Siesta Summer 2014 Bible Study: Anybody Game for “Children of the Day”?

Hey, Everybody!

It’s almost May and, around here, that means it’s time to announce our Siesta Summer Bible Study for those who are itching to take a journey together. In all these years of doing summer Bible study together here on the blog, we’ve never gone through one I’ve authored. The biggest reason is that I really love to go through other authors’ courses with our blog community. That’s a refreshing blast of Holy Spirit-breath to me and you can count on us doing that again next summer.  The other reason is that the launch date of one of mine never coincided well with the beginning of summer.  With Children of the Day (an in-depth study of 1st and 2nd Thessalonians) coming out in May, the timing works out perfectly. I ask you to trust my heart on this and know that we’re not doing the study this summer so that I can drive up sales. I can’t prove my motives to you but I give you my word. That’s all I know to do. Any of you who still find it uncomfortable can, by all means, choose another Bible study by a different author and feel completely welcome to formulate your group right here in the comment section to this post. Just start your comment with the words in all caps “ANOTHER OPTION” and get together on line and choose which Bible study you’d like to do. There are so many fabulous ones available. You have my complete and joyful blessing to use this community to put your group together. Any way we can serve you is a tremendous honor to us.


For those of you who would like to do Children of the Day with our community this summer, here are a few important facts:


* We’ll start Tuesday, June 3, 2014. Around here at Living Proof, we formed the habit of Tuesday Bible study over the years so that’s why we choose it as our gathering day but you are welcome to commit to any day of the week that works for you. Simply adapt the instructions to that particular day.


* Children of the Day is an 8-week study so we will wrap it up on Tuesday, July 29, 2014.


* As we’ve done in past summers, we’re only asking you to commit to “gather” with us and/or with your group every other week since summers are so busy. We will still stay on schedule for each week’s homework but you’ll only need to check in once every 2 weeks.


* I will put up a short video greeting here on the blog by 8:00 AM every other week on our gathering days, starting with Tuesday, June 3rd. The greeting will include instructions for discussion in your small groups or with the blog community at large. Your “discussion” with the blog community will take place through your response-comment to that post.


* We strongly recommend forming small groups for the pure camaraderie and accountability of it but you are also very welcome to go solo. The best small groups of all meet face-to-face but, if that’s not possible, try to formulate one on line. You might even Skype. Do whatever would benefit you the most and offer you the fellowship we all need so desperately.


* You only need the Children of the Day workbook to participate in the summer study. You don’t need to download the video sessions. All discussion questions will be based on the written work alone, as we’ve done in past summers, so that no one is forced into the extra expense. Each week we will put up a link to that week’s COTD video session for those who also want to include those but I will leave that option entirely to you. There will be no pressure whatsoever. People often ask if the video sessions and homework portions are the same lessons. They are not. They are designed to complement one another for a comprehensive approach to 1st and 2nd Thessalonians but they are not redundant. They are on different segments and concepts found in the 2 letters.


Does that answer many of your questions?  OK, now for the schedule:

Between release date (first week of May) and June 3rd, acquire a workbook of Children of the Day but don’t start it yet! No homework needs to be done before our first gathering. The workbook looks like this:



You can find it at your local LifeWay Christian bookstore by the first week of May, or click here to order online at any time:  COTD workbook


GATHERING ONE: June 3, 2014 – Our summer Bible study launches! By 8:00 AM that morning, God willing, you will find a brief video greeting from me and instructions for that day’s participation/discussion. Again, you can do it any day that week. We’re just choosing Tuesday as our official gathering day. You will “register” for summer Bible study by leaving a comment on the June 3rd post with your name and city and whether or not you are participating in a group or going solo. I will give you the specific instructions at that time. At the bottom of the post will be a link for that weeks’ full-hour Session 1 video if you choose to add on that option.


Do Weeks 1 and 2 of homework for Gathering Two.


(June 10th – link will go up for COTD Session 2 video for anyone going for that option.)


GATHERING TWO: Tuesday June 17, 2014. Brief video greeting from me and instructions for that day’s gathering or discussion. (Link for COTD Session 3 video for anyone taking that option.)


Do Weeks 3 and 4 of homework for Gathering 3.


(June 24th – Link will go up for COTD Session 4 video for anyone taking that option.)


GATHERING THREE: July 1, 2014. Brief video greeting from me and instructions for that day’s gathering or discussion. (Link for COTD Session 5 video for anyone taking that option.)


Do Weeks 5 and 6 of homework for Gathering Four.


(July 8th – Link will go up for COTD Session 6 video for anyone taking that option.)


GATHERING FOUR: July 15, 2014. Brief video greeting from me and instructions for that day’s gathering or discussion. (Link for COTD Session 7 video for anyone taking that option.)


Do Weeks 7 and 8 of homework for Gathering Five.


(July 22 – Link will go up for COTD Session 8 video for anyone taking that option.)


GATHERING FIVE CONCLUSION: July 29, 2014. Brief video greeting from me and instructions for that day’s gathering and closing. (Link for COTD Session 9 video conclusion for anyone taking that option.)



Here is the above schedule in diagram form thanks to my beloved assistant, K-Mac. You can enlarge it to see it better or copy and paste it to a document and print it out if you’re that kind of weird person…because I am, too:









Sound fun??!? Yep, it also sounds like a bit of work but not a single word of Scripture will drop to the ground. We can  have confidence in advance that the pursuit of Christ through His Word will completely alter the summer of 2014. I’m ecstatic to have the privilege of spending these 8 weeks with you in Bible study. You are a tremendous joy to me. Our God-given emphasis right now at Living Proof is on stirring up women who are less-discipled in Scripture to come to love Christ through His powerful, living, relevant Word. We would be thrilled for you to help us by inviting some women along who have never before done this kind of thing. Take the chance and ask them! So many women have a hunger for God. They just don’t know exactly how to identify it. Bring them along if God opens that door!


Can’t wait to get started! Dearest love to you all!





1,066 Responses to “Siesta Summer 2014 Bible Study: Anybody Game for “Children of the Day”?”

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  1. 401
    Melanie says:

    I’m excited for this study!

  2. 402
    Lisa says:

    Going solo, Beth, I love how your studies always get me back in the word!

  3. 403
    Angie Coleman says:

    This is my second online Bible study! My first one with Beth Moore!! I am very excited to be taking this journey with my daughter, Emily

  4. 404
    amber says:

    Going solo from selinsgrove pa! Excited

  5. 405
    judy wilson says:

    po box 758

  6. 406
    Gail says:

    So need a fresh word.

  7. 407
    Dianna says:

    My friend, Cheryl and I will be joining you all for this bible study. I have done almost all of Beth’s studies but this is my first one to do online. Looking forward to it!

  8. 408
    nina honeycutt says:

    Doing the study with a group.

  9. 409
    Michelle says:

    Oh can’t wait to see what God has for us all us! !! So excited!

  10. 410
    Linda Buice says:

    I can’t wait to do this study. It always is so eye opening. I am doing it alone, but will learn a lot from every one else.

  11. 411
    Beka says:

    Excited to be able to do this with a group of 6 this year! Thanks so much!

  12. 412
    Kim Sanger says:

    We are a group of 25 women in New Cumberland, PA who will be joining you for this study. Excited to start!

  13. 413
    Dianne of Mt. Pleasant NC says:

    Can’t wait! My group just finished Daniel last week and we will be meeting tonight to start this one. Yay!

  14. 414
    KG MAPLE says:

    Excited! Great summer study.

  15. 415
    Teresa says:

    I’m going solo!

  16. 416
    Holly says:

    Going solo in Petaluma!

  17. 417
    Ann says:

    Looking forward to this study with a group of Ladies from my church in SC!

  18. 418
    CK HALL says:

    Greetings from NM! I am excited to be a part of the study. I just joined so am a bit behind. Going to download the digital book 🙂 I plan to be a part of the Q small group study as much as I can! I will be traveling three weeks of July.

  19. 419
    Vikki says:

    I’m from Warman,SK and will be participating in an online group 🙂

  20. 420
    LeaJean Schrader says:

    McAlester,Oklahoma. I’m in a group with two other women, one in Texas and the other in California. We review together on FB. I’m wanting to keep my mind focused during summer break with 4 kids in the house. Happy to have this study!

  21. 421
    Maribel Villalobos says:

    I will be going solo with God

  22. 422
    Brenda says:

    Going Solo – just learned about this today by seeing twitter post – headed to get my book today – excited because I always enjoy your studies and get so much out of them.

  23. 423
    HelenD says:

    I’m looking forward to studying this online with everyone. I’m doing it solo this time; but preparing to with our leadership team to take a group of women through it together in the fall.

  24. 424
    Lillian Sims says:

    Starting solo, but will try to recruit.

  25. 425
    Cathy Richards says:

    Yes, Concord, North Carolina; doing in a group (with dinner!! :)) and hopefully 6 ladies, every other week.

  26. 426
    Kathleen says:

    This will be my first Beth Moore study and my first online Bible study. I am doing this solo from my home but others I know from different areas are also going to join!

  27. 427
    Jessica Carr says:

    Jessica from Gig Harbor, Washington. This is my first bible study. I’m a working single mom so I’m glad to have the option of going solo on a bible study.

  28. 428
    Karan Zaranka says:

    Solo in northwest Indiana

  29. 429
    Cari says:

    Going solo in Edmond, OK

  30. 430
    Margaret says:

    Savannah, Georgia

    • 430.1
      Margaret says:

      This is Margaret, and I forgot to say that I’m doing the Bible study this summer with my mom!

  31. 431
    Cindy says:

    My name is Cindy & I live in Davis, OK. I am part of the group COTD East Texas.

  32. 432
    Ann says:

    Looking forward to the study! Book-check, Bible-check, Great women to share with-check! Ready to roll!:)

  33. 433
    Kathie says:

    I desire to stay fresh in the Word at all times. I’m hungry…feed me:)
    This is my first online study and I can hardly wait.
    I will be trying it as solo this time.

  34. 434
    Brenda Powell says:

    Hello from Sunny San Diego California!
    The LIVING PROOF LIVE SAN DIEGO CORE TEAM is checking in!! We are all doing the study together and are anticipating what God will do as HE speaks!!! Beth, we are covering you in Prayer throughout Southern California!!! God is on the move to FIND the LOST!! For the Son of Man came to seek and to save the lost! Luke 19:10
    Joy IN JESUS!!

  35. 435
    Ila says:

    I am doing this study along with my Ladies Bible Study Class at FBC Weatherford

  36. 436
    Theresa Davies says:

    Bought the bible study guide and will be going solo! Thanks.

  37. 437
    Maureen says:

    I am so excited to start!

    I will be studying solo, but happy for the on-line community

  38. 438
    Janice Davis says:

    Going solo

  39. 439
    Diana V. says:

    South San Francisco, CA

  40. 440
    Kelly Garrett says:

    My soul is dry. I need much more Jesus

  41. 441
    Barb Wolcott says:

    Hi! I’m Barb Wolcott and I live in Blairsville Georgia. This is my first online Bible study with Beth (really, with anyone!) and I’m committing to be a member because suddenly I find myself dry and in need of a guided study to get me back into The Word. There is no better guide for me than Beth. A quirk, huh? Hmmmm. Well, I rotate my husband’s socks and underwear so they all “get a turn”. My 5 sisters think I’m nuts!

  42. 442
    Pamela says:

    Doing it as a group from Texas USA

  43. 443
    Robin says:

    Solo – can’t wait to get home from work and dive in!

  44. 444

    Can’t wait to see what we can apply from Thessalonians

  45. 445
    Lynn says:

    Going to do this long distance with a best friend. Rio Rancho, NM

  46. 446
    Shanelle Wagner says:

    Ready to get started!

  47. 447
    Jackie Carpenter says:

    A bit late in registering, but excited to get started. Going solo!

  48. 448
    Sandi says:

    Studying with my friend.

  49. 449
    Melanie Yeutter says:

    Little late in getting started. But here I am ready to go!!

  50. 450
    Lisa Fresquez says:

    Ready to start 🙂 Thank you!

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