Want to Chime in with Questions to Work into 2nd Timothy Series?

Hey, you guys! I bet you can guess what my head’s down under right now.



Oh, man. It’s a ton of work but I love it so so much. Researching then writing in-depth Bible study curriculum is still my happy place. I’ve never gotten over it. Every few days I get a tweet from somebody who has just started or finished A Woman’s Heart: God’s Dwelling Place and I think, often with a lump in my throat, what an invasive virus I caught from that very first journey. There in the pages of Exodus and in the detailed construction of that Old Testament Tabernacle and then in all that flipping to the New Testament to see it fulfilled, I fell so in love with Jesus and the Scriptures that I knew I’d study them in pursuit of Him for the rest of my days. Gah, I love it. I know so many of you do, too. The divine brilliance and beauty of the Bible still slays this woman right here.

The series I’m working on right now is on 2nd Timothy and will carry the title Entrusted. It will hit the shelves in September of 2016 so it won’t be a long wait at all. You will be so glad to know that Melissa is jumping in on this one with 2 articles a week like she did in the James series Mercy Triumphs. She also has a huge stack of resource books for her part of the study but the difference is, neither you nor I can read most of the titles of her books. I mostly point at her resources and say, “Man, that must be a real nail-biter.” But, boy, do I love what she does with them.

We won’t complete the written part of the series until June but the taping for the six sessions I’m teaching takes place next week on Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday. I cannot beg your prayers loudly enough. Please ask God to pour out His Spirit on every part of the taping and on every participant and upon me as I serve and teach. WE WANT JESUS. We are seeking such a powerful and fresh work of His Spirit in this series. We’re looking for an Ephesians 3:20. Please intercede for us!

One of the concepts we will develop throughout the series is the profound connectedness between generations so poignantly illustrated in the relationship of Paul and Timothy. Our effectiveness for the sake of the gospel dramatically increases when our journeys overlap and our spiritual gifts converge and we learn with one another and from one another. We will be challenged to become vastly more deliberate in equipping and encouraging one another, on cheering one another on, and helping each other navigate difficulties and get back to our feet when we’ve been thrown on our backs. These things are invaluable in the journey of faith. They can be the difference between us staying the course and quitting.

Needless to say, our biggest objective will be to thoroughly study the verses of 2nd Timothy, deliberating on each exhortation and taking note of the process of connectedness between Paul and his son in the faith. But as an older woman who gets a huge charge out of seeing what Jesus is doing in fellow servants my age and watching Him raise up mighty servants in younger generations, I’ll also be weaving in whatever I have to give from my own experiences and my own journey where it seems appropriate. Things I learned the hard way. What’s been hardest and what’s been the most gloriously rewarding. Lord help me, there’s so much I don’t know and much I did wrong and much I can’t offer but, what I have, I want to give to this study. This is where you come in if you’re willing. I don’t just want to share aimlessly. I’d love to know what you wish I’d address.

So, here’s what I’d like for you to do. Think about what you wish you and I could talk about if we could grab a Starbucks together. Form it into a clear question – just one – and present it in a succinct blog comment to this post. You might even tell me very briefly why you’re asking. (For instance, I’m a 22 year old who feels called to…) Your question can be about walking with God in general or about leadership in particular or about teaching or communicating or about navigating ministry or family. What would you, a person of faith, ask of a woman of faith who’s been around the bend a few times? Anything’s game if it’s genuine and I’ll consider questions from brothers in Christ, too, if any feel like pitching one my way. I will carefully go through your questions and answer as many of them as I can through the process of teaching and writing this study.

If you read the comments and see that someone has already asked your question, tell me that you wanted to ask the same one. That will make it stand out in my selection. I’d love to be able to mention your first name and the city you call home when I share your question and my response if that’s okay but, if you’d rather I pose the question anonymously in the series, just say so and I’ll gladly do that.

Sound like something you’d like to take part in? I’d be so grateful! I want to serve. NOT JUST TALK. I want to know what you’d find most helpful from a woman of my sort, whatever that weird sort may be. This blog community proved absolutely invaluable in the Esther series (The Red Book!) and in So Long Insecurity through the surveys I offered to fit those themes. Your input would be solid gold in this one.

I’m so grateful for your help! Honored to serve you. Please pray for me as I prepare for next week’s taping! Bless you today!







588 Responses to “Want to Chime in with Questions to Work into 2nd Timothy Series?”

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  1. 1
    Wanda Tyler says:

    Having been delivered from fear as it says in 2 Timothy 1:7, how could I go about sharing my testimony in a teaching sort of way?

  2. 2
    Kim says:

    I’m 37 from Tampa, Florida and would like to know how you go about praying for God’s will to be done in a situation when you don’t know what His specific will is concerning that particular situation. For example, if you’re praying for physical healing how do know if it’s God’s will for you to be healed or to use your illness in a way for His glory?

  3. 3
    Marie says:

    Turning 40 seems to have turned a corner for me. Younger moms are coming to me for advice on parenting and schooling, but I’m still figuring it out myself. How do I lead them without giving them false confidence in my ability? I find myself saying, “I’m still figuring it out myself,” a lot.

    • 3.1
      Gwynn says:

      I’m turning 70 and have the same question! (How do I lead them without giving them false confidence in my ability?). I have so much joy in Jesus but I also have problems and issues in my life that are not always answered here and now. Paul leads with such inspiration and encouragement. I want to be like that and still be the myself GOD made me to be.

      • kimella modrall says:

        I like this question, I am 57 and find that I am thrust into leadership roles with younger women a lot. I have been walking with Jesus for 52 years and I still feel like I am learning and growing everyday. I find new verses all the time that I feel I should know. But these women still look to me. I want to do what God would have me do but I really don’t see myself as a leader. I know God can make so much out of broken vessels but what I feel really inadequate.

        Thank you for this opportunity

  4. 4
    Shea says:

    I guess my question to you would be how can I continually grow in my relationship with Christ amidst all the distractions/pulls from being a working mother? How do you maintain your focus on Him? Would love to meet at Starbucks! Many blessings, as you and Melissa work on Entrusted!

  5. 5
    Mary Lou says:

    As a single woman working overseas in full-time ministry, I feel like the Body struggles with the Work and the relationships among workers. Feels like a chicken and the egg question. The work is important, even urgent at times, and yet when people are so highly motivated relationships can suffer – marriages, families, teams, friendships. How can we learn from the Word how to balance these things, when both are so important in the Kingdom?

  6. 6
    Dionna says:

    One of the toughest lessons I’m learning in life, is that you can’t make others value you. No matter how much you’ve given your heart. Making peace with it, is another journey. What would you tell a beautiful soul, who seems to always get chosen “2nd?” Can my question be anonymous? Please?

    • 6.1
      Andrea Virnau says:

      I have the same question- in particular as it relates to my parents( and I’m 48!)

  7. 7
    Kelli Tate says:

    My 15 year old son had a farming accident this last summer (2015) where his head was run over by the rear tire of a pick up truck. He is a miracle by the grace of God as he really is doing extremely well, with only a few residual problems. His faith was pretty strong before the accident. As a result of the accident, he no longer can play football or any contact sports. I have noticed his faith seems to be shaken (although he hasn’t rebelled or anything, he’s just not as committed as he was before). One thing i noticed is he had no desire to get baptised any longer. How can I walk him through this current season to assist him in his walk with Christ? His sister seems to be struggling too as the brunt of the farm work fell on her the month we were in the hospital. Thank you for your wisdom. You are a true blessing from God!

  8. 8
    Shelia J Clarke says:

    Beth thanks for your honesty in sharing your Christian walk. My question: How do you handle a long winter season without just going mad crazy? The times where life is tough and God “seems” to be silent.

    I pray that live are touched mightily when the gospel is preached.

  9. 9
    k in az says:

    How do you deal with and get over being overly sensitive? Not lash out at those you love, in an esculating way when you have been hurt? Because really your just tired and sick of doing that to the ones you love the most.

  10. 10
    Karen Beymer says:

    Love this concept, as in the Esther study. I am a Nana like you & newly married after 12 years being a widow. I find this season of my life a bit complicated. After being fully involved in many ministries in our church all these years I find my duties for caring for my 14 month old grand baby & new marriage responsibilities, my passion for my volunteer church duties draw me as before. How do I resolve this with my relationship with Christ? I understand there are season in our lives that take priority. Thank you Beth.

  11. 11
    Shelly Elston says:

    I’m asking this question because I have asked you this a hundred times in my head already. How can I share my faith infused with grace while still not making acceptable the ways of the world?

    Portland, OR

  12. 12
    Sandy Peterson says:

    Beth, I am an (almost) 60 year old who has so many questions for you! I would give anything to have Starbucks with you and ask and ask.
    My one question more than any other is how do I know what God’s purpose is for my life? I feel like I have failed in so many areas. Is that the plan?

  13. 13
    Chebs says:

    Is this study also going to be available to listen to rather than to read? Asking because I am in my 60’s and my eyesight is very bad at this point. I find I can no longer “study” the Bible due to the studies are almost always never in “Ginormous” print, not Giant, but needing larger than giant at this point. Thank you.

  14. 14
    Susan Beckman says:

    I know when we start planning something that God has called us to do, it seems like satan always steps in and causes unforeseen chaos in our lives to try and stop us from doing what God has spoken to us. What do you do to get back on track?

    If you need me to be more specific, let me know and I can elaborate!

    • 14.1
      G says:

      Hi, Susan, I’m going through Priscilla Shirer’s book, ‘The Armor of God.’ and have never learned more about this very topic that this book provides. It is the single most comprehensive study I’ve ever seen that deals with this very thing. May the Lord Himself guard and guide you and lead you to great victory over the darkness!

    • 14.2
      Volleyball Ginger says:

      Susan! I’d like to add to what G has already shared with you. I, too, am doing the Armor of God Bible study and the one thing that has hit me directly is that prayer activates the Armor of God. As a result, our study group is really concentrating on that aspect. I’m writing my prayers down and putting them all over where I study and then praying/reading these prayers out loud. It has been so good for me so perhaps this is something that may help you. Blessings to you!

      Wetumpka, AL

  15. 15
    Cindy says:

    Cindy, Fort Worth, tx

    How do you hear from God? How does He make His desires for you made known?

  16. 16
    Pam says:

    How do you deal with losing friendships when God leads you in another direction and your friends just do not get it, are even mad over it, but the decision has brought forth beautiful Spiritual Fruit for your family and you know it was right?


    • 16.1
      Angie says:

      I second this question! I feel like my best friend and I are no longer on the same spiritual level and she gets upset with me when I choose church, Bible studies, church visitation, evangelism opportunities, etc. before hanging out with her doing worldly things. I try to invite her and include her in these activities but she declines. She is a Christian also. I fear that our friendship may not last due to the increasing divide in our interests.

  17. 17
    Heather says:

    Why do women have such a hard time… Learning form each other?? Pride, insecurity, fear??? Wish it could be different!! For myself and those around me. Wish we could learn to just be real!

    • 17.1
      Stephanie says:

      I wonder this also. I so desperately need authentic women friendships.
      I am 40 years old with a 3 year old. I want older women helping me as I go through motherhood and marriage. I want younger women to be friends with and learn from also. It seems so many are so busy, we don’t make time for something so vital. Maybe I’m wrong, but it seems families and friends used to be a huge support to mothers and wives. And we’ve lost that sense of community. Now I have moved to San Francisco and I feel finding Christian Women to do life with is nigh impossible. How do I find ladies who have raised kids already willing to mentor and be friends?

      • Cindy says:

        Yes, this is very similar to my question. I’m a 46 year old woman with a 2 year old, and would desperately love to find older women to learn from, and build relationships with others. Its just so hard to find time with all the demands of work and home and a young one…
        Would love to join you over coffee, if you wouldn’t mind an active toddler nipping at our heels the whole time. 🙂

      • Brenda says:

        I would like to know the answer to this as well.

  18. 18
    Jessica says:

    I’m a 21 year old young woman and feel called to full time ministry. In my life and in the lives of some other young women I know who feel the same call also feel pressure from many denominations and groups that we cannot be in full time ministry without being married to someone in full time ministry or even just married in general. How have you navigated these waters as a woman who does ministry while your husband has a different career path?

  19. 19
    Sara says:

    I and my husband have always been led to open our home to anyone who was in need – be it an adult, child or family or some other combination of people. We have 4 of our own kids – the oldest who is 28 and disabled. Unfortunately, right now we have an unusual group of 3 people who require a great deal of my time and emotional energy. 1 appreciates it immensely, 1 tries to but from lack of training as a child, doesn’t know how, and the 3rd is simply taking advantage which is hard because that one has been “part of the family” for over 5 years now. My father in law died 3 weeks ago and my stepdad has been in the hospital for 7 weeks now. I also have a daughter getting married next month. I’m so tired, Beth. We’ve always believed in loving the least and the lost. Is it ever God’s will for me to turn someone out?

  20. 20
    Holly Smith says:

    Honestly, I’d ask you a hundred things. But in line with the request, Beth…Rene S. and I were just talking about you the other day, and I asked her this about you (as I am going through the hardest season of my life), and I will change the wording to directly ask you, sweet Beth:

    How do you keep going and ministering and being “on”? Do you ever want to hide and quit?

    College Station TX

  21. 21
    Suzeanne Martinez says:

    First I want to say what a wonderful and gracious woman of God you are. You stay so humble and that shows your true heart. Thank you for your service. I can’t see the other answers on my phone so I apologize if it’s been asked but I want what you have. I wasn’t the relationship with God that shines through my eyes. I always feel like a failure because my mind drifts while I’m prayer and when I am doing studies. I know this is a tough one but how are you so focused. Again, thank you for all you do.

  22. 22
    Faye Waraksa says:

    I’m at a point in life (58 years old) where I want to connect with senior women of God and absorb their learnings to apply to my senior years and share with others. But how to connect?? That’s what I’m trying to figure out…more to come as the Spirit leads me.

    Franlkin, TN

  23. 23
    Dionna says:

    It might be too late – but can my question be anonymous? Please?

  24. 24
    Emily Phillips says:

    Hi, I am a 19 year old Christian Studies major at North Greenville University who feels called specifically to women’s ministry. How do you combat the enemy when he tries to make you doubt your calling?

  25. 25
    Shannon says:

    I am a 50 year old who is launching her adult children into the world. And now I’m also being asked to be youth pastor. I feel so overwhelmed and wonder why it’d be me. How do I minister to a group that is so different than I am? How do I relate?

  26. 26
    Martie says:

    Martie – servant of Christ in Indianapolis, IN, who is married to a youth pastor

    My question — how can you help people see the benefits and beauty is serving Christ?

    I want to see more people move from pew-sitter to in-the-trenches do-er.

  27. 27
    Dori Cook says:

    I’m an almost 50 year old who has served most of my life. But in this season, facing empty nest in about 3 1/2 years, I’m finding myself asking “What now?” I still feel I have much to offer, but finding myself feeling a little insecure and wondering if it’s true. Definitely of the age to mentor (and I do!), but still feeling a need to be mentored. What’s an almost quinquagenarian (yeah, I had to look that up!) to do?

  28. 28
    Grace says:

    I’m a 51 year old wife and mum who runs a small business with her husband. I’ve had a real ‘call to teach’ around 10 years ago and always wonder : what shall I teach about? Where in the whole of the Bible do I start? How do I know the difference between my good idea or led by the Holy Spirit?
    I’m often left wondering … is this really what God wants me to share?

  29. 29

    Hi! My name is Lindsey Johnson and I’m from Sherman, Texas! I currently attend Ouachita Baptist University in pursuit of a Christian Media/Mass Comm degree. If you and I could have coffee together I would first want to know where you buy most of your clothes, but secondly I’d want to ask how you were able to walk in faith when you couldn’t see the path ahead and the enemy surrounded you like fog?

    P.S.- Thank you for being such an audacious warrior for Christ. You’ve taught me so much about God’s power and love.

  30. 30

    Becky Jo
    Chesterfield MI

    Raising two little girls in this world where Christianity is more and more frowned upon, how do we, as Christian parents, pass on our faith and the strength of our conviction? How do I teach these girls, who love Jesus so fiercely now, to hold on to and GROW that faith? How do we teach them to rise above the judgement that they will receive, and love Him – and them – anyway? And how do I SHOW them that their only chance at TRUE freedom is to cling to the Word of God and avoid the sin that seeks so desperately to entangle?

  31. 31
    Angie S says:

    Can you be filled with the holy spirit and not speak in tounges?

  32. 32
    Jody Collins says:

    Beth, I’ve been walking with the Lord for over 40 years and have found my love for Jesus and His Word growing the longer I walk with Him. My question: How or why do you think people lose their thirst for God’s presence and the power of His word and how can we sustain it?

    thank you so much.
    Jody from Seattle

  33. 33
    Kristie Williamson says:

    Beth, I am 27 and have been saved since the age of 8. I LOVE Jesus and all that He has done for me. My question is How do you keep your fire and zeal for Christ as you do? Like, How do you prevent falling into the mundane? Thanks so much and you are such a blessing.

  34. 34
    Mandy says:

    Mandy from Greenville!

    I am a 24 year old pastor’s wife with a degree in leadership. Can you share on the dynamic of being a strong, godly woman in ministry, a submissive wife, attentive mother (and family member), and faithful worker? Maybe I’m the only one, but sometimes it seems like a lot to juggle 🙂

  35. 35
    Kay says:

    I am a 50 something seeker of Jesus and want more of Him in this life He gave me….how do I get more Jesus with being a single working mom of teens and give that to my kiddos? Its hard to ask just one question!! Love your heart for Jesus and thanks for sharing

    • 35.1
      Melissa says:

      I am a 48 year old single mom of 4, from Copperas Cove, TX.

      I love God passionately and I live what I believe, so that my children see my love for Him not only hear it. Although, God has greatly healed my heart from a 20 year abusive marriage, my children still reel from its affects. It seems like I am more used by God to touch the lives of others than my own family. How do I share my strength and passion for Christ with my children in a way that grows their heart for Him?

  36. 36
    Sonda Buchanan says:

    I’ve been a memmber of a church for 25 years that has grown into a fairly large congregation with two services. I serve in both so I see a lot of people, most of which I don’t even know their names. I’m so happy that our church has grown but literally grieve the fact that we are no longer like a family. I miss my interaction with the senior women and soaking in their wisdom. I miss being able to mentor the younger generation. We’ve had to stop a lot of our fellowship and just stay really busy making two services happen each week. We have small groups for life study which helps. My question is the role and purpose of the church is to worship Christ, grow together in our walk and be there for each other. So, is this mega church reallly what we should be doing, Staying so Bound Under Satans Yoke (BUSY) that we lose sight of the mission?

    • 36.1
      Deb Mott says:

      BUSY: bound under satan’s yoke. That is an acronym for us to really think on. Thanks.

  37. 37

    Michelle – Granbury TX

    I’m 45 yrs old and work in vocational ministry and am writing my first book. What is your favorite go to resource for historical and cultural information about church history?

  38. 38
    Jami Johnson says:

    Would love to ask what kept you pushing through on your calling after all you been through?
    In other words. You knew God loved you. Had great purpose for you. Knew you were set free. But the enemy has way with your(my) mind over and over. I know all the right words to say and all the things to do. But when I get quiet its defeat.

    Jami Johnson Ponchatoula La

  39. 39
    Becky Bowman says:

    I am a 38 year old mom of a 5 year old girl and identical twin 4 year old boys. How do I know what path God has called me into and how do I get back to it if I’ve strayed from it?

  40. 40
    lori sears says:

    I am a 37 year old woman from Bossier City, LA. I actually just finished the Esther study recently and loved it immensely. I don’t really want to get into the backstory of my life, but I have struggled so majorly with isolation and feeling like I don’t have many people I can really relate to. I struggle with fitting in and find it difficult to interact with other women at my church.
    So my question in all of this is: What is your biggest advice for someone like me. How do I overcome the awkwardness of feeling like an “odd duck” in a roomful of people?

  41. 41
    Amy Beth says:

    Hi, Beth!

    As a 31 year old adoptive mother to two precious little girls (can you believe I get to be a MOM now?!?)… we hear so much about how God is a God of the fatherless; what does the Bible say to the motherless?

    To give this question more context: I vividly remember being impacted by statements you made in the Esther study about how tragic it was that Ester lost not just her father, but also her mother. Historically, we have seen that in America we tend to have fatherless generations but, as addictions are becoming more rampant and the enemy is wreaking more havoc than ever, statistics are building showing that mothers are abandoning their children, too. What can we find in scripture to address the void that is left by mothers leaving their children?

    Similarly, how can we address the emotional and practical voids left by mothers who do not abandon their children yet do not provide a nurturing, fulfilling relationship for the children in their care? I believe a lot of what scripture reveals about God being a God of the fatherless can definitely apply to these situations but is there more out there that maybe specifically speaks to the “mothering” nature of God (for lack of a better term).

    I ask these questions because, as a mother, I am finding that certain deficits I had in childhood affect how I act as a mother today (i.e. sometimes I withdraw emotionally, etc.). I’m also asking this question because I’m now the parent of children who have lost their biological mother to addictions and are now working through that trauma to bond with me as their new mother.

    Amy Beth
    Cleveland, TN

  42. 42
    Kaitlin says:

    When I was 17 years old I surrendered my life to God’s call to ministry, not really knowing what that meant or where it would lead. 10 years later, and many decisions, detours, and distractions away, I feel so distant from God and so beaten up and lost that I truly cannot see how God could use me at all. I feel like it’s too late. So my question is this: In your opinion/wisdom/experience what’s the best way to put my feelings aside and start living in the ministry I know God called me to?

    • 42.1
      Sarah says:

      Good question, I would ask this same one! However, I am 20 years later!!!

      Sarah from Colorado

  43. 43
    Audrey says:

    I am a pastor’s wife whose preacher-man just became the senior pastor at a church of ~700 people…the largest church where we’ve been on staff. Question is this: Do you have any particular process for who you choose to spend much time with? I want to know everyone and I don’t want to leave anyone out, but I know that is a physical impossibility. I am praying for God’s guidance and am doing my best to follow the Spirit when I sense any direction, small as it may be, but I didn’t know if you had any other suggestions. Also, the new position meant we moved to a new state and have to make new (local) friends.

  44. 44
    Julie Drake says:

    Hi Beth. I’m a 54 yo who has only been in relationship with the Lord for 7 years. I have a lot of life experience and I know He was always with me. I’m also a high school teacher and I love reaching out to teens and 20-somethings. Besides grabbing a coffee, what are your favorite ways to connect with younger generations?

  45. 45
    Michele says:

    Hi Beth, do you believe that God still gives gifts through the laying on of hands? (2 Tim.1:6) Was this a unique gift given to Paul to administer spiritual gifts to the first church? What gift did Timothy receive from God through Paul? Thanks!

  46. 46
    Bob Brooks says:

    Hi, I’m a 60 year old guy that has a little bit of training as a lay speaker. At times I am asked to fill in for our pastor and give the message on Sunday mornings. My question is, how can I get my message to be more relaxed and personal rather than preachy and stuffy.

  47. 47
    MargiebytheSea says:

    Hi, Beth. I’ve got you beat in years, but you have been walking with the Lord many more years than me, so I need to know from you just how you do we walk a consistent walk with my Lord? I understand that we can’t always live on the mountaintop, and I’ve not yet reached the pit, but some joy, some hope, some fullness in the Lord is missing.
    I a believer who’s in the Word, in Bible studies (many of them yours)a SSMT since the beginning and in fellowship with other Christians but something is missing. Can you offer us help in getting through the never-ending “valleys” of life?

    • 47.1
      Donna says:

      I feel the same as MargiebytheSea. I’m 57, saved since youth, faithful, not rebellious or living in conscious willful sin (of course I struggle with daily stuff), have a great marriage, wonderful relationships with my grown daughters…but have been struggling with apathy and not feeling God’s presence for several years now. 🙁 I go through the motions and I know what’s true, I’m walking in faith. But the feelings haven’t lined up in a long time. I want to feel Him more and not just know Him in my head. Is that wrong to want more feelings? I miss it so much. This is a hard season. I pulled out of ministry because I felt like a fake, couldn’t pretend anymore, was so burned out. I lost friends because they didn’t understand, kept trying to fix me instead of giving me grace. I know God is present! But I sure wish I could feel it.
      Thank you,
      Donna from California

  48. 48
    Tara says:

    I’m a 38-year-old married mother of a 12-year daughter living in Springfield, MO.

    I want to do more to serve the church, but then feel that I am neglecting my family by being gone during evenings or weekends. How did you balance service and family when your girls were younger?

    Btw, my daughter and I can’t wait to see in you June!

  49. 49

    I am a wife, a mother to two little boys, and a university professor. What is the best piece of biblical advice that you would give to a woman who is striving to juggle responsibilities related to marriage, having young children, and working full-time while also trying to prioritize her relationship with God?

  50. 50
    Kali says:

    Hi Beth,

    I am about to be married on May 7th and often wonder what advice you would have given your younger self in the early years of your marriage and before starting a family?

    Keep doing the thing, Miss Beth! You teach us all so much!
