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There is a Rescuer

Good morning, siestas. Today is the day my Curtis comes home and I want to thank you for praying for us. I know he had a very powerful experience in India and I can’t wait to hear all the details. I’m sure he will want to share his experience with you, too. Jackson and I did great. We had one 48 hour stretch that was pretty tough, but other than that we did better than I thought we would. God was faithful to meet our needs every day.

I also want to share something that I wrote yesterday. Up until a few days ago we were one of the families with a missing loved one from the Galveston area. Praise God, our loved one has been found. Then I had a dream two nights ago that I was one of the people who didn’t evacuate the island in time for Hurricane Ike and it was so upsetting. God used those things to burn this on my heart.

The National Weather Center issued the stern warning to those living on the coast: “Those living in one or two-story single family homes must evacuate or face certain death.” It was debated whether the wording was too dramatic. For some, maybe it was, but the words were sadly appropriate for what may amount to hundreds of others. Unbelievably large numbers of people did not heed the warning. They wanted to stay with their homes and be able to protect their belongings after the storm. What they didn’t consider was that there would be nothing left to save, regardless of their presence. The hurricane would not make landfall until Saturday, but they didn’t plan on the storm surge reaching the coast as early as Friday afternoon. With the sun still shining, the gulf waters began overtaking Bolivar Peninsula, making a last minute evacuation impossible for hundreds of people. They drank in the sight of water covering the roadways and were forced to swallow the bitter pills of regret and dread. They called for help, but only a fraction could be rescued before the winds became too strong for the helicopters. They called their loved ones and said, “I made a mistake. I’m really in trouble here.” They were helpless. And their loved ones are left traumatized. Emergency operators would receive countless calls for help during the storm. They would not be able to offer any hope. It was too late. In complete and utter darkness, people were swept to sea in their own homes. Their broken, swollen bodies are currently being recovered all along the coast amid debris, alligators, water moccasins, and swarms of mosquitoes. The Houston Chronicle reports that hundreds of people are unaccounted for. You can go to their web site and search the names and faces of missing fathers, mothers, grandparents, aunts, uncles, sons and daughters. It is horrifying.

In the midst of this, while many in this region remain mercifully unaware due to lack of power and/or cable TV, our country is on the verge of financial disaster. And while the coast is still cleaning up, we will elect a new president and proceed to change administrations in the middle of a war. Simply put, it is all very scary.

People, look around and see that the storm surge of Hell is rising around us. It is lapping at the Sea Wall. It is beginning to flood the only road off the island. We stand on the decks of our fancy beach homes built on sand and watch the water rising, submerging the pillars we trusted to keep us safe. We’ve already been warned of disaster. Scripture says “All have sinned and fall short of the glory of God” (Romans 3:23). And “The wages of sin is death” (Romans 6:23). Our sin – the thing inside us that makes us do wrong – has earned us spiritual death, an eternity apart from God. Indeed, an eternity in hell. The hell on earth around us now is only a shadow of what is to come when we will reap the terrible harvest of the sin we sowed on this earth. It is a dire message. A terrible thing to have to hear. But true.

My friends, the good news is that we still have time to call the Emergency Operator and ask to be saved. While the Bible says that we deserve death, it also says “But the gift of God is eternal life in Jesus Christ our Lord” (Romans 6:23). We can call upon Jesus to save us – from ourselves and from the unquenchable fire of hell that is eager to overtake us all. There is a way out, but there is only one way. “Salvation is found in no one else, for there is no other name under heaven given to men by which we must be saved” (Acts 4:12). Call on Jesus.

“Therefore [Jesus] is able to save completely those who come to God through him, because he always lives to intercede for them. Such a high priest meets our need—one who is holy, blameless, pure, set apart from sinners, exalted above the heavens.” (Hebrews 7:25-26)

Jesus made a way for us to be saved when He came to earth and lived a perfect life. He was fully man and at the same time fully God. He was completely without sin. He laid down His life for us while we were still doing everything wrong and spitting in His face. He loved us that much. He was tortured, then nailed to a cross and died. On that cross He bore the wrath of God for all of humanity’s sin. He suffered and died in our place.

He was resurrected on the third day and appeared to many men. This is one of the most well documented facts in history. All of time revolves around His resurrection. At this moment He sits on a throne in Heaven next to God. He waits for us to call upon Him for salvation, to surrender our lives to Him, to put our hope and trust in Him. Romans 10:9-12 says, “That if you confess with your mouth, ‘Jesus is Lord,’ and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved. For it is with your heart that you believe and are justified, and it is with your mouth that you confess and are saved. As the Scripture says, ‘Anyone who trusts in him will never be put to shame.'” He waits with open arms for the Saved, the Forgiven, the Rescued to enter into the splendor of an eternity with Him. There, the foundation is solid and there is no fear. There is only joy and the fulfillment of every need of your immortal soul in the presence of the One who created you.

Just like the hundreds of people who died needlessly when they did not heed the evacuation orders on the coast, we will suffer in hell needlessly if we do not take Jesus Christ up on His offer of salvation. What? You think you don’t deserve to be rescued? Well no one does. It is all by grace, no matter how “good” you seemed or how “bad” you were. What? You want to stay in your house and protect all that you’ve gathered for yourself on this earth? It will all be destroyed anyway. What? Your husband won’t go with you? You’d rather stay behind with him and ride it out? How foolish. Take your children and go. Call upon His name before it is too late.

Hurricane Hell is in the gulf. It is churning. It will certainly make landfall for each of us, but we are not given a forecast. We do not know when it will hit, but we do know that it brings with it “certain death.” Will we say the warning is too stern? Or will we call upon the Savior and be rescued?


God of This City

Sunday morning my little family slept a little later than usual, swung by Shipley’s Donuts and headed to church. Sunday school had been cancelled, which is totally a bummer because I love that part. I’m such a fellowship person.

We entered the sanctuary and it was slowly filling up. Two weeks ago our church had just started meeting in the sanctuary again after a five-month exodus into the chapel, fellowship hall, and gym while it got a much-needed renovation. That first Sunday back in the new sanctuary was incredible. It was so exciting and there was a wonderful spirit of praise and thanks to God. We sang Chris Tomlin’s “God of this City” and proclaimed that “greater things have yet to come, greater things are still to be done in this city.” We sang it loud and proud.

The very next Sunday there was no church because of the hurricane. Then there was Sunday, September 21 – only our second service in the newly renovated sanctuary. I cannot adequately describe how different the mood was in the service this week. Quiet. Somewhat broken. Sweet. Humble. Sober. Unsure. Pastor Gregg poured his heart out to love on us and shepherd us. His sermon was directly related to the hurricane and he talked about what we can learn from it. Three things will stick with me. For some people, this was a correcting storm. For others, it was a perfecting storm. And God wants to use it to shave the silliness off of our lives. When Curt and I went to the mall last week to get Baby’s two little outfits after the ultrasound, I can’t tell you how ridiculous and obscene it felt. Were we really at the mall when there was so much devastation everywhere? I think that is what a lot of us are feeling right now. I’m sure it will wear off for most Houstonians, but hopefully it won’t wear off for the Church. I certainly don’t want it to wear off for me. I really need it. This is something I feel God has been doing in my life for the past little while and I want to see the work made complete.

I remember when we were in England how different the elderly people were from everyone else. They had survived The War. Many had been shipped off from their parents when they were kids to live in regions of England where they would be safe from the fighting. They had been through a ton in their young years and they were not caught up in the silliness of the present-day culture. They made do with little and they didn’t need extravagance. This way of being was not attractive to me at age 24. I wanted very much to project a certain image and to have as much as I could of what the world could give me, while having the things of God, too. (I’m not talking about things that are plain sinful as much as things that are permissible, but not beneficial.) I so appreciate God’s patience with me at every stage of life. I also appreciate that He changes me. I am getting ever-so-close to my thirties and I’m happy that in 13 months I’ll cross that line with a different heart and mind than that of my 24-year-old self. I will say the same as I enter my forties, I’m sure.

Pastor Gregg exhorted us let this storm do its work in our lives – to let it be more than the inconvenience that it’s been for most of us. Honestly, I haven’t even been inconvenienced all that much. As he asked the congregation how many were still without power, the vast majority raised their hands. I was stunned. My cross to bear has been a tiny one. Still, He has allowed me to take a look at my own life and see the silliness, and to gaze at what matters. I want to learn this lesson.

That morning we sang “God of This City” again. We did so loudly, not as proudly, but full of faith. As we sang, images of our damaged region flashed across the whole front wall of the sanctuary. Our words went up as a prayer to God. While we worshipped in our lovely new sanctuary, we knew that only a few miles away Second Baptist Church was meeting outside. Part of the dome at the top of their beautiful sanctuary had been ripped away during the storm and the damage was extensive. They are out of their sanctuary indefinitely. The body of Christ in this town is having a moment with the Lord, y’all. How I pray that the fruit will be sweet and that everyone who lives here will get a taste…and see that He is good.

God, You are the God of this city. You’re the King of these people. We feel broken by You but loved at the same time. Like today when I had to give Jackson a spanking for locking me out of the house while I fetched the groceries, but he clung to me for a long time afterward. I know You love us. You are not done with this city. Strengthen the remnant. Build up Your Kingdom here, Lord.


A Miesta’s Getting Married!

Someone very near and dear to all of us is getting married this weekend! Can you guess who? It’s none other than our incredible Living Proof Live photographer, Rich, and his beautiful fiancee, Gretchen. Let’s be praying for them this week as they get ready to join their lives together and celebrate with friends and family. Rich and Gretchen, I am praying for lots of joy and lots of peace for both of you. Blessings to you guys!


Living Proof Live – Billings, Montana

Living Proof Live Billings Montana from Rich Kalonick on Vimeo.


Thinking Pink and Seeking Prayer

Guess who has power? God does! And so does our office! Praise Him!

“God said, ‘Let there be light,’ and there was light. God saw that the light was good.” (Gen. 1:3-4)

Yippee! It is good indeed! Thanks for praying, everyone. The staff will be back in action tomorrow.

Thanks for being excited with us! We are so surprised and thrilled to be having a baby girl. My first waking thought this morning was, “It’s a girl!” Then I had to call mom and talk about it…again. You should have heard us carrying on when we had a minute to ourselves yesterday. I said, “Mom, we’ll have dress-ups and purses and shoes and…oh mom…you’ve only begun to spend money!” We died laughing because it is just so true.

We all drove home from the ranch on Monday after hearing that my house had power. My parents spent the night with us since they did not have electricity until last night. Mom babysat Jackson while Curtis and I went to my OB appointment yesterday morning. After we got the fun news, we ran over to a nearby Macy’s and bought these sweet things for Baby Girl.

We put them in a gift bag and when we got home we let my mom open them. That’s how we told her what we were having. She totally freaked out. We sent a picture of the clothes to Melissa’s cell phone and she called us bawling. My dad has this memory of Melissa and I wearing our dressy red coats when we were little girls and I told him we would be sure to find one for our princess. Curtis’ whole family was rooting and believing God for a girl and they were thrilled. Curt said his dad was giddy and I know my sweet mother-in-law is excited to pay a visit to the pink side of our favorite baby boutique in her hometown (Jelly Beans in Springfield, MO). I had a blast calling my friends Sunni and Janelle, who both have little girls born within a month of Jackson. Knowing and loving their precious daughters makes me so excited about getting to have this experience, too!

It’s pretty surreal that we actually got to have our doctor’s appointment yesterday (and even shop at Macy’s), given the state of this community after Ike. There are some areas in very bad shape. Gasoline, ice, and groceries have not been easy to acquire and a ton of people still do not have electricity. (Things are getting better in some areas.) Galveston residents are not even being allowed into their city right now. My understanding is that it is basically unlivable. There are so many things to pray for. One huge praise is that God sent a cold front this way and we have had MUCH cooler temperatures. We praise Him for His mercy! Houston is generally very unpleasant in September. Please pray for the great weather to continue and for God to meet the Greater Houston Area’s electricity, gasoline, and food needs. Pray that the poor and those without homes to return to will be provided for abundantly. We know of some people who cannot locate loved ones who were living in Galveston before the storm. Please pray that they will be found safe and sound. Most of all, pray that God will use this situation to humble us and prime this city for spiritual awakening and revival.

We do have a couple of prayer needs directly related to LPM. Our office still does not have power, but we are eager to get back to serving! Will you all please ask God to restore our power, even today? Most of us got together for lunch today to fellowship and go over the game plan for the rest of the week. One of my co-workers was able to peek into her work email account and she already had 400 emails waiting for her. We all have lots to do! Will you also ask God to power up our ministry director’s house? I believe she is the last one of us to lack electricity. Thank you so much, sisters!

Bethie will get on an airplane and head to Montana tomorrow. She will speak to some women at a prison on Thursday night and then have the Living Proof Live event on Friday and Saturday. I’m not sure if our prayer memo will go out to our prayer warriors this week, so I wanted to be sure to mention this prayer need to you, too.

May God bless each one of you today and may you have a keen awareness, as many of us in Houston do right now, of God’s faithfulness to provide every single thing you need to live and breathe. He is always at work caring for us. We praise Him with you today.



I No Like Ike

Hi everyone! The LPM blog is going to be on hiatus for a few days while the Moore-Jones clan attempts to travel to the ranch for the weekend. I say “attempts” because I am so nervous about the traffic! My parents were already planning on going and we have decided to join them in view of Hurricane Ike heading this way. FYI, LPM and all our staff are located a safe distance from the coast, but the danger for those of us on this side of town, assuming it hits close to Houston, will be high winds. I think most people are riding it out. Everyone on the Texas coast appreciates your prayers. We love you girls and we’ll be back soon!

PS – Bible study went great! We are really excited about our group. Thanks for praying on Tuesday!


Prayer Request for Bible Study

Hi ladies! I wanted to let you all know what a big night this is for your LPM siestas so you can be praying. We are kicking off “LIT,” which is our fall Bible study series. (Registration is closed.) My mom and Melissa are co-teaching a class of about 150 18-25-year-old ladies and it will begin tonight. Next Tuesday Curtis will kick off his ungraded class for men and women. We are so excited! Please pray for Beth and Melissa as they begin their class tonight. Please also pray for the young ladies who will join us this fall. Our Bible study coordinator is Jennifer Hamm, in case you want to lift her up by name. She is awesome and works so hard! Okay, gotta run. I have to leave the house in 15 minutes and I’m not even close to being ready! Story of my life. Thanks, sisters!


Deeper Still – Las Vegas

DeeperStill – Las Vegas 2008 from Rich Kalonick on Vimeo.


Marriage Vitamins

I think I may have mentioned this book before, but I absolutely love Devotions for a Sacred Marriage by Gary Thomas. That book is like vitamins for your marriage. I read the following portion earlier this week and have been wanting to share it with everyone.

From “A Soul Filled with God” on p. 9:

Personal worship is an absolute necessity for a strong marriage. It comes down to this: If I stop receiving from God, I start demanding from others. Instead of appreciating and loving and serving others, I become disappointed in them. Instead of cherishing my wife, I become aware of her shortcomings. I take out my frustrations with a less-than-perfect life and somehow blame her for my lack of fulfillment.

But when my heart gets filled by God’s love and acceptance, I’m set free to love instead of worrying about being loved. I’m motivated to serve instead of becoming obsessed about whether I’m being served. I’m moved to cherish instead of feeling unappreciated.

If you looked in my book you’d see furious underlining and a big OUCH! scribbled at the top of the page. Isn’t that good though? I would definitely recommend this book to any married couple. It gives you one reading a week for a year.

Another book I’m excited about is my mom’s devotional on John that I didn’t know about until I saw it in the LifeWay catalog! (It’s called John: 90 Days With the Beloved Disciple.) I was a happy girl when I saw it. I don’t have my copy yet, but I’m anxiously awaiting its arrival. I really enjoyed the ones on David and Jesus. (FYI, these devotionals have been adapted from the Bible studies.) Mom gets really uncomfortable when I talk about her books on the blog, but I’m a grown woman and I can talk about it if I want to! Plus, she’s in Las Vegas for the Deeper Still event and by the time she sees it, it will be too late! Muah ha ha ha ha!

Sorry, I got a little carried away there.

Changing topics to another kind of book – if you’re wishing you had one of the Siesta Fiesta cookbooks that Holly/Crownlaiddown put together from recipes that have been shared on this blog in posts and comments, there are still some available. If you’re interested, please send an email to Holly at Chrishollysmith at msn dot com. They are very well done and part of the cost is going toward drilling a water well through Life Outreach International (an organization my parents have partnered with on two mission trips to Africa).

That’s just about it for today! I enjoyed getting to hear what y’all are up to this fall. You girls are awesome! The Lord adores you!


What About You?

Hi Siestas! I’m wondering…what are you up to this fall?
