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On the SSMT Countdown! Got Your Spirals?

***NOTE: If you are looking to register your verse 1, go ahead and comment with your selected Scripture on the “SSMT 2017: Verse 1!” post.***


We are 15 days out. LPM staff is gearing up for SSMT and we just wanted to make sure we have you well prepared!

SSMT Staff

We know it’s a busy time of year, and things are moving a million miles an hour, so we just wanted to give you a little reminder on what you will need to start SSMT strong!

Your verse: Have your first verse selected for our kick-off on January 1st. Choose a verse that means something to you in your present season or circumstance. This is the reason why we don’t all memorize the same Scripture. We’re not all going through the same things.

Your spiral: You will need your SSMT spiral for recording your verses by hand. This is a recommendation and not a rule, but there’s something about writing it with your own hand and picturing it later in your own handwriting that helps it sink into your memory bank.

You can now order an official SSMT spiral from our online store! Click here to purchase your copy. You also have the option to print just the cover yourself at home to add to your own notecard spiral. (We suggested some methods in the Instructions post.)

SSMT will launch on January 1st, so check back then for our first post and be ready to comment with your name, city, Bible translation, and selected verse! You can leave your comment on the blog or on our SSMT Facebook page.

If you have further questions about SSMT, see Beth’s original post here.


Online Book Signing!

Hi friends!
Did you know today is Cyber-Monday?!

Of course, LPM wants to join the Cyber-fun and offer a little kickstart to your Christmas shopping, so this post is to announce the Tuesday (tomorrow) Online Book Signing with Beth.


Logistically this means…

  • This post will be open for comments on Tuesday (11.29) from 9am–12pm CST
  • Your comment (“yes“) will enter you in the drawing to virtually attend the book signing by means of your request for Beth to sign and personalize any book purchased from the titles listed below.
  • The random drawing will select as many requests as we can feasibly get in front of Beth on Tuesday afternoon.
  • Randomly selected shoppers will be sent an email with instructions on how to …
    • complete their purchase.
    • provide us with the order number,  the name you want Beth to personalize in the book, and the shipping address.

Perhaps you have you been hoping to share Beth’s new study with a friend, or perhaps you have a fiction-reading loved one who would enjoy reading her new novel over the holidays.  Then again, maybe you want a gift for yours truly. smile. We hope this is a fun opportunity for you to share with someone on your gift list.

The following books/Bible studies are available for this offer:

  • The Undoing of Saint Silvanus (novel)
  • Audacious (book)
  • Entrusted (Bible study member workbook)
  • Looking Up (devotional)

Happy shopping!


*Note: Limit two books per customer.



Lit Registration Reminder

We know you’re busy cooking away and prepping for all those Thanksgiving festivities, but we just wanted to give a you a little reminder:

Lit registration opens THIS Friday!

  • To kick off your Black Friday shopping, Lit registration will officially launch November 25th at 9 a.m. CT!
  • Women in their 20s and 30s will be eligible to register first, then remaining spots will open to women of all ages on December 1st. For more details, see Beth’s previous post here.

We cannot WAIT to see all those beautiful names start coming in on Friday. With joyful anticipation, we are asking God to prepare hearts and minds for what He has for us on February 11, 2017!

Happiest of Thanksgivings to you and yours!

The LPM team


LPL Youngstown Recap Video


2016 Simulcast Prayer & Commissioning

Hi simulcast friends! Here are your copies of Beth’s prayer and commissioning. You can download the PDF versions at the end of the post.


Download them here:

Prayer Simulcast 2016

Commissioning Simulcast 2016



LPL Chicago (Simulcast) Recap Video

Enjoy this recap from LPL Chicago! Be sure to check back later this week for the prayer and commissioning.


LPL Chicago Ticket Giveaway

LPL_box_leaf_LONG 2016

The Living Proof Live Simulcast weekend is one of the biggest weekends at LPM all year long, and it’s THIS weekend! This weekend we are looking forward to bringing you the simulcast live from the Living Proof Live in Chicago, Illinois.

If you are local in the Chicago area, but can’t swing the cost or have never had the chance to see Beth live, we would love to help you attend the event in person!

Here’s how we like to offer our scholarship tickets: If you are thinking you would like to attend this weekend but can’t quite swing the cost, Beth would be thrilled to make a way for you to come, and to bring a friend with you! Is there someone you’ve been wanting to introduce to Jesus? Or maybe that friend is new to the Word, or just less-discipled in the Scriptures. If this sounds like you, just give Kimberly Meyer a call at our office and she will set you up. Toll-free 1-888-700-1999 (NOT 800).

We sure love Jesus and His Word, and want you to fall more in love with Him, too! He is our great hope and joy. We sure hope to see you this weekend! To purchase tickets, or for detailed information about this weekend in Chicago, visit here.

If you are new to Simulcast talk, we want you to know that there is a live location where Beth will teach in person, and there are host locations where her teaching will be brought in via internet feed, (i.e. simulcast). Whether you are at the LPL in Chicago, or on the other side of that screen, there is not one moment where you are off her mind, nor that of the LifeWay team!  We trust that if God has the mind to bring together the size group that will gather, that He has something to say. And we want to hear it!

Click here for LifeWay’s complete Simulcast information.  And remember, if you cannot join us live (or at a host location) on September 17th, once you register for the simulcast, you will have digital pass access for one month.

Hope to share the Word with you on Saturday!


LPL Mobile Recap Video


LPL Nashville Recap Video


LPL Ontario Recap Video

