Just Wondering What You’re Up To

Hey, Darling Things!

I’m working from home today and thought I’d take a little break and let my study-brain relax a minute and tune my heart into Siestaville. Let me tell you how proud I am of you for clocking in with the same general number of 2nd verses as you did your first verses. The hard part is not the start. It’s pressing on all the way through the year to the finish. But, then, like all runners that make it across that beautiful line, we get to celebrate a huge victory that only comes to those who sweat it out. We give all praise and glory to our empowering, sustaining God and sit back for a reflective moment, take a deep breath, and feel His glorious good pleasure. Community will become more and more essential as we realize that, without making a public commitment and running the race beside a host of others in this Scripture memory marathon, we’ll probably fizzle out. There is no doubt in my mind that we’re more successful at this together than we are separately. It’s God’s way.

Yesterday was a really fun day at LPM. I already put this on Twitter but it took about a half a dozen of our staff members to put together additional shelves for the books Melissa has acquired since she last worked within the ministry office.

I have promised Melissa my library when God takes me Home, but if she keeps this up at this rate for the next fifteen years, she’s going to pass me by and I’m going to leave mine to Curtis. (That threat won’t mean much to you but it will get Melissa and her dear brother-in-lawΒ  sparring again over who gets the books which, in turn, gives me a great laugh.) Amanda has been promised other things like what sits on my left hand. But I might spite them all and live a really long time…with colored hair and firm foundations (and I don’t mean the latter in the religious sense. Or the former for that matter. I cannot find hair color in the Scriptures unless I get to count head coverings which, to me, is not unreasonable. In that way and others like unto it, I am a very submissive woman).We’ll see how that pans out. (The timing of my demise not my hair color.)

The other really cool thing we did yesterday at LPM was preview the movie Courageous. It’s the new movie by the people that gave us “Face the Giants” and it comes out in September. (www.courageousthemovie.com) I will remind you guys about it when the release day gets closer but I can’t wait till then to tell you about it. Sisters, it was so good. I don’t want to give away the story line but I can’t quit thinking about it. They have done such a magnificent job with it. We honestly laughed out loud and cried and cheered. I can hardly wait until it comes out. I think God has something far beyond good, solid family entertainment for this film. I’ve told you guys before that, after retiring from the Army, my daddy ran movie theaters so I love few things on this earth more than good movies and great popcorn. (Yes, we popped corn yesterday. And I ate mine with a Starbucks instead of a coke which was an odd pairing and one I might not venture to combine next time.) The primary message of Courageous is targeted to our men who we all know are also targeted by our very vicious enemy. I really believe I can tell you in advance that the guys in your life will love the movie. Mine will and he’s not easy to please. Courageous scores very low on the cheese factor which we know drives most guys crazy about any form of Christian entertainment or encouragement. I dare say that we may be a tad cheesy in Siestaville but we try to keep our Velveeta loaded with jalapenos.

Lastly, I’ll tell you that we started our January Bible study on Tuesday night with one of the best groups God has ever brought our way. We were flabbergasted. May He be greatly praised and glorified in that sweet sanctuary where He’s met with some of His people so many times. We’ll be talking on here about meeting on Tuesdays but we won’t be talking on here about the material because I’ve established a gag order. Laughing. The on-site participants are previewing a (very little) bit of homework so that their experience will be richer but, for copyright’s sake and for future publishing, we’re going to keep it and the session materials low key. It’s not that we’re hiding something. It’s that it’s just a long way from being finished. I also don’t want hype. Ick. Even well meaning hype from those who are sweetly biased. I just want to study Scripture as God presents it to us in His own good time and His own good way. I won’t actually do the LifeWay taping for this series until late April when we do it with a studio audience and I’ll still write through most of the summer. I am reluctant to keep bringing up the series on here because I don’t want to build it all up in anybody’s mind. A curriculum that speaks to one person can hit another person cold. How this turns out is all up to the Holy Spirit but what I can tell you in advance is that, God willing, we will do our best to know that brief Book of the Bible by the time we’re done.Β  Whether anybody will actually “like” it or not is up for grabs. James isn’t necessarily a party bus.

Well, I’ve had about as much of a break as I can afford today. You’re on my mind every day and I pray for you often.

Oh, and this is one reason I got on here today! You know what we’re doing to stay in the Word this early 2011 but what are each of you doing? (Besides memorizing!) Tell me what you’re studying right now!

I love you guys.


1,563 Responses to “Just Wondering What You’re Up To”

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  1. 1
    Leslie says:

    I love this kind of post…it’s like we’re sitting on the sofa having a coffee! We’re about to get a new women’s study going and we’re doing Jonah by Priscilla Shirer! Due to some travel conflicts among some of our super-faithful class members, we’re putting off the start for a couple of weeks and I am chomping at the bit! I also just got a book in (love me some one-click shopping at Amazon – Eeek!) Generous Justice by Tim Keller. (I credit Melissa for getting me hooked on Keller!) I am also checking my post office every day for my copy of 1000 Gifts by Ann Voscamp. I’ve already “gifted” that book to three other women and I don’t usually “gift” books I haven’t read yet. I’m just that convinced that it’s going to be special. Have a great day, Beth!

  2. 2
    MrsRitz says:

    I’m being absolutely blown away by the first chapter of 2 Peter… He has given me EVERYTHING I need for life and godliness!

  3. 3
    Allison C. Lee says:

    I’m reading the book “Radical”… I would love to hear your thoughts on this book Beth.

  4. 4
    Casi says:

    I’m about halfway through David: Seeking a Heart Like His and I absolutely LOVE it. We’re also doing a study about elders for the first couple months of 2011 at our church. It’s really interesting as well and I know it’s of God because Satan has been prowling around our church members something fierce.

    Our God is greater, though! πŸ™‚

  5. 5
    BeckyB says:

    Studying Priscilla’s ‘Jonah.’ Wow, is it pointing a (good) finger or what? Like Priscilla, I can say “I am Jonah.” Love you Beth!

  6. 6
    Gayle says:

    We are studying “Downpour” by James MacDonald.

  7. 7
    TraciG says:

    A group of my “neighbor” ladies (and by that I mean one who lives nearly 50 miles from me–that’d be rural Eastern Montana for you) and I are studying “No Other Gods” by Kelly Minter, which Siestaville is very familiar with. It’s been very eye-opening for me, and I’m realizing that some of my idols are not what I would have guesse.!

    The winter has been very challenging here… 30+ inches of snow, so we have to postpone a couple of times and we’ve had a few that have missed, but overall it’s been a great blessing to all of us. We are, for the most part, a social bunch–like most girls–and being stuck in the middle of nowhere, miles from a neighbor let alone a church, makes us really crave fellowship and especially Christian fellowship. This study is a blessing in so many ways! This study is also a great source for finding verses to memorize. Enjoy your winter weather down there– I’d love to trade you for a few days!

  8. 8
    Bettie Tolar says:

    We start David Seeking a Heart Like His on Tuesday Jan 25. I have already done week one and it is speaking to me in a powerful way. It is exactly what I need for this season of my life. I love the part on how to be victorious in the battle. The Lord never ceases to amaze me by ALWAYSputting me

  9. 9
    Krista says:

    We are actually doing your Patriarchs study in our Mom’s Bible study right now (and I’m already a week behind in the homework… yikes!). It’s so funny to read and listen to you tell stories that were “recent” in the book and then know what’s going on in your life now with this blog!
    And what was up with the 10 minute diatribe about your hair??? πŸ˜‰ I guess we here in the Northwest with so much rain don’t really understand big hair. Because if we cared about it too much we would just spend all day refixing our hair from every time we went outside!

  10. 10
    Erin says:

    We are actually studying James in our girls Bible study too. This is the first time we have not used a video driven session. I am studying, using commentaries, and teaching. I have learned so much! This is something I have always wanted to do and I know have been afforded the opportunity. Thank you Jesus.

    Erin in Tyler

  11. 11
    Tammy says:

    Beth, I just started the new version of Breaking Free. I am only to day 4 of week 1 and it is already convicting me of things. I desperately needed this in this season of my life, but pray for me as I complete this study. Conviction is hard.

  12. 12
    Allison C. Lee says:

    I miss Amanda and her 2 cents on the crazy life of motherhood…please tell her I said so.

  13. 13
    Jean says:

    I’m studying Kay Arthur Revelation Part 1, and teaching “The Eternal Truths of Narnia” to my Sunday School Class.

    I am loving both!!!! I have three places for bible memory scripture. Lord help me!!! But since he knows my heart, he is not concerned for me one bit because he knows I’m loving it.

  14. 14
    kim says:

    I am reading 1st John for a month. I am about 2 weeks into it. What a blessing. My husband challenged me after hearing John MacArthur talk about it.

  15. 15
    Rhonda says:

    Reading through the Bible in a year (chronologically) and David:)

    • 15.1
      Dawn says:

      Me too Rhonda — I love the order of the chronological Bible reading….mine also has commentaries each day, does yours??

  16. 16
    Kimberly says:

    Studying Isaiah through BSF

    • 16.1
      Leigh says:

      Another BSFer here studying through the book of Isaiah and finding it so very relevant for our times.

      • Marie Thompson says:

        What is BSF?

        • Beth says:

          I’m sure she’ll tell you this, Marie, but it’s Bible Study Fellowship. It is tremendously loved and bears very obvious fruit.

        • Leigh says:

          BSF is Bible Study Fellowship International, an interdenominational, international Bible study, with men’s, women’s and young adult classes all over the world. BSF also provides outstanding age appropriate Bible study for the children of adult participants. The study involves lessons studied at home, and a weekly class meeting with discussion and lecture.This year’s study is the book of Isaiah

  17. 17
    Casey says:

    While James is my favorite book it is also the most painful, especially after the year my crew has had. My trek in the Word right now is forgivness. I am horrible at it. I really want my Father to help me with this. HE forgives me and I do want to let that feely flow. Sorry to take so long…….just hurts.
    Beth, contrary to some…God does delight in us fellowshipping here in Siestaville. Christ is smiling down on us. He loves us and as my first verse of the year says (Jer 29) He plans to prosper us. We are striving in His Word. HE has to love that!

  18. 18
    Leah Adams says:

    I sat here for a while and pondered whether I should answer your question about what I am studying, Bible-wise, right now. I do not want to sound prideful or like I am trying to toot my own horn, so please, hear my heart when I share this.

    The study that I am leading right now is one that I wrote and recently was published. I am leading an online group (about 25 ladies from 9 states and Canada) and it has got to be one of the biggest blessings I have ever gotten. Mercy, the women participating in it are dead-on serious about doing whatever it takes to leave a godly legacy for the generations that come behind them (which is what the study is about). I have led IRL (in real life) Bible study groups for years, but this is my first online group and it is a blast!

    Looking very forward to James!!!! Oh, and Melissa, I’m jealous of your book collection. I love, love books. Love ’em.

  19. 19
    Leanne from Canada says:

    Just finished session two of “Faithful Abundant True” with my small group. I have never sat under Kay Arthur’s teaching and am loving it! Now there was encouragement to know The Word….wonderful message. I am also about to start One Thousand Gifts by Ann Voskamp…so looking forward to it….her writing has challenged me deeply in my walk with Christ, prayer and bible reading.

  20. 20
    HarborMom says:

    Doing Kay Arthur’s “Lord, I Want A Heart for You” (2 Cor study) on my own. At church – Breaking Free. The Lord has freed me from my longest burden, shame, but I am anticipating the work of breaking free from other strongholds, known and unknown.

    I like how you said James is not a party bus. I liken it to a good swift kick in the rear! And I love it. I miss the subtle hints. I need to be smacked upside the head with truth! James was a smack down for me. And good.

  21. 21
    kathypinkbicyclearkansas says:

    Annointed Transformed Renewed.

    Watching the snow, healing from my second shoulder surgery and getting tired of therapy and being told it will be a year before I can do certain things. Not cleaning my house becuase I can’t do floors yet and I am getting desperate.

    • 21.1
      Bobbie says:

      We’re in the same situation here! I had surgery for a massive tear on the 12th and have had three PT sessions. Today has been the first low level pain day, but I was just wondering how long it will be before I can resume some normal activities. I have to wear a sling for a solid 6 weeks, but dont have any idea beyond that! I’ll keep you in my prayers, that the year will go fast for you!

      • kathypinkbicyclearkansas says:

        Hi Bobbie,

        Umm…It really is not a bad thing compared to being in constant pain for two years!!!

        My first surgery was Sept 29 for a severe SLAP Tear. I was in an immoblizer, not just a sling, for four weeks and then serious restrictions after that. My second surgery was Dec 1, same thing.

        I am still in pt for both shoulders but winding down. As of yesterday I have gone two weeks with no pain pills of any kind. (I fell on my shoulder after my first surgery and that set me back).

        Each surgery and type of tear is different but the basics are there. I would say you will be feeling much better when you get to remove the sling and then about another two weeks and you will be feeling even better.

        They tell me to expect a year before complete recovery but dont’ let that scare you. You won’t have complete range of motion and a few limitations but nothing major. Honeslty the key is pt! Keep up with it!!!

        If you have any more questions feel free to e-mail me at [email protected] and I’ll answer in more detail.

  22. 22
    Rhonda says:

    Our ladies Bible Study group is doing your Living Beyond Yourself study right now. We’re just getting started but I’m so excited about it!

  23. 23
    Robin says:

    I am looking forward to starting 1000 Gifts with the Bloom Club. And reading my Bible in a year on my Kindle – which I just love!

  24. 24
    Becky says:

    I love this kind of update, as well!! I am working my way through So Long Insecurity. So much of it right now is hitting me pretty hard so I am taking my time through it. I also am going to be starting your Paul study. I am really looking forward to your James study–it’s my favorite book of the Bible. πŸ™‚

  25. 25
    Theresa says:

    Hi Beth! I love when I peek in on the blog and there is a little update. Good stuff…thanks for sharing it all. Especially the movie. You told it right about movies and guys and what it is that will quickly turn them away or bring them in closer for more. I’m eager to have it released.

    Current bible study just started with a small sweet group: “Praying for your Adult Children” by Stormie O’Martian. This here is good stuff. There is so much out there for parents of young children but what about those of us who started walking with God later and missed out on the “raising them up in the way they should go” part. What then? I’ll tell you what then……REDEMPTION! God will use it if we are fervent in our prayers for them releasing them to the one and only and pray for the holy spirit to be poured out on them. Ha-le-lu-jah! I could go on and on but didn’t want to miss the opportunity to share that this book is available and that there is help out there to lead us through the next season of parenting. Parenting never ends!

    I’m all over the partnering with a sista in scripture memorization. 2009 fell short and fizzled out in September. So close yet so far. This time I knew that I would need someone to help me through it. We are planning our Houston trip for January 2012 to celebrate!

    Thanks Beth and all the LPM ministry siestas!


    • 25.1
      Sheryl says:

      I read Praying for Your Adult Children when it was released. I continue to use that book in my daily prayer time, praying a different prayer each day, and repeating them in a cycle. This book has changed my life! God has done some amazing and exciting things in my daughter since I have been praying for her in this manner. I am so excited for you – you will be amazed at what God will do.

  26. 26
    Natalie says:

    I, and several of the ladies at my church started this to read through the Bible this year. So far, it has been a huge blessing to us all and I’m LOVING it.
    (You should recognize the theme verse!)

  27. 27
    LindsayN84 says:

    As a (Starbucks) coffee lover, I was excited to find a compilation of coffee cup Bible studies. They are 5-8 week daily studies, and the applicable Scriptures are right in the study. This makes it easy to take on a lunch break, to a cafe, etc., as all you need is the book itself. I am currently doing “Mocha on the Mount.”

    I am also reading the daily devotional “Jesus Calling.” It is amazing! It is written as if Jesus is talking to you directly, and I highly recommend it!

    And next week I start Beth’s new David study with a group of ladies… so excited!

  28. 28
    Beth Rhodes says:

    My sweet group of girls and I are studying “Me, Myself and Lies” by Jennifer Rothschild. It is so good! We will be studying “Becoming More than a Good Bible Study Girl” by Lysa Terkeurst next.

  29. 29
    Mrs Tiab says:

    Our entire church is reading the New Testament in the month of January. It requires a fair amount of daily reading, but so worth it! I lead a high school girls small group and we are studying The Pursuit of Holiness by Jerry Bridges.

  30. 30
    Hope says:

    I’m in BSF and we’re studying the book of Isaiah and I’m in another class and we’re in Matthew…. we only get through 2-3 verses each class, but it’s so good. It’s been especially great to study Isaiah and see how the prophesy has been fulfilled in Jesus in the book of Matthew!

  31. 31
    Melanie says:

    I’m doing BSF and we’re studying Isaiah – it’s amazing!!!

  32. 32
    shaley cates says:

    Well, my youth girls and I are studying Romans! And personally I am reading “And I Will Be Found By You” by Francis Frangipane. Both at the moment are about being conformed into the image of Christ! Gosh I need that…and the promise that if we seek him with all of our heart we will find Him!

  33. 33
    Crystal says:

    I’m reading First Samuel and I’m just blown away by Hannah. I’ve committed to reading through the book, but I just keep going back through the first two chapters–reading and rereading Hannah’s pleas and praise. Overwhelmed.

    Our Bible study group will be starting David: Seeking a Heart Like His in March πŸ™‚

  34. 34
    Melene says:

    We started Jonah by Priscilla Shirer last week and we are already learning so much.

  35. 35

    We are studying the Beth Moore study of Living Beyond Yourself with the video. The Intro was fabulous. We had an unprecedented turnout for this study. We are also offering Reading through the Bible in a year.

  36. 36

    My new favorite quote of yours, by far, is “James isn’t necessarily a party bus.” You are hilarious.

    I’m doing three things right now:

    1. I’m reading “My Single Mom Life” by Angela Thomas because I’m caring for the little girls still. Their mother is incarcerated so we’re in a period of time right now where I have three of them (ages 3, 4 and 8) virtually every night of the week, so I’ve got a steep learning curve. I will tell you this: fixing them dinner, washing their hair and reading them bedtime stories has become the most precious part of my life. I am not their mother but I’d be lying if I said I’m not smitten with their cute little selves. I’m actually potty training the three year old right now and, if that isn’t a sign of my true love for them, I don’t know what is. I never imagined that I’d get to have the “joy” of potty training a child long before I even got married myself!

    2. I’m going through “Get Out of that Pit” again so that I don’t fall into another, um, pit that I’ve been circling like a hawk. NEGATIVE.

    3. I used my Christmas money to buy the David, Jesus and John books of yours! I’ve been wanting them forever, so that was the gift I bought myself this year. I’m going to go through each one of them this year with one color of pen and then I’d like to go through them again when, I’m older and with a different color of pen, so that I can see what my 26 year old self was like as she grew spiritually.

  37. 37
    Kimbaliners says:

    I am currently doing a BSF study and this year, we are studying Isaiah. BSF is really structured, but the material has allowed me to absorb a LOT of important information and it has laid the foundation to learn some key attributes of God’s character. With my high school girls, we are doing Faithful, Abundant, and True… we have been doing the Faithful part with Kay Arthers for….. a REALLY long time now… a couple of days each week. So proud of my girls! Kay Arthers is amazing… but wowsers it takes me a little while to get her homework done!!!!

    Sitting so close to the fire right now… that my face is toasty HOT…. LOVE it!

  38. 38
    WorthyofLove says:

    Hello!! Thanks for coming on and chatting with us! I’m sooooo excited about our ladies new Bible study. We are doing Jonah, with Pricsilla Shirer. OK, the fist video session blew me away. Is God really bringing home His message of Surrender (also my SSMT theme)to me or what???

    She talked about what a privilege it is to even get to hear from the Lord of All. It’s a fresh perspective for me and one that is helping me appreciate God’s Word in my life in a new way. Specifically His Words that are not easy for me to hear. (Ok, really to Obey…)

    I love the community of women who love Jesus!

    Big Hugs,
    Michelle, TN

    • 38.1
      WorthyofLove says:

      For my QT I’m doing 90 Days with David. Finding I identify more often with Saul, but hoping for a new heart in the end. Thanks for asking! πŸ™‚

  39. 39
    Kimbaliners says:

    So sorry Kay Aurthurs… I mispelled your last name! Please do forgive me! (c : i realized it as I hit submit! Oops!

  40. 40
    Leah says:

    I’m taking a break from doing a Bible Study. So instead I am reading “Jesus Calling” devotional by Sarah Young and so far I love it.

  41. 41
    Amy says:

    I’m still in Ruth from the Siesta Summer Bible Study, Mama Beth — I had to take a break to give birth and get the hang of not sleeping for a while — but it’s going to feel so good when I do finish. πŸ™‚

  42. 42
    Rebecca says:

    Currently studying Isaiah…whoa…wonderful but some really hard stuff in there.

  43. 43
    Ronda says:

    I’m using the One Year Bible. Love how it has a portion of scripture from the OT, NT, Psalm & Proverbs each day to keep with somewhat ADD mama from getting bogged down! πŸ™‚

  44. 44
    Kim says:

    I had the sweet privilege of spending the morning leading a precious group of mommies in the ‘Me, Myself, and Lies’ study!! What a thrill to watch God speak into their lives. With my CBS group I am studying the book of Genesis – Abraham is now so near and dear to my heart. Oh to have that kind of sacrificial faith!!

  45. 45
    Shannon says:

    The funny thing is that I am also studying James. I am a member of Community Bible Study and we are just beginning James. The memory verse is a huge part of keeping me focused on His word, but the study of James greatly contributes.

  46. 46
    Sharon says:

    I just started the revised version of Breaking Free. Tried to do a different study altogether but God wouldn’t let is “sit” with me. He’s bound and determined to set me free this year and I’m bound and determined to let Him. I think I only let myself be set free about half way 8 years ago when I did the original, so I’m thinking He’s just bringing it back around again. Praise Him! And pray for me, Siestas, to let Him do His complete work in me this time!

  47. 47
    Bobbie says:

    I really enjoy stopping by and finding a new post like this one. I’m just crushed that I had to miss Tuesday night. My shoulder surgery went well, but it was a ‘massive’ tear and I haven’t felt like riding in the car–praying that next week will be better! Today is my first day with very little pain, so I’m resuming the revised version of David!! It’s been a lot of ‘Me & God’ lately, I’m working on being a better listener!

    Scripture memory is proving itself AGAIN to be a real lifeline during my down times, and up times as well! Love to all our precious Siestas….all 8,000+ of us doing this together!!

  48. 48
    Hilary says:

    Mama Beth!

    I have been working on a data entry project here at work that is taking forever, but for the last few days I have been listening to your Life Today sessions while typing away. They are all new to me, and so very good! I just finished up To Know and Be Known, and you were just so beautiful at the end, all passionate about how God loves us! I loved it.

    Anyway, I have several studies going right now – I am so hungry for His Word and a deeper understanding of it, I cannot get enough. In our Sunday School class we’re studying Sanctification. In my Wednesday night class we’re doing a Precept study of Hebrews. My own quiet time study I’ve just started is Believing God, and in a few weeks I will start round two of Breaking Free, fascilitating for a group of friends and co-workers. My first SSMT passage I chose after Christmas was 1 Corinthians 9:24-27. Would you know that EVERY SINGLE class and study I am doing, INCLUDING your Life Today messages on trashing your confidence, are all talking about the SAME things right now?!! Even my SSMT memory verses have been used in the material!!! Do you think God is trying to condition me to run this race with endurance and confidence??!! I think so!

    A part of me is a little miffed that God would think I am so dull of hearing that I need Him to tell me the same thing in five different ways before I’ll listen. πŸ˜€ But I am SO thankful that HE DOES THAT WITH US.

    What an amazing adventure this life of following Him is going to be.

    I so love you.


  49. 49
    Kelli says:

    I joined a group called Community Bible Study in Pueblo, CO and we are just finishing up Thessalonians and are getting ready to start on Peter. It is a good set of books that has helped to refocus my christian drive to be more Jesus like and less secular. Sometimes I get too politically correct and don’t want to offend someone with my learnings but this book has helped me to start finding a good balance for that disorder! LOL

    Have a blessed day!
    Kelli in Colorado

  50. 50
    Shannon says:

    We are studying Kay Arthur’s “Covenant: God’s Enduring Promises.” It is such a rich study! I’m enjoying every minute being in God’s Word!

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