our lives through SLI. I’m going for round two this summer. Love you!!!

  32. 132
    Emily says:

    Woo hoo! I’m so excited about this workbook, Mama Beth, because the “So Long, Insecurity” book had such a huge impact on me. God has used the words in that book in my journey towards believing who I am IN His SON and that HE gives me strength and dignity!

    I must admit (a bit sheepishly) that I saw your post and was hoping it might be about your bible study recommendation for a summer bible study! My girlfriends and I have enjoyed the past studies you’ve recommended so much! (Me, Myself and Lies, Ruth and No Other Gods by Kelly Minter)

    Please feel no pressure but only love and gratefulness for your leadership and commitment to this group of Siestas. So thrilled that God did great things during your James tapings! Can’t wait to participate in that study in the future, God willing.

    With Love,

  33. 133
    elaine says:

    mama Beth…
    that is too cool!!!!!! i’ve never had a book dedicated to me before… and I probably never will again!!!!!!! thanks for making our day!

  34. 134
    Joni says:

    That is just so sweet! You are too much! Today was my birthday, and this just put the icing on the cake for me! Love you dearly! ๐Ÿ™‚

  35. 135

    ๐Ÿ™‚ I love you, too! You are so amazing. You are an inspiration to us all.

  36. 136

    Just crazy excited about this, since God has used the words in this book to change and restore this part of my life~

  37. 137
    wpeplowski says:

    Wow what a coincidence. I had just pulled out my book to re-read. I started doing the discussion group all over again yesterday. I will get the workbook. Our ladies group at church doesn’t meet in the summer. I had decided to do this as my summer bible study. Maybe you will do this online? Please.

  38. 138
    sommer says:

    You are such an inspiration! Just finished reading So Long Insecurity and had a “God moment” 2 days later. My very dear uncle is on death’s doorstep. He hasn’t been a churchgoer and is preparing, spiritually, for his journey into the next world. Thankfully he is now a believer yet is insecure and needs reassurance about his salvation. Your suggestion to read Romans 10:9 – 13 was perfect timing for this situation. I praise God for you and the work He is doing through your ministry!

  39. 139
    all shall be well says:

    You are so sweet! Thank you so much for loving so well.
    karen ๐Ÿ™‚

  40. 140
    De'Anna says:

    You have no idea who I am, but I feel with that dedication you must have written this book for me. My life has been turmoil for the last several months… lost my job, my house and my marriage is challenging right now. Through it all, I have prayed the most for SECURITY. (and patience) ;D
    When everything feels like it’s crumbling, HE IS the very foundation that keeps me from being swallowed up.
    Thank you for showing me God’s love. He is an awesome God. Bless you Beth Moore, you are in my prayers.

    • 140.1
      Faith says:

      We know exactly who you are baby girl – we ARE you. We have all either been there or are there now. You hang in there. You are stronger then you know. This season WILL pass. Pray on!

  41. 141
    IndoMom says:

    WOW!! How exciting!! I am looking forward to seeing about getting that here in Indonesia! Fabulous topic – it’s amazing how insecurities can keep us from being God’s tool – even as a Kingdom worker living overseas!! A few women & I have been looking for a study to begin this fall!! I think we may have found it! :o) WOOHOO!!!

  42. 142
    Sandi says:

    Shoutin Glory…can’t wait to dig in with “my girls”! We’re a group of 7…been meeting for nearly 16 years…the youngest is 39 and the oldest is 62. We’re moms and grandmoms and even greatgrandmoms walking the journey together with you!

  43. 143
    Suzan, Beckley WV says:

    Our Bible study group prayed for your taping of the study. We love us some Jesus in WV. Thank you for sharing your life and heart with us. Thank you for letting our God work through you!!

  44. 144
    Kim says:

    I am thrilled about this! I am so excited just because it will be good, but something in my spirit tells me that God has even more for me than I can imagine with this one. Bless you Beth.

    Humbly His,

  45. 145
    Toni lizana says:

    Wow. When I first heard about the book “So Long Insecurity”, I assumed it was a study. I went to Lifeway looking for the study and found out it was “just” a book. I got it, of course, and enjoyed every minute of it – but I SOOOOO wished it was a study. Soon as it hits the shelves, I’m there!

  46. 146
    nlynch says:

    Yay!! So exciting….we love you too!
    I am so missing our Tuesday nights together at HFB!

  47. 147
    Jennifer Saputo says:

    Thank you for being you…..and for loving the Lord…and for loving US!!

  48. 148
    Maureen says:

    Oh how precious you are to me!! Doesn’t it just thrill you to know that…we’ve never ever met, but our hearts are drawn together by the Master!! What joy He and you are to me!! I am truly humbled and your inscription to us “Siestas” brought tears to my eyes. Have an amazing day in His Presence!! With love…

  49. 149
    Susan B. says:

    YAY!!!! I picked mine up yesterday at LifeWay. Can’t wait to dig into it!

    PS: Hope we are doing a Summer Siesta Bible Study!

  50. 150
    Allison C. Lee says:

    That’s too FUN!!!! I love this group:) Thanks Beth…prayed several days for you and the taping.

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