Just Wondering What You’re Up To

Hey, Darling Things!

I’m working from home today and thought I’d take a little break and let my study-brain relax a minute and tune my heart into Siestaville. Let me tell you how proud I am of you for clocking in with the same general number of 2nd verses as you did your first verses. The hard part is not the start. It’s pressing on all the way through the year to the finish. But, then, like all runners that make it across that beautiful line, we get to celebrate a huge victory that only comes to those who sweat it out. We give all praise and glory to our empowering, sustaining God and sit back for a reflective moment, take a deep breath, and feel His glorious good pleasure. Community will become more and more essential as we realize that, without making a public commitment and running the race beside a host of others in this Scripture memory marathon, we’ll probably fizzle out. There is no doubt in my mind that we’re more successful at this together than we are separately. It’s God’s way.

Yesterday was a really fun day at LPM. I already put this on Twitter but it took about a half a dozen of our staff members to put together additional shelves for the books Melissa has acquired since she last worked within the ministry office.

I have promised Melissa my library when God takes me Home, but if she keeps this up at this rate for the next fifteen years, she’s going to pass me by and I’m going to leave mine to Curtis. (That threat won’t mean much to you but it will get Melissa and her dear brother-in-law  sparring again over who gets the books which, in turn, gives me a great laugh.) Amanda has been promised other things like what sits on my left hand. But I might spite them all and live a really long time…with colored hair and firm foundations (and I don’t mean the latter in the religious sense. Or the former for that matter. I cannot find hair color in the Scriptures unless I get to count head coverings which, to me, is not unreasonable. In that way and others like unto it, I am a very submissive woman).We’ll see how that pans out. (The timing of my demise not my hair color.)

The other really cool thing we did yesterday at LPM was preview the movie Courageous. It’s the new movie by the people that gave us “Face the Giants” and it comes out in September. (www.courageousthemovie.com) I will remind you guys about it when the release day gets closer but I can’t wait till then to tell you about it. Sisters, it was so good. I don’t want to give away the story line but I can’t quit thinking about it. They have done such a magnificent job with it. We honestly laughed out loud and cried and cheered. I can hardly wait until it comes out. I think God has something far beyond good, solid family entertainment for this film. I’ve told you guys before that, after retiring from the Army, my daddy ran movie theaters so I love few things on this earth more than good movies and great popcorn. (Yes, we popped corn yesterday. And I ate mine with a Starbucks instead of a coke which was an odd pairing and one I might not venture to combine next time.) The primary message of Courageous is targeted to our men who we all know are also targeted by our very vicious enemy. I really believe I can tell you in advance that the guys in your life will love the movie. Mine will and he’s not easy to please. Courageous scores very low on the cheese factor which we know drives most guys crazy about any form of Christian entertainment or encouragement. I dare say that we may be a tad cheesy in Siestaville but we try to keep our Velveeta loaded with jalapenos.

Lastly, I’ll tell you that we started our January Bible study on Tuesday night with one of the best groups God has ever brought our way. We were flabbergasted. May He be greatly praised and glorified in that sweet sanctuary where He’s met with some of His people so many times. We’ll be talking on here about meeting on Tuesdays but we won’t be talking on here about the material because I’ve established a gag order. Laughing. The on-site participants are previewing a (very little) bit of homework so that their experience will be richer but, for copyright’s sake and for future publishing, we’re going to keep it and the session materials low key. It’s not that we’re hiding something. It’s that it’s just a long way from being finished. I also don’t want hype. Ick. Even well meaning hype from those who are sweetly biased. I just want to study Scripture as God presents it to us in His own good time and His own good way. I won’t actually do the LifeWay taping for this series until late April when we do it with a studio audience and I’ll still write through most of the summer. I am reluctant to keep bringing up the series on here because I don’t want to build it all up in anybody’s mind. A curriculum that speaks to one person can hit another person cold. How this turns out is all up to the Holy Spirit but what I can tell you in advance is that, God willing, we will do our best to know that brief Book of the Bible by the time we’re done.  Whether anybody will actually “like” it or not is up for grabs. James isn’t necessarily a party bus.

Well, I’ve had about as much of a break as I can afford today. You’re on my mind every day and I pray for you often.

Oh, and this is one reason I got on here today! You know what we’re doing to stay in the Word this early 2011 but what are each of you doing? (Besides memorizing!) Tell me what you’re studying right now!

I love you guys.


1,563 Responses to “Just Wondering What You’re Up To”

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  1. 401
    Lexi says:

    Mother to four girls, and a homeschooling mother at that. A friend suggested after Christmas to break up schooling with a unit study. With our oldest’s, 9 and 7, almost 8 year young lil ladies, we are doing your Esther Bible study. It’s a little above their heads…. but they LOVE the story of Esther. I cannot tell you how excited they get to look up scripture in their bible’s… delights my heart:) We constantly say pretty is as pretty does, and true beauty resides in the heart… studying Esther has pushed that through to them, even more! PTL!
    Btw: They adore you on the weekly dvd’s!!! They said you are cute and little.

    Thank you for your obedience to the Lord.
    because of Jesus,

  2. 402
    Jana says:

    Hi girls,
    Is there any thought to creating a button to add to my blog about the SSMT? I am already listing the verses that I am memorizing, but would love to have the SSMT banner…
    Thanks, Jana

  3. 403

    Well, we recenly moved to a new state and a new house it’s been one month. We started a small group at our home, which meets on Thursday’s. We are excited to dive in. We have actually been reaching out to the neighbors, hoping that we can get more to come. We have 8 people already. Our hope is that they will get involved in a Church and totally surrender.(It would be nice if they joined our church family)

    I am actually doing 90 days with Paul, day 20. I love the 90 days lessons. These help me to totally dive in. I love getting up early in the morning before everyone wakes to spend time with my Daddy. Thank you for all that you do and for encouraging me!

  4. 404
    Robyn Cooper says:

    Priscilla Shirer: One in a Million at Tuesday night Ladies Bible Study
    The Book of Hebrews: (taught by my wonderful husband of 33 years) on Sunday mornings in church

  5. 405
    Lu says:

    Studying “The Power of A Woman’s Words” by Sharon Jaynes, Wednesday mornings in Cary, NC.

  6. 406
    Sarah Marion says:

    We just started David, Seeking a Heart Like His. We are enjoying the company and accountability of about fifty other ladies in a study group at our church.

  7. 407
    Jana says:

    Oh, and so sorry!!! THe Mom Bible Study that I am in is doing the Annointed, Transformed, Redeemed study!!! LOVE LOVE LOVE it!

  8. 408
    Alicia says:

    90 Days with Paul and so many days have been exactly what I needed. God’s funny like that, huh?

  9. 409
    Brenda Johnson says:

    I am doing one of the most challenging studies I have ever done…I am doing Kay Arthur’s Precept study of Revelation. I did part 3 the end of last year and now am doing part 4. Wow, it is mind blowing to say the least, and I am loving it.

  10. 410
    Launa Strickland says:

    Our Tuesday night group finished “Faithful, Abundant, True” this week (LOVED IT!!!!) and we are starting “The Purpose Driven Life” Feb. 1st. Also, personally trying to read through the entire Bible this year. God bless us everyone!

  11. 411

    We’re Blogging Through The Bible at my blog. A few of my friends and I are reading through the Scriptures 3 chapters a day throughout the year. Then we write a post or comment about our week’s reading on Mondays. It’s been fun so far. I’ve met knew and old friends on the tissue-paper pages of Scripture and we are rediscovering the wonder of Genesis and Exodus together. It’s a sweet time.

    I am also doing our 20/20 devotionals and Bible study with our church which is Ps. Robert’s sermon series about God’s vision for our lives.

    I sense God is up to something big. Thanks for asking, BETH!

  12. 412
    Karen Wondercheck says:

    I have been listening to “Battlefield of the Mind”, and reading Isaiah as we homeschool, along with J. Vernon Mc Gee’s commentary, love it! We are reading a historical fiction series by Lynn Austin that goes perfect with Isaiah, it’s the Chronicles of the King series. I am really relating to some of Hezekiah’s struggles, he has always fascinated me and I love reading how things may have been like for him.

    I am considering doing the Revelation study with some friends, I miss being in a study when I am not in it, even though it does free up some time! Bible study is always time well spent. I miss the homework when I am not in a study!

    Still meditating on my verse: Search me God and know my heart. Test me and know my anxious thoughts. See if there is any offensive way in me and lead me in the way everlasting.

    God has been so faithful to prompt me when I am starting to get anxious, with this verse I think I am catching it at least a little earlier! Striving to keep my thoughts on HIM in the midst of all of life’s distractions.

    In HIM,

    Karen from AZ

  13. 413
    Carrie says:

    Getting ready to start BREAKING FREE study here at my home with about 7 other girls. We cannot wait! It seems like a lot of discouragement, and other things have been coming my way in the lead up to this so I KNOW and am praying that God will use it in a MIGHTY way in all of our lives!

  14. 414

    Breaking Free, Elijah House II, bible in 90 days re-read, this time looking for God’s direct promises and memorizing every single one, teaching k-12 in the public school system, trust me it’s mission work, childrens church, inner-city kids ministy, mentoring a recovering drug/alcohol addict, intercessory prayer for family/church, k-12 teaching credentials at William and Mary or Mary Baldwin this summer, preparing to do mission work in the Sudan this fall…teaching kids of course.

  15. 415
    Jennifer Baker says:

    We just started the newly updated David! Only a couple days in and can’t wait to dig even deeper. Also doing Step Studies at my church, The Village. It’s our version of Celebrate Recovery. God is SOOO good & praying for a deeper understanding but more importantly, a deeper love for our Lord & Saviour! May I have a heart like his!

    Much love!
    Highland Village, TX

  16. 416
    Denise says:

    Our Thursday mourning ladies bible study started Priscilla Shirer study Jonah life interrupted. We are loving it. Priscilla is a gifted teacher

  17. 417
    Kim says:

    I’m in 2 Bible studies, we’re doing Priscilla Shirer’s Jonah in one study and Beth’s Beloved Disciple in the other.I My Sunday School class is doing a study on Paul. On my own I am doing the Scripture memorization with the Siestas which is really going well and a surprise to me that I am really able to memorize these verses! Thanks so much Beth and all the Siestas!

  18. 418
    Rachelle says:

    Reading Radical by David Platt & getting ready to do the Forgotten God study with my mentor. Can’t wait to get started & dig deep into the Word!

  19. 419
    Robin says:

    The gals here at Madison Community Church just finished Kelly Minter’s Ruth study and are starting Beth Moore’s Daniel study in February.

  20. 420
    1gleaner (aka Judy from NC) says:

    I am leading a group of 21 wonderful ladies (all seniors!) through “Anointed, Transformed, Redeemed” and some of them have never heard Kay Arthur before so I can’t wait til we get to her section in the DVD.
    At home I am reading through the Bible again this year. I haven’t done it in a few years and since I am using a brand new Bible and version (ESV) it is getting underlined in brand new places. And of course I am doing the SMT thing and longing for Houston and girlfriends and Papasitos!

  21. 421
    Melissa L. says:

    Hi Beth!!

    Well, this is a first…our womens ministry is not doing a Beth Moore study this winter/spring and I am having a hard time adjusting :o) As a group (about 60 of us) are all reading “Crazy Love” by Frances Chan, along with the dvd study series. Looks like it is going to be very good, but a few of us die-hard Beth Moore fans are thinking of adding our own BM study on the side..hehe :o)

    Thanks Beth for all that you do!

  22. 422
    christy says:

    Greetings Beth! Our Bible Study group (Gals) is studying Kay Arthur’s Return to the Garden. This is our second week and I am really enjoying it! I am so thankful to have this material so I can share it with my three daughters when the time comes. I have an 11 yr old, 8 yr old, and 5 year old, all girls, and a 4 yr old little boy. God is so good and His sweet presence in my quiet time lately has really been sweet & refreshing! He is so precious to me, I love Him more & more every day!
    I pray God’s blessings on you Beth, your family, and your ministry team! May God continue to use you for His glory, I pray you just keep falling in love with Him over and over!
    Love in Christ,
    Christy in Summit, MS

  23. 423
    Ola Mae says:

    Well, in addition to the scripture memory, our Women’s morning Bible study group just finished “Bad Girls of the Bible” by Liz Curtis Higgs. Now we are in the middle of “Slightly Bad Girls of the Bible”. And before the school year comes to an end, we will go through “Steppin’ Up” by Mrs. Moore….Ufh! It has taken us all over the Bible! God is so good to remind me of scripture I have known most of my life and brand new scripture that give a Central Texas woman with allergies hope!
    Psalm 29:5 “The voice of the LORD breaks the cedars; the LORD breaks in pieces the cedars of Lebanon.” 🙂
    Thanks for your encouragements!

  24. 424
    Another Beth says:

    I just started “Faithful, Abundant, and True” by Kay Arthur, Priscilla Shirer, and another author whose name I can’t recall….


    I was blessed to be in that conference in Nashville in September of 07, and am glad to have a reprise of the teachings, accompanied with homework. It was such a good conference, and though I took notes, I knew I missed a lot.

  25. 425
    BIg Fat Mama says:

    Hi Beth,
    I’m not sure if you’ll read my comment by now, but I just wanted to let you and the “siestas” know about my ministry on my blog called A Meal in the Mail, where I feature families who are going through a difficult trial in their life on the side bars of my blog and then readers can send them A Meal in the Mail through restaurant/Visa gift cards. Joanne Heim is featured right now, and a little boy named Joel going through cancer. If you or anyone you know is in need and would like to be featured to receive A Meal in the Mail they can visit me at my blog, or contact me at [email protected] Thanks!

  26. 426
    Dianna says:

    Right now I am reading the Bible through for the first time. I crave His mighty Word so much right now. We are also doing the study on Daniel which is fantastic. Next week, a group of us are starting a study on spiritual gifts so that should be interesting as well. So I have lots going on and I love because it seems to all be so intertwined and one feeds off the other…I love it!

  27. 427

    In my discipleship group we are spending the ENTIRE year in Proverbs, examining the state of our hearts.

    In my quiet time I am reading Made to Crave by Lisa TerKeurst, it is SUCH a timely book for me. Three little girls all born within four years has left me feeling like a slave to eating whatever ends up in my hands.

    My goal spiritually this year was to be more purposeful and disciplined. I love the way the Lord has used three different venues, and so many people to get me headed in that direction!

    My scripture memory verses have been focused on hope and the promise of God’s goodness. It’s very obvious to me that as I’ve meditated on these Scriptures, these promises are blooming right in front of me. I’m so excited to see what God will do in my life throughout this year, He is already moving mightily in 2011 for me and we’re only 20 days in!!

  28. 428
    Amy says:

    Beth, I’m so excited because I received the work study book for the Esther study for Christmas! I’ve wanted to do your study on Esther for a year now and I’m finally there. I even wanted to “watch” the sessions so I found them on Lifeway.com and I’m ordering them as I go.

    A year ago I found myself having been in D.C. for 8 months, sleeping on an air mattress for 6 of those months, depressed, no permanent job, in an internship that didn’t pay, living with someone who didn’t care about a relationship with Christ, financially struggling, and in the deepest pit. It wasn’t until I found a wonderful church, became active again (I was raised as a PK so this was critical for me as I knew it was key in my relationship with others and Christ), AND read your book, So Long Insecurity, that Christ brought me from a place of worry and doubt to confidence, security, and love. Since then my relationship with Him has become deeper and more meaningful than ever before in my life. He is the air I breathe and the light of my life.

    I had decided to start a blog during the time that Christ rekindling the fire within me…the blog is called Living Like Esther. I looked into all the women of the Bible and Esther was the woman I identified with the most. My mother has told me since I was a girl that God made me “for such a time as this.” With my background and education in law and politics Esther’s story is all the more meaningful. I’m so excited to start this study.

    Thank you for helping me in gaining confidence again. Christ, a Pastor in Tulsa, Ok, my parents, and you played the key roles in influencing my life. I’m forever grateful.

    By the way, I did find a job; one I love…working for a legal organization that defends the sanctity of life, religious liberty, and family. I’m so blessed.

    By the way…again, my favorite verse has been Proverbs 31:25; you putting that verse in your book was one of the biggest confirmations I’ve had in my life. Love you Mama Beth!

    “She is clothed with strength and dignity, and she laughs with no fear of the future.”

  29. 429
    Erika says:

    I’m smack dab in the middle of an Upward Basketball and Cheerleading season. I’m the Cheer Coordinator, as well as, a coach of eleven darling kindergartners and first grade girls. Our squad is called Princess Power. My husband and teenage boys are involved during game day too. Saturdays are exhausting for us, but very rewarding as we serve our community.

    Right now a new woman has stepped up to be our women’s ministry leader, so a women’s Bible study for the winter has not started. But that’s okay; I’m very comfortable studying on my own. For Christmas, I got the book 66 Love Letters by Dr. Larry Crabb. I will be starting it next week.

  30. 430
    Forever His says:

    Hey Beth,

    Glad to hear you came up for a breather. I am sure I will love digging into the final product. Can’t wait.

    Right now I am facilitating two Bible studies – Mondays is your revised David. I just completed the old one with my other group and this group wanted to do it so it was a great excuse to purchase the new one! Loving it so far. On week 3. Wednesdays is Pricilla Schier’s Jonah. She is awesome and so is the study. Also working my way through the Bible chronologically. It may take me longer than a year! But no one is keeping track.

    Thanks for all you do. Blessings to you and yours.

    Phil 4:8

  31. 431
    Tara Saloga says:

    I am getting ready to start teaching Max Lucado’s Life Lessons on Romans in my adult Sunday School class. And I am hoping to get some ladies interested in starting Jonah by Priscilla Shirer, if they aren’t I’m starting it alone. 😮

  32. 432
    Angela says:

    Living the adventure of discipleship! Gladly gave up my big league career, my 401k, my home, 2 closets of clothes, etc…. to follow His call. Reading Acts this month and starting “Paul – 90 days on his journey of faith” tomorrow. Whatever the Lord’s plans are… think our key words this year are “proclaim and encourage!”
    I have got a story someday for my sisters at Living Proof Ministries! 🙂

    In faith and love,

    Hebrews 11:1

  33. 433
    Lu says:

    Hey Ya’ll, I’ve been asked to speak at a women’s church event on the 29th to tell of my experience with the first SSMT and the Houston celebration weekend. The thing that comes to mind the most is how none of them have a clue how big God is going to show up in their lives and transform their thinking if they participate. If you think of it, please pray for God to speak the right words through me to those in attendance. Thanks so much.

  34. 434

    Love, love, looooove hearing from you during the week. And I totally needed that question. Answer sounded egotistical, but I didn’t realize just how much God was doing until I wrote it all out. I get so fixated sometimes on how I’m not doing enough, or I’m not working hard enough, or I didn’t do a good enough job at something God told me to do, all lies from the enemy of course. My biggest fear used to be that I’d reach the finish line, ‘heaven,’ and God would say you could have done better. I think I still I have that fear, again a lie from the enemy, but I’m working on it.

  35. 435
    Lisa says:

    Beth, I love your updates!! They always put a smile on my face as I think of how real you are, living life just like the rest of us.

    I’m not in Bible study in this season of homeschooling one of my daughters, but I am reading chronologically through the Bible using Wendy Pope’s Q&A suggestions and meeting regularly with a dear friend to encourage each other in the Word. It has been a brilliant experience to see the Holy Spirit teach my hungry soul, and His enabling me to pass it onto my children as well as the teen girls I mentor each week. This filling of the Word equips me to prepare lessons, and my heart, for meeting with my teen mentoring group. The more I get the truth into my soul and mind, the more I can give, especially since these teens need it now more than ever before!

    I’m so grateful to the Lord for the way He has used your Bible studies to lay a foundation of Scripture in my life. It was only eight years ago, as a young mom, struggling wife, and broken woman that I signed up for my first Bible study at church — all because a friend convinced me to do so. She ended up bailing, but I stuck with it. I think it was the way you expressed your love for Jesus that caught my attention the most. I knew I didn’t love my Lord, even though I believed in Jesus as my Savior. I wanted what you had, and I wanted to be a woman who understood Scripture and applied it to every day life.

    Praise God today for beginning a work in me less than a decade ago and accomplishing so much in such little time, truly! He used the Word to heal my broken, hardened heart, softening me and unveiling a new woman, able to love her children and husband, while also opening doors to ministry that would have never been possible.

    God’s not done with me yet, and I may very well be in a great wilderness period, as He continues to strip away all things that threaten to keep me from loving Jesus entirely and without restraint. Pride. Greed. Importance. Approval. Anything that sets the stage for self-worship is on the chopping block! It is a painful place to exist, but I don’t want to escape from it either. I want to yield to every inch of its gruesome pain, and emerge transformed from the inside out. I’m tired of building my towers of Babel, packed full of good intentions but hidden with impure motives and misguided purposes. Let only God build whatever He sees fit for my life, while I continue to seek Him in His temple.

    Beth, you inspire me to love Jesus, to know the Word, and to live it out every day. Thank you!

    Blessings, abundantly,

  36. 436
    Catherine says:

    I just started the Revelation Study. I am doing it by myself, but I am still so excited!! Jesus is so good to “signify” His word and give us pictures to help us understand the unfathomable!

  37. 437
    Jessie says:

    Thank you for your post(s) Mrs. Beth (I have been reading “Pride and Prejudice” for the first time and the character all address each other as Mrs. and Miss and Mr…I rather enjoy the respect and honor that I believe it demonstrates…as if they don’t take familiarity for granted.

    For devotionals I am into the “One Year Bible” and also presently re-reading “Captivating” by Staci Eldredge, and working through the Financial Peace curriculum by Dave Ramsey. God is re-arranging things…Thank you Lord!

  38. 438
    Karen says:

    Currently I’m studying Ruth by Kelly Minter and LOVE it!! I am blessed to be in a wonderful small group – TwelveTen – that is studying it together. We are on week 3. Personally I am reading the bible cover to cover this year with a little help from the Bible Experience (a set of awesome CDs). I listen to it on my iPod and read along) soaking it all in. I just finished Leviticus. Also, I’ve almost finished reading SO Long Insecurity – which is awesome!!

  39. 439

    I’m one of those in Houston attending your study live. It is my first time ever to follow any one of your studies and I am thrilled for the opportunity to do so this time around. Thank you!! What a positively overwhelmingly beautiful experience. 🙂

    I’m also hosting a Bible in 90 Days read-through on my site… I am so proud of and encouraged by all those that have joined in to read with us. This is the third time I have hosted it and each time I am more amazed.

    Thanks for offering me an oasis to go listen, learn and be touched. I am looking forward to the coming weeks.

  40. 440
    Maurene Lensink says:

    Preparing to facilitate the bible study Experiencing God with two of my dear friends. It will be a group of about ten and we are excited to see what God is going to do.

  41. 441
    Jennifer says:

    Doing the homework for Week 1 of “A Woman’s Heart: God’s Dwelling Place” with my women’s bible study group and I’ll admit….I love your studies that have lots of homework….even though I’m a stay-at-home mom to TWO toddlers?! My favorite study so far was your Revelation study, but desperately wanted more homework!! (OK, OK… I’m a nerd about somethings! If Iove it, I want to know ALL about it!)
    Also doing “Love is a Choice” workbook on my own and contemplating following it up with “Loving Well”….I need to learn how to choose to love and not rely on emotions/feelings – my marriage is barely surviving and I hate that. It will certainly take a miracle to turn around, but I hear God’s in the miracle business..

  42. 442
    Rachele says:

    It is funny that you should ask what we are up to. I had a very hilarious revelation as to what my two things add up to for my Bible study and discipleship! A group of us at church are doing Faithful Abundant & True on Sunday evenings then on Monday evenings we are doing Made to Crave by Lysa Terkeurst. Then it hit me I get FAT on Sunday evenings and deal with the cravings on Monday evenings!! Bah! Too much!
    I have to tell you I have only cracked open the FAT study but I am a little further into Made to Crave. LET-ME-TELL-YOU that it is AWESOME and don’t mean in a warm fuzzy way (hopefully by the end of it I’ll be less warm and Fluffy eh hem fuzzy) Anyway the Lord is using it much like putting oil and water in the fridge – stuff is a coming to the top! But I am so glad and grateful for it!
    Lysa is going to be in Longview, TX at the Belcher center on 2/25& 2/26 and I bet if you contacted Janet White at Macedonia BC she would make sure you had a quite entrance and exit – anyway, pluggin Lysa and Janet lol I can’t forget Phillips Craig and Dean along with Laura Story and Lori Solierno of Celebrate Life. It is going to be a wonderful weekend.
    Made to Crave would make a GREAT SIESTA Summer study btw. Girlie it is making me over but not in the way I expected!!! Ok, I’m rambling but I do have to say regular coffee and popcorn makes a good combo but alas I’m convicted of my popcorn dependency but that’s another story.
    Love HIM,Love You,
    Abiding Still, Chel 🙂

  43. 443
    Casey says:

    God has been blessing my socks off with Kelly Minter’s Ruth study. Our little group of Rowdy Girls is digging in and getting real with each other. One more week and we’re through! And we have decided that our next study will be one of yours Mama Beth! We haven’t decided which one…it’s kind of like deciding between your dozen favorite ice cream flavors!

    Blessings you Mama and all my Siestas!

    Fort Pierce, FL

  44. 444
    Barbara says:

    I am reading through The Chronological Bible and participating in a small group study of Priscilla’s book Discerning the Voice of God.

  45. 445

    My women’s group just started the Beth Moore Revelation study HERE AND NOW … THERE AND THEN! I can’t wait to soak up God’s word from this powerful, awe-inspiring book of the New Testament!

  46. 446
    Hayley says:

    I’m studying out of the 90 days with David – I’m more than half way through and loving it. I’ve also decide to read a lot more this year – last year I read ONE book (something about having 3 kids makes it hard to find some quiet time that I’m not using for sleep!) This year I’ve already read Angie Smith’s “I Will Carry You” (Wonderful book!!) and I’m reading Debbie Macomber’s “One Simple Act – Discovering the Power of Generosity” and I’m really enjoying it. I’m praying for a more grateful, generous, forgiving spirit, the wisdom to focus on the things that truly matter, and a deeper relationship with the One who made me. I know it’s going to be a great year!!

  47. 447
    Pam says:

    I often enjoy popcorn and coffee! I am looking forward to the release of the film “Courageous” fall 2011 you say? Can’t wait to see it with my husband as we will be entering our one and only firstborn son’s senior year of high school then.

  48. 448
    Beth says:

    Working on “31 days with Jesus” with our highschool youth group (it can be found on YouthMinistry.com). We have challenged them to spend 31 days in the Word, and so as a Sunday morning youth leader, I am studying right along with them! I love these teenagers-so much potential!

  49. 449
    Amy says:

    Enjoyed the whole post, but especially loved the “James isn’t necessarily a party bus” line. 🙂 I’m currently doing the Stepping Up study on my own, but I haven’t been very consistent. I could say it’s being a mom, but I know it’s more because of me/my heart.

    ~Amy 7634

  50. 450
    Laura says:

    Back in BSF to do Isaiah, just starting Sweeter than Chocolate, Hebrews 11 with Pam Gillaspie blog study through Precepts, and reading through the daily Bible with Becky Tirabassi’s online group.

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