***NOTE: If you are looking to register your verse 1, go ahead and comment with your selected Scripture on the “SSMT 2017: Verse 1!” post.***
We are 15 days out. LPM staff is gearing up for SSMT and we just wanted to make sure we have you well prepared!
We know it’s a busy time of year, and things are moving a million miles an hour, so we just wanted to give you a little reminder on what you will need to start SSMT strong!
Your verse: Have your first verse selected for our kick-off on January 1st. Choose a verse that means something to you in your present season or circumstance. This is the reason why we don’t all memorize the same Scripture. We’re not all going through the same things.
Your spiral: You will need your SSMT spiral for recording your verses by hand. This is a recommendation and not a rule, but there’s something about writing it with your own hand and picturing it later in your own handwriting that helps it sink into your memory bank.
You can now order an official SSMT spiral from our online store! Click here to purchase your copy. You also have the option to print just the cover yourself at home to add to your own notecard spiral. (We suggested some methods in the Instructions post.)
SSMT will launch on January 1st, so check back then for our first post and be ready to comment with your name, city, Bible translation, and selected verse! You can leave your comment on the blog or on our SSMT Facebook page.
If you have further questions about SSMT, see Beth’s original post here.