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Failing Math

Good morning, Siestas! How has your week been? Ours has been good. We had our last night of Bible study on Tuesday and it was a strong finish. In fact, I think it may have been my favorite lesson I’ve ever heard my mom teach. At the end there was a very special display of affection for Beth from our attendees and I teared up at least three times thinking about it. Lots of our buddies from LifeWay were visiting from Nashville and we loved having them there.

Afterward we had a little ice cream party for everyone who worked so hard to make Bible study possible this semester. It was catered by Tasti D-lite, which I knew nothing about until this week. I only let myself have two bites because I’ve been on a diet since March. Come to find out, the ice cream was really low in fat and calories and now I’m kicking myself for not eating the whole thing! I’m just going to have to pay their store a visit soon.

All this diet business came about because of some very stubborn baby weight that would not come off – even when I was running several mornings a week! I was determined not to have to change my eating habits, but I finally got desperate. Making these changes has been difficult, but it’s actually been a lot easier than feeling bad about the extra weight. As of yesterday I had lost ten pounds. I really can’t believe I did it, y’all! If anyone else out there is working on something similar, know that you are not alone and that you and the Lord can do it. (I’ve been doing Weight Watchers and have been very pleased with it. For my WW friends, that ice cream was only 2 points!)

We’ve been planning a picture-filled post to recap our trip to the Dallas, but your blog administrator (that’s me) hasn’t yet gotten the hang of posting pictures and text simultaneously. WordPress is a lot more complicated than I thought it would be. Thankfully, I have a helper and she is going to give me a tutorial soon.

When I was in school – from about fourth grade until college graduation – I hated math. Most other subjects came pretty easily to me if I studied, but when I looked at fractions or graphs or equations, it was like my eyes bugged out. I would constantly say to my friends, “I’m failing math!” Actually, I usually had a B, but it felt like failure. This is a very unfortunate character trait (flaw) that I have, but I just hate doing anything that I’m not reasonably good at. Since we moved the blog to WordPress, I feel like I’m constantly walking around saying, “I’m failing math! I’m failing math!” It all boils down to pride, pride, pride. When this is all said and done, I pray the fruit will be a more professional blog and a more humble me.

Well, I started this post with the intention of doing a giveaway, but we’ll just wait until next week. My sweet baby is under the weather, so I’m going to go minister the Tylenol and take advantage of her snuggliness. Have a great weekend, Siestas!


The Photographer’s Daughter

Polly Monroe Kalonick
March 8 2010

Congratulations to Rich and Gretchen Kalonick on their beautiful baby girl!  As much as Rich loves taking pictures of all of us at the Living Proof Live events, I have a feeling that this sweet one is by far his favorite subject. And rightly so!

Annabeth and Bibby are thinking that baby Polly might share their love of a great shoe. Bibby’s coming through with a pair of these. Aren’t they precious?

P.S. Please don’t miss yesterday’s post.


Maryam and Marzieh’s Court Hearing

UPDATE: Ladies, our contact at Elam had this information to share today (4/14).

We are very thankful for the many prayers on behalf of Maryam and Marzieh.
They were not detained but we have been told that their court process will take a few more days. Once we learn of the outcome we will share it with you. Meanwhile we ask for your continued prayers.
Thank you for standing in prayer with us for them.
The Elam team


Last October we joined together in prayer for two of our Iranian Christian sisters, Maryam and Marzieh, who were suffering in prison for their faith. About a month later we got to celebrate as they were released from prison to await their court hearing. We recently found out that the court hearing is tomorrow, April 13, 2010.  Siestas, please be in prayer for these women. Here’s the message from Elam Ministries:

Maryam and Marzieh need our prayer.

They spent 259 days in prison for their Christian faith. After their conditional release on 18th November 2009 from Iran’s Evin Prison, they have been convalescing and receiving medical treatment for the past five months.

Both of them still remain unwell, weak and suffering from various illnesses. However, despite their frailties they are determined to be faithful to the Lord and speak the truth in court whatever the consequence or personal cost.

Maryam and Marzieh’s court hearing has been set for 13th April 2010.

Therefore, on their behalf, during the next five days leading up to their court hearing we request your prayers.

Pray that:

The peace of God will protect their hearts and minds and keep them safe.
They will completely recover from their illnesses and be strong physically, mentally and spiritually.
They will know the presence of God in the midst of their trial.
They will be set free.

Maryam & Marzieh would like to express their heartfelt gratitude for your prayers that have sustained them throughout their hardship.

Thank you for praying.

The Elam team


The Big D

Hey Siestas! This is just a quick note to let you know that the Moore girls are heading north for the weekend. North – where the air is better for the hair. Amen? By “north” I mean Dallas. Our co-worker, Nancy, is marrying off her son to the love of his life. We’re so excited to get to celebrate with their family and also enjoy a little girl time.

A few minutes ago I was telling Jackson that Annabeth and I are leaving town to go to a wedding. He looked at his Daddy and said, “Who’s Mommy marrying?” Curtis explained that Mommy wasn’t getting married, but that Miss Sara’s brother was getting married. Then Jackson said those classic words, “I’m going to marry Mommy!” My heart melted. What a sweet send off.

On another note, I read that Texas Stadium is being imploded on Sunday morning. That’s so weird! I basically saw it every day for 3.5 years when we lived in Irving. So when we arrive in the Dallas area today we’ll see it, and when we leave it will be gone! Just like that! Bless its heart, it truly is an eye sore, but now I feel a bit sentimental about it.

I hope all of you have a wonderful weekend. Please continue to leave comments if you’d like to, but just know that it could be a few days before they’re posted. We love y’all!


Easter 2010


Some WP Hints and the LPL Tucson Recap

A few bits of randomness this morning:

-When you leave a comment, you only need to fill in the web site field if you have a blog or personal web site that you’d like people to be able to visit when they click on your name. If you don’t have one, you can just leave it blank.

-Feel free to use whatever screen name you were previously using in the name field.

-Our old avatars (pictures) aren’t showing up here because WordPress does not recognize our Blogger/Google accounts. Several siestas have recommended going to to get a free universally recognized avatar to use. I think we all miss seeing the beautiful faces next to the comments!

-Did you know that you can respond directly to another siesta’s comment by clicking “reply” underneath her comment? (Otherwise, you’ll just scroll down to the bottom of the page and look for the comment box.)

-Unfortunately, we lost the comments that were left on the blog over the weekend. I’m so sorry about that. Please feel free to type your comment again if you would like to.

-Did you know that Rich, our wonderful Living Proof Live photographer, and his wife just had their first baby? She was born a few days before the Toronto conference. (That’s why we didn’t have a recap video for that event.) Rich has promised to send me some pictures of Baby Polly to share on the blog. She is beautiful! In the meantime, please enjoy the Living Proof Live Tucson recap video. Thanks, Rich!

Living Proof Live – Tucson AZ from Rich Kalonick on Vimeo.


We Made It!

Whew! I can’t believe it finally happened! We made it to WordPress! Thanks for following us to our new home. Don’t forget to bookmark our new address or subscribe to the new feed if you like using a feed reader.

I’m sitting on my couch with my laptop, but I feel like I’m driving a new car with this unfamiliar dashboard in front of me. Just for kicks, and so we can all test drive the commenting process, tell me something fun or interesting about a car you’ve had!

My first car was a 1987 Mustang GT convertible. It was my grandmother’s car and she gave it to me when I turned 16. Can you believe that? I was really blessed, to say the least!  It was beautiful and fast off the line and I’m sure I don’t need to tell you how much fun my friends and I had in it.

I was a little too proud of that car and the Lord humbled me many, many times in it. For one, when it rained really hard, the water would leak inside from between the windshield and the top. I remember driving home from Texas A&M for an orthodontist appointment and it was monsooning outside. The rainwater was pouring in and I had nothing to soak it up with, so I took off one of my socks and tried to soak it up with my right hand while my left hand was on the wheel. Oh, and I was bawling my eyes out! I have no idea how I ever made it home.

On the night my sister turned 16, she did not have her car yet. She would soon be given a 1969 Camaro that she and my dad loved working on together. But that night I let her take my Mustang out to celebrate with her friends. Melissa and I just happen to be complete opposites of one another. For example, when the traffic light turned green I would accelerate as fast as I could to the speed limit. Melissa lived to blow right by it. As I remember it, on that night – the very night of her 16th birthday and the start of her official driving life – Melissa burned up the engine of my car! Bless my mom’s heart that she had to raise two daughters who are as different as night and day.

Every spring when the weather is as gorgeous as it is in Texas right now, I miss that car like crazy. Maybe one day when I’m done with booster seats and carpooling I’ll have another convertible.

Now maybe I can get my sis to tell us a Camaro story!


The Big Move!

Ladies, we are hoping to move to the new blog site tonight. I’m sorry that this heads up is coming so late in the day! When we move, you’ll want to subscribe to the new feed so that you’ll continue to get the blog updates (that is if you’re using a feed reader). I’m sure that it will take a little while for the new blog to feel like home, but I’m confident that the new platform will allow us to serve you more effectively. Thanks so much for your prayers and patience as we have worked on this projects with several starts and stops.


LPL Tucson 10 Ticket Giveaway

*UPDATE* All the tickets have been spoken for. Thanks, ladies!

Hey ladies! We are giving away 10 tickets to the Living Proof Live event this weekend in Tucson, Arizona. If you were hoping to attend the event but couldn’t swing the ticket price, we would love to treat you to a complimentary one. Please call Kimberly Meyer at our Living Proof office at 1-888-700-1999. I will try to update the blog as soon as I hear that the tickets are gone.

Houston Siestas, we look forward to seeing you tonight for session 7 of A Heart Like His! Have a great Tuesday, everyone.


My Two Favorite Authors Together!

Ladies, I have some very cool news. My two favorite authors are joining up for a “Heart of Texas” book tour on Friday and Saturday. Would you like to guess who they are?

One is our very own Siesta Mama, who will be signing copies of So Long Insecurity. Woo hoo!

The other author is…

…Drum roll please…

Francine Rivers!

Eeeeek! Can you believe it?!?!

I screamed like a little girl when I heard the news.

Mrs. Rivers will be signing copies of Her Mother’s Hope, which just released this week.

Here are the details in case you’re interested in coming to one of the book signings.

Friday, March 19

11:00 AM – 1:00 PM
Barnes & Noble
1430 Lake Plaza Place
Southlake, TX 76092
*You’ll need to get a free ticket from the store to get in line.

3:30 PM – 5:30 PM
Barnes & Noble
7700 West Northwest Highway
Dallas, Texas 75225
*You’ll need to get a free ticket from the store to get in line.

Saturday, March 20

10:00 AM – 12:00 PM
Barnes & Noble
12850 Memorial Drive
Houston, Texas 77024
*You won’t need a ticket, but the B&N employee I spoke to recommended getting there when the store opens at 9 AM.

2:00 PM – 4:00 PM
Barnes & Noble
The Woodlands Mall
1201 Lake Woodlands Drive, #3008
The Woodlands, Texas 77381
*You can either get a wristband at the store in advance or call them and have one reserved in your name. (You can pick it up tomorrow or in the store on Saturday.) The wristbands will have a group number that will indicate when you get in line.

Melissa and I will be at one of the book signings in Houston. (Probably the early one.) We hope to get to meet some of you!

And finally, what’s your favorite Francine Rivers book? Mine’s the Mark of the Lion series. I wish I could read it all over again for the first time.
