I’m having one of those mornings. Annabeth is determined not to take a nap for the second day in a row. I forgot that the pest control man was coming this morning and when he arrived, we were all in our pajamas and the house was a mess. We still have all the party decorations up and it must have looked like a freak show. Jackson and I both woke up feeling very strong-willed. Earlier I told him to go play with his trains and he looked at me and yelled “FINE!” Is there a space in the baby book for that?
Thankfully, today is no reflection on how wonderful Annabeth’s birthday was!
As I was driving to the church for Bible study on Tuesday afternoon, I passed my OB’s office and realized that at that exact moment a year ago, I was getting the news that I was in the early stages of labor and that my baby would be coming soon. That was such a great moment to relive. I had been so happily shocked.
I came home from Bible study pretty late and began getting the house set up for Annabeth’s party. Right after midnight I went up to her room and plucked the sleeping princess out of her crib. We spent the next few minutes snuggling in her soft pink rocking chair as I whispered my happy birthday wishes. She slept right through it.
The next morning, Curtis, Jackson and I went into Annabeth’s room together to get her up for the day. Jackson ran in and yelled, “It’s your birfday, Annabeff! It’s your birfday!” He was so excited for her. We sang and clapped and she loved it.

Then we took some quick pictures with the Big Pink Bear. I was still half asleep and didn’t notice that her shirt was wonky. My bad.

I told her to give the bear a kiss.

Twelve months later, she gets out of the chair herself. It’s boggles my mind how much they change in a year!

The rest of the morning was spent getting ready for her little party. All of Annabeth’s LPM aunties were coming over at noon to celebrate with us. In hindsight, I should have cooked the night before, but I was too tired after Bible study. Mom and Nancy came over early to help. I would not have been ready on time if they hadn’t come! In the midst of the pre-party choas, Nancy asked me what time Annabeth was born. I answered 11:38 and looked at my watch. Unbelievably, it was 11:38 right at that moment! We all stopped and I got to give Annabeth some kisses and take it in.
“The Village,” as we like to call ourselves, arrived at noon and the fun began. We had enchiladas and a great salad that my mom made. I served sparkling blackberry and sparkling pomegranate Izze’s because they went with my color scheme. Then we had birthday cake and frozen cappuccino punch and opened presents. I’ll let the pictures fill in the rest of the details.
Memaw brought a present for the big brother, too. So thoughtful!

Annabeth with Auntie Nancy. This was before she rejected her bow.

Memaw, me, Mom, and Annabeth – four generations of “Moore” girls.

Mom making her salad.

Very little evidence exists that I know how to use my oven, but here you go.

Auntie Kimberly McMahon/KMac helping me with the punch.

My grandma let me borrow her beautiful punch bowl and that gave me so much joy.

I imagined this looking cuter. The water bottles ruined it.

Auntie Kimberly Meyer showing the candy bracelet napkin rings.

Curtis and I simultaneously spilled our red drinks all over the table cloth. I nearly died but it just beaded up instead of soaking in! We just wiped it away! Is that not crazy?

My handsome man.

Kristy, KMac, Jenn, and Michelle.

Linda, Sabrina, Susan, Memaw, Nancy, and Kimberly

Annabeth with Auntie Sabrina

Second only to the guest of honor – the cake!

Bring it on, people!

Contrary to how this looks, she could not reach the candle.

Annabeth loves to throw her head back.

Warming up to it.

Meanwhile, Jackson was downing a piece.

Mom and Nancy did such a good job slicing it. The first few pieces were as big as our heads, but at least they were generous.

I put a photo book of Annabeth’s first year in my office for everyone to see. Curtis gave it to me for Christmas.

Icing’s pretty good, y’all!

Making very good progress on the smash cake.

The invitation specifically said, “No gifts please,” but do you think anyone listened? I told them they were lucky they didn’t have to sit on the time out step. Annabeth was blessed with some adorable spring outfits from her aunties and a few little toys, which we will definitely enjoy.

She was very interested in what she was getting.

Annabeth wanted to share some cake with KMac.

Auntie Michelle, Mom, Nancy, and AB.

Playing with some new toys after the party was over.

These are the beautiful roses that Aunt Melissa and Uncle Colin sent. Her dress was actually their Christmas present to her. We missed them but they were with us in presents if not presence!

These things were so fun! I would have left them up for days but they started falling down that night.

I’m not sure we’ll ever be able to eat all of these.

The perfect use for a silver bowl, don’t you think?

These little pennants came with the banners I had made.

The banners say, “Happy Birthday Annabeth.” I love them and plan on hanging them up every year.

This was right before the birthday nap. She had a hard time falling asleep after all that sugar.

The night before her first birthday I finally got the nursery like I wanted it. So here are some pictures.

Happy birthday, sweet Annabeth! The last twelve months have been amazing. I love you so much!
Frozen Cappuccino Punch
(Thank you Annalee!)
1/2 C sugar
1/4 C instant coffee granules
1 C boiling water
8 C milk
1 qt vanilla ice cream, softened
1 qt chocolate ice cream, softened
In a small bowl, combine the sugar and coffee. Stir in boiling water until dissolved. Cover and refrigerate until chilled. Just before serving, pour coffee mixture into a 1 gallon punch bowl. Stir in milk. Add scoops of ice cream. Stir until melted.