Want to Chime in with Questions to Work into 2nd Timothy Series?

Hey, you guys! I bet you can guess what my head’s down under right now.



Oh, man. It’s a ton of work but I love it so so much. Researching then writing in-depth Bible study curriculum is still my happy place. I’ve never gotten over it. Every few days I get a tweet from somebody who has just started or finished A Woman’s Heart: God’s Dwelling Place and I think, often with a lump in my throat, what an invasive virus I caught from that very first journey. There in the pages of Exodus and in the detailed construction of that Old Testament Tabernacle and then in all that flipping to the New Testament to see it fulfilled, I fell so in love with Jesus and the Scriptures that I knew I’d study them in pursuit of Him for the rest of my days. Gah, I love it. I know so many of you do, too. The divine brilliance and beauty of the Bible still slays this woman right here.

The series I’m working on right now is on 2nd Timothy and will carry the title Entrusted. It will hit the shelves in September of 2016 so it won’t be a long wait at all. You will be so glad to know that Melissa is jumping in on this one with 2 articles a week like she did in the James series Mercy Triumphs. She also has a huge stack of resource books for her part of the study but the difference is, neither you nor I can read most of the titles of her books. I mostly point at her resources and say, “Man, that must be a real nail-biter.” But, boy, do I love what she does with them.

We won’t complete the written part of the series until June but the taping for the six sessions I’m teaching takes place next week on Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday. I cannot beg your prayers loudly enough. Please ask God to pour out His Spirit on every part of the taping and on every participant and upon me as I serve and teach. WE WANT JESUS. We are seeking such a powerful and fresh work of His Spirit in this series. We’re looking for an Ephesians 3:20. Please intercede for us!

One of the concepts we will develop throughout the series is the profound connectedness between generations so poignantly illustrated in the relationship of Paul and Timothy. Our effectiveness for the sake of the gospel dramatically increases when our journeys overlap and our spiritual gifts converge and we learn with one another and from one another. We will be challenged to become vastly more deliberate in equipping and encouraging one another, on cheering one another on, and helping each other navigate difficulties and get back to our feet when we’ve been thrown on our backs. These things are invaluable in the journey of faith. They can be the difference between us staying the course and quitting.

Needless to say, our biggest objective will be to thoroughly study the verses of 2nd Timothy, deliberating on each exhortation and taking note of the process of connectedness between Paul and his son in the faith. But as an older woman who gets a huge charge out of seeing what Jesus is doing in fellow servants my age and watching Him raise up mighty servants in younger generations, I’ll also be weaving in whatever I have to give from my own experiences and my own journey where it seems appropriate. Things I learned the hard way. What’s been hardest and what’s been the most gloriously rewarding. Lord help me, there’s so much I don’t know and much I did wrong and much I can’t offer but, what I have, I want to give to this study. This is where you come in if you’re willing. I don’t just want to share aimlessly. I’d love to know what you wish I’d address.

So, here’s what I’d like for you to do. Think about what you wish you and I could talk about if we could grab a Starbucks together. Form it into a clear question – just one – and present it in a succinct blog comment to this post. You might even tell me very briefly why you’re asking. (For instance, I’m a 22 year old who feels called to…) Your question can be about walking with God in general or about leadership in particular or about teaching or communicating or about navigating ministry or family. What would you, a person of faith, ask of a woman of faith who’s been around the bend a few times? Anything’s game if it’s genuine and I’ll consider questions from brothers in Christ, too, if any feel like pitching one my way. I will carefully go through your questions and answer as many of them as I can through the process of teaching and writing this study.

If you read the comments and see that someone has already asked your question, tell me that you wanted to ask the same one. That will make it stand out in my selection. I’d love to be able to mention your first name and the city you call home when I share your question and my response if that’s okay but, if you’d rather I pose the question anonymously in the series, just say so and I’ll gladly do that.

Sound like something you’d like to take part in? I’d be so grateful! I want to serve. NOT JUST TALK. I want to know what you’d find most helpful from a woman of my sort, whatever that weird sort may be. This blog community proved absolutely invaluable in the Esther series (The Red Book!) and in So Long Insecurity through the surveys I offered to fit those themes. Your input would be solid gold in this one.

I’m so grateful for your help! Honored to serve you. Please pray for me as I prepare for next week’s taping! Bless you today!







588 Responses to “Want to Chime in with Questions to Work into 2nd Timothy Series?”

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  1. 401
    Jane says:

    Beth, I am Jane, 59 from Atlanta, Ga. I feel your words from the very beginning to the end of the above note. God has given me a passion to write, to speak, to share what He reveals to me! Tonight my study table was so full as I was writing a daily study on Facebook about Revelation- a verse a day for the year. I have written several bible studies but only one is with a publisher ready to print. I teach a group of women every Wednesday and I feel God leading me to do more public speaking. I heard God speak to me today revealing His plans for my life in the ministry. And then I saw your tweet. 2 questions: 1) I’m divorced and feel unworthy of being Gods servant in this calling. Do you think the step forward will hinder others? 2) what step forward to speak would you suggest? Thank you for following Gods lead in all you do. You are an inspiration to me.

  2. 402
    Morgan Gardner says:

    Hi Beth!
    My name is Morgan and I am 20 years old from Newnan, Ga. I am on my third Bible Study, all of which are yours, & currently doing the updated edition of Breaking Free. I am a single mother of an eight month old baby girl. And I’ve been struggling with the line of putting something in the Lord’s hands and trusting Him with it and actually knowing when it’s my turn to do something about it. I’ve been praying about it but I still have so much underlying uncertainty of what the right thing to do is. Could it be that I’m not listening hard enough to what He is saying to me?

  3. 403
    Mimi says:

    I am a 31 year old wife and mother of 2 young, wonderful children. My husband and I serve in several ministries at our church, including leading worship. We both consider our senior pastors to be a kind of spiritual father and mother, and we have grown and matured greatly under their mentorship and leadership over the past 6 1/2 years.
    As we have stepped more into leadership, we have found ourselves asking… What does it look like to walk in the fullness of your calling, in the boldness of the Holy Spirit and to set an example for the believers and not let anyone look down on you because you are young(er), while at the same time honor, respect, and submit to the godly leadership in your life?

    Blessings on you and the whole LPM team!
    Eugene, OR

  4. 404
    Anonymous says:

    I have always been drawn with deep respect to your teachings–primarily because we share similar childhood trauma. Though in my fifties now, the memories are not nearly as raw, but still experience those situations in life that make you want to either run or start sewing fig leaves together to cover up the shame. As a woman with deep faith and a powerful love for Jesus, does this ever happen with you?

  5. 405
    Cindy says:

    What do you say to your sister-in-law whose son has committed suicide, or to your co-worker whose husband, a minister, has a secret life that is contrary to God’s word?
    How can you help them go on believing that God really does love them and will take care of them?

  6. 406
    GOTTEE says:

    1. First discussion==>Starbucks is over-rated!:)
    2. Can God make something good come out of the people I was intimately involved with during the time in my life when I intentionally walked away from my faith?. I feel a heavy load of responsibility for not sharing and living out my faith with them.

  7. 407
    Lisa says:

    When someone close to you, (say your sister), that is supposed to love you unconditionally, betrays you in a way that an enemy would. Doing something that you would bet your life they would never do. And it is to you and your children. Now three years later they say let’s just move on. I forgive and told her so but how do you trust and just move on with the relationship? For the life of me I just do not know how.

  8. 408
    Jill says:

    Hi Mrs. Beth,

    I am a 31 year old stay at home wife and mother to a 3 year old, 1 year old, and pregnant with baby #3…..and hopefully, many more!! How though, did you manage studying God’s word, and staying in prayer when your girls were little. I really desire to get up earlier than my babies, but sometimes they are up several times a night…..just really want to instill a Godly heritage and legacy, yet I’m having a hard time finding the time. Thank you for all you do to serve us! Jill from Atlanta, Ga.

    • 408.1
      Michelle says:

      Beth, I’m right here in the same boat as Jill. In this stage of life with NEEDY little ones, I feel like I’m constantly in a teetering balancing act trying to keep up with laundry, housework, playtime, SLEEP, cooking, chauffeuring, working (I work part time outside the home), and all the other responsibilities of being a wife, employee, friend, and mother. At the end of the day, my best has been given to my children, and my husband and God just get the leftovers. But I feel SUCH a burden to share Christ with my boys and instill His presence into the very fabric of their beings, but sometimes I have no idea how to go about doing that in the midst of the chaos that is our day to day. Nor do I have a clue as to how to diligently purSue my own consistent time with the Lord. Any tips from a veteran would be much appreciated.

  9. 409
    Kim Ross says:

    Beth, my struggle is over relationships with people who are turning away/living in disobedience/rejecting God. 2Tim3:1-5 …have nothing to do with them. Some are long time friends,family. Separation over LGBT issues also a big deal in the church body. Praying constantly and still trying to hold on to love, but this is getting harder. I stand on the Word of God, but could use some affirmation and encouragement as to when is it time to walk away? Honestly, I would be so happy to just hang out in what I call “the Jesus bubble” (with only like minded Christians) but know that’s not the answer either.

    • 409.1
      Sheryl says:

      I’m gonna jump in here with Kim. I am so burdened by those I know and love who are living the world’s ways and claiming Christ. They unashamedly live together and Talk of God’s blessings on social media. Their heart’s not in their marriage any more so they leave claiming God will forgive them. They didn’t really mean their vows anyway so they’re not responsible before God (personal family experience). They use their knowledge of scripture arrogantly intimidating people, no love to be found. Sometimes I feel the increase of the enemies power over the people so heavily It literally scares me. It is driving me to keep my mind on the power of the cross and the power of His Word and His promises. They are bigger than ever to me. It’s all I have and they are sure. Our faith is NOT in vain and our Hope will NOT disappoint. I want to be used to make a difference. The whole, “Faith expressing itself in love” (Galatians) is what I ask for. By nature I’m a rebuker. I want to love wisely with power more than rebuke with a “know it all” spirit.

  10. 410
    Ras says:

    hello Beth, so many regrets and changes in my life that I would make if but would have the chance. Significant event in my life were mental & physical abuse by my Mother. Yes, I’ve forgiven her & others in life that looked the other way, only through God’s Grace & power. I do not have good relationship with my Mother but not for lack of trying. The Bible tells us to honor & respect Mother & Father (he passed many years ago) but she honestly does not respect me. I keep trying to have a relationship – she’ll go months to years without speaking to me then kabam I’m part of her life again. The hurt keeps going and coming – hurts as bad the first time as last….How can I honor & respect her and get away from the hurt? and more importantly – be a witness to her about Jesue?

  11. 411
    Emily says:

    Hi Beth, Thank you for opening yourself up to all of these questions. I believe that your passion and love for Christ is genuine and that your faith is real so I’m asking this question with the utmost respect for you. In Genesis 15, God said to Abraham, “I am your shield, your very great reward,” and in the gospel of Matthew, Jesus said that the kingdom of heaven is like a treasure hidden in a field that a man gave everything to have. How has Jesus become your treasure?

    ~ Emily, Topeka, Kansas

  12. 412
    DeLene says:

    Good Morning Beth, our pastor just last night read from 2 Timothy. His message was about us using our Gifts that God gave us. I am 63 years old & my husband is 66 and we just retired and live in Garland, TX. My question is: we both are struggling with WHAT God wants us to do now? We both have held leadership roles in our church, I am a table leader in our Bible Study at church but we both feel the Lord wants us to do more now that we have the time. We are researching different non-profits and we are praying about this but HOW DO WE KNOW WHAT HE WANTS us to do?????
    Love you and all you do for others. I love to speak and am in awe of what you do!!!

  13. 413
    Karen Vandenberg says:

    I am 42 year old girl from Wisconsin who is a lover of Jesus, grateful wife and momma of 4. I have a huge passion for serving and teaching the Word of God to women and youth and have done so for 15+ years. It is my greatest joy to see others (and myself) transformed by God’s Word. In my early 20s, I had an older woman approach me and intentionally pursue a mentoring relationship with me. She was my Paul for nearly 3 years and it was an unbelievable gift in my life. Then we moved away. I have taken very seriously her challenge to me to also become a mentor of women younger than myself and I currently am doing so with multiple women. My question is this…how do I pursue finding another Paul in my life? I have many Timothys and countless dear sisters alongside me, but I long for a woman further down the road to speak Truth into my life. How does someone who is widely viewed as a Paul (as I am sure you are!) find a Paul for herself? Thank you SO much for your tireless efforts in writing these studies and giving me the opportunity to ask this of you. The Lord has used your Bible studies tremendously in my life…they have been the catalyst to a love for His Word that I never knew possible and such sweet time with my Savior. Cannot wait for Entrusted!! May the Lord pour out His favor over you and establish the work of your hands.

  14. 414
    Stacy says:

    I am a 36 year old high school teacher in Texas. I have a 10 year old little girl who would win the “Dobsin’s Strongest Willed Child” award. I can take on 160 teenagers a day without any problems, but our ten year old never gives us a moment of peace. My husband and I have a daily struggle to discipline (positive and negative reinforcements) talk, and keep her safe. We do everything, and I mean everything we are “supposed to do.” We are united in our front, we talk to her and use examples of God, she has a team of doctors. There is rarely and break from her oppositional defiance and other mood disorders. I want to know how to parent. Jesus tells me to love her and be slow to anger, whew! Is that a tough since she sees it as weakness to hit me hard with her will. So what do I do? I struggle with my “mom failures” every single day. I hurt, I hurt for her. I pray that she will fall hard for Jesus, and He already told me that she will. BUT. How much hurt do we have to endure before we get there? I’m tired of seeing my family in pain.

  15. 415
    Terryl says:

    My question is like many of the others. How do reach family members whose faith is questionable or nonexistent, in my perception, without alienating or jeopardizing the relationship.

    Like Paul, in 2 Timothy, I see godlessness in this world and it makes my prayers more urgent.

    I get criticized for my “zealous” faith already. I pray for their salvation, My witness is in action more than word. These are my current strategies as a recently retired woman with the first grand baby on the way. I see opportunity with this season of my life and new generation. I praise God for that.

  16. 416
    S. Benson says:

    Hi Beth. I’ve wrestled with this for more than 35 years. While I do not avoid where I stand, I have found it difficult to witness to a dearly loved Jewish friend – she is our daughter’s Godmother. I have prayed and prayed about what to say without having her and her husband shutdown. I don’t worry about losing their love or friendship…as i can’t imagine that happening regardless of what I say. Thanks for listening.

  17. 417
    Shannon Costanzo says:

    Shannon, Kissimmee Florida

    I am 39 and called to start the Women’s Ministry at our church. I only prayed about for 5 years until God said “Do it already!”
    I lead many Bible studies and feel I should be all knowing.. ha The questions I have are..Since the Holy Spirit makes his home in us (2Tim 1:14), Am I quenching the Holy Spirit If I don’t speak in tongues? ( Our Church does not). Am I quenching the Holy Spirit to be upset at those that do? Can one say someone doesn’t have the Fullness of the Holy Spirit because they do not speak in tongues? I have prayed for the Holy Spirit to fill me to the marrow of my bones so I am open to His will.

    • 417.1
      TraciG says:

      My question is along these lines as well. I go to a conservative non-denominational church, similar to what I was raised in. I struggle to know the appropriate focus and emphasis on the Holy Spirit in our day to day life, and in the focus of worship and the church.

  18. 418
    Becky says:

    I’m a pastor’s wife and have been in ministry over 30 years. I have a number of dear friends in ministry who are hurting so badly, and there is a deafening silence from prominent “speakers” on this issue. I would love to hear someone speak words of encouragement to weary ministers who are emotionally abused by the very people they serve. Paul talks a lot about being forsaken by those who once walked with him, being left alone, and being betrayed and harmed. It isn’t the world that tears up pastors and drives people out of ministry, it’s other Christians. This seems to be the “dirty little secret” no one wants to talk about. The only time it is ever addressed by most speakers is to rebuke the one who has been hurt – reminding them to forgive and basically “get over it”, or implying the fault is with them – if they were better leaders, this wouldn’t have happened. What would you say to truly minister compassion and healing to these women and their pastor husbands? Would you have the courage to stick up for ministers and lovingly explain to people how very devastating behavior that splits a church is? I have heard people say, “it’s nothing personal” so many times. I want to say, “If it isn’t personal to you, then you are doing church wrong!”

  19. 419
    Diane says:

    I am 73 yrs. old, recently lost my husband of 28 yrs. marriage. I know in my heart God has more in store for me and I have been praying to hear his voice as to where to move on in my life. I feel stuck, all our friends were his friends, praying for a prayer partner or a friend that I can help. Please pray for me. Love your books.

    • 419.1
      Ange says:

      Diane, I would love to be a prayer partner with you! I am 43 and still in the throws of a mixed bag – being retired from my professional work but having a 3 & 7 yr old at home. I would love to have a woman who’s a few stages ahead of me to learn from and lean into.

  20. 420
    Suzanne in RI says:

    I’m 61. How do we get the younger women to want a mentoring relationship, BEFORE they hit full out crisis?

  21. 421
    Kathy says:

    I want to remain anonymous. I am in a dilemma. My husband, myself and our children have attended the same church for 28 years. This church started out on track, but has become more and more controlling and abusive. I want to leave, my husband doesn’t. I want to honor my husband, but it is taking a major emotional toll on me.

    • 421.1
      Erin Q says:

      Hi Kathy,
      My husband and I are going through this right now. We just left our church that we grew up in after 40+ years of membership. I was at the place you are in three years ago. For three years I prayed for my husband to see what I saw and I asked critical questions to get him thinking about what was best for our family. I respected his need to wait since he was serving as an elder at the time.
      God prepared his heart and a new place of worship for us. It has been a refreshing and growing time for my family.
      It was difficult and awkward to leave a loving church family, but we made a point to leave well and be honest about our intentions.
      Prayer and Patience was key. Seek Godly counsel from trusted friends and talk with your husband about your concerns respectfully.

      I pray the best for your family!

  22. 422
    Paige Watson says:

    Thank you for all you do! Adore you! Your words have brought me to Jeaus and the Word on many lonely times and happy times too.
    How do I know if I’m properly applying Scripture and claiming a promise that’s actually for me? I’m a single mother of two boys, they are now ages 14 and 12. Their daddy died three years ago, and I’m fervently asking God to be their daddy. He says many times He’s a Father to the fatherless. But He doesn’t throw the football with my boys. I’m guessing you’d say other men need to step into their lives but it’s not happening as much as I think it’s needed. He said in Isaiah 54:5. He’s my Husband but I know He’s speaking figuratively. And maybe this is applying to Israel? We know God is our Father. How do we apply that to our lives? I’ve prayed ‘be their Daddy, please be my Husband….I don’t understand how You will but I believe You Lord.’ He has been so good to us. All we’ve needed He’s provided but I still wonder if I’m praying correctly. I want to believe in what He’s actually promised in His Word. Not what I think He’s saying.

  23. 423
    Kim says:

    Why is it so hard to make the head/heart connection?
    I feel like I believe God’s Word to be one hundred percent true, but when it comes to actually living out that truth I struggle greatly.

    Kim from Springfield Illinois

    • 423.1
      Ange K says:

      Kim, I love you question! I struggle with the same thing and am just realizing that I’d bought into the world’s idea of “more is better.” Knowledge of God became an idol for me (I was one of those crazy women who would do 3-4 Bible studies at a time). Ms Beth spoke about this at LPL Boise this summer and WOW it has started to change my relationship w Him and His Word. She said when we are so busy gaining information there is no time for meditating on His Word, nor for letting it transform us – it’s like fast food it goes in and goes out fast. Ms Beth, I hope you can tackle this more for us!

  24. 424
    Anita Fyer says:

    Beautiful Beth,

    Where do you start when you are reserching for a teaching or a book?

    What are MUST HAVE research tools for you?

    What does your research process look like? Do you mark pages in books, on your computer, start multiple Word documents, keep scrapes of papers in folders?

    How do you know when it’s time to move from researching to writing?

    How do you outline your research into sections?

    How do you know when you have enough material? per section? per study? per book?

    How do you do citations (it’s been a while since I had to do this in school! Is there a software for this?)

    What bible study softwares and editorial software do you recommend?

    IMPORTANT: How do you lay out a study for students step by step so that it doesn’t feel like lots of random information? How do you outline it?

    Should I/How would I copyright original materials handed out at speaking events?

    What are the best ways to self-publish small bible studies or booklets?

    How do I ensure that my conclusions are doctrinally sound?

    What’s your favorite font?

    • 424.1
      Erin Q says:

      Love this!

      Wouldn’t you love to just sit and pick Beth’s brain on the nuts and bolts of Bible Study?!?

      I’m not sure how it works for Beth, but I find topics to write on by following a nagging question that continually pops up. I think God has specific things for us to learn at specific times and I follow these promptings as a nudge from the Holy Spirit.

  25. 425
    Wanda says:

    I have loved ones who have been raised in church all of their lives, given their lives to Jesus years ago, but have recently gotten involved in what I call the hyper-grace movement where any and every sin committed is covered by God’s grace whether they have had a conversation about repentance with Him or not. Sin doesn’t matter because He has covered it all. Have a good time, make jokes about it, live like you want. They are taking others into this self-made religion. I love these people, and pray for them daily, but I cannot get through to them and am ridiculed by some whenever I speak. How do I reach them.

  26. 426
    Karen Pope says:

    Hi Beth! As a leader on our Women’s Ministry Team at my church, I am constantly struggling how to balance “personal stories” within Bible teaching. I do not want it to be about me at all, but want to share how the Lord has worked and continues to work in my life. How do you find the balance? We are doing the James study right now. It is going very well and God is moving in a mighty way! Blessings to you!!! Keep on!!

  27. 427
    Bonnie says:

    Pottsville, PA

    Most Bible teachers I have heard say that we need to read scripture and have a quiet time prior to starting our day. Some of us have been created to not be morning people, but are better able to concentrate and ponder and learn at a later hour. Is that OK? Can I stop feeling guilty for not being alert in the early hours of the day? (I don’t care for coffee so I can’t use that to wake me up! lol)

  28. 428
    Anonymous says:

    I am a 46-year-old teacher of God’s Word to women in my local church and I’m constantly wrestling with my identity as a woman and what that looks like in terms of teaching and leading women in my faith community versus using my gifts to teach/lead men. I am utterly convinced through decades of searching the Scriptures and in prayer that God’s best plan for my life as a woman is to honor what His Word plainly says and embrace my role as a Titus 2 woman but to not to be in disobedience to Him by supporting the direction of my church to install women elders who lead/teach men and women.
    If we were having coffee I’d ask you to speak truth into this ongoing area of debate in terms of Biblical roles for men and women that many women I teach/mentor want to throw off as “old fashioned thinking.” This loosening of Scriptures in this area is really starting to have a huge effect on the application of Scripture in other areas and I’m seeing right before my eyes the cherry picking of the application of the Word moving into high gear. The spillover effect I’ve seen in the last 10 years has me grieving for a return to a high view of Scripture that values the truth above all else. Looking forward to exploring teaching and leading right alongside you in September and praying for you as you prepare to teach this week. Thanks for letting us comment!

  29. 429
    Debra Fulenwider says:

    Hi Beth. Already praying for you as you work on this next study, and cannot wait until it is published! I am a 58 year-old mother of 4 and grandmother of 8. I LOVE mentoring and have been involved in several “Paul and Timothy” relationships—first as the Timothy and now as the Paul. My question is this: how can we convince the beautiful godly senior women in our church that they have something to share with our younger women? I actively engage them as often as I can, but when I request they join our mentoring ministry, they shy away. Thank you for involving us in your research. Love you and thank God for you!

    • 429.1
      Erin Q says:

      Great question!!

      I have been wondering the same. When I led a woman’s study, all of the women were 20+ years older than me. I wanted to sit and learn from them!!

  30. 430
    Julie says:

    Thanking God for you & this opportunity! I am 43 & deeply in love with Jesus & have given my life to serve Him & others. I love to hear stories about your marriage & it gives me such hope, but I need to know how it looks to unconditionally love when my husband is not interested in loving God! I have mastered the art of pretending everything is ok & loving him relentlessly but there is a part that feels I’m pretending and not being honest in our marriage. This absolutely breaks my heart. Where is that line?

  31. 431
    Erin Q says:


    I am overjoyed to learn the topic of this newest study. Timothy has a special place in my heart since I studied and taught this letter to a group of women from my church.

    I am from the Detroit area in Michigan, a little village called Wolverine Lake.

    I was recently thinking about the position of overseer and saw it used in a context of being a mother and teacher and overseeing the spiritual growth of my children, and younger woman in the faith.

    I would love to know of your history of generational teachers who have influenced your faith.

    Timothy had his grandmother and mother before walking with Paul, and I have clung to the rewards promised to those who have been brought up in the faith.

    I am anxiously awaiting this study!!

  32. 432
    Lacy says:

    Lacy, Eugene, OR
    Thank you for doing this!
    As a discipler and mentor of others in the Body of Christ, what would you say are the most important things to remember or to hold close to your heart?

  33. 433
    Mary says:

    I was drawn to 2 Timothy recently and am beginning to study it on my own right now. It resonates with me because of the message/s it delivers that seem so specific for the days we are living in. My question – how can I effectively communicate God’s salvation and love in today’s climate to my nieces/nephews (next generation) and within my circle of beloved friends who do not share my faith or my views relating to politics. How can I stand firm in my faith without seeming judgmental or egotistical? I am a naturally introverted person, but I feel called to open myself up in these areas.

  34. 434
    Lesley Geer says:

    I’m a 34 year old stay at home mom and baton instructor, I live in Gordo, Alabama. I would like to start a Bible Club for girls at our High School where my son attends. His name is Noah and is in first grade at Gordo Elementary. We live in a small community and the elementary and high school are next to each other. Noah is very active in Bible Club at school. The high school offers a Bible Club that meets once a week before school for boys and girls. I would like to start a Girls only Bible Club. Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated!!! Thank you SO much!!

  35. 435
    Sharon says:

    Hi Beth, Paul talk briefly about false teaching and how it will spread like wild fire, I think a good topic would be how do we recognize false teaching and how to counteract it.

  36. 436

    Trusting God can be difficult at times. How would you address the ability to trust God through difficult times, when answers perhaps do not seem to be anywhere in sight?

    Life sometimes presents us some tremendous burdens as well as circumstances that can virtually shake our faith.

    I have to say, I admire your delving into the scriptures at the depth in which you do. The language and historical barrier sometimes leave the bible widely open to interpretation… maybe too wide.

  37. 437
    Rhonda says:

    Hi Beth
    I am a 55 year old mom of a 12 year old daughter. She is very strong willed and has been diagnosed with ADHD and aspergers. My husband and I struggle daily with her habits of getting “stuck” on things – whether it be a word, a movie, a tv show, a game, or a topic. She of course has trouble at school with the teachers – but also with making friends. Other kids get tired of her being “stuck” on things and act as if she is invisible or they are just down right mean to her.
    How did you help your daughters grow into such God loving girls? As much as we would love for her to have a good friend here on earth to do things with, we mostly want her to be a God loving girl the rest of her life.
    She accepted Jesus at the age of 8 and she loves Him. How do I get her to focus on Him and not be as centered on herself?
    Thank you so much

  38. 438
    Tim Calderwood says:

    My name is Tim. I am 73 and teach an international Bible study class at our church. If I could sit down with you AND Melissa at Starbucks (my treat), my question is: “Could you please tell me the most wonderful, exciting, awesome thing you learned about our Lord in this study?”

  39. 439
    Jackie says:

    In regards to mentoring, if you’re not leading a women’s bible study, how do you draw younger women in to that process (I feel like only the churches that conduct mentoring programs have really understood the problem)? Sorry to say the 20 somethings prefer to only stick with each other (which is rarely beneficial). The concept of learning from middle-agers seems lost on them.

  40. 440
    Eleanor MacKay says:

    Eleanor MacKay, Saskatoon, Saskatchewan, Canada

    I know that you are a grandmother, as I am, also.
    I have a passion for my grand babies’ spiritual wellbeing. Lois must have been an amazing
    Grandmother.( Timothy also had an amazing Mom). Can you speak to how Grandmothers can best make a lasting spiritual impact in their grandchildrens’ lives?

  41. 441
    sally says:

    Love you, Beth Moore!
    I’ve been a Christian for over 40 years and my husband and I were in ministry full time for 35 years(and now in part time ministry). We are weary! How have you stayed so close to the Lord and the church all these years? Has there ever been a time when you felt far away from God? What do you do in those times of not hearing clearly from God?

  42. 442
    Annette says:

    If we were drinking coffee together, I would thank you for the joy I’ve received in the Bible Studies the Lord poured out through you! I would ask you for tips on memorizing passages of Scripture.

    I remain in prayer for you. Looking forward to the new study.

  43. 443
    Jen says:

    Hi Beth! I am fostering a child whose mother actively practices voodoo. By “chance” I found a pastor who does deliverance and through prayer and fasting this child has been set free. This blew open my southern baptist box that I have had God in most of my life. In the last year I have sensed the Holy Spirit in very tangible ways and seen God do amazing things through expectant faith and a willingness to allow the spiritual gifts room to operate. Years ago I did your study Believing God and loved it. But the topic was not as real to me then as it is now. My question is – are you seeing a greater move away from Cessationist theology as the day of the Lord draws nearer? I feel a shift is happening in the American church and I am wondering if you see it as well. I noticed your theology seems to have changed some since a woman’s heart came out. You may have answered this question in your Hoy Spirit study but I haven’t done that one yet. The last one I did was children of the day. I am praying for the day when the prayer of John 17 is answered and we all reach unity and the Spirit is poured out in greater measure. I’m praying the Lord will blow open all the boxes we have put Him in over the last 2000 years.

  44. 444
    Carla Vornheder says:

    I have a divided mind (James 1:6-7). What would you tell me to do to fix this?

    Perhaps you’ve already answered this in your James: Mercy Triumphs workbook. I have the workbook. It’s just hard to make more than a page or two of progress in any of the wonderful books I buy.

  45. 445
    Nedra says:

    Your new study in the book of II-Timothy will be jam-packed with so much to apply to our lives! The book has just 4 chapters, but quite abit to truly HEAR & apply! I’d pray for us to have the ears that actually do hear! Thank you Beth, for all you do to prepare the Bible Studies of all forms from live presentations to your new tv program & your books all that falls in between.
    I guess my question of sorts for this would be is I would like you to take the time to really tear the book’s chapters apart (in your usual way) to help us to see all the things that we might read & skip over time & time again. Things like why were the ancestry of the faith of the mother/grandmothers even mentioned in chapter 1, for instance? Or things like how can I make sure that when MY life is over, that I will be found like it shows in chapter 4 having fought the good fight, run the good race, etc? We’ve heard those words over & over, often at funerals….but what do they really mean & how can we make sure that it is TRUE if it should be said about our own lives in the end?! It’s all part of the goal of having our Saviour welcome us in, & telling us Well Done My Good & Faithful Servant. I want to be that good & faithful servant welcomed into Heaven. So the more I can soak into my sponge, the better God will be able to squeeze Jesus out of me when pressed against the rocks of the hard stuff of life! So I welcome your answers to basically dig deeper to the passages of II-Timothy!
    I’m loving your TV program as well. Looking forward to joining you again at another Living Proof Live Conference in Youngstown in November this year as well. I attend with my daughter, which makes it even more special to me. Worshipping & studying God’s Word along side the one I gave birth to is indescribable. “I have no greater joy than to know my children serve the Lord.”
    It takes my breath away to think of how LPL Ministry takes the whole thing so seriously & the focus is so much on our Lord- that you would literally pray over every seat in an arena for the needs that may fill that seat during the conference once you open those doors! I felt so blessed at the moment I learned you do that. In return, I pray over the conferences long before they happen. Keeping in touch with the STAR of the show- Jesus at every stage of the plan, IS why it is a continued success. You realize it IS all about HIM. I’m thankful for that.
    In 2010, I had a nervous breakdown that culminated an hidden very deep grief/of 35-year depression that stemmed from the murder of my 6-year old sister that was never brought to justice. She was 13 years younger than me, & like a daughter to me. Never have I had something that hurt me so deeply….until 2000, when my sister lost her 2 teenage children together in a car accident in a terrible snowstorm just 11 days before Christmas that year. Well it’s all a way too long a story for this. But suffice it to say, my God WAS right there at the pits of the darkest place I’ve ever been in my life to lift me out! But a part of the recovery process, was reading your books dealing w/depression! So I have a soft spot in my heart for Beth Moore, for the Lord has used you as a tool to help me in a huge way. You were not my only help in the recovery process. But I want to say thank you for your part in it. I now realize that going thru all this, as well as the abusive homelife growing up, health issues, & countless other things- worked together w/the very blessed life that I now have w/my married life & grown family! I have been married 43 years soon, and have a very close-knit family of 2 grown daughters, a soninlaw, & 2 grandchildren. I am so blessed, in spite of the sorrow I’ve seen. I’ve learned so much thru the storms that I would never have learned if all went perfectly. I know now that I should only pray not my will, but Thine be done & then truly trust the Lord to carry me thru in His purpose using His plan for it all. He’s my awesome Saviour. And in spite of my losses of life- yes I miss my Loved Ones deeply- but I take comfort in knowing without a doubt, they were all ready to go to be with our Lord, so I will see them again for the Eternal Reunion. And thru everything, it has made me the person who I am today- stronger thru Christ’s strength, more mature in my faith, better & no longer bitter, making each day count, and trying to remember to thank the Lord for all things- yes, even in the tough stuff of life.
    I’ll look forward to seeing what He gives you to show us in the study of II-Timothy, Beth! Bless you & your family & your Ministry staff/families!

  46. 446
    Karen says:

    What characteristics in a friendship indicate that person can be trusted more deeply? Or, what disciplines should I follow to be a better friend to those I know?

  47. 447
    Sara P. says:

    I am 29 years old and married to a preacher. I feel God is calling me to start speaking BUT I am so fearful. I don’t even stand up to testify in church, how can I get up to speak? Also my husband being a preacher and My Mother-n-law preaches, They are both so anointed and I don’t want to be compared to them. I need to be brave but I don’t know where or how to start and how do you get over this FEAR?!?!

  48. 448
    Sara P. says:

    I am from Middleburg, Fl.

  49. 449
    Susan says:

    My twin boys are in the 12th grade. For our Bible lessons we have been doing your bible studies one after the other (although we did the Armor of God by Priscilla Shirer, too). We even attended your 2015 Greenville conference together. I struggle with the back-of-my-mind question of them learning under a women – you (and me!). How do I reconcile that?

  50. 450
    Janet says:

    After a life changing event ten years ago, I find myself at 60 struggling with what my purpose should be now. How will I know?