Good morning, Siestas! How has your week been? Ours has been good. We had our last night of Bible study on Tuesday and it was a strong finish. In fact, I think it may have been my favorite lesson I’ve ever heard my mom teach. At the end there was a very special display of affection for Beth from our attendees and I teared up at least three times thinking about it. Lots of our buddies from LifeWay were visiting from Nashville and we loved having them there.
Afterward we had a little ice cream party for everyone who worked so hard to make Bible study possible this semester. It was catered by Tasti D-lite, which I knew nothing about until this week. I only let myself have two bites because I’ve been on a diet since March. Come to find out, the ice cream was really low in fat and calories and now I’m kicking myself for not eating the whole thing! I’m just going to have to pay their store a visit soon.
All this diet business came about because of some very stubborn baby weight that would not come off – even when I was running several mornings a week! I was determined not to have to change my eating habits, but I finally got desperate. Making these changes has been difficult, but it’s actually been a lot easier than feeling bad about the extra weight. As of yesterday I had lost ten pounds. I really can’t believe I did it, y’all! If anyone else out there is working on something similar, know that you are not alone and that you and the Lord can do it. (I’ve been doing Weight Watchers and have been very pleased with it. For my WW friends, that ice cream was only 2 points!)
We’ve been planning a picture-filled post to recap our trip to the Dallas, but your blog administrator (that’s me) hasn’t yet gotten the hang of posting pictures and text simultaneously. WordPress is a lot more complicated than I thought it would be. Thankfully, I have a helper and she is going to give me a tutorial soon.
When I was in school – from about fourth grade until college graduation – I hated math. Most other subjects came pretty easily to me if I studied, but when I looked at fractions or graphs or equations, it was like my eyes bugged out. I would constantly say to my friends, “I’m failing math!” Actually, I usually had a B, but it felt like failure. This is a very unfortunate character trait (flaw) that I have, but I just hate doing anything that I’m not reasonably good at. Since we moved the blog to WordPress, I feel like I’m constantly walking around saying, “I’m failing math! I’m failing math!” It all boils down to pride, pride, pride. When this is all said and done, I pray the fruit will be a more professional blog and a more humble me.
Well, I started this post with the intention of doing a giveaway, but we’ll just wait until next week. My sweet baby is under the weather, so I’m going to go minister the Tylenol and take advantage of her snuggliness. Have a great weekend, Siestas!