Meet Lindsee!

Meet Lindsee! from LPV on Vimeo.


508 Responses to “Meet Lindsee!”

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  1. 51
    Amanda says:

    We are so grateful to God for bringing you to LPM, Lindsee!

  2. 52
    Kathy B says:

    First, KMac, I’m wavin’ right backatcha ๐Ÿ™‚ Second, Lindsee Lou, it’s a pleasure to meet you, Sweetheart. May I call you that? It just seems fittin’. I’m truly grateful for your new position. I love me some teen girls. Didn’t mean to. Tried not to. But God had other plans. And enough love to fairly swamp me in mushy, weepy, mascara-runnin’, klennex-required, neck-huggin’ LOVE. You’d think I’d scare them off, wouldn’t you? Teenage girls, that is. But they keep showing up on Sunday morning to listen to me. Praise God, He keeps showing up too. I look forward to all the insight you have to offer. Media and teens? You brave girl! Welcome! Or should I say, “Help!”

    • 52.1
      Lindsee says:

      Kathy, your comment made me laugh! Yes, teens and media! What in the world have I gotten myself into?! And sister, praise God that you have been faithful to Him in loving and teaching these girls. I LOVE ladies like you. Serving week to week! Keep on keepin’ on. Also, you are welcome to call me whatever you please. I answer to many different things these days. : ) Many blessing to you!

  3. 53
    Susan says:

    Congratulations Lindsee! What an exciting opportunity for you…enjoy this new season!
    Blessings to you,

  4. 54
    Lisa says:

    Welcome, Lindsee! I am so excited about your role at LP regarding Girls’ Ministry!!!!!!!!! Blessings in your role at LPM.

  5. 55
    lavonda says:

    Lindsee, I love this new position for you at LPM. Especially because I have a daughter who will be in middle school next year. She reads the blog sometimes and has been to a LPL conference and a Deeper Still with me. (She took 3 pages of notes as a 10 yr old when Mrs. Kay was talking at DS last yr, things that felt ‘important’ to her she said. It blessed me so reading through her notes later… all those scriptures and words of instruction in her young handwriting). She has such a heart for Jesus at her young age. It will be so much fun to have a place/part of LPM geared for her generation. Thank you all so much for having this vision!

  6. 56
    Michele Bone says:

    My heart is full of emotion after watching this. I have 4 daughters and I am so excited that they will be able to be ministered to through LP! My 14 year old attended the Charlotte LPlive with me back in July. I have 3 daughters (10, 14 & almost 16) attending the Simulcast with me on Sat. in the Metro Atlanta area. My 6 year old said, “Mommy, I won’t be able to go because I can’t sit still long enough.” ; )
    God has been working on me for years to minister through all He has brought me through in my life and I feel unequipped and scared. : ) The enemy has done everything he can to distract me, trip me up and sneak in through my weaknesses to trip me up and keep me having those thoughts of inadequacy and that no one will listen because they see my failures. I know it is not true, but I am still working through it and trying to listen for God’s direction and not my own.
    I love you all and welcome, Lindsee! What a blessing you already are!

  7. 57
    Sharon Meekins says:

    Dearest Lindsee Lou,

    Welcome to LPM! What a blessing for both you and LPM. I love your blog ( I’m a lurker ). ๐Ÿ™‚ I pray God’s richest favor and blessing over your new position!

    Much love,

  8. 58
    Angel says:

    Wonderful news indeed! I have three daughters who are 15, 9, and 9 (a son, too.) I’m excited to see how LPM develops in continually reaching and ministering to the next generation. And, whoa, 55,000+ Siestas?!?! That’s NUTS! Love it.

  9. 59

    Nice to meet you, Lindsee! ๐Ÿ™‚

  10. 60
    Ashley says:

    It makes my heart jump to see God move! What a Mighty One to work through such details that bring you right here, right now! You have an abundance of support here! I am so excited to see where this leads! What a blessing! Prayers for you and all of LPM! <3

  11. 61
    His Jules says:

    Welcome to Siestaville Lindsee!!! I am so excited to see this new ministry for young girls, although my own daughters are all grown up (25,23). I teach sunday school for ages 9-12 and cant wait to see the direction that God takes you in ministering to this next generation of siestas! Prayers will be offered on your behalf sweet girl!

    • 61.1
      Lindsee says:

      I love that you’re teaching young girls. Keep at it! They need women like you to invest at all ages. : ) So nice “meeting” you!

  12. 62
    Debbie says:

    Welcome, Lindsee! What a need and calling…I work in a elementary school setting…sometimes it’s downright scary what young girls are going through…excited to see what God is going to do and how He will use you and this ministry to encourage the next generation.

  13. 63
    Cheryl says:

    Ok this is a funny story. I put my 2 yr. & 4 yr. old down for a nap & then sat down to watch the video. Towards the end I heard someone clearing their throat, I ignored it. Then I heard it again & yelled, “Caleb get back in bed.” He yelled back, “I am.”
    Oops, I think it was K-Mac that I heard!

    Oh well, welcome Lindsee, I have a 13 yr. old girl & I’m so looking forward to introducing her to you!

    Gotta go ask forgiveness from my 4 yr old!
    Love y’all dearly!!!!

    • 63.1
      Lindsee says:

      That is so funny, Cheryl. It may have been me clearing my throat as well! I look forward to one day maybe meeting your girl.

  14. 64
    Susan B. says:

    YAY for Lindsee! So excited about this new ministry opportunity for you. God is never still, is He! I’ll be praying for Lindsee and the whole ministry.

  15. 65
    beckyjomama says:


    Love you ALL so much.

  16. 66
    Sister Lynn says:

    Sweet Lindsee and Beth!!

    Your sisters Siestas are so happy you are in the village.
    It was one year ago tomorrow that some of my sisters and I were there at LPM – sharing a most delightful time of fellowship. We look forward to meeting you in person someday too!
    Sister Lynn

  17. 67

    Yay!!! Welcome Lindsee! ๐Ÿ™‚

  18. 68

    Hey, Lindsee! So, so happy for you and just can’t wait to see all the awesome things God has for you at LPM! FUN!!! ๐Ÿ™‚

    Many Blessings, Kristi

  19. 69
    Jenna says:

    As a long-time Lindsee lover, I am BEYOND excited for this girl!!! I can only imagine the amazing things she will do at LPM. What a blessing to ALL involved. God is so very good!! Praying for you, sweet girl!

    And thank you too ALL the LPM staff and the amazing ways you allow God to work through this ministry – we love you!

  20. 70
    Kristi Brewer says:

    Welcome Lindsee Lou!

    I feel like I already know you since I have been on the blog since the beginning as well.

    Praying for you as you begin your exciting adventure at Living Proof!

    Much siesta love!

  21. 71
    Shawna says:

    Welcome to Siestaville Lindsee Lou! I’m so excited about your ministry. My daughter is 17 and loves Jesus so much. Can’t wait for her to get to know you. Have a blessed first day at Living Proof! I hope someone treated you to a Starbucks this morning ๐Ÿ™‚

  22. 72
    Dawn Chastain says:

    Welcome, Lindsee!!

    I am so excited to hear this news! I have wanted for years to ask Beth to adapt her studies for younger girls. My daughter is in the 8th grade and many issues…she has trichotillomania (she pulls out her eye lashes and eye brows) she is slightly ADD, she feels ugly and thinks I don’t show her love…middle school years are so hard…she is in therapy…my husband is on dialysis and is disabled, I lost my job last year (after 20 years with my company) and have yet to find a job…so there is stress in the house.

    I would love for her to be able to do one of Beth’s studies that would be more appropreiate for her age!! And maybe think about having a “chatville” once a week for middle school and then high schoolers..a shore Bible study or encouragement for the week.

    I love y’all!!!!

  23. 73
    Gayle says:

    Will be attending the Sept 10th Simulcast at Flint Grove Baptist Church in Gastonia, NC.

    Life Challenge – In my life now I feel I am in the “Whirlwind of womanhood” in my late 50s..finding my way into the next generation of my life the joy of raising a successful beautiful daughter, just became a grandmother to a darling grandson and caring for my aunt with cancer. So much in life to be thankful for, to pray for and seek God’s favor. In these challenges I find a desire to seek HIM in my life more and more. Thanks Beth for leading us and inspiring all women on their spiritual path and finding joy in everyday living. Blessings, Gayle

  24. 74
    Crystal says:

    Praise the Lord!!! How exciting to hear!!! I wish I lived in Texas, I would volunteer to help if it was needed!!! ๐Ÿ™‚ But prayers will be sent your way from Michigan ๐Ÿ™‚ So neat to hear the sweet and marvelous things that the Lord is doing at LPM!!! As a Mommy of two little girls and someone who also LOVES woman’s ministry (of all ages) I am so excited to hear! I think it would be amazing to lead some girls through the Believing God study! That one is one of my VERY favorites and I wish I had done it in high school and middle school! Praying for all you wonderful women who love God and want to serve Him! Your ministry and devotion to him is a blessing and an inspiration to so many!

  25. 75
    Kristen Maddux says:

    Welcome, Lindsee Lou!! As I watched this, I felt the Spirit impress on my heart that one of the main reasons He had me start reading blogs a few yrs ago was for THIS ONE. This place has been a huge encouragement, and I’ve now memorized of PS 139:1-18 because of the accountability found here. Thanks so much for making it a priority in your ministry.
    And Lindsee you just seem perfect for the job!

  26. 76
    Lyli says:

    Lindsee: So excited for you! Isn’t God awesome for opening up this door of ministry for you? Wow! Praying for you now. Can’t wait to see what God is going to do in and through you and this new emphasis at LPM. I taught teens for 17 years, and so I am thrilled to see this move. Hugs

    Mama Beth: Love you and thank you for “jumping in” — I am overjoyed about this new vision for younger Siestas. Awesome! ๐Ÿ™‚

  27. 77
    Living4Him says:

    Welcome, Lindsee.

  28. 78
    Nikki says:

    Welcome Lindsee! I have only one child and her name is Linzi (23 now). Somehow she picked up the nickname Linzi Lou when she was a kid, and it stuck. Who ever thought I would know two Linzi Lou’s!


  29. 79
    fuzzytop says:

    Hi Lindsee! I met you at the first SSMTC in 2010, and am so happy I did! Blessings on your new adventure at LPM, and I am looking forward to hearing more of what you are doing.


  30. 80
    Liz Taylor aka Didaskala says:

    Welcome Lindsee!

    I am so excited to see LPM bring you on staff. As a Jr. High leader I look forward to your insights and ideas! Asking Jesus to give you all the wisdom and strength you need for all God has planned for you!

    Liz Taylor
    (yes, that is my real name)

    • 80.1
      Lindsee says:

      So nice “meeting” you, Liz! I receive those prayers and appreciate them so much. Thank you for saying hi!

  31. 81
    Rene Thompson says:

    PRAISE GOD!! I am so super excited and thrilled as a mother of two daughters, one 6 and the other 20. (God rocks). My 20 year old will be attending the simulcast this weekend with me but that 6 year old needs you too! Thank you both for being open to God and working on this for us all!

  32. 82
    Rachel says:

    May God use you and bless everything that you do. May He use your gifts to bring forth much needed change for our daughters! Thank you for serving the next generation and God Bless You Lindsee ๐Ÿ™‚

  33. 83
    Cindy Gandy says:

    Welcome Lindsee. I’m so excited about this new ministry. I will be praying for you and LPM.

  34. 84

    SO happy for you Lindsee! I know you are going to do GREAT things at LPM. What a happy day! ๐Ÿ™‚

  35. 85
    Anna says:

    I am so excited! I am a college sophomore siesta so seeking a place in ministry, and a place to be discipled! I am so excited about this new area!

  36. 86

    Welcome, Lindsee Lou! Beautiful lady, you are. ๐Ÿ™‚

  37. 87
    Nikki Poppins says:

    Lindsee! I’m so excited!! For you! For LPM! For Siestaville!! For all the young girls that will benefit from your being there in your new role! I know you have such a heart for God and especially His girls! You’re funny as all get out, have such a way with words (Shut the phone!) and cute as can be! I look forward to seeing more of you, both here and hopefully in real life!
    Go do the thing!
    Love you!
    Nikki! <–Had to put one after my name because everyother sentence ended with one and I didn't want it to feel left out! ๐Ÿ˜‰
    PS. I noticed you were being filmed on your good side! Does Beth know about it? Lol!

  38. 88
    Chesney says:

    So excited! Jesus is so honored and adored here, and my heart is rejoicing this afternoon to be part of this community. Love you ladies!

  39. 89
    Hannah says:

    What a great addition you’ll make Lindsee, to an already amazing ministry! I’m excited for you!

  40. 90
    Jo Ann says:

    55K people! That’s a lot. I thought it was about 3K. Lindsee, I’m looking forward to the coming year!

  41. 91
    Desiree says:

    What a perfect and natural expansion of Living Proof Ministries! As women’s lives have been transformed by the work of Jesus at and through LPM, so will many young girls. Lindsee, you seem to have such a humble and sweet spirit and you will be a tremendous tool for the Kingdom. Looking forward to getting to know you better through the blog. May God bless the work of your hands, feet, mind and heart!

  42. 92
    Groovewoman says:

    I am SO Excited for you, words just can’t express. I know that the Lord is going to Bless your ever lovin’ socks off!! Oh has He got something GREAT for you and for us Siesta’s too! Love ya,
    Hollie R.

  43. 93
    Kristie says:

    Welcome, Lindsee! As a mom of a third grade Jesus-lovin’ girly girl, I’m SO EXCITED and blessed to see you joining the LPM team! Blessings to you as God moves mightily through through your life to equip a new generation of women!

  44. 94
    Amber Moon says:

    Welcome to LP Lindsee! What a blessing it is to need a position like yours and even more so having God lay you on Mama Beth’s heart. It is no doubt a divine appointment for you! Enjoy this journey God is taking you on and I pray that He enriches your life immensely through this ministry.

    What a gift you have received to work along side one of God’s most precious (pink) warriors of the faith and I just know you are going to have a ball working in the “village!” May God just bless your socks off!!

    Amber Moon

  45. 95
    Dionna says:

    Lyndsee, you’re a doll and you’re going to fit right in! And as the mom of two beautiful, precious young ladies (ages 12 and almost 15) who have hearts for the Lord…I’m thrilled that Living Proof is going to start exploring ways to minister to our young girls! ๐Ÿ™‚

  46. 96
    Jan says:

    So excited for you! Blessings on your new position.

    Jan in Arkansas

  47. 97
    Rose says:

    Welcome Lindsee! My prayers are with you as you start this new role. Have a blast with it!

  48. 98
    Rene Sandifer says:

    Hi Lindsee! I’ve “seen” you around the twitter, and now here you are! Haha, I love media even though I only know enough to be almost dangerous ; ) I, too, am so very happy for you! May the Lord grant you great wisdom as you start this new chapter. I was called to ministry with college age girls from the time I was in college until I got married and took on ministry with my husband. A different season has led to new opportunities. What joy and treasure lay ahead for you!
    Welcome!! xo

  49. 99
    Lisa says:

    Welcome Lindsee! I cannot wait to see what God does in your life and how He uses you in the coming days. You GO GIRL!!

  50. 100
    Linda says:

    Hi Lindsee Lou,
    It’s so nice to meet you!
    Do you know what you’ve gotten yourself into?!!!

    You seem like the sweetest thing,
    so young and kind and loving,
    like a breath of fresh air in the spring,

    We know you’ll love the Siestas around here,
    You already have; you are so dear,
    and because of it, you’ve got a new career!

    We can’t wait to see what God will do,
    He’s got great plans in and through you
    and maybe even a big hair-do!

    We’re so glad you made this decision
    So enjoy every minute in this new position,
    We are praying for you as you make this transition,

    It’s a Siesta Fiesta!
    Enjoy your new nest-a!

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