Author Archive

SSMT 2017: Verse 9!

Hi Siestas!
I pray that each of you have great delight in your memory work!

img_8106I am pretty much positive I am not the only “planner” in this SSMT group. right? My life is busy in every direction, I need a plan. But also I do dearly love a plan. I like a plan for my family, for myself, and of course for a team project, which all my co-workers would be quick to smile and confirm – actually I like a plan for doing nothing. But, I bet like many of you, my plans don’t always land as expected. Truly, there have been occasions when I leave my house with my nice neat plan for the day and by the time I make my very short drive to the office, my plan has morphed into a totally different direction. Then I come face to face with the choice of believing: failure (of my plans) or faith (in His plans).

This simple verse has engulfed my soul! God is faithful to us in the details of life, the steps we take and He has the perfect plan.

Sabrina Moore from Houston, Texas:

“People can plan what they want to do, but it is the LORD who guides their steps.”
Proverbs 16:9 (ERV)

As I looked up a ton of different translations I loved the revealing truth about “my plans.” What looks like a direction or an action item, actually begins with my heart, my thoughts, my needs.

This I know, I need Him!
This I pray, Lord, You lead.

Praying His faithful guiding steps bless you and your days!

Love, Sabrina


To start your week – Giveaway Monday!


Mariner’s Church event winners:

Comment #78– Collette Wright

Comment #82– Kelly

Comment #94– Rachel

Comment #170– Julie Wenzel

Novel winners:

Comment #179– Nanette

Comment #137– Lisa Williams

Comment #59– Nicole Richardson

Comment #113– Chris

Comment #159– Carolyn

Comment #41– Patricia

Comment #29– Denise Fiducia

Comment #48– Timberly

Comment #191– Barb T

Comment #128– Yolanda

Comment #192– Teresa

Comment #202– Janet

Comment #180– Diana Paige

Comment #9– Mary Rodgers

Comment #152– Claudia Wadzinski

Comment #205– Joyce M Kortze

Comment #193– Donna

Comment #149– Sarah

Comment #40– Nadine Schroeder

Comment #102– Emma



Good Monday morning!

Today my morning start included listening to Beth’s visit (podcast) with @BigMamma and @boomama.  Seriously, so fun.  Their laughs were contagious while their discussions swirled in several directions.  Most of which I should probably not venture into (smile).  But, there is one discussion area I can’t keep from. The UNDOING of SAINT SILVANUS.

Side note:  I promise my days are not boring, I peddle as fast as I can.  I can’t even remember the last time I was bored (laughing).  All that to say I am not looking for something to do nor do I really have extra time to sit down and read a novel.  But sometimes, that is the exact time to sit down, read a novel and refresh your soul.  And this is exactly what I did.  I loved it!  It hit every part of me, the longings, hurts and hopes.  The ache for others to get a win, the suspense and action that I like in stories. Tender places of challenges and the beautiful place of His fresh redemption.

Please know, it is not my “job” to write this, actually Beth doesn’t even know that I am.  LOL (can I do “LOL” on a blog?).  The podcast got me all jazzed about the book, the joy it poured into my heart and wanting others to have this… GIVEAWAY DAY!


To enter giveaway for the book, please comment with:  Novel
So that we (LPM Team) have time to ship books today the comments will be open until 2pm.

Speaking of Beth, she isn’t bored either.  She is on the closing stretch of the book tour, which she will finish tomorrow evening (Tuesday, Sept 27, 7pm) at Mariners Church – Irvine.  To enter giveaway for the event ticket, please comment with: Mariners


love, Sabrina

Book & Webcast info:


Today is a great day for gift giving!


#984-Tammy Disch
#958-Tammie Kovacs
#327-Jill Joe
#507-Denise Fiducia
#287-Valerie Deib
#867-Diane Lopez
#510-Karen Helms
#183-Tensie Palmer

Congrautaltions!! Watch for an email from to arrange shipment of your gift!


Hey blog friends!

Do you ever have one of those days so full of celebration that the joy doubles to an overflow?  I like to call this a swirl day, because it is fast with a lot of movement, a lot of fellowship, a lot of laughs, a lot of love, it is full – complete joy.

I am pretty sure LPM is set to have this kind of day today and we would love for you to join in!

Happy Happy Birthday Beth Moore! 

We are so glad you were born!

I seldom call her Beth, usually I call her Gp, sometimes sister, and occasionally Beth-le’-ham.  smile.   One of Gp’s favorite birthday gifts is giving gifts.   So, the LPM team would like to invite you to join some of the celebration swirl today.  Your comment on this post enters you in the drawing for these gifts.

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Anywhere you have an Internet connection, visit, and you can access Bibles, commentaries, study Bibles, reference works, and more online. Once you’ve added a book to your library, not only is it available on, but it will sync to the WORDsearch® mobile apps. Save your work in either of these places, and you’ll be able to access it no matter what device you happen to be using.

We will receive comments until Friday morning at 10am CST.  Once the names have been randomly drawn,  the post will be updated with the winners’ names.  If you are a winner, watch for an email from Living Proof to arrange shipping (or emailing) of your prize!

Wherever you are today, whatever your plans are for this day, we pray for His joy to fill you, to strengthen you, and to delight you in His unending love for you!

with love,

sabrina and the LPM Team


Something a Bit Fun:

Hi, everyone! Sabrina Moore here! All of us on staff at Living Proof are tremendously familiar with our blog community but you may not be familiar with those of us who work behind the scenes. I’m the LPM ministry director and have served with Beth for many wild years. (Same last name but no blood relationship except in Jesus.) I’m so happy to share something with you that we think is pretty delightful.

The great folks at Tyndale Publishing developed a fun webpage we can’t wait for you to see!  

Why is this web page fun???

Well, for starters the web page introduces Beth’s debut novel. Wait for it……….

The Undoing of Saint Silvanus, releasing September 20, 2016

That sounds fun to me!  Beth is one of my favorite story tellers. She peppers her Bible teaching with living-color stories and you would not believe some our lunchtime stories.  Girlfriend is live!  So, a fiction novel from Beth?  I can hardly wait.

Now,  just in case there is the slightest chance you are anything like me and maybe thinking, “September? Really? I am so going to forget in 4 months. I’ve already forgotten my items for next week!”  No worries – we will remind you.  However, Tyndale has a few other items on their webpage to help occupy the time until it releases.  Hop on and these are some things you can do: and these are some things you can do:

  • Read the free chapter sampler!
  • Register for the free webcast, Beth’s Big Book Club – LIVE from the Big Easy | January 20, 2017 (registrants qualify for monthly prize drawings). This free webcast is going to be a blast! Beth’s going to do Q&A and share the backstory and lots of fun things about the novel that aren’t in the book.
  • Pre-order your book  (super easy – there is a list of select retailers for your convenience).
  • Email your proof of purchase to Tyndale at: [email protected] and receive 4 free downloadable prints.

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September 20th will be here before you know it!

Oops, I got so jazzed I almost forgot (smile), here is a message for you from Beth!


Hooray! New Facebook Options for SSMT!

Hey Ladies – it is almost time to post your 2nd verse on January 15th! How are you doing with your 1st verse?

The January 1st post was super fun! It is wonderful to see all of your names and verses. I love how you all encourage one another!

And listen, we know how hard some of you had to work to get your verse posted! Way to persevere!

The blog truly could not keep up with all the traffic; many of you experienced delays and/or slowness. Then many of you (bless your heart♥) could not find your verse to confirm it was posted. Staff had the pedal to the metal to bring in (moderate) these verses, and then did a few “search and confirm” requests.   What a ride! Smiles.   BTW:  Beth took 1st place for bringing in the most comments – go Beth!

Ok, so with hope of making all things easier, you now have posting options. You can…

1. Keep with the LPM Blog – Meaning you post your verse as a comment for the SSMT Blog post, just as before – same format (name, city, verse).


2. Post on the LPM Facebook  – Meaning you post your verse as a comment on the SSMT Facebook post – same format (name, city, verse).

Either way, have a blast!

We are thrilled and thankful to share this year of scripture memory with you!


• Do I have to have a personal Facebook page to leave a comment on the LPM Facebook page? Yes.  Facebook has a “help” section which will show you various options that include making your Facebook page “private”.

• What is the Facebook name? Living Proof Ministries with Beth Moore

• Will the Facebook be exactly like the Blog? Yes, LPM will post a duplicate of Beth’s Blog post on the 1st & 15th of each month in a Facebook “Note”.  The “Note” will post on the timeline, just like a normal post.

• What is a Facebook “Note”? “Notes” are put in a section of Facebook which will provide an easy to find section on the LPM Facebook page for SSMT 2015.

• How do I find the “Notes” section? On the Facebook page you will see the menu bar (just to the lower right of Beth’s picture):  “Timeline”, “About”, “Notes” – select “Notes”.

• How will I know when a Facebook “Note” has been posted? Depending on your Facebook settings, you will receive a Facebook notification whenever a new SSMT Note is posted.

• What if I am already signed up for email notifications with the LPM Blog? Great! It is fine to stay signed up. Blog notifications auto-send after a new blog is posted so you would likely see this new post in your email inbox the evening of, or day after a post.

• Will the SSMT Blog community and SSMT Facebook Community now be 2 separate groups? No, SSMT will remain 1 Community group. There will be one celebration for all (January 2016).  You are welcome to interact with others at both locations; the LPM Blog and the LPM Facebook.

• Do I post my verse on both the Blog and on Facebook? No, please choose only one location.

• Do I need to re-post my January 1st verse on Facebook if I have already posted on the Blog? No ma’am.

• Can I invite others to join or is registration closed? Yes, you can invite others – anyone can join at anytime! A spiral of 24 verses is their ticket into the January 2016 celebration. The starting instructions will remain posted at:  Siesta Scripture Memory Team 2015 Instructions and Spiral Information.



Three LPM Christmas Gift Ideas… and Giveaways!

Watch for an email today from Living Proof so that we can arrange shipping of your gift! Happy Monday!

1.    #714-Nicole T
2.    #1042-Jennifer Winner
3.    #1326-Patty Dalton
4.    #873-Kathy Isaacson
5.    #1150-Jennifer Nelson
6.    #542-Emily Stokes
7.    #695-Dea Windsor
8.    #39-Vicky D
9.    #247-Janet from FL
10.    #17-Natashajk
11.    #646-Janet Worthy
12.    #1209-Patti Byrd
13.    #982-Tina Ritter
14.    #391-Tona Hawkins
15.    #340-Karina Allen


Hi Everybody! Sabrina here! (waving)

Just in case you are wondering something like, “wow, I can’t remember ever hearing from Sabrina”, you are so very right!  I have never been on the blog before today.  So why now??? Well, I am pretty jazzed about something and want so much to share the excitement with you all.  LPM has a new resource that is on the printing press at this very moment.

With all glory to God, have a look at Breath.

breath_cover_front  breath_cover_back

Y’all, Breath has been new life to me. Here is the deal: a few co-workers and myself do several reviews for editing and design – so we watch it a lot (smile). Every edit review was a fresh breath from God. Actually, I would get so wrapped up in the teaching that I would forget I was editing (laughing).

This lecture study is on the Holy Spirit, “The Life of God In Us”.  The companion booklet includes Beth’s listening guides, along with 6 written lessons by Melissa Moore. These articles give deeper insight into Beth’s lectures with expanding applications but they also offer an opportunity to glean from the fresh research of an amazing young teacher. Beth’s six sessions were filmed live with our local Houston Bible study group.

Thank you for praising God with us about this series and believing God to meet each person who seeks Him through this teaching.

We expect shipment in about 1 week, however if you are too excited to wait until the DVD sets arrive, the digital downloads are available now.

Breath is one of several items on my Christmas shopping list (definitely a perk to have a store at your workplace).  So I thought it would be fun to share those with you as well. I’ve listed them below but, truly, what better way to share than a Blog Giveaway?!

SO, your comment to this post will be your entry to the drawing.  We are so excited to share five copies of each new resource item shown below, so there will be 15 winners!

“Portraits of Devotion”

This is a 366-day compilation devotional. For those of you familiar with the Personal Reflection Series (90-day devotional journal drawn from the lives of Jesus, David, John, and Paul), this unites them all into one beautiful book.


LPM’s DVD set “The Great Escape”

The Great Escape was recorded at a Living Proof Live event in Bossier City, LA.
You can preview The Great Escape here.


LPM’s DVD set “Breath”


You can preview Breath here.


Since it is the season of giving, if your name is selected in the random drawing and you prefer to ship your gift directly to someone on your gift list, please know it would be our joy.  This post will remain open until 4:30 CST on Friday, December 5th.  Winners’ names will be posted first thing Monday morning, the 8th. If your name is drawn, watch for an update to this post. We will also notify you by email to get the mailing information for yourself or your recipient.

Of course we are glad to help with any of your gift needs. You can browse in our online store here.  Please note LPM’s last day to ship is 12/17.

With much love and many Christmas blessings to you!


