What in the World is a Sacred Secret? Giveaway!

*Announcing the winners of our “Sacred Secret” giveaway!*

*A little side note before I confuse you all, the number I am posting along with the name is your comment number. This way, you can check to make sure you are the winner! Also, each of the winners was chosen completely at random by the lovely website, random.org.

The FIVE winners of the Small Group Leader Kits go to: (The leader kit includes two teaching DVD’s and five study journals each.)

124 – Sydney Merino
856 – Melissa Pittman
150 – Heather Smith
1893 – Lisa Golden
1238 – Amber Moon

The 20 individual “Sacred Secret” study journals go to:

1334 – Jenny Coffey
4124 – Maurice Dillard
144 – Nightingale N.
2950 – Jocelyn Russell
1929 – Cyndy Taylor
1001 – Pam
2903 – Colleen Lyons
1804 – Lisa Shaw
639 – Lisa Chapman
2059 – Melanie Connatser
335 – Kaylan Wonser
3081 – Fay Gossen
1920 – Lori Simmons
960 – Heather McDaniel
2051 – Karen Binder
3097 – Con Schafman
1667 – Sara Lindsay
4157 – Connie Worthington
261 – Alexandra Key
4113 – Debbie

Congratulations, ladies! Y’all clearly love free stuff, and so do we! We are so thrilled for you! You should be receiving an email from me (Lindsee) within the next 24 hours on how to claim your prize.

Also, for those of you that are still interested in purchasing Sacred Secrets, you can do that by clicking here to order through LifeWay. Through that link you have the options of ordering the small group kit, the study journal, the video bundle (all four teaching sessions together), or the individual video downloads. Be blessed, ladies! We love y’all!



*Good afternoon, ladies! Comments are now closed. Thanks for being so enthusiastic about the giveaway. I’ll post our 25 winners later this afternoon. Be sure to check back!

Sacred Secrets Final from LPV on Vimeo.

Girls! To enter the Sacred Secrets giveaway just simply leave a comment with your name (first and last is so helpful) and that is all. So easy! Also please make sure we have a working email address for you. We’ll leave comments open for 24 hours and announce the winners tomorrow (Wednesday) afternoon!

Here’s a fun little picture from Friday as we were getting ready for the video! That table is about to be empty!


4,202 Responses to “What in the World is a Sacred Secret? Giveaway!”

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  1. 501

    Leah Dankertson


  2. 502
    Jess Clark says:

    Jessica Clark

  3. 503
    amy Byman says:

    sounds great

  4. 504
    Laura Bonar says:

    Thank you!!

  5. 505
    Joanna Miller says:

    This would be such a blessing:)

  6. 506
  7. 507
    Lisa Nolan says:

    yay for another great resource!

  8. 508
    Kale says:

    Kale Stoltzfus

  9. 509
    sandy hamblin says:

    This sounds like a wonderful experience!!! My quiet time with God has become a priority early in my day. I’m excited to learn about any ideas to make that precious time even more meaningful!

  10. 510
    Holly Enscoe says:

    I love secrets!

  11. 511
  12. 512
    Linda Atter says:

    Love Beth! Can’t wait to read more:)

  13. 513
    Hannah says:

    This is so fun! Thanks for the opportunity!

    -Hannah Gottschalk

  14. 514
    Nicole Rogers says:

    I’m part of the team for women’s ministry at my church and my team leader suggested this for us to pray over! It would be such a blessing to our ministry to be gifted a leaders kit!

  15. 515
    Jeannette Phillips says:

    Jeannette Phillips

  16. 516
    Beth King says:

    Beth King

  17. 517
    Heather hitchens says:

    Heather Hitchens

  18. 518
    Brooke Harris says:

    Brooke Harris

  19. 519
    Trish Sharlun says:

    It’s between me n HIM! 🙂
    Can’t wait!!!

  20. 520
    Chantelle Craig says:

    Oh would love to win this for our upcoming bible study

  21. 521

    Sounds great! Looking forward to reading it.

  22. 522
    Alexa Diamond says:

    Alexa Diamond

  23. 523
    Alex Hackney says:

    Alex Hackney

  24. 524
    Brenda Martin says:

    Thanks for the giveaway! The ladies in our church love doing your Bible studies. The Word ministered through them have changed us so much as we have applied it to our lives.

  25. 525
    Chris Sargent says:

    Chris Sargent

  26. 526
    Rhonda says:

    I love your Bible Studies but have only been able to do a few that my church has done.

  27. 527
    Abbey Sullivan says:

    Abbey Sullivan

  28. 528
    Hannah Simon says:

    Hannah Simon

  29. 529
    susan lopez says:

    This is so exciting!!!! Thank you for work for our Lord!

  30. 530
    Sonja Cox says:

    Thank you for all the blessings!!!!

  31. 531
    Gale McDonnell - Plains, TX says:

    Gale McDonnell

  32. 532
    Sharae Crouch says:

    Sharae Crouch! : )

  33. 533
    Jessica Guel says:

    Jessica Guel

  34. 534
    Denise Hanson says:

    I would love this, I have the work book.

  35. 535
    Janice Davis says:

    I would be so excited to win Sacred Secrets!

  36. 536
    Angela White says:

    Angela White. Thank you for offering the Sacred Secrets giveaway. Blessings to all @ LPM!

  37. 537
    nina ingham says:

    nina ingham

  38. 538
    Donna Farley says:

    I am thirsty for this. I need refreshments in our Lord. 🙂

  39. 539
    Betsy McCarter says:

    Betsy McCarter

  40. 540
    Keaton Lovell says:

    Yay! Hope I win!!!

  41. 541
    Jamie says:

    Jamie Ritchey

  42. 542
    Christina says:

    Christina Vail

    Thank you so much for this wonderful opportunity. Blessings to you!

  43. 543
    Rachel Pettit says:

    Would love to do this study!

  44. 544
    Connie Vorwald says:

    Excited about this! Also excited to be starting the Daniel study next week with our ladies at church!

  45. 545
    Julie Murphy says:

    Julie Murphy

  46. 546
    Carol Peavy says:

    Thank you for this awesome opportunity.

  47. 547
    Sheila says:

    Sheila Davis

  48. 548
    Trish says:

    Thanks for the giveaway opportunity!
    Trish Strickland

  49. 549
    ForeverHis57 says:

    Lawan Rivera

  50. 550
    Emily says:

    Emily Jones