I just got to talk to my mom and wanted to give everyone an update. It sounds like things are going very well so far at the Breaking Free re-taping. Mom said it was a true miracle of God, possibly even a sign of the return of our Lord, that she has stayed within her 60 minute time limit for all three sessions. (Kidding. Let’s not get a letter circulating!) That has never happened even one time in all of her tapings! When she goes over her allotted time, it always makes things harder on the editors and on Beth herself because they have to hack away at the lesson. So praise God with us for this miracle and let’s ask Him to keep it up!
One prayer request for today is for plenty of energy and rest. Mom slept very little last night. She went to bed around 11 p.m. and woke up at 2 a.m. and couldn’t go back to sleep. She really struggles with sleep after she teaches at night, whether at a Living Proof Live event, a taping, or even Tuesday night Bible study. She gets really wired and her mind can’t stop teaching. She is teaching two sessions each evening for this taping, so it’s twice as challenging. Even though she’s tired, she is in very good spirits and is believing God to give her everything she needs for tonight.
Please ask God to keep her in good health. Also pray that all 11 sessions will have the full energy of the Holy Spirit. Pray that not one of them will drop, in Jesus’ name!
Several of our siestas are attending the taping, including JennyHope, who keeps everyone in stitches. I’ve even heard a rumor that she may have bequeathed a jumbo pencil and back scratcher to Beth. (Maybe she will enlighten everyone who wasn’t at the Siesta Fiesta as to the significance of this gift.) If any of our other siestas attending the taping are online today, let us know you’re there. Mom wants a list of names!
Y’all should know that my husband Curtis is normally the first person to complete my mom’s Bible studies (that we know of), but we think JennyHope is going to have him beat on Esther. Jenny has confessed to having stalked her LifeWay store until she got her copy. I’m not sure Curtis is going to do Esther: It’s tough being a woman. But if he does, he can write “It’s tough being married to a woman” on the cover.
Thanks for your prayers, ladies! They really do make a huge difference. We love y’all!
PS – We should be hearing from Melissa soon!