Siesta Summer 2014 Bible Study: Anybody Game for “Children of the Day”?

Hey, Everybody!

It’s almost May and, around here, that means it’s time to announce our Siesta Summer Bible Study for those who are itching to take a journey together. In all these years of doing summer Bible study together here on the blog, we’ve never gone through one I’ve authored. The biggest reason is that I really love to go through other authors’ courses with our blog community. That’s a refreshing blast of Holy Spirit-breath to me and you can count on us doing that again next summer.  The other reason is that the launch date of one of mine never coincided well with the beginning of summer.  With Children of the Day (an in-depth study of 1st and 2nd Thessalonians) coming out in May, the timing works out perfectly. I ask you to trust my heart on this and know that we’re not doing the study this summer so that I can drive up sales. I can’t prove my motives to you but I give you my word. That’s all I know to do. Any of you who still find it uncomfortable can, by all means, choose another Bible study by a different author and feel completely welcome to formulate your group right here in the comment section to this post. Just start your comment with the words in all caps “ANOTHER OPTION” and get together on line and choose which Bible study you’d like to do. There are so many fabulous ones available. You have my complete and joyful blessing to use this community to put your group together. Any way we can serve you is a tremendous honor to us.


For those of you who would like to do Children of the Day with our community this summer, here are a few important facts:


* We’ll start Tuesday, June 3, 2014. Around here at Living Proof, we formed the habit of Tuesday Bible study over the years so that’s why we choose it as our gathering day but you are welcome to commit to any day of the week that works for you. Simply adapt the instructions to that particular day.


* Children of the Day is an 8-week study so we will wrap it up on Tuesday, July 29, 2014.


* As we’ve done in past summers, we’re only asking you to commit to “gather” with us and/or with your group every other week since summers are so busy. We will still stay on schedule for each week’s homework but you’ll only need to check in once every 2 weeks.


* I will put up a short video greeting here on the blog by 8:00 AM every other week on our gathering days, starting with Tuesday, June 3rd. The greeting will include instructions for discussion in your small groups or with the blog community at large. Your “discussion” with the blog community will take place through your response-comment to that post.


* We strongly recommend forming small groups for the pure camaraderie and accountability of it but you are also very welcome to go solo. The best small groups of all meet face-to-face but, if that’s not possible, try to formulate one on line. You might even Skype. Do whatever would benefit you the most and offer you the fellowship we all need so desperately.


* You only need the Children of the Day workbook to participate in the summer study. You don’t need to download the video sessions. All discussion questions will be based on the written work alone, as we’ve done in past summers, so that no one is forced into the extra expense. Each week we will put up a link to that week’s COTD video session for those who also want to include those but I will leave that option entirely to you. There will be no pressure whatsoever. People often ask if the video sessions and homework portions are the same lessons. They are not. They are designed to complement one another for a comprehensive approach to 1st and 2nd Thessalonians but they are not redundant. They are on different segments and concepts found in the 2 letters.


Does that answer many of your questions?  OK, now for the schedule:

Between release date (first week of May) and June 3rd, acquire a workbook of Children of the Day but don’t start it yet! No homework needs to be done before our first gathering. The workbook looks like this:



You can find it at your local LifeWay Christian bookstore by the first week of May, or click here to order online at any time:  COTD workbook


GATHERING ONE: June 3, 2014 – Our summer Bible study launches! By 8:00 AM that morning, God willing, you will find a brief video greeting from me and instructions for that day’s participation/discussion. Again, you can do it any day that week. We’re just choosing Tuesday as our official gathering day. You will “register” for summer Bible study by leaving a comment on the June 3rd post with your name and city and whether or not you are participating in a group or going solo. I will give you the specific instructions at that time. At the bottom of the post will be a link for that weeks’ full-hour Session 1 video if you choose to add on that option.


Do Weeks 1 and 2 of homework for Gathering Two.


(June 10th – link will go up for COTD Session 2 video for anyone going for that option.)


GATHERING TWO: Tuesday June 17, 2014. Brief video greeting from me and instructions for that day’s gathering or discussion. (Link for COTD Session 3 video for anyone taking that option.)


Do Weeks 3 and 4 of homework for Gathering 3.


(June 24th – Link will go up for COTD Session 4 video for anyone taking that option.)


GATHERING THREE: July 1, 2014. Brief video greeting from me and instructions for that day’s gathering or discussion. (Link for COTD Session 5 video for anyone taking that option.)


Do Weeks 5 and 6 of homework for Gathering Four.


(July 8th – Link will go up for COTD Session 6 video for anyone taking that option.)


GATHERING FOUR: July 15, 2014. Brief video greeting from me and instructions for that day’s gathering or discussion. (Link for COTD Session 7 video for anyone taking that option.)


Do Weeks 7 and 8 of homework for Gathering Five.


(July 22 – Link will go up for COTD Session 8 video for anyone taking that option.)


GATHERING FIVE CONCLUSION: July 29, 2014. Brief video greeting from me and instructions for that day’s gathering and closing. (Link for COTD Session 9 video conclusion for anyone taking that option.)



Here is the above schedule in diagram form thanks to my beloved assistant, K-Mac. You can enlarge it to see it better or copy and paste it to a document and print it out if you’re that kind of weird person…because I am, too:









Sound fun??!? Yep, it also sounds like a bit of work but not a single word of Scripture will drop to the ground. We can  have confidence in advance that the pursuit of Christ through His Word will completely alter the summer of 2014. I’m ecstatic to have the privilege of spending these 8 weeks with you in Bible study. You are a tremendous joy to me. Our God-given emphasis right now at Living Proof is on stirring up women who are less-discipled in Scripture to come to love Christ through His powerful, living, relevant Word. We would be thrilled for you to help us by inviting some women along who have never before done this kind of thing. Take the chance and ask them! So many women have a hunger for God. They just don’t know exactly how to identify it. Bring them along if God opens that door!


Can’t wait to get started! Dearest love to you all!





1,066 Responses to “Siesta Summer 2014 Bible Study: Anybody Game for “Children of the Day”?”

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  1. 901
    Amy says:

    1. Amy

    2. Carrollton, VA

    3. Group of 4-5, older and younger ladies.

    4. My dear friend, who invited me to my first Beth Moore LP live, asked me

  2. 902
    Marty Maier says:




    Spending time alone with God

    Wanting to pray more specifically for my children even though they are basically grown!

  3. 903
    Ericka Krist says:

    My womens group takes a break for the summer and i want to keep growing in the Lord and staying refreshed this summet 🙂

  4. 904
    Annette says:

    Doing bible study with small church group at Mt Trolly FWB Church starting on Monday night June 16 at 6:30pm!!! Looking forward to it!!

  5. 905
    Annette says:

    1. Annette Cox

    2. Galivants Ferry, SC

    3. Small Group at a church members home

    4. Our church does one every summer but I haven’t been able to participate before because I have been taking care of my mother in law for six years; she passed away on August 8, 2013. I am very excited about being able to participate this year but also saddened because of the loss. Looking forward to what The Lord has in store for us all!!

  6. 906
    Michelle says:

    1. Michelle
    2. Morristown, TN
    3. Solo
    4. I desperately need to be in God’s Word!

  7. 907
    Liz says:

    1. Liz

    2. Fleming Island, FL

    3. 4 ladies

    4. We want to stay in God’s Word during the summer and hold each other accountable.

  8. 908
    Marie says:

    Salem, Oregon
    Spending time with God

  9. 909
    Heather says:

    Newport News, VA
    Doing this with two of my oldest, dearest friends, who bith constantly inspire me in my walk with Christ.
    I am doing this because I take every opportunity I can to learn and understand more, so I may live the life if a true Christian.
    Quirk: I am painfully shy one on one, or in small social groups, but I am fine soeaking in front of any size group gathered for a purpose other than socializing.

  10. 910
    Patsy says:

    Session 2 video was powerful and I also am listening to the lesson CD’s traveling in my car this summer. I have experienced so much transformation as to be amazed!! The homework is powerful and meaningful as well!! Thank you!!

  11. 911
    Beth says:

    1. Beth W.
    2. Gallant, AL
    3. Solo
    4. I need to be in this Bible study this summer bc I haven’t been in one in a very long time. It will do me a lot of good to get into the Scriptures more in a new way. I have a lot of stresses (finances, work, Crohn’s disease, family) in my life and I know this will help me a lot.
    5. I LOVE making lists. I have a list for everything. Obviously, I’m a planner. My husband makes fun of me and says I have lists of lists just so I can keep up with them all!

  12. 912
    Ashley Hall says:

    A friend and I are just seeing this thread, and would like to join this study!

  13. 913
    Bree Kelley says:

    1. Bree K.
    2. Visalia, CA
    3. Solo
    4. I need to be in this Bible study this summer because I haven’t been in one in a few months. I love studies, they hold me accountable.
    5. My quick I guess would be my crafting. If I see something and think I can do it myself I will more then likely try. I love making things and giving them as gifts.

  14. 914
    Ashley says:

    1. Ashley H.

    2. Salem, AR

    3. Small group of two.

    4. I need the Bible study this summer because I need to call upon the Lord and strengthen myself in His Word.

    5. I am ALWAYS at least a minute late… and it bugs me, but still I’m late! Drives most everyone I know crazy!

  15. 915
    Ashley Hall says:

    1. Ashley H.

    2. Salem, AR

    3. Small group of two.

    4. I need this Bible study this summer because I really want to call upon His Word to strengthen me.

    5. My quirk is that I’m almost ALWAYS late. It even drives me crazy, yet somehow it always happens!

  16. 916
    Melissa says:

    I am doing this study solo in Paducah Kentucky!

  17. 917
    Bonnie Baisley says:

    With the summer months being filled with lots of outside fun. Most of my bible study buddies find it hard to make time to meet weekly. So for the summer months we decided to do the on line study and meet only fours times during the summer months. This method works great for our group.

  18. 918
    Lea Mitchell says:

    Lea Mitchell, Toccoa GA Group of 3

  19. 919
    Cathy Ariana says:

    I am new to the on line Bible study and I just finished the first session. I’m a little behind since I just heard about it last week. I’m excited but not sure how to find the video if anyone can assist me, I would greatly appreciate it.

  20. 920
    Marty says:


    never this did before globally but would like to use this to expound on my Bible study time

  21. 921
    Maureen says:




    Haven’t been in a Bible study in a few months. Trying to become more consistant.

    Half finished knitting projects. I have two socks finished….not a pair of socks …two socks!!

  22. 922
    Pam Bryant says:

    Will be flying solo for this study. Husband is working in College Station and at this point, the only person I have really met is the young lady at Lifeway.

  23. 923
    Leslie Adams says:

    1. Leslie A.

    2. Harrisburg, AR

    3. Group of 7

    4. We recently lost our 12 y/o son & I have not been able to concentrate on God’s Word, books, conversations , etc. God was drawing me to this study. When I heard my friends were forming a group, I knew it was God’s perfect timing!

    5. Quirk~I’m a homebody! It drives my friends & family crazy!

    • 923.1
      Rachel says:

      Leslie, I am so very sorry about the loss of your son. Please know that as I go through this study I will be praying for you as well. May you feel the everlasting arms of our Father holding you close, whispering your name and applying the healing balm that only He can do. Bless you,Leslie.

  24. 924
    Nancy Bates says:

    I’m confused as to how to register for this. I can’t find anything to “click on” that will take me to the registration page. Also, does it cost to watch the videos?

    Thanks and many blessings!

    nancy bates

  25. 925
    Rachel says:

    Just finished week one and am so amazed at how GOD uses Beth to bring His word to life. I loved the explanation regarding Paul & Barnabas being torn apart so GOD could do a new thing. That has happened to me and it is so neat to look at what GOD has done with that. We truly serve the only true living GOD who bring beauty out of ashes. Praise His NAME!!!! Thank you, Beth

  26. 926
    Sheba Munroe says:

    Very excited to begin this study with a sweet fried of mine, can’t wait to experience what the Lord will do!

  27. 927
    Shelly says:

    Shelly N
    Modesto, CA.
    Team of 2
    We just hosted LPL Stockton and I’m ready to ADVANCE! READY, SET, GO!

  28. 928
    Kathy Carpenter says:

    Flying Solo….just saw it on Facebook and decided it would be a great study for this stay at home mom of 2.

  29. 929
    Karen says:

    Grow in my relationship with Christ

  30. 930
    Diane Mountz says:

    Going solo but anxious to do an online Bible Study with ya’all in Texas. During the school year I don’t get extra time to do a study at our church. I give my extra time to be with grandchildren so I look forward to another way to get “Beth”. I believe she hears from the Lord and is solid on her Biblical teaching. I need my battery charged. My quirk is this technology stuff…having a heck of time navigating to even find the comment section to register!! Thanks for doing this! Diane

  31. 931
    Melissa Hayes says:

    So excited about doing the study…:)) Lots of things going on with the family at this moment, and being able to get alone with the Lord and study His Word is what drew me to it. His Word is so precious to me, and what I can grab hold of, and cling tightly, especially in times like these.

    one of my quirks…..I love pickle juice!

  32. 932
    Deb Lloyd says:

    Sioux Falls,SD
    Just read about your study, so starting a little late. Solo for the summer. Thanks.

  33. 933
    Beverly S says:

    I thought I had registered a comment on June 10.
    We are a group of two from Pacific Palisades, CA!
    We look forward to COTD!
    Blessings to everyone in this study!

  34. 934
    Susan Noack says:

    1. Susan Noack
    2. Palmer,TX
    3. Solo
    4. My summer is so frantic with activities and I need this time to anchor me.
    5. Quirk… I prefer to be at home and think about being home all day, everyday.

  35. 935
    ann snipes says:

    Really, Really Need This Now! Love the Beth Moore studies I have done in the past!

  36. 936
    Mary says:



    I’m doing this bible study with my friend Betsie. We are really excited it try this!

  37. 937
    Conni says:

    Doing this bible study with a friend of mine from Kansas. I live in Illinois.

  38. 938
    MARY LOU says:

    I lost my original workbook (somewhere around the house), just got my new one so I’ll be playing catch up.

    1. Mary Lou
    2. Murrieta, CA
    3. Solo
    4. I will be buying the videos because I’m doing this on my own and I love the way Beth teaches. I need a summer Bible study because my church’s women’s group doesn’t meet during the summer.

  39. 939
    April Martin says:

    1. April Martin 2. Red Oak, Oklahoma 3. Solo 4.I’m hoping this would be a learning tool for me to draw closer to the Lord so I can build a deeper relationship with Him. 5. Mom says a grunt every time I tend to get aggravated at something…

  40. 940
    Janice Campbell says:

    A first for me and four of my co-workers. We are starting the study two weeks behind everyone tomorrow, June 17th. I’ve done many Beth Moore studies and can’t wait for my work friends to experience this! We are in Murfreesboro, TN.

  41. 941
    Dianne says:

    Medford, Oregon! Doing this study solo. Facing the impending death of a loved one and feel the need to draw closer to the Lord to be filled up and able to share his blessings with others.

  42. 942
    Amy says:

    I love to study the Word!

  43. 943
    Kathy says:

    Am I missing something? Is LPM having technical difficulties? I haven’t seen the BLOG for today. I thought it was supposed to be up by 8:00 a.m.. I’m not even sure WHERE I’m supposed to be looking… Can someone help me?

  44. 944
    Laurie Patterson says:

    Can I join the summer siesta study now? I know I am 2 weeks late. How can I register?

  45. 945
    Kathryn says:

    1. Kathryn
    2. Lee’s Summit, MO
    3.Small Group
    4. To stay in the word this summer with scripture I’m unfamiliar with
    5. breaking out in random cheers

  46. 946
    Kelly says:

    I am doing this study with as group at church

  47. 947
    Phyllis Tutterow says:


    Greenville, SC

    Tandem (2)

    Beth Moore’s Bible studies allow me to be in God’s Word daily in the summers when my regular Bible study group does not meet. Looking forward to discovering what God reveals to me!

  48. 948
    Dorothy says:

    1. Dorothy
    2. Portland, OR
    3. Solo
    4. Just wanting to study God’s word with Beth!

  49. 949
    Tracy says:

    gathering with a friend (maybe two) in hot Phoenix but probably at a cool Starbucks.

  50. 950
    cheryl says:

    Dry spell really need it!

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