Siesta Summer 2014 Bible Study: Anybody Game for “Children of the Day”?

Hey, Everybody!

It’s almost May and, around here, that means it’s time to announce our Siesta Summer Bible Study for those who are itching to take a journey together. In all these years of doing summer Bible study together here on the blog, we’ve never gone through one I’ve authored. The biggest reason is that I really love to go through other authors’ courses with our blog community. That’s a refreshing blast of Holy Spirit-breath to me and you can count on us doing that again next summer.  The other reason is that the launch date of one of mine never coincided well with the beginning of summer.  With Children of the Day (an in-depth study of 1st and 2nd Thessalonians) coming out in May, the timing works out perfectly. I ask you to trust my heart on this and know that we’re not doing the study this summer so that I can drive up sales. I can’t prove my motives to you but I give you my word. That’s all I know to do. Any of you who still find it uncomfortable can, by all means, choose another Bible study by a different author and feel completely welcome to formulate your group right here in the comment section to this post. Just start your comment with the words in all caps “ANOTHER OPTION” and get together on line and choose which Bible study you’d like to do. There are so many fabulous ones available. You have my complete and joyful blessing to use this community to put your group together. Any way we can serve you is a tremendous honor to us.


For those of you who would like to do Children of the Day with our community this summer, here are a few important facts:


* We’ll start Tuesday, June 3, 2014. Around here at Living Proof, we formed the habit of Tuesday Bible study over the years so that’s why we choose it as our gathering day but you are welcome to commit to any day of the week that works for you. Simply adapt the instructions to that particular day.


* Children of the Day is an 8-week study so we will wrap it up on Tuesday, July 29, 2014.


* As we’ve done in past summers, we’re only asking you to commit to “gather” with us and/or with your group every other week since summers are so busy. We will still stay on schedule for each week’s homework but you’ll only need to check in once every 2 weeks.


* I will put up a short video greeting here on the blog by 8:00 AM every other week on our gathering days, starting with Tuesday, June 3rd. The greeting will include instructions for discussion in your small groups or with the blog community at large. Your “discussion” with the blog community will take place through your response-comment to that post.


* We strongly recommend forming small groups for the pure camaraderie and accountability of it but you are also very welcome to go solo. The best small groups of all meet face-to-face but, if that’s not possible, try to formulate one on line. You might even Skype. Do whatever would benefit you the most and offer you the fellowship we all need so desperately.


* You only need the Children of the Day workbook to participate in the summer study. You don’t need to download the video sessions. All discussion questions will be based on the written work alone, as we’ve done in past summers, so that no one is forced into the extra expense. Each week we will put up a link to that week’s COTD video session for those who also want to include those but I will leave that option entirely to you. There will be no pressure whatsoever. People often ask if the video sessions and homework portions are the same lessons. They are not. They are designed to complement one another for a comprehensive approach to 1st and 2nd Thessalonians but they are not redundant. They are on different segments and concepts found in the 2 letters.


Does that answer many of your questions?  OK, now for the schedule:

Between release date (first week of May) and June 3rd, acquire a workbook of Children of the Day but don’t start it yet! No homework needs to be done before our first gathering. The workbook looks like this:



You can find it at your local LifeWay Christian bookstore by the first week of May, or click here to order online at any time:  COTD workbook


GATHERING ONE: June 3, 2014 – Our summer Bible study launches! By 8:00 AM that morning, God willing, you will find a brief video greeting from me and instructions for that day’s participation/discussion. Again, you can do it any day that week. We’re just choosing Tuesday as our official gathering day. You will “register” for summer Bible study by leaving a comment on the June 3rd post with your name and city and whether or not you are participating in a group or going solo. I will give you the specific instructions at that time. At the bottom of the post will be a link for that weeks’ full-hour Session 1 video if you choose to add on that option.


Do Weeks 1 and 2 of homework for Gathering Two.


(June 10th – link will go up for COTD Session 2 video for anyone going for that option.)


GATHERING TWO: Tuesday June 17, 2014. Brief video greeting from me and instructions for that day’s gathering or discussion. (Link for COTD Session 3 video for anyone taking that option.)


Do Weeks 3 and 4 of homework for Gathering 3.


(June 24th – Link will go up for COTD Session 4 video for anyone taking that option.)


GATHERING THREE: July 1, 2014. Brief video greeting from me and instructions for that day’s gathering or discussion. (Link for COTD Session 5 video for anyone taking that option.)


Do Weeks 5 and 6 of homework for Gathering Four.


(July 8th – Link will go up for COTD Session 6 video for anyone taking that option.)


GATHERING FOUR: July 15, 2014. Brief video greeting from me and instructions for that day’s gathering or discussion. (Link for COTD Session 7 video for anyone taking that option.)


Do Weeks 7 and 8 of homework for Gathering Five.


(July 22 – Link will go up for COTD Session 8 video for anyone taking that option.)


GATHERING FIVE CONCLUSION: July 29, 2014. Brief video greeting from me and instructions for that day’s gathering and closing. (Link for COTD Session 9 video conclusion for anyone taking that option.)



Here is the above schedule in diagram form thanks to my beloved assistant, K-Mac. You can enlarge it to see it better or copy and paste it to a document and print it out if you’re that kind of weird person…because I am, too:









Sound fun??!? Yep, it also sounds like a bit of work but not a single word of Scripture will drop to the ground. We can  have confidence in advance that the pursuit of Christ through His Word will completely alter the summer of 2014. I’m ecstatic to have the privilege of spending these 8 weeks with you in Bible study. You are a tremendous joy to me. Our God-given emphasis right now at Living Proof is on stirring up women who are less-discipled in Scripture to come to love Christ through His powerful, living, relevant Word. We would be thrilled for you to help us by inviting some women along who have never before done this kind of thing. Take the chance and ask them! So many women have a hunger for God. They just don’t know exactly how to identify it. Bring them along if God opens that door!


Can’t wait to get started! Dearest love to you all!





1,066 Responses to “Siesta Summer 2014 Bible Study: Anybody Game for “Children of the Day”?”

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  1. 851
    Sue Uhlman says:

    1. Sue U
    2. Yakima, Wa
    3. solo to preview study for fall at church

  2. 852
    Laurel A says:

    Yes solo in Vinton, VA 🙂

    • 852.1
      Laurel A says:

      I have not done a formal Bible study in over a year and just could not wait to get back into one. Just moved to Vinton and have not connected with strong Christians here yet.

  3. 853
    Tara says:

    Hartford Iowa
    Completing this study with one friend.

  4. 854
    Ginny Good says:

    1. Ginny Good
    2. Richmond, Va
    3. Doing study with my husband
    4. Love Beth Moore bible studies and wanted to do this new one coming out in May!
    5. I wear a Fitbit and have to get 10,000 steps everyday or I can’t go to sleep!

  5. 855
    Tracy Schultz says:

    1. Tracy Schultz
    2. Bloomington Illinois
    3. Solo
    4 first study like this
    5. I love new socks

  6. 856
    Linda says:

    I will be going though this study with you.

  7. 857
    Kay Gardner says:

    1. Kay Gardner
    2. Grayson Valley, AL
    3. Solo – kinda
    4. Love Bible studies, especially those by Beth Moore
    5. Very quirky lady – in “rehab” to learn to close cabinet doors (but failing so far…), wear flipflops year round. Could go on & on 🙂

  8. 858 says:

    I am regular reader, how are you everybody? This article posted at this site is in fact good.

  9. 859
    Maria says:

    1. Maria
    2. New Windsor, NY
    3. w/Husband
    4. Desperation to overcome depression

    • 859.1
      Elodie says:

      As I was scrolling thru, your reply jumped out at me. I just want you to know I’m adding you to my prayer list hun. I understand the battles you are fighting all to well. Just know, you are not alone & Father God can lift you out of the darkest hole. (((Hugs)))

  10. 860
    Rosemary Piedmont says:

    1. Rosemary
    2. Tampa
    3. Paired with a dear friend (and may grow to others)
    4. Both of us have struggled to find time/group to study with and thought summer would be the best time to start our study habit.

  11. 861
    Lindsay Jensen says:

    1. Lindsay Jensen
    2. Nampa, ID
    3. Solo
    4. Need to dive deeper into the Word (and more consistantly, too). Just moved to a new city with my husband and don’t know anyone yet. I hope it’s not too late to join!

  12. 862
    gail says:

    1. gail

    2. houston home girl

    3. solo .. and small group as circumstances change

    4. loved doing this study live in houston, want more of the Word, more of Him – Beth’s anointing offers that path straight to the throne room!

  13. 863
    Tammie says:

    1. Tammie
    2. Bowling Green, Ky
    3. Small group – poolside this summer
    4. Haven’t been able to join with my small group this spring because of travel with work
    5. I always eat the chocolate cookies off my Oreos and try to keep the cream intact and eat it last.

  14. 864
    Kelley says:

    My friend Susan and I just finished the John study as this started last week. We decided to jump right in! So excited to work through Thessalonians!!

  15. 865
    Kim Whitlock says:

    1. Kim

    2. Jacksonville, FL

    3. Going Solo

    4. I’m doing this study because I want to be in the Word this summer.

    5. I like to eat multi-grain cheerios without milk (yes, dry!) for breakfast.

  16. 866
    Rebecca says:

    1. Rebecca
    2. Charleston, SC
    3. Solo
    4. Anticipating an unpredictable summer…flexibility is key

  17. 867
    Kelly says:

    1. Kelly
    2. Edmond, OK
    3. Solo
    4. Wanting to be in the word this summer

  18. 868
    Kellie says:

    Coventry, RI
    Friend recommended this to me
    Quirk- Have to have all my important papers/notices out where I can see them.

  19. 869
    Jennifer says:

    Cypress, TX
    Wanting to dig deeper into the Word this summer.

  20. 870
    Karen Wiggins says:

    In a small group of 3. We can’t wait!

  21. 871
    Beth says:

    1. Greensboro, NC
    2. Group of 12
    3. Study seemed to be the one God wanted for us
    4. Quirk – eat dessert first

  22. 872
    Leanette says:

    1. Leanette
    2. Atlanta area
    3. solo
    4. desire to be in the Word this summer
    Already read a biography of Paul in preparation!

  23. 873
    Elisa Zacharias says:

    I am joining the study solo. The ladies bible study at my church has winter and fall groups.

    We just finished the Breaking Free study which was awesome.

    I can’t wait to get started with this one.

  24. 874
    Deb M says:


    Longview, TX


  25. 875
    Debbie Carson says:

    San Antonio, TX
    Hungry for a deeper study of God’s Word!
    WOW, WOW, WOW!!!
    I listened to the Week 1 Video although I couldn’t order my member’s book till the 3rd and it arrived today. However, my mouth dropped open when I heard about the way God can use ‘severed’ relationships! I had an abrupt, excruciating ‘rejection’ by what I considered a Christian sister years ago that I only recently ‘forgave’ when the Lord revealed I had ‘not’ at a destructive ‘cost’. Since then I’ve had several peaceful transitions that this lesson made me realize were part of God’s plan for me in the process of planting, weeding, fertilizing and harvesting of spiritual growth. Thank you, Jesus for showing me so clearly that this study is right where I belong in this season! 🙂

    • 875.1
      Debbie Carson says:

      I didn’t mention that for the past 8 years my involvement in Bible study has been as facilitator/guide and I realized that after a break of 6 months that I need to concentrate on receiving and rejuvenating! I’m excited!

  26. 876
    Debbie Ericksen says:

    I’m starting late but I’m so looking forward to this study. I will be doing this solo for summer.

  27. 877
    Janice says:

    Yacolt, WA

  28. 878
    Penny says:

    With my precious daughter
    Love Beth Moore studies but did not know she did a summer study. Just happened upon this one and so glad I did. Ready to start.
    I must be very quirky because there were so many I could identify with, I always thought those things were normal. But for one, I prefer paper and pen and organize my life with sticky notes.

  29. 879
    Monica says:

    1. Monica
    2. McKinney, TX
    3. Small group in someone’s home with about 8 ladies
    4. Just need to be consistently in the Word
    5. Quirk…I have to finish a book once I start it even if it is not very good.

  30. 880
    Jenny D says:

    1. Jenny
    2. Beaverton, OR
    3. Small group
    4. Love the structure of your bible studies
    5. Working on the quirky thing

  31. 881
    Lilllian Sims says:

    Nickname – Bionic Woman, I am starting late because I just had an implantable heart monitor put in. Praise God for life-saving technology. love and hugs, Bionic Woman

    • 881.1
      Lyn says:

      Prayers are with you for your techie heart! We are so blessed that technology & medicine have evolved that we are living lives we once never could.
      Btw, I live with heart rhythm disorder & never know what each day brings. Unknown is frightening, but putting faith in God allows me to live life as much as possible. Some things are out of our control.
      Live, love, be grateful for every moment!

  32. 882
    Martha says:

    1. Martha
    2. Canyon, TX
    3. Small group–2 w/ my niece in our sunroom
    4. I’m SO hungry for some WORD
    5. Coffee before even speaking in the morning…or operating machinery….or breathing almost.

  33. 883
    Susie Hoffmann says:

    Columbus, Ohio
    My mom passed away a month ago and I need to get back in the Word.
    I collect animals for an ark. (Schelmer animals)

  34. 884
    Lorna says:

    Ocala, FL

    I hope I am not too late to start!

  35. 885
    Angela Johnston says:

    I am at a bit of a life crossroads … I have never been to or thru a bible study. I just know in my heart, participating this summer… Will give me direction.

    • 885.1
      Stacey says:

      So excited you’ve joined us in Bible Study this summer Angela!!! Nobody can introduce you to God through the pages of His Word like Beth can.

  36. 886
    Susan says:

    1. Susan
    3. Solo

  37. 887
    Jen says:

    Better late than never! Going solo on this one. So thankful for Beth’s studies…I’ve learned a lot.

  38. 888
    ann says:

    baton rouge, louisiana


    been too long since i last studied with LPM.

  39. 889
    Charie says:

    Bowling Green KY

    Solo and small group poolside (with Tammie!)

    I don’t get to meet with my bible study group as often as i want/need- looking forward to doing this this summer!!

  40. 890
    Debra P. says:

    Debra P.
    Joined with a group of ten.

  41. 891
    Jenny says:

    1. The Js -Jennifer, Jenny, Jerrie & Julee
    2. Douglas
    3. Small group
    4. So that we will get into the scriptures together
    5. We are all OCD in the same but different ways

  42. 892
    Andie Kay says:

    Reason: I love Beth Moore studies. I need to be daily challenged to stay in the God’s breathed word and Beth helps me do that. Her studies keep me focused and challenged to get out of my comfort zone. I’m going to try the memorization challenge. Don’t know if I can do it but with God’s help I’m going to give it my best shot.
    Quirks- 1)I talk outloud to myself and when my husband catches me I look like I just got caught stealing a whole bag of peanut M& 2)Me and only me has to be the first one to open the peanut butter jar and get the first scoop.

  43. 893
    Brooke says:

    Brooke H.

    Tigard, Oregon

    Doing it with a group of ladies from my church. We are meeting at a local coffee shop.

    This is one of many bible studies for me and I love the structure and direction they offer. I also cherish the chance to meet and get to know fellow sisters in the process.

    I have to have the T.V. volume or radio volume on an even number. I have to sleep closest to the bedroom door. I love to fill out forms.

  44. 894
    Carla says:

    Indianapolis, Indiana
    So looking forward to my first Beth Moore – Bible study. I find with age I need more focus, structure and routine everyday.
    Too much chocolate is my biggest quirk!:

  45. 895
    Donna says:




    Need to be in a Bible study this summer.

    A couple of years ago the Lord put me in an awesome church (we have small groups but they are on break for now). I had never heard of you, Living Proof, Lifeway,KLove radio or any of the Christian artists that I listen to now. God used my church, christian music and that first small group study on DAVID-seeking a heart like His, to break through the lies in my head about Him 🙂 I have throughly enjoyed the many various small group studies since.

  46. 896
    Christina says:

    Looking forward to getting into Children of the Day!!! A few days late, but better late than never!

    • 896.1
      Christina says:

      Sorry – Completely answered shotgun style before reading the directions!
      1. Christina

      2. Dorchester, Ontario, Canada

      3. Group of 2

      4. Never completed a summer bible study online – still in the middle of our Daniel study, but adding a second one – you can never get enough!!

      5. Have to brush first, floss second….

      • Stacey says:

        Hey Christina, I’m toggling back and forth between this and Daniel too. So much to study….so little time.

  47. 897
    Debra Mayeux says:

    I feel I am not familiar with the bible at all and would love to become more familiar. I am from Knoxville, TN.


    Although I have a very outgoing personality, I am very insecure in unfamiliar situations.

  48. 898
    Lisa Wycoff says:

    1. Lisa Wycoff
    2. Colorado Springs
    3. Solo–previewing to launch for fall for our women’s ministry
    4. Needed to stay quenched for the summer 🙂

  49. 899
    Debbie says:

    Parkersburg, WV
    With my daughters and maybe one other. (Group of 3 or 4)
    My oldest daughter asked and we are looking forward to it now.
    When doing studies I have to use a pencil not a pen.

  50. 900
    theresa Farmer says:

    1. Theresa

    2. Oxford, GA

    3. Solo

    4. I need to get in the word – and love Beth’s studies. This will be my 3rd one.

    5. Quirk – I can eat almost an entire box Gobstoppers after dinner.

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