A Little Surprise and A Lot of Love

Hey, Sweet Things! Today is my first official day back to work after the James taping and the first thing I did, after hugging coworkers, was sit down and tape a video greeting to you. It takes a day or two to get it on Vimeo but we’ll have it up here on the blog just as soon as we can. It’s, of course, mostly ridiculous except to us Siestas so rein in your expectations. It’s just me saying hey to you after being away for so long and thanking you for your prayers. But as God would have it, I have another reason to hop on here today. I’ve been waiting for it to come in so that I could tell you about it and we literally just opened the box. Here it is:

It’s the brand new (workbook) So Long Insecurity Group Experience! Look really closely now:

Exactly right here:

Lean on in!

One more time!

This one’s for you, Siestas. It hits the shelves this coming week. I love you so dearly. We’ll do a giveaway soon but I couldn’t wait till then to show it to you. I’m not meaning to make a bigger deal out of it than it is but, Girlfriend, it’s big to me. Your Mama.





439 Responses to “A Little Surprise and A Lot of Love”

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  1. 1
    Kristin says:

    Yeah for the new workbook! God has used you in my life in ways too many to list. I love the dedication. When you mentioned the siestas in the book I showed my husband and said ” she’s talking about me!”
    I love you so much!

  2. 2
    Meghan says:

    Siesta Momma I love you in ways that don’t make sense either. It is all Jesus. He has gifted you with an ability to reach across screan and print in a way that is just not explainable. I love this blog community, and even though with 2 moves this year and baby number 2 on the way I have fallen off the scripture memory group, I still hop on that day and read scripture after scripture. What a blessing. Thanks for being you!

  3. 3
    Leah Malloy says:

    I have read the book and can’t wait for the workbook to get started. I am going to Deeper Still in Louisville next month and I can hardly keep still just thinking about it!!! Time just seems to drag when I think about it!! See you then!

  4. 4
    Mary from VA says:

    How exciting! So glad that you are back and of course, we love you too.

  5. 5
    Casey says:

    Feel so blessed that God led me here at one of the darkest seasons of my life. What an encouragement I have felt from all the Siestas…complete strangers, but sisters in Jesus! Praise Him!

  6. 6
    Cindy Love Childers says:

    Mama Beth,
    We are so proud of you! Thank you for pouring your heart and soul into the James study. I know that great things happened last week and we look forward to hearing all about it. Had you on my mind and heart all last week! You are so loved. Thank you for being such a Christ-centered life-changing mentor to me though we’ve never laid eyes on each other. (Hopefully we’ll meet in January at the Bible Memory Verse Weekend!) God is so amazing! Love, Cindy

  7. 7
    Holly Smith says:

    The idea of a workbook and group experience makes me feel insecure…am I am laughing about it. HA! Time to pull out ye olde book and re-read! 🙂

  8. 8
    Pam says:

    Welcome back Moma!!! You have been missed! Thank you for the workbook–you are an awesome woman of God and an inspiration to many. It is a big deal!!! Thank you and God bless you

  9. 9
    Shannon says:

    That’s so awesome! I’m in the middle of reading So Long Insecurity right now, and I’m so thankful that this book was made. xoxo

  10. 10
    Millie says:

    Hello Beth!

    So good to have you back. I have been praying for you and greatly anticipating this new workbook ever since I read So Long Insecurity. Can’t wait to share this with the girls at my church!

    It seems God is multiplying your talents and His blessings exponentially in this ministry.

    God bless,

    Millie, NC

  11. 11
    Michelle says:

    Dear Beth-

    I attended the So Long Insecurity Simulcast last April. I downloaded the 2 sessions and just finished listening to them. I started to feel like I was falling back into old patterns of insecurity!!! WOW, what a treat to have a workbook to do as a small group study!! I have been praying and asking the Lord what I should study this summer.
    Prayed for you and the taping last week. I know it must have been exhausting, BUT for the grace of God.
    Looking forward to seeing you in Minneapolis next week.

    God bless you and your sweet family for being His mouthpiece to all of us Siestas!

    XOXOXO Michelle

  12. 12
    Joyce Watson says:

    Oh my goodness, I don’t know whether to cry or hug your neck~I am so very, excited. I am so glad you have a Bible study on so along insecurity, it was one of my favorite books. Our church ladies will just flip out when they find out about this. We start Bible study this summer and what a wonderful, God-sent surprise!
    And oh, how sweet of you to mention all the Siesta Sisters!
    Beth, you are so dear to all of us also! in Christ

  13. 13
    Karen E says:

    Yeah, God!! It’s such fun participating in whatever God is doing. Thanks for sharing life with us, Beth!

  14. 14
    Megan Cunningham says:

    Ahhhh thanks, that is so cool never had a book dedicated to me before. Your so sweet. Love Love you to Beth!

  15. 15
    Nicole says:

    I have loved getting a little glimpse of what’s been going on through twitter, but I sure have missed you! I think about you so often. You are just so dear to me and one of the best “mamas” I have. I am so blessed by you!

  16. 16
    Melissa May says:

    Makes me just a little teary. I agree… it doesn’t make any sense except for God. : ) We love you too, Mama Beth!

  17. 17
    Joan says:

    Hey Mama Beth, WOW what an honor. We all love you like crazy too. You always make us feel SO important to you. Thank you for sharing with us about so many “normal” events that make us laugh, cry and get down on our knees to thank our Jesus for. Joan in Michigan

  18. 18
    Sarah says:

    Dear Beth,

    I enjoy reading your posts. They often make me laugh. You bring so much joy to my friend in Malawi that it makes you more precious to me for her sake! Thank you.

  19. 19
    Sister Lynn says:

    My dearest Beth,

    “I love you in ways that don’t even make sense..”
    This is SO true. I have a very soft spot in my heart for this blog community. It has been such an inspiration to me. My Siestas (and a few Miestas!)encourage me to walk the walk as we talk the talk.
    Reminds me of this message I saw on a greeting card once:
    “We get up, we walk, we fall down we get up, we walk, we fall down, we get up …and all the while we keep dancing”

    My love to each and all!! Sister Lynn

  20. 20

    What a joy to see your smiling face after such a grueling week. We certainly prayed daily for you, that God would continue to show His glory through you, that you would speak truth boldly (as only James can do), that you would feel the approval of our Jesus.

    And the dedication? Icing on the cake. This one, we celebrate in heaven.

  21. 21
    Bridget (Strong Butterfly) says:

    yeaaaa, that is so fantastic- the dedication and the workbook version! I loved the book and have a Scripture Memory series from it – Prov 31:25, Psalm 112:7-8; 1 Peter 3:3-4, Proverbs 3:36 and others – which I DO recite in my heart when the temptation arises to cower in fear or back down emotionally. Jesus IS my Security!
    Love you too Siesta Mama!

    • 21.1
      Charlotte in Arkansas says:

      Thanks for the scripture references.

      • Bridget (Strong Butterfly) says:

        Hi Charlotte- thanks for reply – it’s a joy to see the Word being ‘passed around’! Blessings to you in whatever God is doing in your heart Siesta 🙂

  22. 22
    Sonya says:

    Hope the book does well. Looking forward to reading it!

  23. 23
    Deb Weaver says:

    Welcome back! How exciting about the new workbook! Love the dedication! Love and appreciation right back at’cha!

  24. 24
    bethany says:

    That’s awesome Beth! We love u here in this blog community as much as u love us. Can’t wait to do the workbook.

    • 24.1
      Elisabeth says:

      Well, look at that! Our comments are right next to each other this time! Hi, friend. How ARE you? Are things smoothing out with the recent changes? And how are your SSMT verses coming? I’m really struggling to keep up. This is very hard!!! Amazing. But hard:)

  25. 25
    Elisabeth says:

    Okay. U should warn us when you’re gonna post something like this. I read it on my break at work. I cried. Try explaining Siestaville to professionals in a secular work world. My co-workers are now convinced I’m completely nuts!!!
    I LOOOOOOVE you!!!!
    P.S. did u get the movie I sent you?;)

  26. 26
    CJ says:

    So sweet, brought tears to my eyes. Congratulations on another great book. 😀

  27. 27
    Heather M. says:

    I’m so excited to see this!! We have used the book in class before for study but it will be so much more personal with a study guide. Many ladies in our church have been touched by this book.

    Thank you,
    Heather M.
    Vickburg, Mi

  28. 28
    Margie by the Sea says:

    Love it, Beth!
    It’s big to us too! What an honor. Thank you for holding us close to your heart. Being a part of the Siesta community is an important to all of us.
    I am also super excited and praise God that the James taping went so well. That puts us one step closer to being able to study the Book of James with you, and we’ve been excited about it ever since we heard.
    God bless you.

  29. 29
    aussie monica says:

    you inspire us, Beth!!!

  30. 30
    Erin says:

    Beth, I adore you! You are PRECIOUS beyond words! I LOVE YOUR HEART FOR JESUS!!!! Just started the David study last week…love.it. Love you!

  31. 31
    Evang says:

    Thank you for your book. My insecurity is so great that I daily battle with whether or not to keep going with this life. It is a struggle, so I appreciate your words. Maybe one day, God will bring real healing into my life. I am praying for it.

  32. 32
    Tiffany Morse says:

    This is so precious to me! Blessing to you!

  33. 33
    Sharon Meekins says:

    Sending much love and hugs to you, Mama Beth! xoxo

  34. 34
    FloridaLizzie says:

    Ah, thanks! That book changed my life! I have a sign in my closet now to remind me every day that “I am clothed in strength and dignity!” Thank you so much for making a study guide, because the group I do Bible study with will just love it. Is there going to be a DVD with it?

    • 34.1
      Diana A. says:

      I love the idea of having the scripture in your closet!
      How perfect a reminder!
      Great use of focusing daily on our Provider 🙂

  35. 35
    Lyndsay says:

    Beth, love ya, girlfriend! I appreciate your love and affirmation so much…though we will probably never meet this side of heaven, please know that you have had and continue to have a big impact on my life and I pray for you when I think of you. Love to you!

  36. 36
    Becky in Indy says:

    Oh!!! I can’t wait! Thanks for putting together a workbook for this….

  37. 37
    Kim says:

    Siestas!!!! We are FAMOUS!!

    • 37.1
      Michele says:

      Yes! Do you think Beth will ask us to autograph it for her? haha

      • Elisabeth says:

        Hahahaha!!! I just got a vision of Beth running into a Siesta at a Starbucks or during a Living Proof Live & whipping that book out for an autograph. It IS totally something she would do. TOTALLY. Hahahahahahahahahahahahahaha !
        Love this community so very, very much. I just have an overwhelming desire to hug every last Siesta right now

  38. 38
    April Nicole says:

    :O) SO COOL

  39. 39
    Kelli says:

    Hot diggity dog!! I can’t wait until I can get my meaty fingers on this one. I read the book and went to the video simulcast and was hoping beyond hope that someday you would put together a notebook or study guide to help really hit home the theme of this book. I can’t wait to share it with some of my friends and dive in head first.

    Thanks for the exciting news!
    Kelli in Colorado

  40. 40

    Yay! I’ve already done this book once and had the amazing experience of going through the book with the ladies here on the blog I can’t wait for the workbook. Going to have to add this to my list of bible studies to do this year 🙂

  41. 41
    Fran says:

    Well, my goodness Mama Beth…I got tears in my eyes!!! You know how much we all love you don’t you?? I mean…you have shown me Jesus! YOU introduced me to a real live Jesus and I won’t ever forget that and I’m beyond grateful that you brought Him and His Word to life for me!! I love you. I love Him more. I truly love this community!

    We love this ride with you. Thank you for taking us along.
    Big big hugs!!!

  42. 42
    Beth says:

    We LOVE you, sweet Mama Beth!!! Can’t wait 🙂 Thank you!

    Oh Lord, You are(our)God; I will exalt you and praise Your name, for in perfect faithfulness you have done MARVELOUS things, things planned long ago. Is. 25:1 NIV

  43. 43
    Amy says:

    That’s so cool!

  44. 44
    Kathy says:

    God Bless You!

  45. 45
    Janice from AL says:

    Beth, You have been such a huge part of my life for the last 15 years or maybe longer. I am really not much of a social neworker, but I love this community. Thank you for dedicating this new workbook to the Siestas. I can not wait to do it. I do much better with a workbook rather than reading a spiritual book for some reason. Oh boy! This is huge.

    I am excited.


  46. 46
    Rosie says:

    Beth you look so happy, how exciting! I remember doing the study with the Siestas and it was very encouraging. I can’t wait to do it in a small group. Thanks for the sweet dedication. Looking forward to the study on James too, I love that book.
    God is so good, I am glad he gives you the energy to do all these things. Thank You for all the hard work you do I truly mean that!!!


  47. 47
    Angie says:

    I can hardly wait.

  48. 48
    Lisa says:

    Beth, I am so thankful for you!What a blessing that we feel like we know you through this wonderful opportunity you allows us to share in. I am so inspired by the women on this blog, and thank God for each of you out there!
    I look forward to all of your new releases, they Never disappoint!
    In Christ,

  49. 49
    lavonda says:

    I love it! and love you too Mama Beth. Thanks for always being so kind.

  50. 50

    Ya’ll, I’ve been out of town for over two weeks and I felt just yucky because I missed my SSMT entry on the 1st, but I return to THIS!!! It made me so happy that you’re back, Beth.

    It really is completely unexplainable how much this community, you and your whole family and staff mean to me. I woke up the other morning, and as I was saying my prayers Amanda and her family came to mind and I have to say it was a little weird to be praying for someone I’ve never met that isn’t a missionary or a specific prayer request through church, friends, etc…and really feel like I was praying for someone I “know”, even though I do not. But, there it was! I just love this whole community of believers and sisters so much. Thank you for dedicating your workbook to us, Beth.

    So many blessings sent to each of you, Kristi 🙂

    • 50.1
      singingkate says:

      I am a “newbie” to this sight. I actually “Googled” you hoping to find an address I could snail mail you a letter. Low and behold I find this blog with many other lovely ladies…what a neat surprise!

      I hesitate to literally write to you due to the fact I am so NOT a writer and you most definitely are! I have felt the urge to do this for sometime so, regardless of my hesitancy, I am going to be obedient to the “still small voice” within!

      I read your book “So Long Insecurity” last summer. One of the quotes on the book jacket reads: “You saw this book and immediately picked it up because it had the word ‘insecurity’ on it”… That’s me! I am the poster child for insecurity…REALLY!!! After reading this book, for the first time IN MY LIFE, I know whose I am: A child of the King of Kings, and I know who I am: His princess! WOW!!

      To say “thank you” seems so utterly inadequate. Please believe the deep sincerity that accompanies the words. Thank you Miss Beth! Thank you for allowing God to use you in such a mighty way. Thank you for sharing your gift(s) with the world. Thank you for sharing your knowledge and passion for God AND His Holy Word. God has ministered to me through you countless times!

      And imagine my surprise when I get to this blog and see there will be a workbook companion releasing soon. It absolutely could not have come at a better time. As a matter of fact, I got out my “Insecurity” book the other day because I needed some reminding of things said and scriptures mentioned. Isn’t it just amazing how good He is and how He is perfectly aware of ALL our needs…even down to giving and showing aids to help remind me of who I am. I’m reminded of a song chorus “Oh how He loves us, so. He loves us, so”!

      Now that I know this is here, you and your friends may hear from me again! If I never see or meet you on this side of Heaven, I sincerely look forward to it after my arrival in Glory!


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