Hey, Siestas! It’s time for summer Bible study! For the sake of rich fellowship and vital accountability, we hope as many of you as possible are meeting with small groups and on every other Tuesday or as close to Tuesdays as possible. You are absolutely welcome to join us solo but try to stay as involved as possible in the discussions so that you’ll feel plugged in. This is what you’ll do every other Tuesday:
1. Watch the video so you’ll have your instructions for your gathering or for your solo experience. I will always put the bare bones of the instructions in writing on the post just in case there is a video malfunction.
2. (You will find these instructions reiterated in this post because it’s fundamental to the experience.) If you are in a small group, designate one person who will write a comment to this post briefly telling us about your group and your discussion. It can be a different person each week or the same. START THE COMMENT WITH THE CITY, THE NUMBER OF PARTICIPANTS AND LOCATION THEN DESCRIBE YOUR GROUP AND ADD SOMETHING ABOUT YOUR DISCUSSION. For instance, I am meeting with my Monday staff members so my comment will begin with:
Houston, Texas; 8 of us; Meeting at Living Proof Ministries. Our group is primarily made up of…The main part of our discussion was about…(And so forth).
3. If you are going solo, your comment will become the way you complete the assignments. In other words, you’ll see that I ask you to describe this season of your life in one word. In your comment, tell us what that one word would be.
Make the length of it one good, descriptive paragraph. Try not to write too much or readers will tend to skip over it.
This clip is to give instructions for your first gathering – the one you are hopefully having today or in next 24 hours. You can watch this together or your leader can watch it and pass on your instructions.
Summer Bible Study – Week 1 from LPV on Vimeo.
I so hope that makes sense! Now, here are the written instructions for your gathering just in case you can’t get the video to work. Welcome aboard! May God take us on a journey that we’ll treasure for many years. Let’s find the Ruth in us, Siestas!
Today in your small group, here’s what I am asking you to do:
1. If you don’t know each other, spend a few minutes finding out some basic biographical information about one another. (Single, married, still in school, or in a career. Children, no children. The regular stuff. Keep in mind that everybody fits in Bible study. You don’t need to all be alike. In fact, the more alike you all are, the less you may sharpen one another.)
2. Each of you in your small group characterize your life in this present season in ONE WORD. Have the leader record these.
3. Each of you in your small group share one specific goal you have this summer for being in Bible study. Have the leader record these, too.
4. Look at the very last verse of the Book of Judges (Judges 21:25) because of its placement just prior to the book we’ll study together this summer. Discuss several specific reasons why doing what each of us sees fit at any given time could be dangerous. After several minutes of discussion, read Jeremiah 17:7-14 and talk about how this segment relates or contrasts to Judges 21:25.
Leader: this is very important. You get back on within 24 hours of meeting and write a brief summation of your group time as a comment to this post. Tell us how many came, your city, and something about your group or your group discussion.
Here’s a link to the first chapter of Ruth in case you don’t have your workbook yet.
Pell City, Alabama – group of 7 meeting on Wednesday nights at the First United Methodist Church. Our group is made up of middle aged women who are connected through bible studies. We discussed the need for staying focused, being still and experiencing peace in the midst of busy lives, needing desperately God’s presence and direction. We are all anticipating an upgrade in our relationship with the Father.
We are a neighborhood group of 8 women in our 40’s-50’s. We have been meeting in my house for 2years using Beth’s DVD studies. We are in Longmont, Co. We have started the homework, but won’t be starting to meet until next week when we are all back from our various travels.
New Port Richey, FL- group of 3- me & my 2 sisters (one who is in TN)! Already finished the first two weeks-really loving this study- looking forward to completing it with my two favorite girls:)
Have been going solo from Yorktown, VA although last week was done in Nags Head, NC!!! (late comments because of computer crash & vacation with no internet!)
I think one word for this season in life would be “bewildered”. My goal for this study is to remain in God’s Word and find cleansing, healing and direction.
HELP? What time will today’s video be posted?? And will it be on this page or another?? Thanks!!
found it!
Just got to thinking that I never did officially sign in here. I’m from out in the country in southern Illinois and am participating solo. Enjoying the study!
Round Lake, IL – group of 2 – we did the Siesta Bible Study last summer and loved the material! Our one-word descriptions include “Overwhelmed” and “Lost”. Our goals for this Bible study are to:
-grow my spiritual relationship with God as well as strengthen my prayer life
-find my way back to a deeper, fulfilling relationship with God through His Word.
Hello Siestas! I’m joining you all from Connecticut! My word for my season is “digging” – I think I’m supposed to keep digging deeper and drawing closer to God. My work and business travel schedule is making it a bit hard right now to commit to a regular group, but I love being able to be part of this study so that I can “attend” whenever I can and from my hotel room if I need to! Bless you all!
I am so sorry, Wanda. I certainly know what it’s like to be in a difficult marriage (and so does Keith!). We have ridden a roller coaster for sure. Thank you for being part of this community. I pray that God will go out of His way to show You His great love and restoration.
Here is a summary from the first session on the blog http://siestasite.blogspot.com/
Some of us are in groups and some are going solo but we all are connecting through this website to share how we are doing in this bible study and answer the group questions:
Judi Coates said…
I’ll go first. 1) I live in Canada, in a town that is on a big lake, so it’s a tourist town in the summer. I’m married, in my 50’s and have 4 kids – 3 boys who are 27, 25 & 23, and a daughter 19. 2) One word? Hmmm, I’d have to say AWESTRUCK, because even in my 50’s, as I study God’s Word, I’m learning more and more about how AWESOME He is! I just finished Beth’s study on Revelation with a group of women and I feel as if I have a clearer picture of who Christ is, and of His holiness and power and might! 3)My goal for this study is to see God in a fresh way and to see how He is interested in the details of my life as I look at the life of Ruth. 4)Any time I “do as I see fit”, it usually ends in disaster! I think of that verse in Isaiah that says “All we like sheep have gone astray. We have each turned to our own way, and the LORD laid on Him the iniquity of us all”. It was because of our natural bent to go our own way that Christ had to come and bear our punishment. As I read that passage in Jeremiah, I’m struck by the phrases: “trusts in the LORD”, “confidence is in Him”, and then the description of the one who those phrases describes. It is so opposite from doing as we see fit, or going our own way. No fear when heat comes, leaves that are always green, no worries in a year of drought, a never-ending production of fruit – WOW – wouldn’t that be great!!!!!
Lynn said…
I live in Red Deer, Alberta. I am a widow with 3 grown children, 2 daughters-in-law and 9 grandkids! I work at a church as office manager, events planner, executive assistant to lead pastor, etc; all under the auspicious title of Director of Operations:o)! If you’re here and not sure who does ‘it’; well that will most likely be me!! I love my job and the people I work with. My life is drastically different than I ever planned. I lived at the end of the road on a ranch for many years but after my husband died we lost our ranch and I became a city person in order to make a living. My heart is still in the country, I love the outdoors. 2. The one word to describe where I am at right now would be “planted”. I am planted in trust in the Lord as my only way to keep going. He has been so faithful to care for me and nourish me as Jeremiah states. 3. My goal for this study is to glean from Ruth’s life what I can apply to my own walk with the Lord. 4. I think our culture at present is about doing what is right in our own eyes. The more we trust in our own wisdom to make choices the further we often get from where we were intended to be. The contrast with Jeremiah is trusting in God rather than myself and how much richer a life that is. Not without pain or trouble but nurtured by God as a tree planted by the water.
Sandy said…
I live in Durant, OK., U.S. I am 47, married for 28 years, 3 children ages 17-24, 20 year old daughter in the middle of 2 boys, 1 daugter-in-law, 1 granddaughter who will be 4 in Sept., and will have a baby brother in Oct. 2. My word is Growing—as in growing older, growing in my walk with the Lord, growing in God’s purpose for me, growing where planted. 3. My goal is the same was the other 7 women who met in my home today. . . to become connected to other women of Faith and to God. That is why I am doing it on this blog, too. 4. Someone in our group said that the verse is a little how our world is today. We all know from experience that the verses in Jeremiah are so true and important, but we all have room to grow. Looking forward to getting to know you all!
Amanda Taylor said…
I was recently diagnosed with a blood disease that has no cure. At this point in time I have to walk with crutches or in a wheelchair. But God is amazing and I haven’t had any further progression of the disease in my body. I might have to have a full hip replacement this year. I only share this because its a huge part of my faith journey and builds my faith stronger and stronger every day.
2) My one word would be FAITH! Every day every single thing I do is by faith these days. Things you wouldn’t think about like cleaning the house or walking down a flight of stairs. Total FAITH.
3)My goal this summer is to stay in the word but also to challenge myself to do a home group despite my circumstances. I’m love women, I love bible study can’t wait to see what God is going to do in all of our lives through this.
4)I could really relate to the scripture in Jeremiah. Having a King and ruler brings order and peace to our lives. I’m so thankful for our king and ruler.
Now for the feeback for the LPM blog:
Richmond, VA
8 Counting me
We had a great time and such a nice mix of ladies and one 13 year old teenager. We had a great combination of married and single ladies.
My group of ladies were all strangers to each other. We had dinner and talked and chatted and got to know one another. I felt like everyone for not knowing one another really opened up and we got to peek in each others lives.
The most discussion we had was on the comparison of scriptures. We all could really relate to the scripture in Jeremiah and we all shared parts of our lives where we related. I believe we all left with the feeling that we are so thankful to have God in our lives and have a king to serve and rule over us. For all of us that brings so much peace to our lives.
We are meeting again in 2 weeks. Everyone volunteered to bring an item for our next meal and 2 of the ladies are making the pasta and flat bread recipes. Can’t wait!
Ok I’m going to answer the questions myself and then attach at the bottom my feedback that I’m posting to the LPM blog as a report on how our group went: 1) My name is Amanda Taylor I live in Richmond VA. I’m married to a wonderful man for six years. We don’t have any children but treat our Luci cat like she is our kid
Oh and another thing that was really neat is we had ladies from a few different religious and church backgrounds. One lady is catholic a few others go the Assembly of God Church here in the area.
Betty: Reflections with Coffee said…
1. I live in the foothills of the Great Smokey Mountains in Tennessee. Married with two grown children. A grandson age 15 months and 3 step-granddaughters ages 3, 7, and almost 9. 2. My word is TRANSITION. I’ll be retiring as a teacher at the end of August; my mother died 3 months ago; many changes going on. 3. My goal is to become closer to God. I’m intrigued by the comment in our workbook on page 11 “fascinating symbolism that runs throughout the Book of Ruth like a camouflaged thread.” 4. Sandy, what you said about the Judges verse reminds me of the term “ME generation” the media talked about a few years ago. The Jeremiah verses remind me of Psalm 1 — especially the part about delighting in the law of the Lord and the tree part.
Sunshine Spot said…
1. I live in Morristown, TN and drive about 30 mins to work daily. I am newly married as of a little over 2 months to a wonderful Godly man that the Lord placed in my lap a while back. I have two children a 13 yo daughter and a 9 yo son. I work full time as well as trying to finish my degree online. 2. My word is Absorbing. I want to continue each and every day to absorb everything I can that the Lord would have of me. 3. My goal in the bible study in all honesty to keep it as a priority and complete it. I have oh so many times started so many and have gotten busy with everyday life and have dropped it. So my ultimate goal is to stay committed. 4. I find myself like Amanda so grateful to have a King and Ruler that brings peace and order to a world in such dire need. Much Love to you all ~ April
Julie said…
I am so looking forward to doing this study with you!
1. I live in Houston, TX. I am married, just turned 50 have three boys: 20, 17, and 13. My husband owns several small businesses and I am the office manager. In addition, I am the Assistant Administrator for my church–part time–which actually means part-time office hours :)
2. One word: STRESSED!
I am in a season of extreme challenge. Worry and uncertainty have been creeping in and causing lack of sleep and sickness.
3. I am committed to digging deep in God’s Word and prayer–filling my heart with God and removing the worry and uncertainty. I am already finding this study of Ruth hitting me upside the head with a 2X4. Thank you God for speaking to me through this study :)
4. The Judges verse oozes chaos. While the Jeremiah passage is sweet to my ears–reminding me to trust in God. Our world is full of so many distractions and false images of what is ‘right.’ Leaning on God and seeking his guidance brings peace and confidence.
Hello ladies
Jacqueline said…
Good evening! I’m a bit late getting started. I just finished A Woman’s Heart so now I’m ready to go again. 1. I live in Silvis, IL, been married 13 years and am a stay-at-home-homeschooling mom to a 6 (almost 7) year old girl and a 2 1/2 year old boy. I am to appreciate at least one thing each day so that later on I won’t look back as “when my kids were little” and feel regrets. I want to enjoy what I have while I have it. 2. In a word – PRIORITIZING – learning what matters and what to let go. 3. I am looking forward to this study in God’s word and joining with all of you in fellowship to help me keep my priorities where they belong–centered on God and His will for me. 4. Wow! I see the passage in Judges played out regularly in my children followed by the consequences for those choices. It’s so easy to see in others while we tend to justify it in our own lives when we do our own thing without seeking God. However, doing our own thing only brings the consequence of sin while trusting God and looking to Him will bring peace and security. It’s a fact I need to remember when I am tempted to go my own way!
Hi Wanda. Your post resonated with me so much. We, too, (my husband and I)are probably about to file for bankruptcy. It has been a long, hard 4 to 5 years, filled with marital instability and financial tragedy. (My husband is a custom home builder). I have been fighting depression, anger, and unforgiveness for two years now and just feel, well, stuck. If it helps to know it, you are not alone, and I will be praying for you, as I continue (when I can) to pray for myself. I’m so glad you found an older couple to mentor you. And I, too, have been touched by this Ruth study so far. I am a week behind, but plan on making that up this week.
Praying for you sister! You are not alone!
Dear Connie,
I have listen to every women that has share their stories and when you talk about this book and will have to read the Bible on Ruth to explain what it is saying because I have not read it yet so if you can fill me in with all the information that would be very helpful to me. We will continue to pray for you Throughout the entire week.
God Bless,
Janet & Casimir Zigulis
Starting late, but starting today, July 6. Glad to begin!
HELP? What time will today’s video be posted?? And will it be on this page or another?? Thanks!!
Beatriz… I just saw your post. Were you able to find the video?? If you go to Beth’s first video and click on the VIMEO logo it will take you to the next one. I had a hard time finding it too. Probably those who have been in a Siesta study already knew…but me? I found it the hard way! Enjoy
I signed up for the email notification for the blog… it provides the blog in email format so it comes into your email box… then all you have to do is click the link and it takes you to the video.
Salida, CA, going solo. I am 38, married for 17 years, with 3 children. I still consider myself to be a “baby” Christian, since I just came to the Lord 4 years ago. The present season of my life would be characterized as LEARNING.
My goal for this Bible study is to come to know the Bible more, draw closer to God, and put Him first in all things.
I lived the first 34 years of my life without a King, doing whatever I saw fit. Turns out that I made a pretty fine mess of most things. I thank God everyday that He found me, and that I have been shown the way to live my life. Living my life inside of His will is the safest place to be, and it brings the most beautiful peace I’ve ever known. I trust Him to shape me into the woman that He has created me to be.
I am getting started today, July 6, going solo. I am from Puyallup, WA and my Bible study group at church is taking the summer off as of last week.
My life in this present season: anxieties
one specific goal in Bible study this summer: I can’t afford to take the summer off from the Word. I desperately need it to calm my anxieties and keep my mind fixed on truth.
I think it’s dangerous to do what each of us seems fit because we don’t take into account how our decisions would affect others or take into account how God wants to grow us. it’s a self-centered attitude.
I loved being reminded of especially Jer. 17:7-9 because a friend sent me these verses a couple of months ago when I was going through a trial and she said they made her think of me and the way I trust the Lord. It was good to be reminded of that because now I am facing temptation not to trust and need to remain like a tree that does not fear when the heat comes and will not be anxious in a year of drought nor cease to yield fruit. I want to continue glorifying the Lord through my trials, not giving into the temptation to worry how things will work out.
Found your site on Altavista, great content, but the site looks awkward in linux browsers, but works fine in IE. Go figure.
Jersey Shore, PA; 5 of us; We have a wide-range in the age category, and we all seem to be seeking different goals from this study. Our one-word descriptions of ourselves were: Waiting, befuzzled, abiding, weak and roller coaster. We each had the following goals: Accountability, defuzzlement, contentment, strength and to learn more about the Bible. I feel so blessed to be studying Ruth along side of my sisters in Christ! I am so glad that we stumbled onto the Siesta Summer Bible Study!
Bellbrook,OH;2 people, ages 19 and 44.
Our goals for this study were to stay in the word and not get lazy about our time with God and to boost our prayers lives. 1.Words to describe our lives. We each had two: one describing our day-to-day lives and the other describing the season we are currently experiencing in our walk with Christ. One said she could be described as busy and excited. The other renewal and transitions. We discussed how Judges 21:25 mirrors the world we live in today and what it would look like to live out Jeremiah 17:7-14. Looking forward to our next video lesson!
Hannah and Diane(as told by Hannah)
Raleigh, NC. Six ladies, two are a mother and daughter, and our ages represent 4 decades: 20’s, 30’s, 40’s and 50’s.
We are meeting in the hospitality room in our church which is set up like a living room with big couches.
We talked a lot about a time in our lives when we were tempted to leave a place God had us for something easier or more attractive.
We discussed how God allows doors to open for encouragement but not always for us to walk through. You may be asked to move for a great job that isn’t part of God’s plan.
We decided it is always best to be in the center of God’s will. However it is hard to know what that is sometimes.
We had a great first meeting!
Hi there,
City: Janesville, Wisconsin
[I just received my book in the mail, so I will be behind Y’all by about 2 weeks. I am just finishing up my last week in Miss Beth’s Esther Bible study, too; and I want to finish it off “well”.]
I am doing this Ruth study solo; with God’s help, and all of Y’all’s. I am 42, single, never been married, and have no children. [God’s will hasn’t led me there just yet.]
Work: I am teaching crafts each Saturday at the campground where my mother and I spend our “summer” weekends, which is great fun for me. I also hope to do some tutoring in elementary reading, etc., if God so wills it for my life this summer.
I am a certified elementary school teacher, but unfortunately have not been able to find “regular employment” in my field for several years now, [even though I have 5 years of experience], due to the economy, as well as too many other certified teachers in the mid-west area.
However, the Lord did allow me to teach children part-time at a Christian home-schooling center about an hour’s drive from my hometown 3 days a week this past school year. There was not much compensation for my doing so, but I felt called to be there, and was helping kids learn, which makes me feel lots of joy.
Words for my present season of life: struggling [but I am doing my best to fight the good fight of faith, by holding onto Jesus]
Goal for this study: to learn from my Lord and His Precious Word; to help me stay “sane” this summer, as well…
Jeremiah & Judges: I simply do NOT want to even think about living without my Lord & Savior, Jesus in control of my thoughts, words, and actions…
In Christ’s Love,
Jennifer Olmstead
Janesville, Wisconsin
My name is Shanelle and I’m going solo in Phx, AZ. My one word description is “praying-for-a-miracle.” Long story short – I’ve got a staph infection that must be cleared up for Aug 5 surgery that has already been delayed once. Docs say there is a 30% chance – I say that our God doesn’t need odds, He already knows the outcome.
My goal is to spend authentic time with God continuously. I want Him to be my first-thought, not an afterthought.
Now in comparing Judges to Jeremiah… doing whatever I want is dangerous and leads to a foolish, dusty mess (v 13 and v11). Living with God as my King means my confidence is in Him. I won’t wilt in times of trouble, and I don’t need to worry. I’m going to hold on to v 14 that says “Heal me, O LORD, and I will be healed…for you are the one I praise.” God is amazing!
(Side note/question about v 10 – you can stop reading here if long and rambling posts make you crazy =) V 10 says God searches our heart and examines our mind. The note in my Bible says “mind” literally translates “kidney.” I find that interesting because the kidneys are filters that get rid of waste- the stuff that is like poison to our body. I wonder if God looks at our “kidney function” to determine if we are filtering out the junk in our lives, or if we are holding on to it, allowing the waste to poison the rest of our lives. Just a random thought.)
I am Kristy and I am doing this study with my best friend Susan. I have been married for 19 years and have two boys ages 16 and 18. I am a Pastor’s wife and stay at home mom. I home school both of my boys. Our oldest son had brain surgery almost two years ago and thus necessitated bringing him home for school. It began a journey that has me definitely weeping forward. Susan is single and works for an energy company here in Oklahoma. She is a precious woman of God and serves her friends and family faithfully. She has an aging father that she cares for on a regular basis. We are doing this study together because we love each other, we love the word and we love staying out of a pit!
Our one word for this season:
Susan: Weary/lonely- Caring for an aging parent is wearisome. Never knowing what the next day might bring or the next phone call might require. I fully embrace this responsibility and count it an honor it is just wearisome. Lonely because there is not someone to share these burdens with at home and my heart longs for that.
Kristy: Unexpected/disappointed: This season of my life has been a VERY long curve ball. Like watching a ball game in slow motion waiting for it to land in the catchers mit, I feel like I’m holding my breath wondering if its a strike or a ball! I sat slackjawed on Day One of week two of this study. That is so me, didn’t really realize it until it was in my face, gently but abruptly. I had to sit a mighty long while and deal with my unexpected disappointed self. I’m hoping that at the end of this study, my word is grateful.
We talked a lot about moving forward in our circumstances and not just standing in them mumbling and complaining. How we have a choice not to always do what feels good but to do what is right. The danger of doing what is right in our own eyes as opposed to the man who is planted firmly by the stream and when trouble comes his roots go deep and they enable him to endure the season and even yield fruit. We want to be deeply rooted in Him and fruitful.
Goal for our group: Growth and Marked Change. To look a whole lot more like Christ when we are done.
Hey wait for me! I got my book late, but I’m almost caught up. I live in Oxnard, CA. I’m solo as my group has disbanded for the summer. My season of life is HUNGRY! Summer goal is to keep the fire going that was ignited by my favorite Beth study…Esther!! I was so changed by this study & decided to do Ruth on my own, then happened upon Beth’s Blog…God is awesome!
If we all did what we want, there would be no set standard & chaos would surely ensue. Jeremiah shows that the heart is the root of our actions. If it is deceitful we will end up deserted fools. If we are “in” the Lord we will then be rooted in him, have no fear, & bear fruit. That’s why I’m here…to remain rooted in Him!
We’re waiting, Jennifer! You’re doing great!
I’m solo too and started late. Just entered both sessions today and still one behind. I love your description: HUNGRY! I just finished Esther myself. Now I’m on Stepping Up along with Ruth. I usually do two at a time, a bit of a junkie I guess you could call me. I agree God IS awesome!
WILMINGTON, NC here, there are 8 in our group, I met these ladies through Siestaville and they graciously invited me to join their group, we range in age and seasons, we met for the first time last night. What a blessing! One Word: committed, servant, purpose, blessed, trust, overfilled, searching..Goals: Learn, learn,learn and getting the fire back. We talked about how dusty and dry we are with out the living water and how the 2 verses contrast. We named our group…The Living Water Ladies B.S Group (funny side note…my brothers mother-in-law whom I have known for 20 years was in the group)
Risingsun, OH. This evening we were nine women strong, missing three of our ladies. I think that we are all absolutely loving this study, and I have to reiterate again how excited I am that we are doing this with Beth Moore. Tonight’s questions that Beth posed to us brought tears out of three sets of eyes…one dealing with the loss of a sister to breast cancer four years ago, one dealing with a failed marriage, and one dealing with the idea of not yet having children (the last was myself). All of these came up during the discussion of “weeping forward” versus “weeping backward”. I think all of us decided that we were in a season of doing both. I was encouraged greatly by several women in the group who shared their own struggles with the idea of trying to “make babies” and was delighted to hear that it is ok for me to cry every month when my “visitor” arrived! We even had a bit of a chuckle in the next discussion question when the name of my book in this season of life was “Why does Aunt Flo keep returning to my town?”
All in all, a great time of fellowship was had by all. I look forward to Kelly’s study more and more each week and I know the women in our group do also. Until next time, Siestas…have a blessed week and if I weep this week, I trust in God and will be “weeping forward”!!
Michelle and a group of lovely women of Christ in NW Ohio
Better late than never!
There are 22 of us who have committed to this study though 8 of us were either battling sickness or were out of town tonight. So we had a total of 14 tonight for the intro session. We are in Coppell, TX (Dallas suburb). All are moms of kids that range in age from 3 to 17. All are working moms—some get paychecks and some don’t.
Waiting, pressure, blessed, balance, imbalance, stretched, growing, transition and introverted were among the words to describe our seasons of life. Several cited a need for accountability to stay in the Word in the summer months as the reason for being in Bible study this summer. Many want to “go deeper”. One needs a change from her do-it-alone-routine of Bible study. One “just loves the book of Ruth” and yet another is in dire need of some “girl time” and a break from all the testosterone at her home full of males! We were in agreement that utter chaos reigns when we stay in a state of “doing what we see fit.” There is an absence of character and integrity, no absolute truth; bottom line: unsafe and scary!
We’ll be 2 weeks behind everyone else here in Siestaville so I’m not sure how I’ll work out the blog comments but I’ll try to check in! Blessings to everyone as we dig deep!
Oh, Melissa… This post brought tears to my eyes. There is nothing more precious than a Dad’s relationship with his daughters. It’s also bittersweet reading this because it’s a reminder of the kind of relationship I will never have with my own earthly father who doesn’t have much of a presence in my life, but a beautiful reminder of my Heavenly Father’s love for me. Hope your dad has a wonderful wonderful birthday. How could he not having you Moore girls’ in his life!!
Late starter…
I live in Whitewright, TX. I am 44, married for 21 years,about to celebrate our 22nd aniversary this Sat, that is a God sized miracle in itself… Mother of 2, a son 21 and a daughter that passed away a little over 2 years ago. My one word right now would be “broken,” but I am hanging on to Him! Even though I feel broken at this point along the journey, I also feel priviledged that He chose me to walk this road with Him, it has been amazing, He has showed Himself mighty and faithful all along the way! My goal would be to become more like Him through the study of His word, I think I can relate to Ruth right now… Excited and anticipating this Bible Study experience with Him and my “siesta’s”
Los Angeles, CA – Group of 4 meeting Wednesday nights, about a week later than the posts (this comment is obviously super late!! – sorry).
We are all what you might call “young professionals” – in our mid-twenties to early 30’s, all working. We have all gotten married within the past year and a half and are all in the same “community group” through Shoreline Community Church in West Los Angeles. Our community group/Bible study is co-ed, so we are all really excited about enjoying some real girl time this summer. One of our members is a newly expectant mother but none of us have any other children yet. We’re just so excited to be spending good time in the Word and with other sisters in Christ!
Richmond Hill GA…solo
My word is OPEN. I am ready to see what God has in store for me/us/my family.
Hallsville, Missouri, Hallsville United Methodist Church, and we had our first discussion meeting tonight with 11 wonderful ladies present. We discussed the questions from both the first video and the second video. My word was SEEKING, and others were GROWTH, LEARN,EDUCATION,FELLOWSHIP. At our next meeting, we will have 4 more ladies who weren’t able to make it tonight. We are about to outgrow our meeting room! We are blessed to have this study, and wonderful women to share it with. Thanks to LPM for providing guidance and insight.
Forgot to say we are aged 30’s to 70’s, which just makes the discussions so rich.
Hi there. Just getting to posting our comment now a couple weeks late. I am group leader of a group of 6 meeting here in Dover, NH. We have done many Beth Moore studies together (about one a year) and enjoy her summer siesta studies as well. We did NOG a couple years back and really enjoyed it so are doing Ruth as well.
We are a group of women in our 30s-40s with children ranging in age from young babies up to teenagers who meet every Friday morning for fellowship and discussion. The Ruth study is perfect for us to do this summer! We have myself, Peg, Stacy, Beverly, Erin and Michelle, and our one word that described each of us in this season of our lives (in order)was Revival, Believing, Refining, Transition, Rebuilding and Sanctification.
We are looking forward to our second meeting this morning and all the yummy food Kelly has provided recipes for…and yes, we’ll be preparing both weeks of recipes for our one get-together today!
Hawesville,Ky.- this is my first on-line Bible study.
I’m doing it alone, this time. really not very good with these things called computers. Just very thankful for this study, during the busy summertime. Love the women of the Bible. Just longing to grow closer to our Precious Lord and have more of an intimate relationship with Him. As such a time as this, I am JOYful that God wants to use women,even me. Rejoicing in Him, Rita
Going solo in Georgia. Key word is evolving. Wanting to grow in the wisdom of the Bible, and go deeper into my relationship with my Lord and Savior.
We are truly enjoying our summer bible series in Ruth. I personally love the book of Ruth – one of the best love stories written. There were 9 of us this past week that met in McCalla, AL. We have a good diverse group, ages 20’s to 40’s. We are all in different stages of life some with small children, some with adult childern and even some who cant have childrens (my God bless those). This week was lots about greiving forward and backwards. Our church/group has gone thru alot of greiving recently so this hit right close to home. We were encouraged but Ruth in her stedfastness to keep on in the mist of her and Naomi’s sorrows.
Thanks so much for this ministry!
In Christ Love
Joy Gober
McCalla, AL
Loveless Park Baptist / Grace Life (hopefully soon to be)
Tampa, FL- We are a group of 6 ladies in our early to mid- twenties. Some of us are college friends and some of us met through our Newlywed Sunday school class at Idlewild Baptist Church. A few of us just got hired into new teaching positions and described our seasons of life with “blessed” or “unworthy.” There were a couple of us that felt “uncertain” or “searching” during this season in our lives. Our discussions have started out to be very rich and meaningful. It seems that this Siesta Summer Bible study is going to be amazing! We just know that God is going to do great things through this study and we are excited to see His works!
Whoo-hoo!!! We are a bit behind the group as all of our travelling had us starting about a week behind all of you! Our group meetins in O’Fallon, Missouri (suburb of of The Lou….a/k/a St. Louis!) and we have 4 ladies. We are all LOVING this study so far. Our goals include having a better understandig of the ever-important role of women in the great Plan He has for the world, spending time in the Word daily, and simply learning/gleaning “nuggets of hope” from Ruth. We all so admire her character!
I am going solo. I live in Vernon, Arizona. I am 50 years old. I have 2 adult boys and 5 step children. All grown but 1. I have 7 step grandchildren. I am sorry for starting this way late but my sister was hurt in a car accident and they do not expect her to live. If she does she will be paralyzed from the neck down. I will try to make this short. I am a journaler and sometimes that is hard.
What season am I in right now?
I feel like I am in my winter season of life. I am severly depressed. I feel dark and sadness all around me. I am so confused. I dont have a clear head to do anything. I am getting one disaster after another. I cant handle anymore. I keep trying to have hope but the joy from the hope is not coming. My sister had a car accident. This is serious. I dont know if she will live or not. I am getting hope from the baby steps she is making to get better. One setback will probally put me into a deeper emotional wreck. She does not deserve to be paralyzed if she lives. I am tired of pain and crying. I pray to God but I guess the healing will come with time.
What is my goal for this Bible Study?
My goal is to get out of this rut and have joy in my life again. To live threw this disaster. To learn from my losses for the last few months and be at peace within myself. To have increased faith and joy in the Lord. To love him more and see his miracle work on my sister.
I am so sorry for your sorrow. I am battling advanced cancer for over 10 years and I am very familiar with deep valleys. God is with you, draw close to Him and He will draw close to you. There are some good sections in “Praying Gods Word” on despair and depression and I’m sure if you contacted Living Proof Ministries they could direct you to some specific resourses for your situation.
Just wanted you to know that I’m lifting you up in prayer. Living Proof website also has a prayer support section where you can list your prayer needs there.
You’ll be in my prayers… Psalm 55:22…Matthew 11:28-30…just as Ruth “happened” to end up in Boaz’s field, God has plans for you! Keep weeping forward and hang on to His promises!
I pray you do get out of that pit. I am very sorry about your sister. I have a friend who was hit by a car a month ago, He is home with his family today. He was not supposed to live. Keep praying. He is not 100% better but it is amazing to see what God is doing.I know how hard it can be to have joy with everything that is going wrong. Keep praising God he will help you.What a mighty God we serve.
I will pray for you Siesta and your sister.
Clare, MI
DOZ (Daughters of Zion)
Our group which we call the Daughters of Zion, are meeting 2 weeks later than you all. We met on monday night at a park and had dinner of King Ranch Casserole and fruit Pizza, then we watched the clip and discussed the questions. We had 6 girls meeting. We are; Valerie single 28, Bethany single 31, AmieLynn married 34, Kalley married 21, Amber married 29, and Kelly single 31. Most of us did the bible study last year and one of the girls that was involved last year has moved out of the state, but her husband always called us beautiful daughters of Zion, so that is how we got our name and we abbrieviate it to be the Doz. We are all very excited to learn and grow in the Word of God! Thanks for once again hosting this bible study! We love our Siesta mama and those involved with the ministry of living proof!
Aloha! I am a solo siesta here on the island of Kauai. Really am excited to have this type of venue so as to participate with others.
O.k. here goes, one word to discribe my season in life. SOLITARY!!
My goal for the study; getting to know the heart of my God better through his voice, the bible.
The title to my novel, It took an island and a BnB to hear Gods voice.
The generational curse I believe God will turn around to blessings is the mother daughter relationships in my family.
My old way of coping (weeping backwards) was to attempt to control things my way. My way of weeping forward is to pray and let God have his way, then LET GO!!!!!
Praying for all of you siestas sisters, and may the Lord shower his blessings on us all!!
Aloha!!! Paula
Fredericksburg, Virginia; 9 of us; Meeting at Spotsylvania Presbyterian Church on Wednesday mornings. Our group is made up of moms of all ages. Our children range in age from 1 year old to married with kids. The older kids are babysitting the younger kids while we meet, study and fellowship. We have some women new to bible study and some rather seasoned in the Word. We have some women working full time, some working part time, some in grad school and some staying home with little ones. We are all eager to know more of the Lord through His Word. Our discussion centered around how we know one another, how long we’ve been studying the Word, how we all desire to know more of it, how we are thankful for this summer opportunity to provide accountability and growth. Here are the words used to describe various life-seasons: blooming, settling, summertime, growth, renewal, spring, refreshing, rich. God is certainly at work in these lives and we are so excited to see what He does through this study of Ruth. (We met for the first time almost 2 weeks ago and it has taken me this long to post our comment. Forgive me. I’m glad to see I am not alone in posting ‘later than desired’).
There are 8 of us who attended the first session, and we’re hoping 2 more will join us. We meet at my house in Wichita, KS. Most of us attend Cornerstone Adventist church, but not all. We range in age from 20’s to about 60, but are such a fun group no one notices the age differences! We intended to get a group picture to post here at our first time together, but had such a great time just being together we completely forgot.
So–we’ll meet again this week and try to remember to get the shot then! We’re all doing this just because we want to get closer to Jesus than ever before. Most of us were in SSS II, and jumped at the chance to be part of this year’s study. We’ll definitely have more to say as this study progresses.
Sharing our responses on my blog:
Amanda @ ItsMrsTheGreatsBlog, Richmond, VA
Shelli @ Hopefully Devoted, Almont, MI
Sandy @ The Tablet of My Heart, Durant, OK
(only connected through the LPM blog-Shelli and I connected last year when she created her blog to host a group discussion for the Summer Bible Study.)
1. Me: Married with twin 7 year olds, highly involved in the operations of a growing church in New Hampshire, supporting my husband who is an executive pastor of the church. Also maintaining a secular job to help provide for the family.
2. One word: Over-extended
3. Goal: Rehydrate during this spiritual drought of mine.
4. Thoughts: Divinely funny that I identified my goal before reading Judges 21 and Jeremiah 17. I needed to be told that the Lord says I am cursed for depending on my flesh for my strength v5, and that I am currently dwelling in the parched places of the dessert v6 (‘the dry of the dry’). But my commitment to this personal study will transform me from cursed to blessed and not fearful of the elements because my roots will run deep in His trustworthiness v8. Praise God!
Gettysburg, SD Five of us doing the Ruth study. Meeting at Grace Bible Church. I have done this study before and chose it to share with this group of ladies that I lead in a morning Bible study. Awesome study. All of us are ummm… older ladies, well, no one under 40. How’s that?! And, of course, one question came up during the first session, in chapter one that possibly someone can answer for us. The Moabites and Ammonites were enemies of Israel, one reason being they wouldn’t feed the Israelites when the Israelites were wandering in the desert, right? If that assumption is correct, then the Moabites and the Ammonites must have been ‘nations’ or ‘tribes’ or whatever then at that time? Is that right?
Hope that was okay to ask a question. Thanks Beth for doing this study. I am enjoying your videos and they help with my leading.
I will be doing the study by myself.
My one word would be tired.
My goal is to perservere and stay close in God’s word and try to really actually live it with my husband and family.
My thoughts on the verses stated are both more reinforcement of God’s word is the only way. I waver, become double minded, have a Ponces Piolet syndrom, ect. If only I could really, really trust. Keep the doubt, stubborness and selfishness away. I fight with my flesh daily to do what God’s word says to do in any given situation and be vulnerable.
Well hello! We are in beautiful North Idaho and we just got started on the Ruth study this evening. We had a great turn out of 18 wonderful and faithful women and facilitated by our sista Jeani!
We started our series with tonight being the introduction and we had great food (excellent recipe for this week by the way!), and then went through some of the questions. We have a diverse background of ladies in all seasons of their relationship with the Lord. Some are single, some married. I think all of them have children… some with grands too! Interesting answers for the one-word to characterize our season of life… Busy, evolving, crazy, trusting, hard, uncertain, faith-filled,… and menopausal!
Our most interesting conversation was what our quiet time looks like right now. A very common response was inconsistent. Other responses were easily distracted, interrupted, unfocused, rushed, brief & shallow, regular & shallow. One siesta is having more consistent quality time, another has daily time in the morning, and another one “jealously guards her time with God”.
This promises to be a very exciting study for each of us! We are eager to see how God will be speaking to each of us and drawing us closer to Him through these six weeks!
Ocoee, Florida, 3 of us meeting at each others houses. This is the first time we’ve done a SSBS. I am so excited about it! We’re a couple of weeks behind because I didn’t stumble aross the intro until a few weeks ago. (Don’t you just love the way the Lord leads you to stumble aross something great!) Christy 36 & single, Joyce 51 & married and me, 42 & married. Our goal is to dive deeper into the Word of God as we work through the different challenges in our lives right now.
I am doing Ruth solo – too many things – work, children, other meetings, vacation to set a consistent time with others to meet.
Started a little behind you but am gaining ground!
Good season.
Goal – spend time and grow in knowledge and understanding of God the Creator!
Solo from Otisville Michigan.
I’m running behind but catching up, here are my answers for week two:
My novel in a form of a question:
3) What now?
How have I been sowing while weeping:
4)Staying in the word, being gentle and humble to others, helping others.