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Ring Those Bargains!

Hey, Sweet Things!

You know what I think would be such a blast? Let’s share ideas for gift giving! Reasonably priced. (Or the deal of the century???) Creative maybe. Or QUICK, definitely! Perhaps you could share your best “everybody/anybody” gift. In other words, have you stumbled on something this year (a CD, a book, a keepsake, etc.) that you’re giving lots of people on your list? Then, share the wealth! We could use some ideas around here. The thing I keep hearing from women is that they have a long list of loved ones and no earthly idea what to get them. I’m in that same boat with about a third of my list. Let’s get those creative juices flowing in Siestaville and help each other out over the next few weeks.

Let me give a little disclaimer as we get started. I’m not as up on all the Free Trade discussions and debates circling right now so I’ll need your mercy there and other Siestas might need it, too. Let’s trust each other’s hearts around here and assume that, if we suggest an item or a product that has a link to an unethical practice, we didn’t realize it. My thought this time around was just to give you an opportunity to share…


Girl, I do LOVE me some bargains. If I had more time, I’d honestly wear the stores out for the ultimate sale but, as it is, I just have to happen on it when I can. When I score a great buy, I leave the store as giddy as a bandit.

I’ll get us started with a bargain and I could almost get too tickled to type because I got it for my own self. Sometimes when I’m Christmas shopping, I am at a total loss what to get that person I’m browsing for. I’ll happen on something and think to myself, “I wonder if _______________ would like that?” And I’ll ponder it and ponder it and turn it this way and turn it that way. Then, I’ll answer my own self with, “I have no idea whether she’d like it or not but I know who would! Me!” I know. It’s terrible. Superficial. Almost unforgivable. I only do it about every five or six gifts though.

My most recent bout was about ten days ago at Burlington Coat Factory (where I did actually find a few real, live gifts that I’m giving to someone beside me). I snagged a pair of these:


Price tag? (Drum roll please)



And I’ve already worn them, let’s see, about 6 times and I’m not exaggerating. Before they tear up, they’ll be out of style so I call that a DEAL, Girlfriend. I call that a deal!

Okay, Siestas, tell us what you’re finding out there. And for decent prices! Remember, we have every age group represented here so maybe it’s the ultimate children’s gift or something great for in-laws. Maybe it’s food like a snack of some kind you can put in a cute Christmas tin. If someone’s told you, “Hey, that’s a great idea!” then we want to know about it! Help some Siestas out!

You’re so much fun to do community with, you guys. I can’t wait to look at your ideas! This will be a really fun one I think.

I love you like a mad woman.







2011 Siesta Scripture Memory Team: Verse 23!

[tminus t=”20-01-2012 19:00:00″ style=”carbonite”/] **Siesta Celebration is January 20-21, 2012**

Hey, you Scripture-memory fiends! Our next to last verse! I’m so happy! But I’m also wishing it would all slow down a little bit and not be over so fast. You, too?? What a year, Siestas. What a year. I told you several SSMT posts ago that my memory work with you has never meant more to me or held a more prominent place in my personal life and I still mean that. I am so thankful for this process that I am almost without words.

I am on my way to Pensacola, Florida for our final Living Proof Live (I go in on Thursdays these days) so, once again, I better get with it! I chose this particular verse (and version) specifically in view of the holiday spending-madness that many of us have ahead. You won’t find a single Scrooge at this ministry. Like many of you, we all love to shower our friends and family members in Christmas gifts to the degree that we’re able and we pray to have pure hearts as we give. We give these small tokens of grace to one another this time of year because of the priceless Gift God has given to us in Christ Jesus. I think it can be a beautiful thing and I also respect those who, by conviction, choose not to participate in the retail hype. I get that completely. Those of us who will be in the malls and shopping online, however, might really be blessed by a mutual reminder to try to stay within our means over these next few weeks and not pile up debts. It takes the joy right out of the giving if we’re paying for it for the entire next year…and with interest. SO, how about this Scripture this time around?

Beth, Houston. “Let no debt remain outstanding, except the continuing debt to love one another, for he who loves his fellowman has fulfilled the law.” Romans 13:8 NIV

Smiling. Man. God seems to have a word for everything, doesn’t He?

I love you guys so much! I can’t wait to see some of you in Pensacola! The rest of you pray for us, okay?


A Great Thanksgiving Behind Us and Our Last Living Proof Live of 2011 ahead!

Hey, Sweet Things!

I couldn’t wait to see my LPM coworkers today but whew! It was hard to get back in the swing of things this morning! Was anybody else a little hungover from so much turkey and dressing and visiting and coming and going and cleaning and butter and sugar and coffee? Lord, have mercy! We put these bodies of ours through a lot over a holiday, don’t we? I feel like I could use about a week of saltine crackers and water. But then I’d have to have coffee, too, and that would be a gross combination. I’d end up needing a little something sweet to go with the coffee and then some dip for the crackers and it would just go on from there. Before you knew it, I’d be driving back through Chick Fil A.

I had such a great week (we get the whole week off at LPM). After a very busy Monday morning through Thursday night, I spent most of Friday by my very own self in the country. Keith was at our cactus ranch and the girls were also doing their own things. It felt so good to have a few hours of reflection and quiet after such heightened activity and great company. That’s one of the gifts of being older and your family being grown. Just getting to hear yourself think on occasion. I feel bad about even mentioning it to you moms who haven’t been alone for one minute since, say, 1999. Then, if you do get a while by yourself and you’re like me, you can’t wait to get back with your peeps. After my Friday alone, I spent three or four hours with Amanda and Melissa over Saturday lunch and we laughed our heads off and talked a hundred miles an hour. They remain my very best friends.

I so hope all of your Thanksgivings were wonderful and, maybe more than that, meaningful. It’s just flat healthy to take a season of time to tell God how grateful we are. It relieves us of some of the imploding stress of our self-absorption. God has been so good to us. So unspeakably faithful. You as a community were among the things I felt so thankful for. I had a blast swapping recipes with you guys. I made two completely new dishes because of you and adapted several of my own recipes. It was great fun. Thank you for joining in! It made me feel like I spent part of my Thanksgiving with you.

I have to keep it short today because I’m in the happy trenches of preparation for our last Living Proof Live of 2011. Travis and the LPL team and I will be in Pensacola, Florida this very weekend. We won’t have another LPL until, hmmmm, late March I think. As we looked for practical ways to alleviate some of the stress on my schedule several years ago, my very wise office administrator suggested that we not pile speaking engagements right on top of Houston Tuesday night Bible study. (It kicks off in mid-January each year.)  We’ve done this for a year now and, although I always miss the activity that I’m not doing, I’ve savored every second of it. The new schedule has enabled me to give more attention to one thing at a time. Contrary to my prior standard-operating-procedure, I can say with no fibbing that we’ve made some strides in lessening the work and stress load around here and I’m so grateful to God. I hope you are doing something similar. There comes a time when a person has to say, “I CANNOT KEEP LIVING LIKE THIS” and then, here’s the hard part – do what is necessary – and Godly (lest someone think I’m talking about her leaving her husband) – to change it. I’m just still going to say to you that it’s tough being a woman.

OK, I better get back to work. Thanks for a quick coffee break! Will I see any of you girls in Pensacola this weekend? I’ll look so forward to our clandestine meet-up. Shhhhhhh. That one’s got to stay a secret. Watch for the slide.

I love you guys.


Thanks Be To Our God

Since the first day I had in my hands Travis’s new CD When the Stars Burn Down, I have played and replayed and replayed the song Thanks Be To Our God (#13) and a good many times cried through it. I couldn’t think of anything more fitting to post in our community today than the lyrics. Sisters, I am so thankful to God for you. So thankful for your commitment to Him. For your pure-hearted worship. For your love for the Lord Jesus Christ, our one and only Savior. And I am so deeply thankful to God for His unfathomable grace, mercy, steadfast love and redemption toward my family and me and for the living, breathing power of His Word in cracked jars of clay. I am thankful for four generations that will eat at the same table together. I am grateful for the gift of laughter than is rarely left unpacked at our table. Thanks be to our God.

For the road that leads from darkness into light,
For the hope that rescues from endless night,
For the grace covers sin, at the the door where life begins,
For salvation reaching in to guide us through,
Thanks be to our God.

For the healing that no mortal can explain,
For deliverance that breaks the sinner’s chains,
For the strength to carry on, and forgiveness great and strong,
And the promise of your mercies ever new,
Thanks be to our God.

Hallelujah! Everlasting songs will rise
For all you’ve done.
Hallelujah! Hallelujah!
Thanks be to our God!

For the emptiness that cries out to be filled,
For the promise that your word is deeper still,
For the longing and the need, to have more of you in me,
Because nothing satifies the way you do,
Thanks be to our God!

Hallelujah! Everlasting songs will rise
For all you’ve done.
Hallelujah! Hallelujah!
Thanks be to our God!

For the mysterious beyond the veil of death,
For the peace that opens with our closing breath,
When our struggles pass away, and we finally see your face,
And a greater glory rises into you.
Thanks be to our God!

Hallelujah! Everlasting songs will rise
For all you’ve done.
Hallelujah! Hallelujah!
Thanks be to our God!

Hallelujah! Everlasting songs will rise
For all you’ve done.
Hallelujah! Hallelujah!
Thanks be to our God!

Thanks be to our God!
(Travis Cottrell)


Holiday Cooking Hints: Open Forum!

Hey, Sweet Things!

Last night I was helping a younger woman with a few hints for roasting her first Thanksgiving turkey. It caused me to think someone else might need a couple of tips so I threw some things I’d told her on Twitter. Then, I got enough responses to wonder if I should open up a forum for questions and helps here on the blog today. I talked to Jan Morton, one of our most beloved Siestas and the owner of one fabulous kitchen, and she promised she’d pitch in this afternoon, too, so LET’S DO THIS! It’s perfect timing since we’ve still got a few days and, if it turns out to be too late for some of you, keep in mind that all of this applies to your Christmas cooking as well.

Now, listen. I am not a stellar cook. I really am only fairly proficient at country cooking and meals like rump roasts and gravy and smothered steak and gravy and pork chops and gravy and fried chicken and gravy and, okay, anything at all with gravy. (And, no, I surely cannot eat that way all the time which is why I don’t cook much.) What I am is a women’s teacher/tutor and I think this is a perfect time to help some women out in the kitchen and it’s Biblical, after all.

Do you remember what Peter said to the beggar at the Temple gate in Acts 3? “Silver and gold have I none, but that which I have, give I thee!” (I love it in the KJV.) So, I don’t have mad cooking skills but, what I have, I give thee. Because I love thee. And because few of us are flat-out gifted in the kitchen. Most of us have to learn and that means somebody needs to teach us. SO, calling all teachers!!!

Since I lack a lot in the kitchen myself, here’s what I’m going to do: I’m opening this up for you less experienced cooks to ask questions and you more experienced cooks to read through the comments and answer as many of them as you can. If you see that someone else has already answered the question but you still have something to add, go ahead and leave an additional comment. I really need you seasoned cooks in our community to jump in here and help me because I won’t have the opportunity to answer them all myself. You also don’t have to wait for a comment in order to offer a tip. Go ahead and share some things you learned from other good cooks. Things that come in handy for holiday meals. It’s just wide open, Girls. Teach and be taught on here today.

I’ll get us started with a few things I threw out there last night and I’ll be able to explain a bit more in this format.

If you’re baking a turkey this year for the first time or you’ve done it many times but can’t get it consistently tender, consider using one of these: (You can get it and most of the other items on this post at your basic grocery store like Kroger.)

Just follow the directions exactly and it will tell you how long to bake your turkey according to its size. Even though most of them are basted these days, I can’t resist slathering them down with at least a half stick of melted butter, generous salt and pepper and minced garlic. Then I stick it in the oven bag and bake it just like it says. Girls, be sure and reach in your turkey and pull out the packet in the inside cavity before preparing the turkey. Don’t be embarrassed about not knowing those kinds of things. You can’t know what you don’t know. The size of a turkey means that you usually end up wallowing the thing all over the sink and counter before you finally get it in the bag SO this is a really good time to use a Windex or any other kind of counter spray that includes antibacterial.Remember to spray down things like the handle on the refrigerator. Use your antibacterial on anything the raw turkey touched or your hands touched before you washed them.

After your turkey is completely done, set it out on the counter and start allowing it to cool off. (NOTHING smells better than a turkey roasting.) Girls, turkeys take quite a while to cool off. This actually comes in handy since most of us only have one oven and we can’t fit any of our casseroles in it at the same time our turkey is roasting. Even if you have to wait an hour before your dressing or other casseroles are baked, it’s no big deal. As long as you don’t slice the turkey until the last minute, it will stay warm. You might just lay one piece of aluminum foil over the top of it.

Now, for a few gravy hints. The drippings to a turkey are absolutely divine. After you’ve let the bird cool off enough to work with the drippings, tear open your roasting bag and use a cup or ladle to pour a generous amount into a measuring cup exactly like this:

See how the spout is at the bottom? The fattest part of the liquid will rise to the top after just a few minutes. You only want to use the bottom part to make your gravy or it’s too greasy. Set the filled measuring cup to the side until it’s time to make your gravy. Do you girls have iron skillets? They are best for making gravy but not imperative. You want it to be one of the last things you do before serving your meal. I’m going to tell you how to do basic gravy rather than giblet gravy so you’ll know how to make it from any roast whether beef, pork, or bird. I’ll leave giblet gravy to one of the other cooks on here.

Go back to your measuring cup of drippings. Pour that lower (less fat) half of your liquid in a skillet. Heat it up to a rolling boil. Depending on how much liquid you have in your skillet, put about a heaping tablespoon of flour (not into your pan yet!) into about a fourth cup of warm water and stir it up really well until the lumps are out. While the liquid in your skillet boils, pour in the flour mixture and stir constantly for at least several minutes. After it’s well mixed, decrease your heat to a low boil. Add some salt and pepper if the liquid needs it. (You can’t be afraid to taste it in process or it won’t be well seasoned.) The liquid in the skillet will all begin to thicken. Keep it boiling until it looks like gravy. Grin. And add some water – just a little at a time – until it has the consistency you’re looking for. Especially with any of my bird-gravies (chicken or turkey), I like to add no more than a dime-size of this:

It simply adds a little color. For those of you with access to a Williams Sonoma, however, this is absolutely FABULOUS (this is the only thing on here today you can’t get from a regular grocery store):

You can forget all the trouble of making gravy from scratch and only use the jar (according to the directions, of course – you whisk it with milk) OR you can make your own gravy like I prefer and simply whisk in about a fourth of a cup of the jar to it. When I add the Williams Sonoma gravy base, I do NOT use the Kitchen Bouquet. Each one gives good rich color and a little extra flavoring. Don’t use both.

If you’re like me, you love yeast rolls for holiday meals but they’re often too time consuming to do from scratch. (I did it for years and it’s still the best way but so much is going on in the kitchen at once on Thanksgiving and Christmas, I have to give something up. I only have one oven and in a fairly small kitchen.) Sister Schubert Rolls are so good and they require no thawing and only about 15 minutes of baking time. They’re in the freezer section of almost any decent grocery store. I don’t have mine yet so I can’t add a picture but they come in round foil pans. And don’t you dare put margarine on them. B.U.T.T.E.R.

Okay! Those are a few of my tips! They are basics as you can see but a lot of our women need to know the basics. No shame here! I hope our better cooks tell you lots of other things you can put to great use this holiday season. So many women out there can leave me in the dust in the kitchen and we need to hear from them today! (And, yes, ladies, you are welcome to post recipes. Just try to use some that aren’t profusely long.)

And just because it’s Thanksgiving week, I’ll add this picture IF you think you can handle it. Annabeth at her Mother’s Day Out Thanksgiving Feast last week. She then visited the ministry in period costume and we all fell so in love, we were worthless.


Come on, questions and cooks! It’s a kitchen free-for-all in Siestaville today!

Surely you know by now that I love you. Grin.


PS. You girls made me so hungry, I had to get up and spread me a peanut butter and jelly just so that I could keep moderating the comments!



2011 Siesta Scripture Memory Team: Verse 22!

Three more to go!
Three more to go!
Three more to go!

(Hear that all cheerleader like)

Ladies, the finish line is in sight! Let’s run the rest of this race marked out for us. What a privilege this has been, you guys.

I think I told you guys recently that I’d gotten a new Bible. I absolutely love it. I always choose one Book of the Bible to read through carefully when I get a new one and this time I chose the Book of Acts. I’ve been so incredibly inspired by it. The verse I’m memorizing this time is for the sake of prayer. (Do you guys often use your memory verses in prayer, turning them into intercession? It really stirs up my faith and my strength.) I’m praying that what happened when Peter was in the midle of bringing the Scriptures to attentive listeners will happen in our environments, too. I’m praying this for my pastor and those who hear the Scriptures through him. I’m praying it for myself and for those I’m privileged to serve. I now pray it for you and those you teach and encourage with the Word of God.

Beth, Houston. “While Peter was still saying these things, the Holy Spirit fell on all who heard the Word.” Acts 10:44 ESV

Lord, let it be! Drench Your listeners with Your Spirit! While we are right in the middle of sharing the Scriptures, fall on every single person who hears. I want this so much. I want a fresh anointing, don’t you? I think our God is willing to give it. Let’s ask Him boldly! All we have to do is make absolutely certain that He gets every ounce of credit. Oh, what He’d be willing to do if we jealously guarded His glory and humbled ourselves as slaves of God and the Lord Jesus Christ.

Ok, Girls. How about yours?

I love you so much.


Good Monday Morning, Siestas!

Hey, Darling Things!

Melissa and I worked out of town most of last week in New Orleans so I feel dreadfully out of the loop. (That’s a story for another time and an experience that proved very fruitful to our souls.) I was also leaving some space for our beloved Amanda to do some blogging about her trip with Compassion International to Ecuador last week but, alas, her laptop completely crashed and it was everything she could do to borrow laptops and get articles up on her own blog. They had limited time and internet access so doubling up on two blogs was almost impossible. She’s going to stop by later this week on the blog and give you some highlights. We are so glad to have her home safe and sound and grateful to God that He uses her to bring attention to poverty stricken children. Amanda had the opportunity to be under the leadership of our good friend Shaun Groves and to serve alongside many of your favorite bloggers and women I’m so personally crazy about: Melanie Shankle (Big Mama), Sophie Hudson (Boomama), Kelly Stamps (Kelly’s Corner) and Ann Voskamp (A Holy Experience). To say that I’m thankful to our own Lindsee for her partnership in serving you is an understatement. She grows dearer and dearer to us everyday.

Let’s see now. What have I been up to? I know one area where I could catch you up! Like many of you, church life is a huge part of my personal life. We are officially heading into our third month as a church plant at Bayou City Fellowship under my dear son-in-law’s pastorate here in Houston. He has done a magnificent job of leading the charge and bringing the Scriptures. You’ve also never seen a core team work any harder and with any better attitudes. You may recall that we are renting space at a large Christian high school so everything has to be set up from scratch every week for the many children and for anything else unique to BCF. (Like signs, posters, welcome tables, community group information, the platform for worship, etc.) I shared with you several months ago that I was just going to serve wherever they asked me. So, here’s what I’ve gotten to do so far and have loved every single second of it:

*My main job is greeting so I do lots and lots of that. I say a plethora of hellos and ask about their week and I also hug anyone that looks like she needs one or just wants one. I also try to read that look on a face that says, “Don’t touch me.” And then I usually refrain. If I don’t, I usually wish I had. Grin. I just hate the awkwardness of hugging someone who doesn’t hug back.

*I also help with the coffee bar each Sunday morning and I have told Pastor Curtis on a number of occasions NEVER to underestimate the ministry of coffee. We find out just how crucial we are every single time something goes wrong resulting in a dismal coffee fail. (Which has indeed and unfortunately happened on several occasions. The shock and awe on disappointed faces were enough to leave Melissa and me nearly permanently scarred. Caffeine addicts without their caffeine should have their pictures plastered on warning posters. They are dangerous. I nearly wore a bicycle helmet the week following our worst debacle.) We usually serve two different flavors: Texas Pecan and Cocoa Nibs (I never know what to think about the word “nibs.” I wouldn’t have chosen it.)

And, of course, we serve real half and half. That’s key to a decent coffee bar. Powder is unforgivably lame and, should you set it out on the counter, no one will take you seriously as a coffee connoisseur. I also bring some holiday flavorings that tend to be big hits. My friend Beverly Newman (a Christian counselor I’ve known for I bet 20 years and a new member of BCF) has a young adult daughter who is a fabulous cook. Almost every Sunday morning, Beverly brings a silver platter of baked goodies via her talented offspring and we set it out near the coffee. We’ve had all sorts of creations like, for instance, carrot cake balls and oatmeal raisin cookies. Yesterday she sent delicate, nearly paper-thin sugar cookies in the shape of gingerbread men that only had a hint of gingerbread in them. I nearly cried they were so good. Needless to say, it’s first come, first serve so they don’t last very long.

*One week I got to help take the offering and it was so exciting. I was nervous that I’d drop the plate or miss a row or repeat one twice so I prayed that I’d do a good job at it and, frankly, I may have, to God be the glory. Laughing. One of the things that’s so exciting about a church plant is that you are OUT ON A VERY THIN LONG LIMB. Out there at high risk. Many don’t make it. At my beloved church of nearly thirty years, unless we were in a building campaign, I don’t really remember being intensely prayerful or hyped up in the spirit over our offerings. I say that to my shame. It’s such a big church with so many faithful members and I guess I just had the feeling that it would all get covered. We participated in giving, of course, but I just can’t remember often feeling a deep sense of urgency. Taking the offering is a whole different thing at a church plant. Some of you know exactly what I’m talking about. Our pastor is very serious about missions and outreach so, on several occasions, he’s designated a large part of what we receive toward another ministry. I’m so thankful for that. I respect him – and his wife – very much.

*And, last but far from least, I get to help on occasion with the elementary school students during children’s church. I love getting to do craft-time with Amanda. She works with the children every other week so she stays quite busy on Sundays and it’s fun for us to partner. Twice I’ve gotten to teach the Bible lesson and I just love it. It feels so good to be teaching on Sunday mornings again. The kids get really involved in the lesson and answer back with great gusto when I ask them to repeat something. They also use a lot of their limbs during worship and I like that. I tend to use mine too. Yesterday our lesson was out of Genesis 18 when the three visitors appeared to Abraham. I got four volunteers to help me act it out: three boys for the visitors and one girl to play Sarah and yours truly was Abraham. On Saturday night, I wished so much that I could find one of those long fake gray beards to wear during the lesson but I did not have time to acquire one. I was so mad at myself for not thinking of it sooner. If only I could have remembered where I last set mine. I had several wigs for such occasions but, sadly, no spare beards. The children and I talked about what kind of meals we might make if God and two angels visited us one day while we were in our tents. Hands down, the children believed God and angels alike would most appreciate macaroni and cheese and who could argue with that? Others felt that pizza would be particularly hospitable. They were so enthusiastic that I had a feeling like God would join many of them for lunch that day. They just might not know it.

I had a really sweet moment yesterday that I pray God will seal in my memory forever. Miss Cassie was leading us in children’s worship and all the other workers and I mixed in with the children. We were all on our feet ready to give God some raucous praise and my darling Jackson caught my eye and motioned for me to come worship by him. It touched me so. I really didn’t know what he’d think about Bibby serving in his class but I knew then that he was not embarrassed. He’s such a champ. Miss Cassie leads us in very upbeat worship where we can sing loud and do lots of hand motions. There was even one time when we got to pogo (one of my love languages) and turn around in circles and pump our right fists into the air as we sang “One way, Jesus!” (I’m laughing but also getting a lump in my throat thinking about it.) There we were, a grandson and his grandmother, grinning ear to ear, jumping up and down side by side, praising Jesus, the worthy Son of God.

And I realized how many of my prayers God had answered. As I lived and breathed, it was praise-dancing with granny. In public.

You mothers and you teachers of children, do not dare minimize the power and importance of your labor. The great commission is never more readily received than by the flailing arms of children.

Oh, mercy. I’ve got to get ready for staff prayer time and devotional. Better run! Forgive type-o’s! How are you girls doing???


2011 Siesta Scripture Memory Team: Verse 21!

What???? Are you kidding me??? Verse 21?!?

We’re just four verses from the finish line, Sisters! To God’s great glory, we’re doing this thing! I grinned from ear to ear two weeks ago when someone posted “Jesus wept” as her verse. That’s fair game! All of us could use a little catch from time to time. You guys bring me so much joy. May God cause His love and power to explode within you because you’ve worked so hard and fought so many distractions to get to this point.

OK, Girlfriends, here’s mine:

Beth, Houston. “Just as each one has received a gift, use it to serve one another as good stewards of the varied grace of God. Whoever speaks, let it be with God’s words. Whoever serves, do so with the strength that God supplies, so that in everything God will be glorified through Jesus Christ. To Him belong the glory and the power forever and ever. Amen.” 1 Peter 4:10-11 The NET Bible

Let me hear yours!

Stay the course, Sweet Things. You are so dearly loved and planned for by God.


What’s Help? What’s Not?

Hey Siestas! Happy Monday! I saw such ministry in action in your comments to the last post. Thank you so much for your compassionate hearts and authentic walks with Christ. You are a true privilege to serve.

I’ve been meditating on something for the last few days that I thought you might get all wound up in, too. We all know – I pray – that God is the only true Redeemer and wonder worker and that He alone is our Savior but, according to Scripture, He very much wills for His people to minister to one another through the power of His Spirit. Here’s the question I’m pitching on the table today:

When you’re trying to get back on your feet, whether you’ve fallen into sin, discouragement, distraction, pain, betrayal, or anything else that can tumble you to the ground, what do you find really helpful from fellow human beings and what do you find UNhelpful?

Really reflect on the questions before you answer them because I want you to think in terms of what is authentically HELPFUL. Not what your flesh or my flesh craves when we’re down. Not what simply soothes us for the moment but does us no real help in the long run. What really does help? And what doesn’t?? Also make sure that your answers are reasonable. In other words, our mentors may not be able to move us in with them for six weeks and cook for us while the two of us hash all of this through. Grin. No one can make us his or her whole life. Only Jesus is meant to be our lives. (Col. 3:4) Think within the bounds of what people are reasonable capable of doing. Within those lines, all is fair game.

Here are the ground rules: Be genuine. Be kind. Please do not try to get back at someone on here who has disappointed you. Let’s have pure motives here today. You know that I say that in love. It’s just human nature. Lastly, please answer succinctly. Just a few sentences for each question so we can read them all. If you want to participate, start each of the two answers like this:

It really helps me when someone…

It really doesn’t help me when someone…

We’re not looking for right or wrong answers. We’re just reflecting today on what reasonable things we can do for one another to actually help and considering what things simply do not. We are liable to discover that what helps one Siesta doesn’t at all help another. I think this is going to get very interesting.

You are the most wonderful blog community on earth. I am NUTS about you. Go for it, Girls! WHAT HELPS???


Let’s FIGHT for our Marriages!

Hey, Sweet Things!

As you can see from our title today, our topic is fighting for our marriages! The video is much longer than usual this time around (almost 25 minutes) and very un-slick and unrehearsed. It comes to you with a ton of love, however. I hope you get a chance to view it and, God willing, find some encouragement from it. In the event that you don’t get time, I want to make sure I put some written information here that God could cause to be life changing for a number of you. We talk about a wider range of topics concerning marriage on the video but one of the things I tell you about is a Godly couple I recently met with a profound ministry to those who have been devastated by infidelity. It’s called Affair Recovery and you can learn all about it at Here’s a short bio:

• Affair Recovery is based in Austin, Texas, and is the first company to offer anonymous online group support worldwide for those impacted by infidelity.

• Rick Reynolds brings over 20 years of experience and insight to his role as president and founder of Affair Recovery. [I suggest reading “Rick’s Story online: “In 1984, my marriage was devastated when I betrayed my wife. We had no idea where to turn….” ]

• Rick has counseled over 2,000 couples in-person, and to date 500 couples have completed Affair Recovery’s new online courses.

• They help people heal from the pain of affairs and betrayal.

• All of our materials are created by clinical professionals many of whom have personally experienced infidelity.

• “The introduction of interactive online courses through is a dream come true for me as a marriage counselor,” says Reynolds. “Every day I wondered how we could provide more people out there with the access and support they need, when they need it and in an affordable manner. More importantly, how we could create a community that supports and encourages one another through the recovery process. Now we’re making that happen every day with clients through our online solutions.”

As Rick and Stephanie say,
“”It’s not as hopeless as it feels.”

Wouldn’t it be something if the devil got caught in the snare that he hid for your marriage and you let God restore and redeem all you’ve been through? With God, all things are possible. Even life after betrayal.

Let me say one more thing before I close. I say it on the video but it’s crucial that I say it here, too. Be VERY CAUTIOUS about your comments to this post. We will also be moderating them very carefully so give us plenty of time to post them after you leave them. The purpose of this blog and this post is encouragement and edification in Christ. Please do not divulge secrets, name names, malign or slander, even if you think someone deserves to be outed. I say this with much love and compassion: if you are not in the frame of mind to RECEIVE encouragement and edification or not in the frame of mind to GIVE encouragement and edification, please forego leaving a comment this time around. By all means, participate through reading, listening, praying and considering. You are so loved here, even if you’re madder than a hornet at your spouse and at what you’d call the system.

Many of you on here are involved in various women’s ministries. I hope you are blessed and relieved to know that a Godly framework exists for you to recommend to many who feel hopeless after infidelity.

And in case it’s been a while since anyone said this to any of you, I am so sorry for the hurts that have come to you. God collects your every tear, knows your every fear, and He can take every piece of your fractured heart and create in you a new one. There is life on the other side of absolutely anything if we’re in Christ. Even something that we feel like will nearly kill us. That’s what resurrection power is all about: raising the dead.

I love you so dearly.
