Hey, Siestas! Just a quick update to let you know that each of the ten scholarship tickets are now gone for the Lubbock location where it will be live. We would encourage you to click on the link below to see if you’re still able to join another simulcast location near you. Thank you so much!
Hey, you darling things! I’m just dying to know if any of you are participating in the Living Proof Live simulcast this coming Saturday. (Sept. 10th) God has made you such a huge part of this ministry and given me so much love for you that I wonder if you’re out there every time I serve on the road. Somehow (God alone knows how) you lend a very personal touch, giving me the sense of a close sisterhood even among many unfamiliar faces in that group of participants. It’s that feeling only God can bring where you feel loved and accepted even in all your quirks and mistakes.
SO, are any of you going? (If you don’t know anything about it, see the link at the bottom of this post to check on whether or not a host site is in your area. If so, please contact that location directly about available seating. We’d love to have as many Siestas as possible!) If you’re going, you’ll see three questions in the next paragraph that I’d love for you to answer. First, let me give you a few stats so that you’ll know what’s up. To God’s glory and purpose, there are 731 host locations in all this year. They are sprinkled throughout 48 of our 50 States and – are you ready for this??? – a whopping 31 of those 731 host locations are in CANADA! We were flabbergasted! So grateful to God. We also have host sites in 10 other countries. I’ll share those on Saturday. In addition, our gracious God is granting us the privilege of serving 3 military bases (so dear to this Army brat) and one women’s prison. I am without words to convey what the latter means to me. Many of us women know what it’s like to be imprisoned to something we feel we cannot escape. We are overwhelmed and anxiety-ridden (and grateful, prayerful, mindful) at the prospect of serving this large and very diversified group on Saturday. Our only hope is to be crucified to our own flesh and alive in Christ. Our competency is in Him. We gladly esteem every participant in the presence of Christ as better than ourselves. God alone can accomplish the task we have before us but He did not stir the whole concept up just to pull a no-show. He promises that He will be found by every person who sincerely seeks Him. Siestas, if you have ever prayed for us, pray for us now! We are trusting Jesus with everything in us to minister personally to each of those lives. We are pleading with Him for a demonstration of the Holy Spirit’s power.
Now, for those three questions! The insight you bring me is always gold. If you are participating in the simulcast, would you tell me …
*Your 1st Name?
*The location where you’ll be attending?
*ONE of the biggest things in your life right now? (Please just ONE and please make your description very succinct or I’ll never be able to read all of them. I want so much to look through them to gain insight toward our group on Saturday.)
Siestas, may I ask your sweet understanding and cooperation in limiting our comments to this post just to the ones attending the simulcast this weekend? You know I hate to do that but it will help immensely as I look through the comments to begin formulating a composite of the group on Saturday. Thank you so much!
P.S. Be sure to hop on the blog tomorrow because I have someone really wonderful I want to introduce to you. You will know her WELL by this time next year!
I’m nuts about you.
Now, here’s that link in case you want to check on the nearest host site. Click Here: Simulcast Host Locations
P.P.S. For any Siestas near Lubbock, where the live Simulcast site will be this Saturday, we are humbled to be able to offer ten scholarship tickets to those that would love to join us but just cannot afford a ticket at this time. Call and ask for Kimberly or Susan at 1-888-700-1999.
Ingrid, Missoula Alliance Church, MT
biggest thing: preparing to go to Uganda.
Key Largo, FL
First Baptist church of Key Largo
Right now, the biggest thing in my life is learning to let go(my first born just left for college).
from Lovington, NM
I will be attending the simulcast with my sister-in-law, 19-yr-old daughter, her friend, and their pastor’s wife. My daughter and her friend are college students in Plainview, TX. This has been a tough week because I’ve had an added commitment that has taken me away from my teaching job and my home responsibilities. I am sooo ready for a time of fellowship, refreshment, and learning from the Word!!!
Gloria – attending simulcast at North Metro Church, Marietta, GA. Biggest thing: seeking wise counsel about a close and troubled relationship.
My church is hosting the simulcast – FBC Simpsonville, SC.
We have a need in our music ministry for a women’s bible study/prayer partner/mentoring ministry. I’m praying for guidance in finding the right direction for this wonderful group of ladies.
Marsha, attending at Leonardtown Baptist Church in Leonardtown, MD
The biggest thing in my life right now is my husband. After 41 years of marriage, we are enjoying the empty nest and learning each other all over again. To God be the Glory!!!
simulcast @ Lee’s Summit Community Christian Church- Lee’s Summit, MO
Biggest thing right now: God speaking SO clearly to me and a group of women who are currently writing a youth WORTHY retreat. EVERY detail has been “God breathed” right from His lips to the paper we are writing on. Praise Him!
Attending at my son-in-law’s church, First Southern Baptist, Pueblo.
Dealing with communicating effectively with my husband of 31 years. We are getting help to try to make it better:)
I will be attending Lubbock and I am so very excited to see you live! My big thing right now, is becoming a mother-in-law. Our oldest son(22) just got married and I finally got my girl! We have another son (20) who is really struggling with what God wants him to do and I don’t know how to help him.
Living Oaks Community Church ~ Newbury Park, CA
The biggest thing I am facing right now is discerning God’s direction in ministry and life. Making sure that I acurately discern God’s will and not be impatient and move ahead nor over analyze and move to slowly and miss the firely pillar. I am desperate for His Presence and more than anything else I want what HE wants for me. I’ve learned that God’s bests is far better than my lil ole good anyday. PRAISE YOU LORD!
Praying for you Siesta Mama & Simulcast teams.
Bethany EFC, La Crosse, WI
The biggest thing: Raising my 5 boys without losing my mind.
Hey Mama,
You bet I will be attending!
Federal Way, WA (not my home church, I’ll be going solo)
One of the biggest things going on right now is loneliness. I so desperately need some friends.
Looking forward to this weekend!
I am a senior at the University of Mississippi and will be attending the simulcast in Greenwood, Ms. The biggest thing in my life right now is trying to earnestly seek the Lord for my future. Jeremiah 29:11 says that He has great plans for us. Honestly, I am just thankful for a God who has plans- period. How cool is that!?! So I trust, pray, seek His face, and walk daily where He leads and am so overwhelmingly thankful that He already knows and we get to be a part of His plan. I cannot wait to worship and be in the Word on Saturday!!! JESUS IS BETTER!
How I wish I could be there! I’m playing with the quartet at a funeral visitation on Saturday.
Jennifer, attending Simulcast at a church in Elkin, NC.
The biggest thing in my life right now is maintaining JOY in motherhood. I have a 2 and 4 year old, I’m a stay at home mom, and have just started homeschooling.
Ogden Church Adrian Mich
The biggest thing I am struggling with in my life right now is patience ..the fruit of the Spirit kind of patience. Waiting with Mercy giving Grace.
Grayson UMC, Grayson, GA
Biggest thing: Waiting on the Lord to know if we will be taking in 2 nephews and an infant niece as our own children due to a very bad home situation. Trying not to “fix” things on my own.
hey beth
name: Sara
i am attending at my church His Place Comm church Burlington wash.in the great north west
the biggest thing in my life now is helping my mom (age 73)
deal with our family losses her life long partner of 31 years to cancer Dec 11 2006 and my brother(her Son) hit by a car in Malibu ca Dec 8 2009 it’s been so tough for her.and the rest of the family especially for mom.
New Boston, TX
Big thing: Discerning God’s will and next step in my life after leaving a position at my church and caring for my disabled Mom
I will be attending Lubbock, Tx at the live simulcast! THANK YOU for coming to our area. We are coming from New Mexico!!
Biggest thing happening is my BFF and I are bringing our 5th graders, 8th graders and Sophomores to see you LIVE!! It is their first event!!!
Emmanuel Baptist Church, Barrie Ontario CANADA
*ONE of the biggest things in your life right now? A new relationship …with a wonderful man … after 9 years of being on my own, raising my daughter … very insecure about my lovablility.
International Baptist Church in Singapore is hosting a Simulcast of yours on October 15 2011. I’m not sure if it’s this particular one but I’m signing up for it.
Biggest thing in my life now: Learning the place I have in God’s heart and being secure in it.
I am in Denver, Colorado and will be attending the simulcast at Faith Bible Chapel in Arvada. The biggest thing in my life right now is savoring my boys’ teen years (one HS senior getting ready to launch…) while moving my business in a direction that will help me use my gifts to serve as many woman as possible. I pray for energy daily.
The Church at Grace Park, White House, TN
Recovering and living with cancer and looking to get back into the work force. Praying and trusting that God will provide a job that’s just right for me.
My name is Mary, and I am attending the simulcast at Red Mountain Community Church in Mesa, AZ. The biggest issue in my life is losing a Christian sister friendship. It has been just about as painful as was my divorce. I would be included in family celebrations and even took two nice trips together. I have not understood everything related to the demise of this dear friendship, therefore it haunts me, everyday for the past three months. Daily, God is teaching me something that is causing me to grow in Him and in my character through this painful time. He is teaching me “to not lean on my own understanding”. And I am glad, because I do not understand. It is so hard to let go of what I thought I had. But maybe that is the answer…what I perceived our friendship to be: honest, direct, caring, empathetic, prayer partners, confidants, “God Sistas”–maybe it was really not all that. It is difficult for healing to happen if she will not talk to me. Yes, God is teaching me to trust Him, that He sees the bigger picture, that I don’t have to understand everything, He is in control and I need to let go of it. This has been so saddening and confusing. Glory and Praise to Jesus who walks beside me and goes before me.
Something similar is happening to me this week. We can only take responsibility for our own hurts and hurts we’ve knowingly caused. We have to let Jesus heal the hearts. Even after years of experience living estranged from my only sister (by her choice), navigating this road with a friend without second-guessing myself, the Holy Spirit, and everyone around me is still tricky. I’m praying for both of us, that we will truly let God lead us by His Spirit.
New job with HUGE responsibilities!
Manchester, NH
Biggest thing: As caregiver to my disabled husband walking that fine line between caring & compassion and anger at being manipulated.
Can I just say scripture memory is changing my life? God is so good and I see changes, how cool is that…
Jill Zettel
Gulfport, MS but I’m attending at Cedar Lake Christian Assembly in Biloxi, MS.
My husband has been deployed for six months and won’t return for another three. I want so much to be a godly wife and mother to our two young children, but being the dad and the mom on a daily basis is bittersweet sometimes.
Knoxville, TN – FBC Concord
The biggest thing in my life is trusting God with the details not just the big picture. Dating a guy with type 1 diabetes and figuring out what I’m supposed to do with my life.
I’m attending at Middletown, IN (Church of the Nazarene), and my biggest concern is for my daughter’s infertility. She has been trying to conceive for 2 years… 🙁
Nixa, Missouri
The biggest thing in my life right now is my mom. We (my siblings and I) are trying to figure out what is best for her and how to help her the most. It doesn’t seem like she should live by herself any more, but an assisted living place is hard to find right now. Very difficult time 🙁
Hi. My name is Cathy and I will be attending in Lake Katrine, NY. Biggest thing right now – I sent my first
child off to college two weeks ago and I have never been
away from him for this long! I am asking the LORD to increase my faith so I can walk by faith and not by sight.
Karen, Condolidated Baptist Church in Lexington, KY. Biggest thing: relationships/obedience!!
Roswell Street Baptist, Marietta, GA
Seeking him for major direction/potential change…need some new passion and discipline to make a difference in his kingdom each day while battling health issues like never before.
Exciting Idlewild Baptist Church, Lutz, FL
The biggest thing on my heart is working with a group to build 24/7 prayer coverage for our local, state and national leaders and our nation that is non-political and non-partisan during the 2012 Republican National Convention in Tampa and the Democratic National Convention in Charlotte–that our leaders will seek God’s wisdom, will humble themsleves and pray and will seek the highest and best for our nation rather than seek political gain.I’m praying the Holy Spirit will move individuals, ministries, churches, etc. to join in prayer so that there will be repentance and revival and the Lord will be glorified. It has to be His work to succeed and not my mere efforts–that’s what I’m learning.
My sweet 11 week old, my mom, my sis and I will be in LBB! Baby and I are flying from Austin in the morning…
Biggest thing- going from 2 incomes to 1 and learning how to be good parents.
Can’t wait to see my favorite Siesta- My sweet baby Lillian Grace is Living Proof of God’s sweet mercy and grace! 🙂
Lebanon, Mo
Entering Empty Nest years soon. After almost 30 years of mothering and homeschooling, what in the world could God have for me that is as important and fulfilling?
High Pointe Community Church of the Nazarene in Byron Center, MI
Wouldn’t miss any opportunity to see you! Wish it was in person!!
Sunnybrook Community Church, Sioux City, Iowa with 10 friends from Redeemer Lutheran Church, Sioux City.
Biggest challenge. Parenting! Peace among the chaos.
Looking forward to finding shelter in the storm on Saturday!
Terri, attending at Ridgecrest Baptist Church, Springfield, MO. One of my biggest struggles is with my job. I feel a lack of God’s calling to what I do and a deep frustration over knowing how to make a change.
1. Jill
2. Monticello Baptist Church in Monticello, Ga.
3. Newlywed and seeking God’s calling for my life; feeling really burdened and desperate to know His will.
Angela, Harps Crossing Baptist Church, Fayetteville, GA, Marriage/Divorce
Oak Hill Baptist Church, Griffin GA
How to pour worth and our Savior’s assurance into twenty somethings
San Antonio, Texas
Praying for clear understanding of what I feel is a definite call on my life.
attending in Tulsa, OK at Metro Christian Academy
biggest thing: praying for spiritual unity with husband to deal with great financial pressure(husband job loss) in the face of two kids in college and nearing retirement.
1. Heidi
2. Roswell St. Baptist in ATL
3. My husband and I are expecting our 1st child & I’m not ready. This has caused mental/emotional set-backs for me and I’ve found myself back in a pit I haven’t seen for over 10 years. I’m NOT defeated but I certainly FEEL I am.
Athens, GA
Biggest thing: How to actively wait while seeking God’s direction for my life.
So looking forward to the Simulcast on Saturday–will be attending at Cross Lanes, WV. My reason for going is to get prepared to lead a Bible Study this fall but am really struggling with what to lead. Usually have clear insight as to what we should study but not this time. I need to hear a fresh message from God!