Siesta Summer 2014 Bible Study: Anybody Game for “Children of the Day”?

Hey, Everybody!

It’s almost May and, around here, that means it’s time to announce our Siesta Summer Bible Study for those who are itching to take a journey together. In all these years of doing summer Bible study together here on the blog, we’ve never gone through one I’ve authored. The biggest reason is that I really love to go through other authors’ courses with our blog community. That’s a refreshing blast of Holy Spirit-breath to me and you can count on us doing that again next summer.  The other reason is that the launch date of one of mine never coincided well with the beginning of summer.  With Children of the Day (an in-depth study of 1st and 2nd Thessalonians) coming out in May, the timing works out perfectly. I ask you to trust my heart on this and know that we’re not doing the study this summer so that I can drive up sales. I can’t prove my motives to you but I give you my word. That’s all I know to do. Any of you who still find it uncomfortable can, by all means, choose another Bible study by a different author and feel completely welcome to formulate your group right here in the comment section to this post. Just start your comment with the words in all caps “ANOTHER OPTION” and get together on line and choose which Bible study you’d like to do. There are so many fabulous ones available. You have my complete and joyful blessing to use this community to put your group together. Any way we can serve you is a tremendous honor to us.


For those of you who would like to do Children of the Day with our community this summer, here are a few important facts:


* We’ll start Tuesday, June 3, 2014. Around here at Living Proof, we formed the habit of Tuesday Bible study over the years so that’s why we choose it as our gathering day but you are welcome to commit to any day of the week that works for you. Simply adapt the instructions to that particular day.


* Children of the Day is an 8-week study so we will wrap it up on Tuesday, July 29, 2014.


* As we’ve done in past summers, we’re only asking you to commit to “gather” with us and/or with your group every other week since summers are so busy. We will still stay on schedule for each week’s homework but you’ll only need to check in once every 2 weeks.


* I will put up a short video greeting here on the blog by 8:00 AM every other week on our gathering days, starting with Tuesday, June 3rd. The greeting will include instructions for discussion in your small groups or with the blog community at large. Your “discussion” with the blog community will take place through your response-comment to that post.


* We strongly recommend forming small groups for the pure camaraderie and accountability of it but you are also very welcome to go solo. The best small groups of all meet face-to-face but, if that’s not possible, try to formulate one on line. You might even Skype. Do whatever would benefit you the most and offer you the fellowship we all need so desperately.


* You only need the Children of the Day workbook to participate in the summer study. You don’t need to download the video sessions. All discussion questions will be based on the written work alone, as we’ve done in past summers, so that no one is forced into the extra expense. Each week we will put up a link to that week’s COTD video session for those who also want to include those but I will leave that option entirely to you. There will be no pressure whatsoever. People often ask if the video sessions and homework portions are the same lessons. They are not. They are designed to complement one another for a comprehensive approach to 1st and 2nd Thessalonians but they are not redundant. They are on different segments and concepts found in the 2 letters.


Does that answer many of your questions?  OK, now for the schedule:

Between release date (first week of May) and June 3rd, acquire a workbook of Children of the Day but don’t start it yet! No homework needs to be done before our first gathering. The workbook looks like this:



You can find it at your local LifeWay Christian bookstore by the first week of May, or click here to order online at any time:  COTD workbook


GATHERING ONE: June 3, 2014 – Our summer Bible study launches! By 8:00 AM that morning, God willing, you will find a brief video greeting from me and instructions for that day’s participation/discussion. Again, you can do it any day that week. We’re just choosing Tuesday as our official gathering day. You will “register” for summer Bible study by leaving a comment on the June 3rd post with your name and city and whether or not you are participating in a group or going solo. I will give you the specific instructions at that time. At the bottom of the post will be a link for that weeks’ full-hour Session 1 video if you choose to add on that option.


Do Weeks 1 and 2 of homework for Gathering Two.


(June 10th – link will go up for COTD Session 2 video for anyone going for that option.)


GATHERING TWO: Tuesday June 17, 2014. Brief video greeting from me and instructions for that day’s gathering or discussion. (Link for COTD Session 3 video for anyone taking that option.)


Do Weeks 3 and 4 of homework for Gathering 3.


(June 24th – Link will go up for COTD Session 4 video for anyone taking that option.)


GATHERING THREE: July 1, 2014. Brief video greeting from me and instructions for that day’s gathering or discussion. (Link for COTD Session 5 video for anyone taking that option.)


Do Weeks 5 and 6 of homework for Gathering Four.


(July 8th – Link will go up for COTD Session 6 video for anyone taking that option.)


GATHERING FOUR: July 15, 2014. Brief video greeting from me and instructions for that day’s gathering or discussion. (Link for COTD Session 7 video for anyone taking that option.)


Do Weeks 7 and 8 of homework for Gathering Five.


(July 22 – Link will go up for COTD Session 8 video for anyone taking that option.)


GATHERING FIVE CONCLUSION: July 29, 2014. Brief video greeting from me and instructions for that day’s gathering and closing. (Link for COTD Session 9 video conclusion for anyone taking that option.)



Here is the above schedule in diagram form thanks to my beloved assistant, K-Mac. You can enlarge it to see it better or copy and paste it to a document and print it out if you’re that kind of weird person…because I am, too:









Sound fun??!? Yep, it also sounds like a bit of work but not a single word of Scripture will drop to the ground. We can  have confidence in advance that the pursuit of Christ through His Word will completely alter the summer of 2014. I’m ecstatic to have the privilege of spending these 8 weeks with you in Bible study. You are a tremendous joy to me. Our God-given emphasis right now at Living Proof is on stirring up women who are less-discipled in Scripture to come to love Christ through His powerful, living, relevant Word. We would be thrilled for you to help us by inviting some women along who have never before done this kind of thing. Take the chance and ask them! So many women have a hunger for God. They just don’t know exactly how to identify it. Bring them along if God opens that door!


Can’t wait to get started! Dearest love to you all!





1,066 Responses to “Siesta Summer 2014 Bible Study: Anybody Game for “Children of the Day”?”

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  1. 801
    Pam Park says:

    1 Pam
    2 Amarillo, TX
    3 Solo
    4 I need to be studying!!!

  2. 802
    Maureen says:

    Hi there, we are a group of 8 women in Lexington, KY. We started our study on June 5th. We are so excited and loved the first session DVD! The stories of the various women thrilled our hearts and gave us confidence of the Holy Spirit preparing this study and group for His purposes.
    One of my quirks is that I sort my clothes in my cupboard according to color and item. I have a separate section for my Africa clothes that I wear when traveling there several times a year.

  3. 803
    Maureen Zottoli says:

    My name is Maureen and live in Fort Wayne IN.

    I bought Sacred Secrets, worked on it solo, needed the teachings, and am now holding a small group of 13 women this summer. First date was June 4th and it was such a blessing to see how each woman was reached in a real way where they are. I am looking forward to this summer with all of these women and seeing them grow.

    But I also personally need Children of the Day and will be doing this solo. I need the teachings! I hope to get the leaders kit and use it for a future small group!

    Beth, you are coming to Fort Wayne and I know God has given you a word for us. I have my ticket and bought one extra ticket! I attended the Rally here and look forward to learning what the Spirit places on your heart to teach us!

  4. 804
    Brenda Abee says:

    1 Brenda abee
    2 Valdese NC
    3 solo

  5. 805
    Teresa says:

    Not sure if I will be solo or with a group. Just found out about and purchased the book today.

  6. 806
    Carol Garcia says:

    1. My name is Carol 2. El Paso, TX 3. Solo 4. I always need more of God’s Word in my life, and I am much more disciplined when I am doing a Bible Study. Unfortunately my schedule is not lining up with anyone else’s, so solo will have to do the trick this summer. 5. My quirk only occurs when my hair begins to grow out (like now), since I was a small child I twirl my hair with my left hand (at least I don’t suck my fingers on my right hand anymore ;D). When my hair is short I don’t seem to miss the twirling, but as soon as my hair grows out again, I’m back a twirlin’!

  7. 807
    Melissa Field says:

    I am going solo in Sterrett, Alabama. As a military wife, I love the ability to connect with a group I will never move away from!

  8. 808
    Kim says:

    With a friend from edmonton, Alberta.
    We love god and Beth!

  9. 809
    Leslie Crawley says:

    1. Leslie Crawley
    2. Flagstaff, AZ
    3. Solo
    4. I need to be in the Word this summer because of big decisions I am needing to make and to help me lead this study with women in our church in the fall.
    5. I would call my self quirky coffee complicated 🙂 Some people can just drink their coffee black – not me – I have to have the right amount of coffee to add the right amount of water to dilute it to add the right amount of coconut creamer with sugar and the right amount of coconut milk. Crazy – but – that’s how it is folks!

  10. 810
    Tracey says:

    Starting a little group this week!

  11. 811
    Wendy Schnitz says:

    1. Wendy Schnitz
    2. Blacksburg, VA
    3. Doing this study with a group of about 13 ladies from one of our homes.
    4. I have not been in study in a long time and I have always wanted to do a Beth Moore study so this is my first time!! 🙂
    5. One of my quirks is I don’t like food to touch on my plate!! Yuck!

  12. 812
    Delinda Burnette says:

    1. Delinda
    2. Douglasville, GA
    3. Solo
    4. Attended a Beth Moore bible study at work about 7 years ago and loved it!
    5. Just easy going

  13. 813
    Sandy says:

    My name is Sandy. I’m from Michigan. I’m going solo as of right now but I am going to discuss this with some friends t see if we can get together and have fun with this bible study. I love your bible studies and this will be the first time I have done one online like this. I’m a Newby to twitter so I hope I can figure this out every two weeks. Lol. I am doing this study because I am staying at my brothers because he has terminal cancer. It will keep me in the word and will help me cope day by day. Thank you again for this opportunity. My quirk is telling my husband how to drive and I also talk to myself. God Bless.

  14. 814
    Liz says:

    My name is Liz, I am doing this alone, although if there is someone else out there from my town, Morden, MB, love to do it with you!
    I so enjoy in depth studies – and the anticipation of knowing I will hear from GOD! Now, a quirk, no one can make my coffee!

  15. 815
    Jodell Rogers says:

    1. JoDell
    2. Lamar, co
    3. Solo but simultaneous with my friend
    4. I need to be in the word.
    5. I have so many! But one crazy thing is I get very tired behind the wheel. So I will often take naps along the road. Once I was only 5 miles from home but better safe than sorry!

  16. 816
    Liz says:

    Hi my name is Liz and I’m from NM. I’m going solo on this Study and I’m praying for a closer relationship with Jesus. I’ve studied many of Beth Moore’s Bible Studies in the past and they’ve been life altering. Thank you Beth.
    A quirk I have is that after every shower I have to leave it clean for the next time I use it.

  17. 817
    Angie Harvey says:

    Angie Harvey. Columbus, OH. Digging deeper in scripture this summer.

  18. 818
    brooke says:

    I’m Brooke- joining a small group of 4 women weekly in Rowlett, TX and this is my first official Beth Moore study, although I have been a fan for many years.

    I am a church-lifer (practically born in the pew) but have recently determined that the Lord wants my today- not just my eternity. I was recently baptized this Feb., and I am looking forward to a deeper relationship with Jesus and a dependence on the Word.

    My kids pointed this out to me… every time I get a new pair of shoes I put them on and do a silly dance. I love shoes.

  19. 819
    Jacque Thornton says:

    I will be part of a group at the Church of Christ and am looking very forward to this special presentation.

  20. 820
    Trudy H says:

    Really looking forward to this study!

  21. 821
    Kim S says:

    Going solo in Missouri

  22. 822
    Margaret says:

    From Modesto, CA
    I am going S-O-L-O on this summer study.
    Never really solo though are we with God by our side.
    I need to get my focus back up to the Lord and away from earthly distractions.
    I am sure I am not Quirkless but can’t think of anything at the moment. 😉

  23. 823
    Tyann Shanholtz says:

    1.Tyann Shanholtz
    2. Waynesboro, PA
    3.Solo…my church bible study is during the day.. and I work
    4. Struggling badly to keep my marriage together
    5. ?? Lots

  24. 824
    Carole says:

    Participating solo in IL

  25. 825
    Vonda says:

    going solo. starting late! Newark, Ohio! workbook is ordered and should be here before the next lesson!

  26. 826
    Barbara says:

    Barbara from Vicksburg, Michigan – going solo and looking forward to another great Bible Study from Beth!

  27. 827
    Linda T. says:

    We have 20 ladies in the Bible study at First Wesleyan Church, High Point, NC 27262. We meet every Thursday at 9:30 – 11:30. We love summer Bible studies as we usually extend it to lunch where we can fellowship and really get to know each other better. We started June 5. I loved lesson one Faith is work, love is hard, hope gets long. Reinforcement to keep on believing. We have done many of your Bible studies and took a large group to Greensboro last year to see you. Thanks for following God’s call and giving us good studies so we can be better disciples.

  28. 828
    Melanie Reep says:

    Greetings from Kentucky and I am doing this study with my daughter. I need direction in my quiet time to stay focused and I find Beth’s studies always seem to keep me in the word. I am not sure what quirk to list, so I’ll just say I am quirky!

  29. 829
    Lindsay says:

    Hi my name is Lindsay. I am going solo in Owenton, Ky. I have a desire to seek and study Gods word.

  30. 830
    Megan says:

    Athens, Ga…with a friend!

  31. 831
    Natalie says:

    Natalie, going solo in Burlington Ontario, and hopefully I’m not too late? This land is very parched and super dry! Hoping the land isn’t so dry that the water goes straight through but saturates the roots so there’s growth again <3

  32. 832
    Mary Catherine Tomlinson says:

    I am going solo in Birmingham, AL. I want to do this study because I don’t want to miss out on digging into God’s word because of a crazy summer schedule. One quirk that I have is that I always like to have on lipstick or chapstick on my lips during the day even if I’m not wearing any make-up on.

  33. 833
    Paulette says:

    1. Paulette 2. Omaha 3. With a friend over texting! 4. I’ve never done a structured Bible study, and am very excited to begin! 5. I talk to myself all the time. After 44 years of it, I’ve even found myself doing it at the grocery store, but in this Bluetooth age, no one seems to notice (thank the Lord).

  34. 834
    Sandy Rissler says:

    Sandy Rissler
    Mansfield, Ohio
    Need to get deeper into God’s Word
    Quirk: Love to make lists and cross things off!

  35. 835
    Taylor M says:

    Spending my summer in the Word in Plymouth Minnesota along with my mom and two sisters! Thank you Beth!

  36. 836
    Sharon says:

    Solo in Canyon

  37. 837
    Amber says:

    Studying with my dearest friend. We stay in the Word each Summer. So looking forward to this study!

  38. 838
    Iriela says:

    Jennifer and Isela are my companions this summer! We live in San Antonio, Tx and just finished Believing God at our Women’s Gathering at our church and LOVED it! So grateful for your heart, Beth, and what the Lord does through you!

  39. 839
    Janet says:

    Lawrenceville, GA

  40. 840
    Remissha says:

    Thank you for doing summer bible study. There are 3 of us doing the study together.

  41. 841
    Patty Barry says:

    Crawford, TX. Solo. Just retired and have been longing for a time to dig into one of your studies….com’n!!! Quirk: I walk each morning with my husband and I often pretend we are in different parts of the world. The sky may look like Africa (although I have never been) the land may look as if there is an ocean sitting far off, the cloud cover can launch my imagination to Cape Cod, Mass….it goes on and on, depending on the type of day!!

  42. 842
    Kim Antonio says:

    Back from vacation and starting today! Going solo this summer. 🙂

  43. 843
    Donna Miller says:

    1. Donna, Mom of boys
    2. Leawood, Kansas
    3. Solo to prepare for Fall group study with church
    4. Always appreciate a fresh word from Beth, with amazing personal application and study time through the pages of scripture. Thank you dearly for this amazing ministry!
    5. Many, many quirks, and I’m sure I’ll discover more on the shores of Greece (from this study).

  44. 844
    Kari says:

    Charlottesville, VA
    With a friend
    Love Beth Moore bible studies!!!

  45. 845
    Jo Andersen says:

    1. Jo Andersen
    2. Glasgow, Scotland UK
    3. Solo
    4. Been doing Beth Moore studies for about 8 years now! Have a 9 month old baby and need to get back into the Word and get refreshed!
    5. I am very fond of birds and love to point out unusual birds on drives with my completely uninterested husband!

  46. 846
    Angie Hoychick says:

    1. Angie Hoychick
    2. Eunice, La
    3. Doing study alone.
    4. We have bible studies all winter and I just want to have quiet time alone with Beth.
    5. I hate being with someone who is always running late!

  47. 847
    MEAC Friends says:

    We are a group of friends who work together in KS and NY. We look forward to digging into this study for various reasons but first and foremost: WE LOVE THE LORD!

  48. 848
    Marsha Curry says:

    From Baton Rouge, Louisiana
    Solo—hopefully be be able to talk about Bible study with other friends at church though

  49. 849
    Teresa says:

    1.Teresa from Ontario, Canada

    2.Invited through a few women at church, but need to just find a way to take my own time and not feel any pressure of any sort. I need to be thorough and be on my own with my Father most days.

    3. I have been in a very tough season since November with my 9 year old daughter going through self harm and suicidal behaviors. Questioning why God has made her the way that He has and what she has done to deserve it? I experienced depression as a result and have felt very alone and thirsting for God’s word. I have posted ads online to join any church doing a Beth Moore study as my biggest growth moments have been through God giving Beth the right things to say in these studies. I can not seem to find anyone offering a study for me. I can not afford to pay for a study on my own (other than a workbook). I am truly blessed to have this opportunity to grow with other women through this study.

  50. 850
    Louise says:

    I live in King George, VA. I am going solo on this study. I love Beth’s studies. They are enlightening, inspirational, and motivational. I desire to grow in the Word and to become more like Jesus!

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